Boy Traumatized

By James Heady

Published on Apr 28, 2023


Boy Traumatized By James


This is a story which deals with sexual as well as romantic situations between consenting teenaged males. This story will also deal with sexual assault, child abuse, Anti-LGBT Bigotry, Racism, Suicide, Ableism, Discrimination and other possibly sensitive topics. If you're unable to handle reading about such sensitive subjects, then back out of the story now. Also, if you're not of the legal age to read this type of story, then please find something else to read. Other than this, no additional Trigger Warnings will be given. Also, "Flame E-mails" will be ignored.

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Finally, if you like this story and haven't done this already, then please offer my E-mail address some flavored coffee from Starbucks. When you get it though, make sure to use one of the flavoring machines with cleaning solution residue left over.

Thanks once again to K. for another really good editing job. Thank you.

Boy Traumatized

Chapter 20

"I'm afraid, I'm so afraid. Being raped, again and again, and again I know I will die alone But loved.

You live long enough to hear the sounds of guns, Long enough to find yourself screaming every night, Live long enough to see your friends betray you.

For years I've been strapped unto this altar. Now I only have three minutes and counting. I just wish the tide would catch me first and give me A death I always longed for." Nightwish

The Poet and the Pendulum


It was on Tuesday, the week before Thanksgiving. It was the day of the trial. We got word of the date and time last Monday. When Chase showed me the letter, I felt fear rush through me! When DA Mandy Hall met with us the next day in her office to go over what would be happening at the trial for our side, I didn't feel any better. She made it clear that Sam Tomson was going to be using the Victim Blame approach. We figured that based on how he acted at the pretrial hearing, but it seemed as if he was going for broke this time around. I couldn't believe it!

As Chase, Deon, and I, along with Deon's parents, sat in the room waiting for others to arrive, I looked up to see Jason and Kyle walking into the room. I was glad to see them. They were two of my biggest supporters. And I knew, when the subject would come up when we were talking at my house, if they had it their way, those three little Bastards Shane, Terry, and Brad, would be hung from the nearest tree. They said they'd spare me the details as to what they thought should happen to their parents, as well as what they thought should happen to the attorney defending them.

As Jason and Kyle sat behind us, I looked to my left where Deon was sitting, then to my right where Chase sat, occasionally looking at me out of the corner of his eye. There was a couple of moments of silence, then the doors opened. Judge Harper Dixon came in one door, and Mandy Hall and Sam Tomson arrived through another door.

About two minutes later Brad Jones walked in looking smug, arrogant, like he had the world by a string and couldn't wait to take control of everything. I looked at him, and Brad's eyes met mine. I sent him what I hoped was the most hateful look I could, and it must have worked. He dropped his eyes. Deon was staring hate-filled daggers at him as well, and I knew, that if left alone with him for only a minute, he would probably have Brad in the most pain he ever experienced, if not totally dead.

After the room filled with all appropriate parties, everything began.

"All rise," the bailiff called out. "The honorable Judge Harper Dixon presiding."

"Please be seated," Dixon said as he took his own seat.

I took in his features. He was a tall man who looked like he was about 60, or a little over that age. He had silver hair, and eyes that were harsh and unsmiling. I didn't like any of what I was seeing at all. I continued watching him as he looked around the court room, took in me for a long moment, then his gaze settled on DA Hall.

"In the case of the State V. Jones does the state have their case ready to present?" he asked.

"We do Your Honor," Hall replied.

"Counselor Tomson," Dixon said turning his eyes towards the attorney. "Is the defense ready to present its case as well?"

"We are Your Honor," Tomson said with a voice that could have melted shit.

"Very well," Dixon replied. "Ms. Hall, you may begin."

"Thank you, Your Honor," Hall replied. "Ladies and gentleman of the jury, what we have here is a very simple case. You will hear evidence here as I lay out the case of how Omri Carter was lured into a restroom without his foreknowledge as well as with out his consent. You will also hear about how he was harmed, and hurt such that he believed that his safety was in danger, and possibly his life as well.

It is the belief of the state based on the testimony of Mr. Omri Carter that on the afternoon of Monday, November 21, 2021, that Michael Roberts, one of Mr. Carter's friends, located Mr. Carter. After he led him to the restroom, he left him there for his three former friends to violate in the worst possible way!"

"Objection Your Honor!" Tomson called out loudly and with as much indignation as he could muster. "DA Hall's argument is not only speculative, but it's also bias. She's also wording the phrasing as to be inflammatory!"

"Sustained," Dixon said. "Ms. Hall please stick to the facts."

"Your Honor I am attempting to demonstrate how there was intense psychological terror inflicted upon Mr. Carter."

"Again Ms. Hall, I will order you to stick to the evidence and only the evidence," Dixon said voice low and harsh. "Should any evidence turn up demonstrating your points, then you'll present it."

"Yes, Your Honor," she replied.

There was a pause, then she continued.

"In this case, you will learn of what was allegedly done to Mr. Carter. It started, as I've previously stated, when Michael Roberts allegedly walked with Mr. Carter. They started on their walk, and Mr. Roberts, according to Mr. Carter's testimony, stated that he had to use the restroom that was close by to where they were walking. According to Mr. Carter's testimony, once they entered the room, Brad Jones, Shane Simmons and Terry Gibson came out of the stall in which the toilet was situated. Allegedly, they thanked Mr. Roberts for luring Mr. Carter to the spot.

"Objection Your Honor!" Tomson yelled out. "DA Hall is speculating once again! There's no actual evidence that the three boys thanked Mr. Roberts for luring Mr. Carter to that restroom! Also, calling it "Luring" as a way to describe what Mr. Roberts did when getting Mr. Carter into that restroom is bias!"

"Sustained," Dixon said staring daggers at DA Hall. "Thus far you're using inflammatory language, and using language that suggests bias on the part of the state. This is your second warning Ms. Hall."

"Your Honor," she said face reddening slightly with rage. "I don't know what else you would call it in terms of what was done to Mr. Carter, as well as how he was led into that restroom."

"Again Ms. Hall you've been warned," Dixon said.

"Yes, Your Honor," she replied.

DA Hall went on to describe the rape itself, and Tomson objected several more times, several of which were sustained. I was getting more and more scared as DA Hall finished her opening statements. It was now time for Mr. Tomson to speak.

Ladies and gentlemen of the jury," Tomson began facing them and putting on his best "We're all just great friends aren't we" voice. It made me sick to listen to. "What we have here is a group of kids who are mostly good, if not a little bit misguided."

He said that last part with his eyes focusing on me for a long time.

"Not only a little misguided, but they, or at least one of them, is of some questionable morality I should say," Tomson went on continuing to aim his acidic gaze at me with a nasty smirk to match. "You've heard from the state that my client, Brad Jones and his friends, Terry Gibson and Shane Simmons "lured" Omri Carter into a dirty and oh-so scary public bathroom with the aid of Michael Roberts. Once in there, the state alleges, my client, Mr. Jones ripped off Mr. Carter's clothes and anally raped him."

"Objection Your Honor!" Hall yelled standing as if she were a human Jack-in-the-Box. "Counsel is using mocking and sarcastic language that underminds the seriousness of why we're all here today!"

"Over-ruled," Dixon said staring coldly at her. "This court pays attention to facts Ms. Hall, not people's feelings and what offends them. You may continue Mr. Tomson."

"Very well Your Honor," Tomson replied, smiling a smile at all of us as if to say how tight him and the judge were, and it certainly seemed that they were. "The defense asserts that forced sexual activity isn't at all what happened, far from it. We assert that on the afternoon in question, Omri Carter was the one who initiated things between himself and the three boys in question."

"Objection Your Honor!" DA Hall almost screamed. "Counsel is engaging in clear victim blaming!"

"Over-Ruled," Dixon said. "You may continue Counselor."

"Very well Your Honor," Tomson said smiling warmly at him. "There is also evidence given by Mr. Carter himself that he asked Mr. Roberts for sexual favors just mere weeks before."

"Objection Your Honor!" Hall yelled. "Counselor is twisting Mr. Carter's testimony. The record shows that that was not the event to which Mr. Carter testified! He didn't ask Mr. Roberts for sexual activity of any kind, but did ask him about any romantic feelings he might have for him!"

Over-ruled," Dixon said. "Ms. Hall, the court will not have its time wasted by arguing semantics. Mr. Tomson you may proceed."

"Thank you, Your Honor," Tomson replied. "Ladies and Gentleman of the Jury, you will hear a pattern of evidence which will show that the three boys in question are not the guilty parties the state and Omri Carter are attempting to paint them as. If anything, by the time I present my case, you're all going to see that if anything, it is Omri Carter who should be the one on trial, or at the very least, he is guilty of a few moral weak points that, if not improved upon, will lead him further down a dark road that he's just only begun to head down."

"Objection Your Honor!" Hall yelled. "The Defense is speculating without evidence on the character of Mr. Carter!"

"Over-ruled," Dixon said. "The Defense is attempting to lay-out their case as you have done a moment ago Ms. Hall."

Tomson finished his opening statements that painted me in the worst light one could imagine. As he stopped speaking, I could almost see the word "Slut" painted on my forehead in big bright-red letters. I was struggling not to faint!

DA Hall was allowed to call her first witness. She called Chase to the stand first. After she had him state who he was for the record, she began her questioning.

"Mr. Carter," she began. "You took custody of Omri Carter around the beginning of December of last year 2021, correct?"

"That's correct," Chase said.

"When he arrived on your doorstep, he was visibly traumatized was he not?" she asked.

"Objection Your Honor!" Tomson yelled shooting up out of his chair. "The prosecution is attempting to lead the witness!"

"I'm simply establishing the facts in the case," Hall said, face reddening with barely contained fury! "I am attempting further to establish Omri Carter's state of mind, as well as when and at what point he opened up to his brother about the assault from Mr. Tomson's client and his friends."

"Sustained," Dixon said. "Ms. Hall please rephrase."

"What happened when you took in your brother Omri Mr. Carter?" Hall asked. "What did he tell you about what happened to him, and when did he tell you?"

Chase went through everything, and talked about my getting drunk, and only after that telling him about what had happened.

"Are you telling this court that he didn't tell you right away about the alleged assault?" she asked.

"Yes," he answered.

"No further questions Your Honor," she said.

"The defense requests to ask a few questions," Tomson said stepping close to where Chase sat on the witness stand.

"I'll allow it," Dixon said.

"Mr. Carter," Tomson began. "Just to be sure, you're admitting that your brother was supposedly traumatized when he arrived at your house?"

"He wasn't supposedly traumatized," Chase fired back face reddening with pure rage and eyes burning with hate for this horrible man!

"The defense requests to characterize Mr. Carter as a Hostel Witness," Tomson called.

"Request granted," Dixon said. "Mr. Carter you will refrain from speaking inappropriately during the deration of your testimony. Is that clear?"

"Yes, Your Honor," Chase said staring hate-filled daggers at Dixon.

"Mr. Carter, when Omri came to you supposedly traumatized, he didn't tell you about what my client and his friends supposedly did to him right away, did he?" Tomson asked.

"No, he didn't tell me," Chase began, but was cut off by Tomson.

"And you didn't think to ask him if anything else had happened to him in addition to what your parents did to him?"

"No, because I was more concerned with making sure that Omri had a safe place to stay," Chase replied. "I had no reason to think that he had any other immediate issues we needed to deal with at the time."

"I see," Tomson said in a tone that clearly showed that he didn't see at all. "Mr. Carter, when Omri did tell you what happened, this was after he stole alcohol, and proceeded to get drunk outside of your presence?"

"He got someone to get the alcohol for him," Chase said. "He didn't take it himself, and his getting drunk was because..."

"Mr. Carter, I didn't ask anything about why your brother got drunk, nor did I ask if anyone bought the alcohol for him," Tomson said, his voice growing sharp. "What I'm asking is, given the fact that your brother stole alcohol then went away from the house for the express purpose of getting drunk, if he could do that, then don't you think that he has a criminal side that you don't know about? Isn't it just possible that if he could act out like this, that it's possible that he was the one who got the boys to give him sex, and that maybe he's the one who is the evil one here!"

"You Bastard!" Chase said face reddening to an almost purple color!

I hadn't ever seen him this angry in all the months I had known him, and I was worried about what he might do next.

"Mr. Carter your outburst is completely inappropriate!" Dixon shouted banging his gavel two times.

"Yeah, and so is this charlatan's attack on my brother!" Chase yelled back. "He's not after justice for his so-called client. Brad Jones is a liar, a rapist and God only knows what else! He raped my brother!"

"Mr. Carter!" Dixon shouted over him continuing to bang his gavel!

"Brad Jones, Shane Simmons and Terry Gibson are the guilty ones here!"

"Mr. Carter! You are out of order!" Dixon shouted over him!

"Omri's the victim here, not those three Sons of Bitches!" Chase yelled standing now and pointing his finger right at Tomson and Brad Jones!

"Mr. Carter!" Dixon yelled banging his gavel one final time. "This is your last warning! If you give another nonsensical performance like that one more God-Damn time, then I will hold you in contempt of court. You will spend a long time in jail for that! Do I make myself clear!"

"I understand," Chase said sitting and almost falling back into the chair.

"I have no further questions Your Honor," Tomson said smiling. "What you have all seen today was Chase Carter, this so-called protector and "Big Brother" of his clearly juvenile delinquent brother defending the little budding sociopath!"

"Objection Your Honor!" Hall yelled, standing to her feet once again. "Defense is using inappropriate language! There is no recorded nor documented evidence that Omri Carter has any psychological disorder, be it Sociopathy or any other mental health disorder. His mental state is not the issue here, only the crime the state alleges was committed against him!"

"Sustained," Dixon said. "Counselor please try to refrain from misuse of labels that haven't already been documented."

"Yes, Your Honor," Dixon replied.

The next day of the trial was made up of Brad Jones's parents testifying to his good character, as well as other friends giving the same kind of testimony. Then in the afternoon around 2:00 P.M. DA. Hall called me to the witness stand. Standing on legs which felt like they could collapse at any moment, I walked to the stand and sat.

"Mr. Carter could you in your own words describe for the court what happened on the afternoon of Monday, November 21, 2021?" Hall asked.

I described everything that had happened, and she asked few questions while I told my story. Tomson objected a couple of times, but surprisingly was over-ruled by Dixon, though I didn't get a true sense that the objections were real, nor the over-rules Dixon pronounced. It was clear which side that ancient grey-haired sack of shit was on. It wasn't mine!

It was now time for Tomson to question me, and I did my best to stay calm as he approached.

"Mr. Carter when you say that you were lured into the bathroom and raped by Brad Jones, would you mind describing it in more detail?" Tomson asked.

I told the story once again, and I stared at Brad Jones with as much hate as I could muster.

"So, you didn't ask Brad Jones to have sex with you?" Tomson asked. "I mean, you came on to Michael Roberts a couple of weeks before did you not?"

"No, I didn't ask Brad to do what he did," I answered. "I also didn't come on to Michael Roberts. I started to ask him if he might like me as more than a friend, but got scared because it seemed that he was put off by where I was going with things. So I tried to stop, but it was too late, and he began yelling at me."

"Did it ever occur to you that maybe Michael wasn't into guys like you are?" Tomson asked. "Maybe you should have kept your mouth shut about your perverted desires."

"Objection Your Honor!" Hall yelled. "Omri's sexual orientation is not the issue here, and the terms in which Tomson is framing it are bigoted as well as inflammatory!"

"My point is to show that Omri clearly doesn't know how to appropriately interact with other boys his own age."

"Over-ruled," Dixon said not surprisingly. "Ms. Hall please keep your objections relevant to the issues at hand."

"Yes, Your Honor," she said not even trying to hide her disgust at this point.

"Mr. Carter," Tomson went on. "Did you and Brad Jones kiss at any point before he had sex with you?"

"What?" I asked truly confused.

"It's a simple question Mr. Carter," Tomson said. "Did you and Brad make out before he had sex with you? According to him, you guys went into the bathroom willingly. He states that you found him that day, and that you asked him to come into the bathroom."

"Objection Your Honor!" Hall yelled. "This is pure groundless speculation!"

"Over-ruled," Dixon declared.

"No!" I yelled. "I didn't kiss Brad Jones. Michael Roberts, on Brad's prodding, found me and brought me to that bathroom like I have been saying all along! I was grabbed, and as Shane Simmons and Terry Gibson held me so I couldn't move, Brad Jones raped me!"

"Did Brad Jones stick his penis in your anus, or did you do it to him?" Tomson asked with a contemptuous look on his face.

"This is ridiculous!" I said completely disgusted!

"Mr. Carter answer the question," Dixon called from the bench.

"Brad Jones shoved his penis in my anus, and raped me," I said feeling close to tears now.

"Is that all that happened?" Tomson asked.

"That's all that happened," I said starting to cry now. "That isn't enough or something!"

"You didn't stick it in him afterwards?" he asked.

"No!" I shouted sobbing hard now.

"I don't believe your story Mr. Carter," Tomson said with a sneering tone in his voice. "I think you're a liar. You're a pervert!"

"Objection Your Honor!" Hall yelled. "Counsel is badgering the witness!"

"Over-ruled," Dixon said.

"You're just a typical gay boy who clearly can't stay away from other boys," Tomson went on. "You moved in with your brother Chase, and how did you repay his taking you in? You went out and got drunk, as well as stole alcohol with no regard to what that might do in terms of Chase's legal status. He could have gotten in trouble for what you did since you were his responsibility! How do we know that you didn't have sex with several other guys while you were drunk? When will they come here into the court room and testify to your disgusting promiscuous behavior? How about this question Mr. Carter, if you were so hurt by my client, why didn't you tell Chase or anyone else right after it happened!"

My tears were gone by this point, and I felt rage replace my hurt and desire to cry.

"I might have known that that last question was going to come up," I said staring at Tomson and attempting to inject as much hate into my voice and in my eyes as I possibly could. "It's for the same reason that many other boys, girls, men and women don't tell right away. It's because we're never, if at all, believed! It's because of people like you who paint us as Fagots who can't control our sexual urges!"

"Order!" Dixon shouted banging his gavel. "Mr. Carter you are out of order!"

"We're dismissed as either Fagots, or even sluts who either can't resist our sexual urges, or it's dismissed as us wearing the wrong outfit. Had we not done so, then we wouldn't have gotten raped. In my case, if I hadn't come out to Michael Roberts, then I wouldn't have gotten raped! It's victim blame like that which I and many other survivors are greeted every day! That's why I didn't say anything immediately afterwards! That's why most people stay silent about having been raped!"

"Mr. Carter!" Dixon shouted banging his gavel once more. "You're officially out of order!"

"Your Honor, this is a really emotional time for him," Hall said. "If you could please give him a chance to calm down, and to collect himself?"

"I'll allow it," Dixon said. "However, Mr. Carter, this is your last warning. If you act out like this again, I'll sentence you to a few days in jail for contempt of court. Is that understood?"

"I understand Your Honor," I replied feeling exhausted now.

"I have no further questions Your Honor," Tomson said smirking at me.

The Bastard had clearly gotten what he came for.

"You may step down," Dixon said.

Standing on legs that felt like rubber, I made my way back to sit between Deon and Chase.

At the end of the week on Thursday, Mandy Hall put forth her closing arguments which was her restating what she had already said in her opening arguments, then it was time for Tomson to give his closing arguments.

"Ladies and Gentlemen of the Jury," Tomson began. "What we have here is merely a case of boys who were most likely unsupervised for the most part. Omri Carter took advantage of this fact. And because of that, we're here today with Brad Jones, with his life possibly on the verge of being destroyed. For what? All because Omri Carter decided that he couldn't keep his sexual perversions to himself, and that he needed to share them with Brad Jones. Brad Jones comes from a good family. He's good at sports, and he helps out his next-door neighbors whenever they need it.

He is helpful to his class mates, and has always gone the extra mile with helping them with their homework. He would help them in sports as well. Brad Jones comes from a good and kind family. He is incapable of committing the crime of which Mr. Carter accuses him! The only verdict that should be returned in this case, is one of not guilty! With that, the defense rests."

The next day, the trial was, for all intents and purposes, finished, save for the jury who was deliberating. We sat in the court room that Friday morning, and I hoped that we would get back a guilty verdict. I knew from what Mandy Hall said several days ago that Simmons and Gibson had pled down and were serving a one-year sentence in the juvenile system. I hoped that Brad Jones would be given a more tough sentence.

As I sat there in between Deon and Chase, the jury and the other officials were filing into the court room.

"All rise," the bailiff called out. "The Honorable Judge Harper Dixon presiding."

"Please be seated," Dixon said as he sat on the bench.

We sat, and he turned to the jury.

"It's my understanding that you have a verdict in the State V. Brad Jones?" Dixon asked.

"We do Your Honor," the Foreperson replied.

"You may read it now," Dixon said.

"Thank you, Your Honor," she replied. "We the jury in the above and titled action find the defendant, Brad Jones, not guilty as to count one in the inditement regarding count one of the charge of sexual assault against Omri Carter."

I couldn't believe it. I felt like it was a nightmare! I hoped desperately that it was, but I knew that it wasn't! What was happening!

While Brad's supporters were cheering, Deon, Tanner, Florian, Megan and Trisha were yelling all at once.

"This is fucking Bullshit!" Deon yelled!

"How could you Bastards!" Tanner shouted!

"This is a bunch of Bullshit!" Florian yelled!

"Brad is guilty!" Megan yelled out!

"Omri doesn't deserve this!" Trisha yelled out!

All this was happening while Judge Dixon was pounding his gavel on the table for all it was worth!

"I will have order in this court room!" he screamed over top of everyone!

Things died down, and Dixon began to speak again.

"This court thanks you for your service," he said turning to face the jury then he turned to face all of us once again. "I have a couple of things I'd like to say regarding this whole case. I understand that boys will be boys. That's just the fact of the matter.

We live in a time now where almost everything short of murder is permitted. Even that's almost a non-existent line if you consider women who get themselves pregnant then decide to have a doctor suck their baby out of them and kill it. There are men and women living together who aren't married much less in committed relationships. They go from person to person, and now with the acceptance of these homosexuals and the transgendered people wanting to mutilate themselves, I'm not surprised that we're here where we are today in this court room.

Mr. Jones, I can only imagine what this ordeal must have been like for you. You've had your good name dragged through the mud, and have had your character picked apart, but I believe you'll bounce back from that. As well you should. I'll say though, that you should be more careful in the future about some of the boys you become friends with. Let this be a lesson, and a hard one at that, about getting into the wrong crowd, and where that can get you.

As for you Mr. Carter, you have a dark life ahead of you sir. Brad Jones is the perfect example of who an all-American young man should be. He's kind, caring, loving and helps out his friends, neighbors and family whenever they need it. He's polite and has never had a bad word to say about anyone.

You on the other hand, have used abusive language in my court room, as well as characterized someone who had been a friend to you as being a bad person that he's not. You played the victim and turned around that for which I have no doubt you were actually guilty. You have no respect for anyone, and your behavior in my court room shows that. You and your homosexual kind are disgraceful to that for which our country stands.

You attempted to get Brad Jones off of the moral path on which he's walked all his life. You could have destroyed his life for many years to come. You should be deeply ashamed of yourself. I will only hope that you can change your corrupt ways and soon.

Case dismissed!"

After the gavel banged a final time, everyone was clearing out of the court room. Chase and Tanner had to help me to my feet. Deon was in front of me, and I felt like I could faint at any minute as they helped me out of the court room. I felt like my world had been ripped apart, and I hadn't seen it coming! I knew that it could get bad at the trial, but I didn't know that it could get as bad as it did!

Once in the car, my upper body began falling, and Deon caught me. I then passed out and didn't even remember the car ride home.

Author's Notes

I can imagine that this won't be an easy chapter to read. I'm sure some of you will be surprised at the behavior of the court officials involved, mainly that of Tomson and especially of the judge. Sadly, those attitudes still exist in our current times. I'm sure most in the LGBT Community know this, but there are some in the community I know who act as if, with the passing of the Supreme Court decision declaring marriage equality the law of the land, that aside from a few outliers, Anti-LGBT Bigotry is at an end.

This isn't even remotely true. While we do have marriage equality, we still have the Transgender Community of the LGBT Community who have an extremely high rate of being at risk for dying by suicide. They also have a high risk of being abused by their families, friends at school or in other areas of their lives. There are also the large percentages of LGBT youths who have extremely high risks of these same problems who are within the area of the population of those within the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. We should always be glad of the progress we made, but there is still more work to be done, and this chapter is my attempt to illustrate that point.

In the next chapter, Omri will need the support of Chase, Jason, Kyle, as well as that of Deon and their other friends now more than ever. They will definitely be there for him going through the next chapter. I hope you guys enjoy how I handle that.

Having said all that, I hope everyone is having a good evening. I'll see all of you in Chapter 21.

Next: Chapter 21

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