Boy Traumatized

By James Heady

Published on Dec 13, 2022


Boy Traumatized By James


This is a story which deals with sexual as well as romantic situations between consenting teenaged males. This story will also deal with sexual assault, child abuse, Anti-LGBT Bigotry, Racism, Suicide, Ableism, Discrimination and other possibly sensitive topics. If you're unable to handle reading about such sensitive subjects, then back out of the story now. Also, if you're not of the legal age to read this type of story, then please find something else to read. Other than this, no additional Trigger Warnings will be given. Also, "Flame E-mails" will be ignored.

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Finally, if you like this story and haven't done this already. Sneak into the apartment of my e-mail address, and replace its shampoo with hair removal cream instead.

Finally, thanks to K for editing on this story. Your help has really been invaluable, and I really do appreciate it!

Boy Traumatized

Chapter Two

"I don't even remember the season. I just remember walking between them and feeling for the first time that I belonged somewhere."

Stephen Chbosky The Perks of Being a Wallflower


Deon Christianson

Shortly after Omri left with Chase, my parents arrived to pick me up. I told them about Omri, as well as the three other friends I made that day, and they were really happy for me. I told them all about it as we rode home, and they said that they would really love to meet my new friends soon, and I smiled truly happy that they were eager to meet them as well as to get to know them!

Once home, my dad, whose name was Ron, moved my wheelchair out onto the ground, and I transferred into it. My mom, who was Barb, was taking groceries out of the back of the van, and I carried a couple of bags on my lap as we all went into the house, and I helped with putting things away. Once that was complete, I went to my room where I transferred out of my chair and onto my bed.

As I sat there, I went through the small amount of homework a couple of our teachers gave us, and once completed, I turned on some music and relaxed for a bit until it was time for dinner.

As I sat there listening to music, I soon found my thoughts turning to Omri. He was really turning out to be a really good friend. I had enjoyed the time we spent together that day, and though he seemed reserved in the beginning when we first met, I was noticing as the day went on that he was beginning to come out of his shell. I hoped that this would continue and that I could get to know him a lot more! I loved how easily I could make him laugh, and his smile as well as his laugh were really sweet to listen to. There was pure joy in both his smile and in his laughter, and I hoped to hear that a lot more as we continued talking.

I then thought about his voice, and how gentle and soft it was. It was definitely effeminate, but there was still some manly tones coming out in it as well. I was definitely enjoying listening to him when he would talk and I knew at that moment as I sat there that I could listen to him talk all day!

Eventually my parents called me to get ready for dinner, and I looked at the clock on the taskbar of my computer. I couldn't believe it; it was almost 5:00 P.M. I was shocked at how fast time had gone by, and tearing my gaze away from my computer, I called that I'd be right there. After turning off my music, I transferred into my wheelchair and then wheeled into the kitchen to get started with dinner.



Chase and I were looking through a menu to see what we wanted for dinner that night. Neither of us were hungry at the moment, but we at least wanted to get our orders selected so that Chase could order them when we were hungry enough to eat. It was almost 5:00 P.M., and after I got home I had completed the few assignments that a couple of our teachers gave us for homework. Once they were finished, I sat outside talking with Chase and telling him more about Tanner, Megan and Trisha. He was glad that I had made a few new friends, and he said that he would love to meet them sometime soon.

"Maybe I could invite them over sometime this week, or during the weekend," I said. "I could even see if Deon would like to join us."

"That would be really nice," Chase replied. "I'd enjoy seeing Deon again, as well as meeting your three other friends."

"I'd really like that also!" I answered.

After we talked a little more, I went into my room and laid down on my bed while listening to some music. I was in the mood for something light in regards to music at that moment, and I put on a playlist of Classical Music, as I really enjoyed that genre of music as well. It really relaxed me, especially after a long day at school which was no exception that afternoon.

That was what I had been doing when Chase knocked on the door jam asking if I wanted to look at one of the menus for one of our favorite places from which we ordered take-out once or even twice a week. I agreed, and so we looked at the menu as I mentioned before.

After selecting what I wanted, Chase made his selection, then he let me know that he would get the food around 6:00 P.M., and I agreed that that sounded good. After putting down the menu, I returned to my room, and continued listening to music as Chase finished up the last of some work on his laptop in his office.

Chase worked as a Crisis Counselor at a small counseling center, though more often than not he would be going into Sangger University Hospital to help someone who had been brought in while attempting suicide. He was really good at his job, and I could tell that he really loved the work though sometimes it would tire him out.

Dinner was good once it arrived, and once finished, Chase and I went about the house doing our own things. He was resting in the living room while I got my shower then sat down at my computer to check e-mail before powering it down for the night. As I clicked Delete on the last e-mail, my phone rang.

I checked it, and saw that it was Deon. I answered totally excited to hear from him again.

"Hey!" I said as I answered. "It's really good to hear from you again!"

"Thanks," he replied. "I was thinking about you, and just wanted to call and see how your evening was going."

"Cool, and I'm glad you decided to call," I said. "My evening is going well."

I explained what all had happened during most of the evening, and he told me that he and his parents had finished dinner a little while ago as well.

"That sounds good," I answered. "What are you doing now? I mean aside from talking to me?"

"I was going to get my shower in a bit," he replied. "For now though, I was listening to music. I had just listened to some of Wardruna's songs. They're really good!"

"That's really good to hear!" I said truly glad that he enjoyed them! "I'm really glad you like them."

"Thanks, me too," he answered.

"Which songs have you listened to from them so far?" I asked.

"I've listened to stuff from their album Kvitravn," he said working hard to pronounce the name of the album.

"I'm glad I could help with broadening your musical interests," I said smiling.

"So am I," he replied. "As for Heilung, do you have any suggestions as to which one of their songs or albums I should check out first?"

"Their first album Ofnir, as well as their latest album Drif are definitely worth checking out," I answered. "As for individual songs that you can check out from them, I'd check out In Maidjan, as well as the song Anoana. Finally, Traust is probably my top favorite. If you check it and the others out, I hope you really enjoy them."

"I'm sure I will," he said. "Thanks for the recommendations!"

"You're welcome," I replied.

We talked about other things as well. Deon told me that his mom worked as a nurse at a small clinic for people who are LGBT where she would administer HIV Tests to anyone who came in for them. He said that she would also sit and talk with them before or after the test, or both times. I could tell how proud of her he was, and I was glad to hear that she was providing that kind of a service, and I could only imagine how comforting that possibly was to those who were waiting to see if their lives would either continue on as they were, or if they would change, and just how much they would change as they knew them.

As for Deon's dad, he explained that Ron worked as a counselor at an LGBT Youth Center that was near our school interestingly enough. Deon went on to explain that Ron would talk with kids who were having issues relating to their LGBT Identities or if they were questioning their identity, be it around sexual orientation, or around gender. I was also glad that his dad did this kind of work. I was glad to see also how proud Deon was of his father with the line of work in which he was involved, and it sounded like his parents were really amazing, and I was even more excited to meet them at some point soon!

We talked a little more about other music for a bit, and by the time we finished that line of conversation, Deon had told me about a few groups which were Bloody Hammers, Brainstorm and Arkona. The first two were Metal, but Deon thought of them as more close to Hard Rock where Arkona was Folk Metal in that they fused Russian Folk Music with Metal. It sounded interesting, and I told him that I'd check the three groups out and would let him know what I thought of them.

As we finished with the conversation, we talked about us getting together with Megan, Trisha and Tanner soon outside of school just to hang out. He was really looking forward to that, and I was as well. We ended the conversation with the promise to ask them about it the next day at school, and after saying good night to each other, we ended the call. After spending some time with Chase watching TV for a bit, I eventually went to bed for the evening.

The rest of the week went really well. Deon and I continued hanging out getting to know each other a little more, and the same was true for us getting to know Megan, Trisha and Tanner a little more. We brought it up to them about getting together, and we decided that Friday night would be a good night to meet at my house, and then go out for dinner. Chase agreed to drive us, and pick us up once we met back at the restaurant.

After dinner the plan was to walk around the city and possibly go up to the bowling alley for a bit for a game or two. I hadn't done much bowling, but Tanner and Trisha had played the game a few times over the years that they knew each other. Megan would sometimes join, but it was something mainly Tanner and Trisha enjoyed doing.

With the couple of games of bowling, we figured that that would take up most of the rest of our time before we would have to meet Chase at the agreed-upon place to go back to our respective houses. I was really excited about our getting together, and I was really happy to see that everyone else was looking forward to it as well!

The week went by, and classes were going well. Finally Friday afternoon was here, and we all met at my house. When Tanner, Trisha, Megan and Deon saw my house, they were impressed. The house in which Chase and I lived had vast amounts of woods behind it, as well as a large front yard. Inside, we had the living room, kitchen as well as Chase's home office that was off of the living room. Then to the right of where the fridge sat in the kitchen, there was a long hallway on either side of which were a few doors.

The first door on the right was my room, and on the left next to that was a guest room we kept empty for anyone who wanted to use it. Across from my room was another guest room, as well as a third one to the right of it. Then down the hall and to the right was the restroom, though I had one in my own room complete with its own bath tub/shower combo.

Finally, at the end of the hall if you walked straight all the way, there was Chase's room. We also had a basement that was off the kitchen straight ahead once entering the house. The basement was mainly used for storage, and unless we needed something from it, neither Chase nor I went down there very often.

"I'm really glad you guys like the house!" I said smiling as I lead them into my room.

I was also glad to see how much Deon loved the house, and though he hadn't said it yet, I knew that he was glad that he wouldn't have to worry about steps in the house. Going into the house was easy for him as well, as there weren't any steps to go up when walking up to the front door so that was another thing he didn't have to worry about either fortunately.

"It really is nice!" Deon said as he parked his chair next to my desk that I sat down at while Tanner, Trisha and Megan sat down beside each other on the edge of my bed after looking to me to see if it was alright.

"Oh, and we also have a back deck," I said. "I can show that to you guys here soon, or before we leave to go out. You access it through a door in the kitchen that's beside the door to the basement."

"That sounds really nice as well!" Trisha replied. "Maybe we could sit out there in the day time if we're over at that time, or in the evenings obviously while the weather is still nice."

"I'd really enjoy that as well!" I answered.

The others agreed, then after talking a little more, we were ready to go, and Chase drove us to the restaurant we would be eating at that night. We offered once more for him to join us, but he thanked us again and said that he would be ordering pizza for himself that night. After he pulled the car away, we entered the restaurant which was the one we ate at for lunch the first time we all met a few days before.

After getting seated, we put in our drink orders, food orders and then we sat talking once the waiter had left.

"I'm really looking forward to our bowling game here later on," Deon said. "I mean, that is if you guys have settled on doing that."

We all agreed that it was a go, and he smiled.

"I'm looking forward to it as well," I replied.

"I'm glad to hear that," Deon said turning to face me.

He was sitting on my left while Trisha, Tanner and Megan were sitting across from us. Trisha was sitting directly across from Deon, while Tanner was across from me and Megan was on his left.

After our respective sandwiches and fries arrived, we ate in silence for a bit, then I started talking.

"Just to let you know, Chase said that if any of you guys want to sleep over sometime then that would be totally good with him," I said looking at them.

They thanked me and I was glad to see how excited they were about that, especially Deon.

"If you watch any movies," I went on. "Just let me know which ones you like. We have a lot, and then there are others we rent as well."

"That would be really cool!" Deon said. "There was one movie I had been wanting to see for a while that came out a few months ago. It's an interesting take on a Sci-Fi Movie, and it's directed by Jordan Peele."

"Do you have the name for it?" I asked.

He smiled, but it looked more like a smirk before he spoke again.

"Nope," he replied. "Though I'm being a little sarcastic, that's not a total joke. That's the actual name of the movie."

We all laughed and Tanner had said that he had heard about it, and Megan added that she had heard the name of the movie, but hadn't looked it up yet. Trisha said that it sounded interesting, and when I looked it up on my phone I laughed as the synopsis gave a general over-view as to what the movie was about. It sounded ridiculous if you didn't think too deeply about it, and I knew that I had to check it out sometime.

"Well, I think we planned our first Movie Night together," Trisha said as we finished our food.

"Yeah, sounds like it," I said.

After deciding to make the plan for sure, we got out money and paid the guy behind the counter. After making sure that everything was set, we left the restaurant and walked around the city as we had talked about earlier in the week.

As we had been sitting there that evening at dinner, I was noticing that my comfort level with my new friends, as well as with Deon was increasing more and more. Now as I walked behind Deon's wheelchair holding on to the handles of it while he wheeled himself, Tanner was behind me while Trisha was on my right and Megan was on my left.

As I walked along with them, I was listening to Tanner talk about how he really liked the music by Heilung I told him about, and Deon was saying that he had bought the albums by them that I had recommended to him, and I told them that I was really glad that they liked the music. Trisha and Megan said how much they liked their music as well, and we continued talking as we walked.

There was a point after I had stopped talking to listen as the others talked. As I walked along with them, I began feeling an even more profound comfort and happiness while being there in the company of my new friends. Not only did I feel at peace, I also felt like I belonged as well as feeling like I could start being myself around them.

When around my other friend group at my old school in the small town I had ran from, or was more like banished from, while trying to be myself, that was hard as the kids in my friend group were those who were masculine almost to the point of being hyper-masculine.

There were three boys in the group, and adding me made four. They were interested in mainly hunting, fishing and to use their words "Pussy" and lots of it. When hearing them talk about all the girls they were having sex with, I quickly guessed that I'd be in trouble if they knew about me being gay which I realized when I was 11, and I met them when I was 12. They would start talking about girls they liked a few weeks after we all met when starting school together at the beginning of the school year, and when they asked if I had any girls I liked, I said no. I wasn't lying, but I also wasn't about to tell them about liking boys. One of them asked rhetorically if I was a Fag or something like that. I panicked internally, but struggled to keep my cool on the outside. I told him that I wasn't like that, and that I just wasn't looking for a girlfriend at the moment. He then retorted that I seriously needed to try some Pussy sometime, and I did my best to change the subject.

From that moment on, I worked as hard as I could to not look at other boys, or even seem excited to see any boys I liked at the time in terms of liking them as more than friends. That didn't save me from other problems with my friends though. They would make fun of me for liking Classical Music with one of the other boys named Brad saying that only Fudge Packers liked shit like that. The other friend who asked if I was a Fag for not liking girls, added on that particular occasion, that they'd have to get me into listening to Kid Rock or some such other artist who knew what being a "Man" was really all about.

I'd always leave these interactions with my friends, that is, if I had gone to visit them and even if they left after visiting me, I would always come away from these moments trying to convince myself that what they said hadn't bothered me. Other times, about an hour after we all had been back at our respective houses, and especially if I was completely alone in the house, I'd find myself sobbing suddenly and not knowing why at the time.

It would only get worse as I entered my teens. Then it all came to a head as I mentioned a while ago, but I'll get to that later. The point is though that as I stood there among my new friend group, I felt more at ease with them than I had ever felt with anyone, and I wasn't sure how to really communicate this to them at that moment.

Suddenly I heard Deon's voice, and when I looked down he was looking around at me.

"Omri?" he asked.

I hadn't realized there had been a silence until I came back to where I was at that moment. I did remember that Tanner had been saying something a moment ago, and everyone was now looking at me expectantly.

"Oh, I'm really sorry!" I said as I ran one of my hands through my hair. "I must have zoned out there for a moment."

"You did," Tanner said smiling, but I could see that he was slightly worried. "Are you alright?"

"Yeah, I'm fine," I said and I wanted him, and all of them to know that I really was alright. "I had just gotten lost in my own thoughts for a moment, but I'm good. I was just thinking about how good of a time I've been having with you guys tonight, as well as in the other times we've all been together this week."

"We've really been having a good time with you tonight as well," Megan said.

Everyone else agreed, and we continued on with walking. I continued staying in the present as we all talked while walking around, and soon we decided to get to the bowling alley when Deon checked the clock on his phone and saw that we had about an hour-and-a-half left before Chase came to pick us all up so that all of my friends' respective parents could come and get them for the evening.

We eventually reached the bowling alley. Once there, we began our games and it was becoming clear that Deon was beating us all. Tanner did really well, but then I began winning then Deon started collecting more points.

Megan began gaining on all of us, then Trisha won a couple of times. Finally, I began gaining on everyone, and then after we stopped playing to rest for a few minutes and get drinks, I was sitting beside Deon while the three others were getting our drink orders.

"This has been really fun," he said as Deon moved his arm which now was pressing against mine as we sat there.

"I completely agree," I replied.

"What all do you have going on for this weekend?" he asked leaning closer now.

"Not much," I answered. "What about you?"

"The same as you," he replied. "Did you want to get together again sometime either tomorrow or on Sunday?"

"That would be really nice if we could get together again tomorrow," I said. "If not that, then Sunday would be good. Did you want Tanner, Megan and Trisha along for the ride as well?"

He leaned closer, and now his self-assured look was replaced with a shy look that surprised me. I guess I hadn't expected it, yet here it was.

"I was actually hoping that it could just be you and me which ever one of those days we get together," he said softer now.

"That would be really nice," I responded.

As I thought about Deon and I spending more time one-on-one for longer than the small amounts of time we had been doing so far, I got more excited at that idea. I wasn't wanting anything romantic, nor sexual to happen between he and I yet, but I did at least want to really get to know him on an even deeper level. I hoped that this weekend would be a time in which I could do that!

We agreed to talk with our respective families, then after that was agreed upon, our three other friends returned with our drinks. After we finished them, we played a few more games, then it was time for us to get ready to leave.

I ended up winning the final round, and everyone congratulated me. I thanked them, and as we stood there waiting on Chase to pick us up, Tanner said that he wouldn't have any problem with taking Megan and Trisha back to their houses since they didn't live too far away, and I got the feeling that he knew that I wanted to be alone more with Deon. Once we let Chase and the other parents know, our three other friends left after we all shared hugs, then it was just Deon and I sitting on the bench outside the bowling alley.

As we sat there, Deon scooted closer to me, and his wheelchair was parked with it facing us so he could easily transfer back into it once it was time to go.

"I'm glad that Tanner agreed to walk the girls home," Deon said as his hand made contact with mine, and rested there for a long moment.

"So am I," I said as we looked deeply into one another's eyes.

Seconds after our eyes made contact, Deon took my hand, and just held it. I held on to his as well, and I never wanted our hands to separate!

"I know that we still have to get to know each other more," Deon began. "I can definitely say right now though that you're becoming my best friend. You're really nice, and I truly feel safe and like I can be myself around you."

"I feel the same way about you as well," I said as I scooted closer completely closing the remaining inch between us so that our legs were pressed together as we continued holding hands. I feel like I can be myself around you as well, and like I don't have to be someone I'm not. I know that I haven't told you everything about me yet, but I have a good feeling that you're a good friend that I can be honest with about anything."

"Thanks," he said. "I feel like I can be honest with you about anything as well, and I want us both to be open with each other about anything we feel comfortable sharing."

"I want that as well," I responded as Deon removed his hand from mine then draped it across my shoulders.

I leaned into him, and without thinking about it, I rested my head on his shoulder. I didn't care who saw, or if anyone thought it looked right. It looked as well as felt right to me, and I was sure that Deon felt the same way.

We stayed like that for what seemed like forever, then Deon circled me with his other arm, and I rested in his embrace. As I sat there in his arms, I felt an intense feeling of peace and wellbeing come over me. It felt like a warm feeling that made me feel truly relaxed for the first time in my life, and like everything would be alright. I felt the empty feeling inside me that I hadn't really stopped to notice all my life being filled in that moment. It felt good to be with Deon like that, and this was the physical, emotional and psychological comfort and warmth from another boy that until that moment I hadn't really truly known I needed! Now I was receiving it, and I never wanted it to end!

As we sat there, I could have easily fallen asleep, but a car's engine began sounding in the distance, then it got louder.

"I think Chase is here," Deon said as he slowly released me from his arms.

I separated, but reluctantly. I wasn't ready for the physical contact with Deon to end!

"Yeah, here he is," I said feeling deeply sad at that moment, and like I could easily start crying.

I looked to the left for a moment in hopes that Deon wouldn't see my face, but something told me that he probably knew how I was feeling.

"I'll definitely get back to you about getting together over the weekend," I said once I had my emotions under control.

"That sounds good," Deon said, then he got a text from his parents. He checked it, and he told me that his parents could pick him up now since they were out and close to where we were.

As Chase exited his car, he came up to where we sat, and then another car drove up parking beside his.

Two people got out, and as they stepped up to where we were, I could see them clearly now. They introduced themselves as Deon's parents, and I shook hands with both of them. After we all said how nice it was to meet each other, and after talking with Chase and Deon's parents about he and I getting together that weekend sometime, it was set. We would be meeting at Deon's house the next day on Saturday in the morning, and I'd be staying throughout the day so that I could have dinner with them. I was really excited, and I could see that Deon felt the same! Once we had everything set, Deon and I hugged for a long moment, then he got in the car with his parents.

Once they backed out of the parking space, Chase and I got in our car, and after making sure we were both belted in we pulled out and then returned home for the evening.

Author's Notes

I hope all of you really enjoy this chapter. I wanted there to be time for Omri and his friends to have some time just enjoying themselves, and for them to get to know Omri and Deon more outside of the school setting. I figured that in this chapter would be a good place to do that. I also wanted there to be a little more time for Deon and Omri to spend together for a little while towards the end of the chapter. I hope you all enjoy reading about that.

In the next chapter, you'll all get to see things deepen even more between Deon and Omri when they spend Saturday together. I hope all of you enjoy how that goes, and you'll all get to learn a little more about what happened to Omri to bring him to where he is in the present time. I did write a little about that in this chapter, and will be adding on to that in the next one. At some point though within the next few chapters, I'll give the whole story as to what was done to Omri, and I'll also be telling more of Deon's story as well as to how he became disabled. I hope all of you enjoy when all that is revealed going forward.

Having said all that, I hope everyone is doing well, and I'll see you all in Chapter Three.

Next: Chapter 3

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