Boy Traumatized

By James Heady

Published on Apr 8, 2023


Boy Traumatized By James


This is a story which deals with sexual as well as romantic situations between consenting teenaged males. This story will also deal with sexual assault, child abuse, Anti-LGBT Bigotry, Racism, Suicide, Ableism, Discrimination and other possibly sensitive topics. If you're unable to handle reading about such sensitive subjects, then back out of the story now. Also, if you're not of the legal age to read this type of story, then please find something else to read. Other than this, no additional Trigger Warnings will be given. Also, "Flame E-mails" will be ignored.

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Finally, if you like this story and haven't done this already, offer to help my E-mail address with fixing their window locks around their house. When you work on them though, situate the locking features so that they're not level with the slot they hook into so that they won't properly lock.

Thanks once again to K. for the edits to Chapter 16. They've really helped the story. Thank you.

Boy Traumatized

Chapter 17

"I didn't know that other people thought things about me. I didn't know that they looked." Stephen Chbosky The Perks of Being a Wallflower

The surgeons worked for over an hour. They wanted to be sure that they got everything cleared, but first they checked around. Dr. Horton viewed the site, and saw that there was some blood in the operative site.

"Suction," he called.

The nurse handed him the catheter, and once Dr. Horton removed the excess blood he looked again. He then checked all of the area, and then sucked up more blood that was beginning to leak out of the ruptured vein. After cauterizing the vein, Dr. Horton began checking for any swelling, and after feeling satisfied that there was no swelling of the brain, he began suturing up the broken blood vessel.

"Okay, here's the other vessel that broke back when Deon had his first stroke," Dr. Horton announced. "It's intact, and there's no damage. How's the anesthesia going?"

Dr. Horton asked this turning his head momentarily to Dr. Jonas, the Head Anesthesiologist, who was sitting at the head of the operating table. He sat there behind the anesthesia machine with its rows of tanks.

It also contained a computer screen which displayed read-outs of Deon's blood oxygen levels, blood pressure readings, heart rate and levels of gas that was being pumped through the tube in Deon's throat. The tube had oxygen being pumped in along with a vaporized anesthetic. The vaporized anesthesia going through the breathing tube would maintain Deon's sedation so he wouldn't run the risk of waking up during surgery. The oxygen being pumped through the tube was to ensure that Deon's respiration would continue, especially since he was paralyzed. Dr. Jonas was keeping Deon paralyzed by way of an infusion of a drug called Succinyl Choline. This drug, when administered, prevents a patient from breathing. Unless artificial means of ventilation are used, the individual could suffocate to death.

"Blood pressure is steady at 105 over 60," Dr. Jonas replied. "Heart rate is the same, and Blood Oxygen Levels are holding at 98%."

"Good," Dr. Horton answered. "We'll be ready to close up here in about ten minutes. I'm just checking the other vessels. They're all within normal ranges, and there is no weakening of their walls. No other aneurisms in other words. I got the blood vessel that we've been focusing on sutured up completely."



As time went by, I sat there after Dr. Horton left to go back to the OR. I struggled to figure out how I would spend the time waiting for him to return with news about Deon. I never felt this scared or helpless, and I wasn't sure what to do!

Finally, after about 10 minutes after Dr. Horton had been back in surgery, I looked up to see Tanner, Florian, Megan, and Trish walking towards us. All of their parents greeted Chase and the Christiansons. I said hi to all of them, then my friends and I all hugged.

"When I excused myself to get a drink a few minutes ago, I texted all of them," Chase said sitting back down next to me.

He had mentioned something about getting a drink from the machines, but I had hardly heard what he had said.

"That truly means a lot," I said hugging him hard. "Thank you Chase!"

"You're welcome my little brother," he answered. "Anything for you."

My friends and I went out to the patio that wasn't too far away from where we had been sitting since arrival. Once outside, we sat down, and I made sure that I had my phone. I was glad to have this time with my friends. Tanner sat on my right side and Florian sat on my left. Megan and Trish sat across from us.

"How are you doing Omri," Tanner asked. "No bullshit responses about being fine."

"I'm really scared for him," I said starting to cry again. "He doesn't fucking deserve to go through this!"

"No he doesn't," Florian added.

"I know, it's really not fair," Tanner said in agreement.

They both held me, and Megan, along with Trish, had an arm around my shoulders as best as they could.

My tears soon subsided, and I dried my eyes. I slowly felt a little better.

"What have the doctors said?" Megan asked.

I told them what Dr. Horton had said.

"It sounds like things will be alright," Trish said. "I mean, they did get it in time before it could blow up entirely, so that means that there might not be any damage or any other problems, right?"

"That's what we're hoping anyway," I answered.

"I really hope that Deon pulls through," Florian said.

"So do I," I responded.

We talked for a little while longer, then we all got back inside. I felt even better at that point since my friends were all around me. Eventually though, they did return home. After they left, Chase went off saying that he had to take care of something.

This left me alone with Ron and Barb.

"Is it alright if we go sit out on the patio again?" I asked.

"That would be nice," Barb answered.

After texting Chase so he knew where I'd be, we went outside. I sat down, and Barb and Ron sat across from me. As I sat there, I began thinking about at what point would Deon and I get a chance to tell his parents about us. I wondered if they already knew.

"Thanks for letting me continue to stay here with you guys tonight," I said. "It really means a lot."

"You're welcome," Barb said. "We know just how much you and Deon mean to each other."

"Barb's right," Ron added. "No need to thank us though. We're really glad that you and Deon are in each other's lives. It's really special to see what the two of you have between yourselves."

"You guys are really good together," Barb went on.

"So you've noticed what we have with each other?" I asked, unsure if we were all talking about the same thing.

"Absolutely," Barb said.

"What you guys have is something that's truly loving and special," Ron said. "I hope that you guys will be happy together for the rest of your lives."

"I feel the same way," Barb added.

"So you know that we're more than friends?" I asked.

"We figured that that's where things were headed as you guys continued getting to know each other," Ron answered.

"Part of it was the looks you'd give each other, especially when each of you thought the other wasn't looking," Barb said.

"Then the first weekend you stayed at our house," Ron began. "You slept in Deon's room beside him in bed, and I didn't really think anything of it."

"Neither did I," Barb added.

"When I got up that Saturday morning to get the day started," Ron went on. "I saw Deon with you in his arms. You both were covered by the sheet and blankets, but the outline of your forms was still visible. You two looked so sweet laying there in each other's arms like that. I didn't see much of a conclusion that could be drawn other than that you guys were in love and a couple, or were soon to be."

"We were going to sit down and tell you here soon," I answered. "We truly weren't planning to keep it from you. We talked about sitting down with you guys in the coming days, but then everything happened tonight, and well, here we are talking about it now."

"There's no need to explain," Barb answered as they both stood and hugged me.

"We figured that the two of you would come to us when you were ready," Ron said.

"Absolutely," Barb responded.

"We wanted to give you guys time to figure out where you guys were at, and where the two of you stood with each other starting out," Ron said.

"Exactly," Barb added.

"I really appreciate y'all supporting us like that," I answered.

We hugged again, then the door to the patio opened. It was Chase.

"Dr. Horton is inside waiting on us," Chase said. We all turned and went back inside.

Once back in, we joined Dr. Horton in a nearby conference room. Once seated, Dr. Horton began talking.

"It was an aneurism as the scans indicated," he began. "We drained off the blood, then worked to suture the rupture in the vessel. There wasn't much blood in there as I opened Deon's skull, so I'm hopeful that no brain damage has been sustained. The bleeding was in the left side of the brain, and so I will be checking his speech once he's out from the anesthesia which should be in about an hour. He's in the recovery room right now. They're just checking his vital signs, and I'll let you know when he's moved to a room and when you can see him."

"Thank you, Dr. Horton," I said shaking his hand.

"Thank you for everything," Barb said.

Ron and Chase thanked him as well.

"You're all welcome," Horton answered. "I'm just glad that he was rushed here when he was. He'll need to stay here for a few days, probably about four or five. I want to track his progress closely over those days. If he's doing really well, I might only keep him possibly three days. That being said though, we'll have to wait until he's awake."

We told Dr. Horton that we understood, and after we all stood, we left the conference room.

About an hour went by and we were told that we could go in and see Deon. He was in room 140, and I waited while Deon's parents went in. They motioned for me to come in, and I walked up to the bed. I sat down right in front of Deon's bedside. He turned his head slowly to focus on his parents, then turned to look at me.

"How are you feeling," Barb asked him.

"My head really hurts," he said.

He sounded exhausted, but his speech was clear and intact. I was glad to hear it!

"What's the last thing you remember?" I asked.

"I remember you leaving, and then I remember trying to get comfortable then rushing into the restroom to throw up," Deon said trying to keep his eyes open. "I'm really thirsty. Do you guys have anything to drink?"

"I have some 7-Up for you right here," Ron answered.

He held out the cup while I pressed the button to adjust the bed into a sitting position. Deon drank slowly, then he took the cup and placed it on the table that was next to me on my right.

"I feel really tired," Deon went on.

"I can imagine you do," I said as I held his hand.

Just then a nurse came in. After Deon let her know his head was hurting, she went up to his IV. She injected a drug into the IV and then put the syringe in her pocket.

"That's just a pain shot," she said. "That should help with the pain. Dr. Horton will be writing a prescription for you for pain killers you can take orally for a couple of days."

"Thanks," Deon said as he fought to keep his eyes open.

"You're welcome," she replied.

Once she was gone, Barb and Ron said they'd be outside. Chase joined them, and it was just Deon and I. I continued holding his hand, and he worked harder to focus on me with his eyes.

"I'm glad they got to me in time," he said. "Still though, I can't believe I'm back in a place like this. I really don't like it here. I just hope they don't keep me for a week or anything like that."

"I know you don't like it here," I said lifting his hand and gently kissing the back of it. "I wish you didn't have to be here either. I'm really glad they were able to help you though."

"Me too," he said. "I was really afraid that I wouldn't make it, but most of all, I was afraid of what might be wrong with me when I was getting sick."

"I can imagine you really were scared," I responded. "I don't know what I would have done if anything happened to you."

"I don't think you'll have to find out any time soon," he said smiling. "Hell, if something happened to me, then you wouldn't have anyone there to control your life for an evening. I still have yet to do that. Plus, you wouldn't have anyone there to play songs for you that I know you totally hate."

"Yeah, that's true," I said smiling.

"Seriously though, I'm guessing they're going to keep me for a few days?" he asked, but I knew he figured what was going on. "I guess it would be too much to hope that they'd let me go home tomorrow?"

"They'll be keeping you for a few days," I said as I gently reached out to stroke Deon's cheek. "I'm sorry. I can imagine that's not what you wanted to hear."

"Not really, but I'm just glad I have my parents, our friends and you around me while I'm here in the hospital this time around."

"I'm glad we're here for you as well," I replied.

I leaned over him and gently kissed him on the cheek. "I love you."

"I love you too," he answered as his eyes slowly closed, and he was asleep just like that.

Author's Notes

I'll be continuing on with these events in the next chapter. In that chapter, Deon will be going home after a couple of days, and so you'll all get to see how all that turns out. Having said all that, I'll see all of you in Chapter 18.

Next: Chapter 18

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