Boy Traumatized

By James Heady

Published on Mar 31, 2023


Boy Traumatized By James


This is a story which deals with sexual as well as romantic situations between consenting teenaged males. This story will also deal with sexual assault, child abuse, Anti-LGBT Bigotry, Racism, Suicide, Ableism, Discrimination and other possibly sensitive topics. If you're unable to handle reading about such sensitive subjects, then back out of the story now. Also, if you're not of the legal age to read this type of story, then please find something else to read. Other than this, no additional Trigger Warnings will be given. Also, "Flame E-mails" will be ignored.

Please remember to donate to Nifty, as it's your donations that keep this as well as other stories and reading materials on the site free to the public.

Finally if you like this story, and haven't done this already. Invite my e-mail address out camping with you. When you get there though, leave them there alone with malfunctioning matches and a sleeping bag that's full of holes and bedbugs.

Thanks once again to K. for another extremely well-done editing job. You keep helping this story really stand out. Thank you.

Boy Traumatized

Chapter 16

"It's just hard to see a friend hurt this much. Especially when you can't do anything except 'be there.' I just want to make him stop hurting, but I can't. So I just follow him around whenever he wants to show me his world."

Stephen Chbosky The Perks of Being a Wallflower


The next few days passed, and I did the best I could to get through them. Having Deon there helped. The thought of that horrible meeting began easing up around Wednesday when Megan, Trish, Tanner and Florian joined Deon and I at Deon's house.

We had met Florian a couple of days after Tanner and he met. Both of them were clearly getting close, and from the start Florian made it clear what his orientation was. I admired his pride in who he was, and especially loved his Don't Give a Fuck Attitude about anyone, or even the idea of people disapproving of him. He owned his identity. He was proving to be loyal to us as well. A couple of days after we met him, a couple of the guys from the senior crowd who were known for troublemaking tried to give us all some grief. Florian stepped in and told them to get away from us. When one of the guys told him he should go back to whatever shit hole country he was from, Florian invited the guy to see what it felt like in a Russian prison where they force the inmates to work bent over while threatening them with extremely violent guard dogs.

When the first guy tried to interrupt, Florian said the guy had a nice set of muscles from what girls said about his arms, and that it would be a shame if something happened to them, such as Ballistic Knife stabbing into them. The second guy tried to interrupt, but not with as much force as before. Florian said that from what he heard around school, he had a really handsome face that all the girls clearly loved to look at. He concluded by saying that it would be a shame if the guy's face had a tragic encounter with a jar of acid.

Something in Florian's eyes clearly convinced them, because they turned suddenly and began walking as quickly as they could without running.

"Aww," Florian said in mock sympathy. "Where are you guys going? Was it something I said? I thought we were all having fun."

Once we were away from the school and walking towards Tanner's house, since that's where we had been heading, we asked Florian afterwards if maybe he had laid it on too thick. He said that he wasn't a part of that Liberal Nicey-Nicey Give Each Other a Hug Crowd. He went on to say that he could see what the world was like even without vision. I knew he wasn't talking about it visually in any sense, but he could see what the world was like by the way people were with each other.

"It's those who don't see what's right in front of them that I have no sympathy or time for," he said, walking beside Tanner and holding on to his elbow with his left hand while swinging his guiding cane with the other. "That's part of the problem with people these days here in America. They're fucking idiots who don't see what's right in front of their god-damn eyes. Sorry, but when you have politicians running a country who support a fringe political movement on the Far Right that calls itself by a name that sounds like a character right out of either Star Wars or Star Trek, then that's when I have no problem thinking that a good deal of the people in that country might be mostly full of shit. I'm of course referring to those people who belong to that political movement calling itself QAnon."

"Then there's the people who say not to use anti-Gay language, but keep gay people from donating blood. And some who say they're fine with gay people but tell gay loved ones not to come out to an anti-gay relative because they might not agree with it. I don't have a problem being here in America, but I won't pretend that these things don't exist."

We all agreed with him, and I hoped he'd go on to keep that mindset. I too was sick of people who constantly wanted to see the world how they wanted it to be rather than how it was. We continued talking about that as we neared Tanner's house.

All that went through my mind as we got seated in Deon's room that Wednesday, just a couple of days after the hearing. Those events in which Florian gave his views about our country, views that most even the most progressive would have probably dismissed as too harsh or even Anti-American, seemed like decades ago. As we continued spending time with Florian, we found that it felt like he had been with our group forever.

"Or something else," someone said close to me.

I was jerked out of my thoughts at that point, and I saw Deon sitting beside me looking directly into my eyes.

"Oh, sorry Deon," I said. "I was miles away. What were you saying?"

"I was asking if you wanted Coke to drink, or something else?" he replied

"Coke would be good," I responded.

He and Tanner went to get the drinks, and I waited for them to return. Florian was sending a text on his phone, and asked them to wait for a moment before he gave them his drink order. He Put away his phone, then turned his head in the direction of the doorway.

"We also have iced tea," Tanner called out.

"There's also Sprite," Deon added.

"I'll have a Coke," Florian replied. "I'll have my other preferred Coke later on, but this will be alright for now."

He was laughing as he finished that last part, and we all joined him.

"Obviously I'm sure your mom and dad wouldn't like hearing you talk like that," I said.

"They would probably roll their eyes," he said smirking.

We laughed again as we all got seated with our drinks. Once seated, we continued talking about whatever came to mind, and the conversation moved to how Deon and I were doing. Megan and Trish really loved seeing us together as a couple, and as I told them how things were going with us, they smiled. When Deon told them about how he and I talked the night before about talking to Chase and Deon's parents about us, they were glad to hear that.

"We haven't made any definite plans yet," I said. "We're just discussing for now about when we might want to sit down with them and tell them."

"I'm sure they'll be really happy, and very supportive of the two of you," Tanner said.

"I hope so," Deon responded.

After a while Megan and Trish both got texts from their parents, and they had to go. Soon Tanner and Florian left saying that they wanted to go back to Florian's house for a bit since his parents were working until 7:00 P.M. that evening. I was guessing that both of them hoped that more might happen, but I kept my mouth shut. After saying goodbye to them, it was just Deon and I.

As I sat there, I was noticing that a feeling of slight worry had been in the background of my mind. It was only when Tanner and Florian were leaving that I was noticing it even more. As we sat there all talking, I noticed that Deon was a little more quiet than usual, and he had excused himself once to get a couple of Tylenol pills to take. He almost never took them, not within my presence, nor at most other times. He would have told me if he had to take them when not around me.

Sitting on the edge of Deon's bed now, I watched him as he transferred out of his wheelchair then on to the bed. He lay down, and he looked like he could fall asleep at any moment.

"Are you feeling alright?" I asked lying down beside him.

"I'm just kind of tired and my head had been hurting for a bit," he replied. "I'm hoping that the pills I took will help it."

"So do I," I said feeling my concern grow a little more. "It's not like you to need to take anything for headaches. Also, you hardly ever get them."

"Yeah, I know," he said shifting around to get more comfortable.

Usually he would lay right down, and turn on his side to hold me, or sometimes lay on his back while I snuggled up to him draping my arm across his chest. Now though, he turned on his side, and after a few minutes he shifted on to his back. Then after about another ten minutes, he moved onto his other side.

After a few minutes, his eyes began closing, and I heard my phone sound with a text alert.

"That's probably Chase," I said. "I might need to be getting back to the house."

"Okay," Deon said lifting his head to look at me.

"Are you going to be alright until your parents get home?" I asked looking closely at him.

"I think I'll be alright," he replied.

I leaned in and kissed him, then stroked his hair away from his forehead.

"Okay, just call if you need anything," I said.

"I will," he said resting his head back down on the pillow.

I left his house making sure the door was shut tightly and locked. I walked home continuing to be worried. I tried to tell myself that it was nothing. I tried to convince myself that it was just a mild headache that Deon had. I just hoped that I was right.

Once back home, I hugged Chase, then we sat down for a while. I told him about my day, then told him about how Deon was doing. He could see how concerned I was, and I wasn't sure if it had been that obvious until he pointed out how worried I looked.

"I just hope it's nothing," I said.

"So do I," Chase replied.

We both stood and went to the kitchen. I helped Chase with getting dinner started. We were going to have cheese burgers, fries and Potato Salad. It sounded good, and I was really looking forward to it!



It had been almost an hour since Omri left, and my headache seemed to be getting worse. Moving made the pain increase even more, and when I looked at the clock on my phone, I saw that it was almost 5:00 P.M. My head was pounding hard at this point, and I felt nauseous. I transferred into my wheelchair, and wheeled as fast as I could into the restroom without slamming my chair into the wall. I could feel the nausea increasing, and I tried sitting still, hoping it would pass!

It worsened, and I felt those first typical feelings one gets as the vomiting begins. I leaned over the toilet and everything came up. My head continued pounding and the pain was definitely well past 10 on that Bullshit pain scale doctors have people use to rate their level of pain! The room was spinning now, and slowly the vomiting passed.

After wheeling myself back into my room, I felt more and more light-headed. I knew that something was wrong. I started fearing that my symptoms had to do with what had happened when those fucked up doctors injured me! I just hoped that I was wrong!

Grabbing my phone, I dialed 9-11, and waited while the call went through. I gave them my name, address then told them what was going on. I was just barely able to get all this out through what felt like a sea of pain that was now blinding! As the operator told me to stay on the line, I felt myself beginning to pass out. When I told her what I was feeling, she told me I had to stay awake as best as I could.

Finally after a few minutes, I heard sirens in the distance, and then there were car doors slamming out in the driveway. I then felt myself falling forward and things faded first to a light-gray, then to a darker gray then to black.


After the paramedics knocked on the door they tried again. After another several seconds of pounding failed to bring a response, Trent, the paramedic who had been pounding on the door looked for a spare key. He found one hidden in back of the mailbox and entered. He called out, but heard nothing. As he went down the hall, one of the other paramedics found a note pad by the house phone on which was written two names who the paper showed were Barb and Ron Christianson.

After the second paramedic called them and ascertained that they were Deon's parents, she let them know what was going on. While she was in the middle of doing this, Trent found Deon, and after they loaded him up in the ambulance, they were off to the hospital.



After returning back to my room, I heard my phone sound. Chase and I had just finished dinner about five minutes before, and now I was going to relax for a bit. I hoped that I'd hear from Deon, but those thoughts were interrupted when I heard that alert. It was a disturbing alert, because it only sounded when the text or call was a 9-11 alert. It only sounded when there was a friend or loved one in danger, which up to that point hadn't happened. Something was wrong now though!

I looked at the phone, and it was a 911 text from Barb and Ron Christianson. My heart began pounding hard and fast in my chest as I opened a reply to answer them. Before I could begin typing, my phone rang with that same ominous alert tone. It was Ron's number!

"Hello Ron!" I said totally alarmed now! "What's going on!"

"Omri I need you to listen to me, then let Chase know that I just sent him the same text," Ron said calmly, but I could still hear the fear in his voice. "Deon has been rushed to the hospital. They found him unconscious, and he wasn't responding. They think it could be either a stroke or a brain aneurism."

"Oh my god!" I said feeling emotions flooding my mind now!

I did as Ron told me to do, and Chase was by my side.

"I just got the text," Chase said.

"Meet us at the hospital," Ron said. "Barb and I are in the waiting room right now. They called us as they were on route to the hospital. We got here as soon as we could. From what they've told us, he's in the scanning lab under-going a brain scan, and they should know something here soon."

"Thanks for telling me," I said feeling close to tears.

"Thanks Ron," Chase responded. "We'll be there soon."

"You're both welcome," he said and I could hear the sadness in his voice now. "I know how much the two of you mean to each other, and Deon would want you by his side."

"And I will be," I said as Chase and I headed towards the door to go to the hospital.

Once at the hospital, Chase and I ran from the car. Entering the building, I looked around then saw Ron and Barb coming towards us. I hugged both of them, then they hugged Chase.

"Do they know anything?" I asked after we greeted each other.

"They'll be here with the results soon," Barb said.

"I can't believe this is happening," I said even closer to tears. "We all know how Deon feels about hospitals no matter how short and quick the visit."

"Yes we do," Ron said as we went to sit and wait on the doctor.


Dr. Connor Horton stood with his phone opened. He opened the file containing the now completed brain scan from Deon Christianson. He looked at it from all angles, and then focused on one particular area. He looked at this area for a very long time, and then looked at several adjacent areas again even closer. Swiping back to the original area of interest, he looked again.

The area on which he was so greatly focused was in the left side of his brain where speech was involved. He turned to his assistant Michael who was walking towards him.

"Mike," Dr. Horton said, holding out the phone. "Take a look at this. It's Deon Christianson's scan."

Michael looked at it for a long moment, especially where Dr. Horton pointed with his finger.

"This looks like an aneurism," Michael said.

"So, you see it as well?" Dr. Horton asked.

"I do," he agreed.

"Then we have to get Deon to surgery now," Horton announced. "This aneurism is leaking, and fortunately it's not blown. It won't be slowly leaking like that for long, and so we're on barrowed time to say the least!"

"Yes doctor," Michael agreed as they rushed out of the consultation room.



As we sat there, I looked up to see a doctor in a long white coat walking briskly towards us. He took in all of us with his eyes, then turned to Ron and Barb.

"Mr. and Mrs. Christianson," he said. "I'm Dr. Connor Horton. I'm the one in charge of your son's case."

It's nice to meet you Dr. Horton," Ron said.

"Thank you for helping our son," Barb said.

"You're welcome, and it's nice to meet both of you as well," Dr. Horton replied.

He turned to Chase and I and we introduced ourselves with me using the term boyfriend without even thinking, or even worrying about having said it.

"Nice to meet the two of you," Dr. Horton answered.

"Same to you," we both said.

"You're free to speak in front of Omri and Chase," Barb said.

"Okay," Horton agreed. "I'm here to let you know that we just got back Deon's brain scans. He's suffered a Brain Aneurism. It's in the left side of his brain, in one of the blood vessels close to the one that ruptured when he had his stroke a few years ago."

"How bad is it?" I asked.

"It's leaking, and probably started before he got here," Dr. Horton replied. "It's a slow leak, so we have some time to get in there and stop it. We don't have much time though, and he has already had some bleeding into his brain so that's what concerns me. There may or may not be possible brain damage. I won't be able to tell until he wakes up. I can imagine this news is hard to hear, but the good thing is that the aneurism was found before it completely blew open. If that were to have happened, then we wouldn't be sitting here having this particular conversation."

"Do any of us have time to see him before he goes in for surgery?" Ron asked.

"They're wheeling him in for the procedure now," Dr. Horton said. "Unfortunately, I can't let any of you back there as he's in the operating room now."

"Please let us know when you find anything out," I said close to tears.

"I will," Dr. Horton replied as he stood to head back to the OR.

Author's Notes

I can imagine none of you saw that coming. Neither did I really. I had been thinking for a little while though about how Deon was there a lot for Omri. I figured that at some point Deon would go through something for which Omri would need to be there for him. The idea came to me quickly, so I wanted to write it in one of the chapters soon to be posted, so the result was this chapter right here. I hope all of you really like it.

I'll be continuing on with these events in the next chapter, so you'll all have that to look forward to as well. I hope you like how it all turns out. In the next couple of chapters, we'll be getting back to Omri and his ordeal. I'm thinking that by Chapter 20 we'll be ready to get into him going through the actual trial against Brad and the two other criminals. At that point, you'll all get to see how that turns out.

All that being said, I hope you guys have a good evening and I'll see you all in Chapter 17.

Next: Chapter 17

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