Boy Traumatized

By James Heady

Published on Feb 17, 2023


Boy Traumatized By James


This is a story which deals with sexual as well as romantic situations between consenting teenaged males. This story will also deal with sexual assault, child abuse, Anti-LGBT Bigotry, Racism, Suicide, Ableism, Discrimination and other possibly sensitive topics. If you're unable to handle reading about such sensitive subjects, then back out of the story now. Also, if you're not of the legal age to read this type of story, then please find something else to read. Other than this, no additional Trigger Warnings will be given. Also, "Flame E-mails" will be ignored.

Please remember to donate to Nifty, as it's your donations that keep this as well as other stories and reading materials on the site free to the public.

Finally, if you like this story and haven't done this already. Please ask my e-mail address if they'd like help cleaning the floors of their apartment, and when they accept have them go out to lunch while you clean them, but use the most slippery of floor wax on every inch of all of their floors.

Thanks to K. for another amazing editing job. Your editing helps this story be what it is! Thank you.

Boy Traumatized

Chapter Ten

"We didn't talk about anything heavy or light. We were just there together. And that was enough" Stephen Chbosky The Perks of Being a Wallflower


I awoke slowly as the pounding continued steadily on the roof. I listened for a moment, and realized as I fully awakened at that moment that it was rain. It was coming down, and I figured that it would be a dark rainy day, or at least start out as such. I hoped it would be. The thought of Omri and I cuddled up in bed together as it rained and blew powerful gusts of wind outside was an immensely attractive thought!

With that thought in mind, I turned gently so as not to wake the lovely boy sleeping peacefully in my arms. Turning my head slightly, I looked at my phone's display, and saw that it was after 9:00 A.M. I shifted again and continued to lay there holding Omri in my arms. He was deeply asleep, and I didn't want to move him. Unfortunately, the needs of my bladder were becoming more urgent at that point, so I gently moved my soulmate on to his back while I transferred into my wheelchair. Going into the restroom, I urinated, then after washing my hands I returned back to bed where Omri was still sleeping.

Once back in bed, I checked my phone for alerts, and then I got a text that was from Chase letting me know to check Omri's phone. I did so, and he was letting both of us know that he was in the office for a bit, and he decided to let us sleep. He continued on with saying that he'd be back home by sometime after 10:00 A.M., and if we were up then he would talk to us about what we wanted for breakfast. I replied to him from my phone that I'd let Omri know, then I put the phone back down on the bedside table and turned back to Omri.

I relaxed my body with Omri laying spread out across me as I held him in my arms. I loved his warm skin against mine, and it was unbelievably silky. I couldn't keep my hands off of him! I continued rubbing his back up and down gently and slowly. I knew this relaxed him when I'd do it to him while he was awake, and I hoped that it was making him sleep deeply as I gave him those long slow strokes up and down his smooth back.

After a while my thoughts drifted to the night before. I thought back to when Omri jacked me off, and how good it felt when we kissed each other all over. I also thought about how amazing it felt when I had Omri's cock in my mouth, and how good it felt with swallowing every spurt of cum he produced! Mostly though, I loved the closeness it brought to us. I felt like our connection was only deepening with the sex we shared last night, and I figured that it could only get better from there!

I wondered what all we would do today, not just in terms of sex, but also as far as regular activities went. I had also looked at the weather after texting with Chase, and saw that it was going to be raining hard like that most of the day. I didn't mind though, and I figured that Omri and I would find something fun to do to keep ourselves entertained both sexually speaking, and otherwise.

After a few more minutes, I felt Omri shift, and he was moving his whole body now. He turned on to his side, and then his eyes were opening. He looked at me, and then smiled as he relaxed into my embrace.

"Good morning," he said as he rested his head in the hollow of my neck.

"Good morning to you too," I said kissing his cheek tenderly. "How did you sleep?"

"Good," he replied. "And you?"

"Really well," I said.

"I'm glad," he responded.

"Me too," I said.

After moving so that he could get out of bed, I watched as Omri went into the restroom and after urinating, he brushed his teeth. I got up and brushed my teeth along-side him. As we returned back to bed, I leaned in and Omri and I shared a deep long kiss that was becoming hotter by the moment.

"What did you want for breakfast," I said as Omri shoved his tongue into my mouth.

"What I'm having now," He said, panting as I rolled on top of him as he wrapped his arms and legs around me as tightly as he could!

I then reached down and after getting our cocks lined up so that mine was pressing against his, we thrust against each other. It felt amazing, and Omri pressed up against me harder so that I could feel his balls against mine! That felt truly incredible! It made me want more!

We kissed passionately, and I was getting even more turned on with the feel of our hot hard cocks rubbing together, along with our balls rubbing at the same time! Feeling the moistness of the precum we were leaking definitely made it even better! We kept on grinding against one another as we continued kissing deeply, and Omri was the first to explode!

"Oh god Deon!" he yelled as he clutched me tightly! "I'm fucking coming!"

"I'm almost there myself lover!" I yelled back as I felt my own cum blasting seconds later to join his between our stomachs!

After it was over, we slowly stopped thrusting, and then we shared several deep and tender kisses before Omri moved to get a towel to clean us both up with. After he disposed of the towel, we showered and dressed.

Once dressed in t-shirts and basket ball shorts we lay on the bed which was now made, and we talked about how much we were enjoying the weekend so far.

"I'm glad you've been having such a good time here with me," Omri said as he lay there winding and unwinding a lock of my hair on the side of my head. "I've really enjoyed the things we did both non-sexually and sexually."

"I've loved it all as well," I replied as I leaned in and kissed him gently on those beautiful lips of his.

"I felt like when we had sex last night for the first time, and then again this morning that we got even more connected to each other," he said as he gently stroked my hair as he lay there staring deeply into my eyes. "I never thought it could be this good Deon, and you truly made me feel loved, treasured and wanted last night. No one has ever done that for me before."

"I'm glad I could do that for you," I answered. "I too feel like we connected even more deeply last night and this morning when we had sex, and I think it's only going to get even better going forward. Also, you made me feel so treasured and loved last night and this morning as well! That truly meant a lot to me!"

"I'm glad it did," he said. "I always want you to feel loved and like you matter, because you do. You truly do matter to me Deon."

"You truly matter to me as well Omri," I replied. "You're the best thing that's ever happened to me, and you're the most precious treasure I have in my life!"

"That means a lot to hear you say that!" Omri said as he kissed my lips slowly and tenderly. "You're the most precious treasure I have as well. I'll always value you, and that's a promise."

"I promise the same to you as well Omri," I responded as we lay there staring deeply into each other's eyes.

I felt safe and secure in our new-found love for each other, and I never wanted anyone else but Omri. He completed the missing part of me. With all that we had shared thus far, I felt every brick in the surface of all my walls completely broken down. I hoped he felt the same. As if reading my mind, he looked closer at me.

"I don't feel like I have to keep any walls up around you, especially now," Omri said. "I feel safer and more loved with you than I could ever put into words."

"I feel the same about you as well," I answered.

"Good, I'm glad," he said as he gently stroked my cheek then snuggled into my arms.

I held him as the rain continued pounding down outside, and I felt like I could easily go back to sleep at any point. The weather, coupled with Omri's warm body in my arms, was as relaxing as it was peaceful! I worked to continue to stay awake, and I could sense that Omri was struggling to do the same.



Laying there in Deon's arms was the most comforted I had ever felt at that point. I was trying to stay awake, but my eyelids grew heavy, and I felt myself drifting off as I rested my head against Deon's chest. He continued to hold me as I fell back to sleep, and I slept safe in his arms and feeling completely loved.



I held Omri in my arms as he slept, then after about ten minutes I heard a car door slam outside. I listened as the door to the house unlocked, and gently extracting myself from Omri, I put on my shirt and shorts then wheeled out to see Chase entering the house.

"Good morning Chase," I said just above a whisper.

"Good morning Deon," he answered lowering his voice almost to my own volume.

He sat a backpack down on the kitchen table, then sat down after removing his phone and a wallet from the bag. He sat them down on the table then I wheeled over to sit next to him. He moved to clear a spot for me across from him. After he put the chair off to the side, I wheeled up and locked the breaks of my chair.

"Thanks," I said.

"You're welcome," he answered. "Is Sleeping Beauty still just that?"

I smiled, and Chase returned it.

"Yeah," I replied. "He actually fell back asleep a few minutes ago."

"I'll let him sleep for a little while longer," Chase said. "Did you want coffee or anything to drink? I mean, if you drink it."

"I'd love some coffee," I answered.

"Do you drink it with anything in it?" he asked.

"No," I replied. "The only time I drink it with any flavoring is if I'm out at one of the coffee shops around town."

"Good to know," he answered.

After he got the coffee going, he sat down across from me once again. After a moment, Chase responded to an incoming text on his phone, then put it off to the side.

"I've really been enjoying my stay here," I said. "You guys have a really nice home, and it's really peaceful here. That's how it is at my home with my parents and I, so I'm glad to see that it's the same here as well."

"Thank you," Chase responded. "That's really nice of you to say. I'm glad to hear that you've been enjoying your stay here, and I hope you enjoy the rest of it as well. I know that Omri really likes you, and I can see that you care just as deeply for him too."

"I really do," I said. "I know he really cares about me also. His friendship truly means everything to me as well."

"I can tell that it does," Chase said. "I know he thinks the same about your and his friendship too. I can see exactly how you guys feel about each other, and I'm truly glad that the two of you found one another."

I wasn't sure what to say at first, and to my relief Chase continued.

"You don't have to say anything," he went on. "I'll only say that I accept and support both of you. I'll always be here for you guys, and I hope that you guys will be really happy together."

"Thanks," I said unsure what to say next. "That really means a lot. How exactly did you know?"

"I could sense it," he answered. "I also saw the looks you guys would aim at each other when you both figured that the other wasn't looking. I too know what it's like to be in love, and fortunately for the two of you, you both clearly are accepting what you feel for each other. Thus, you've given into what you feel for one another, and I'm glad to see that."

"You said that fortunately for us," I began. "It sounds like things haven't worked out for you?"

"No," he said. "Since it looks like Omri's going to be asleep for a little while longer, I might as well tell you a bit of my story."

"Thanks, but before you begin I don't want you to tell it if it would make you uncomfortable," I said.

"Thanks," he answered. "I appreciate that, but I'll be fine. I've had several years of therapy to help get me passed the worst of it.

Shortly before Omri was born, I was outed to our mom by our dad. He hated gays. He always told me he'd kill me if he ever found out I was one of them. He was no stranger to beating me, as well as verbally abusing me. Then when I turned 12, he came in my room one night after he came home a little less drunk than usual. I had awoke when I heard the last few seconds of my mom screaming at my dad to get out of their room since he was drunk. I figured that like usual it was about him wanting sex from her.

That always happened when he came home drunk from the bars, and most nights she'd give in. That night was the third one on which she stood her ground. I lay there listening as the door slammed to their room, and he came towards my room. It was dark in my room, and when he opened the door the hall light was still on.

I could see him standing in the doorway, and seeing his shadow in the doorway like that scared me, but I wasn't sure why. He came in closing the door, and he shoved me aside, and sat down on the bed. I asked him what he was doing, and he said that my mom wasn't doing her wifely duties. I knew what he meant. I wasn't stupid, and knew what sex was thanks to Health Class. I also knew about it because of sometimes hearing them at night, which wasn't a very pleasant experience. I don't mean it was scary or anything like that, but it was just something that I could have dealt without listening to."

He stopped for a moment running a hand across his face as if trying to wipe away something.

"That must have been a really hard time for you," I said feeling sad for the kid he had once been going through all that.

"It was," he answered. "I'm sorry though, I didn't intend to talk about all of this, and you're still young."

"I maybe soon to be 15, but innocent care-free childhood was taken from me years ago thanks to what I have gone through," I said. "There's not anything you'll tell me that would traumatize me, or I should say that it shouldn't fuck me up mentally anymore than what I've been through already. Sorry for the cussing by the way."

"No problem," he said. "Around here, I'm not really in to being the Profanity Police."

I smiled, and motioned for him to continue.

"After my dad talked about my mom not doing her wifely duties, I brushed it off until he pulled my covers off of me, and then quicker than I could anticipate, he had my shorts off and was removing his own pants and boxers. He told me to put my face in the pillow, and then he began.

He told me as he did it that he'd slit my throat if I ever told my mom what he was doing. Then once it was over, he left as if nothing happened. He fortunately did it without ripping anything back there, but I still could hardly understand what had just happened. I mean, I knew what he did, but the deeper part of my mind still couldn't grasp what had happened. It took a few days for me to fully get that the Son of a Bitch raped me. He did it a couple of nights later, and it would go on until a couple of weeks before I turned 14. At that point, he would hardly have anything to do with me save for when he would beat the hell out of me.

During those couple of years of him raping me, he would get even more hateful when screaming at me about anything I did or would do that seemed gay to him. His verbal attacks would get even more heated towards others who were gay, or who he perceived as such. My mom figured that he was just being his usual hateful self. She didn't stop him from saying the shit he did since she was just as Anti-LGBT as he was.

Finally, shortly before Omri was to be sent home from the hospital, my dad told me that I was out of the house. He gave me some crap about there being a good chance that I'd start looking at Omri in "That Way", so he couldn't have me around him. I think he was just projecting.

At that point, I was so sick of living there with all the abuse, dysfunction and fear, that I was glad to go. I caught a bus, and ended up in Sangger. I stopped at a restaurant and with the little money that my mom, who must have been in some sort of brain fog, decided to give to me, I ordered some food. The guy serving me noticed my state. I had been on the bus for almost two days. The bus had to make several stops at other, far out-of-the-way towns and cities before coming to Sangger. So, I hadn't had a shower in a couple of days. Even with the water I used to try to get my hair not to stick up, it was still sticking up on the side a little.

The waiter who was also the owner of the restaurant asked where I was from, and he was staring at me unblinking as if daring me to make up some bullshit story. I asked if there was a place we could go to talk, and he took me back to his office, and I told him everything. He called in his husband and they took me in. I started out being their foster son over the next several days, then after about two months, the adoption was finalized. I got along with them almost right from the start, though I had a lot of trauma to work through. They still live here, and they drop by a few times a month. I hope you get to meet them sometime.

Anyway, after working through most of the shit that I had been put through, I graduated from high school, and went to college to get my degree in Mental Health Counseling. I also tried several times to check on Omri and his welfare, but I was stone-walled at every turn. That was until he showed up here at my house back last year. I don't know how much of the story he told you about how he came to live here with me."

"He told me all of it," I answered as I struggled to take in everything that Chase had told me. "It's hard for me not to have the urge to kill all of those kids who did that to him, as well as your guy's parents for enabling the fucked-up situation that put him at risk for what happened to him. Not to mention what was done to you when you were a kid, Chase."

"I understand how you feel," he said looking closely at me. "I just hope that Omri can get some justice from the courts regarding what happened to him."

"I know you'll continue to be there for him, and that you'll support him through everything as he gets through the trial," I said.

"I will be," he said. "I know you'll be there for him through it all as well."

"I absolutely will be," I replied.

Once the coffee was ready, we continued talking as we sipped from our cups. I could tell just how much Chase loved Omri from how he talked about him, as well as how deeply he cared for those he counseled. I liked Chase when I met him, but my liking him grew deeper as we sat there talking, and he opened up to me about his story.

"Omri doesn't know about what I told you regarding the extent to which Larry abused me," Chase said after a pause in the conversation. "I'll tell him, but I'll do it here soon. He already has enough to deal with."

"I understand," I replied. "I won't say anything."

"Good," Chase responded. "Thanks."

"You're welcome," I answered.



I awoke, and I noticed that Deon wasn't in bed with me. I listened for a moment and heard voices coming from the kitchen. I could hear Deon and Chase talking, and I decided to get up at that point. I felt well-rested. I was ready to get the day started.

After putting on my t-shirt and basketball shorts I walked out to the kitchen. They were sitting there drinking coffee, and they turned their heads to face me.

"Well, after this third 70TH cycle, it has awoken once again to feed," Chase said.

Deon laughed, and I walked over to the coffee pot.

"Very funny," I said smiling at both of them.

After getting my coffee, I came over and hugged Chase, then Deon. Once seated at the table, we discussed ideas for breakfast that at this point would be Brunch since it was a little after 11:00 A.M. We decided on eggs, bacon, sausage and toast.

Chase got to work making the food while Deon and I helped with setting the table, and soon we were eating. We thanked Chase for the food and we all talked while eating our food. It continued raining outside, but it wasn't as hard of a downpour like it had been earlier. Once we finished our food, we helped Chase with cleaning everything up.

After we finished with all that, the three of us watched some TV in the living room. After we watched a little of a couple of music video marathons that weren't playing the best stuff, Deon and I agreed that Chase could see what else was on. After he looked through the other channels for a moment, his phone alerted him to an incoming text. He checked it, and said that he would have to go out for a bit. He told us that one of his coworkers needed help with a client who was in crisis. We said goodbye to him, and he let us know that he would be back when he could. After he left, Deon and I sat on the couch while the TV continued to play.

"I'm sorry for the circumstances that have taken Chase out of the house," I said. "I have a surprise for you though, so I think we should enjoy this time we have alone together."

"I can't wait to see what you have in mind," Deon replied turning to me as I shut off the TV.

Once in my room, I had Deon get naked, and I did the same. Once we were both on the bed, I moved over Deon, and had him get on his stomach.

"I'm going to give you a full-body massage if you'd like that," I said. "That's part of the surprise."

"That would sound really good," he replied looking back at me eyes full of interest.

"Good," I answered.

I began gently massaging Deon's scalp, and he was really enjoying that. I then moved down to his neck, and spent a while massaging him there. After a while, I massaged his shoulders, and all up and down his back.

"Oh man Omri!" he said softly. "This feels so good! I really like this!"

"I'm glad you do!" I said. "I love feeling your warm soft skin!"

"I love feeling yours as well!" he answered.

I then moved down to his butt where I massaged his cheeks slowly and very gently, then I did his thighs, legs and feet. After motioning for him to do so, he moved on to his back where I massaged his chest and stomach, then I moved between his legs.

"Here's the rest of your surprise," I said as I lowered my mouth to the head of his hard pulsing cock.

I began taking it inch by inch into my mouth, and Deon was moaning loudly in pure pleasure!

"Oh god Omri!" he yelled as I worked his cock into the back of my throat! "Fuck that feels so good! I didn't think it could ever feel as incredible as it does now! Fuck! That's so good!"

I sucked his cock for a few minutes, then removed it from my mouth so I could lick and suck on his balls which made him moan and thrash around on the bed. I licked up and down the underside of his cock which totally drove him crazy!

After a little more licking and sucking on his balls, I continued on with his blow job sucking up and down slowly at first, then speeding up when he told me to do so. It felt so good having his hot hard cock in my mouth! I also loved the intense musky smell coming from his balls, as well as the salty precum that was flowing into my mouth! It was the best feeling ever!

Deon's fingers were lightly running through my hair as I continued my sucking, then as we got deeper into it he was holding my head tightly as at this point he was thrusting in and out of my mouth! I loved his strength, and how he was practically fucking my mouth! It was making me feel like nothing else mattered but us and that moment! I was his at that point! I belonged to him, and I knew I could easily be talked into him out-right fucking me in that moment if he really wanted to! I was that consumed in the moment!

Soon he was thickening up in my mouth, and I sensed that he was getting close!

"Oh fuck Omri!" he yelled! "It's getting close now! I'm getting close! Here it comes! You're going to get a lot of my cream now! Here it comes my good little Cock Sucker!"

When he said that last part to me, I could have easily cum right then and there! I loved his dominance he was expressing at that moment!

He gave another powerful thrust as his hands held my head extra tight! I had completely surrendered to him at that point, and I could feel the first couple of spirts of cum flowing into my mouth!

"Fuck!" he growled as his seed continued filling my mouth! I swallowed it all down, and I loved its thick, creamy and salty taste! I could taste it all day!

Soon he was done coming, and he eased his grip on my head. I gently removed his softening dick from my mouth. After kissing both of his balls, I came up to where he lay and we shared a deep kiss, then a few tender ones.

"That was truly amazing Omri!" he said as he kissed my cheek. "I really love how good you did that!"

"I really enjoyed it as well!" I answered. "I didn't do that last night, and was glad to return the favor now."

"You definitely delivered," he said smiling.

"I'm glad!" I said.

We shared a few kisses, and then just lay there. I was gently caressing Deon's upper body, and he was doing the same with me.

"I'm still amazed at how smooth you are," I said. "Your skin is so silky!"

"Your skin is really nice and smooth as well," Deon replied.

"I like the small number of hairs you have growing on your arms," I said touching his arms. "I mean, it's definitely noticeable, but it's not such a heavy coating of hair. At least not yet anyway. It's really handsome."

"Thanks," Deon said. "I like how your arms are still smooth with hardly any hair on them. You're naturally smooth all over which I find really adorable and cute as hell!"

"I'm glad you like that," I answered.

It was nice, just laying there exploring each other's bodies like that. It felt like we were the only ones in the world at that moment, and I never wanted that moment to end. We did decide to get up and get ready for when Chase came home though. That was of course after we exchanged a few tender kisses.

After we showered again, we waited for Chase to get back. Once he was back, we went out to go bowling. Once we finished the game, we returned home and watched a couple of movies, then decided to get Mexican that night for dinner. I really enjoyed myself for the rest of the evening, and it truly was a nice weekend. I thought about all that when Deon and I got into bed that night and just held each other.

As I snuggled into Deon's embrace, I rested my head against his chest. We talked for a little while about how much we enjoyed the weekend together. We discussed our favorite parts which were the sexual moments we had. We also talked about how much we enjoyed the moments we spent watching stuff together, and how nice it was spending time with Chase. We kept the conversation light, and it was nice just to be with each other in that moment.

Soon though, we were running out of things to say, and I was growing more and more sleepy. I could sense the same thing with Deon, and we said good night, then kissed. We fell asleep a few minutes later wrapped in each other's arms.

Deon returned home that Sunday, and we had some time to cuddle in the morning before we had to be up. By the time he was pulling out of the driveway, I felt like our bond was one that could never be broken, not ever! I was more in love with Deon at that point than I could have ever been in love with anyone!

Author's Notes

I hope all of you enjoyed this chapter. I wanted to include the rest of Omri and Deon's weekend together. Their first one that is. I hope you guys all like the results of that. As for the next chapter, Omri learns more about Chase when Chase tells him about what their dad did to him all those years ago. You'll also see more about Tanner's part in the story, and what's going on with him. I hope you enjoy all of that as well.

Having said all that, I hope all of you have been doing well, and I'll see you all in Chapter 11.

Next: Chapter 11

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