Boy Traumatized

By James Heady

Published on Dec 1, 2022


Boy Traumatized By James


This is a story which deals with sexual as well as romantic situations between consenting teenaged males. This story will also deal with sexual assault, child abuse, Anti-LGBT Bigotry, Racism, Suicide, Ableism, Discrimination and other possibly sensitive topics. If you're unable to handle reading about such sensitive subjects, then back out of the story now. Also, if you're not of the legal age to read this type of story, then please find something else to read. Other than this, no additional Trigger Warnings will be given. Also, "Flame E-mails" will be ignored.

Please remember to donate to Nifty, as it's your donations that keep this as well as other stories and reading materials on the site free to the public.

Finally, if you enjoy what I write, and you like this story. Offer my e-mail address a ride home, and on the way back to its house, spend the ride chain-smoking cigars with the windows rolled up the whole way there, and blast Dubstep Music at full volume.

Thanks to K. for editing. K. started editing the last couple of chapters of Cole's Redemption before it ended, so I kept K. on to continue editing for this story as well. Thanks for that, and it definitely helps.


Omri Carter is 14 when he begins living a nightmare. Although he's in a friend group at his school in a small town where various minorities are at best tolerated, and at worst hated, Omri is just barely tolerated by his friend group. Eventually after he's outed at his school, he discovers that if he thought things were hard for him before then, they'll be getting much worse once his nightmare begins.

Things take a turn once Omri is sent to live with a long-lost brother who was disowned by his family, and who long-since fled the small town from which he had originated, and he ends up making a life for himself in the city of Sangger. Chase Carter is the long-lost brother to whom Omri is sent to live, and once at his house, it'll be a question as to whether or not he'll be able to trust Chase to be able to help him put his life back together.

Deon Christianson is also 14, but since he was 11 has lived with his adoptive family in the city of Sangger. Disabled from a horrible medical error on the part of a hospital who cared little for their patients in general, and Deon in particular, he comes in contact with the Christianson family a few months after he turns 11, and while he's still in the hospital, but a different one, where he has to learn to talk, feed himself again as well as learn how to rely on a wheelchair due to what had happened to him.

Eventually Deon is able to build a life for himself, and when he meets Omri Carter as well as a few friends Omri meets once starting school at Sangger High, he discovers how much he wants to get to know Omri.

Will Omri be able to break through his walls to be able to let Deon in? Will he be able to trust Deon enough to tell him his story? Finally, will they both be able to connect and experience a friendship and possibly more that could change their lives both for the better? Find out in Boy Traumatized!

Boy Traumatized


By now all of you who have read my stories know that I write about dark subjects. Specifically, I write about dark subjects with respect to how they affect kids in the LGBT Community, and the root causes of said problems. That will be no exception in this story as well, but I want to address a couple of things before we begin the story.

Obviously, I put a disclaimer at the beginning of every chapter of all of my stories as directed by Nifty's submission guidelines. I state that there might be issues such as child abuse, sexual assault and other dark subjects covered in the story, and at times even try to give a more in-depth warning if a specific chapter contains specific disturbing events. Things will be changing in this story concerning Trigger Warnings which is what we're really talking about when you get right down to it.

In my other stories, I've dealt with issues concerning sexual assault against kids. What I haven't dealt with though, was what really does happen after the attack. I've never dealt with what the victim goes through when the police may rarely believe them, or when they testify against their rapist. I've also not covered how defense attorneys can twist what the victim says thus adding to the victim's trauma. That will be changing here, and you're all going to get to see what happens with all of that. It'll be dark, disturbing and most likely hard to read. This is your first and only trigger warning, so if any of you don't feel like you can handle reading about these issues then don't continue any further. Other than the disclaimer specifying the various dark subjects being covered in this story, you won't get another warning.

Regarding additional trigger warnings, I put what might be covered in the disclaimer above. That's your trigger warning right here, and going forward as the story progresses. I'm doing it this way, because I choose to believe that for the most part people have a functioning intellect. If they're going to be reading an LGBT-related story, they should expect that at some point they'll be encountering certain events in which anti-LGBT bigotry is a problem. Tagging every part of the story almost to the point in which there's a trigger warning between every word of every sentence throughout the story is in my opinion unhelpful as well as could possibly cause the triggering reaction the warning is meant to prevent.

Having said all of that, I do hope that those who begin reading my story will continue reading, and will get something out of it. Enjoy.

James November: 2022


The potatoes were coming along nicely as they were stirred in the skillet. After being moved to a pot holder on the counter once cooled, Chase checked on the steak that was cooking in another pan on the left burner of the stove. Checking the meat, he was satisfied at how it was coming along. He then checked the bread that was baking in the oven, and it was almost finished, and then after looking at the corn cooking on another burner, he made sure that everything was continuing to cook away. Finally, he looked up to check the window over the sink.

He looked for a moment at where his brother Omri was coming into view after having gone for a walk, and he noticed after looking at the clock that the boy had been gone for almost an hour. Now he was back with about ten minutes to spare. Chase figured that Omri needed the time to himself. The boy had a lot to process, and sometimes he would talk with Chase, but other times he needed to be off by himself. Chase was glad that he was doing well with having alone time where he was doing something constructive as opposed to the alternative.

Omri had been living with Chase for almost eight months, and in the beginning the boy was barely able to open up about hardly anything more than what he wanted for lunch. Even then Chase would have to work hard to let him know he could open up. The place Omri was in at that time had been that bad, and even all these months later the boy still had a lot he was dealing with, and in another week, he would be starting at his new school which was Sangger High.

Chase figured that this was mainly why Omri had gone for his walk before dinner. He was sure that the boy was worrying about school starting up, and he hoped that he could be there for him in the coming days if Omri started having any panic attacks, which was something with which he dealt a lot of the time when first coming to live with Chase.

After lowering his gaze back down to the food that was finishing with cooking, Chase began getting plates, silverware and napkins set out on the countertops. He would have Omri set the table once he got back in the house.

Finally, Chase heard Omri's footsteps coming up the steps of the house, and then the door was opening. Chase turned to the right and watched as his brother entered the house, closing and locking the door behind him. He then came over to where Chase stood, and they hugged before Chase pointed to the plates, silverware and napkins sitting on the counter.

"Would you mind setting the table?" he asked.

"No problem," Omri answered, and began setting everything up. "Dinner smells really good."

"Good, I'm glad to hear that," Chase replied. "We're having Steak, corn, fried potatoes and dinner rolls."

"That sounds really good!" Omri answered as he came over to where Chase stood and helped with the finishing touches with dinner.

They ate with music playing in the background. They also talked about how Chase's day went at the office, and Omri talked about how he was making sure that he had the list of what he wanted for school supplies for which they'd go shopping over the weekend so that they'd have everything ready for when Omri started school in another week.

After dinner, Chase and Omri watched a couple of movies as they enjoyed doing after dinner a couple of nights during the week, then Omri eventually showered then got into bed while he and Chase talked for a little while, then after saying good night to each other, they shared a long hug and Chase closed the door to Omri's room and the boy fell asleep not too long after that.

Chapter 1

"I don't know how much longer I can keep going without a friend. I used to be able to do it very easily, but that was before I knew what having a friend was like." Stephen Chbosky The Perks of Being a Wallflower


Omri Carter

I awoke that Monday morning on that first day of school wide awake, but wishing that I could go back to sleep. I had enjoyed that last week of Summer Break I had off. Chase and I spent a lot of quality time together, and it was really nice to be with him, as well as spending time talking with him especially when I got nervous. I had been living with him since December of 2021, and for the past several months I was kept out of school while I attended counseling, as well as working on the paperwork that would allow for Chase to have full custody of me.

I was 14 when I came to live with Chase, and had turned 15 in February of this year. Chase was 30 at the time, and though he knew of me, and I of him throughout our lives he had never come around the family. I was told that I shouldn't have any contact with him, and our parents would tell him whenever he would call or whenever they would call him, that we were all doing fine without him. This also furthered the gap between Chase and I, and although I didn't totally believe much of what our parents had said about Chase, I still didn't have a reason to reach out to him. Many of the stories they told about him either among themselves when we were at family functions, or when they'd tell said stories to me sounded exaggerated at best, or completely fabricated at worst.

It sounded far more like they were trying to justify why they had disowned him, and that they were trying to poison everyone against him rather than tell people any truths about who he was. I felt sorry for Chase in a way, then I was practically forced on him without any warning from our parents, but more about that later.

The bottom line was that Chase saw me for the very first time when I was sitting on the steps of his house when he arrived home from work, which was on the second to the last day in November of last year when I told him I needed a place to stay, and that our mom and dad were making me leave the house. I told him everything regarding that while in the back of my mind wondering how I must have appeared to him as small as I was, and with my dark-brown hair and light-green eyes.

Fortunately, he took me in, and that was something for which I'd always be grateful to him. He and I really had gotten close as the months went by, and I was slowly beginning to trust him.

I thought about all of this as I showered, dressed then had breakfast with Chase. Once all that was taken care of, we were off and driving down the highway, and making what was turning out to be really good time. Finally, we pulled in to the parking lot of the school, and I saw that it was 7:30 A.M., and kids were already walking around the school yard, and many of them were huddled together in groups while a few of them stood off by themselves.

Looking at all those kids was making me nervous, and I felt my face get hot and flushed. I sat there trying to calm down, and Chase noticed and put an arm around my shoulders.

"Just remember to take it a moment at a time," he said. "If it gets to be too much, call me and we'll figure out what to do. If I need to come and pick you up early I will."

"Thanks," I replied and hugged him. "I think I'll be alright. I'll call you if anything happens though."

"Good," he answered. "I love you Omri."

"I love you too Chase," I said, then exited the car after making sure I had my school bag with me.

I watched as Chase drove off, and then I headed in the direction of the entrance of the school. My face wasn't as flushed now, but I still felt on edge, and I knew that it wouldn't take much for me to be sent in to a full-on panic attack. I hoped that this wouldn't be the case, and that I could get through today without any problems.

As I continued walking, I saw two kids headed in my direction. I looked and saw a blond girl with a black girl walking beside her. They were about as tall as I was which was about 5-1, but they looked like they could take down someone if they were in a fight. In other words, they looked really strong, and I hoped that this would be something that wouldn't work against me.

I stopped as they got closer to me, and the blond girl spoke first.

"Hi," she said. "It looks like you're new hear. I'm Megan."

"I'm Trisha," the black girl walking beside Megan added.

"It's nice to meet you," Megan went on.

"Totally!" Trisha added.

"Thanks," I said as I felt my face flush again, as well as my palms getting really sweaty. I wiped them on my shorts, but did it so that it wouldn't be a huge production before I shook both of their hands. "It's nice to meet both of you as well."

"This is our second year here," Trisha said. "We're both in the Tenth Grade."

"I'm in the Ninth Grade," I responded. "I've had to take the grade over again, but that's a long story for another time."

"No problem," Megan said. "We were going to go in to the cafeteria for a bit after getting our schedules. Would you like to join us?"

"Yeah, that sounds good," I answered. "Thanks."

"You're welcome," she said.

"Yeah, no problem," Trisha replied.

Once we got our schedules, we headed to the cafeteria, and sat down at a table nearest the windows. It was just the three of us at the moment, and they asked me more about myself, and I was telling them about how I lived in a small town up until December of this past year. I also told them about the other school I had been at before, but was careful to leave out some of the more problematic details about the place. As I continued talking, I was discovering that it was really easy to talk to these two girls. They really did seem nice, and I hoped that the three of us would become best friends.

After I stopped what I was saying, a guy was headed towards our table. He was tall, and looked like he was about 6-1. He appeared to be around 170 LBs with a lot of it being muscle. In other words, he looked like he could snap someone in half with one twist of his arms. He had black hair which was cut short, and dark-brown eyes.

He looked back at me for a moment, then looked at the girls sitting with me, and it looked as if he knew them already. My suspicions were confirmed when Megan turned to him.

"Here comes the Man of the Hour himself," she said smiling. "Hi Tanner."

"Hey," he said and I noticed that his voice was all man.

"Hey Trish," he added sitting down at the table next to me. This left Trish across from him, and Megan sitting across from me.

"I'm guessing that you just started here," he said turning to me.

He held out his hand, and I took it after a second's hesitation.

"I'm Tanner," he said. "It's nice to meet you."

"It's nice to meet you as well," I said as I shook his hand. "I'm Omri."

"Cool," he replied. "The girls and I have known each other since I started here back last year. I started here along with them, and we've been sticking together both in and out of school ever since."

"That's really good," I said watching all three of them. "I'm glad that you're all three such really good friends."

"We're really glad of that as well," Trisha replied.

"Absolutely," Megan agreed.

"Yeah," Tanner said. "So, what do you like to do for fun?"

He said that while looking at me.

"Mainly reading, as well as listening to music," I said. "I'm afraid I don't live the most exciting and adrenaline-junky kind of life around."

"That's no problem," he said smiling and putting a hand on my shoulder. "What kind of music do you like?"

"You probably wouldn't know the names of the groups," I said. "It's not Top 40 Radio stuff or anything like that. Mainly I like groups like Heilung, Wardruna and others."

"What kind of music do they do?" he asked seeming like he really was interested.

I explained the various experimental aspects to the two groups I mentioned. I also went on to explain where both groups were from with Heilung being made up of three members one who was from Denmark. The other member was from Germany, and the final one was from Norway. As for Wardruna, I explained that the members of the group are all from Norway.

"I'd definitely enjoy checking them out," Tanner said. "I'm not really into the usual Pop music that's popular today, so I would totally be interested in giving both groups a listen."

"I'd really like to hear both groups sometime as well," Trisha said.

"Me too," Megan added.

"I'm really glad to hear that!" I said truly glad that they were willing to be open-minded to checking out something I enjoyed.

I didn't mind people having different interests than I do, but I was worried at first about if they'd dismiss out of hand any interests I had. I got a lot of that back at my old school from my original friend group, and at the time I dealt with it as best as I could. It still would be hurtful deep down, but at the time, I ignored the remarks and how they made me feel. Hearing the kids making the cutting and sarcastic remarks was still hard to hear though, and now though it seemed as if things were starting to turn out different with these three kids appearing to be willing to give me a chance.

"Cool," Tanner said.

"Maybe we could all meet at my house sometime when we're all not busy," I suggested and waited to see what they'd say.

"That would be really nice!" Trisha said.

"I'd really like that as well!" Megan responded.

"So would I," Tanner added. "Just let us know where you live, and we'll be there."

"That sounds really good!" I exclaimed truly happy that they were wanting to spend time with me outside of school sometime!

"I'll also talk to Chase," I said. "That's who I'm living with currently. He's my brother, as well as my guardian. It's just me and him. Also, it's a long story as to why my living situation is like that."

"I'm glad to see that he's letting you live with him," Megan said. "It sounds like he's a really nice brother as well as a really nice guy."

"He is," I answered.

We talked a little more, then it was time for us to find our respective class rooms. Before we went our separate ways though, Megan stopped me with her hand on my shoulder, and I turned to face her.

"I was wondering if you'd like to eat lunch with us today," she said. "I'm not about to touch the trash they call food here at the cafeteria, and fortunately they allow us to go off school grounds for lunch. Trisha and Tanner always would join me for lunch last year, and they're probably going to be there as well if you decide to take me up on the offer for today."

I smiled, and I could see from the look she gave that she was really hoping I'd come with her that day. I was beginning to trust her even more at that point.

"I'll be there," I replied. "Thanks, that's really sweet of you to offer to invite me to lunch."

"I was happy to offer," she said as she squeezed my shoulder. "You're really nice, and I can already tell that we'll get along really good."

"I think so as well," I answered. "You're really nice too."

"Thanks," she replied smiling back.

"No problem," I said.

We then went our separate ways, and I went to Math which was unfortunately my first class for the day. Once I entered the room, I took a seat at the front of the room next to one of the windows. It was a desk big enough to seat two people, and I wondered if I'd have a desk mate.

The room began filling with students, and they were all talking, and as the teacher came in who was a tall blond woman who looked like she was in her mid-thirties, I wondered if the room was full now. The teacher sat down, and I looked at the clock and saw that we had about five more minutes before everyone was supposed to be in class officially for the day to actually start.

I went back to making sure that the appropriate books were out on my side of the desk, as well as my laptop being set up and turned on. As I opened a word document, I saw movement out of the corner of my eye as the door to the class room opened, and someone was coming in. When I looked up, I saw that it was a boy, but rather than walk, he was wheeling himself into the room in a wheelchair, and he had a book bag on his lap.

The boy went up to the teacher, spoke quietly with her for a moment then handed her a piece of paper. She handed him a couple of sheets of paper, then he looked around the room seeing what I had already saw which was that the whole room was full in terms of desks being occupied. That left only my desk, and now he was wheeling himself towards me. I motioned for him to join me, and he did so.

As he wheeled himself up to where I sat, I studied him and saw that he looked like he was built really powerfully in his upper body. He looked like he stood possibly six feet, but it was hard to say with him sitting. He had bright-red hair and deep-blue eyes that were a shade of deep-blue that captivated me immediately! He was also clean-shaven assuming he had even started shaving, and he had what looked like really muscular arms.

He closed the distance, and I had to really tear my gaze away from him, as I figured that I had been staring too long, but when I looked again, he didn't seem to have noticed me staring at him for a short moment or otherwise. Now he was stopped, and I watched as he took hold of his bag.

"Hey, is it alright if I sit here with you?" he asked.

His voice was youthful, with a hint of man starting to creep into it. It did have a slight slurred quality like someone who had recovered from a stroke, or who had a disorder like Cerebral Palsy. I fell in love with his voice immediately, but worked hard to ignore those feelings. I then had to fight extremely hard to stay in the moment so that I didn't go into my own thoughts.

"Uh, yeah," I said suddenly feeling my mouth go dry.

I picked up my water bottle and took a big drink of it, then set it down. I then watched out of the corner of my eye as he wheeled up to the empty space beside me, and I flipped through my math book trying not to openly stare at him.

"Thanks for letting me share your desk," he said quietly leaning towards me as the class began quieting down as the teacher motioned for silence.

"You're welcome," I whispered back turning to look at him.

When my eyes made contact with his deep-blue eyes once again, my heart felt like it skipped about a million beats! My insides fluttered and I felt like about several thousand butterflies were flying around in there, and my mouth felt dry again.

I fought for control again, and as I reached for my water once more, the boy was watching me intently not taking his eyes off of me for a moment, and I figured that he was picking up on how I was feeling. I hoped not though.

The teacher, whose name was Mrs. Smith, gave us the assignment, and said that we could work with a partner, and the boy put a hand on my arm and I felt electricity shoot through me as if I was being electrocuted! I tried to remain still, and I made my head turn to face him again.

"Did you want to work with me?" he asked.

He leaned in close again when he spoke, and I could smell his breath which smelled like some sort of meant candy.

"Y'''Y'''Y'''Yeah, I'd like that," I said.

"Cool," he replied then removed his hand from my arm. "By the way, I'm Deon. It's nice to meet you."

"Cool, and I'm Omri," I replied as I held out my hand, and he took it immediately. "It's nice to meet you as well."

That electric shock was more intense as it felt like it was slamming into me all over at this point when our hands made contact! His hand was large and silky-soft! I never knew that hands on another boy could feel like that, and I never wanted to let go of his hand!

We shook hands, then with an effort as if he didn't want to, he let go of my hand, and part of me was reluctant to have the physical contact between us broken, but I ignored that as hard as I could.

After we got through the lesson, Deon leaned towards me close enough so that I could feel his arm pressing up against mine as he half-whispered to me when the teacher said we could all talk quietly for the last ten minutes of class.

"Did you really understand any of what we just learned?" he asked smiling.

"Not a word," I replied as we both did our best to keep our laughter down to a low volume.

"I'm glad you understand," he said. "1+1 I can do, and a few other things, but all this solve for X crap is total Bullshit as far as I'm concerned. Like solve for X, what the fuck does that even mean?"

We laughed again at that, and then I checked the schedule as Deon did the same.

"It looks like we have all of our classes together," I said.

"Yeah, you're right," he said looking at his schedule again closer this time. "That's really cool, and I'm glad about that."

"Me too," I replied.

We moved on to English Class, then to History Class then to science, after which was time for lunch. Deon and I worked separately on the work assigned, but turned to each other for help whenever one of us needed help with something unless it was confusing enough so that we would have to ask the teacher. It was all going good with the classes, as well as with working along-side Deon, and he was turning out to be a nice guy, but I could tell that he definitely had a toughness about him that if I thought too long about it seemed like it could border on outright acidic humor or caustic and sarcastic comments. I got the feeling that he was really good at being good with a come-back if anyone talked shit to him and I'd find that out at lunch once the End of Class bell rang.

Out in the hallway I met up with Megan, Trisha and Tanner with Deon wheeling himself beside me. I had asked him if it was alright with my three other friends, if he would like to join us for lunch. Now I asked them, and they immediately agreed. I was glad to see that it was settled, and we went to one of the restaurants close by the school.

We decided on a place that had wings, burgers and other foods. Once seated at one of the extra long tables with one of the chairs taken away so that Deon could wheel himself up to the table, we all looked at the menu. Tanner sat in between Trisha and Megan with Megan on his left, and Trisha on his right. He sat across from me, and Deon sat beside me to my left.

After deciding on drink orders, then figuring out our food orders, we all sat the menus on the edge of the table, and Deon began talking.

"Thanks for inviting me to lunch," he said.

"You're welcome," I replied. "I'm really glad that the others agreed for you to join us, and I'm certainly glad you took me up on the offer."

"So am I," he responded.

"So, you're getting hot wings?" I said as I looked at Deon who was holding his gaze on me.

"Yeah, they're one of my favorites," he replied.

"I like them as well," Tanner added. "I can't say that I liked those Fried Macaroni Bites that were on the appetizer list though. I'll give those a total skip."

"You don't like Mac and Cheese?" Deon asked looking at him.

"No," he said. "I'm not in to noodle based dishes at all. I don't care what kind of dish it is. If it's got noodles in it, don't give it to me."

"Yeah, I'm not much into stuff like that either," Deon responded. "It's probably because my bio family when I still lived with them had Spaghetti almost every fucking Sunday night for dinner then would have left-overs for Monday and Tuesday nights as well. Then there's the fact that my bio dad when we had Mac and Cheese loved putting ketchup on his."

"Oh god, that's something I'll have nightmares about for years to come," I said, and it really did sound disgusting!

Trisha and Megan agreed, and Tanner smirked.

"I could cook up some Mac and Cheese with Ketchup for you sometime," he said. "Maybe you didn't try it enough times. So, I invite you to check it out again."

"Yeah, and I'd invite you to suck my dick," Deon said smirking back.

We all burst out laughing, and I couldn't believe he had just said that.

"Yeah bro, thanks," Tanner said laughing. "I don't go that way, but I appreciate the offer. No problem with guys who do that though."

"Good to hear that you have no problem with LGBT guys," Deon said as he took a drink of his Coke that had just arrived with our other drinks.

As I took a long drink of my own Coke, I replayed in my mind what Deon had just said as a retort to Tanner's joke. I still couldn't believe he had just said that, and he said it so casually!

Our food arrived shortly, and we talked as we ate. I learned that Megan was the only child in her family, and that she was 16. Her dad was an owner of a construction crew that operated throughout the city of Sangger, and that her mom was a doctor at Sangger University Hospital.

Trisha's dad was a cook at one of the restaurants that was close by her house, and her mom was a Nurse at the same hospital where Megan's mom worked. Trisha was 15, and soon to be 16, and she had an older brother named Shane who was away at Sangger University studying to be a music teacher for elementary kids.

Tanner was 15, and his mom and dad were both doctors at the hospital, and he was an only child.

As for Deon, he said that he had been adopted by the Christianson family back when he was 11 years old after he suffered a medical mistake the year before, and his bio parents could no longer take care of him. He said that he was the only child first in his bio family, and the same for his adoptive family. That's all he said, and we all got the sense that he didn't want to say more, at least not yet anyway.

I then asked Deon what kind of music he liked, and he told me that he loved Metal. Up until that time I hadn't paid much attention to Metal music, and didn't really like much of it, especially the screaming and aggressive kinds. I did like a little Night Wish, and some Sonata Arctica, but that was about it. I told all this to him, but I did it in a way that wouldn't disrespect the fact that he liked most music from the genre.

"I can understand that," he said. "What kind of music do you like?"

I told him what I told Tanner, Trisha and Megan earlier that morning.

"I'll definitely have to check out those groups, especially Heilung," Deon said sounding totally excited. "I hate a lot of the usual Top 40 crap people play on the radio these days, and that's partly why I listen to Metal is so I can get away from that shit. The groups you mentioned definitely sound like they would really be my thing."

"I'd love to have you over sometime so you can check them out," I said. "I already extended an invite to Tanner, Trisha and Megan so there's one for you now as well."

"Thanks!" he replied. "I'd really enjoy that!"

"Me too," I said.

Our three other friends agreed, and I let him know that I'd talk to Chase about it, and he said he'd ask his parents about it then get back to me.

"Sounds good!" I answered.

Soon we finished our food, and it was time to head back to school. Once back, we continued on with the day, and the rest of the afternoon went really well. It seemed like it flew by, and it was time for us all to go home.

After I said goodbye to Tanner, Trisha and Megan, I went to my locker and as they got ready to turn to leave, they saw Deon wheeling towards us. They said goodbye to him as well, then that left just the two of us. We both retrieved our respective things from our respective lockers then went outside where I would be waiting on Chase to come and pick me up.

Deon said that he would be waiting on his parents to pick him up, and when I offered to keep him company until our respective families showed up, he accepted without hesitation!

We sat on a bench under a couple of trees which provided us plenty of shade. The location faced the parking lot which was nice since we could both simply look up to see if any cars were coming at any point. When I sat down, Deon parked his wheelchair beside the bench on which I sat at the end of.

"I'd say that today was a really nice first day of school," I said. "It certainly wasn't what I was expecting."

"What were you expecting?" Deon asked as he looked directly at me.

"I guess I was expecting to be ignored and not have very many people talking to me," I said. "It was kind of like that at my other school I was at last year."

"I'm sorry to hear that," he answered. "It was similar in my old school as well. A lot of kids didn't really talk to me, and only a few said hi, but most ignored me so I was alone a lot of the time. If any kids interacted with me for longer periods of time, it was only to do a class project where they had to work with me. Otherwise, I was on my own as I said."

"Thanks," I replied. "I'm sorry to hear about what you went through as well. That must have been really hard to deal with."

"You're welcome," he said. "And thanks, it really was. I just hope that you, Megan, Trisha, Tanner and I can all become really good friends."

"So do I," I said.

"I especially hope that you and I can become really close friends as well," he went on. "You seem really nice."

"Thanks," I answered feeling my face turning what was probably a really deep shade of red. "I hope the same for you and I as well. You also seem really nice."

"Cool," he said. "Before we go, would you mind giving me the names of those groups you mentioned earlier. They were the music groups you talked about earlier today."

"Oh yeah, I said. "You mean Wardruna, and Heilung?"

"Yeah, those are the ones!" he said.

I spelled them as he wrote them down, and he told me that he would be checking them out later that night, and I was really excited to hear that.

As we sat there continuing to talk, I was finding myself looking straight at him as he spoke, and it was as if I couldn't take my gaze away from his eyes, and he was clearly feeling the same way about me as well. Then as I finished talking, our eyes locked for a long time, and only when a car's engine sounded as it approached where we were sitting did our eyes break contact. When I looked straight ahead, I saw that it was my brother, and I told Deon who it was.

Once parked, Chase exited the car, and he approached us. I introduced the two of them. They shook hands, and after Chase agreed that Deon could come over sometime soon, I shook hands with my new friend and had a really hard time separating our hands, and a far harder time breaking eye contact with him. He said he'd call me once back home since we had exchanged numbers during the course of our conversation. After I said I'd look forward to his call, Chase and I got in the car and were off. It had truly turned out to be an amazing first day in more ways than one!

Author's Notes

As with my other stories, sex will be slow in coming for this story. When it does happen, I hope all of you enjoy it. As for Deon and Omri, I hope all of you enjoy seeing how things go in the next chapter as they hang out for a longer period of time outside of school. There will also be more interactions between Omri and his and Deon's three other friends as well, so I hope you all enjoy seeing how that goes.

All that being said, I hope you're all doing good. Also, I hope all of you are having a good day, and I'll see you guys in Chapter Two.

Next: Chapter 2

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