Boy Pussy

Published on Oct 27, 2022


Boy Pussy 2

Boy Pussy 2

A month has passed. I walk into Cupid's shop. The big pink sign is hanging over the door with Cupid's Bow over it. Cupid is arguing with one of the customers. The boy loves to argue. It is something petty. It's always something petty. I think he left a seam out of a girl's dress. I make my way to the back to take a look at the work that I need to get done for the day. I have to order fabric for three different dresses. There is a big fashion show in Atlanta in a few weeks and a customer want to look nice when they attend. Everyone knows why. Storm Underwood was hosting the fashion show for a bunch of local designers. Everyone had to look perfect for a Storm Underwood event.

I'm in the back looking at the fabrics when I get the text.


It's Storm. I smile at my phone.


I wait patiently. My heart skips a beat every time Storm texts me. He is so busy but he finds the time to text back so quickly.

His next reply makes my heart melt.


“What the hell are you smiling about?” Cupid asks walking into the back, “Don't tell me Storm is texting you...again?”

“He's back in town,” I tell Cupid, “He's been gone for like a month hosting parties in Dubai. I'm just excited that he's back. We haven't really gotten a chance to hang out since that one night at the club.”

A month has passed since the night that I hung out with Storm. It wasn't the last time I had heard from him though. Storm and I talk constantly. All day. I've never been this close to someone in my life. We text all throughout the day and Storm always made sure he called me before the night ended. Just hearing his voice made my heart get all crazy. I felt like a young dumb motherfucker for feeling the way that I did.

Cupid smiles, “Speaking of Storm...”

Cupid has some of his tea. He takes a sip of it. I know my best friend. I knew that he had something up his sleeve.

“You talked to Malachi didn't you?” I ask him.

“Your cousin came up here earlier,” Cupid explains to me, “He told me about the Pink Pill. What the fuck are you waiting for?”

“How the hell do you even know that shit works?” I ask Cupid.

Cupid is more excited than I thought he would be. Malachi hadn't shut up about the pink pill since the night I hung out with Storm. I figured Malachi came up here specifically because he knew getting Cupid involved was a recipe to force the situation. Cupid wouldn't let this shit go. Cupid's last name might as well have been Extra because that was all he was. He was one EXTRA individual.

“Malachi is like the black Dexter?”


“Dexter's Laboratory,” Cupid states shaking his head, “Remember that time I had to help out in Fashion week. Malachi gave me that pill that had me up for an entire week. That boy is like the ghetto Da Vinci. You need to take that pill and flirt a little.”

“I like my relationship with Storm.”

“You've been permanently friend-zoned. You can't possibly like that,” Cupid says, “Take the pill and see what it does.”

“If you like the pill so much why don't you take it.”

“Oh hell naw. I've learned my lesson from taking your cousin's shit,” Cupid explains, “I mean. It might work for you. I just have a low tolerance.”

“I'm not going to be Malachi's guinea pig.”

“Not even for one night with Storm. ONE night?”

I pause for a moment. The idea was so intriguing. There were so many things that could go wrong. What if the pill didn't work? What if it did? What was to guarantee that Storm would like whatever I became?

“It's not right,” I finally say.

“What do you mean it's not right?”

“Tricking him. Leading him on. That shit ain't right.”

“Trannies do it all the time.”

“I'm not a tranny. This is something different. I'm pretending to be someone I'm not.”

“You say that you have a connection with Storm? Prove it. I dare you. If you really do have a connection like you say you do, then how the fuck are you fooling him? It should be more than just the physical right.”

The bad part of this is that Cupid actually was making a little sense and it was scaring me. I didn't like the idea that Malachi told him what happened.

“Drop it Cupid.”


“DROP IT YO,” I respond. Seriously.


The next day is the weekend. I have off. I knew what this meant. I get out of the shower. I let my cats out into the living room. I look in the mirror.

I look at my reflection.

I was attractive. I was muscular. My body was toned. I spent a lot of time in the gym and back in the day I used to play football. There were ton of gay guys that found me attractive. The problem with gay guys was that they weren't my type. Straight guys weren't really my type either. Well. Not all of them. I just had one type. Storm Underwood.

I touch my neck, imagining it was storm.

I get lower...grabbing onto my dick through the towel. I squeeze on it.

I let out a deep moan, “Ahh...”

My body shivers as I close my eyes and imagine him. I imagine those big lips. I remember how his breath smells when he spoke to me in the car. I remember how his hands felt when they slightly brushed up against me. I remember the way the heat from his body. I remembered the small area in his crotch where his jeans curved upward making room for his man meat.

I wanted his man meat in me.

I find myself laying on my bed. The towel comes off and my legs go up. My asshole is facing the ceiling.

“Kiss me...Storm...”

I imagine him pressing his lips up against mine. I'm so wet. My asshole is dripping. I bring my leg up further. I wrap it around my head. I'm really flexible to say the least. My finger enters my asshole. It goes deep in there. I shake it around. A second finger enters. A third finger. I imagine that Storm must be that big. He has to be that big. He's a storm. His dick probably pulsates when he fucks someone. That's why every girl that has ever had sex with Storm comes into the Cupid's Bow and brags about it. Years later, I hear them always gossiping with Cupid. They say they have moved on. They are happy now. But their new boyfriend still isn't Storm Underwood.

No man could ever be like him.

In and out. I'm finger fucking myself. In and out. My asshole makes hard slurping noises. I jerk my dick all the while, spitting on it because I'm too lazy to get my lube.

It feels so amazing. It's so wet. I want him so bad.

All of a sudden the door swings open!


It's Malachi. I'm freaking out. I jump under the covers as my cousin breaks out into a nervous laughter. He turns around but it's too late. I'm already embarrassed. He already caught me in the most awkward situation.

“Listen, it's OK,” Malachi responds, “Masturbation is normal. I'm not judging you.”

“Get the hell out, Malachi.”

“I know you're mad right now. It's understandable. I wasn't trying to piss you off.”


“If I leave right now then who the hell is going to tell you that you have a visitor at the door.”

I'm confused. No one really came to visit me. Cupid hardly came over because he was allergic to the cats. I had no idea who the fuck was over here. I'm a little bothered to be honest.

“Who?” I ask.

“It's Storm. I let him in.”

“Storm? What the fuck?” I ask, “Go entertain him for a second.”

“I'm not entertaining him. I don't even like him. You know that me and him fell out years ago,” Malachi responds, “You go entertain him. That's your guest.”

Malachi was being selfish which usually wasn't a Malachi thing to do. I grab some jeans, skipping the underwear. I grab a shirt but don't even have time to put it on before rushing towards the door, realizing I need to check the mirror, running back to check myself in the mirror and finally running into the living room.

I find Storm squatting down. He looks sexy. Sexy is an understatement. The boy has on some tights. He's shirtless. He's dripping sweat. He has some earphones in his ear. As I watch him from the back I can see the fat curve in his ass. He has the fattest muscle booty I had ever seen in my life. I didn't get how it was possible for a man to have a booty like that. I mean Storm's booty was the thing gods were made up of.

He is holding one of my cats. He picks the cat up and strokes it.

“I love stroking pussies,” he says.

He looks me dead in my eyes when he says it. Our eyes connect. I don't expect Storm to be here but looking at him now I realize that this man is perfect. The sweat is dripping down his chest. It's clear he'd been working out. His nipples are perky and big. His tights fit him perfectly. They wrap around his muscular thighs. Then there is the bulge in his tights.

Lord have mercy.

The bulge of the gods! I had enough material to jerk off to Storm for a week.


“I'm joking. I love cats. I didn't know you were a cat person,” Storm says at that moment.

I shrug, “Never liked dogs.”



Storm laughs, “Man me too. Dogs are so needy. Cats are the perfect pets. They take care of themselves. They are smart too. Too smart to do tricks. I've always preferred cats. I should have known we had that in common. We have everything else in common.”

I laugh. It's nervous. Storm puts down one cat and picks up the others. I could watch him play with my pussies all day. He looked so perfect doing it.

“Not that I'm complaining, but what are you doing here?”

“I was in the neighborhood. I ran all the way from Buckhead where I live. I decided to come over and check you out since I was back.”

Buckhead was miles away. I could never run that. I couldn't even dream of running that. This was Storm though. Storm Underwood. He could run 5 miles without breaking a sweat. That was just the kind of person he was. He was just a MAN.

“How did you know where I lived?” I ask him.

Storm licks his lips. He laughs and raises his thick, perfect eyebrows, “I'm stalking you...”

My heart skips a beat. Our eyes are connecting. I can't take it. My heart is beating so fucking fast as he looks at me. I don't know how to handle this.

“You, you are?” I ask him.

“No bro. I ain't stalking you,” he responds with a laugh, “What the hell? I was joking. I actually just ran into your homeboy Cupid a few blocks up and he told me where to find you.”

Cupid could have at least sent me a text to warn me. He could have at least told me beforehand. I could have cleaned up. I could have made things a little neater. I could have sprayed some Febreze or some shit in this bitch. If it stunk in here, Storm either didn't notice or didn't care. He has a smile on his face. It's the sexiest smile ever. Why the fuck did this boy's smile look like it belonged in someone's Colgate commercial.

I hated it.

“Now that you found me...” I start.

I want to ask him what he wants but I think it may sound too rude so I just let the words hang in the air somehow.

“Feel like going out for a run with me?” he asks me.


We are running longer than I like to admit. For some reason it's enjoyable though. We run through the park down a long trail. The trail is beautiful. Nature is all around us. All I see is Storm's beautiful physique next to mine. The way that he stares at me every few minutes makes my heart pump harder. It's almost like he just wants to make sure that I'm OK. The longer we go the more I feel like I want to take a rest but I keep pushing on.

“You're doing great. I usually try to go running with my homeboys but they hate this shit,” he states shaking his head, “They only want to go to the gym to keep in shape.”

“That's boring,” I respond.

“That's what I say,” he responds shaking his head, “Get out of my head man.”

I wanted to get in his head. I also wanted to get in his bed. I smile innocently back at him and shrug.

“Great minds think alike,” I respond trying to keep up with him, “Honestly I love nature. I said that my dream house to live in would be a cabin on a mountain.”

Storm looks over at me, “Quit playing. Seriously? Me too yo! I swear to god. I've actually spent the last three months looking for property in the mountains! How the fuck do we have that shit in common too? This is crazy!”

Storm gets so excited every time he finds out that we have something else in common. It's a little weird. I have to admit it. We literally have too many things in common. Every day we find out something else we have in common. We had the same taste in music. We both loved Kanye West and felt that he was our favorite artist even though he was a little misunderstood. We both were terrified of spiders. We both hated bananas.

“The world is so beautiful. My grandma used to tell me a quote. She said that she wished that her eyes could take photos.”

“I like that. You close to your grandmother?”

“She's my favorite person in the world,” I respond.

“I love my grandmother too,” Storm tells me, “She speaks in poetry it seems like. Wisdom like that is hard to find. I feel bad. I've been so busy I haven't had the time to reach out to her.”

It's strange he says he's too busy, but Storm makes the time to talk to me all day. I wonder at that moment if he is sacrificing his work to talk to me. I don't know whether to appreciate it or feel guilty about it.

“You should reach out to her. When someone loves you, you have to love them back. That's what my grandmother says.”

“I need to meet her one day. She sounds amazing.”

“She actually stays close to here... just at the end of this road. She's amazing. When my mother found out I was gay she sort of stopped talking to me. Not my grandmother though. When everyone stopped loving me, she loved me harder. I don't know what I would do without her. I don't know where I would be. There's nothing like a grandmother's love man.”

Storm smiles, “Tell her I said thank you...”

“For what?”

“For making you into the person you are,” he explains to me.

There is a silence. I whisper something off the wall and weird. I think it comes out as, “I guess.” I'm not sure though. I'm in my mind. I'm in my feelings. Here is a guy who finally sacrifices everything to give me time and goes out of his way for me.

And he's straight.

“Can I ask you something...personal?” I say out of nowhere.


I sigh, “Have you ever thought about being with a guy?”

I don't know how forceful it sounds for me to ask this. I don't know if he would be offended by the question. Storm isn't offended though. He laughs about it. I can tell he doesn't take this too serious at this moment.



“No. I could never date a guy,” he responds to me, “I mean, some guys are aight. I guess. You know. Good looking. Or whatever. But there is something about a woman. The curve. How soft she is. The way she moves. Her femininity. That's what turns me on.”

“I get it.”

It hurts but I should have known this already. I just lower my eyes to the ground and continue to run. We are coming to the end of the trail.

“Can I ask you a personal question?” he asks out of nowhere.


“You single?”

“Yeah. Why?”

“That's so weird to me,” he responds shaking his head, “These gay guys are dumb as fuck. I thought it was just us straight guys that didn't know a good thing when we saw it. You are perfect. Everything about you. You're a fucking dream yo. You know that right?”

I know he is probably just being a nice dude. He's probably just being cool. Still I overreact. I trip. I bust my ass hard on the floor and find myself tripping down the path. I'm fucking tumbling like a fucking idiot. I feel so fucking dumb by the time I hit the bottom of the trail. My ankle hurts and I'm wincing in pain.

He comes up to me. He grabs me at that moment and helps me.

“You OK?” he asks me.

“It's not broken. Just sprained it...”

“Can you walk?”

“Not really...”

“Here. Let me help you,” he states grabbing me.

It doesn't take any effort at all for Storm to pick me up and hold me in his arms. He's so fucking strong. It's ridiculous how strong he is. I'm a masculine guy. I like to think of myself as a real man, regardless of if I was gay or not. Right now I felt vulnerable but it felt OK. I felt OK because I was with Storm. He holds me close.

I look in his eyes the whole way. I don't care if Storm is straight or not. Every day, every minute, every second I knew of his existence I fell deeper and deeper in love with him.

Storm called me a dream. The truth was Storm was a lullaby.


We arrive at my grandmother's house. We knock on the door. When she comes to get us she seems a little confused. I watch my grandmother actually dig in her blouse, pull out her glasses and starts examining the man who is not her grandson.

“Hallelujah,” she says shaking her head violently and raising her hand to the heaven, “Praise the Lawt, everybody. I said the praise the LAWT. Everybody.”

My grandmother has laid her hands directly on Storm's biceps. I can't help but to get red in the face when she does it. I know exactly what she is thinking.

“Is” Storm asks.

My grandmother is staring at his muscles and I can tell she is feeling very much blessed. Like I said. I wouldn't have been the person I was if it wasn't for my grandmother.

“She just caught the holy spirit that's all,” I respond, “Grandma. Step out of it. GRANDMA!”

“Oh hey baby. I ain't even see you there,” my grandmother said, “Come on in. And what blessing have you brought with you today.”

“This is Storm. He's my friend. He helped me. I hurt my ankle in the park.”

“Storm? Yes. I see that. Isaiah said Behold, the Lord has one who is mighty and strong; like a storm of hail, a destroying tempest, like a storm of mighty, overflowing waters, he casts down the earth with his hand. Yes. Storm. I love it. Come on in Storm? You thirsty baby? Let's get you boys some lemonade. The lord has been good to me today.”

We get in the house. My grandmother can't take her eyes off of Storm. I can't help it either. The two of us are sitting in my grandmother's kitchen like two perverts not being able to keep our eyes off of Storm.

“A little lower baby,” my grandmother tells storm,” I could have sworn I had a med kit somewhere in there...”

“Here ma'am?” Storm asks.

Storm gets lower. He's flexing as he reaches. Every muscle is showing. I reach over and give my grandmother a high five for giving us this perfect view of Storm as he bends over. My grandmother is smiling wide with her dentures.

“You know what, sugar, I just remembered,” my grandmother states at that moment, “It's upstairs love. In the guest bathroom. Be a dear and go grab it for me, mm kay?”

“Yes ma'am,” Storm says.

Storm is so sweet. You could tell he was raised right. My grandmother and I both tilt our heads and almost fall off our chairs watching Storm walk away. By the time he goes upstairs my grandmother raises her hand to the heavens.

“Praise the lord. For delivering much needed dick to my grandson. I knew those offerings I gave you last week paid off.”

“Grandma,” I respond shaking my head, “It's not what you think it is.”

My grandmother looks at me hard, “Oh that thing right there. That glorious man that walked through this door. That was a blessing. That is exactly what the fuck you needed in your life.”

“Grandma stop cursing. I told him you were a sweet old lady.”

“Fuck that. I don't know why the fuck you told him that bullshit ass lie for. I can't keep up this shit too much longer. What happens when you two get married.”

“That's the problem, grandma. He's straight.”

“Swear to god.”

“I swear.”

My grandma shakes her head, “Hold on. Well baby I don't know what to tell you. You shit out of luck. I can tell you one thing grandson. I love you and I will not let this blessing go to waste. I got you. Lemme go find my good bra.”

“Grandma. Be serious. I'm in love with a straight man.”

“I can see why...”

“Grandma! Seriously. I don't know what to do.”

My grandma shakes her head. She finally gets serious. I know when my grandma gets serious when she pulls a cigarette out from her apron. Grandma doesn't even cook but she likes to wear aprons because she thinks a fine man is going to come to her door and she always wants to be prepared. She lights the cigarette and takes a moment. She is taking her time and I know it's probably because she sent Storm on a wild goose chase so that we can have some one on one time.

“You have a problem with love baby. You know that don't you. You use the word too loosely.”

“He is different, grandma.”

“He might be. Still be patient. What have I always told you. If someone loves you then you have to love them back. That goes the opposite way too. If you love someone then they have to love you back. That's how love works. You can't skip past it. You can't bullshit it.”

“It's complicated. He's straight.”

“That never stopped your grandfather from dabbling back in the day.”

“Grandma, seriously.”

She takes a long hard puff, “OK. My advice is simple. If it's complicated, then simplify it. Make him fall in love with you.”


“By whatever means necessary.”

Only my grandmother would say something like that.

“I can't force a man to love me. That's wrong.”

“Then you clearly aren't in love with him,” she tells me, “Maybe it's just a temporary flame. Not everyone in your life is meant to be permanent. Some people are scaffolding. They make you strong for a time. They support you as you grow. But like isn't until they are removed that you are at your best.”

“And if this isn't scaffolding? If this is love.”

“Then there is nothing you wouldn't do to get him. No sexual identity or gender would keep you away. Because baby...when you are in love there is nothing you wouldn't do to have it. That's how you know the difference between liking someone and loving someone. That's how you know the difference between temporary and permanent. That's how you know the difference between scaffolding and the foundation.”


It's late that night. He takes me home. Of course he takes me home. He's perfect. He's always been perfect. He's always been the gentleman that I always deserved to have. He stops me at my door.

“Your grandmother is the best,” he tells me, “For a moment though I could have sworn I saw a marijuana plant in her garden. I had to have been tripping.”

I get a little red knowing damn well my grandmother grew a lot of weed in garden.

I change the subject, “She likes you. She wants me to bring you around more.”

“Trust me. I'm not going anywhere. You're stuck with me,” he responds.

He smiles at that moment. The smile is so warm. It's so friendly. I feel so taken by him. He is the perfect guy with the perfect smile.

“I'd like that,” I respond.

“I'm serious man,” he tells me, “I know it sounds weird as fuck but for some reason I really like chilling with you. I couldn't wait to get back to the city. It had nothing to do with being back in Atlanta or hanging with my crew. I wanted to hang with you.”

“You did?”

“That probably sounds gay as hell, didn't it?” he asks.

“Nothing wrong with being gay,” I laugh.

He laughs back, “Good. I didn't want you to take it the wrong way. I think we are going to be really good friends. Never been friends with a gay guy before. Not that I'm homophobic. I always thought it would be weird.”

“Why would it be weird?”

“I know that sounds crazy right. It's not like every gay guy is supposed to be in love with me...”

I roll my eyes.

“Yeah. Ha. That's ridiculous.”

“Exactly. The best thing is though. It's not weird at all. It's...perfect. You know. I feel like I've known you all my life. And honestly I want to introduce you to the crew.”

I get nervous all of a sudden. I'd seen his friends at the club. The girl Savannah still gives me nightmares.

“I don't think I fit in with your friends.”

“You fit in with me. You are my friend.”

“I am?”

“Hell yeah,” he responds confidently reaching over and patting me on my shoulder.

If only he knew what a slight touch did to me, he'd rethink how weird our relationship was. I could tell that I was getting deeper in love with him and he was really starting to look at me as a good friend of his. Those were two different things completely though. It scared me. What happened when these two things didn't resolve?

I could see the heartbreak at that moment.

“I can't,” I respond.

I look at him. I can see that he seems confused. He looks like he wants to challenge me again. He looks like he wants to argue, but he doesn't. He just nods at that moment.

“Did I say something wrong?” he asks.

“No. It's not you. It's me. I'm just in a difficult place right now. I need to figure something out. I'll reach out to you soon though.”

That's when he does something weird. Storm pulls me in. At first I'm thinking it's one of those man hugs where we have our hands separating us. That's not what happens though. Storm gives me a real hug. It's real. It's short but it's tight. The emotion rushes through me. I never knew a hug could have such an effect.

“Don't keep me waiting too long,” he tells me before turning and leave.

I watch him walk the whole way back.

I am depressed and confused as I walk in the house. I hardly even pay attention to the fact that Malachi is doing some sort of experiment in my kitchen with a whole bunch of my cleaning supplies. I notice a slight explosion but I don't even care. The only thing I care about is Storm.

“I was going to clean this up,” Malachi starts automatically defending himself, “I figured you'd be out for a while longer.”

“It's fine.”


“Yeah,” I state shaking my head and looking at Malachi, “I made a decision about the pill.”

I head over to the bedroom. I come back with the bottle of pills that Malachi had. I take a pink pill out of the bottle. I look at the pill.

“What decision?

“The decision is yes.”

Malachi is shocked, “Are you sure?”

“Very sure. I need you to tell me. What happens when I take the pill?”

“The first time is harder than the others. How it works is that she takes over. She becomes you. You make decisions for her. You see everything she sees. You think everything she thinks. You feel everything she feels. For all intents and purposes, until the pill wears off you will be her...”

“Who is she?”

“She doesn't have a name. I designed her. In a lab. The perfect woman. I call her Lady...”


“All I have to do is swallow?”

I look at the pill. I'm nervous.

“All you have to do is swallow. That's it. Put it in your mouth. There you go. Just like that. Then swallow. See. That wasn't so hard was it?”

I swallow the pill.

Nothing is happening.

Nothing at all.

“Is this some sort of joke?” I ask him.

“Actually I'm not sure. You are the first human test. Normally it happens immediately. Maybe it's because this is the first time.”

“I'm the first human test? MALACHI! Why the fuck wouldn't you tell me that! Mala---Mal---Ma...”

It's hard to talk. My tongue is getting heavy. It's getting so heavy. All of a sudden the right side of my face goes completely numb. Did I just have a stroke? Soon I can't only not move the right side of my face but I can't move the right side of my body. I feel the numbness spreading slowly to my legs. My left leg is being effected now just like my right leg. All of a sudden both legs are collapsing underneath me. Both legs give way.

I fall and there is nothing.



I wake up. I breathe at that moment.

“Lady?” Malachi asks me.

Why the hell was he calling me that?

“It didn't work,” I tell Malachi.

Only it isn't my voice. This person that is speaking is someone else. Someone else completely. Her voice is soothing and low. I'm not alone in this body. There is someone else in me. Someone else completely.

Malachi hands me a hand mirror.

I'm shocked at the person looking back at me.

“It did work. See. Lady. That's who you are. Isn't it?”

Malachi is excited. He's beyond that. I don't want to reply. I'm too shocked. I can feel her in me. It's the oddest feeling in the world realizing that there is someone in your mind with you.

For some reason I knew her name.

“It's me. Lady Richardson.”

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