Boy Pussy

Published on Dec 15, 2022


Boy Pussy 13


"You can't be here," Storm says.

Lady doesn't seem to care. She walks into the apartment with this clear swagger about her. Seeing her is strange because for the first time I'm not seeing through her eyes. For the first time I see how everyone else sees Lady. She is confident and beautiful. However, as she approaches there is a clear vulnerability in her eyes. It's not the kind of vulnerability that makes you weak. Her eyes seem to make her look crazy.

Just from looking at her I can tell.

She's not all there mentally.

"That's now how you treat someone you called your soulmate," Lady responds.

"Get the fuck out of here."

Storm is forceful this time. He takes a few steps forward towards her in a forceful way. I think he believes that he is going to physically put her out. I can understand why he would choose to do that. If half the shit we suspect is true about Lady, then she was very dangerous. Too dangerous to be in this apartment with us.

He is grabbing Lady by the arm and pulling her out of the house but all of a sudden he stops. I'm not sure why at first.

Lady just says, "I'm not going anywhere."

And just like that he stops pulling her. That's when I see Storm put his hands up and take a couple steps back and I get a good look at what cause him to stop trying to kick her out.

Lady has a gun!

"Oh shit."

My eyes get wide at that moment. Lady pulling out a gun like that scares the fuck out of me. Lady stares hard at Storm and I'm scared for him. The look in her eyes tells me that this woman isn't the type of woman to let things go.

And she has scores to settle.

"Lady you don't have to do this," he says.

He's assuming the worse. He must know deep inside that Lady actually did kill Ivory. She was always evil and I'd spent so much fucking time helping her out.

"It took me a long time to remember certain things," Lady starts saying pointing her gun directly at Storm.

She steps forward with murder in her eyes. Storm looks at me. I look back at him. There is this look that things might not end well. Maybe we can both see the intention in Lady's eyes. She wasn't unsure about wanting to be here with this gun. Her confidence was what was scary. She knew she wanted to be here and she knew what she wanted to do.

Storm shakes his head, "You remember?"

"Everything. All I needed was a good friend to help do some investigative work and jog my memory. I loved you. And I wanted to die. And you said you wouldn't let me die alone. You said you would come with me when it happened. You didn't come with me...did you?"

"You're alive. It doesn't matter. We can start over."

"I'm not fucking alive."

"What?" Storm asks.

He is confused. He has no idea what she's talking about but I do. We were speaking to someone from behind the grave right now. We were speaking to a ghost from his past. Someone else had taken the pink pill and there is only one person that makes sense.


"I'm here to finish what we started all those years ago," she explains to him, "I'm here to bring you with me."

"You're crazy..." I state.

I really mean it.

That's when she turns the gun on me. For some reason I'm sweating. I'm breathing heavy. I'm worried for Storm but I'm not worried about me.

"What did you just say?" Lady asks me.

Storm takes a step in front of me. He has that look in his eyes. It's that look that made me fall in love with him a million times over. He truly cared about people and he was showing it yet again standing in front of a loaded gun for me.

"Lady don't even look at him," Storm responds, "Demarco leave..."

"I'm not going anywhere."

With the response I do something that just seems natural at that time without even thinking. I grab Storm's hand and hold it right in front of Lady. This seems to drive her over the edge. I shouldn't be provoking her at this moment but I feel like if we are going to die we were going to die together. Storm seems resistant to me being in the room and holding his hand. There is emotion that is pouring out of him even though he isn't crying. He just seems so bothered at this moment.

"This is all my fault," Storm says, "I should have stayed away from her. I just felt so bad after I thought she was dead. When I found out she was alive I just wanted to help her."

Storm squeezes my hand. I can see the look in his eyes as he seems to want to take responsibility for Lady turning crazy. This wasn't his fault though. It never was.

"Let go of his hand or I'll shoot him right now," Lady responds.

She is breathing heavy as she points the gun to me. I keep holding Storm's hand even though he is trying desperately to pull away.

"He has nothing to do with this. This is between me and you."

"Is that what you think?" Lady asks laughing.

"That's what I know. Let him go," Storm responds, "This is between me and you."

Lady smiles. She knows the lengths that I've interfered in this. She knows just how much I've been through to do what I did.

This is her moment and I know that she is going to take it. I can see it in her eyes. She wants something to tear Storm and I apart right now.

"Tell him," she says.

I hesitate.

I have a gun pointed at my head but for some reason that scares me less than letting Storm know the truth. Storm looks over at me with a raised intense eyebrow. He's concerned and curious. He has every right to be. This is becoming more difficult for him at the moment.

I realize that I have to tell Storm. It isn't about the fact that Lady has a gun to my head either. I owe Storm the truth about everything.

"Lady is not alive," I state.


"There's a pill. My cousin Malachi created it. He worked with the government to develop a pill where you can become someone else. The pill should have just worked on appearance but it did more than that. The pill brings the person you become back with their appearance. Lady isn't real. She's never been. Someone has been taking a pill to become her."

Storm doesn't believe me. I can tell he doesn't believe me. Maybe he thinks I lost my mind like his ex-girlfriend.

"Demarco took that pill. He changed into me."

Storm rolls his eyes, "Look I don't know what drugs you're taking now Lady but..."

"She's not high," I explain, "She's telling the truth. Remember how you said that you and Lady had that vibe. Remember how it was the same kind of vibe you and I had. The reason was because I was taking the pill in order to get closer to you. I wanted to be with you so bad that I physically changed into Lady in order to do that."

I've never been so honest in my life and the look on Storm's face says he's disgusted with every step of this. He lets go of my hand at that moment.

"Why are you fucking around about shit like this, Demarco? This isn't the time to be making up bullshit fantasies. Is this some sort of fucking game to you?"

"It's real. You and I both know if anyone could have created a pill like that it would be Malachi."

I try to reach out to him again but he slaps my hand away.

"Stop fucking lying," he says.

There's emotion. Real emotion. He's still saying I'm lying but I think deep inside he is connecting the dots in his head. Deep inside he must be realizing that there is a possibility I was telling the truth.

"Lady is dead. I've been her the entire time," I respond.

Storm is shaking his head. Lady is loving every moment of this. She has the biggest smile on her face. Maybe she believes that tearing a hole between me and Storm would make Storm willing to join her in death.

"Ever wonder why you've never seen Demarco and I in the same room?" Lady asks.

"You're in the same room right now."

He has a point. But there was a problem.

"Cupid. Cupid knew about Malachi. He knew about the pill..."

"Cupid called me tonight. He asked me where you were. He said he was worried about you. He sounded panicked. I said you were OK and with me..."

Storm stops talking. I think he is realizing that he just got played. Lady remains quiet. Storm just turns from me to Lady. It must hit him. Cupid must have called in order to find out our location before he took the pill. He's always been jealous of my relationship with Storm. The only thing I can think about is maybe Cupid was able to bond with Lady because of their mutual hate for seeing Storm and I together. That is the only thing that made sense.

But why would Cupid take the pill knowing damn well the effects that it had on me?

"Storm I just wanted to be with you. Lady manipulated the situation. She manipulated Malachi before she died and he thought you guys killed her. That's why he created the pill. I took that pill just to be closer to you."

He isn't even looking at me. I'm not sure if Storm is believing everything I'm saying but I think he is definitely deeply thinking about it and questioning it. He is so quiet. He turns away and closes his eyes. I try to grab his shoulder so that he can see how sincere I am about this, but he pulls violently away pushing me into the wall.

"Don't fucking touch me ever again."

That shit burns. It seriously hurts bad as fuck. It hurts even more when Lady starts laughing realizing that she has successfully come between us.

"I wanted to be closer to you too," she responds, "I came back Storm. I came back for you. So you can join me."

Storm doesn't respond. He stays silent. He turns away from her.

"You're pathetic," I respond.

Lady looks over away from Storm and turns to me.

"You grow some balls Demarco?" Lady asks me, "You all of a sudden get a backbone?"

"Backbone?" I ask, "You've never had that. I thought becoming you would mean that I would be more confident. I wanted to be able to manipulate men like you did. I wanted Storm. But under that beauty is just insecurity. You had less confidence than I did."

Lady is pissed.

"The only reason you got with someone like Storm is by pretending to be me," she responds, "I'm the one he loves."

"She's right."

I'm shocked when I hear Storm say that.

"What?" I ask Storm.

Storm looks over at me, "She's right. I don't care about you. You're sneaky and you're a liar. At least Lady was always honest with me. At least she cared about me."

Lady smiles, "I love you, Storm. Why do you think I came back?"

"Storm don't let her manipulate you," I respond.

This was what Lady did. She manipulated men. She manipulated Malachi, Miles, Cupid and even me. She made everyone believe she was some damsel in distress that needed help. I remember how Cupid talked about her when he met her. I remember how she made Malachi feel so sorry for her as though she was this big victim. There was nothing about Lady that was a victim. This was exactly what she was good at. Right now I can see Storm falling for it and that shit hurts. I know he is speaking out of anger but it scares me. This is exactly what she wanted.

"Manipulate me like you did?" Storm asks.

He has a point. It scares me but I know that he makes sense.

"I know you probably hate me right now," I respond, "You can be mad at me forever, but don't let her get in your head like she did last time. If Savannah hadn't shot her you wouldn't have been here right now..."

"I just wanted us to be together," Lady tells Storm, "Just like we always planned."

Storm ignores me.

He is staring at Lady. There is this look of love in his eyes. Genuine fucking love. I'm so mad at that moment. How could he allow her to get in his head again?

"It's not too late," Storm says.

"Storm please..." I beg.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP!" Storm says.

"Let me kill him Storm. Let's just get rid of him now," Lady says.

"No. Fuck him. This is about us. This is our moment," Storm tells Lady.

He takes a step towards her. I want to believe he isn't real but I can't tell. He looks at her and there is genuine love in his eyes. It scares the fuck out of me. Lady was getting away with this. She was fucking getting away with this again. She smiles ready to embrace him.

"You're right," Lady says.

"It's not too late for us," he responds, "We can start over."

"We have to end things. You have to come with me. I have to kill you," she explains, "That's the only way we can be together. There aren't enough pills left for my consciousness to exist."

"We'll figure something out. Together. Remember. Like we promised. Together forever," Storm says.

That shit hurts. It hurts when Lady runs into his arms at that moment. She puts her head on his chest. I see how they look together. They definitely were the perfect couple. It was clear at that moment. Storm and Lady looked like they belonged together. I had never seen such a beautiful couple. Storm and I would never be like that. Chemistry didn't mean anything to anyone anymore.

I can't believe she gets her way in the end.

"I love you," Lady says.


The gun goes off and I'm scared for the worse. At first I think Lady has shot Storm but then I realize Storm has wrestled the gun out of Lady's hand and shot her in the abdomen. Lady falls back a little bit at that moment.


"You think you are the only one who can play mind games?" Storm asks her.

Lady is shocked. Her mouth is open and I can hear an audible surprise coming from it. She isn't the only one. Storm was believable as hell. She looks down at her abdomen not believing that he just shot and killed her.

"I loved you..."

"Did you? Did you love me when you were fucking Malachi? Or how about when you were giving Miles some pussy? Don't think I didn't know about that..."

The look on her face seems to say it all. Lady was nothing more than a hoe who was so insecure with herself that she needed men to validate who she was. She used men and thought it would never come back to her. It seems like karma that it was a man who ended up manipulating her in the end.

"You aren't going to kill me," she responds, "You love me."

Storm raises the gun at her head, "You're dead already. Remember?"


I run out in front of Lady.

"Get the fuck out of my way," Storm responds.

"You can't do this," I tell him.

"She's going to keep coming back. You know she is..."

"If you kill her You kill Cupid," I respond, "And me and Cupid have been through some shit. That's still my best friend though and I love him to death. Regardless of what we been through I can't let you hurt him Storm."

"" Cupid's voice says.

I turn at that moment wondering how Lady's made her voice that deep but then I realize something. Cupid has just walked into the apartment.

Cupid didn't take the pill!

"Die motherfucker!"

Lady charges at me with a knife in hand. I don't know how she got the knife. I don't know where she was hiding it but I know that it is inches away from my throat!

She swings her hand almost cutting me!

I dodge right in time!


The gun goes off twice. It's Storm.

Storm has shot Lady in order to stop her from killing me. I watch at that moment as Lady falls to the ground in her own blood. I'm shaking from fear at that moment. I'm shocked.

Just at that moment the door breaks open and all these agents run in. They aren't regular cops. I can tell almost immediately. They are government agents.

Cupid runs over to me.

"Are you OK?"

I'm so confused.

"What's going on?"

"The government agents had come to the shop looking for Lady. They were investigating the pills and the connection to Ivory's murder. When I heard about that I just knew you were in danger. I sent them here. I was worried about you."

For the first time in a long time Cupid grabs me and hugs me like a friend. He means it too. I watch as the Government agents surround all of us. There are so many agents. It's clear that this was a big deal and it's even more clear when they see Lady's body that things had been taken care of.

"Wait..." I state, thinking at that moment, "If you didn't take the pill, then who did?"

I walk over to where the agents have surrounded Lady's body.

It isn't Lady anymore. The person has changed back.

It's Miles.


The agents ask us a million questions in Storm's apartment, separating us into rooms to interview us. It takes hours. It's clear they want to make sure every dot is processed.

Hours go by quickly. They are taking time questioning everyone about everything. When I am done being questioned Cupid is waiting for me.

"Will you be charged with anything?" Cupid asks me.

The questioning is done and I'm sitting at Storm's table.

"No. They said they aren't able to tell if me or Miles hosted Lady when the murders were committed. Either way it wouldn't matter. Lady is the one responsible for this. The government is taking full responsibility. "

"Thank God," Cupid says.

I don't feel too relieved. Miles is dead. I sigh at that moment. I feel bad for Miles. I had no doubt that Lady manipulated him into helping her. I could only imagine the lies he told her. Lady had been responsible for the death of three people now and finally she was gone for good. I cross my arms and take a deep breath.

"Are the pills gone?" I asked.

"The government seized every last one of them. They'll destroy them," Cupid states, "It's over. Everything is good now. Come here."

Cupid hugs me tight. I feel better but there is one thing on my mind that I can't get out of my head.

"Is Storm OK?" I ask him.

They'd separated us for hours. I was worried about him.

"He killed someone. I guess he's doing as best as he can. Tempest is here luckily comforting her brother so he's not alone. Why don't you go check on him?" Cupid asks me.

"I doubt he wants to see me," I state.

Cupid sighs, "You don't know until you try."

I shake my head, "I can't...'

Cupid shakes his head, "Listen. I haven't been the best friend to you. I've been jealous of your relationship and been acting out. But as your best friend I can't allow you to just throw this shit away."

"I took pills to try to fool him..."

"And he ended up falling for you. Not who you were pretending to be," Cupid responds, "Go get your man Demarco. And I'm not talking about in the psycho lady pill kind of way. You never needed Lady to find your confidence when it came to getting Storm. You've had it all along. So go be confident and tell him how you really feel."

I get up at that moment.

He's right.

I've worked too hard to get Storm. There was no way in hell I could just give up on this without trying.

I walk into the dining room where I hear them. Storm is drinking some coffee and talking to an agent. Tempest is there as well. As I walk into the room her eyes shoot up at me. They still have that suspicion to them.

"I knew there was something up with you..." Tempest states.

It's clear she knows about the pill now. I feel embarrassed. Tempest had a point. She was always on me when it came to this.


The agent is done talking to Storm and Storm realizes I've walked into the room. Tempest rolls her eyes at her brother at that moment and starts leaving the room. I think Storm wants his privacy to have this conversation with me.

Butterflies are in my stomach at that moment. I've never been so nervous in my life even when I had a gun pointed at me.

Storm crosses his arms, "These agents are making a big deal out of this..."

I laugh, "Malachi has always been unable to stay out of trouble. Now he got me in trouble with the goddam government..."

I mean it as a joke but Storm doesn't laugh. He just stares at the ground as though he would rather be anywhere else but having this awkward conversation with me.

"You should go see Ebony. She probably needs an explanation about Ivory and I figure you're the person it'll sound best coming from. She seems to trust you."

"I haven't really earned anyone's trust," I admit.

Storm raises his eyes.

"You think?"

He's being sarcastic but I deserve it.

"Honestly, I'm sorry," I respond, "From the bottom of my heart. I was a shy guy who didn't know how to approach you and I went about it the wrong way."

"You really think I would have chosen my crazy ass ex over you?"

"I didn't know she was my defense," I respond, "Listen. I regret everything. If I knew there was a shot between us I would have just taken the chance. That's why I'm here right now. That's why I'm apologizing and hoping you forgive me, Storm. I'm here taking a chance."

Storm scans me. His eyes go up and down.

"Man, I don't know..." he responds, "I need a minute to think about shit."

"Boy stop playing hard to get," a voice says walking in the room.

It's Tempest.

I'm shocked.

"This is a private conversation," Storm tells his sister.

"You were just in here five minutes ago saying how you are just happy that Demarco came out of this in one piece," she states.

Storm's face gets beat red from embarrassment.

"You said that?" I ask instantly smiling.

"He didn't only say all that. He said he was in love with you and..." Tempest starts.

"GET THE FUCK OUT!" Storm screams at his sister.

Tempest rolls her eyes and walks out. For the first time I'm kind of glad that Tempest is being the nosy intervening sister for once. I can't stop smiling by the time Tempest leaves the room again. Storm stares at me red with embarrassment and actually smiling back.

"So you were going to play hard to get?" I ask.

He shrugs, "You deserved it."

"You right. You right," I reluctantly agree.

That's when Storm grabs me up. He leans me up against the wall.

"I was going to wait a few days to get back at you before I told you this," Storm says.

Storm has me up against the wall. His breath is up against my face. His hard body is pressed up against mine. I can't help but to throw my arms around his shoulders at that moment. I'm smiling hard. It's a natural smile and he smiles back with just as much ease. One thing you can't deny between us is the chemistry. Through all the changes it was the one thing that remained constant.

"Tell me what?" I ask.

He licks his lips. He gives me a wet kiss with them. Then another. Then another. Then he leans back staying so close that as he talks I can feel his facial hair rub against me.

"You don't ever have to change," he tells me, "You don't ever have to pretend to be someone else. When someone falls in love with you. They'll love you for exactly who you are."


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