Boy Pussy

Published on Nov 30, 2022


Boy Pussy 10

Boy Pussy

He licks on the back of my neck. We are in his bedroom right now. The lights are off but the sunlight creeps through the shades illuminating our bodies. I bite down on the pillows as he grinds in me. He goes deep. Storm's dick thrusts into my insides. I exhale. There is this feeling of release when I take it all inside of me. My body welcomes him. It almost shapes to him. It's almost like my body was made for him.

He kisses me on the ear lobe's, then kisses me on my brow, then reaches over from my side and pushes his lips against mine. It's gentle...slow and easy. His thrusts aren't hard either. They are slow. He feels me. His dick sliding into my wet hole causes my body to feel small. I give into him. I surrender my ass in a way that I've never surrendered it to anyone.

He is tongue kissing me and his big dick gets deeper inside of me. He presses me. He strokes. His tongue goes deep into my mouth mimicking the motion.

I feel my body sliding underneath him. The warmth of it all drives me crazy.

It isn't until an hour later that he nuts, pulling out with a loud, "UGH..."

Streams of warm semen hit me from behind. I can feel the warm man juice trickle down the smalls of my back until it reaches the tops of my ass. Parts of the thick white formula trickles down into the crack of my ass. The rest of it forms a small puddle in my back.

Maybe Storm isn't aware of it or maybe he doesn't care because he positions down on top of me. His sperm acts almost like a tacky sticking us together. His hard chest slides up and down my back as he cuddles with me.

"That was dope," I tell him.

"You took the words right out of my mouth," he explains, "Man that was the best sex I've ever had. And you probably don't want to hear this but I've had a lot of sex in my day man..."

"You say that to everyone?"

His fingers meet mine. They fall on top of me. It is the most intimate way anyone has ever touched me before.

"I've traveled the world wondering why I haven't been satisfied with anyone enough to settle down," he tells me, "The right soul hadn't come along until now. Please tell me that you feel the same way about me."

I hesitate.

This whole time I've been taking a pill hoping that I could be the person that would satisfy him. All along, all I needed was patience for him to be open to it. I sit on that bed and I think about telling him. I feel like I have to tell him something.

Storm and I take a shower in the room. He washes my back. He can't take his eyes off of me. Sometimes I forget that I'm Demarco. Sometimes I imagine that I'm Lady because for some reason he looks at me like I'm that attractive.

As I'm stepping out the shower he whispers, "Yo---you sexy as fuck."

I smile half-heartedly wondering how to react to something like that. If I was Lady I would bat my eyes and giggle. That wouldn't be the same with Demarco. My voice was too deep and my eyelashes way too short.

I just smile, "Thanks bro."

I want to punch myself in the face for calling him 'bro'. For some reason Storm seems to find that funny. It's almost like he can tell how nervous I am with this.

"We'll work on it," he states.

"Work on what?"

"This. Whatever this is. I just want to make sure we kick this off on the right place. I want us to start by being completely honest with one another," he states, "Did you have something you wanted to tell me?"

What the fuck? He looks at me. Does he know about the pill?

Did Lady tell him something that she shouldn't have?

"Something like what?"

"Demarco. It's Ok. I know already," he tells me.

My heart is beating. I'm scared to death. The man that I was falling for was trying to get me to admit to taking a pill to become Lady. That had to be it. I feel myself swallow at that moment.

"You know about Lady?"

"Wait you fucked Lady too?"

"No. What are you talking about?"

"I know about you giving Gunner some ass," he admits before smiling, "And it's OK..."

For some reason it feels like a relief. For some reason it feels like I let this off my chest. However it's not a full relief. It's almost like holding back a sneeze. For some reason I want to really let loose and tell him everything. For some reason I feel like if I was actually going to be fair to Storm then I needed to be completely honest with him.

"I have to tell you something else...something more serious," I explain.

He seems interested.

"What is it?" he asks.

I can't believe I'm doing this. I feel so stupid but I need to be completely 100 with him even if he thinks I'm a pervert and doesn't want to speak to me again.

Unfortunately, I don't get the chance. I open my mouth to talk but we are interrupted. Just at that moment, we hear the door of the cabin open downstairs. The footsteps are quick as hell. Someone is trying to get into the room but luckily Storm has that door locked.

"Hey we are having a dinner to end the weekend," Savannah says, "Hope to see you downstairs Storm."

Of course, it would be Savannah. I roll my eyes at that moment. It's annoying as hell how she keeps butting in on things.

In a few minutes, we hear her footsteps go down the steps.

"That girl really likes you huh?" I ask.


"Yeah," I state, "How can you turn someone like her down?"

Savannah was perfect. Long hair, phat ass, flawless skin and thin waste made Savannah the girl who had the nicest body I know. She was literally just the prototype of a woman. She always had been. I look at Storm and I see the prototype of a man. He belonged with someone like Savannah. Hell. He probably belonged with someone like Lady regardless of how much he said that her personality wasn't compatible with his. How the fuck did I get so lucky to get with Storm?

He squints at me. It's almost as though Storm can read my mind. It's almost like he can see through me at that moment.

"I know what you're thinking," Storm says.


"You think that I'm not serious about this," Storm responds, "Come here. Take my hand."

"What are you doing?"

"What I should have done a long time ago."

My chest is pounding when Storm takes me out of the room. We barely have our clothes on and I'm still a little wet from the shower we took. Storm doesn't care though. I realize within a matter of seconds that we are actually walking down the steps.

Storm is still holding my hand!


"Come on," is his response.


He wasn't thinking!

Oh fuck no!

He was going to regret this if he did it. I just had a feeling this wasn't going to end well. Storm could care less though. We end up at the bottom of the steps where we see the rest of Storm's friends.


My heart races. My mouth gets dry. The world stops moving.

They are all sitting there. They turn. Some are halfway in the middle of talking when they stop immediately. I'm just as shocked by the fact that Storm has walked out and is holding my hand as everyone else is. He is so confident with this. I'm no where near as confident.

"What the hell?" Tempest asks.

She has the same expression as almost everyone in the room. Miles has his eyes wide open as he's staring at us.

"It's about time I tell you all about something," Storm says.

An image is worth a thousand words though and they are all reacting to Storm holding my hand before anything. There is visual shock at that moment.

"This is crazy," Ivory states.

"You tripping homie," Miles says.

Storm isn't backing down from any of them, "It is what it is. I'm holding his hand. And I'm feeling him. I'm just going to be straight-forward about it."

Savannah breaks out into tears. She runs to the kitchen. Ivory runs after her in an attempt to calm her down. I feel bad for her at that moment but this doesn't stop Storm from holding my hand. Miles shakes his head and takes a shot of whatever he is drinking at that moment. Then there is Ebony who walks over and smiles a little bit. She is the only one who seems to be even the least bit understanding of this.

"I'm happy for you guys," Ebony says.

"Thanks, Ebony," Storm says.

Storm is distracted, though. His eyes go right over to his sister who is standing there at that moment. She crosses her arms. I'm not sure what Tempest is thinking. I'm a little scared, to say the least.

"You'" Tempest asks.

I want to leave the room. Storm finally releases me to go over to his sister. He attempts to give her a hug but she pulls away at that moment. She isn't balling like Savannah was but I can tell she seems a little bit in shock. I know that Storm and his sister are really close so I feel like this isn't some place for me to be. I feel completely out of it.

At first I think Storm is going to explain it to Tempest like he explained to me. I thought he was going to bring up the whole sapiosexual thing. I don't think that's something that Tempest wants to hear right now though and I think he comes to that realization faster than I do. He doesn't bring it up at all. He just stands there silently.

He gives her a moment to really come to terms with what she just saw.


The words come out of the kitchen. All of a sudden out of no where, Savannah is coming back out of the kitchen. She has a fucking KNIFE WITH HER!


"Oh my god!"

I'm not sure who yells it but I find myself backing up just in time to avoid Savannah slashing at me. I start making my way up the steps and Savannah is swinging her knife around wildly. Tears are streaming down her face. I haven't seen anything like this before really.

"I was so happy when I thought Lady was out of the picture," Savannah admits, "But I get upstaged by some run-of-the-mill FAG? I'm going to CUT you."

Savannah swings the knife at me again.

I watch as Miles and Storm come up from behind Savannah. Storm quickly wrestles her into submission just enough for Miles to grab the knife out of her hand. The look in Savannah's eyes is the look of someone desperate.

It is the look of a killer.

"This is crazy. Are you OK?" Ebony asks me.

Ebony is the only one who runs up to check on me while Storm and Miles wrestle Savannah to the ground . Tempest just looks at me like she is in shock.

"This trip is turning into a fucking disaster. He should leave," Tempest states, "I'll have a car come around to get him."

"If he leaves, I leave," Storm says.

Tempest gives her brother a hard look.


"No...I can go," I respond, "Alone."

Storm seems concerned when he walks over to me. He grabs me and takes me outside of the cabin. The cold Tennessee air hits us hard when we get out there. I can still hear Savannah freaking out as people are trying to calm her down in the cabin. She is screaming at the top of her lungs.

"I want to leave with you," he states.

"It's fine," I respond, "You have things you need to work on with your sister and your friends clearly. Whatever is going on in there...I just made it way worse."

I shake my head. I feel like shit. This cabin trip had turned out to be a goddam disaster. That was one thing that Tempest and I both agreed on. I needed to get back to Atlanta.

"I'm sorry about how Savannah reacted. I didn't know it was that serious with her," he explains at that moment.

She came at me with a fucking knife. I had no idea it was that serious either.

"Has she always been violent?" I ask.

"What do you mean?"

"Lady. Do you think Savannah could have tried to do something to Lady?" he asks.

"I just saw her the other day," he responds, "Plus she acted normal around Savannah."

"What if Lady doesn't remember what happened to her?" I ask him, "Lady came up to this cabin trip. She had to be concerned about something. What if she was concerned about Savannah?"

Storm seems confused.

"Lady is fine," he tells me.

He thought Lady was fine. She wasn't though. Lady was dead...

"What if she wasn't?" I ask, "What if she wasn't OK?"

Storm puts his hand on my face, "Listen. You're stressed. You have been through a lot. You aren't making sense right now, though, Demarco."

He seems concerned like a doctor looking after a patient.

"No listen. Savannah isn't stable..."

"I'll deal with Savannah. I'll go upstairs and pack your stuff for you. Don't want you dealing with these people," he explains.

Storm doesn't give me a chance to really explain what I meant by anything. Maybe it's for the best though. When he does come back with my stuff and my car does come I don't have time to really say goodbye to the others. I doubt they want me to say goodbye to them anyway.

This cabin trip had revealed a lot to everyone and I knew heading back to Atlanta that nothing was ever going to be the same.


Being back in Atlanta after the cabin trip is like entering a whole new world. I return back to work and realize that Cupid still has his little attitude. He isn't even looking at me when he talks. Luckily Ebony reaches out to me to help her design a dress for some red carpet event she is going down. This is a big opportunity. Ebony was well known and liked in Atlanta. She was Atlanta royalty for sure. The fact that she would be wearing my dress is a big deal.

After I design the dress I take it up to Cupid. He's at the front of the store. He doesn't even look at me when I come up there.

"Those came for you," he states.

He points.

I'm surprised when I see that flowers are sitting at the front desk. Two dozen roses. I've been back there all day. It would have been nothing for Cupid to come back there and tell me that flowers came in for me. Instead, he is going about his business acting like it's painful to even talk to someone who he considers his best friend. He's being ridiculous, to say the least.

I walk over to the flowers. The card has been opened. I'm trying to be cool about this but it's getting annoying.

"Did you open my card?" I ask him.

"I thought they were mine," he responds.

"Yours?" I ask seeming confused, "It says my name right on here..."

"I thought it was a joke."

Cupid looks over at me and rolls his eyes. I roll my eyes back. He's getting annoying, to say the least. I want to go off on him but I decide against it. We have to work together even though we aren't really getting along right now. I open the card and realize that the flowers were from Storm. Not even Cupid can fuck up this moment for me.

I had an amazing time this weekend.

And I want to have an amazing time moving forward too.

Dinner at 9?

I'll send a car

Cupid read the card. So he knows.

"Why is he giving you flowers to give to Lady?" Cupid asks.

"They aren't for Lady. They are mine," I respond.

Cupid laughs. He breaks out clear into laughter.

"You got to be fucking with me."

"Are you that jealous?" I ask at that moment.

I don't know how else to say it.

"Jealous?" he asks, "Bitch, you had to take a motherfucking magic pill to get this man to even notice you. Fuck am I jealous about?"

"I don't have to take a pill now," I respond, "Stop going through my shit and mind your fucking business when it comes to Storm. Bitch."

I stress my use of the word bitch. Cupid gets in my face at that moment. We stare each other down. He was supposed to be my best friend but right now he was acting like my worst enemy. The boy actually went through my fucking shit. He opened my card.

"Wow so this is the new Demarco," he responds shaking his head, "The residuals from that pill must really have you on a fucking high."

"Fuck are you talking about?"

"She came here. Well I should say you came here. But for some reason it seemed more like it was her. She told me you would be feeling yourself. I should have believed her."

I'm confused.

"What the fuck are you talking about Cupid? Who are you talking about?"


My mouth drops. Lady came to the shop? I just remember the day that I had fell. The day that Lady had taken over my body. I figured she went straight to the cabin. I had to have been wrong. Lady was up to something. She actually was interfering in my life.

"What did she tell you?" I ask Cupid.

"Oh now you humbling your tone a little bit, I see," he responds walking away.

Cupid walks into the back. He clearly wants me to chase him. He clearly wants me to beg him. I don't have time for all that. I grab Cupid up and push him up against the wall. I'm stronger than Cupid whether he wanted to believe it or not. When I slam him hard on the wall he realizes I'm not some punk or sissy like he was. I was a grown ass man and I was going to beat his ass if he kept playing these games.

"I asked you what you and Lady talked about."

Cupid is shocked that I'm being so aggressive. I can see it in his eyes that he doesn't expect me to be acting the way that I'm acting.

Cupid shakes his head, "She said you were supposed to be helping find out who killed her. She said to tell you that you lost your way and I know exactly what she's talking about."

"It's not my responsibility to find out who killed her? I didn't want to be involved."

"Right. You could care less about justice. All you care about is Storm huh?" he asks, shaking his head, "Malachi gave you a gift to help his dead girlfriend and all you can do is think about yourself. You're so selfish."

This was Cupid's idea. A lot of this was Cupid's idea. He wanted me to get with Storm. Now all of a sudden Lady was going behind my back to plant these crazy ass ideas in my best friend's mind. I feel sick to my stomach knowing that he is thinking something like this about me. It's pissing me off honestly.

"I tried to keep my ears open."

"And this whole time you've been around that group with not a single idea."

I think about Savannah. She was weird as hell when she pulled that knife on me. She had gone from 0-100 really quick.

"I'm not sure," I state.

I don't want to throw Savannah under the bus without having proof. I remember though that Tempest had said that she thought it was Savannah too. Maybe it was Savannah. I needed to be sure somehow, though.

"You owe Lady answers, man," Cupid responds softening his tone just slightly, "She doesn't remember who killed her. You have the means to find out for her. That's all I'm saying. The world doesn't revolve around Storm Underwood. Malachi is dead...remember? Or did you forget?"

"I remember."

"Well, maybe it's time you started using your closeness to Storm to get some real answers. And stop acting like some kind struck puppy," he responds pushing my arm away.

"I'll try."


Cupid does the weirdest thing at that moment.

He hands me a pink pill, "She left that for you."

What the fuck?

I had thought Cupid was jealous of my relationship with Storm, but maybe I was wrong. I hadn't known that he had talked to Lady. God knows how long they really talked for but he got it in her head that I was letting her down. I was supposed to be finding out information from these people. I was supposed to be finding out if they had something to do with Lady's death. Even worse I needed to know if they had something to do with Malachi's death.

"I don't need the pill. I can get closer to Storm as myself then as Lady," I respond.

"Fine. Whatever. Just find out what happened to her and Malachi. Find out what's really going on with Team Underwood."

I nod, "I will."

"You promise?" Cupid asks.

I am reluctant. He is looking at me as though he really is putting a lot on my shoulders. I don't want to have a lot on my shoulders right now.

"I'll find out Cupid," I respond with a sharpness in my tone but then I whisper underneath my breath, "One way or another..."


A car comes to get me after work. I ask the driver to take me back to my apartment so I can find something to wear but he doesn't do it. It's OK anyway because truth is I don't have anything real nice and fancy to wear to a dinner with Storm.

It comes as a surprise when instead of taking me home or to a restaurant the driver takes me to Storm's condo building.

All I can think about is maybe he wanted to meet up here before we went out. I find myself at the top of his floor getting out of the elevator and knocking on the door. I already have my excuse ready on why I am dressed in the same exact clothes I have been having on all day. I'm planning on blaming everything on the driver.

Storm opens the door and smiles, "You made it.

Something smells good. Something's cooking. Storm is shirtless but has an apron over on with some jeans. He leans over and gives me a hug. I feel on his tight muscles. I can't help but to grope him a little bit when I do it. He leans over and gives me a short kiss.

"You are cooking?"

"Yeah. Thought about taking you to a five-star restaurant but I wanted to try something different. Is this corny?"

"It's perfect."

A sexy ass man was cooking for me shirtless with an apron on. The food smells amazing too.

"Sorry I don't have a shirt on," he says, "Didn't want it to smell like jambalaya."

"Jambalaya though?"

"You know I'm Creole," he says.

I laugh at that moment. He leads me into the kitchen and spoon feeds me the jambalaya to taste it. I'm amazed at that moment.

My mouth waters. This man looked like a 20 from 1-10. He always smelled good. He worked out constantly. He was the most handsome person I knew. He was sweet. He was successful. To add to that list now he could cook. I didn't understand how I had gotten so fucking lucky.

"It's amazing."

"Good, sit your fine ass over there on the table," He instructs me, "I'll make sure everything is ready."

It takes 20 minutes for him to finish getting ready. In the meantime, he plays some slow old school jams. Every song seems to speak to my fucking soul. Somehow we both seem to like the same music too. By the time Ronald Isley comes on I swear I'm in love. It doesn't help when he lights some candles and brings over two plates. He sets them perfectly up next to one another at that moment.

He pops open a bottle of Champagne. We both laugh when the top almost hits him in the forehead. He is way too smooth to actually get hit, though. We sit there for a minute and we are just staring at each other.

I'm the first one to break the ice.

"Thanks for this," I state.

"Anything for you man," he responds.

I'm shocked he's acting like this already. He's moving on kind of strong. I was always in love with Strong Underwood but he hadn't realized that he had an attraction back to me until very recently. As I'm standing there looking back at him I notice that our eyes connect.

"Why?" I ask him.

"Why what?"

"Why me. You can have anyone else in the world," I respond.

It sounded like a cliché thing to say but I actually mean it. Storm could have anyone else he wanted.

His answer is weird.

"Why not you?"

"I'm just waiting for someone to pop out of the closet to tell me that this is some kind of prank or some shit."

"Because of what happened with Tempest when we first met?"

"She said you were using me."

"Listen I can only prove that this is real," he responds to me, "I understand your reluctance but I've never felt like this about anyone. I'll take as long as it takes to make you comfortable with the fact that I'm trying to make this work with you."

It's a fairytale. Everything I wanted to hear. This perfect man.

Why did I have the feeling something was wrong?

"I'm willing to let you..."

Just at that moment, there is a banging on the door. I look over at the door. It's weird as hell. It's the middle of the night. Who the hell would be coming over to his house banging on his door like that. I hear screaming from the front of the room. Whoever it is definitely is loud, aggressive and drunk. I hear something being thrown around in that front hallway. The person is getting is freaking the fuck out.

I get up and make my way towards the door at that moment. Curiosity gets the best of me especially when I hear a female voice. That's when I see Savannah. I hide around the corner so they won't see me walking up to them.

"I told you now isn't a good fucking time for this shit!" he tells me.

"When is a good time?" Savannah asks tearing up.

"Yo, Savannah you are tripping right now. You're fucking drunk."

"You been drinking too. I can smell it. Who is in here? You got that fucking faggot in here?"

"Watch your mouth when you talk about him?"

"That your man now?" Savannah screams out.

"None of your business," Storm responds, "But one day he will be. And if you are going to be around you are going to have to stop being so fucking emotional and deal with it."

I put my heart on my chest. Storm wanted me to be in his life in that way. He was telling this openly to Savannah and all of a sudden my heart is thumping loudly. This is making my day in the weirdest way. I feel so happy at that moment. This is perfect.

He was shutting her down just the way I wanted him to.

Nothing could steal this moment from me.

"I dealt with Lady for how long? I listened to all the times you complained about her. I was there for you when things got bad. It should have been my turn when she was gone."

"Now's not the time."

"No. It is the time. You know how much I've done for you."

"I will always appreciate it Savannah but we can't force some shit if there isn't chemistry," Storm responds, "You can't keep showing up at my spot, stalking me and shit. That's not going to go down, Savannah. You need to move on."

"Move on?" Savannah asks.

"Move on. I see you as a friend."

Savannah pauses for a minute. I think Storm has really got it in her head. Instead of leaving though she grabs Storm up and delivers a bombshell.

"Friend? Friends don't do the things I've done for you Storm. You know I would do anything for you. That night I shot Lady. You remember that don't you? No friend would do that for you. Tempest, you and I threw her over the bridge. That was for you! What kind of friend does that?"

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Next: Chapter 11

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