Boy on a Mission

By Ollie L. Readings

Published on May 5, 2024


This is a work of fiction. Any similarity to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events, is purely coincidental. If this sort of material offends you in any way or if you are a minor, please leave now.

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Boy on a Mission Chapter 11

I was never really `out there' before college, and I'm sure as hell not now, too. I was just really known because of my Dad, but other than that, I kept to myself mostly and I preferred it that way. When I was in high school, however, there were people who did try to befriend me solely because of my status. Typical behavior, so it never really bothered me. I just never gave them the time of day. It was a routine for me.

Things were pretty much the same when I started college, which is why I don't have that many friends, which is all swell with me, honestly. Amanda and a few other buds are enough, so I'm all good. No added stress, at least. There are people without ulterior motives, I know that, but I just can't simply be their best friend and put myself out there. Not then and especially not now.

Now because of this thing with my dream man.

I've to be careful. Super careful. If I don't everything would be fucked. I'd be fucked. Mr. Hart would be extra fucked. By my dad, specifically. Not in the literal sense. Dear God, ESPECIALLY not in the literal sense.

I love Dad. He's been nothing but supportive towards me ever since I can remember. He's an amazing dad and my hero, so I wouldn't want to have him find out about Mr. Hart and I. I just cannot, ever. It would destroy him, and by extension, me. Knowing Mr. Hart, it would probably break him, too. Everything would just be an utter mess if this got out.

Let's just hope it doesn't.

The getaway went on for a few more days, and everybody seemed to be having the time of their lives. I wasn't, though. How could I? I haven't had the opportunity to be alone with Mr. Hart ever since that time in my room. No one's to blame, though, because he's been occupied with the whole event, and I've just been, well, here. Any guy my age would be having a great time right now, but I wasn't because it got pretty lonely at times. You'd think I'd be having a blast with Amanda but unfortunately for me, she's too busy with everyone else, and especially Julian. If there was any doubt in my mind before, there's none now. They're definitely fucking. Whores, I tell you. Whores!

Anywho, as of right now, like the past few days, I am alone in my room, reading. My foot's still busted but I'm no longer in agony. A win's a win but I'm still bored out of mind. There's not much to do when you can barely walk, and I'd hate to call Julian or even Amanda to ask to hang out with me. I know Julian would come running but I wouldn't want to ruin the fun. The sacrifices I make for those whom I love. I should get an award for this. An honorable mention somewhere maybe.

Not doing much, I kept on reading and texting some of my college buddies until I heard a knock on the door. I put down my phone and made a rapid fire prayer so that Mr. Hart would be the one who would save me from my boredom.

The door slid open without me having to say anything, and I immediately figured that it wasn't him. Pleasant surprise, regardless, though.

`Hey,' Julian smiled, taking off his shoes before approaching me.

`What're you doing here?'

`Checking on you, duh.'

`I'm fine. Won't they miss you?'

`They're fine.'

He took a seat next to me and handed me a few snacks that he got from today's event, I presume.

`Dad's a bit slow today,' Julian sighed.


He nodded.

Julian told me that Dad has been sort of out of it ever since the accident, and I feel awful. Clearly, it's not anybody's fault but I can't help it. Dad should be having fun. Everybody should. Dad always looks forward to these company retreats but because he's worried about me, he can't enjoy it to the fullest. Way to go, Archibald.

This sucks,' I sighed. I'm so sorry.'

Julian gave my head a couple of pats, `None of that, now.'

`Dad would be having fun right now if it weren't for this,' I gestured to my braced foot.

`Well, yeah, but it's not your fault. You know that.'

I just sighed and the room got quiet as it was before my brother entered it.

The silence passed and he cleared his throat, `You're here now. You can't go out, so let's make up for it.'

`And do what?'

He shrugged, `What do you feel like doing?'

Before I even got to think of an answer, he spoke again.

`Actually, don't answer that.'

Julian dug around his pocket and brought out a box of cards. You know the ones where you would play as a kid. The one with the creepy illustrations of animals and people? Very Victorian-like? Yeah, those ones.

`You serious?'


I sighed again, relenting, and a bit grateful to him, if I'm being completely honest. Like I said before, Julian would come running if I called for him, and here he is, ready to spend time with me. Mind you, I didn't even call him.

Thinking about him and Dad, how they care for me...ABOUT feels icky to have to go behind their backs and do things with Mr. Hart. Fuck.

I wish things were simpler for us.

I should think about this properly soon. Another time. Right now, Julian's here and he wants to keep me company. I'm also bored as shit, so let the games begin.

`Go on, dino.'

You need to stop calling me that,' he rolled his eyes. I'm so young.'

`The youngest fossil, I'd say.'

Julian laid out the cards and we began.

`Guess being a dino does have its perks, huh?' Julian snickered.

Having won four matches and me none, I groaned and plopped backwards on the futon. He wasn't even trying to go easy on me as he usually does. Whatever. The point was for me to have fun and surely enough, I did. Even though I got my ass handed to me in the most humbling way.

Having settled the game, Julian and I relaxed in our room. We didn't speak for a bit; he scrolled through his phone as I did with mine all for about ten minutes until he put his phone down. He sighed and looked at me without saying anything, and when I turned towards him, I could just feel the guilt from him.

You can go, Julian,' I smiled. I really don't mind.'

`I just don't want you to be bored.'

`I had fun just now. Really.'

`Another game tonight?'


He patted my knee and got up to leave but not before telling me to call him if I needed anything. You know, the usual.

And just like that, I was alone again. Not too upset, though, because Julian's visit did make my day better, so I wasn't in a shitty mood, at least. After thinking, I decided to text Cynthia (my sister, if you remember) to ask her how she's doing to which she responded positively. The conversation didn't really go anywhere. Just that she reminded me to get her souvenirs and some shit she's been eyeing that I can only get here.

I didn't realize it but I fell asleep. Guess I was sleepier than I thought.

Nothing happened after that. Julian and I played another round that night but that was it.

Only about three days left until we go home and I was getting restless. I needed company. More specifically, I needed HIS company.

The universe was kind to me on this day because I got to go out. I was excited and insisted that I could use the crutches but Dad protested, telling me I had to use a wheelchair or stay indoors. So, here I am, in a wheelchair.

Normally I'd bitch about things like this, but considering who's keeping me company at this moment? I can't really complain nor would I want to. I was on cloud nine when he told me he'd be with me throughout the day. Poor Julian, though. Thrown to the wolves Mr. Hart didn't want to deal with.

`You okay there?'

I looked up and saw his gorgeous smile. I smiled back. Beamed, actually. `Hell yeah.'

He smiled back at me and kept on pushing, bringing me around the snowy field behind the accommodation. There were people with us but not many. Most of the employees were out front with Dad and Julian doing whatever activity they had planned for today. I didn't really care because what I wanted--WHO I wanted--was here with me and that's all that matters.

As we strolled--well, he did, at least--Mr. Hart would make small talk with me, talking about the weather which was constantly the same since we arrived but I humored him nonetheless. I just liked listening to him talk. I could do it for hours if I had to. Never gets old, truly.

`Julian kept you company yesterday?' he asked suddenly.

I nodded, `Yeah.'


He took a few seconds to himself before stopping near a bench and pulling the brakes on my wheels. He sat down and stretched his neck and arms, causing them to pop and crackle. I'm sure there were no ulterior motives behind his doing so but it was sexy and got me turned on.

Letting out a breath of relief, he smiled at me apologetically, `Sorry I haven't been able to hang out with you lately, Archie.'

`It's fine, Mr. Hart. I know how busy these things can get.'

He squeezed my knee and flashed me his winning smile.

`Can I make it up to you?'





Hold on. "Can I make it up to you"? What the hell does that supposed mean? Oh jeez, is he implying we do something? Is he saying we should fuck? Does he want me to suck his dick? Because I'm down. I'm definitely down for anything. Mr. Hart doesn't know what I'm willing to--.


Huh?' I looked at him to see him staring at me with an awkward smile. Everything okay?'

I didn't respond.

`Do you need something? Water or--.'




We looked at each other, confused and shocked at the same time...and then we both laughed. Our burst of laughter was only amplified as we kept at it. A great way to break the tension, thank God.

The timbre of his laughter shook me from within which made me shiver as I continued my series of chuckles before wiping away a tear at the corner of my eye.

`Run that by me again.'

He shook his head as his own laughter died down, leaving but his handsome smile on his handsome face.

I said,' he leaned down, close to my ear and whispered, can I make it up to you?'

Slowly backing away, he flashed me a devilish smirk and I knew damn well what it meant. However, this all seems too good to be true. Damn me and my untimely rationale.

`But won't they miss you? It's still early.'

`You let me deal with that.'

Mr. Hart then jogged up towards Julian who was busy talking to some of the company staff. I couldn't really make out what they were talking about because they were out of earshot. All I could see was Mr. Hart talking and Julian nodding before Mr. Hart gave my brother a couple pats on the shoulder.

Heading back to me, Mr. Hart had a big smile on his face. It was soft and cheerful. Nothing that particularly says `Ooh, let's get to fuckin'' but it was cute nonetheless, and seeing him happy makes me happy.

Before I knew it, Mr. Hart and I were in my room. I can't really remember what happened on the way here because once he told me we were finally going to have quality time together, I immediately started daydreaming. And just like that, he was helping me off the wheelchair and onto my futon.

Once he was done with helping me, he took off his jacket and gloves and sat next to me, landing on the ground with an elderly grunt.

I might've looked at him funny because he gave my cheek a light pinch. `I don't wanna hear any dinosaur jokes.'

I laughed, `Don't worry. Those are reserved only for Julian Thompson.'

Mr. Hart giggled, and as his soft chuckles vanished, his hand switched to cup me cheek. I felt the warmth radiating from his palm and slowly brought my own hand to meet his. Stroking his knuckles with my thumb, I turned a bit to kiss his hand.

`You said we'd be alone?'

He nodded, `For a couple hours at the very least.'

His hand was still on my cheek and mine was still there, too. We looked into each other's eyes; the man of my dreams and I, staring intensely at one another. Mr. Hart made the first move and leaned in to kiss me. I felt immense joy in that moment. No surprise there.

Kisses that were light and soft turned to become more frenzied and passionate to the point where I began gasping for air while moaning like a bitch in heat. I mean, technically I was but y'know, let me be as calm and collected as he is. I've had my fair share of partners in the past, so I'd like to NOT look like an amateur in front of this hunk of a man.

Mr. Hart,' I gasped as I gently pushed him away. You're not gonna take your time with me?'

His eyes widened as if he was contemplating what I had just said. Then, he gave me that soft smile before pulling me in and planting a long kiss on my forehead.

I'm sorry,' he said. You're right. I should take my time with you.'

Resting his forehead against mine, he added, `After all, I've waited a while for this. It'd be a shame to rush it.'

He pecked my lips and we resumed our kissing session. I could feel his passion but he was definitely taking his time, now that I've mentioned it to him. Mr. Hart was also being very careful with me; I could tell that he was making sure I was comfortable and relaxed from the way he's stroking my back, my head, my neck. I felt at ease with him. With this.

Our tongues soon found a steady and hot rhythm and danced together. As Mr. Hart touched and caressed my body, I felt bold enough to return the favor, so I did. I brought my hand up to his chest and felt his body. The muscles of his chest were taut yet soft and I was in absolute ecstasy feeling him up. Mr. Hart obviously didn't shy away from the whole thing, too, considering he took off my shirt for me.

`This okay?'

I nodded before pressing my lips against his, not wanting to waste a single second.

I felt a chill run across my whole body, unsure if it was due to the winter air seeping indoors or Mr. Hart's touch on my naked torso. His hands went from my neck downwards, feeling me up in every single spot that was visible to him. He was thorough and I wanted to match his energy, so I moved my hands to the bottom of his shirt.

He broke the kiss and looked into my eyes. His own were intense. His gaze told me he was hungry for me.

`Can I?'

`Anything you want, Archie.'

No need to tell me twice.

I'm the one in a rush now. I yanked his shirt over his head and threw it across my futon and went to touching straight away. Mr. Hart's body was magnificent. Just as hot and beautiful as the day I saw it at the onsen. Fortunately for me,--for both of us--the situation is less tense now. He definitely wanted this. No more denying that for sure.

Before I got to do anything else besides touching his body, Mr. Hart hooked his hands under my pits and leaned downwards, kissing my chest to which he received a moan of pleasure from me. Like his kisses, he went from soft and sweet to hard and frenzied. There was much fervor to his kisses and licks on my skin and I was in heaven. I've never felt so good before. He totally knows what the hell he's doing to me.

`You like that?' he asked in between kisses.

I moaned in response. I couldn't really form proper words, understandably so.

Pleasuring me with kisses was only a starter, of course, as he went on to lick my nipples, circling them with his tongue before gently nibbling on them. This elicited an even louder moan from me. Thankfully, my brain was still intact, so I brought my hand to my mouth and clasped it. I don't need anyone to hear me living my sexual fantasy right now or ever, really.

Sucking on my nipples was just pushing it because I was about to bust a nut. My hard cock was strained in my pants and it wanted to be released. It needed to be. And Mr. Hart seemed to have read my mind because he soon cupped my stiff length through the fabric of my pants.

`Take it out for me, Archie.'

His voice was breathy and rugged, which made the whole scene sexier. I gulped and went on to do as he told me but stopped midway.

`I wanna see yours, too.'

He kissed my neck. `All in due time, Archie. Come on, now. Can you be a good boy for me?'

Blood rose to both my cheeks and my dick as soon as those words left his gorgeous lips. He really knows how to push me and I just know he's fucking smug about it!

I merely nodded with a gulp and proceeded to obey, unbuttoning my pants and pulling my underwear along with it. My cock sprung free and I felt a sense of relief but if Mr. Hart--or even myself for that matter--touches it, I just know I'll cum. I didn't want that. Well, I do, but I want this to last longer.

Mr. Hart stopped his caress and kisses to look at my throbbing dick.

`Good boy, Archie,' he purred.

Fucking hell.

`Mr. Hart, if you touch it...,' I whispered.

`Are you close?' he asked.

I nodded. How embarrassing.

`How do you want to go about this?'

He was giving me the reins. An opportunity to prolong this, and I am nothing if not a professional.

`Can I...,' I said as I stroked his cock through his sweatpants. He's as hard as me, and it's even more evident because of his size. I could practically feel it throbbing through the thick fabric.

Mr. Hart pressed his hand to mine and moved it back and forth with me. `Go ahead.'

And that's what I did.

I continued stroking it for a bit and finally pulled his pants down. The tip of his cock was already out of his briefs and the sight of it made me salivate. A lot, apparently.

`Wanna take it out?' he purred.

I tucked my fingers underneath his underwear and slowly pulled them down. I wanted to take it all in and cherish the moment. Boy, what sprung out was magnificent. I've seen it before, but it's more special this time because we're both in this together. It's not one-sided like last time. This is important.

Mr. Hart's hard cock was throbbing as it leaked a good amount of precum. Dare I say he's just as close as I am. His large member pulsed as my hand inched closer to it before finally grasping it gently. I gasped at the feeling as it had been a while since I got to touch it directly. He gasped as well the moment my hand was around his veiny tool.

`Good. Now stroke it up and down.'

Mans talking to me like I've never done this before. An insult, really, if you think about it. Whatever. I'll let it slide because I can barely hold it together.

I did as he said and stroked his cock slowly, smearing his precum around his tip and shaft. Mr. Hart groaned in pleasure as I did so and before he--or I--knew it, my face was already so close to his dick. I could smell it perfectly. It radiated sex and authority which made me squirm, rubbing my thighs together as I used my free hand to touch myself carefully. He reached out to touch my cock but I pushed his hand away.

I shook my head, `Not yet. If you do, I'm gonna cum.'

He smiled and stroked my hair before gently pressing his palm at the crown of my head. I knew what he wanted me to do and I was so ready.

Fuuuckkk...,' he sighed as soon as lips wrapped around his big tool. That's it...'

Using what knowledge I had from past experiences, I did my best to give him the best blowjob he had ever gotten. I started off slow, giving the tip a few licks before moving to his shaft. His length is definitely impressive, so it took me a bit to get used to but once I was comfortable enough, I was ready to kick it up a notch. Bobbing my head up and down, I swirled my tongue around the tip of his cock, making him squirm and moan in delight. At this point, his massive tool was wet and slick from my spit. There was a point where his hands pressed firmer against my head, hinting that he was going to push me further down to deepthroat him, but I guess he thought against it because he released me to place his hands on the ground as he leaned back with a lengthy groan.

Archie,' he called. Look at me.'

I did, and he pulled me towards him and kissed me. This time, the kiss was sloppy. He's in heat and so am I.

We swapped our spit, kissing each other passionately and as he moved from my lips to my neck to downwards as he did before, he put a hand on my chest and asked me to lay down. I gulped and did as I was told. I wasn't going to argue because he was clearly up to something. Before I got to do anything else, I came.

No idea how much, truly. I just know that I came a lot. Hard.

`Holy fuck!' I yelped with a strained voice.

I looked down and saw my cock buried in Mr. Hart's mouth.

I came.

And I came in his mouth.

Mr. Hart gulped. He then swiped his tongue at the corner of his lips and licked off some remaining cum before looking at me to give me a handsome and sly grin.


I heaved and panted as I was beat. I hadn't even registered what the hell happened. Not properly, at least, but once I did, I cupped my face with both of my hands and groaned loudly. Whether it was out of embarrassment or pleasure, I'll let you decide.

The guy whose cock I just sucked found it super amusing, however because he laughed.

Once I sort of got it together, I frowned at him, `It's not funny!'

He smiled and crawled up to me, giving me an amazingly sexy visual of the way his muscular body moved towards me like a fuckin' leopard or something.

Mr. Hart's face was inches from mine and his smile was still present on his face. He leaned down and pecked my lips before turning it into something more sensuous. I melted. Of course I did. My arms wrapped around his back as we made out and he minimized the distance between our bodies by resting his elbows on the ground. As he did, my body twitched as I felt his cock press against my naked body. I moaned into the kiss and he moved away from me, now resting on his side with one elbow propping himself up.

I looked at him and realized that he's not as sweaty as me. Not my main point. My main point is that look of his that he has on right now. He was looking at me with that soft expression of his. The one somewhat comparable to a person who's madly in love...I'm being delusional but this is MY moment! Let me have it!

He stroked my cheek with his thumb. `You okay?'

I nodded vigorously.

That good?' he chuckled. No words?'

As a reply, I nuzzled up to him, burying my face in his sweaty chest. His chest rumbled as he laughed, making me feel warm and fuzzy all over. We remained like that for a good few minutes before he pulled back upon hearing the sound of a notification from his phone.

Instead of checking, he extended his arms up, stretching like a cat before pulling me closer to him and peppering my forehead, cheeks and ear with kisses.

I felt at ease and bliss as we stayed like that.

But that damn fucking phone, I swear to God.

With a sigh, Mr. Hart reached over to grab his phone, and as he did, he received a call. I managed to see and it was from my dad. Thanks a lot, Dad.

Uh huh's and Right--okay's were said and Mr. Hart hung up before giving me a look that said `Sorry kiddo'. Just what I needed. Fuck.

I guess he could sense what I was feeling--or maybe it's because he has eyes--because he scooted towards me and gave me a big hug, kissing my neck sweetly. After that, he pulled away and planted a long kiss on my lips, one which I returned.

I have to go,' he said as he cupped my cheek. But trust, we'll continue this later.'

I felt a blush rise to my cheeks as he said that. That and the genuine smile accompanied with his gentle eyes were enough to make literally anyone swoon.


He pecked my lips.


Mr. Hart put on his clothes and left the room. In spite of being left alone, I wasn't angry. This boy was content. He was happy.

I can't wait to see where this goes.

Dick is secured.

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 12

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