Boy Number 2039

Published on Jul 6, 2023


Boy Number 2039 - Part 3

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Boy Number 2039 - Part 3
PJ Franklin

From Part Two …

It was now the wee morning hours of the next day. Reece looked up from having napped on the couch and looked to his left. There was Paul in loose boxers that his Master had given him, asleep on Mr. Connaught's bare hairy chest also asleep both of them looking contented. Reece's emotions were not what he wanted anyone to know just then. Tommy's eyes popped open. He looked at Reece, then at Paul and Mr. Connaught.

Reece's face drew into a sneer, he got up and muttered, "Fuckin' asshole," and raced from the cabana into the blackness of the moonless tropical night. Tommy tore after him, "Wait! Reece!" he called out running as fast as he could down the beach and towards a thicket of tall palms and part-way inside before he stopped, tears running down his face,

"It's not supposed to feel like this!" Reece screamed just as Tommy arrived and stood there feeling helpless.

"What are you fucking looking at?" Reece screamed at Tommy and pushed him up against one of the palm's slender hard trunks.

Tommy could not think of anything to say, so he said nothing.

"I said! What are you fucking looking at!?" and pushed at Tommy exceptionally hard and then Reece watched horrified as Tommy Sims fell limply down into the sand at the base of the tree in an unconscious heap, a rush of blood starting to stain the pristine white crystals from the gaping wound.

Now, Part Three …

Price Connaught stirred from sleep on the cabana couch and Paul's head came up as well, "What time is it?" Paul asked sleepily.

"Time for you to get in my bed," Price said helped the boy up and then looked inside the cabana for his son and the other slave-boy, Tommy.

"Where did they get off to I wonder?" Price mumbled to himself through a yawn.

"Dad! Help!" came Reece's voice close to the cabana doorway to the beach area.

Price rushed to the door, there was Reece holding his T-shirt against the back of Tommy's head. Tommy was basically OK now, having been knocked out just a few seconds.

"What is going on?" Price asked calmly.

"Tommy has a gash on the back of his head, it got bumped," Reece said, his heart pounding from worry that his father might get very angry with him.

Price ushered the wounded boy in and looked him over, "This is more than a bump. What in the world happened Reece?" Price asked his son feeling a bit alarmed after he looked at the small but deepish gash and sat Tommy down.

"It was an accident Dad, I … I pushed him, I didn't mean for it to be that hard. His head hit the back of a cocoanut tree."

Price sighed, "And why did you push him?" and continued to look at and dab clotting blood.

"Well I … ," Reece hesitated.

"You what, just say it Reece, its too late at night to mess around," Price said with a little frustration.

"I lost my temper and pushed him. I didn't mean for him to hit his head," Reece replied. Tommy stayed silent. It was not his place to reply unless asked for his opinion on anything.

"What did he do?" Dad asked. Reece got very nervous but knew his dad well enough to not be evasive.

"He didn't do anything. I was angry with something else and he kind of got in the way, I guess."

Price sighed, "This looks like it needs a stitch or two. Come here Paul, take over," Price said, gave Reece a little glare and called the hotel concierge.

A short while later …

"There, that should do it. Just let him sleep tonight, there should be no problem. The sutures will self-absorb Mr. Connaught. You were wise not to take him to a clinic or hospital. They may have given you some grief, they're very protective of voluntary slaves these days," the hotel physician informed.

"So I hear," Price glared at Reece again who sheepishly looked down.

Price paid the doctor out of pocket who then took his leave.

"Paul, you, in my bedroom, Tommy, you OK?"

"Yes Mr. Connaught," Tommy said, his head would still be numb from the doctor's local anesthetic.

"Good, you get to Reece's bed, stay there," Price instructed and the slave-boys went to their rooms leaving Price alone with his son.

Reece knew from experience that his father had little tolerance for brushes with the authorities on any matter. Money couldn't buy everyone off, you know. He waited for a lot of yelling if not screaming.

Price sat on the couch and patted the seat besides. Reece came right over as this seemed a bit different. He sat.

"Son, you read the contracts or I asked you to. The voluntary slave laws are very explicit about intentional harm."

"But I didn't do it on purpose!" Reece interrupted. Price, his hands in his lap rolled his eyes, "Please don't interrupt, Reece," and Reece replied, "Sorry."

"The point is, you have to be careful. Even I cannot buy us out of some problems. The doctor was right. If Tommy were looked at by a public health facility, there would be lots of embarrassing questions or an investigation. But more than that son, you lost your cool in front of a slave-boy, that is not acceptable," but unlike in the past, Reece felt his father's arm come across his shoulders and the mild scolding stopped.

Reece let himself lean into his Dad. It felt good to do so, "Yes, I know. It won't happen again, I promise."

"Reece, what were … more likely who were you angry with, me?" Price asked.

Reece sat up, bit his lip, "Yes," he admitted quietly.

Paul was naked in Mr. Connaught's bed. He felt badly for Tommy and felt a little guilty thinking correctly that Reece was jealous of him being with his father, something Paul also knew he could not help as it was not his doing.  Tommy was also listening. He did not think Reece had harmed him on purpose and listened mostly for information as he undressed wondering how Reece would be once he was alone with him again.

Price sat and took his arm off his son's shoulder and sighed,

"I suppose some of this is my doing. Look Reece. Maybe I've been a bit caught off guard by this slave thing. I didn't anticipate that I would feel as I do about having slave boys. I did kind of want this to be a father-son project. I … I guess I was trying to see if it would kind of help to … well," Price stopped.

Reece's eyes grew wider with each of his father's words, an explanation that the elder Connaught seldom had uttered at least in Reece's hearing and quickly and excitedly jumped in starting with putting his hand on his Dad's shoulder,

"Dad, it's OK. I understand. I've been kind of caught off guard too. I just … I got envious of Paul," Reece stated outright.

Price Connaught was a ruthless negotiator and knew how to take advantage of any other man's (or boy's) weakness; but he did admire his son's olive branch. He looked at Reece,

"Get to bed son. I'll wake you up in the morning in a few hours and we'll go workout in the hotel gym, just you and me, OK?"

Reece smiled, "Yea! I'd like that Dad, thank you," but tried not to get too excited.

Price stood, as did Reece. Price kind of awkwardly hugged his son who dared to hug his father back even harder, "Nite Dad," Reece said quietly.

"Sleep good son. Don't stay up too late and make sure Tommy is all right, OK? He's your responsibility."

"Yes, I will Dad," and they parted.

Paul stood naked by Mr. Connaught's bed and as soon as the man entered the room he went to his side and helped him out of his robe. Price Connaught was not about to deprive himself of Paul's allure and watched the boy's hot ass as he carefully hung up the robe and returned to his side. In fact, Price's cock was already hard and ready.

"Get in bed with me, straddle me boy. Suck my cock and get that juicy little fuck hole near my mouth. You're lucky I'm too tired or I'd take that hot little cherry tonight," Price smirked as he lay back on the bed.

Paul was in place in an instant and the next, his mouth was starting to work its way down over the Master's cockhead and onto his thick veiny shaft.

Tommy was naked and standing properly upright when Reece came into the room. The awkward silence lasted a bit before Reece said, "Get on your knees, let me check your head," and Tommy kneeled.

Reece took a look but did not touch the sutured wound, it kind of looked worse that it really was at that point,

"You'll survive. Now listen up because you may never hear this from me again. I'm sorry I pushed you, sorry your skull got cracked, OK?" Reece offered, hands on hips.

"Yes Reece," Tommy said looking up at the younger boy.

"And that's another thing. Call me Master Reece or just Master now until I say otherwise."

"Yes Master Reece," Tommy replied properly.

"Good, now, undress me for bed and when we're alone like this, unless I tell you to fuck off, you will paw all over me like you enjoy my body and use your mouth on my dick and balls and especially on my ass only never kiss me unless I tell you to suck my face, got it?"

"Yes Master Reece," Tommy replied obediently, stood and started to disrobe his young Master and as he did, used his hands to stimulate the boy's nipples, cock and balls and when Reece was naked, Tommy stayed on his knees and licked at Reece's cock and balls with good results.

"Eat me out boy, nice and sloppy," Reece commanded and then got up on the bedside on his knees and bent over, ass up, legs spread wide. Tommy stood and bent over and starting on his Master's ass cheeks, licked to the center and lapped up and down, side to side.

"Yea, that's it, now tongue-fuck that hole. Tell me you love it!"

Tommy made a few more passes with his tongue and then pushed it in and out a few times,

"Oh yea, love eating your hole Master Reece," Tommy tried to sound sincere.

"Oh wow, that's impressive, not!" Reece said and popped up, "Do I need to tell my Dad that he got gipped?" Reece said with considerable sarcasm.

"No, please Master Reece, I'm sorry," Tommy said this time with considerable sincerity.

Reece shook his head and sighed, "I suppose that hit on your head has you less than fully functional, come on, get into bed, we'll just forget it, it's really late," Reece said and flopped down onto his side.

Tommy lay down next to Reece, his stomach in a knot after all that had happened. He hesitated and then scooted in close to Reece and attempted to cuddle his Master. It worked until he tried to fondle Reece's genitals. Reece slapped his hand away knowing that he contradicted himself,

"Fuck off. I'll let you know when you're back in my good graces," Reece hissed but still allowed the cuddling as it felt like his old lover, Mark and that felt a little good anyway,

"Remind me to give you a good ass whipping tomorrow," Reece finished up for good measure feeling the slave-boy's soft genitals into his ass crack, "Soft, that figures. Don't you ever get hard?" Reece cajoled.

Tommy sighed. It was at times like these when the correct procedure was to get back to his training, so rather than cower he spoke up,

"Master Reece?"

"Yes, what is it now?" Reece said with impatient curiosity.

"May I please have a good hard spanking?" he asked.

"Didn't you listen? I said ask me tomorrow," Reece said with a little edge.

"Please Master Reece, a good old fashioned over the knee spanking," Reece repeated, quite convincingly.

Reece could feel his own cock harden, "Beg me for it," he finally said.

Tommy could feel the difference, "Please Master Reece, I've been a very bad boy and bad boys need spanking. I need a spanking over your knee Master, a really hard spanking!" and now Reece could feel Tommy's cock thicken, quite a bit actually.

"You know what you are? You're a punk, a faggot punk," Reece grinned to himself.

"Yes Master Reece, I'm your faggot cock-sucking punk and need punishment!" Tommy turned things up a notch and then felt Reece's hand reach over and brought his hand to Reece's hard rod.

Reece also felt Tommy's cock fully stiff in his ass crack and then teased it by squeezing his butt cheeks around Tommy's erection.

"You think you're ever gonna get that thing inside of me, huh, punk?" Reece asked.

"If I tried, I'd get the ass whipping of my life!" Tommy replied.

"You'd get more than just that cock-sucking faggot, I'd barbecue your ass and then ass-rape your cherry," but then gave himself away and moaned, squeezing and teasing Tommy's cock by sliding his ass cheeks up and down his slave-boy's erection and Tommy moaned,

"I knew it, you're a closet case, a fucking closet case, admit it, you want to fuck me, your Master, say it!" Reece demanded as his mind now recalled how many times he had given himself to Mark in that way.

Once again, Tommy leaned on his training, follow the Master's lead,

"Yes Master, I do. I want to fuck your hot ass, make you feel it deep inside, fuck you good Master Reece!" Tommy hissed with verve.

"Fucking faggot, thinks he's gonna get his hard dong inside me, you need a whipping!" Tommy said and got up on his elbows, "Go get me a belt, now!" Reece demanded. Tommy popped out of bed and found a belt and gave it to his Master who had sat up.

"Over my knee!" Reece demanded and Tommy quickly flopped and angled up his ass just right.

Reece then let the belt fly again and again, lick after lick for a good twenty licks and then throwing it aside, his mouth plunged into Tommy's butthole, licking and lapping and greedily prodding. The whipping seemed rather light to Tommy but he didn't care as long as his Master enjoyed giving it even as he did his best with his hand to feel his Master's body, stroke his cock and play with Reece's balls in the process.

Satisfied, Reece then told Tommy to suck him off and Tommy did, only after that, Reece sucked his slave boy off as well and then sleep came quickly to both boys, Tommy wrapping his arms around his Master's body and pulling him in closely to himself.

Price Connaught was in a little bit of heaven now. Slave-boy Paul had just given him a blow job and sucked all of his man juice down without spilling a drop and then Price placed the boy's pelvis right over his mouth, pulled his slender hard dick down into his own mouth and started to suck out Paul's young stuff for his own enjoyment,

"Oh yea sir! Suck my young cock, enjoy my boy cock and drink your slave-boy's nectar!" Paul urged him. Price did and felt the boy's body shudder and then flood his mouth with delicious sweet boy cum. Price slurped and sucked at all he could and then lay back relaxing, patted his chest,

"Right here boy, sleep right here," and Paul did. He relaxed and stretched himself out at length onto his Master's long strong body.

* * * * * * * * * *

True to his word, the next morning, Price got up from his bed leaving Paul and made his way to Reece's room on the other side of the cabana to wake Reece up. What he saw made him both smile and very curious. Slave-boy Tommy was on his tummy and Reece was half-on, half-off Tommy just as Price had seen when Mark had stayed over with Reece long before.

Price stared at his son's bare ass and for the first time ever felt a pang of guilt for what he was thinking. Reece stirred, "Dad?"

"Hey boy, get up, we're going to work out, remember?" Price said looking at his son's sleepy face.

"Oh yea!" Reece said and got up stirring Tommy awake, "You and Paul get this place cleaned up while we're gone," Reece commanded.

"Yes Master Reece," Tommy replied as Reece got out of bed and put on loose gym clothes.

Father and son then walked out of the cabana and down to the large indoor facility to the weight room and indoor pool area where they worked out together, even swimming pool laps until it was time to go to the sauna.

They were alone in the hot humid steamy room, sitting side-by-side, naked. Price closed his eyes to relax and Reece looked over at his father's big penis as it lay limply to the side. Reece had always compared his penis to his dad's and now did the same but now and not for the first time wondered what it would be like to suck on his own dad's cock.

At least one other gay guy at his rich boy's boarding school had bragged about sucking his own dad's cock. Reece thought it was just bullshit for bullshit's sake; but the more he tried to look away, the more he wanted his own dad's cock in his mouth.

Price opened his eyes and caught his son staring. Reece quickly looked away. Never one to back down from any kind of angle or curiosity Price cocked his head,

"What where you looking at son?" Price asked.

"Nothing Dad," Reece said. Price closed his eyes and smirked, "All you have to do is ask," Price said.

"What, ask about what?" Reece said, knowing his dad had caught him.

For just a moment, Reece's pulse raced. Was his dad going to ask him, maybe even demand that he suck his father's cock? Price did think about it, oh yes it did, but old and staid habits took over,

"Come on, we need to get back to the cabana," Price said and the moment dissolved. Reece was disappointed but said nothing and followed his dad out to the showers where they cleaned up and got back to the cabana.

Later that sunny day would find father and son laying on their stomachs under the white beachside canopy as their slave boys massaged sun-tanning oils into their backs.

"Dad, I was thinking. I don't want to go to the academy any more. Mr. Barnard and some of the other board members' kids started a co-op school at the factory. It's like old fashioned home schooling only they have a couple of good tutors and lots of computer stuff."

Price was well aware of the on-site school and turned his head, "Won't you miss your friends?" he asked more than mildly interested in son Reece's idea.

"Naw. I got you and our slave-boys and besides, I can visit my friends any time or they me," Reece said.

About then Paul nodded to Tommy and they both straddled over their Master's upturned bare bottom cheeks and buried their faces down between father's and son's ass cracks and started an impromptu hole cleanings right out there in the open beach privacy, the waves rushing in an out just a few feet away.

"Yea, that's what I'm talking, eat my ass out slave-boy," Reece smiled and looked at his father, but his eye strayed to slave-boy Paul, slurping and enjoying himself. Price smiled as well and lazily put his arm across his son, but also looked more at Reece's ass and the way Tommy was pleasuring his son,

"That's it boy, eat deep and you boy (referring to Tommy), eat out my son's hot,"  and paused, "eat out his ass-hole boy."

Reece blushed a little, good thing he was wearing expensive sunglasses and his face was a bit white with sunscreen as he fantasized that his own father might have said, "eat out my son's boy-pussy, Tommy."

"Yes Mr. Connaught," Tommy paused answered as did Paul, but nobody missed Mr. Connaught's little reference to his own son.

Nothing could be heard for a short while except the boisterous ocean tide and two mouths slurping on their Master's butt holes until finally Price growled,

"OK, now it's time to suck cock, turn over son, slave boys go down on us," Price ordered. Reece turned over with his Dad and they lay on their backs on the towels as Paul and Tommy went down on them.

"OK, I'll look into it Reece. I guess it is time I gave you more responsibility in the company as well. It's not like you need to earn a university degree away from home," Price said.

"Thank you father," Reece said and looked at Tommy sucking down on his stiff member, but in his mind saw his own Dad going down on him or even him going down on his dad, the slave boys made to watch.

"You're welcome son," Price said, his eyes closed as Paul was bringing his balls to boil, but like Reece, in his mind it was not Paul sucking down on him just then, but his own flesh and blood son.

* * * * * * * * * *

That night in the 5-star hotel restaurant, Price had dressed Paul in a very tight fitting tennis player's outfit, all white of course, a trim white polo with a little alligator logo and a very tight fitting pair of skimpy tennis shorts as well as a pair of new white sneakers with white tube socks. He wore no underwear under the tennis shorts.

Price Connaught's adult friends, some of them anyway quite admired Paul's shapely buttocks and sexy young looks if their own facial expressions said anything even as their mouths stayed shut and this included some of the women. Reece on the other hand decided to dress Tommy in a sharp looking pair of black slacks, a white long sleeve dress shirt with a long thin black tie, black socks and black leather shoes, a pair of white boxers underneath. Tommy didn't know what to think of it although the outfit did make him feel kind of formal and business-like.

The younger adult men and rich boys were all dressed like Reece, very informally in expensive shorts and polo shirts of the latest expensive brands, beach wear really. Some of the older boys were intensely jealous of Reece Connaught, thought him with his father arrogant and crass, then again, some of their fathers' companies were in trouble financially and barely able to compete with vaunted Kobalt Industries.

Tommy and Paul had been prior fed and stood by each of their Masters at the booth as the servers came and went with each course. They spoke not unless spoken to and even then with short efficient phrases and neutral attitudes as trained.

Reece looked across the room and cringed. It was Eric Spenski. His father, Lloyd Spenski had long before made a take over bid on Kobalt. It failed miserably and ever since then the two families had been mortal enemies even as the Spenski business was starting to fail badly.

Suddenly, a waiter came to the table and handed Reece a note. He opened it and read it. It was from Eric Spenski and its contents made him furious. He quickly wrote a reply and handed it back to Tommy,

"Take this over to that table and give it to Eric Spenski," Reece ordered pointing.

"Yes Master Reece," Tommy obeyed. He walked over and found the Spenski table,

"Are you Mr. Eric Spenski?" he asked the rich boy.

"Yea, what of it faggot?" Eric sneered at Tommy and took the note.

Eric's father elbowed his son as his mother rolled her eyes, "Can't you control your son?" she hissed so that they only could hear it.

"Can't you control looking at Roger Bates?" referring to a suspect extra-marital affair that they had been fighting over for weeks now. She blushed. Eric read the note and wrote back a response and handed it back to Tommy,

"Take this back to that faggot Master of yours," Eric said feeling another of his father's inevitable elbows jabbing his side.

Tommy took the note back to his Master who read it. Reece's face tensed, "That jerk," and gave it to his father who without reading it said, "Why do you bother, Reece? The Spenskis are not worth passing notes!"

"Because he thinks that he is God's gift to tennis and he's not," Reece said, threw down his napkin and started to move out of the booth.

"Just where do you think you're going?" Price said.

"To challenge Eric Spenski to a little tennis match!" Reece said confident of his own sporting prowess.

"Careful Reece. He's no slouch," Price said of the elder Spenski's son and rolled his eyes as he watched his son drag his slave boy over to the Spenski booth.

Price then caught Paul's eye. Speaking of tennis, the outfit was really kind of cute on the fifteen-year-old. It made Price horny for him, so he slipped out of the booth and motioned Paul to follow. Paul did and Price took them to the plush men's room.

On the way, Price knew what he wanted from his little tennis "ball boy" and took him into a stall, "Unzip your shorts, get our your cock," Price whispered.

Paul grinned big, "Yes Mr. Connaught!" and pulled it out. It was already getting hard which pleased Price to no end, so he leaned over and started to suck on it.

By now Reece was charming Eric's parents, something they were quite vulnerable to. It was just a trick so that Eric had to follow suit or so Reece thought. The trick was on him, however.

"I read your note Eric. I suggest we have a tennis match tomorrow, just you and me. The loser pays, we'll decide the stakes just before the match."

"You're on, Reece," his fellow nearly fifteen-year-old rich peer said with sarcastic grace and looked slyly at his father. The ruse had worked.

"Come on Tommy," Reece said and took them back to the table only to find his father and Paul gone.

Price took his time and finished sucking off Paul's sweet boy nectar and then stood up and pulled out his hard cock, "Your turn Paul," and then a big smile crossed his face as slave boy Paul did a very good job of cock sucking in the bathroom stall.

Price returned with Paul to the table to be met by his son's disapproving glare, it was obvious that the pair had been elsewhere to do you-know-what. Reece didn't so much object as he may have been envious of Paul once again.

"So, did you challenge him?" Price asked his son feeling strangely guilty for having gotten "dessert" ahead of his son or was it that he felt caught. It was old habits again which lead to a distracted, uninterested expression. Tommy saw it right away, so did Paul.

"Yes, I plan to beat him and then humiliate his ass," Reece said with pursed lips.

"Oh really, and how do you plan to do that?" Price said slipping into the booth next to his son to finish their dining.

"I'm not sure yet, but I'll come up with something good," and then looked at his father whose neutral expression immediately made him feel quite dismissed and that made him angry inside. He said nothing, however and the dining finished.

"What do you plan to do to Eric if you beat him Master?" Tommy finally dredged up the courage to ask his Master later on back at the cabana, both of them in bed, Tommy behind of course.

"If?" Reece said curtly.

"Sorry Master, when you beat him," Tommy said.

"You are going to fuck him up the ass," Reece said.

Tommy blinked, "He'll agree to that?"

"Of course he will because I will have to agree to whatever he wants and I already know what that will be," Reece replied.

"May I ask what that is Master?"

"Yea, it was in the note you didn't read, did you?"

"Of course not, Master," and it was true, Tommy had not read the note.

"Yea, it said that if he wins, he gets to fuck me up my ass."

"Master, why would you have me fuck him when you win? Why don't you do it?"

"Because, it would be ten times more humiliating if my slave did it. He hates me for having you, because he doesn't have a slave, naturally."

Tommy sighed, "Good night Master,"

"Good night slave," Reece said but wondered if he had bit off more than he could chew.

"You were such a good boy tonight, Paul," Price said as he cuddled his slave boy into his arms in bed.

Paul was if anything even more enchanted with his Master. He had never been treated this good at any time in his life, but he was worried about Tommy and Reece and that stupid challenge,

"Mr. Connaught, I'm worried about your son and that other boy," Paul said.

Price was a bit put off at first. Was a slave boy supposed offer opinions on such private matters? And yet it suited him, "I am as well Paul. What do you suggest?" Price asked Paul merely out of curiosity.

"I'm not sure sir, only that nothing good can come of it. If it were me, I would find a way to stop it."

Price turned over onto his back, "Lay on my chest boy, tummy down," Price said, one hand rubbing up and down Paul's smooth, soft back and down onto his bubbly bare buttocks as a very good idea came to mind.

Paul moaned as a thick finger started to wander onto his boy hole. Paul was a bright boy indeed, worthy of a reward in Price's mind. Price already knew what was going on in Kenneth Spenski and his son's minds.

Maybe he should try to stop his son's ridiculous challenge, but maybe not. Actually, maybe it would be more fun to see if Reece would follow through or not. He would decide on the morrow. He smiled contentedly to himself as Paul started to writhe,

"You are a good boy Paul. I have not yet fucked you and we shall not tonight. What can I do to make you wild with sex?"

Paul grinned. He had pleased his Master, "Mr. Connaught, I want us to eat our holes out together!"

Price's eyes lit up, "My, aren't you the creative one!" and so that is what they did, loud slurps followed by the sounds of cock sucking, boy on man and man on boy. Sperm would soon be exchanged for the second time that night and Paul would fall asleep in his Master's strong arms.

Tommy was not happy and could not sleep. The challenge between his Master and the Spenski boy was ill-advised and could end up very badly for his Master. If Reece won and dominated the other boy, the other boy would only seek revenge.

If Eric won, Reece would be humiliated and God only knows what kind of revenge, much less mood it would put Reece in, never mind who he would take it out on. Sleep came to Tommy, but not good dreams that night.

* * * * * * * * * *

"I forbid it. You will tell Eric Spenski that the challenge is off!" Price told his son the next AM in the cabana over breakfast just to see what Reece would do.

Paul and Tommy had gotten up early of course to fetch breakfast trays first for themselves and then larger ones for their Masters and served them standing by the patio table.

Reece glared at his father, "No! I will not cancel it. You'll make me look like a coward in front of him!"

"You can find an excuse. You can tell him that we have to get back home, an emergency," Price said. It was a stupid idea, but it pleased Price for some reason to offer it to his petulant son who needed to learn a lesson.

Paul glanced at Tommy and Tommy at Paul. This was not going well. Reece saw the glances nonetheless, "Stop it you two!" Reece barked and then looked at his dad,

"Fine, fine, just fine, thanks for nothing dad," got up and stormed off onto the sand and down the beach a little ways away, Tommy following.

Tommy caught up just as Reece stopped, arms folded, "We are going to do it."

Tommy dare not say a thing. Oh this was not going to turn out well at all. He followed Reece back to the table,

"You're right dad. It was a bad idea, I'll tell Eric that the challenge is off; but I do want to hit some tennis balls, care to join me?" Reece lied and dared his father to supervise him knowing that Price Connaught was not going to do what every other father should and would.

"No thanks son. I have some business calls to make back to the company, see you soon," Price said but then looked at Paul whose face betrayed worry. Price admired it, but old habits die-hard.

Of course he should hit tennis balls with Reece, call his bluff and supervise him, but that would be too easy, not much lesson in that. Besides, now something else inside of Price wanted Reece to disobey, so he kept up the ruse.

Tommy had no choice but to silently obey his Master and follow him to find Eric Spenski instead of hitting tennis balls with a machine or with one of the many available tennis instructors or even just have Tommy stand there as a target which he would have done very willingly at this point.

"I though you would wuss out, so what's it to be Connaught, what are the stakes?" Eric said, his eyes glowing with confidence.

"You name it," Reece said full of himself.

"If I win, I get to either fuck you up your ass or I get to tell your slave boy there to fuck you. In any case, you're fucked!"

"And if I win?" Reece asked.

"Name it," Eric replied.

"I tell my slave to give you the ass whipping of your life, spank you till you cry and then he fucks your ass."

Eric paled. Tommy hoped to God that he would back down, "I'll go you better. If I win, I'll tell him to whip your sorry ass and then I will fuck you after he fucks you! Your turn!"

"Fine. If I win, you get the same. That makes us even," and sadly to Tommy, the two haughty rich boys shook on the ill-advised bet.

The tennis match challenge started. It was to be the best three of five games for the best two out of three sets. Tommy hoped and wished that Eric was not as good as Mr. Connaught thought or that Reece would get lucky. Naturally, neither was reality.

The more games Reece lost the worse he played. The match took a while but the result was all too obvious. Eric jumped and shouted for joy. Reece stood there stunned and already humiliated.

Tommy had never felt so helpless and unhappy, but before Eric could claim his winnings there was sarcastic applause from two men, two fathers, Mr. Spenski and Mr. Connaught who now walked onto the court,

"Game over for both of you! Eric, you get to your room, now!" Mr. Spenski ordered. Eric looked at his father stunned, "But you said!"

"Never mind what I said. I've changed my mind, now obey me Eric!"

Eric sneered at Reece, "You little chicken shit. You planned this all along!" and ran off disconsolate knowing his own father had set him up just to snatch his victory away for his own purposes.

"Dad!" Reece shouted, but knew he was in deep shit.

"You get to the cabana. You lied to me, Tommy you stay here with me and Paul."

Reece's face fell. He tried to turn disappointment and fear to anger, but it did not work this time. He ran off sans Tommy his slave who felt entirely helpless.

Mr. Spenski turned to his ex-enemy and now purported new "business partner," Price Connaught. They had buried the hatchet, or so Kenneth Spenski told himself,

"See you bright and early Monday morning at Kobalt, Price, nice dealing with you. Good luck with your son."

"And you with yours," Price replied and watched the elder Spenski walk off.

Price already knew that Eric Spenski's company was doomed, so did Spenski who had no choice really. Better to voluntarily merge his company with Price Connaught's and become a vice president than to lose his entire fortune, now protected under their new agreement or so he thought.

Price sighed and looked at his slave boys, "Tommy, I'm sorry to have to put you through this, but for the next two days, you are going to be my son's Master. I want him severely punished and subdued. He went too far this time. You see, Kenneth Spenski put his son up to this prank just to try and get some ridiculous payback at me through Reece for failing to kill my company a while back."

"You knew what was going on all the time Mr. Connaught?" Tommy asked.

"Indeed Tommy. My son's foolish pride and half-witted effort to take things too far backfired. He's not half the tennis player that Eric is, but Reece let petty feelings get in the way of common sense. I do give him a little credit. It brought Ken Spenski to his senses and now I have a bigger company."

Tommy nodded but did not like the idea of dominating Reece. Oh, it would be fun for a while, but would drive the elder from the younger even further, not a good idea. Why did some men of such power have no clue when it came to their own offspring?

Kenneth Spenski found Eric in their room, "Sorry kiddo. I had to take the deal which meant to kill yours."

"Now we'll be under their thumbs. You under Price Connaught, me under that shithead Reece," Eric said with earned frustration.

"Who knows. Maybe you'll get your revenge yet. I won't, not soon anyway. I just need us to survive a few years and maybe I can make a come back and beat that bastard," but knew he was just trying to give his son hope where really none existed.

"I'll bet those perverts are going to have sex with their slaves after daddy beats his son's ass," Eric said.

"You, all you think about is sex," Kenneth said and just shook his head.

Reece was sitting on his ass in the sand next to the patio. How had he fallen for Eric and his dad's trick? His own father had warned him and he had let Eric's snide little dare get to him.

He had lost and lost badly, not only the match, but his dignity and honor. Still, he had Tommy and Tommy had to do what he said. Just then he saw three males standing over him and stood up,

"Tommy, get your butt back inside, we've some unfinished," but dad interrupted,

"I've taken Tommy back temporarily, Reece. You are being punished. I've instructed Tommy to dominate and punish you for two days starting right now. You are now the slave. Maybe you'll think twice before falling for cheap tricks from unworthy competitors."

Reece's face fell, talk about humiliation, but he could do nothing now. Tommy decided he had better show his own cooperation, "Come with me Reece, we need to start your punishment right away."

Paul didn't know whether to be glad or sad for Tommy. He was sad for Reece, however, and for Reece's father as he watched them leave. Paul immediately tried to think of ways to get Mr. Connaught to take responsibility for his son rather than foist it off on Tommy, but nothing came to mind just then.

Paul shrugged and instead used his hand to rub up and down the elder's back. Price smiled, "Come on young man, let's take a long walk down the beach."

Reece's heart was pounding hard, so was Tommy's as they entered the cabana together. This had turned out much worse than either boy could have anticipated. Tommy wondered if he dare disobey Mr. Connaught and enter into some kind of secret pact with Reece and try to get father and son back together or would that be suicide?  Reece wondered if he could try and persuade Tommy to not do as he father said, but to do that would require even more disobedience. He was already treading in dangerous waters.

"OK, you're the boss. What do you want me to call you?" Reece said turtling for the first time. Tommy was not sure he liked seeing Reece this way,

"Tommy is fine. Look, Reece, I'm just going to say it. Your father should be punishing you, not me."

"Duh!" Reece said in a moment of sarcasm that did not last, nor did he enjoy it, but at least they agreed on that.

"Your father did say I had to punish you, but he didn't say how," Tommy said.

"Oh come on, you know what he meant," Reece replied.

"Humiliation is punishment. Didn't you already feel punished when you lost the tennis match to Eric Spenski?"

"Yea, so what?" Reece replied.

"I'll take you back to your father, I'll scold you when we get close and make you beg your father for forgiveness on your knees. You will have to beg to be spanked by him or something and … ," Tommy took a big breath, "You'll beg him to fuck you up your ass."

"What? Are you crazy?" Reece said, "how dare you," but he stopped himself.

Tommy was right, even about the sex. After all, Reece had already unwisely given up his ass to Eric Spenski by losing. Hid dad had saved him and maybe had taken Eric's right for himself or that was the thought anyway.

"The worse that can happen is that your dad will punish me for trying to trick him."

"Hold on, maybe not, maybe not. This could work," Reece said, his mind motoring, "What about Paul, where does he stand with all of this?"

"Paul loves your dad, really loves him, but he doesn't like that you and he are not doing so well. Paul is like that."

"Yea, he is, actually he's been good for my father, OK, I'll do it. Like you said, the worse that can happen is, well, he'll warn you and you'll have to beat my ass for two days or maybe longer. Knowing my father who the hell knows," and for the first time, Reece Connaught looked at Tommy Sims without any thought for his old flame, Mark.

Price had just tossed slave boy Paul into the surf for the third time. He had never played with Reece like this and each toss made Price feel more guilt, but he didn't want to stop. Paul loved it of course, but then saw Tommy and Reece coming towards them. Tommy had Reece by the ear and looked stern. Reece looked worried, what the hell?

"Mr. Connaught, look," Paul pointed. Price turned, "What in the world?" and they walked to meet the advancing pair halfway.

"Please don't make me Tommy, sir, please not this, anything but this!" Reece started the drama.

"You keep your yap shut Reece, you are a bad boy and need hard punishment, now get on your knees and do as you are told!" and Reece not only fell onto his knees, but he reached out and grabbed his father's legs with his hands,

"Please father, please punish me. My … my Master made me do this to punish me … it's so humiliating, make him stop, please!" came out the awkward phrases, not exactly as planned as well that the acting was terrible.

Price saw through all of it of course. He was about to explode on both of the boys until Paul patted his back, "What?!" Price glared at Paul,

"Mr. Connaught, it would be easy for Reece to take punishment from his slave-boy. He kind of, well, he likes it of course and well, that's not really punishment."

Price still knew what was going on, but Paul's influence had slowly crept into the elder's thinking for several days now, "Go on," and all eyes were on Paul.

"It's easy sir. You're Reece's father. I mean, for you to punish your own son would be quite natural really, but to do so in front of the slaves would be superior humiliation and make the punishment far more effective. I'll bet Reece would hate that more than anything!"

"He made me say it dad, please don't, please don't punish me!" Reece said, maybe a little better this time.

Price then gave Tommy a long and hard look. He hardly trusted Reece, but Tommy on the other hand and then other things came to Price's mind about his son, things that had been on his mind, well, for quite a while.

"I see. Well, it seems you're very creative Tommy. Perhaps you are right," and then looked at his son, "Get up," he said. Reece stood up, hopeful now.

"You're filthy (which he really was not.) Go back to the cabana and shower yourself. No masturbation. You wait for me young man, you're in hot water up to your eyeballs this time."

Reece felt something inside of himself, a faint warmth. It was like trying to light a fire with little fuel or spark in a cold winter's wind that he had to nurture,

"Yes father," turned and quickly walked back to the cabana, his heart pounding, his dick hardening and his mind focusing on nothing else. He was about to be punished by his own father, maybe more than just a few licks in a racquetball court!

Price waited until his son was out of earshot, "So Tommy, you chose to disobey me."

"By the law, yes sir; but by the spirit of the thing, I was just trying to do something, well, special for my Masters."

Price nodded, "I see. You know I could come down hard on you for trying this?"

"Oh, yes sir, but it was worth it."

"Reece is worth it or I'm worth it?"

"Both Mr. Connaught. To tell the truth, I like your son. I like you as well and I'm not trying to escape responsibility either. Punish me if you must, I would do it again."

Price turned to the ocean, hands on the boys' heads rubbing their hair through his fingers distractedly. This was not at all what he thought slave ownership would be and it was only the first few days of it. Was he getting soft? Had this been a bad idea or was it turning out exactly as he may have secretly wanted it to?

"You boys, run along, give me some space to be with my son. When I'm done with him, we'll find you."

"Yes sir!" the boys said in tandem and then excitedly watched as their owner walked away.

"Come on, race you to that thicket of palms way over there!" Tommy smiled and they took off.

By the time Price Connaught got to the cabana, Reece had to hurriedly finish the hot shower. His mind, usually very focused was scattered with all sorts of thoughts including about Mark and now he was not comparing well to Tommy at all and certainly about his dad. Would his dad follow through? Would there be more between them then just punishment? Should he try to be one way or the other with him?

Price saw his son just step out of the shower and rushed up, grabbed the towel, "Stand still young man, you're in big trouble you know," but dad's voice was unusually calm and not sarcastic.

"Yes sir," Reece said making sure to maintain a respectful tone as his dad slowly started to towel his torso.

"I am going to have to give you a very hard spanking Reece," Price said trying to be paternal.

"Over your knee dad? Or with the belt or the hairbrush? … I mean, please father, please dad, don't spank me. I'll be good, I promise!" but was it too theatrical? Did he really mean it that way? Was it too cheesy or too domestic?

But Price barely heard any of Reece's little speech as his own cock was doing all the talking. Toweling his son, his only son like this was sensuous and yes, sexy. What had he been missing all of these years? Son Reece was much like he had been as a boy, handsome, athletic and smart as a whip and now, he wanted his son in a way that few fathers wanted their sons.

Price tossed the towel to the side, stepped back, pulled off his T-shirt and took off his shorts and underwear. Reece's eyes got huge, father Price's cock was hard as a rock as was his. Reece's heart was pounding blood everywhere, his face, his cock. His chest ached with fear and desire.

Price sighed, looked down at himself and then at his son. Nobody died. The sun would come up in the morning. He was rich beyond avarice, but even money could not buy what he saw in front of himself, his son, naked, with an erection, quite like his own; but also a boy that needed some discipline.

"Do you have a hairbrush that you use on Tommy?"

"Yes sir, want me to get it?" Reece asked breathlessly.

"Hurry," dad said. Reece hurried.

Paul and Tommy had snuck back to the cabana. They wanted to at least hear what was going on inside between father and son, so they hid in the bushes right next to an open cabana window.

By the time Reece had returned holding the brush up like a baton, Price had pulled out the chair from the small desk in the room and sat, then motioned Reece over. Reece stood anxiously at his father's side and handed him the brush. They both realized that this was a first between them, both nervous,

"I suppose I should say something," Price said.

"Yea, I guess," Reece replied.

Tommy and Paul had moved toward the sliding patio door to hear better. He looked at Paul and rolled his eyes. Paul smiled. They could hear just fine.

"Reece, you disappointed me. You lied and said you would not go through with the challenge as I wished, do you have anything to say for yourself?"

"No sir, only … um … I'm sorry, please don't spank me," Reece felt obligated to say.

"Well, that's too bad, you're going to get a good hard spanking now, over my knee, son."

Price watched as Reece lay across his knees, felt the weight of his son's body, draped so nicely, his bare ass pushed up, Price thought a little extra. He was not wrong. Reece felt his erection grind into his father's bare thigh and it felt good to push up his bared bottom.

Price pressed his hand onto the lower part of Reece's back and rubbed a little up and down. Reece closed his eyes and feeling his dad's erection rubbed into it a little. Price closed his eyes a moment, it felt so good to have Reece rub on his cock. Then he rubbed the hard wood surface across his son's cheeks.

Reece turned his head, "Please dad, don't paddle me, it's going to hurt," Reece said half-heartedly. He had always wanted to say that.

"Sorry Reece. Maybe next time you'll obey me," Price half-smiled and then lifted the brush up and started to pop Reece's bum quite briskly and with good force.

Reece was quickly overwhelmed by his dad's strong strokes, but held back anything but yelps and a lot of forced whimpers, "Please dad!" Reece finally was forced to say. Paul stopped. His son's ass was beet red, but Price felt far from finished,

"Please what Reece? Be honest. You want me to blister your ass, ten shades of red and then what? Huh? Tell me, tell me or I swear you'll regret it!"

Tommy's eyes widened, so did Paul's as they now were hugging each other, hoping to God that the Connaught males would finally clear the air. Paul purposely reached down and fondled Tommy. Tommy was at first taken aback as two slaves touching each other thusly might be considered a grievous error, punishable by their Masters, but it was Paul and Tommy appreciated Paul more than ever.

Reece finally just said it, "Dad! Please, punish me hard and then fuck me. Make me suck your cock and then fuck me, please!" Reece's voice intense and for the first time honest.

Price looked down on his son, at first as he looked down on all men if the truth were known with disdain; but the look softened. Price softened, his feelings anyway,

"Good. Finally, the truth and the truth is, Paul has taught me … he has taught me to be free with my sexuality with boys and that means, I want to punish you, now and in the future I will spank you whenever I want for no reason. I will fuck you and make you suck my cock, for no reason other than it is my duty and it pleases me to do so."

Reece heard the words and whimpered, at first in disbelief and then realizing it was not a dream, "Yes father. Thank you father. I will obey you," Reece said with feeling and then humped his father's knee.

"Stop that humping. I will tell you when you hump. Stick that ass up high, son!" Price said with fervor.

"Yes daddy!" Reece said falling into submission faster than if he had jumped off of a bridge into the river below and put his ass up high for his dad.

Tommy and Paul were entranced, so much so that they crept too close to the cabana opening. Price was about the thoroughly blister his son's upturned back side and had raised the brush high, ready to strike when he spied the slaves out the corner of his eye.

"Get in here the both of you!" Price barked. Tommy and Paul did as they were told and stood side by side, hands clasped in front, heads down. Tommy was trembling, but so was Paul as his Master's voice had not been happy.

Even Reece looked over, only he didn't say a thing and instead looked up at his dad, proud of dad, wanting his dad to dominate him, no matter what he did with the slaves. Price could have been furious in any manner he chose. It would have been simple, but he chose elsewise.

Price Connaught now had it all. He had the power of his industries. He had control of all who worked under his thumb. He had dominated Spenski and his plotting son, Eric and soon, Spenski and his son would be in for a terrifying surprise.

He had a son, Reece who he finally could admit, he both adored, wished to continue training for big things in the family business, but also wanted to dominate sexually and that son wanted him to do so. He also had a pair of slaves who had quite frankly helped him.

Paul had helped Price to loosen up, to enjoy sex with boys, slave-boys as well as encouraged him to enjoy his own son. Tommy had risked all, had disobeyed, but had done so very cleverly in a way that pleased Price.

Price suddenly realized that running his new, well, his new family, his "sons" was going to take up a lot of his time and a good owner knew how to delegate, encourage, and yes when necessary terrify and punish.

"Come over here the both of you, kneel in front of Reece," Price said calmly.

The boys came quickly over, and both looked up to their Master, hands carefully folded in their laps, "Hold hands," Price said and they did. Reece looked at his father and then at the boys. This was amazing. What was father doing?

"You are our slave-boys, but you are also going to be a part of this family. From now on, I want this to be a family affair. That does not mean you own anything. You are owned, by me and by my son, but in saying that, I will require service from all of you, Paul, Tommy and you as well Reece. In exchange, I will treat you all as my sons. You Reece are my alpha son, you will command our slaves in my stead at all times. There will be punishments, some earned, many not. Reece is your boss, make no mistake, but I will dominate my son and may instruct you to do the same. Do you all understand?"

"Yes father!" Reece said with pride, "Yes Master!" the slave boys said with equal pride.

"You are going to be punished first Reece. Then, you will punish our slaves for creeping around trying to figure us out, right boys?" the corner of his mouth coming up.

"Yes Master," the boys replied, but were sheepishly smiling.

"Paul, Tommy. You are clever boys. I don't ever wish for you to stop trying to figure things out. I need smart people around me, including all of my boys."

That said, Price then punished his son. Price put his son into tears with that brush that afternoon in the cabana. Reece cried his eyes out, but not a lot from the pain. He cried his eyes out because he had finally done it, he had his father and in ways that only a rare boy could ever be so proud.

After Price finished Reece's punishment, Price watched proudly as Reece spanked the slave boys with his hand, all that Price would allow and then he pointed to one bedroom,

"It's time for my slaves, my boys and sons, to lose their cherries, to me."

It would be a grand four-way directed by the owner of Kobalt Industries. Price would sit in a chair and order boys to kiss, boys to suck boys, boys to suck him. He would suck boys, he would rim their fine young asses and make the rim him. It was sans punishment and rough play really. That would come later.

For now, Price worked the boys into a frenzy and they begged to be fucked, Reece Connaught begged the loudest and got fucked first. The taking was painful, from the rear as befits a father fucking a son and putting him in his place as the alpha boy. Price then fucked Paul and lastly Tommy.

Reece was then ordered to fuck the slave boys and did, proudly. To everyone's surprise and especially Tommy's he stayed hard, very hard. Reece rewarded Tommy with his father's permission. Reece ordered Tommy to fuck him and Tommy did, but then the surprise of the night.

Price smirked at Paul, "Don't let this go to your head young man, but you are going to fuck me."

"Dad!" Reece said as Tommy's eyes widened.

"Don't worry. You'll get your shot one of these days. Paul has earned it and I always reward employees or owned slaves when they have proven valuable."

Reece smiled and as Paul proudly mounted his Master from behind, Reece hugged Tommy from behind, no thought of Mark whatsoever. Price had always wondered how anal sex would feel. Paul was skilled, used lube and wisely went slow.

Reece watched and as he did, his cock got hard and he pressed himself into Tommy's ass. Tommy relaxed, turned and feel to his knees looking up at Reece, his Master. Reece smiled, ran his hand through Tommy's hair and nodded.

Tommy started to suck on his Master's cock as Reece watched his father get his first fucking. Reece could be envious of Paul and was, a little jealous as well. Price knew this of course but did not care who fucked him first. What was important was that Reece learn that he had to earn his way through to the family fortunes and Price was going to live one hell of a long time.

Reece raptured about the same time as Paul did. Paul then felched his white nectar out of Price's ass, surprising Price and pleasing him, indeed. Price then did the unthinkable and kissed Paul and shared the musky fluids. Yes, Price planned to keep this boy close, very close.

Price then continued to shock his boys. He ordered the slave boys be taught both tennis and especially racquetball. He hired the resort pros to begin immediately that day. His slaves would be trained to play doubles with him and son Reece. God help the boy who lost any game or match, there would be painful corporal punishment to endure for sure.

That night, Price ordered his son and his slaves into formal wear, tuxedos. It was scandalous and the Spenski's were allowed to witness the abomination as it would be the last time that they would have the money to even go to this resort. Lloyd was chagrinned, Eric was furious, envious and jealous of Reece.

That night, Price still retired to his own bed with Paul whispering in his ear, "You will fuck me again, but first, I want you to use this on me," and handed a very surprised slave boy a riding crop. Paul made sure the door was shut tight.

In the other bedroom that night, Reece's order for his slave boy was simple, "Whip my tail with the belt, put your cock in my mouth, fuck my mouth and then fuck my ass."

"Yes Master Tommy,"  Tommy said, his cock rock hard. So while father Price was experimenting with pain, Reece was being natural and getting his own needs met. All four males slept like babes that night for tomorrow would be a new day indeed.

The End

© Copyright PJ Franklin June 29, 2014

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