Boy Meats Lawyer

By beacon 78

Published on Apr 4, 2000


Author: beacon78 Title: Boy Meats Lawyer -- Part 8

This story contains the characters of Eric, Shawn & Jack from the television show Boy Meets World and that of Eugene, Jimmy, Bobby & etc. from The Practice. This is an entirely fictional story concerning the characters of these television shows. This story in no way implies the actual sexual orientation of the actors that portray these roles, though this is an episode that I would love to see.

"Boy Meets World" is a trademark of and copyright of Michael Jacobs Productions in association with Touchstone Television

"The Practice " is a Trademark and copyright of David E. Kelly Productions in association with Twentieth Century Fox Television

Any copyright infringement is unintentional on the part of the author.

Boy Meats Lawyer - Part 8

"Good Morning Sleepyhead" Corey's voice cooed. Shawn rubbed the sleep out of his eyes and saw a smiling Corey laying next to him in the big double bed. He leaned in to receive a hot wet kiss from his best friend and new lover. The two boys lips met and their tongues started to explore each other's mouths, thrusting and rubbing, as their hands roamed each other bodies. Last night had been the most exciting night of Corey's life and although he had protested, he had never felt so loved or completed as when he had taken Shawn's 9" cock into his boycunt. As the boys kissed he felt Shawn's prick start to rise against his own, and he slowly stroked a fingertip along it. A slow journey with very light pressure from the bulbous head down the shaft, down to the balls, then even slower back up till he found Shawn's piss-slit.

The head was now very red and a steady stream of precum was starting to drip from the tip. Corey dipped his finger into the nectar and then rubbed his finger over Shawn's parted lips, making them shine. He stopped for a moment to admire his work, then proceeded to lick all of it off. Shawn could only lie there and moan as Corey worked him over, now licking his way down his heaving chest. Soon Corey was eye to eye with the cock that had so roughly taken his cherry the night before, and he lightly ran his tongue around first the engorged head, before taking the entire shaft into his mouth. For a virgin cocksucker, he was wonderful. Shawn thought he would die from ecstasy, the tongue work alone was like a pro. Damitt, he was almost as good as Eric, and as a FUCKING VIRGIN!!! Who knew what he could do with experience! Eugene and the other were going to love him.

"OHHHHH" It was all that he could do not to grab Corey by the ears and pound his throat, and just when he was about to blow down that tight wet tunnel, Corey stopped. With a smile he pulled off a startled Shawn, and in a flash impaled himself on that big hard, dripping wet dick.

"Oh yes Shawn! Corey Like! Like a lot! This is where your cock belongs, up my boy-pussy. Fuck me Shawnee, fuck me like you've never fucked before."

With a lusty grunt Shawn agreed. Pulling Corey down to him so that he could kiss those cherry lips, he drew his knees up so that Corey was now sitting with his chest against Shawn's and his ass plastered to his crotch. Slowly he flexed his legs so that just a tiny bit of his rock hard dick left the boy's ass. He then began to slide his dick back into his lover's steaming hot, vise tight cunt a fraction of an inch at a time, making each stroke just a little longer than the last. Soon he was long-dicking Corey so hard that his balls were making a slapping noise against his ass.

It did not take long before both boys were very close and moaning and screaming. Corey came first as his battered prostate could only take just so much abuse, and as he came he ass clamped down like a vise on Shawn's prick forcing a huge load to splash Corey's bowels. With Shawn's dick still up his ass, Corey just reached down, grabbed the disheveled covers, pulled them around him and his lover and drifted back to sleep.

Scene 2 -- Friday Afternoon 3pm Student lounge Alf Landon Junior College

Eric, Jack and Shawn are sitting drinking coffee and talking as Corey and (T) walk in. "Jesus, Shawn I thought you said they were history! What is she still doing around?? Master Eugene will not like this! We are supposed to meet him at the airport in 4 hours and that cunt is still attached to him!" Eric and Jack both hissed at him. "Not to worry guys, I have a plan." He smiled and proceeded to tell them

Scene 3 -- Eric and Jack's apartment building

"Corey Matthews do not even think for one moment that I am going to stay more than 15 minutes in this filthy building or that rat hole of an apartment of your brothers" (T) sneered " I am only here to get back the leather jacket that Eric borrowed from you. You will need it this weekend when we go to the poetry festival. Well? What are you doing? Open that dirty door!"

Poor Corey looked like the hen-pecked almost husband that he was. He really wanted to go to away with Shawn, but now (T) was insisting that they not only spend every moment together, but that they get Married! She claimed to be pregnant! He did not even remember having sex with her he had been so drunk the last few dates that they had had. Shawn said to not worry that he would take care of everything. But How?????

Eric answered the door, and quickly showed them to the couch. "I hear from Corey that congrats are in order, so Jack and I got champagne! (T) looked at the bottle and made a face "Domestic , it figures , what can you expect from a couple of idiots!" Eric and Jack ignored her and started to pour everyone a glass, as Shawn walked into the room. He shook hands all around and answered (T's) muttered "trailer Trash" with "Bitch".

Eric proposed a toast and they all drank, (T) making a face at the champagne, but taking a second glass to be polite. After a few minutes she felt woozy and sat back on the couch and fell asleep. "T? Wake up! She never falls asleep like this!" a flustered Corey said. " Not to worry Corey, It's part of my plan!" A smiling Shawn explained "She will be out cold for several hours, certainly long enough for us to make our plane. Everything else we will figure out later."

The doorbell rang and Shawn Answered it, opening the door to revel a tall bear-dude pushing a laundry hamper. "Arthur! Right on time dude! Come in!" The other boys greeted Arthur, and helped him to wheel his basket. Corey tried to place were he knew this man from, but was having trouble placing him. He was a striking bear of a man, 6',hairy, barrel chested, with a fine salt and pepper beard, twinkling blue eyes, and a handsome face. A huge bulge in his jeans completed the horny picture. Finally it dawned on Corey where he knew Arthur from! Mc the cleaners by their dorm , he was the owner.

"Come on boys, give me a hand with her! Easy does it! There we go!" Arthur boomed as they loaded an unconscious (T) into the laundry hamper. "Don't worry Corey! My sister the deasel dyke and her motor cycle friends will keep her entertained. Now Eric how's a down payment on your bill?" He grinned as he unzipped his pants and pulled out a fat 8"cock. Eric and Jack both were on their knees giving Arthur a double blowjob as the first part of his payment. They would be paying with more than just a blowjob for this favor next weekend, and in fact were looking forward to it. Arthur had promised to work their holes over but good. Eric was so glad that he had come across Arthur several years ago in a Philly gay bar. The man was incredible, a real swordsman, and he hadn't paid for dry cleaning since!

Arthur moved back to the sofa and sat down, without Eric or Jack having removed their talented tongues from his fat shlong. Up and down the licked, taking turns sucking on the head as Arthur groaned in pleasure. He reached down and grabbed a handful of each boys hair and ground his dick against their gasping faces, shooting a geyser of jism all over them.

"Good Job boys, see you next weekend!" Arthur said as he stood and stuffed his still huge dick back into his jeans. He waved as he wheeled the laundry hamper containing the unconsence (T) out of the elevator. Shawn turned to Corey and said, " Now you can go buddy! She will be busy all weekend, I packed your stuff, are we ready to go guys?"

"Almost Shawn" Eric replied " Master said he would send a car for us at 11:45 and it's almost time, we should wait downstairs." The 4 boys entered their building lobby just in time to see a large airport limousine pull up to the front door. The driver helped them with their bags and soon they were off to the airport. The car proceeded to the section of the airport reserved for private plane, and soon stopped in front of a large shining jet.

A hot looking young Hispanic man dressed in a stewards uniform waited for them at the foot of the steps. He greeted them and ushered them aboard, where a smiling duo of Jimmy and Eugene stood waiting for them. "Ready to party boys?" they asked. Jack, Eric and Shawn introduced Corey to the men who each gave him a bear hug greeting. Corey replied that he was pleased to meet them and was looking forward to the weekend.

Eugene chuckled and said " Glad you could join us boy! I have another boy I would like you to meet, Josh come over here. Josh this is Corey." The two young men shook hands as they checked each other out, liking what they saw. Eugene liked how hot those two looked together, and immediately planed to pair them up as part of tonight's entertainment. But for right now he got everyone to their proper seats, as the pilot was flashing the "fasten seatbelts" sign. They would be in Jamaica soon enough and everyone needed some rest. Soon the stewards would be serving lunch, then maybe there would be time for Corey and Josh to become members of the "Mile High Club". Yea that would be fucking great! He wanted that hot white boy real bad, and he had only just met him! Just the sight of all that innocence was turning him on, and he was sure that his dick would be hitting the lad tray soon the way it was growing. He looked over and saw that Jimmy was eyeing Corey as well and he just knew it was going to be a real hot weekend.

He was pulled from his horny thoughts by a question for Eric. "Sir, what a cool plane! Is it yours?" Eric asked. Eugene grinned back at him" No boy, it's not mine, it belongs to our host for the weekend. You will meet him later, and don't ask who he is; it's a surprise for my boy's. Lets just say he is a fucking hot actor and you will love his huge house and his big fat dick!"

To Be Continued...

Who is the boy's host???? Find out in part 9 ! Suggestions welcomed.

And as always -- Thank you for your kind letters and hot pictures!

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