Boy Meats Lawyer

By beacon 78

Published on Feb 29, 2000


This story contains the characters of Eric, Shawn & Jack from the television show Boy Meets World and that of Eugene, Jimmy, Bobby & etc. from The Practice. This is an entirely fictional story concerning the characters of these television shows. This story in no way implies the actual sexual orientation of the actors that portray these roles, though this is an episode that I would love to see.

"Boy Meets World" is a trademark of and copyright of Michael Jacobs Productions in association with Touchstone Television

"The Practice " is a Trademark and copyright of David E. Kelly Productions in association with Twentieth Century Fox Television

Any copyright infringement is unintentional on the part of the author.

Boy Meats Lawyer - Part 5 Scene 1 -- "Youngwood" Eugene Young's Gothic Mansion outside Boston

Saturday Evening

After lying on his back staring at the ceiling of his cell for the better part of hour, Shawn has finally drifted off into a fretful sleep. So many things were running around in his head that he barley knew which way was up. His ass was so itchy from the buttplug that was firmly implanted in his cute little ass, the dog collar he wore and his shaved balls and pits were constant reminders of his new slave status. How the hell had all this happened, and why did he not care that he was no longer the one in charge? Shawn Hunter, the biggest pussy hound at Alf Landon Junior College had been fucked up the ass and had sucked more cock than he could count, and it seemed fucking natural! Like he had been born to serve his new master! Just thinking about Eugene was making his cock grow and both his boypussy and his mouth feel strangely empty.

His mind raced as he remembered how Stanley had told him that tonight's party would be even wilder! He could not imagine how it could be hotter than last night. Just remembering had gotten him hard as a rock, his cock leaking pre-cum all over, dripping down the shaft onto his newly shaved balls. The big black buttplug up his ass was starting to drive him crazy, tugging at his spinkter muscle like it was, pulling, and stretching, constantly reminding him how good a big cock felt sliding in and out of his boypussy.

All he could think about was getting more cock! However and wherever Master wanted to put it. How had he ever thought that a woman could satisfy him? It was now becoming clear to him that he was really a cockhound, that his purpose was to serve men not women. He hoped that he would make master happy tonight. His mind clear for now, he settled back to sleep.

Scene 2 -- Noon Saturday --

Downtown Boston -- the law offices of Donnelley ETC.

Eugene looks up at the wall clock over bobby's head, thinking to himself -- dam it's noon already -- got to get out of this dam meeting -- got boysluts waiting for me at home! Jimmy noticed that look -- ah fuck tonight will be one hell of a party! He loved going to Eugene's slut orgies! He and Eugene had teamed together many a night double fucking some punk, royally giving the slut just want he needed. He too was starting to get bored, dam Lindsey and her endless chatter. He didn't know what the fuck Bobby saw in her, there had to be something, but dammed if he had a clue. If he had his way he and Eugene would show Bobby the error of his ways ... but that was probably not to be.

In the meantime he and Eugene would be sure to have some fun tonight. Jimmy had become a regular guest at "Youngwood" ever since the case of the identical twin car thieves they had worked on together 3 years ago. Oh yea he wished that he had one or both of those hot punks here right now. They are so fucking hot, 5'9" tight young swimmer's bodies, long blond hair falling into angelic faces.... They sort of looked like that group Nelson did 10 years ago. The stupid kids had stolen their college dean's car, and he and Eugene had gotten them off with just probation. That night the boys had insisted that their lawyers join them for a home-cooked diner and after diner had been more than generous with their thanks.

Eugene had been very impressed by both the boys' talents and by the incredible dick that Jimmy's baggy pants had been hiding. The man's body made be on the dumpy side but fuck! The dude was sporting 13" of beer-can thick meat and a pair of balls the size of oranges! He had watched in awe as Jimmy just about drowned the kid giving him head, pounding that big pud into that cherubic face till the kid was beet red and gasping, then filling the kid's mouth with a huge load of jism. He made sure that not only did the twins get an invite to his next party, but Jimmy as well. This led to a standing invitation to the twice-monthly orgies at "Youngwood", and Jimmy usually came. Tonight would be no exception; in fact he was bringing someone.

For the last two months he had been flirting with the kid that worked behind the counter of the coffee shop in the lobby of his office building. This guy was so fucking hot! He was about 5' 11" with dark brown hair that he wore long so that it sort of fell in his face and beautiful eyes. He had a killer smile on a really cute face, and what looked to be a killer bod, at least front what he could see in that tight uniform. He had finally found out the kid's name, it was Joshua Cromwell. This coffee shop did not believe in nametags, but his detective friend had gotten him the info. After too long of playing around, Jimmy had finally gotten a chance to see the kid alone. They had bumped into each other in the parking garage one Friday night, and he had just gone up to him, looked him in the eye and spoken. "Look Joshua, I got something here I think will interest you, you game?" he said, grabbing his crotch for emphasis.

Joshua had gulped at the size of the rapidly growing dick that was outlined in Jimmy's fist, and said "Yes Sir!" the big man grinned and pushed him into the open car door, quickly climbing in after him. The trip to Jimmy's apartment had lasted all of 10 minutes, and he had Joshua's cloths off before they were even all the way thru the front door. He had him on his knees in the foyer, grabbing his nips as he pounded that big dick into the boy's mouth.

He quickly rewarded Josh with a big load that he shot all over his flushed face, but that didn't even slow things down. Jimmy had been so hot for this kid that even shooting a huge load didn't soften him up one bit. He just ripped off his suit, pushed Joshua onto his back, lifted his legs in the air, and drove his dick in to the balls in one quick motion, almost before the boy had a chance to think. Joshua let out a scream that quickly turned to shouts of joy as his boypussy got royally fucked. Jimmy fucked him there on the tile floor for 10-15 minutes, then he grabbed him, picked him up and started to carry him all over the apartment, him big dick still buried to the hilt.

Joshua could not believe it! Every step this guy took, his dick felt like it was going to come out of his mouth! Jimmy saw the look on his face and just grinned. "Like that boy?? You like being cockwalked? How every step I take, you feel it in your boycunt?? Yea I knew you would, don't you wish we had gotten together sooner? At this point all Joshua could do was to groan, and mumble, he was so into the fuck. Finally Jimmy set him down on the couch and after another 20 minutes or so blasted almost as big a load up Joshua`s clenching ass, as he had shot not long ago. The excitement up receiving all that hot sperm was to much for Joshua and he started shooting his own load, all over him and jimmy's broad chest, moaning up into the big man's mouth as jimmy smothered him in kisses.

Joshua did not leave Jimmy's apartment until Monday morning when he was dropped in front of his college classroom, still in his coffee shop uniform. Of course these were the first cloths he had had on in over 48 hours, his new master had seen to that. Jimmy had kept Joshua naked and well fucked all weekend, in fact he even now was wearing the buttplug jimmy had put into place after the last fuck he had thrown into him, less than 15 minutes before!

Joshua sighed as his master's car drove away, how was he going to last till tonight? God he missed that big dick already and his ass felt empty, even with the buttplug. That was almost three weeks ago, and Jimmy had picked him up that night and fucked him till dawn, and then every night straight for almost two weeks. The kid was just about going insane with the workout that Jimmy was giving him, he couldn't get enough! He yelped with pleasure the whole time that Jimmy's long dong pounded his tight pussy, begging for more and more! Tonight he would get his wish and then some at Eugene's house!

A quick nudge from Eleanor brought Eugene and Jimmy out of their deep thoughts as they realized that Lindsey had finally shut the hell up and Bobby was starting to speak. He thanked them for coming in and said that he would see them all on Monday. Eugene leaned over and whispered to Jimmy that he would see he around 7. Bobby noticed and said, " what's up guys?" with a big grin on his handsome face. Jimmy told Bobby that he and Eugene were just meeting at Eugene's house for burgers by the pool, nothing special. Bobby looked for a moment like he was going to ask to join them, when a shrill voice cut thru the air.

"Bobby! Don't even think about joining these two! You know we have theatre tickets for tonight with my two sisters and their husbands! And lets get going, I want to go shopping to pick out a new sofa for your office this one is awful..........." Her voice drowned on as she led a reluctant Bobby away. Jimmy and Eugene just laughed and gave each other a hug and promised to see each other later.

Scene 3 -- Saturday -- early evening -- poolside at "Youngwood"

Eugene sighed he sank into the extra large lounge chair, it felt good to just relax. The drive back from Boston had been tiring, and it felt good to be finally out of his suit. He had attended two meetings after his partner's meeting with Bobby and he was beat. But the bath and rubdown that his houseboys had given him helped a lot. Now to lie by the pool for a while and vedge.

He turned his head at John's cough and smiled up at the hot young man. "Sir? Shall I bring up the boys?" " Good thinking John! Yes I could use a little slap and tickle about now!" John quickly moved to obey his master's command, and soon Shawn, Eric and Jack were poolside. The boys stood next to the big chair waiting for the big black stud to address them, not wanting to take their attention away from him for a second. As the boys stood there they all started to pitch a tent in their pants, as Master was lying on his chair wearing only a very brief swimsuit. The sun glistened off Eugene massive ebony body, making such a hot sight that the three pussyboys were almost drooling.

Starting with Eric, one by one their master pulled them onto the chaise and gave them a long hot wet kiss. At his signal, John joined them, and all five men became a writhing mass of hot flesh. Lips met lips, tongues licked any piece of flesh to come near, and fingers explored rapidly. Eugene found each boy's buttplug, and played with each for several minutes. Sending them into moans of ecstasy, this went on for a good 45 minutes until the diner gong rang.

He led them in to diner, telling them that they would need to eat to keep up their strength. Jimmy and Joshua joined them for diner, and the four boys hit it off well, thou Josh could not get over Eugene's size, and shivered at the thought of having to please him later. The next several hours were spent relaxing around the big pool, Jimmy and Eugene wearing similar brief suits, the boys being naked.

Around 9, the guests started arriving, some of them familiar from the previous night, but many new. The large pool / patio area started to quickly fill with a mixed crowd on men in various stages of undress. Many of the men choose to just join the boys in nudity, but some stayed in at least their underwear. The boys could not believe their eyes! The guys just kept coming, and it seemed like each one was hotter than the last. As the pool started to fill, the boys found themselves being groped, poked, and fondled. Men kept coming up to them and kissing them, and grabbing their dicks. The boys soon found themselves with a big hard man's pud in each of their hands. There were men pressing up against them from the front, as well as a man pressing up against their asses.

Jimmy and Eugene watched as the crowd enjoyed making sandwiches of the hot boystuds for quite sometime, seeing the boys get more and more excited. Finally it was time, a gong sounded, and Eugene announced that it was ShowTime. A half dozen oriental houseboys appeared, bearing soft towels. They dried off everyone, and jimmy and Eugenie lead everyone to the orgy room.

Tonight a low carpeted platform mounded with pillows at one end dominated the room. The two men stepped up to the platform and lay down on it, propping themselves up on the pillows into a semi reclining position. The four boys knelt at the end as they had been told to, and slowly started to crawl towards the two men. As the boys reached the two big men's feet they started to lick their way up their master's bodies. The feet alone took several minutes to pass, as each toe needed to be licked them sucked.

The other men crowded around the platform were loving this! The four hot boysluts, slurping their way up their master's bodies, their tight buns waving in the air! The sluts were now up to the knees, and were groaning in pure lust. Eugene looked at the hot men gathered around the platform and grinned, oh yea these pussyboys are gonna get it tonight! He looked the crowd of naked studs over, watching as most of them were slowly stoking their rods. He picked out the four with the biggest dicks and told them to get on the platform behind the sluts.

The boys were now almost to the prizes them had been eyeing for the last few minutes. Eugene stopped them with their lashing tongues just inches away from his and jimmy's balls, and directed them to stop and stay as still as possible. He then directed the four men to remove the boy's buttplug and to enjoy their feast.

The four men dove on those boypussies, sticking their tongues up the hot pussyboy cunts seconds after the buttplugs were yanked out. This drove the boys' nuts! They started begging to suck on their master's cocks, his balls, anything! Eric was the loudest, screaming mingled obscenities and gibberish. Finally jimmy let them continue as he and Eugene both reached down, grabbed a handful of hair, and pulled the boys into their crotches, one getting a mouthful of balls, the other a mouthful of cock. And while the boys mouths were busy, their asses were being eaten out very hard, slurping and biting. Finally Eugene bellowed "Gentlemen you may fuck when ready! On my count! 5, 4, 3, 2, 1! FUCKKKKKKKKK!!!!!!"

In unison four big dicks penetrated four well-lubed asspussies. At Eric's ass was Carlos, a court reporter, 5'10" of lean mean Cuban lovegod sporting a fat 8" of cut Spanish sausage. Jack was hosting Vinnie, Eugene's hot Italian car mechanic, 5"9" with a tight harry body, blue eyes, long black hair, and 10" fat uncut inches. Shawn was being pounded by Tony, Vinnie's in every way identical brother, but Joshua got the prize. Joshua was being majestically fucked by Luther, the bouncer at Boston's hottest gay bar. Luther was 6"3" 250lb of the hottest, blackest stud you will ever see, sporting 13" of hugely thick uncut ebony manmeat. Joshua felt like he was being fisted, but there was no was no way he would have stopped, not if his own mother walked in the room even. It was so fucking fantastic, a huge cock up his ass, Eugene's might sword in his mouth, and what the fuck????

What he was feeling were the other men who had been clustered around the platform. Jimmy and Eugene had given the signal and they had all started stroking and licking the four boys. Some were licking at the boy's cocks and balls, while others chose to pull on the four sets of pert nips. Still others licked and sucked the boy's feet, all combining for a mind numbing experience for the boysluts. After many minutes of having every nerve in their slut bodies stimulated the boy were getting very close to cumming, finally Jimmy and Eugene started to blast and this set off a huge chain reaction, first the boys then quickly after the other men on the platform. The air reeked of jism as load after load was fired on the boys, coating their hot bodies.

The group staggered into the adjoining shower room, then collapsed onto the chaise lounges around the pool. They all rested for a while, and then things started to heat up again as slowly manmeat started to stir. As the men around them started to get erect again the boys found themselves being draw to nearby crotches again. Soon things were back in swing again. Mouths were filled with cocks and fingers stated to explore boyholes. Just as Eugene was starting to get into a nice rhythm slowly sliding his big log into Joshua's eager mouth, when he felt a tap on his shoulder and Stanley whispered that Bobby was waiting in the library!

Eugene and Jimmy quickly donned robes and joined Bobby in the library. An extremely drunk and disheveled Bobby greeted them holding a whiskey bottle. " Gemptlemem! " he roared, giving them a huge grin. "Join me! Lets drink to me dumping that fucking tight- ass bitch" Jimmy and Eugene looked at each other -- tonight might just get even more interesting!

To be Continued...

Will Eugene and Jimmy teach Hunky Bobby and thing or two?????

Will Shawn and Corey finally become lovers as well as best friends???

Stay Tuned

And as always -- Thank you for your kind letters and hot pictures!

Next: Chapter 6

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