Boy Meats Lawyer

By beacon 78

Published on Feb 24, 2000


Author: beacon78 Title: Boy Meats Lawyer - Part 4

This story contains the characters of Eric, Shawn & Jack from the television show Boy Meets World and that of Eugene, Jimmy & Bobby from The Practice. This is an entirely fictional story concerning the characters of these television shows. This story in no way implies the actual sexual orientation of the actors that portray these roles, though this is an episode that I would love to see.

"Boy Meets World" is a trademark of and copyright of Michael Jacobs Productions in association with Touchstone Television

"The Practice " is a Trademark and copyright of David E. Kelly Productions in association with Twentieth Century Fox Television

Any copyright infringement is unintentional on the part of the author.

Boy Meats Lawyer - Part 4 Scene 1 - "Youngwood" Eugene Young's Gothic Mansion outside Boston

Very Late Friday Evening

As the orgy had wound down the big house grew quiet as most of the guests left, it being Friday night most of the guests did not stay over. Those that were staying drifted off to their assigned rooms, pairing off as directed, since Eugene disliked people sleeping alone in his home. Shawn sleepily said good night to Eric & jack as the three separated in the upstairs hall. Eugene gathered the sleepy boy in his arms and carried him off to the master suite. Shawn grinned and snuggled closer to the big black man and sighed contently. He quickly found himself thrown into the middle of a huge canopy bed. He looked up to see Eugene standing over him, quickly slipping out of the robe that he was wearing. Shawn was struck anew at the magnificent body that was being revealed to him, and noted that the mammoth cock was swelling with lust.

Eugene chuckled at the boy's wide eyed stare "Strip off that robe slut, and get that pussy up in the air!" Shawn quickly complied, stopping only long enough to look Eugene in the eye and reply " SIR YES SIR!" With a growl the big Nubian stud impaled him on his ebony fuckstick. Even thou this was the third time tonight that the two had fucked, the energy was incredible. Eugene could not believe how fantastic Shawn's ass was, so tight still, so damn hot. The boy underneath him could not believe it either, the feelings shooting through his young smooth body were unlike anything he had ever felt. Both men were soon past the point of speaking, and only grunts and moans passed between them.

As he pounded at the upturned ass under him, Eugene started to slap the pale white cheeks. At first Shawn started to protest but Eugene quickly silenced his protests. "BOY, whose ass is this?" "Mine sir!" he defiantly answered "WRONG ANSWER BOY!" Eugene roared, raining a steady stream of blows on the boy's ass. Soon a nice red glow started to spread across the tight white globes. He asked the prone boy the question again, but by this time Shawn was starting to realize that the pain was turning into something like pleasure and answered " Yours MASTER, my ass is yours! Thank you sir!"

Eugene grinned, he knew that this boy had potential. He continued both his slaps and the deep-dicking for a few more minutes. Shawn was now shoving back so hard to received both dick and hand that he was almost knocking the big black man over. Eugene abruptly stopped both the slaps and pile driving the tasty bottom. Before the startled boy could react, he reached down and grabbed Shawn's right leg and started turning the lad over onto his back. The boy had no idea what to think as he slowly turned over, the log up his ass doing wild things to him as he rotated on it. Once he was turned around, Eugene slowly moved around so that he was now on his back and Shawn was sitting on his big dick.

He pulled the dazed boy's head down towards his own, and gently kissed him. They kissed for several minutes, starting out slowly, growing bolder and harder. He drew his powerful legs up until his knees were hitting Shawn's ass, and started a steady pumping motion. Soon he was back to pile driving that hot ass, making Shawn grunt, moan, and whimper as his ass received a mind-shattering fuck. It only took a few more minutes before they both started shooting their loads, Shawn's painting their chests, and Eugene's shooting deep into the clutching hole it was abusing.

They lay still for a few minutes lost in the moment, then Eugene got up and led him into the bathroom, and the oversized glassed in shower. They slowly lathered up each other, stroking their hot wet bodies, stopping to exchange wet sloppy kisses. Eugene soaped Shawn's smooth young firm body, and grabbing hold of the boy's genitals he spoke to him, locking eyes with him. " You know that slaveboys don't need all of this hair. Should we take care of this now?" he asked as he slowly stroked him. Shawn just nodded as he continued to look deep into his new master's eyes. Eugene reached into a cabinet located just out of the showerhead's reach, and withdrew scissors, shaving cream, and a razor. He quickly trimmed Shawn's pubic and armpit hair down to stubble, then applied the shaving cream to Shawn's armpits and crotch. Soon all his hair was gone, and he was as soon as a baby. Eugene had him run his hand over his now smooth balls, and Shawn let out a deep moan. They felt so good! "Does my boy like the feel? Whose balls are they?" "Oh yes sir! I love the feel of your boy balls!" "GOOD! Now lets get dried off and get some sleep boy!"

They dried off and climbed back into the big bed, Eugene instructed Shawn that the bed was only for tonight and that his normal spot would be on a pallet next to the bed. In one last gesture before they went to sleep, he reached into a nightstand drawer and produced a dog collar, a tube of lubricant & a big black butt plug. Before the startled boy could react the plug was firmly in place, filling his hole, stretching the spincter muscle, and generally tormenting his butt. The collar then encircled his neck and was buckled onto place. Eugene then lay down on his side, pulled Shawn's warm body into his arms, and quickly fell asleep. Shawn however lay awake for quite some time, unable to sleep due to the memories of the day and to torment of the buttplug , and the new sensation of his collar.

Down the hall in Jack & Eric's suite, things were just starting to quiet down. When they had opened the door, they had been pleasantly surprised to see John the butler lying naked in the middle of their bed, jerking on his big penis. He smiled at they and invited them in come in and join him. The two boys striped off their robes quickly and soon where doing John's bidding. He directed them to start to lick their way up the sides of his big dick, while keeping their boyholes where he could play with them. Eric and Jack soon had sylliva dripping down on John's balls, as they licked all over that big prick their lips meeting frequently. John worked first one, then two, and finally three fingers into the beautiful buttholes, as the boys moaned and wiggled their asses at him, joyfully accepting the fingerfuck.

Finally John could not hold back any longer and began to shoot all over the boys faces, and into their sucking mouths. He collapsed back on the bed and watched the two young men kiss and lick each other face eagerly gulping down every last drop of cum. He knew from the heat that each boy's ass had been giving off that they were still hot for a fuck so he figured that he would have some fun, both for himself as well as for the benefit of the hidden cameras. That was why Eric & Jack had been given this suite, every move that was made in this suite could be recorded. John knew that the film of these two hot studs would sell like hotcakes on Master's Internet site. Getting up he positioned the two so that they were kneeling doggie-style on the bed facing away from each other. He reached into the nightstand and took out a long, thick double-headed dildo and a jar of lube. He first worked the dildo into Jack's ass, then Eric's, until both boys each had the dildo inserted. Then at his instruction both boys began a tug-of-war with the dildo, pushing and pulling, fucking each other. John reached into the drawer again and took out a bottle of poppers, feeding them first to Eric, then to Jack, making each boy take a big sniff.

The boys where soon pounding the double dildo back and forth, screwing each others asses like mad, groaning & screaming. They continued on for another 15-20 minutes, making so much noise that one of the security guards patrolling the halls stopped outside their door to listen and paw his crotch. Finally with both sets of hips wildly bucking the two started to shoot all over the bed and themselves.

Once they had rested a few minutes, John led them into the bathroom and a much-needed shower. Normally John would have then made sure that both boys removed all their underarm & pubic hair as a sign of their ownership by Master Eugene, but master had said that he could wait until tomorrow for that. When the boys got their baths tomorrow before the party, the houseboys would take care of all that un-slavelike hair. For right now they all needed sleep. John lay down in the center of the king size bed and gathered a boy on either side of him. Both boys cuddled up against John's hot body, Eric to the left, Jack to the right. When the guard softly opened the door a little while later, and checked in, all three where asleep breathing softly.

Saturday Morning.

Shawn slowly awoke in the big bed, stretching and yawning as he rubbed his eyes. For an instant he thought that last night had been a dream, but the feel of the big buttplug up his ass, and the collar around his neck reminded him that it was no dream. As he looked around the room, he noticed a note on the television "watch me". He picked up the remote and turned on the set, and Eugene's image filled the screen.

"Good Morning Boy! Hope you slept well. How does your ass, and those shaved balls feel this morning? Good I hope. I had some work to do at the office, but I will be back around 3 o'clock. Be a good boy for me. Relax, sit by the pool, just pick up the phone and one the houseboys will show you where it is. Make sure that you don't play with your self, I'll know if you do! See you later boy." Then the screen went black.

He picked up the phone, and immediately a voice answered "Yes Shawn how can I help you?" Startled he blurted out "pool" The voice at the other end chuckled and said; "Yes Master did say that you would need directions to the pool. I will send someone up to you shortly." Shawn grinned to himself and thought that he could get to like this kind of life. Realizing that he needed to pee he jumped up from the bed, intending to try to find the bathroom. As he did however, the motion of rising sent a jolt thru his ass, as he realized that with the buttplug inserted, every move he made would send a tingling sensation to his latex stretched asshole. This excited him and his dick started to rise, as he quickly ran to the bathroom to relieve his full bladder.

As he came back into the bedroom, the hallway door opened and the expected servant came into the room. It was Stanley, the assistant butler. Stanley stood 5'9", with long copper colored hair, his wiry frame nicely displayed in the summer uniform of white harem pants and a matching muscle tee shirt that the staff wore for daytime use. Shawn found himself staring at the bulge in Stanley's pants that seemed to be growing as the stud stood in the doorway. Shawn blushed as he remembered that he was naked with a collar on and a buttplug up his ass.

Stanley grinned at the boy's growing discomfort and said " Well, well, the master sure picked a live one this time. Yea you're real pretty boy. Just look at those pretty pink lips, I'll bet they look real hot when they're wrapped around a big cock. Bet you can't get enough cock. Come on boy, I got a nice one for you." He sneered at Shawn as he pawed his growing crotch. The boy just swallowed hard and said" I can't, master told me to behave myself"

His red-haired tormenter just laughed and replied that master only meant that Shawn should not play with his own dick, but that his slut mouth was to be available for any of the staff or guests that wished to use him from now until noon. From noon until master gets home at three he would be given time to rest. Having informed the gasping boy of his duties, he pulled out his 8"prick and started slapping Shawn's face with it. He then grabbed a fist full of the boy's hair, and pulled his face down on his rampant dick, brutally fucking the pretty pink lips. He ignored the gagging, and the pleading looks that the poor tormented lad gave him, intent on only satisfying his own lust. Finally with a great sigh he started pumping a huge load down Shawn's throat. He looked down at the boy who had collapsed into a trembling heap and sneered "Get used to it pussyboy, that's what you are here for.

He did however help him up, and get him dressed in a short white toga. Once he was dressed, he hugged him and told him he was a good boy, and led him out the door. They traveled down several hallways and down a long flight of stairs, finally arriving at a beautiful patio and pool area. Several men from last night's party were lounging in deck chairs, while several more swam in the huge pool. Stanley showed were the towels were kept, and pointed out the breakfast bar, advising the boy that master had said to make sure that he ate to keep up his strength.

Shawn and Stanley filled their plates and sat down on lounge chairs a short distance from the buffet. Several men greeted him, but they let him eat in peace, and Shawn was grateful for that. He and Stanley chatted as they ate, the red headed stud assuring him that he would have lots of fun that weekend, and that the party tonight would be really wild. Shawn wondered to himself just how much more wild than last night's orgy things could get but he kept it to himself, and giving a contented sigh, lay back in his chair.

Meanwhile upstairs...........

Eric slowly opened his eyes as he felt a gentle touch of fingers on his lips. He smiled as he saw that it was John's fingers tugging ever so gently on his lips, rubbing and caressing. Jack still lay asleep on the other side of the bed, and John motioned Eric to be quiet. Slowly John bent and softly started to kiss the blond boy's soft dewy lips, sending shivers up and down Eric's spine. As they kissed John slowly nudged the sheets off of the trio with his foot slowly reveling their hot bodies to the morning sun. As the sheets slid to the bottom of the bed Eric could see not only John's hot torso, but Jack's cute little butt.

He loved to look at Jack's ass, but he never got to use it. Whenever they had sex, Jack was always the one to eat out Eric, seldom was it the other way around. This morning however it would be different, as John whispered to him that he should get to work on that ass. Trembling, Eric started to lick at Jack luscious hole as John positioned himself in front of the boy's face. As the energetic tonguing woke Jack, he opened his mouth to protest, only to have it filled with John's big dick. After several minutes, he stopped protesting and started to get into the double fuck, moaning inaudible words thru the penis gagging his mouth.

Soon he was bucking his ass back at Eric, willingly accepting the oral rape of his ass. John smiled as he felt Jack start to suck with a great gusto, he knew that the boy would love it! He then ordered Eric to stop his tonguing and directed him to stick his cock up his lover's ass. He obeyed so fast that Jack barely has time to adjust, and he let out a howl as his ass was impaled to the hilt in one swift move. As Jack started to really yell, john removed his cock from the boy's mouth to let him yell.

"OW!! Fuck!!! Oh GODDAMMMM!!!!! YEA!!! Fuck Me Eric!!! Fuck me just like I always fuck you! Big fucking dick!

He continued to scream obscenities for several minutes until John could not stand it anymore, and rammed his leaking dick back into the boy's mouth. He knew that he couldn't last much longer as the combination of the intense fuck he was witnessing, combined with the dirty talk was going to make him shoot a huge load. In just a few minutes he felt himself starting to shoot as he pulled out of the gasping mouth and shot cum all over the Jack's flushed face. This put both boys over the edge, and almost exactly at the same time they exploded their loads as well.

The three men lay entangled on the bed for a while, slowly recovering from their wild encounter. Soon however John, insisted that they needed to get up, and delivered the boys to the waiting bath servants. He told them that they would be shaved and prepared to serve the master as good slave boys. He asked them if they were ready to accept the preparations and both boys quickly agreed. Soon Eric and Jack were joining the group around the pool. They had been shaved of their pubic and armpit hair, and proudly wore Eugene's collars, buttplugs and slave togas.

The morning passed quickly, as the three boys swam and lay around the warm sunny pool desk, taking time to service any cock that was placed in front of them. They were very careful not to touch each other, except to exchange long kisses, which they had been told was all right. Before they knew it, John came to inform them that it was naptime as he and Stanley and another servant led them upstairs. They were surprised when; instead of their rooms they were each led into separated small cells, empty except for a thin mattress on the floor, and locked in. John spoke to boys thru the small opening in the cell door, and told them to rest, and that master would be down to see each of them later. Left to themselves, each boy tried to sleep as best them could the reality of their slave status sinking in, just as Eugene had planed it.

Eric and Jack soon drifted off to sleep, even thou the buttplugs were tormenting them, but Shawn lay awake. He just could not get comfortable, the buttplug in his ass was itching, and his mouth felt somehow empty. What the hell was going on? All he could think about was cock. He needed it! In his mouth, up his ass, in his hands. He was going crazy! He had never felt this way before, all he could think of was getting more and more dick. Eugene and John watched him on the hidden camera, as he thrashed around, his hard dick leaking all over, moaning and trying to obey his master, but getting desperate to get off. They smiled at each other; this one would be a star tonight! And combined with the two sluts that where in the adjacent cells it would be one hell of an orgy!

To be continued..................

Next: Chapter 5

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