Boy Meats Lawyer

By beacon 78

Published on Jul 27, 1999


Author: beacon78 Title: Boy Meats Lawyer - Part 3

This story contains the characters of Eric, Shawn & Jack from the television show Boy Meets World and that of Eugene from The Practice. This is an entirely fictional story concerning the characters of these television shows. This story in no way implies the actual sexual orientation of the actors that portray these roles, though this is an episode that I would love to see.

"Boy Meets World" is a trade mark of and copyright of Michael Jacobs Productions in association with Touchstone Television

"The Practice " is a Trademark and copyright of David E. Kelly Productions in association with Twentieth Century Fox Television

Any copyright infringement is unintentional on the part of the author.

Boy Meats Lawyer - Part 3 Scene 1 - "Youngwood"

Eugene Young's Gothic Mansion Outside Boston

Friday Evening

As the long black limo drove up the driveway of Eugene's estate & the house came into sight, the three young men in the rear seat gasped at their first sight of the towering Gothic Mansion in front of them. Jack & Eric started to whisper softly to each other, but Shawn grew even more silent than he had been on the trip from the Boston train station. The sight of the big spooky house scared the crap out of him. His mind started to whorl even faster than it already was, and the only thing that he could think of was to get the hell out of the car, and to get home. The events of the last day, and especially the last few hours were starting to really freak him out.

Shawn Hunter, the biggest pussy-hound in Philly, had been having sex with MEN! What the fuck was going on???? It had all started back in Eric & Jack apartment. Getting those blowjobs from his brother & his best friend's brother had been so cool & had left him so horny, that he had joined in with the two of them on that big black guy, without even thinking. But, to have done the things that he had done on the train, and in that dirty stinking bathroom in the train station! Had he been drugged? All he knew was that he had to get home and think.

But the car kept gliding up the gravel driveway towards that big house. And oh shit! Would you look at the size of the guy waiting in the doorway for them! He was goddamn huge! And dark as hell, he thought to himself. His thoughts were soon interrupted by Eric and Jack's excited cries. " It's Master Eugene" they yelled in Shawn's ear. "Now we will have some fun!" The car pulled up to the front door, and the chauffeur quickly opened the door.

Jack and Eric had to pull a strongly protesting Shawn from the car. Eugene boomed a welcome to them and shook the two older boys' hands. Shawn did not grasp the outstretched hand on said to Eugene, "Sir you have a nice house, But, this has been all a big mistake. I want to go home. I'm not like these two I'M Straight. Please let me go!"

Eugene arched an eyebrow at Eric and Jack, and said to Shawn "I'm sure we can work something out." He turned and addressed the butler, who had just appeared behind him. At least Shawn thought it was the butler, he was sort of dressed as a butler. That is if you outfitted your butler from the wardrobe of those male dance troops. Shawn blushed when he realized that he had been staring at the butler. Eugene addressed the young man as John and told him to take Shawn to the library. As he followed john down the long hall to the library, Shawn was again confused that the sight of john's ass clad in those form-fitting pants was starting to get him erect again.

John was indeed a horny sight, extremely attractive, as where all the servants. John was Asian in origin with long shining, jet black hair that flowed to his slim waist. His hair framed a clean- shaven face of exceptional beauty with deep dark eyes, and a ready smile. It was obvious that he worked out on a daily basis, with his torso looking like it was carved from a block of dark wood. To complete the picture John's well shaded legs meet at a large basket, that Shawn had trouble keeping his eyes off, as john directed to one of the sofas in the huge library. John told him were to find soft drinks if he was thirsty, and left him alone in the huge room, softly closing the massive doors, and locking them.

John hummed softly to himself as he walked back to the entry hall. He had heard the whole conversation that Shawn had with Eugene. Yea Right! That kid was straight! He just knew that if he had put a move on that cute kid, he would have had Shawn on his knees in front of him in no time at all. He may protest now, but that kid is as big a cockhound as I am. He remembered back to the day three years ago that Eugene had picked him up on that streetcorner in Boston.

He had assured Eugene that he was only trade, and that he didn't suck. Ah fuck! The training that Eugene put him thru! My ass still remembers the pounding he gave me that whole weekend! Then when his buddies arrived! I had cock in every opening of my body! And I loved it! Begged for more! I think that's the night that I truly became a cockhound. And Shawn will too! The way his eyes followed me everywhere, he didn't notice all the mirrors in the hall. I saw him start to get hard! That's why I flexed my ass as I walked down the hall! It was driving the kid nuts! Eugene will have a ball with this one, I just hope he lets me help.

John arrived back in the entry hall just as Eugene and the two boys were finishing saying hello. The big black man had grabbed both young men in a joint bear-hug, and kept going from one flushed gasping face to the other. All the time he was giving the boys big sloppy wet kisses, he was playing with the butplugs that were tightly wedged in their throbbing assholes. John could hear their moaning all the way down the hall. He smiled to him self, and thought that there was to be a hot time to be had at "Youngwood" tonight. He coughed softly to make his presence known. Eugene looked up and released the boys and smiled. Good you are back. Our friend all settled? John nodded. "Good! Now take these two up to there rooms and get them settled." Eric and Jack started to apologize for Shawn, but he silenced them, and told them everything would be all right. "You go rest. The boys will take care of you. I will see you in about two hours. Get some rest, we have big plans for later tonight." Grabbing both their hands he let them grope his crotch as he gave them one last kiss. The dazed boys followed John up the long winding stairs up to their rooms.

After a long climb their arrived at the rooms that had been assigned to them , they gasped as John opened the room of a beautiful room with a king sized canopy bed , and many pieces of antique furniture. John asked them to please disrobe and to follow him, telling them to place their cum stained cloths in the hamper at the side of the bed. The boys quickly disrobed, only stopping to look questioningly at John, who seemingly read their mind and told them to keep in the buttplugs. Once the boys were naked , John lead them down the hall and into a large Japanese style bathroom. There he turned them over to four older oriental men who bathed them, massaged them, and oiled their aching bodies. Once the four men were finished they wrapped the sleepy boys in cotton robes, and led them back to their room. As they drifted off to sleep in each other's arms, Eric and Jack wondered how Shawn was doing.

Back Down on the first floor Shawn was starting to wonder the same thing. He had sat on the sofa for a while, had gotten himself a soda, but according to his watch had had been in here for an hour! Where was Eugene? That humpy butler guy had said that he would be with him shortly. How long is shortly? This was getting nuts, he thought, I'll give him five more minutes, then I'm leaving I don't care if I have to walk back to Philly. He waited another ten minutes then got up and went to open the large door. "FUCK!" He yelled, "The bastard locked me in!" he went and tried the other five doors in the room. "DAMN IT!" They were all locked too! His heart sank as he looked at the partially open windows, they all had iron bars! He was trapped, until Eugene decided to come and get him. Defeated he went back to the sofa and sank back down into the deep cushions.

He must have fallen asleep, because the next thing he knew he was being shaken by two huge black hands. He looked up into Eugene's grinning face, who said "Hello! I see our sleeping beauty decided to wake up!" he was then roughly pulled to his feet, and shook some more. He saw 4 huge black men standing behind Eugene, all dressed the same as Eugene was. Their bulging muscles stained at the skimpy work-out cloths that they all wore. The crotches of each suit looked ready to burst, straining as they were to cover massive cocks. Eugene laughed at Shawn and said " Come on baby, it's time to party!" He leaned in to give Shawn a kiss, and the boy tried to pull away, shouting "Leave me alone I want to go home , NOW!" for his outburst Shawn got a hard slap to the face that sent him to the floor.

Two sets of black hands picked him up and shoved him into Eugene's face, who proceed to tell him "I don't know want the fuck happened to you between the train and my house boy! I know you behaved like the slut that you are for my brothers on the train. And I have the video tape to prove it! You are a pussy-boy and you will act like one! I've been all horned up waiting for you since your brother e-mailed your picture to me, and I won't stop till my dick is blowing a load up your "begging for it asshole". Do I make my self clear.... PUSSY_BOY????

Shawn continued to struggle against the massive hands that held him, all the time begging to be let go. But what he couldn't understand was that, as scared as he was, and as hard as he struggled, his cock was harder and leaking faster than ever in his life. He was so confused! "Enough! Boys strip him!" Eugene yelled. Quickly the other two sets of hands tore the cloths off of the struggling boy, while Eugene watched with a fiendish glee. To Shawn's shame, once he was nude the men could see his hard, dripping penis. The men all laughed and made rude comments about him, as his eyes locked with Eugene's. He tried to look away but it was impossible. Their eyes remained locked even as Shawn became aware that they were dragging him from the room, and down the hall. They soon entered a dimly-lit room with several low platforms in the middle, covered in the same plush carpet as the floor itself.

He also quickly became aware that there were another 10-12 men in the room, sitting on the platforms that ringed the room. The men were all dressed like Eugene and his attendants, and that most where silently stroking themselves. Eugene addressed the group of men," Gentlemen, may I introduce this evenings entertainment. This is Shawn, he claims that he is straight, but we know better didn't we boys? At this the crown gave a huge cheer, as Shawn dimly became aware of two large screen television that were just starting to play what looked like a porno movie. To his shock and horror, he quickly realized that he, Eric & Jack where the stars of these movies. One movie was of them chowing down on Philly stationmaster's cock, and the other was in that dirty bathroom. He started to blush a deep red in shame, all the time his traitor- cock, staying rock-hard and dripping. He heard Eric say "KEWL, look Jack, we're in the movies!" Eugene laughed and turned to the two boys who had just been brought into the room by John. "And this is Eric and Jack. These two sluts know that they are gay, and should be a lot of fun.

Now gentlemen may I have the holders of tickets numbers 6 and 11 ? Raise your hands! A huge coal-black man with massive hands, and a tall thin light skinned man raised their hands. Ok, gentlemen you two will have a special treat coming to you! These two sluts have been wearing my buttplugs for the last 18 hours! Their asses will be good and ripe for a big hand dick! You will get first crack at their boycunts! Then anyone else that wants can have a go at these sluts holes. But first I think Shawn needs some attention. At hearing his name, Shawn broke out of the daze that he had been in , and started to struggle against the two men that were still tightly holding onto him. "This is getting tiresome!" Eugene bellowed. "Put him into the sling!" Shawn looked in amazement at the object that two men were dragging him towards. It sort of looked like a leather hammock, but with all sorts of things hanging off of it. The two men quickly lifted him into the sling, And many hands fasted him in. after just a minute, he knew that escape was impossible. His arms and feet were splayed out and cuffed into place with thick leather bands. When he started to scream as the titclamps were placed on his nipples, John shoved a dirty, smelly jockstrap into his mouth. It was unbelievable! He was totally helpless! His arms were spread wide high above his head, his mouth was stuffed full with a funky jockstrap that was making his mouth water at the smell and taste of ballsweat. His nipples were burning from the new sensation of the clamps, and his dick was still hard! He became aware that Eugene was standing at his head, and he leaned down and whispered in Shawn's ear "Still think you're straight punk? "He didn't know what to do, especially as he felt that, SOMEONE WAS STARTING TO PLAY WITH HIS ASSHOLE! It was John, Eugene had told him to start as soon as he bent down. Very slowly, John traced the outer edge of Shawn's rosebud hole with a well-lubed finger.

He slowly circled the outer ring many times before gently pushing at the tight bud. The virgin hole slowly bloomed as John's very long thin finger slid in, inch by inch. Finally he had his middle finger incased in the fiery furnace of the boy's virgin ass up to the knuckle. Very slowly he rotated that finger from side to side, prompting a huge muffled grunt from the bound and suppended young man.

John pulled his finger almost all the way out, and added a second finger to the hot hole. Shawn groaned a muffled noise from deep in his chest, and his head started thrashing from side to side. As three of John's fingers slid easily onto the tight grasping hole, Eugene stuck a bottle of poppers under his noise and commanded him to inhale. He took a big snuff, and was soon flying .He started to push back on the invading digits, and to try to fuck himself hard on those wonderful fingers. His ass was on fire, and he loved it. He started trying to shout thru his gag to be fucked. Suddenly the jock was removed from his mouth, and he started begging for more fingers up his "Slutty But" john was now pounding all four fingers up Shawn's ass, and twisting and turning them as he pounded.

Eugene gave Shawn another big hit from the bottle of poppers, and handed it to one of the men gathered by the boy's head. He moved down to the foot of the foot of the sling, where John was still feeding Shawn all four of his fingers. At Eugene's nod, John abruptly pulled out his fingers, but before the startled boy could miss the squirming digits, they were replaced with the head and a few inches of Eugene's mighty 13" cock. Shawn's eyes opened wide as his ass adjusted to the thickness of Eugene's cock, and a groan that started from his toes came out of his mouth.

"OWWWWWWWWWWW, BIG FUCKING DICK! OWWWWWW!!!!" the helpless boy in the sling screamed . Knowing that Shawn was only reacting, Eugene started to slowly push more of his cock into the tight, hot, hole, thrusting only inches at a time.

Finally the entire thirteen inches where buried in Shawn's tortured ass, and Eugene began to slowly withdraw his cock, and slide it back in, micro-fucking him. As the poor boy's hole loosened up a tiny bit, the length of his tormentor's strokes became longer & longer, than Eugene was pulling out nearly all the way & then slamming into the upturned ass. Shawn began to scream again "YESSSSSSSSSSS, OH GODDDDDD YESSSSSSSSSSS! Fuck Meeeee!" Eugene smiled, he knew that he would be able to make Shawn surrender. He looked up by Shawn's head and saw John standing there slowly jacking on his own big dick, so he told John to give Shawn another hit on the poppers and to feed him. Sticking the little brown bottle under his nose, John told Shawn to sniff. As the boy's head started to spin, John slid his dripping cock between Shawn's poutty lips. The boy not only did not protest, but soon had John's balls resting on his chin, as he took the big dick to the root.

Eugene looked up at the rest of his guest and saw that most of them had stripped naked, and were slowly jerking their dicks. Fuck , what a horny sight, he thought. There were ten black men assembled tonight in the "playroom" all sizes and shades of skin, from inky Nubian warriors to mocha colored studs. All ten displayed impressive manhood's and they were all watching the action in the sling hungrily. They were also eyeing Jack & Eric as well. The two boys were still standing next to the sling, hands behind their backs as John had instructed them to. They were dressed as roman slaves with just the skimpiest of togas barely covering their trembling bodies.

Both young men's togas were having a hard time concealing their obvious hardons. Eugene motioned to the two men who held the winning tickets and told them that it was now ok to take possession of Jack & Eric's asses. With matching growls the men had the two young men naked and spread out on hands and knees in under 30 seconds. Jack and Eric started groaning and whimpering as the tormenting buttplugs got played with, twisting and turning for several minutes. Finally when the two sluts could not stand anymore the plugs were pulled out, and quickly replaced by hard dicks. Eric & Jack started to push back against the hard dicks digging so deep into their tortured asses. It felt so good to be really filled and not just teased like the buttplugs had done. Quickly their happiness turned to shear bliss as Eugene signaled that their mouths could be used as well. A big pair of mocha-skinned twin quickly took their places at the boy's upturned faces. The two boys eyes opened wide as twin 10" ebony truncheons were first slapped around their faces, and then sunk in balls deep. Even their experienced throats had trouble keeping up with the furious face-fuck the twin giants gave them, but neither would have stopped for anything.

All three boys were starting to make similar noises as they were filled with huge amounts of cock from both ends. Eugene could tell that he and his friends were all getting very close to cuming, so he had the remaining men start to jack off their neighbor and the three boys. Eric and Jack had and man each jerking them , but Shawn had six men working him over! Two men alternated between jerking his prick & licking it, and the rest played with his nipples, toes, fingers, and even his ears! He started to squeal and beg, as best he could with a mouthful of dick. Suddenly he felt a drop of something hit his face, then anouther, then ten or twenty more! Looking up he saw all of the guys who had been working him over starting to shoot cum all over him! It turned him on so much that he started shooting jism himself all over everything! He had never shot so much or so hard! Then he felt jizz pouring into his mouth and ass as Eugene And John both started painting his insides!

The screams and grunts he heard beside him made him realize that the other group was in the troughs of orgasm as well. Eugene and the others quickly released him from the sling and everyone collapsed into a well fucked-out pile. Shawn felt Eugene's strong arms enfolding him, and heard him ask if he still thought he was straight. Shawn looked deep into his black master's eyes and sighed "NO SIR!" as he softly leaned into his face and kissed his new master.

They all lay there in a tangle of bodies for a few minutes, until Eugene rose to his feet, and lead them into an adjacent room. This was the shower room. It was tiled floor to ceiling and had showerhead pouring water from three walls, as well as from the five head on a pole in the middle of the floor. Soon many soapy hands were running all over the boys bodies, and soapy fingers were finding their way up tight assholes. Eric and Jack soon found themselves and their hands and knees plugged at both ends again.

The men watched in amazement at what Eugene was doing to Shawn. The large black man was standing up straight under one of the center showerheads, and had impaled the boy on his turgid staff. Shawn's legs were wrapped around Eugene's waist, and his arms were around the big mans neck. He was being bounced up and down on the huge staff. And by the sounds that he was making, he was in ecstasy. Shawn's moaning, and screaming, and grunting where making everyone in the room go nuts! Eric & Jack found their holes being pounded franticly from both ends by the four lucky men who had grabbed a place first.

With a huge grunt and a slew of curses, Eugene started pumping Shawn's battered ass even more full of cum. Between the load that was just entering him, and the load that had been left there just a short time ago, the poor ass couldn't hold anouther drop. With every thrust that Eugene gave as he continued to plow the clutching ass, streams of jism ran down his balls, and onto the tiled floor. As he began his final thrusts, he crushed his lips to Shawn's, sucking and biting and tongue- wrestling the well-fucked young man. The room started to get even loader as everyone else started to cum again, but this time the jism was raining down on Eric & Jack.

They all just stood under the showerheads for a few minutes, cleaning off the mixture of sweat & jism. Once everyone had showered they all drifted back into the other room, where Eugene's trio of Japanese houseboys stood holding huge towels & robes for all. Once they where all dried and dressed they as gathered back in the library, where the houseboys served food & drinks. As he sat on one of big sofas with Shawn snuggling up to him, Eugene asked the boy if he still wanted to go home now. "No SIR!" was the reply. "Good because tomorrow we really party!" Eugene said with a hearty laugh.

TO BE CONTINUED ??????????

e-mail me with your Comments / Suggestions -

I want to thank all the kind studs, who have written me such nice letters. And here's how I am going to do so:

If you like part # 3 - e-mail me w/ a picture attached & I will send you the three pages I have written so far of part #4.

The hottest naked picture will get it's author a part as a character in part # 4 (Working title " The Rape of Corey"). Hope to hear from you!

Next: Chapter 4

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