Boy Meats Lawyer

By beacon 78

Published on May 18, 1999


This story contains the characters of Eric, Shawn & Jack from the television show Boy Meets World and that of Eugene from The Practice. This is an entirely fictional story concerning the characters of these television shows. This story in no way implies the actual sexual orientation of the actors that portray these roles, though this is an episode that I would love to see.

"Boy Meets World" is a trade mark of and copyright of Michael Jacobs Productions in association with Touchstone Television

"The Practice " is a Trademark and copyright of David E. Kelly Productions in association with Twentieth Century Fox Television

Any copyright infringement is unintentional on the part of the author.

Boy Meats Lawyer - Part 2 Scene 1 - Thursday afternoon -Jack & Eric's Apartment

Shawn Hunter hummed a happy tune to himself as he got off the elevator in his brother Jack's apartment building, thinking to himself that finally his life was starting to fall into place, the last year had been a tough one. After his father's death Shawn had drifted around for sometime before coming home to Philly and his old life. He was back in college , rooming with his best friend Cory , and getting to know his half-brother Jack again. In fact he was meeting Jack & his roommate Eric (Cory's Brother) here tonight and they were going out for pizza and beers. Cory had been invited too , but he was going to Pittsburgh with that bitch he was engaged to. No matter how hard Shawn tried he couldn't get that woman to like him again after being gone for nine months. She seemed to be jealous of every minute that he had with Cory and never let them be alone together. He decided however that he was going to enjoy himself tonight thou and try to put all this aside for one night. He looked at his watch , it was 4:30pm - Jack told him that he and Eric would be home by five , but to let himself in if he got there early and make himself at home. He grabbed a beer from the icebox and settled into the couch to wait for Jack & Eric .

As he finished his second beer , he heard a low guttural moan coming from Eric's room, grinning broadly from the buzz he had starting he quickly walked towards Eric's room. The sight that he saw thru the half-open doorway both shocked and excited the hell out of him . Jack and Eric were lying on the rumpled bed , their taught, tan , naked sweaty bodies gleaming in the afternoon sun. Eric was lying on his stomach , his tight little ass high in the air , Jack's face mashed tight against that hole his tongue darting in and out at lightning speed. As Shawn stood there trying not to gasp, Eric let out another even deeper moan "OH GODDD, YESSSSSSSS!!! JACK, you've got me on FIRE baby ,

FUUUUUCK MEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!. To Shawn's horny wonder Jack did just that , sliding into Eric in one quick fluid motion, impaling Eric on his big dick all the way to the balls at once. Eric could only babble incoherently his approval. At this sight Shawn couldn't take it any more , he whipped out his own 9" manrod and started beating himself off. Unfortunately he leaned too hard on the door and crashed into the room. The two young men on the bed froze in mid-fuck at the noise , but soon recovered at the sight of Shawn's huge erection. Jack spoke first "Hi Shawn , like what you see??? Eric's got a hole I'm not using right now , and he loves cock. Go ahead feed him , see how hungry he looks???" then Eric put a big grin on his face and said" Come on Shawn , give me that big dick, I'll make it feel real good!" Shawn walked over ,and in seconds was balls deep in Eric's face.

He had fooled around with other boys some , but never with someone with such an expert mouth like Eric. He didn't want to cum so quick , but he didn't know how he could last long with the gentle milking action Eric was giving his aching organ. Eric was not only matching him stroke for stroke as Shawn face-fucked him , he was even licking his balls when Shawn's groin was mashed against his upturned face. Finally he could take no more and Shawn started blowing the biggest load he had ever blown in Eric's sucking mouth. At the same time Eric and Jack both started to cum moaning and groaning like mad. The three boys collapsed into a tangled pile hugging and kissing before drifting into a gentle sleep.

The persistent ring of his cellphone woke Jack and he looked at the clock before answering it. "Eric" he whispered "It's six o'clock , it must be Eugene!" They hurried into the living room so that Shawn would not wakeup and hear them. " Hello? "He answered , it was Eugene . "Yes , SIR , Eric is here too." Eugene asked if they had receive the packages that he had sent them , and Jack assured him that yes they had , and that per his orders no they had not opened them. "Good ,my boys! Very Good!" Eugene `s voice boomed from the cellphone. "Now put me on the speaker phone , and we can start" Jack hurried to follow Eugene's order , and soon Eugene's voice filled the livingroom. "First of all , are my boys naked?" he asked "Yes sir , we are !"they said in one excited voice "Gooood!" Eugene chuckled "Now flip a coin, head you are first Jack , Tails you are Eric. Now what is it?" "Heads Sir "Jack answered "Ok , now boys ,I want you to both open up your packages , and carefully take out what is inside ."Both boys gasped as they unpacked 7" long ,very thick butt plugs , both with a big tube of lubricating jelly.

"Ok now Jack , get on your hands and knees , facing away from Eric. Now I want you to get a big dollop of lube on your finger ,Eric, and I want you to finger-fuck Jack. Get him all nice and loosened -up , Yeah , that's right , I can hear you." The boys' groaning started to fill the room as they obeyed Eugene's orders." Now if you have gotten him up to three fingers , grease up his plug and shove it were it belongs!" Jack let out a yelp as the butplug filled his ass, it only hurt for a moment , then it started to feel so good. "Now Jack, you get to do the same to Eric , though I'm sure you have been banging him , so don't bother with loosening - just grease that sucker and ram it in." Eric let out a small scream as his butplug slid into place, but soon he was getting used to it too. " Now boys, this seals your asses till I take those plugs out tomorrow, don't even think about taking them out to do anything , but to take a shit.! Do you hear me?? "Eugene barked. "YES SIR!!! " they quickly responded. "Good! Now listen , I'm running late on a case , so we have a change of plans for the weekend , instead of me coming to you , you are coming to me. I've reserved seats for you on the 3 o'clock train , be on it! A car will pick you up at the train station here in Boston , and bring you to me. Any questions?" Jack spoke up first "only one SIR, may I make a request? May we bring a guest? " He then proceeded to tell him of the hot session that they had just enjoyed with Shawn. Eugene said that Jack's brother sounded hot , and to defiantly bring him, but he then reminded them that their butt plugs must remain in place until he removed them himself, but that they could still use their mouths.

He asked them if they where still on their hands and knees , and when they replied "YES SIR!" ,he told they to kiss each other while still in that position ,touching each other only with their lips for the next five minutes, and that he would see them tomorrow. As the two young men started kissing the sound of a dialtone filled the room as Eugene hung up the phone at his end. Eric and Jack started to attack each others lips with wild abandon , the dial tone momentarily forgotten in the heat of passion. So when the noise stopped without either touching it they where momentary surprised , until they heard Shawn's voice "Pretty Fucking hot guys! Who was that on the phone and where are you bringing me to?" he asked as he stood over them , slowly stroking his big fat dick. Pushing Shawn down onto the couch they proceed to tell him all about last weekend , Eugene , and their plans for this weekend . Ave course they told him this in between taking big licks of his throbbing fuckstick , till Shawn agreed to go with them , just as he blew a massive load all over their upturned faces.

Scene 2 - Philadelphia Train Station

Eric , Shawn & Jack hurried to the station collect their tickets for the train to Boston , Eugene had told them to see the station master and he would have them. They where an hour early as Eugene had told them to be , and they were shown into the station masters office and told to wait. They nervously fidgeted in their chairs , Eric & Jack especially , as the butt plugs where making them very horny and sending little jolts up their spines everytime they sat down. Soon the door opened and a very handsome black man in a railway uniform entered the room. He greeted them "Welcome boys! My name is John & I have some tickets here for you , but first I do need to see some ID." He didn't really but he wanted to make sure these three hot studs were really over 18 . Eugene was a friend of his , and had told him just how hot these little cocksuckers were , and told him that if he want to get some oral payment for the favor of arranging the ticket drop, that he wouldn't mind. Once he had looked over & photocopied their ID's he picked up their tickets off of his desk , and leaned on the front edge facing the boys. He said to them "Well boys, here's your tickets , I talked to Eugene , and he said you boys would know how to pay me for them."

He started rubbing the envelopes across his bulging crotch , and the boys quickly got the idea. They almost instantly dropped to their knees , and crossed the short distance to the cotton-clad cock, waiting until the next command was issued. John smiled down at his three willing disciples and slowly his unbuttoned his pants and hauled out a very hard , very black ,11"fuckstick. The boys gasped in horny awe at the massive rod, looking up at john with pleading eyes , waiting to be told what to do. He instructed them that there was more than enough dick for three little white boys , and that two should start licking the shaft , while the third get to his funky balls.

Jack and Shawn started on the shaft , while Eric went to work on the plum sized balls ,groaning with pleasure at the hot taste . It didn't take long , however for all this attention to have John start to thrash around , and finally pull the three boys faces together as he shot a big load all over them. He told them to use their tongues to clean each other up , and as the boys frantically licked each others faces he thought that he would almost give them another load , the sight was so hot. Once everyone was dressed again he handed the boys each their tickets and $20 , giving each young man a deep tongue-probing kiss , and giving Eric and Jack's ass a good prodding. He also pulled down each boys jeans , and grabbing hold of each boy's privates , snapped a cockring into place, this would keep the boys from cuming until Eugene took them off in Boston. Eugene had asked him to check and make sure that the buttplugs where still in place , and when he spoke to him later he could assure him that they were indeed there. The fact that he had video- taped the encounter he would keep to himself , that tape would come in handy later he was sure.

John led the boys out to proper track and shook their hands as a massive black man, clad in a conductor's uniform , approached them . He warmly greeted the man , and said to the three young men "Boys , this Calvin , he is another friend of Eugene's , and he will be your conductor on this trip. If you need anything he can help you. Calvin , I will leave them in your hands. See you again soon boys." He said with a wink as he walked away. Calvin hustled the boys onto the train , and into the rear seats in the last car. Calvin knew that this car was due for service once the train got to Boston , this springs were almost totally shot , and it rode very bumpy. This was why there were no other passengers in this car. The few that had boarded in Washington , D.C. had quickly moved forward to other cars, in fact the engineer planed to not have to trackside doors open again for the rest of the trip to keep people out of that car. Calvin knew that with their buttplugs in place Eric and Jack were due for a ride that would keep there prostate massaged all the way to Boston. Calvin also knew that with the sign "Car Closed for Repairs " that he hung on the car door , that he and his co-workers could keep those hot little white cocksuckers busy all the way to Boston . His big dong was leaking and growing as he thought about using and abusing those three for the next several hours. Eugene had told him the he could do anything to them , but fuck them .With horny deeds flashing thru his mind. , he rushed to finish checking in the last few passengers .

Finally the last of the passengers were seated , and the train pulled out of the station , gaining speed as Philadelphia faded behind them. As the car gained speed , the boy's car started bumping and swaying slightly , they could feel it more thru their feet and the chair seats than anything . Eric and Jack started to notice that everytime they hit a bump , a small jolt went up thru them , straight to the buttplugs that were stretching and tormenting their assholes . They started to get erections and both hoped that this bumping would not last until Boston! They would never make it! Already , between having had the plugs in all night and the goosing that they had gotten from john back at the station, the had leaked some much pre-cum into their shorts that spots were forming at the crotch of their jeans. If the train did this for the next couple of hours it would look like they had pissed their pants! Calvin smiled as he spied on the boys thru the crack in the door , the two plugged one were squirming but good! Give them another five minutes and the abuse would start. He felt a hand on his ass as he stood there in the doorway between the two cars and turned and smiled at his friend Pedro, and said to him " OK , you want in on these white boys , Pedro ?" the smile he received told him yes. Pedro was six feet, three inches and 250 pounds of solid Mexican muscle, with swarthy Latin good looks , a reel handsome fucker. Calvin had fucked around with him several times and the 10 inches of beer-can thick manmeat that he packed was almost more than the big black man could handle. It was probably a good thing for those horny teenagers that there asses were off limits , they would only wind up with stretched throats , not assholes too sore to sit for a week! Calvin slowly opened the door , softly locking it behind him, and smiling at the boys as he and Pedro walked towards the back of the car .the two big men groped their enormous baskets as they approached the still seated younger men, and finally Calvin spoke. "Time for your first installment payment boys! Eugene may have paid the trainline , but you have to pay for this private car! " As he spoke , he and Pedro both unzipped their flies and displayed their manhood's for the boys to see. The three boys looked at each other , grinned and quickly got to work. Eric dropped to his knees and engulfed Pedro's massive dong in one smooth motion, while Shawn and Jack played "share the lollypop" with Calvin.

Pedro could not believe that this blond sluts technique , it was like sticking his dick in a vacuum hose! He grabbed two big pawfulls of straw colored hair , and began slamming Eric's rose-colored lips hard again his cockroot. He was facefucking Eric so hard that they began to make their own sort of rap music , Eric's gurgling providing the backbeat , and Pedro's chants providing the rap. Pedro was so totally into Eric's mouth that the rest of the people in the car ceased to exist for him. Calvin and the two brothers were also getting extremely turned on by Pedro's cants " OH motherfucking blond cocksucking slut , pounding your face just like you been begging men for all your life! Blond slut whore , yeaaaaaaaaa eating that big taco , you like Mexican don't you, don't you . fucking cock eating slut" Eric could only grunt his agreement, as there was bearing enough room in his throat for air, speaking would have required a miracle.

Pedro started grunting "OH YEA BABY,GUNA PAINT YOUR PRETTY FACE WITH MY CUM! YOU WANT THAT DON"T YOU , HA , DON'T YOU??" Eric could only try to somehow grunt, YES, thru to pounding that his face was getting, grateful that he had brought the man this far. And just in time he thought , as his eyes were tearing and he was starting to see spots in front of his eyes from this brutal fuck. Pedro pulled his huge tool out of the warm cavern and started jacking it rapidly over Eric's upturned gasping face. With a great cry , he began to shoot stream after stream all over Eric's face and onto his outstretched tongue. The sight of Eric's painting was too much for Calvin , and he began to shoot his load onto Shawn and Jack's eager tongues. The two boys got every last drop , licking franticly to not let any escape. Eric closed his eyes and slumped in his seat , half passed out from all the work that he had just done . To his surprise he felt a large tongue licking to sperm off of his face, he opened his eyes and was shocked to find that it was Pedro. Once he had cleaned Eric's face , Pedro gave him another surprise, he started to kiss him , but he hadn't swallowed any of the cum that he had just licked off of his face. He was feeding him cum off of that huge probing tongue! Eric couldn't fucking believe this , what a weekend this was going to be! This was a cocksluts dream , and he would make sure that he gave Master Eugene lots of thanks for this!

Suddenly The train's loudspeaker squawked "Penn Station , next stop , Penn Station 15 minutes" Calvin and Pedro groaned because this meant that they had to go back to work . They gave each of the boys a hug , told them that they would see them later, and that they would send someone in to help them at Penn Station . In a short while the train started to slow down , and finally came to a stop. The loudspeaker squawked again "Penn Station , Penn Station, train leaves in 25 minutes." The car door opened and a handsome Spanish looking stud who looked something like Antonio Bandeaus walked into the car. "Boys, my name is Tony , come with me and I'll take you thru the station. You need to hurry thou, this stop is only 25 minutes & Eugene would be very upset if you missed the train!" The boys quickly made them as presentable as possible , and followed Tony out of the train and into the station.

They all grabbed a quick sandwich and were back in their seats within 15 minutes. Tony said to them "Is everyone all set ? " the boys nodded "Good now sit tight we should be leaving in a couple of minutes, so don't leave your seats. I will be back later for some fun." He said as he lewdly groped himself , "You can be sure that I'm gonna get me some of this sweet sugar!" leaning down and grabbing Shawn's face. He drove his tongue straight for the startled boy's tonsils , turning him on in a flash. Shawn was not used to be manhandled , but he was quickly starting to love it.

Tony broke off the kiss much to quickly for Shawn's liking , and he gave a low whimper as his mouth was emptied. Tony quickly stuck his thumb in the boy's mouth , and was rewarded by Shawn's liking and sucking on it. Tony groaned his approval "OH be back for more real soon baby , real soon. But I gotta go now , work to do. Some of us will be back to play in about 40 minutes. So sit tight and eat your diner. Don't go playing with each other thou , you'll need your strength , trust me you will.!" He chuckled as he closed the door behind him and the boys looked at each other , grinned and said "Alright!" They then settled down to eat.

Once they had finished eating , the boys sat and looked out the window as the train quickly left the city behind and rolled swiftly thru the Connecticut countryside . The boys grew bored after a while just sitting and looking out the window , and soon dozed off, missing seeing New Haven entirely. Their friendly trainmen were too busy to play for a while Anyways so the boys slept until the train started across the Rhode Island border , while they were woken by Tony and two new friends . With Tony were two of the baggage handlers , twin brothers Sam & Al , two towering hulks of black manhood. The brothers bore are striking resemblance to Dorien Harewood , tall, broad shouldered with handsome faces and coal-black complexions. Tony quietly pushed open the doors and the three men quickly entered the car , and Tony locked the door behind them . Seeing the boys sleeping , he motioned to Sam & Al to quietly follow him up to the boys, unzipping his pants and hauling out his already hard dick as he crept along. The twins followed his lead ,and soon the three men were standing over the boys fisting the their big dicks. They quickly bent down and started to rub the boy's lips with their already dripping cocks , which instantly woke the boys. As the boys woke they all gave a yawn , which allowed Tony and the twins to sink their meat into the boys startled mouths.

Eric & Jack being the horny cocksluts that they were inhaled the twins coal black truncheons instantly , but Shawn's coughed and gagged as Tony , paying no attention , brutally fucked his face. Tony pulled his cock out of the boy's gasping mouth , only to proceed to slap him hard in the face with it. He grabbed a big handful of Shawn's flowing auburn hair , and using his hair as a handle , pulled Shawn's stinging face back onto his dick. "Take this big prick to the root ,NOW OR else , YOU FUCKING SLUT" Shawn quickly realized that he had better start to perform or else this huge stud would probably choke him to death with that big dick. And yet thru all this his own cock had never been harder , or leaking more pre-cum than ever before in his young life. He couldn't quite figure it out but he was too busy to think , especially after what happened next.

Tony said " Maybe this will help." And he reached into his pocket and took out a small brown bottle , unscrewed the top, and stuck it under Shawn's left nostril , while pinching closed his right nostril. " Now take a good sniff boy " he instructed , and then switched the bottle to the other side . Shawn breathed in the pungent popper fumes & his head started to spin , his dick got even harder , and all his could think about was the penis in his mouth. It became his whole world , nothing else mattered but servicing his new master. Tony took a good sniff himself , and grabbing hold of Shawn's hair again ,settled into a nice hard steady facefuck. He kept giving the seated boy's mouth a good workout for a full 15 minutes , making sure that Shawn's had plenty of poppers , till finally he could stand no more , and with a grunt , and a curse , pulled his dick out of the boy's face and blasted jet and jet of hot scum all over Shawn's face.

Looking over to his left , he saw that Sam and Al had not been idle either. The two men had Eric and Jack on their knees facing them , and had the boys trying to keep their mouths on a huge cock sandwich. They stood hip to hip so that their dicks were as one , make an obscene fucksickle that the two kneeing boys were disparately trying to keep covered in spittle . At the same time Sam and Al where trying to swallow each other's tongues . They had stripped Eric and Jack to the waist and where pinching and yanking , and tugging on the boy's very raw , very red nipples, thou from the moans and groans the boys were making ,they were in ecstasy . The crotches of their jeans were absolutely soaking wet, as the pre-cum was flowing so hard that it was starting to drip from their pants. The boys desperately wanted to cum, but the tight cockrings kept that from happening. Finally, at about the same time as Tony , the twins let loose with a huge flow as cum , covering Eric and Jack's faces , and hair , and smearing it all over the boy's abused nips, which made them groan even louder .

Suddenly a tinny noise filled the car, as the loudspeaker squawked "Providence 20 minutes, Providence, Rhode Island next stop." Tony turned to the twins and said "Ok Sam ,Al ,back to work , Boys someone will be in to take you up to diner once we get to Providence . Just sit tight & don't do nothin. We want to take you into the station just like you are. So be ready in 20 minutes. Ok?" "YES SIR !" the boys quickly answered, wondering what horny adventure awaited them. They did not have to wait long as the loudspeaker squawked again "Ladies and Gentlemen , Providence Rhode Island , We will be stopping for one hour and 30 minutes , as there has been some trouble with the tracks ahead , we are very sorry for any inconvenience this may cause you."

The boys started to groan , but stopped as Calvin came into the car with a huge grin on his face & said "Now boys don't be getting all upset , we will get you to Eugene , I called him on my cellphone , so he knows you'll be late. In the mean time this means that we can give you a real treat at the station here. Come with me boys, My My , how pretty you'all look with all that dried cum on you, real pretty. They are going to love you!" the boys looked at each other puzzled , but they did have to admit that the dried , crusted cum on their faces and in their hair did look very hot! They followed Calvin for about 5 minutes thru the old cavernous station, down a very long flight of old dirty marble steps until they reached a huge old door that bore the legend "Gentlemen". The door gave a loud squeak as Calvin pushed it open , and marched them through it and the next door , and into a very large , dimly lit ,bathroom. As the boys eyes adjusted to the gloom they saw that the room was half-filled with about 45 men , most of them engaging in some sort of sex act.

There were men of all ages , and descriptions , and the they were all hot! The boys couldn't believe it , the smell of piss & cum & poppers made their heads swim and they looked to Calvin for instruction. He pulled them into the center of the room , and made them knell on the sticky floor , he then spoke to the crowd of men . "Gentlemen , My name is Calvin , and this is Shawn , Eric & Jack , I am escorting them to their master in Boston . he has instructed me that since they are delayed , they need to be exercised . their asses are off limits but their well-trained mouths are not. You can see by the cum stains that there are genuine sluts , ready for action." He quickly striped off their shirts and said "Let the fun begin!" as he stepped back to observe and to get out of security camera range. ( The station crew only observed this bathroom to make sure no one got hurt. Officially this basement john was closed , and only horny train crews and Rhode Islands gay community knew of it's existence.) The three boys soon found themselves engulfed by a horny tide of men . It seemed like their were hundreds of men , either trying to stick their cocks down their throats , smearing their cocksnots all over their faces , or just settling for a handjob. Still other men stood and jacked their pricks at them trying to find a small clear spot to splash onto. Before long the boys were soaked in jism , their pretty faces dripping ,their bellies full, several men had even ejaculated on their ears, which now burned with embarrassment at the thought of having to leave this room to get back to the train! Calvin pager squawked , and he turned it on , and was told that the train would be leaving in 20 minutes. He thanked his boss and spoke to the now thinning crowd . "gentlemen , times up !" he threw the boys back their shirts and told them to use the shirt that they caught to clean up with , making very sure that each boy did not get his own shirt. The boys cleaned off the tons of jism as best that they could , then exchanged shirts to get back the correct shirt.

It made they feel very slutty to not only be still damp from all the cum that had been deposited on them , but to also be wearing the cum that had been on someone else's body made them feel even sluttier. Calvin then took them upstairs and they all got burgers with the works as Calvin's treat. He could well afford to , the sale of the video tape of the scene that had just happened , along with the train tapes would make him rich! Not to mention all the horny little white boys that he would be able to pick up from the tape's website. As soon as the boys wolfed down their well-earned burgers , Calvin hustled them back onto the train and got them seated in their car . He quickly gave each boys a bearhug and a deep wet kiss , slipping a card into each boy's back pocket ,before leaving them in the dimly lit car to remember the day. He turned and spoke to them "Boys you'll be to Boston in about an hour, Eugene's car will be waiting for you . I live in Philly , my card is in your back pocket. Have a good time at Eugene's , hope I see you soon!"

The boys responded that they would , and would call him soon , and settled down to think of the rest of the weekend ahead. If this had only been the warm-up what the fuck did Master Eugene have in mind for them? And speaking of fuck , how badly would he abuse our asses , Eric and Jack thought , once these mind-blowing butt plugs are removed. They didn't have long to think about it however because very soon the loudspeaker squawked for the last time "Boston , Back-Bay Station , Last stop" , and Tony came thru the door. He smiled at the boys and said "Lets go guys , the cars out front waiting!" He lead them from the train & out to the street where an ancient huge black limo waited. The elderly driver opened the door for the boys , and he and Tony stashed the luggage in the trunk. Tony leaned into the car and gave Shawn's hand a shake , and said goodbye to Eric & Jack . he gave Shawn a big grin and a wink , and turned and walked back into the station. Shawn sat in silence for a moment , and them realized that something was in his hand, he looked down and saw that Tony had given him a card with his home address, which was only in New Jersey, and his phone number! Written on the back was "CALL ME!" , and he said to himself that yes indeed he would .

The elderly chauffeur then spoke for the first time "We shall arrive at Master Young's home in approximately a half hour , there are soft drinks and snacks in the bar cabinet , if you require anything please pick up the phone and tell me. He then closed the dividing window and proceeded to swiftly glide the huge car thru the city and out into the adjacent countryside. The boys helped themselves to cokes and chips , reclining back into the plush seats as the countryside rolled by the tinted windows. To there surprise they soon stopped at a huge pair of iron gates that slowly opened at the chauffeurs beckoning . They where stunned as the drive ended in front of an enormous Victorian / gothic mansion , which could have been the setting for their favorite old television series "Dark Shadows". (Which in fact in had been , Eugene Grandfather had bought it in 1930 , after the original owner had jumped from one of the towers after loosing everything with the stock market crash. Eugene knew that the house was almost ridiculous , but it was his free and clear , after inheriting it from his grandparents , and besides it was far enough out of the city to be country , but close enough that he could make downtown Boston in 35 minutes. Plus with all this room he could keep a small army of boytoys around and the neighbors would never bother him.

Eugene greeted them at the open front door , dressed in skimpy workout cloths , him big powerful Nubian Warrior body glowing in the light spilling out from the hallway behind him. "Welcome to YOUNGWOOD, Are you ready to Really party ?"

TO BE CONTINUED ??????????

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Next: Chapter 3

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