Boy Meats Boy

By Steve Griffin

Published on Sep 13, 2003


See part 1 for disclaimers. I want to stress again that this is just fiction and I know nothing about the current friendships or relationships between any of the men in this story.

Thanks to those of you who've written in. I hope you enjoy this. Let me know if you do (or don't). And tell me what else you want to see. I've already heard some of your great suggestions, and will use them if I can. The next chapter should have a bit more variety, as I'm going to try to write some stuff for Brian and Dan.

James and Wes made their way to the bedroom, Wes silently congratulating himself on his decorum in not shoving James on the floor and fucking him through his clothes. James, meanwhile, continued to struggle with the situation.

James stood beside the bed as Wes kicked off his shoes and slipped out of his socks.

"Wes...I didn't go on the show for just sex. I wanted someone I could care about. And if we do this, then everything is going to change. What's so wrong with friendship?"

Wes was working on his black t-shirt. James couldn't help admiring his smooth, well-shaped body. Not too big or small, very natural, with just a bit of baby fat in his cheeks, presumably both sets. As Wes unzipped his fly, he could feel James' hungry, conflicted eyes boring into his exposed torso. He chuckled as he shucked his jeans down and caught James reaction to his total lack of underwear.

"Surprise!" Wes teased. His chubby, half-hard club smacked against his faint treasure trail. "Want the back view?" Wes spun around to showcase his creamy, slightly plump cheeks.

James could barely keep his concentration. There was something so wicked about Wes, like he was a small demon encouraging the most decadent fantasies.

"James, I WANT to be your friend. That's why I want to get our relationship on another level. There were so many times that I almost forgot the cameras were around. My mind was screaming to push you into a bedroom and shove my face between those fine, fat cheeks you packed into those tight jeans that drove all the guys wild."

Wes' dark, sparkling eyes shone on James, mentally undressing him seconds before Wes got close enough to physically do the job. His prick leaked copious amounts of early cream while he deftly popped open the white shirt buttons. James blushed as Wes kissed the hairy patches exposed with each further undressing.

"I want to kiss you..."

He unhooked James' cuffs, letting James toss the shirt on the bed while Wes went to work on his slacks.

"taste you..."

Wes began to lightly suckle James through his trousers, the room silent save for the sharp crackle of a belt slowly unfastened, loop by loop.

"suck you..."

James shook his hips to help Wes pull the pants to his ankles. As his shoes and socks were removed, James tensed at the hand sharply squeezing his ample bulge. He was now completely naked and vulnerable, save for a small pair of black bikini briefs. From his crotch-eye view, Wes studied the immaculately-trimmed hair dusting his new lover's sculpted chest, waist, and muscled runner's thighs and calves. Running his hands up and down those trim legs, Wes slowly, sensuously lowered James' briefs, an inch at a time, savoring each new tease of the lightly snipped, dark pubic bush, and a lengthy, succulent piece of well-proportioned meat. 'Why are the guys with the nicest dicks usually bottoms' Wes wondered to himself as he sucked the mushroom head deep into his throat. James groaned at the gentle attack against his glans, giving in to the fingers squeezing his buns and to the mouth laving his cock in saliva and adoration. He wanted this contact, whatever the price, as much as Wes did. He hadn't felt a man's touch in so long. He ran through Wes' spiky, dark locks, his knees buckling as the sensitive underside of his pleading penis was assaulted by a steady pattern of teeth and tongue. His veins were on fire, his piss slit was constantly invaded by a skillful mouth digit. Wes carressed the backs of his knees and gurgled against his shaft. Finally, with one hand, he began tugging and kneading James' smooth-shaven low-hangers, while the other hand crept inside the sweaty, tight anal crevice. One finger slipped in and James moaned his approval. Two fingers stabbed deep, and James roared, losing all composure and nearly scalping Wes as he shot gallons of long pent-up semen into his scorching throat.

James pulled out, falling on the bed, panting. He hadn't come that way in months and months. A full-throttle orgasm, total abandonment of his mind and body, just raw pleasure. His entire body quivered from the sensations. "Oh good..." he muttered into the bedspread, his back arched, his legs slightly spread.

Wes' own erection remained angry and unsatisfied as he spied the beautiful back and buttocks of the exhausted man. He kneeled at the edge of the bed, licking a long, sloppy, detailed trail up James' pedicured toes and perfect soles and arches, his calves, the backs of his knees (James sighed in response and Wes knew he'd found a weak spot), and finally, the grand prize - that ass. Flawless. Upright, firm, squeezable, covered in a faint forest of dark hair. On pure horny instinct, Wes sank his teeth into each of those plush cheeks; they just begged for biting. James moaned and was going to ask him to stop until his dick plumped back to life at the feel of a talented tongue stuttering inside his hole. He hadn't been fucked in a while, but Wes was pushing through his tight rings, finding all the right spots. A few fingers reentered his buttocks. When Wes discovered his prostate, he scraped and pushed the large object. James grunted and involuntarily opened his anus to further inspection and violation.

Wes spun him around, placing James' sumptous legs on his shoulders.

"I want to see your face." Wes whispered, leaning over to kiss James, to share his ass juices. James was busy pinching his own nipples and coating his chest fur in his still-fresh seed. Wes licked away a few savory drops while he used his own pre-cum as lube.

"This is gonna be perfect, James. We'll never forget. Your ass is ripe for plucking. Milk me. Milk me like the bottom you were born to me...OHH...yeaaah, just l-like that, baby..."

Wes' thrusts started off quiet, subdued, quickly building in intensity and passion as he saw the pure lust and awe in James' soft features. All those guys who had gone on TV just to meet James, hold his hand, maybe kiss him. And now Wes got to be inside him. Go places few other men ever would. Permanently be a part of him. The thought of control and completeness increased Wes' daring, as he pulled out nearly to the tip, then slammed back inside, as he began rough jackhammer pulsating. James felt like a heartbeat was inside his ass. The veins and the delicious curve in Wes' plump 7 inches made him a great top -- not too big, not too small, just right. James gave into the sensations.

"You like that, baby? Yeah...this is gonna last for a long time. My cock and your bubble butt were made for each other. I'm never gonna let this sweet piece go. If I see you in the store, in a bar, in the middle of the street, I'm going to tear your pants off and bury my bone all the way to your throat, and you'll just beg for more. Right? RIGHT?"

Wes joined James' hands on James' rigid 8 inches, scraping his nails along the grooves which would makes his bottom shiver and his pisshole ooze for more.

"I...I love you, Wes. Everything about you. I-I...UUUNNNGGGHHH!!!!"

He clawed his fingers down Wes' lanky, hairless chest as his hips bucked from the bed with one violent orgasm after another. James' expert anal muscles clamped down on Wes' raging volcano. Wes gave into the rough milking, spurting his load far into his lover's recesses. He collapsed on top of James. James cradled him. Being lost in that sea of chest hair felt so perfect, so right. He felt warm and safe. Their brown eyes locked. Wes saw the fear, the longing...and the love. Whether it was as friends or as more, the need was there. And as much as Wes just wanted to have fun, the same pangs and longing overcame him.

"I love you too, James. Please remember that. Friends, fuck buddies, partners, whatever we are. I love you."

They shared a tender kiss. Closed mouths and gentle petting never gave way to more carnal pleasures. Instead, they slept, and Wes had never had a more comfortable pillow.

Next: Chapter 3

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