Boy Got Tongue

By matt gurou

Published on Nov 24, 2004


This story depicts grown men engaged in various different sex acts. Both of the men in this story are 18, just like you, the reader, should be, and if you are not...than leave right now. This story is entirely fiction. If you enjoyed the first. Prepare yourself.

"...Rick made a tiger noise, and leaped on Jason. He headed face first for those hairy armpits...and Jason's cock grew again."

"Bon Appetite!" Rick said as he had his mouth and nose buried in the furry armpits of Jason. Rick had been unrealistically drawn to Jason in a flash. He had gone to great extents of sexual pleasure, in a matter of seconds. Jason had reacted unrealistically also, excepting the pleasure yet not being gay himself. He had used his poor friend Rick, who obviously was confused, just so that he could get a free blow job or two. Jason had to make up the favor.

"Ha. Man I made you do a lot of shit that I probably shouldn't have let you do -- I mean you're just as straight as I am man; I don't want you turning all gay on me!" Jason said. The whole story begins to shift on to the realistic side. "Let me return the favor."

Rick retrieved his tongue and sat upright. He than spread his legs and just sat their waiting for Jasons "favor"

"No! Not that -- I can't do that. I'm not queer. I've always gagged at the site of a penis. You know that! Boogie Nights is my favorite fucking movie man, and you see me ALWAYS fast forwarding that part when the guy whips out his dillywhacker! Don't act fucking retarded Rick, I mean I know it's unfair -- I know I deserve to be on my knees -- but I just can't do that. I'll get you something. 100$. 200$. Whatever you want!" Jason was now on his knees pleading -- Back to the unrealisticness.

Rick saw Jason, now kneeling in front of him, looking up at his face. "I will not make you blow my cock. That I can promise you. But I will make you do other things. Yes. Other things. I just spent the last hour or so giving you a bath and an orgasm and all you have to pay me is 100$?! No. I won't accept that bullshit."

With Jason still kneeling, Rick stated "Okay. First task; you must look at my penis. I won't make you suck it. But you must look at it."

Rick took off his jogging pants and he removed his boxers in an effort to just show Jason his penis. Rick was going to manipulate Jason into doing whatever he wanted him to do because he was a manipulative person all together. Jason looked at the penis and had a blank expression on his face.

"Now just hold my penis in your hand" Rick said. Jason replied in utter disgust "Okay man this is too much I'm not going to hold your dilly whacker" Jason said.

"Oh yes you are you asshole. I fucking licked your shit hole and you're being a pussy about just taking my penis in your hand? What an asshole. What a true asshole you are."

Jason, without speaking, kneeled over so that his head was only 6 inches away from his crotch he reached out to grab his penis, but before he even came near touching it, Rick pulled Jason's hair and Jason's face was pushed forcefully into Ricks crotch. Rick rubbed his crotch against Jason's face, still grasping Jason's hair. Jason scratched, screamed, and tried moving roughly in order to get out of the situation he was in.

"Oh yeah smell that and feel that hair rubbing against your poor face. How do you like THAT bitch? What a little fucker you are. You know, you're really missing out on some great cock. This is man meat. Pure man mean -- hot shit right here. Definetly hot. I can see that hard on in your pants. You don't want this to end! I'm just going to rub this thing until I burst" Rick taunted Jason.

As Jason tried more and more to escape the trapped feeling, he got more turned on. He felt the same way Rick had when he had been down on his knees examining Jason's butt. "Oh yeah I'm about to explode now, bitch, and when I do it won't be pretty. I'd close my eyes if I were you."

Jason did that. Rick laughed.

Before Jason knew it, Ricks ass was now facing Jason. He didn't have the same reaction that Rick did about the ASS; but he did feel sort of turned on by the luscious melons that were jiggling ahead of him. Jason didn't protest, and the hair pulling and grabbing had stopped. It was just him, kneeling in front of those luscious cheeks of Ricks. "Take your time -- But you will kiss my ass. That is closed, and sealed. You will not leave this place until you lick my ass"

Talk about intimidation. Jason just said "Fine. Okay. Fine. But don't pull any funny shit, you jackass, or I will see to it that you will be brought to revenge. I mean come on jackass, you did all that shit to me from your own will. You should of asked me if you wanted me to return the favor long before you stuck your tongue up my ass. You even liked what you got, and I bet you'd enjoy having 200$ on your pocket. If anything, this is about something else. You're probably just wanting to turn me in to a gay fag like yourself so you can have someone to fuck with. Well I won't budge. I won't budge. Now I'm going to lick your ass, and that's the end of it. The end of everything."

Plummeting at rapid speed out of Jason's mouth was his tongue into Ricks crack. At first, Rick had tightened his cheeks together letting nothing in. Rick was shocked at first and he laughed a little because it was a little cold, and it tickled a bit. He than let his ass cheeks jiggle with freedom and without even spreading the cheeks, Jason took his tongue in full throttle and wrapped his mouth around the whole hole.

"You can stop now. You've proved yourself" Rick said. Jason just kept licking and snorting. He was a fan of the fumes -- they didn't really smell like shit to him. Something better. Like the actual hole of the person had a different fume than their shits. "I said you could stop now" Jason held out the symbol of one moment. Jason wasn't done. He was determined to suck, snort, and lick anything living/smelling/and tasting in that ass crack. It was like he was sent on a mission from god or someone. Rick knew what would make that boy stop. He got in the ready position and -- bam. A loud, obnoxious, dirty fart plummeted from the hole as Jason lapped around it. Rick sat down on Jason's face, to make sure that Jason was capturing the smell. "Oh yeah. Smell that fart. Smell that stinky ass of mine. Haven't showered in 10 days. Ha. That ass of mine is sure to send people like you head over heals!" Rick wiggled his cute little toosh over Jasons nose. It was like a little tease.

Jason escaped the butt. "Now onto my cock" Rick said laughing.

"Whatever you say"


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