Boy Genius Makes Good

Published on Aug 5, 2020


Boy Genius Makes Good By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have, comments send them to or

I am Roddy Farmer and I am what is technically known as a screw up. My parents were nice. They raised me well and gave me a good education. Just because they gave me an education didn't mean I had to take it. I was a know it all. Looking back there was no reason for me to think I knew it all. It turned out that multiple failures did not have any impact on my thinking. Some people might think you can learn from your failures. I was not one of them.

As I got older my mistakes and failures became more expensive, but my parents were willing to bail me out. Actually, only a few incidents required real bail. I usually got off with probation or a big fine. This drove my parents crazy, but that didn't bother me. I thought it was an honor to help me.

It was a snowy and icy day in the winter. They were on the way to get me out of jail for a drunk and disorderly arrest when their car skidded of the road into an oncoming truck. They let me out of jail to go to the funeral.

I was surprised at what a difference my parents death made in my life. Mom and Dad were what they referred to as "Good People" around town. I was a fuck up. Once they were dead, no one gave me the benefit of the doubt anymore. No one looked the other way and absolutely no one gave me any money.

I moved to another city to make my fortune. I didn't occur to be that I had no skills and wasn't willing pretend to be interested in work. By the time I was thirty, I was in deep trouble.

I was sleeping in the back of a city park when I ran in to a guy. It turned out that this was a gay cruising area and he asked me to suck him off for twenty dollars. I wasn't into that, but twenty dollars is twenty dollars. It wasn't that bad, and I could eat for the next two days.

He came to see me again and he took me deeper into the park. He said this was private property and the police didn't patrol the area. He also told me that he men who frequented there were a better class of men. This time I sucked him off and took his load. That wasn't so bad.

He also told me about the Cosmopolitan Hotel. It was a combination night club, sauna-Steam room spa and a hotel. The guy's name was Rudy and he was a part owner of the place. He told me I might be able to get a room there. I told him I didn't have enough money to get a room. Rudy mentioned some guys were open minded and were really friendly with the patrons. If I were to work at the Sauna I could stay for free.

I am not a complete idiot, so I knew what he was suggesting. It was early autumn and it was getting cold. I had never spent a winter outside. Since I was in north-west Pennsylvania that didn't seem to be an option. I told him I would think about it.

My thought processes weren't what they should have been. I was still mad at my parents for getting killed. They should have thought of me when they went on that icy road to bail me out of jail. I could get a real job, but I knew my resume wasn't all it could be. Most employers would check my records and the D.W.I. and drunk and disorderly arrests would not be helpful.

I was worried what people would think of me. That night I realized no one thought much of me even if they thought of me at all. I thought a warm room and a job would get me through the winter. I saw Rudy a few days later and asked if the offer was still open. It was. One of their employees had left and there was an opening now.

Two hours later I was meeting with the manager of the Sauna, Maury Lewis. He told me the baths were open 24/7 so I could have any hours I wanted. "Did Rudy warn you that the patrons are open minded and friendly. Rudy told me you are a good sucker. Are you the shy type? It's best if you are open minded, go with the flow, playful, and not too picky," he explained. "Some of our regulars are older gentlemen. Is that a problem?" he asked.

I said it wasn't. I did tell him I was inexperienced.

"Well Roddy, Rudy and I are really experienced, and we can fill in any gaps if necessary," Maury said. "We don't allow any rough stuff. Let me level with you. Some guys are suited for our needs. Our patrons want to have a good time and they want their playmates to have a good time too. If you can't do that, just tell us. You can wait tables at the night club. If things don't work out you still have a job here until summer," he said.

That night I was sleeping in an air-conditioned room at the Cosmopolitan hotel. The room had a bath and a small TV. I also had clean clothes, as well as the sauna's uniform: shorts and a wife beater. I slept well for the first time in a year.

In the morning, a guy named Eric woke me and told me he was my trainer. We went and had breakfast, and then to the sauna. Eric was a short, fit man, with blond hair and a perfect smile. The last patrons for the night were leaving and a few early birds came for morning exercise.

Eric introduced me before he started the exercises. There were eight men aged between forty and eighty. They were all friendly and as the class progressed, they removed their sweatshirts and wore only shorts. Some dropped the shorts and wore only jock straps. Eric was in that group.

After the exercise we went to the showers and then to the sauna. Some of the men seemed to cluster around Eric, others seemed to like me. I heard the phrase, "new meat" several times.

One of the old men, Edgar seemed to like me. I guessed he was seventy and was in good shape. His cock and balls were impressive. He was a sculptor and quite muscular. He came over to me and we talked. "Some of the men here want exercise. Some like the scenery, and others are after more intense excitement," Edgar explained. "You need to know that everything is low pressure here. You can be eye candy, friendly or very friendly. For your information I could be classified as very friendly."

"Do I have a choice?" I asked.

Edgar smiled. "You do have a choice. I will say that most of the guys go with the flow," he said. "For your information very friendly means oral and anal. I am very friendly with a taste for the top."

"I'm not sure I want to bottom," I said.

"A virgin ass is good for only one thing, taking a shit. It can also be a sex organ. Like your cock, it can be fun, and it is also good at making friends," he said. He leaned close to me to whisper, "There is one bonus to letting men used your ass as an adult amusement park; you might get a tip. If I assumed you are here because of a desperate financial problem, would I be wrong?"

I told him he was right, but I didn't think things were that bad.

"Perhaps you think a waiter is prostituting himself for a tip. I think of it as a reward for a job well done," Edgar said.

"I've never done it," I said.

Edgar smiled and said, "I am a top and I have friend who are bottoms. We don't mind giving lessons to a needy man."

Two men came in the room and Edgar left. I left too and went to talk with Eric. My job was to man the desk at the entrance to the steam room and Sauna. I was to check on them to make sure they were neat and clean. "Try to remember their names. The guys like that," Eric explained and then he whispered, "Sometimes someone spills some slippery stuff. If someone tells you that you need the clean it up. Someone might fall." He pointed to a pail and mop.

"Does that happen often?" I asked.

"Most the men clean it up with a towel, or their tongue. Some men are just sloppy," Eric said.

In the late morning activity picked up. Most of the men were pleasant and they like having a new guy at the desk. Apparently, my predecessor was moody and too laid back to clean the room often. After living in a sleeping bag under a bush for the summer, cleaning was a new adventure. That got me brownie points with the men.

I was surprised that my cock responded to naked men. The shorts I wore were of thin fabric so I could hide nothing. No one objected. Many of the daytime men were older retired or semi-retired men. they seemed to be more attractive than I expected. Edgar was oddly attractive and well hung. His friends were in better shape than I expected. I guessed if you were going to spend part of the day naked with other guys, you had overcome your shyness.

There was a lull at three in the afternoon this was a gap the lunch time crowd and the after-work group. It was near the end of my shift, and I did a final clean-up of the steam room. One man was there.

"Are you Roddy, the new guy?" he asked. I said yes.

"I am Gus, one of Rudy's pals," Gus said. "He likes to be sucked, but never sucks other guys. He loves it when a guy takes his load. I take it too. I like the taste. How was it for you?"

"It was okay at first, but I got to like it," I said.

"I would like to taste yours," he said.

"It takes me some time to shoot off," I replied. I was almost fully erect

"I've got the time," he said as he leaned over, I slipped my shorts off and then he swallowed my entire cock. I had never been deep throated before. It was good. Gus didn't suck me, he milked me. Two minutes later I had the best orgasm I had ever felt. I admit most of my orgasms were alcohol enhanced, and I don't know exactly who I was with, but Gus knew what he was doing.

Two men entered while I was shooting.

"Gus, you got a new one?" a man asked. "Is this true love or a charity case?"

Gus pulled away, lick a glob of cum from my drooling cockhead and said, "So far it's a work in progress, but the boy has potential."

"Can I take a lick?" the man asked. The three men laughed and introduced themselves as Bob and Julian. They were Gus' old friends. I would have thought meeting men a guy was draining my balls would have been uneasy and tense. It seemed as if this was a daily occurrence. I also noticed that Gus, Bob, and Julian looked like contestants in the hairiest man contest at a county fair. I mentioned that and they laughed.

"Shit," Bob exclaimed. "Julian just shaved the hair off his cock head, and you didn't even notice!" We all, laughed.

I was at the main desk of the Sauna that night had had no further action. The next day I was off but covered the eight-to-four shift. The place became active from ten until two. Guys would visit the nightclub and then go to the sauna for a sexual adventure. I was the towel guy, but I was with a bruiser named Rocky. He was technically an attendant, but his real function was to deal with drunks. Rocky was 240 pounds and about six feet four inches tall. He was all muscle.

There were no problems with drunks, but Rocky was so intimidating, no one was too drunk to not notice him. A man named Wilbur had rented the steam room for a party from midnight to four. I had never been awake for a late-night party. When I was drinking, I usually passed out by eleven. I thought the party would have been loud and raucous.

I discovered that sex parties might start loud, but the quieted down once the sex started. Cock sucking and ass fucking are not that noisy. Two attendants, Roger and Steve were serving the men. They served drinks and snacks, then, after two o'clock, they became the entertainment for anyone who had not hooked up.

The birthday boy, Dick, had just turned 70. His friends were mostly between 45 and 80. Edgar and Gus were among the friends. Dick was a bottom and Roger was slow fucking ass. It was more like a rectal massage than a fuck, and Edgar was talking with Dick. It was an ordinary party until you noticed the erect cocks.

Apparently, everyone was to visit Dick ass, but only a few shot off in him. When Roger shot off there was some applause. Dick didn't like lube, but he loved sperm. I later found out that Roger was noted for productive orgasms, so he provided natural lube. Two men I knew only by sight double teamed Dick next. One of the men had a long, thin member; the other had a short stubby cock and huge balls. The other men called him Beer Can.

I returned to the desk, but when I returned, I was surprised that Beer Can and his friend were still at it. The friend shot off coating Dick's ass pucker and then Beer Can collected the cum on his cock head and planted it in Dick's ass. Edgar told me this was a popular feature of parties there.

A little later the party ended, and the men left. I was the clean-up crew, but the men had been neat. There was little to clean. Since I had been on night duty, I had the next day free until six. My sexual adventures before had been mostly the result of drink and parental rebellion. I realized I no longer understood what I was rebelling against. My parents were so conventional. I wanted to break through that and shock them. I wanted to prove I wasn't an ordinary nine-to-five guy.

Since I was now the towel boy in a gay bath, letting men play with my cock, I had to admit I was not going to be the next John Lennon or Bill Gates. I was a poorly educated, know-it-all who couldn't tell the difference between a steak dinner and a warmed-up pile of shit.

I went to the steam room at three. There wasn't anything to do except wait for my shift. Beer Can was there with his friend with the long, thin cock whose name was Art. Edgar enter a few minutes later.

I talked with them, and it came out that I had a virgin ass. That seemed to excite Art and Beer Can.

"I haven't opened a virgin's ass in years," Art said.

"You didn't think I was a virgin?" Edgar said in mock horror.

"Well, I didn't notice any calluses on your sphincter, but I didn't notice the springtime blush of a virgin's ass either," Art said. "It is possible that Beer Can mentioned you had no problem taking his tool."

"It's possible I was still using that virgin line a few years after its expiration date," Edgar confessed. "Every new cock up my ass brings back memories of my youth." The men laughed.

"Do you remember the first guy to fuck you?" Beer Can asked.

"I was home for the summer after my second year of college. I had a little oral action in the dorm, and I happened to be at a rest stop on the interstate. I ran into Rev. Donaldson, the associate minister of my church. He was embarrassed and so was he. I quickly realized that he wasn't going to tell my parents and he understood I wasn't going to tell the church. He was driving a Winnebago, so we went to a quiet spot and got it on. Rev. Donaldson knew a lot more about sex than I did, and I turned out to be the perfect student.

"Was it good?" I asked.

"Well, I had just about gotten to the point that I admitted I was gay," Edgar said. "We mutually sucked each other. It was wonderful. He loved it when I fucked him. It was my first time doing that and I just assumed he got to fuck me too. He was a big guy, not huge but impressive. He used lots of lube and once he was in me, I was in heaven. It was a perfect fit and he knew all the good spots."

"We can help you out if you want lessons," Beer Can said. I told them I would think about it. I wasn't planning to think about getting fucked, but for some reason I did think about it a lot.

The cosmopolitan Hotel, Night Club, and Sauna-Steam room were quite sedate in many ways. It was in an out of the way street and had few neighbors. Rudy didn't want any problems with the authorities. The place was always well kept up and drunkenness was discouraged. They were careful about underage drinking. He paid his taxes and made donations to the policeman's benevolent fund.

The drag shows were popular, and the strippers were careful not to go over the line. They made sure all the performers were of age.

After I had been there for two weeks, two men from their stage acts came to the Steam Room. Rex and Randy were strippers and contortionists-acrobats using the name R & R. They had been dancers, so they were muscular and elegant. Their exhibitions only lasted for thirty minutes, but they hung around after to meet the audience. Their stage act was athletic and elegant combined with comic, slapstick elements. The wore conventional costumes at first and ended semi-nude for the finale. The act was a hit.

They performed semi-nude on stage, but they wanted to use the stream room for what he called more complete exposure. There was a monthly membership fee for the Steam Room and Sauna. For their exhibitions there was a one-night fee of twenty dollars. Our usual nightly fee was five dollars, so if we had 20 men, they would clear $300.00.

The Steam room act was overtly sexual. It began semi-nude and was fully nude and erect at the end of the act. Rex and Randy had beautiful cocks, and unexpectedly attractive assholes. Rex would rim Randy's ass and Randy produce a crystal jewel from his ass. The Steam Room performance was a success. Word of mouth was the best advertisement for this sort of performance, and R & R had rave reviews.

Two days later I was working the early morning shift alone. There was no early morning exercise this morning and it was quiet. I was surprised when Edgar, Art and Beer Can came in. they weren't usually part of the early morning group.

Art and Beer Can went into the Steam Room. Edgar stayed. "Roddy, Art and Beer Can were hoping to screw a virgin this morning. Are you ready?" he asked. I said I thought I was. As I said that Rex and Randy came in the door.

Edgar looked at them and said, "Roddy's ready. The boys are waiting." He then told me to go in the stream room, he would man the desk. I said I wasn't sure exactly what might happen.

"Our plan is to fuck you to heaven and back," Rex said. For some reason, I said that was fine with me. I went in the room. I didn't know what to expect, but I expected some drama.

Randy was sitting on a bench, fully erect. "Come over and have a seat," he said. I went to sit, and he said don't sit next to me, sit on my cock. I pivoted around, sat back and his cock slid deep in me. I moaned. I didn't know what I felt, but I knew it was good.

"He's a hot one, Rex," Randy said. "His sphincter tried to kiss my cock as I popped past it, but he was too open."

"Don't wear him out before I get a chance," Art said.

"Roddy, we are all hoping to take a poke. We have a nice variety of cocks here," Beer Can said.

"This is good enough for me," I said. "I can't believe your cock would fit. It might rip me apart."

"Don't make up theories as to what a particular cock might feel like," Randy said. "We are experts at fucking, and we plan to make you into an expert too. It turned out that Art was good, and Beer Can's cock fit my ass. It was tight but worth it.

All I had to was lie back and react to the cocks sliding in and out of my ass. R & R thought their thin, long cocks were the magic keys that opened my ass. While my sphincter was tight, I could relax it for recreational purposes.

I had assumed that a man's cock would be an invader. Somehow my ass seemed to react as if they were welcome guests. Rex wanted me to help with their act, since I had no problem accommodating both of their cocks. They thought their audiences would like that.

Beer Can' s cock was different. It was more filling and left me confused. I didn't exactly know what I felt. After a half hour of fucking, they had done enough, and they went about their business and I returned to the desk.

"You impressed the boys," Edgar said.

"I'm sure that is a standard part of their routine," I replied.

They aren't exactly virgins, and there is no need for them to be impressed," Edgar explained.

Next: Chapter 2

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