Boy Bands and the City

By Reggie Tangan

Published on Dec 5, 2001


Boy Bands and the City By Reggie Tangan

Disclaimer: all of the characters portrayed here are used fictitiously, and used for entertainment purposes. These stories do not point out that the members of NSYNC are gay. Though I have my speculations.

This story is for adults only; if you don't like homosexual themes, please leave immediately.

for reactions, critiques please send me an email at or visit my website at

********************** Chapter Eight

No, this can't be happening. What am I? A boy band magnet?

As JC gently stood up, he offered his hand for me to pick me up from the pavement, I stood up shaken to what happened. Why did JC kiss me? And why did I let him kiss me? This is oh so confusing.

"Don't," I said, moving a step back away at JC. "I'm sorry for that," he began apologizing, "I didn't mean..." "Jeez, like you're the rest of them, after having a taste of flesh you think you're in love with me now?"

Come to think of it, it was flattering enough to know that there are men after you in spite of what they want from you.

"I pretty much guess it's instinct," JC said. "Instinct what? It's just a kiss," as I wiped my face for any remnants of JC's lip marks. But his kiss was soft, subtle, sombre yet fiery towards the end. JC looked at me again, this time much more critical from what I'm doing.

"I bet you liked the kiss." He smiled. "What makes you say that?" I continued to rub my face. "I see you are blushing," he said, his smile turned into an innocent laugh, he found it funny, I didn't.

It was getting red, a sign of blushing? Not! I was red with anger.

I want to get out of here in this park, out of JC, out of here. My legs wanted me to run but my heart wants me to stay and clear out what it really needs.

"Oh my God. What's happening to me?" I sat down again at the bench, clearing my mind towards another situation. JC Chasez, hypocritical person against his own kind. Hates gays when he himself is gay. Now has the hots for me.

"Jessie, I know things are very hard..." "Yeah, I think so, and things got more complicated," I said, averting my gaze to JC, he knew I was referring to him. He sat down beside me, only a few inches away from me, respecting my space. "Sorry, I couldn't resist, it was your eyes." "What about my eyes?" I asked, as I gleamed my eyes to JC. "They're beautiful, and so are you." He said, truthfully.

I was flattered but I want to clear my issues before I dip again my hand in that can of worms. And I thought I'd given up on love, now here it goes on the form of JC.

"I'm sorry JC, I didn't feel anything about that kiss." I said, in a low but audible voice. JC heard what I said, but it didn't faze him, instead he looked down to himself, wanting to avoid my gaze. "You're still love Joey, right?" I nodded. "JC, that kiss didn't mean anything, right?" I asked in a calm voice, in the hopes of not disappointing JC, he's a nice guy after doing that kiss. "I don't know, I've got to think," he said, "Gotta go."

As he started walking, my mind shifted gears towards something.

"Hey, can I give you a lift to the hotel?" I asked JC. He turned back, smiled at me, said, "Sure, why not?" "I'm just trying to be friendly, JC." I told the guy. "Yeah, sure." He answered, entering the car and we sped off to the hotel.

I was concentrating on the road, JC kept on babbling about Joey and that I should give him another chance, and at the same time, JC comes out making the moves out to get me.

Let me think, I broke up with Joey but I still love him, Justin wants me for sex, and now JC is attracted to me.

Conflict of interest? You betcha!

The three J's of NSYNC, synonymous to the word 'Jackass.' Though I have given the thought of another member of NSYNC catching up on me, I decided to take this thing one at a time.

As for Joey, second chance maybe in the works. As for Justin, it's becoming reality in a few hours. For JC, smooth yet brutally honest wants a serious thing. Maybe for the fact Justin and JC were a couple before in terms of sexual pleasure.

"So was Justin your first time?" I asked. JC looked at me with total confidence, without looking at him, I felt the intensity of JC athmosphere in my car. "Kind of, he's more of a..." Fuck buddy? I definitely think so. "Let's not go there. I knew what were you going to answer." I said. "Justin was just there because of convenience," he added, his look unchanged, as if he wanted to talk about, wanted to release all that pain from his mind. All he wanted is someone to talk to. "Anyways, I thought you and Joey make a great couple." JC said. "Not criticizing? That's an effort." I told him, smiled at him. "I always thought I'm gay, but I was too scared to tell everybody, Justin was there for me, though physical he completes me." "Do you have feelings for Justin?" I asked. "Feelings as in true feelings?" He looked at me. "Do you have feelings for Justin?" "No, with you yes, but Justin, he's just a..."

Fuck buddy.

Ok, we were clear on that. JC is a good guy, though he is not really my type, but has certain qualities any guy would want.

Clearly he's not the type the qualifies in my list of potential prospects.

So what about Joey?

"So what about Joey?" JC asked, "Are you guys gonna talk?" "I don't know, maybe tomorrow, I guess." "We won't be staying here for long remember?" He reminded me.

Yes, the thing when they're leaving for their next tour and that I might never have a chance again with Joey. So given the thought and JC's reminder.

"So should I go back and reconcile with Joey?" I asked JC. JC looked at me, as if shaken to what I said, not knowing if I keep to myself, I love Joey, and things are getting more messy, and I don't want to be sucked in. "I think so, clear out any bad air and start again," he said.

JC continued to lull in silence knowing he won't have me, but he at least he respects other's decisions to make things functional again.

"You know what JC?" I said, looking at him, "They'll be lots of fishes in the sea, and don't worry, you'll find one who's right for you." JC nodded, "Probably so, but I don't believe in Prince Charming." A weak smile appeared on his face, then a hearty laugh.

Savoring the moment, my cellphone rang. I immediately pulled over the side of the road. You know cellphone laws around the town, pull over when you need to answer a cellphone call.


Who's this?

"Hello?" "Mr. Herrera?" A female voice said. "Sue? The tour manager?" I looked towards JC, knowing she was up to something from the group. "Don't tell me you got this number from..." I paused and try not to mention his name, she did anyway.

"It's from Joey, sorry if I caught you on a bad time, but..." "I know, I know," I said, keeping the cellphone glued to my face, I wanted to know what's on Sue's mind about this.

"Last night, you were like so happy and celebrating then after you guys break up? Pretty fast." She said, in just one breathing, as if she sounded so interested in Joey's newly acquired sexuality. "And you guys look so sweet..." "Any more?" I interrupted, "I'm still contemplating on the sins I've done, and I want this over with." I said. JC hearing what I said looked astonished. Really, I wanted to escape out of here and think of something else.

"You want Joey back?" JC asked. "I guess, but I still have so many issues I have to resolve." "You can..."

But I want to have time off to myself, what do I really want in my life? I started the engine again and went straight to the hotel.

"Joey?" I knocked on his door, hoping to talk to him again. But approaching the door, all I heard are sobbing and some crumpling of paper. "Joey, Joey open the door, it's Jessie."

I pressed my ear to the door, hoping to hear Joey's voice. Faint sounds came out and closer I felt Joey's presence, inch by inch I could hear footsteps approaching the door.

"Jessie, is that you?" He said, still crying. "Yes! Open the door!" I shouted back, knocking on the door more persuasively.

Slowly, the door opened, the worn out Joey appeared before me, he still wore the chinese cheongsam from earlier, damp I think. His hair, stranggled from the rain, his pants muddied the carpet of the room, shaking from the cold.

"Jessie," "Joey,"

An immediate hug followed, his arms tightly wrapped around my neck, a desperate longing for someone. He cried still, wanting to put all those things behind us.

"I am so sorry," Joey continued to cry. "I know, I know," I said, comforting him, "Let's talk inside."

But before I proceeded inside the room, I glanced upon JC, who was standing a few feet away from us. I mouth the words 'thank you' and he smiled back, waved and went back to his room, but as the door closed Justin appeared, his arms crossed his eyebrows cocked up in disgust, seeing us getting back together. I felt another surge of guilt, and it's not good.

Joey and I entered the room, thinking of all things that happened earlier, how he acted as a jerk, and how shallow I was and just diss him off unreasonably. Inches away from his face, Joey felt the world fall down upon him, the sense of true loneliness when I left him.

"Jessie, all the things I said, forget them," he pleadingly said, then I wiped his tears from his cheeks, finger combed his hair, and placed a few gentle kisses on him.

"I want to tell you that I really love you, Joey." I said. Without hesitation I kissed him again, this time I felt all of Joey's doubts and insecurities no more haunt the man the I want to spend my whole life with.

But this is not the time.

"Joey, I really love you but I've got my own issues," as tears came out of my eyes, I wanted to tell him the truth about everything, he was the only one who liked me eventhough it was partially of the sex thing, "I want to solve them alone." "What do you mean?" He asked, his hands softly touched mine, he wanted to hold it as he could have me forever, but it wasn't. "I have to leave," I said, "Leave this life that I have." "You're really leaving me?" As he started to cry again. "No, no. I mean we could still be together, but I have to leave you because I want to solve things by myself, if I resolved my issues, then we will be together."

Me and my issues with Joey, evidently Joey was my turning point in my life and that this was so unexpected, so fast, so overwhelming. And by leaving San Antonio and all of the things I hold dear.

This is all for the best of me.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry," I hugged Joey, tighter and foremost sincere, I didn't want to ruin things it's just these things came over so fast so overwhelming, and too much, "I promise, we'll keep in touch, in the chat, in email, we could still communicate." "I guess so, but I will surely miss you," Joey said. "Don't worry too much," I hugged him tighter than ever, knowing after this, I will never see him again.

As we looked into each other again, eye to eye, that deep wanting resurfaced. Joey clinged into my arms, never wanting to let go of me again, his face rested gently onto my shoulder, needing that warmth that I could only give.

Lips wet with desire, with one look again, I kissed Joey, he didn't hesitate as, he melted into my arms, wanting to be kissed.

But I wasn't that 'in' to give in.

I parted my lips from Joey, "I'm sorry, I have to go." Joey nodded, he seemed to finally understood my situation. I took one final look at Joey, his eyes seem to calm a bit, knowing this is a serious situation I'm in, and he understood why I have to break up with him.

"I'll give you a holler soon, borax." I said. "See you in the chat jeshra." He said.

And to one final kiss, savoring the moment, I hugged his body tight making him feel all the warmth I'd given him, making him remember me.

I closed the door behind me, Joey felt calm and satisfied. I slowly walked off the hall, hoping Justin never felt my presence leaving the floor.

But when I approached the elevator Justin appereared, sitting down on the small couch near the elevator, seeing me still sane and untouched, he stood up...

"So made out with Joey?" "What now?" I moved a few steps back. Justin moved a few inches also, wanting to be near me. "Come on, I know you want me, there's no use hiding it," he said, with an evil smile written all over his face. "Stop it, forget our deal, I don't care." I said. "Don't tell me your backing out, bitch!" He hollered, then grabbing my arm. I didn't regress, but I readied myself for something.

"I know you want me," he said, "You always do, forget Joey." "Yeah, whatever, let me go will ya?" I said. "Not until you kiss me again." He ordered. "I don't like being ordered."

Then with one swipe, my hand formed a fist and glided through the air, and hit Justin's face. He fell down on the floor in pain, I didn't know how much damage I'd given, but it felt great.

"You bastard!" Justin shouted. "You deserve it, you fucking fag!" I replied.

I saw blood dripping from his lips, Justin wiped it, knowing he felt pain all around his mouth, examined the damage I did on him.

"You are one selfish person I've ever met, and that you think you can fuck everyone and still get out gracefully. Well, not anymore, I won't be one of your fuck buddies." I said, in confidence, went to the elevator and pressed the down button.

"Stop!" He exclaimed. He stood up and ran towards the elevator door, he managed to sneak his hand before the doors closed, got inside and leaned behind the wall. "What now? What's you fucking problem?" "I'm not giving up on you that easily." He said, he smiled even though the pain from his mouth continued. "Stop it! You won't get any from me." I shoued at him.

But he didn't listen, instead he approached me and immediately leaned over to kiss me.

"No..." but he grabbed my hands, trying to stop my aggression. "Tastes good..." he whispered. "Stop it," I gasped for air.

Then a sudden stop of the elevator halted Justin's kissing spree, the lights suddenly busted out, the emergency light lit up, but the cabin was pitch black, Justin released my hands and moved back, looking satisfied, but short-lived.

"Damn, we're stuck!" I said. "So I guess, it's you and me baby." Justin smiled.

Oh no, not Justin.

To be continued...

send me reactions, critiques, suggestions to I will glady answer any questions you might have in mind.

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