Boy Bands and the City

By Reggie Tangan

Published on Nov 4, 2001


Boy Bands and the City By Reggie Tangan

Disclaimer: all of the characters portrayed here are used fictitiously, and used for entertainment purposes. These stories do not point out that the members of NSYNC are gay. Though I have my speculations.

This story is for adults only; if you don't like homosexual themes, please leave immediately.

For reactions, critiques please send me an email at

********************** Chapter Four

"Sexy?" Sue and Lance pondered on what Joey said.

"I get the picture." JC said, stepped out and went back to his room.

Sheesh, nice timing Joey boy. Now they're having ideas. For the exception of Justin, who imediately turned red to what happened. Thinking this is a major issue and now everyone is involved.

"What did he mean by 'sexy'?" Sue looked at me. "That's my job to answer that question." Joey said. "Save it for later at the end of the concert." Sue said.

"Joey, are you alright?" Lance said, grabbing Joey's arms to make him sit down on the floor, as for me I looked on to my guy.

"Dazed, I didn't know what exactly happened." He said. "I bet that bathroom door knocked you off big time." The blonde boy said. "Come on, Joey, you need some rest." I said.

Joey glady obliged to what I said. With the help of Lance, we helped Joey up and dragged him slowly to his dressing room. Sue, who was still having a fit decided to push the concert another thirty minutes because of this small situation. I'm sure the kids can wait. Anything for NSYNC, but for me, this situation was very serious, Joey might have a heart attack instead of fainting.

"Lie down on the couch Joey, drink water, just rest." I told him. "Yes mom." He jokingly said. "Hey, what you did wasn't funny at all, we were all panicking." I scolded him.

Joey, was still thinking to what he heard from Justin, couldn't make up his mind whether to come out or to keep it to ourselves, then he asked.

"How did you come out?" He asked me. "It was a bit off, I was caught making out with a guy in my room..." "And?" "They simply closed the door, as if they didn't see it." But actually, they tried to forget what happened. When chance came I confronted then that I was living a gay life since I joined the Drama Club in high school, and that I've been dating guys at their backs. "And what did they say?" "They knew it all along, I couldn't believe it." I said. They told me they figured it all out when they saw all those guy workout videos, and all those guys I randomly been with.

"I think you were very lucky." He said. "Maybe I was, but some people it's very hard." Then I looked at Joey. "I bet you were referring to me, right?" Joey said. "I guess so, you have to be true to yourself." I told him, then I gave a nice soft kiss on Joey's forehead. "I think you're right. Maybe it's time to come out, totally to the whole world." He said. He took my hands and gave a soft, firm grip as a sign of holding on to the truth.

"Come on, get ready, the audience is waiting." I reminded him. "Right, can't keep the guys waiting." He said, then he took a quick change for his stage costume.

Getting out of the room, he looked fabulous with the threads he's going to wear for their first act. Meeting in the backstage, NSYNC, and their musical crew formed a circle, getting ready for the prayer. Joey insisted I join them in prayer in which I gladly joined into.

"Good Luck, Joey." I told him, then giving him a warm hug. "I'll be needing it, just watch me give the kids a show of their lives." He laughed. "Great! Tat's the spirit!" Then without hesitation Joey kissed, well, everyone saw the kiss, then there were choruses of "Awws" and "Oohhs."

Only JC wasn't smiling. But I knew what was going on, thanks to Justin.

After the concert, everybody hang on backstage. The audience kept on clapping and shouting, insisting NSYNC should perform another encore for the third time. There is no way the guys are going to perform again "Pop" and dance again.

Back into the dressing room...

"No way." Joey said. "Aww, just for me..." I begged. I was referring to something else. "Next time, I promise." He said. Then he gave me a quick smack on the cheek.

JC, who was awfully quiet backstage rolled his eyes in disgust. Couldn't stand what was going on. Justin approached JC and tried to calm him off. As if I was totally clueless to what is going on, I actually listened to their conversation from afar.

"Like, what's your problem?" Justin asked. "Nothing, I just can't stand to see fags in here." He complained. "Yeah, like you're a fag." Justin said. "But I don't scream!" JC defended. "Well, it takes sorts to make a gay world," Justin said. "Jessie looks seductive, though." "The hell he is!" JC said. "I wonder how he looks like without those..." JC seized a bottle of drinking water. "Would you go to bed with him?" Justin asked. "I sure do." He added. "If you don't stop I'll hit you with this bottle of water!" JC threatened. "Christ, you're some bitch!"

JC released his grip on the bottle and let it fall on the floor. With all the atmosphere in the room, he stormed out of the room. Justin didn't follow JC, and soon approached me and Joey who were sitting on the couch.

"So," Justin said, grinning, "How is our couple of the moment?" "Fine, thanks to you." I smirked. "Really now, how interesting!" Joey lowered his eyes, trying to avoid Justin's stare. I leaned backward towards the couch, as for Justin he leaned closer to the table in front of the couch. "I'll bet Nick is going to be happy about this." "Who's Nick?" I asked. "Oh, you know my Nick, remember the guy I was talking about?" "The guy you were made out with?" "Hold on. Nick Carter of Backstreet Boys?" Joey sat up. "No way." I exclaimed. "Do you think?" Joey continued. "Yes way." Justin smiled.

No way, I said. Nick Carter, the youngest of the Backstreet guys gay? Now, I want to die violently, all this is happening is not true.

"This just makes me sick, hey Jessie, I'll just go to the john." Joey stood up.

Justin smiled. Under the table I frantically stepped on Joey's foot. Joey tugged at his foot, said, "I'll be right back."

The moment Joey rose, I concentrated on a puddle on the table, determined to stick to it until he returned. Suddenly, I tensed out. Under the table I felt Justin's legs close in about my knees.

I froze. Justin's legs squeezed harder until I pleaded, "your legs."

"What's wrong with my legs?" I heard Justin say, decidedly teasing. "You want to touch them, do you?"

I would not look up.

"Look at me!" Justin ordered.

I looked up at the hunky guy. Justin pinned his gaze with a wildly glittering look.

"So, how is my sensuous Jessie?" "That kiss didn't mean anything."

Justin's amused tone did not alter.

"You knew when I kissed you, you liked it. So you kissed me back." "I did not kiss you back." I shouted. "Really?" "I'm sticking to Joey," I said.

Justin's left brow rose. "Really? Now you call 'our' Joey 'your' lover?" "Yes, I really love him." "Does he know about the kiss?"

Justin was definitely enjoying it. I was not, trapped between Justin's confining legs.

"Look," I said, "I don't go running around and do kiss and tell." "Would he mind if he discovered about us?" "There is nothing between us." "I should like to believe it," Justin said. "After all, it's purely fantasy, right?"

I wanted to seize the nearby flower vase. But when I looked into Justin's eyes, gleaming, I became hopeless and gave up.

"Ok, my fault," I admitted. "I have a huge crush on you, and I enjoyed the kiss that we had." "Now you owe me another kiss," Justin said provocatively. "I can call up Joey, take him to lunch, and the two of us can talk. About you." "That's blackmail!" I said.

Justin leaned closer. "Right this instant I could go down under the table and suck you off silly. Admit it, Jessie dear, you like the way I do it."

I blushed. I stared pleadingly at Justin's tatooed arm, looked away helplessly. When I again into Justin's grin, I tried to put on a straight face. But it didn't come off and he snickered.

Justin's grin grew wider. "So, when can I see you?" I did not answer. "Meet me in the hotel," Justin concluded, "Tomorrow night."

He looked down the aisle, "Now here's you boyfriend," adjusted his position, loosened his grip on my legs and smiled at Joey approaching.

"I'm telling you guys, I'm gay." Joey said, beside me, in front of all the crew, especially Sue, the tour manager.

Everybody was speechless, except for JC who was so loud and disgusted. As if he didn't want to hear what was happening.

JC stood up said, "Come on, guys, what's more important..." "Peaches or cream?" Justin interrupted. "Milk or honey?" Chris laughed. "Stop it, I'm outta here!" JC screamed.

"Let him go." I said, "He needs time." "Yeah, it takes time to accept things." Joey said.

"Whoa. This is certainly surprising." Sue said, "Gay men actually exist." "Of course, this doesn't change anything, right?" I asked the girl. "Sure, of course not. He's part of the team." She said. "Joey is part of NSYNC, gay or straight, peroid." Lance said. "And he's not the only one who's gay." Justin said.

Everybody moved their heads towards Justin. "Yep, and proud to be one." He said.

Then everybody clapped their hands in complete amazement and understanding.

I was happy for both of them, but at some point I was torn apart. I was falling in love with two guys who happen to work in the same group. What was I to do especially to Justin's indecent proposal.

"Joey, I have to be going home. It's pretty late." I said. "I think so, be here tomorrow?" He asked, his eyes turned into those puppy eyes asking for something. "Yeah, let the security guys take me in." "You heard that Sue, he comes back here tomorrow." Joey ordered Sue. "Great! Will be seeing you tomorrow night." Sue said, then she waved goodbye and left the room. Lance, Chris, Justin left as well. Leaving us in wild abandon.

What does it to create a horny athmosphere and actually live through it?

The place wasn't that comfy enough. But I was getting sleepy, and I wanted to go home. And besides, I was thinking about Sally, who was capable of feeding anything that my fridge could contain.

Forget about Sally, I'm with Joey.

"So?" Joey asked, "What now?" I stood up from the couch, looking down on my Joey, his smile was plastered all over his face. "What now? All I need is a good night's sleep." I told him. He wasn't that convinced. "That's it?" "What were you thinking?" I asked, then I jumped on Joey's lap. Joey let out that throaty laugh from the pain he's getting from me. "Hanging in you crib?" He suggested. "In my place?" I said, then gave him a quick smooch. "It feels homey and stuff like that." He said.

I couldn't tell whether Joey was horny or not. But to tell you the truth, I was a bit horny. Jeez, it's been two long years since I had sex with another guy, and let's not go there. I'm really tired.

"Come on, let's go home." I said. In an instant Joey stood up and carried me. It didn't mind if I was heavy or not, all that matters is that he's getting something out of it. "Baby, you said the magic words." Joey exclaimed.

Later on in the car, I managed to call Sally who was still lounging in my house. Sally, unfortunately discovered a box of left-over pizza in the fridge, devoured it without even heating the pizza. Then...

"You're bringing someone home?" Sally asked. "Yep, and I won't tell who." I said. Joey began giggling uncontrollably. "I hear him all right, he's laughing right now." She said. "Sally, you'd better get your fat ass out of there," I said. "Why?" She asked a pretty stupid question. "D-uh?" I hollered, "We need some privacy." "Oh, I get it. A possibility of having sex with this guy?" She said. "Sally, you don't have to be that frank." I said. Joey continued to laugh hard in the car. "Stop it, Joey." I said. "So who's Joey?" Sally asked. "Joey?" I cranked up in my sit. "Joey, the guy that I met in the concert." "Joey eh? Ok, you win. I'm actually leaving this house of yours." "Why?" "There's nothing else to eat!" She ended our conversation.

Finally, all alone with my Joey baby.

"So is she getting out?" Joey asked. "I think so, she's not that meticulous in my life." I said. "Jess, I really love you." He said. Then he gave me a passionate kiss. "I know Joey, you know what?" "What?" "I love you too." I said.

Finally, I said it. Those were the words that I've been trying to put out of my tongue and that saying them released all my insecurities. I already forgot about Gerard.

Later then...

I can feel him breathing. I think that's how close we are. Our limbs are joined in impossible ways.

"No...move your leg to the left a little." Joey said.

Halfway through the session, I have begun to rattle off the instructions like a sub commander. I struggled to stay on top. Below Joey and me, a galaxy of globes awaits our next move.

What the hell we were playing? Twister of course!

My knees started to tremble a bit as Joey reached for the spinner.

"Right hand blue." My right hand, emboldened, pauses to graze his left chest before reaching under him, finding the color. He smiled, just a little, and breathes deeper. I make sure my elbow grazes the other one.

"Hey, concentrate on the game." He said. "I'm trying. It's your turn anyway."

He leans with one elbow touching a red globe, the other arm straining to maintain balance. In this posture he reminds me of the certain drawings of Kama Sutra. Wait a sec. This isn't right, but I'm having fun.

But all his business: his gaze narrows to a slit as his hands flicks the plastic arrow.

"Green...left knee!"

Slowly, I disengaged my leg from the tangle of limbs and bring my knee up, letting it travel the lenghth of Joey's poised hip, until it finds the magic circle. My knee touches down on the plastic mat, satisfied.

I am now straddling Joey like a bull rider. Joey was looking up on me looking dazed and a smile appeared on his sweaty face.

"Whose...idea...was this...anyway?" I asked. "Yours," He said, "You never played 'Twister' with just two before. Not so easy, is it?" He smiles mischievously now, and my chin nuzzles against his broad shoulder. "It's your turn," he says, laughing and squirming.

Playfully, I tug his shirt with my teeth, pulling it upwards to expose the creamy curve of his abs. Hmmm, working out, eh? He breathes harder now, blowing air upward to remove a stray wisp of hair from his eyes.

Let if fall, I think.

"Don't...distract me. It's...your...turn," he says petulantly.

Only I can't move either hand without falling. The spinner lies beyond our reach.

"Just...blow it!" He laughs and my knees dig playfully into Joey's front groin, careful not to move my knee so much. Touching Joey's sensitive part - taut and springy, yet still unbearably sensual. He sighs.

I blow on the spinner, which floats, just barely, to... "Right hand yellow."

"Shit!" Joey said. Not knowing where to put his hands, "Uh-oh..."

Within a second he falls flat on the plastic mat, laughing and shaking, with that I relaxed my body, released all of my hands and knees from the plastic mat. Slowly, I gently fall down on Joey's frontside. Somehow I felt Joey's bulge, sensually.

"Oh, you win," Joey said, his hands moved towards my hips trying to trace the curves of my legs in my unruly baggy pants, "You look beautiful..." His hand wrapped across my neck pulled me down to a kiss. The kiss felt hot and steamy, probably from all the sweat gathered from the play. We continued to kiss, all we heard around the room were our moist lips in a passionate lock.

Is this it?

To be continued...

send me reactions, critiques, suggestions to I will glady answer any questions you might have in mind.

Next: Chapter 5

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