Boy Awakened

By ltrbot

Published on Dec 9, 2004


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It all began last year on a business trip to San Francisco. Though I think of myself as a happily married man, I have wondered for years what it would be like to fully and willingly surrender myself to a man. Lately, this wonder was occupying more and more of my waking time. A year earlier, I had experienced a weekend of bondage. While I had found it arousing, it was not fulfilling because it was all one sided. I wanted to find someone who wanted to explore with me. As I knew I'd have some time on my hands while I was away, maybe I could find someone who'd help me move closer to an answer to my question. Toward this end, I used the web to look for possibilities. One of the search engines revealed the site of a dominant man, who enjoyed exploring a full spectrum of activities with other men, including those who were curious and inexperienced.

Some time passed before I could find the courage to call the man to see if we could get together. With two weeks to go before I was leaving, I knew I had to make the call. When we did talk, I know I sounded tenuous. On the other hand, his questions, and eventually his instructions, were deliberative and direct. I later realized that even the tone of his voice had captured my full attention. In any event, he matter of factly moved the conversation through the preliminaries, then carefully and thoroughly asked about needs, desires, and limits, and finally, scheduling. Actually, scheduling was quite simple; he asked for my commitments while visiting his city and then he said to keep the rest of my time available. Before hanging up, I was given instruction to keep my hands off my cock and to call upon arrival at the San Francisco airport.

"What the hell was I doing?" I asked myself repeatedly during the time between our call and my departure for San Francisco. Yet, I knew that the satisfaction of my curiosity had become a priority in my life.

As directed, I called, and received instructions for our first meeting. As I sat in my hotel room that afternoon, I wondered what to wear? Thinking back, did it matter? Deciding just to be comfortable, I settled on jeans, a t-shirt, jean jacket, and of course, boots. I left the hotel with much time to spare because I didn't want to be late and I was not too sure of where I was going. It turned out that I had no problem in locating the address I had been given, so I needed to walk longer to pass the time. When it was the appointed hour, I knocked and was greeted by his voice through the door, asking my name. With that stated, the door slowly opened and I was invited to step in as he stood behind the door. Once inside, the door closed, revealing a man of about my age, taller and leaner than I, with short facial hair.

At that point, as I adjusted to the warmth and light of the small entry, it registered through both my nose and my eyes, that his tight frame was clad from shoulders to toes in black leather. As I could manage nothing from my mouth, the look on my face and the hitch in my breathing must have said it all. He took a look at me, a broad smile crossed his face, and he said, "oh yes boy, you're just right." With that, he put his hand on my shoulder and steered me up the stairs.

Once upstairs, he spoke and I listened to his every word about what he thought we had previously discussed. When he finished, he asked, "is that still what you want, boy?" Without hesitation, "yes, Sir" was all that came from my mouth. At that point, he looked me in the eye and said, "let's get started." He stood up, crossed the room to where I was situated, and took me by the hand, pulling me to follow him down the hall.

We entered a room that was warm, not only in temperature, but also in candlelight. There was music in the air as I began to notice the various out fittings of his space. After a moment he dropped my hand, stepped up close to me, wrapped his arms around my back and extended his lips toward my mouth. As I returned the kiss, he moved his hand to the back of my cropped head, and guided my face into his leathered armpit. With the other hand, he brushed across my chest until his fingers found my tit. When the smells of him, and his leather, combined with the sensation created by his tightening fingers on my tit all came together, any inhibitions I had, began to subside. Sensing the change that was underway, he turned my head and planted his lips firmly on mine. He held me in that position long enough for me to fall just as far as I was ready to go. He then released my lips, whispered in my ear, "boy, take your clothes off, " and kissed me again.

As I quickly busied myself losing my clothes, I was aware of his movements by the creaking of his leather, but lost track of what he was actually doing. When I finished my assigned task, I turned toward him. He was seated on the bed in the room and was holding a length of leather cord, which he promptly used to bind my cock and balls. I was already well on my way to being as hard as I'd ever been, so this only enhanced the feeling. As I got lost in studying my genitals, one of his hands moved to my shoulder and the other to my head, pushing me to my knees at his feet with my head bowed. In the next moment, a leashed, leather collar passed my eyes as it made its way toward its destination. He took his time positioning and securing his collar around my neck. He lifted my chin for a moment to study my face, smiled, and said, "you look good in my collar, boy." Before I could respond, he tugged down on the leash to direct my attention from my new accessory to his boots.

With his hand pressing my head toward the floor, he said, "slowly undress me, boy, starting with my boots." As my tongue flicked from my mouth to the toe of his boot, my head began to fill with a mix of sensations and realizations. The smell, taste and power of him in his leather had me completely focused on his pleasure. My own satisfaction was of no consequence. As my mouth and tongue bathed his boots, my hands gripped the heels as I sensed his need for me to move on.

I worked my way through his boots and then his socks. My mouth bathed his toes and feet. After standing, he pulled me up by the collar to my knees. I was eye to eye with his leather covered crotch. As his body urged me to keep going, my hands slowly stroked his calves and thighs. All the while I was staring at the bulge before my eyes, wondering how far I could go with all of this. My hands arrived at the buckle of his belt and made quick work of it and on through the fly of his pants. I slid the pants off his hips and down his legs so he could step out of them. After folding the pants and placing them carefully on the floor, he pulled me to my feet and let me know his shirt was next. It was then, that my tongue discovered through the leather of his shirt the ring he wears in his left nipple. This discovery only renewed the urgency to complete my task.

With his shirt off his body, I was free to explore his upper body with my mouth and tongue. As my tongue warmed the cold steel of his ring, my mouth sucked on the surrounding skin. It did not take me long to find my way back to his armpits where I now could sample not only his smell, but his taste as well. As I probably lingered there a bit too long, he prompted me by pulling on my leash and saying, "take off my briefs, boy!" I slid to my knees and again was face to face with the bulge of his manhood in his underwear. I put my tongue to work and wet his pouch and upper thighs as I reached up and slipped my fingers into the waistband of his shorts. As they slid down his legs, he sat on the bed, laid back, spread his legs, and pulled my leash. His hands moved to his nipples as I stared at his rampant cock. Never having had cock in my mouth before, my head said "take a break." However, I heard myself say, "Sir, may I take you in my mouth?" Barely had he uttered "yes, boy" when my mouth and tongue were introduced to his taste.

My oral exploration continued from his cock to his balls, and eventually to the cheeks and bud of his ass. I took my time to thoroughly sample, suck and clean every square inch in my path. He flipped me over and worked on my cock and ass for awhile. Then I found myself positioned on my knees with my shoulders low to the mattress and my ass in the air. I felt something cool being spread around my hole as he asked, "do you know what I'm going to do now, boy?" We had discussed fingering my ass when we talked so I replied, "you are going to explore my ass with your fingers." "No," he said, "you want me to fuck your ass, don't you boy?" I heard myself say "yes, Sir I do."

My head was screaming at this point. The only other time I had a cock near my ass was twenty-seven years ago. I was in London, where I was seduced and taken forcibly. A vivid and not so pleasant memory of my first experience. Yet, I knew that I wanted to feel his cock filling my ass. With a condom in place, he pressed the head of his cock into my ass and then waited for me to adjust to his girth. After several minutes of this, the hair of his pubic bush brushed my ass and my prostate reacted to the growing rhythm of his thrusts. He expressed the enjoyment of the warmth of my ass by telling me "my cock loves being up your ass; your ass is a perfect fit for my cock, I could get used to fucking you every day." Amidst his final thrusts, I managed to say, "thank you, Sir."

When he was finished, we just laid in one another's arms for a time; first in silence, then in spurts of conversation and reflection. I reveled in the glow of where he had taken me. I was amazed at how natural I felt wearing his collar and the sensations I experienced with his cock filling my ass. It was fantastic. As the evening concluded, he said, "boy, you still need to be punished, be here again tomorrow at 6:30." It was music to my ears.

Next: Chapter 2

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