Boy Actor Tales

By Nifty Story

Published on Sep 4, 2014


This is story depicts sexual acts involving minors. The minors in this story are being played by actors 18 years of age or older. This story in no way intends to depict or insinuate that the persons named in the story engage in, condone, or approve of the sex acts contained in the content. Please do not read this story if you are under 18 years of age, or if it is illegal to do so in the state or area where you live.

If you want to comment or give me constructive advice and criticism then I welcome it. My E-Mail address is

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To follow on from my recent story 'The Beckham Boys' I decided to start a series that would allow me to feature a different boy actor every chapter and have that chapter be about just him.

I thought this would make it more believable than stories that seem to result in a orgy occurring between random boys, and would allow me to keep it interesting and try out different things.

I have a few boy actors in mind already, but if there are any boys you would specifically like me to write about then please let me know, and I will give it some thought.

Next up is Oliver Davis, and given he is now 21 please see the below image to get a taste of how I was imagining him here (it's a safe and legal image):

He is not one of the more well known boy actors, seen mainly on the show 'E.R.' for a couple of seasons as the character 'Alex Taggart' before he was recast due to his commitments on the sitcom 'Rodney' where he played the older son called 'Jack Hamilton'.

I absolutely fell in love with him on the show 'E.R.', it getting to the point of me struggling to even watch it knowing I would see him but never meet him, so forgive my self indulgence here! I have set this midway during him time on 'E.R.' when Oliver would have been approximately 11 years old.

Part 5 – Oliver Davis's Medical Emergency

Oliver Davis crept along the corridor off which the main cast dressing rooms of the show 'E.R.' were located, doing his best to keep tight to the wall as he moved from doorway to doorway. He had been caught coming down this corridor before by one of the production assistants and was sternly told off for bothering the main actors, the production assistant assuming he was just making a nuisance of himself.

Oliver had been playing the recurring guest role of 'Alex Taggart' on the show for around six months now, and in that time he had grown to absolutely love being on set. It was full of a million and one cool medical things, something that really interested Oliver, much like his on screen character.

But more than the surroundings, it was the people that made him want to spend as much time on set as possible. They were all so friendly and funny, and none more so that Goran Visnjic, who played his on screen Mom's on again/off again boyfriend 'Dr Luka Kovac'. The Croatian actor had taken the time to sit and talk to Oliver from the very first day they had met, showing him lots of cool things, and was really unlike any man Oliver had ever met.

He was sneaking down the corridor so he could wait in Goran's dressing room, desperate to spend more time with him. Goran never told him off or said he was too busy or got annoyed with him. Compared to Oliver's own Dad, who was a mean disciplinarian who thought children should be seen and not heard, spending time with Goran was amazing and the little 11 year old boy craved it as much as he did anything else.

At a pint sized 4"6 Oliver was somewhat shorter than average for his age, something which helped being an child actor, as casting agents were always looking for children who were older but could pass for younger. He had shaggy, medium brown hair that was almost never combed neatly and fell around his eyes and face, framing it perfectly, his brown eyes staring out from beneath it. He had a cute little nose and thin pink lips, with his skin being a light tan colour all year round. His body was slim and tight, with as yet no sign of puberty interrupting and altering his cute, boyish good looks.

He passed the fourth door along the dimly lit corridor, knowing that Goran's door was the sixth. It was unusual for a set to have semi-permanent dressing rooms, but the long running show had found it easier and cheaper to do that rather than having row upon row of trailers. Oliver made it past the fifth door and reached Goran's, the actor's name on a laminated piece of paper attached to it.

Oliver looked up and down the corridor before turning the handle quietly and opening the door, moving inside quickly and leaning close to the door as he ever so gently closed it behind him, not wanting to make the slightest sound.

Relaxing now he had made it to his intended destination, the 11 year old looked around the dressing room, finding it much as it always was. Goran wasn't the neatest person in the world and the small room was filled with various trinkets, photos of seemingly everyone the Croatian actor knew stuck around the dressing table mirror such that it was difficult even to see into it any more.

Oliver moved over to the dressing table, picking up the bottle of aftershave that Goran usually wore and holding it up to his little nose, taking a sniff in and closing his eyes. The smell reminded him of Goran and he sprayed a bit out onto his hands and rubbed it on his smooth face and neck, wanting to be as much like Goran as he could.

He moved over to the small grey sofa that ran along one side of the room and sat down, looking over towards the door that led to the small shower and toilet, hidden slightly behind a silver clothes rail on which hung some of the various costumes that Goran wore in his role. Oliver spotted one of Goran's white lab coats, getting up off the sofa and pulling it off the rail before putting it on, walking around the room and doing his best impression of Goran in his role of 'Dr Luka Kovac', giggling to himself as he did so.

He took the lab coat off, returning to the clothes rail and hanging it back up, only just able to the reach the hanger before turning to sit back down on the grey sofa. He was dressed in a blue and white long sleeved baseball t-shirt and tan combat pants, topped off by multicoloured sneakers.

His Mom had dropped him off at 5AM that morning, and at that moment he was technically supposed to be with the onset tutor, but he always managed to give the 60 something woman the slip much to her annoyance. He wasn't about to let her stand in the way of his time with Goran.

He lay back on the sofa now, moving one of the battered old pillows under his head and turning onto his side, feeling comfortable in the warm dressing room. He wasn't quite sure how to describe his feelings about Goran, his young mind not yet able to really process it, but to anyone else it was nothing short of being in love.

Oliver had begun to realise that he had feelings for boys and men, noticing that he couldn't help but look at other boys in the school showers, his dick often beginning to harden at the sights he saw. He had searched for porn on the internet when he could get on the computer at home, and found he almost always clicked on the gay ones, watching as the various men sucked each other's dicks, his small tanned hand in his pyjama bottoms and squeezing his desperately hard 3 inch cut erection.

He wondered many times what Goran looked like naked, the thought almost always causing him to get hard. He had managed to see Goran with his shirt off once or twice, and one time in a towel after a shower before Goran had chased him out of his dressing room, but never more than that. He hoped he would get the chance one day.

He felt his eyes grow heavy, the sofa feeling comfortable and the early 5AM shooting start weighing heavily on him, and decided to close his eyes for just a few moments. He didn't feel himself falling asleep, and seconds later his chest was rising gently in the steady rhythm of relaxed sleep, the world around him now shut out.

Goran Visnjic walked casually down the corridor that housed the cast dressing rooms, holding a bound copy of a script out in front of him and muttering lines of medical jargon to himself as he did his best to memorise them. He loved acting, but acting on 'E.R.' required him to perform linguistic acrobatics that he had not previously thought possible, and the fact that English was his second language didn't make things any easier.

At 6"4 he was one of the tallest actors on 'E.R.', and his dark, eastern European looks had caused just about everyone to swoon at his feet, whether he had wanted them to or not. He had dark black hair, hazel green eyes and a slim and muscular body.

He reached the door to his dressing room and opened it without really looking where he was going, the script held out in front of him, still muttering the lines to himself as he entered and closed the door behind him. He moved over to the small dressing table, placing the script down on it and sitting down on the padded swivel chair. He noticed that a bottle of his aftershave was in the middle of the table, the top off and to one side, and then spotted the reflection for Oliver on the sofa behind him in the dressing table mirror.

"Hey, what did I tell you........" he started as he turned around smiling, before he noticed that Oliver was asleep and falling silent. He got up off the chair and moved over to the sleeping 11 year old, smiling down tenderly at him. Oliver looked so utterly peaceful, a little angel in every way imaginable.

Goran had known from the moment he saw Oliver that the boy was going to steal his heart. He had long since been a boy lover, and had been able to have several secretive relationships with boys back in his native Croatia where laws and attitudes were more relaxed, and the boys more willing to engage in such things.

Since coming to America it had become immediately apparent that such things could never work here, and more so that being a well known actor meant that the press wanted to know every little detail of your life, and would pounce on the slightest suspicion of impropriety should he ever look longingly at some boy or other.

Oliver had latched onto him almost immediately, and he had revelled in the boy's seemingly obvious love for him, clearly desperate for some older male attention given what Goran had subsequently learned about Oliver's relationship with his father.

At first he had thought that was all it was, a young boy desperate for a male role model and wanting to simply be loved, but as time passed he began to notice that it was more than that. Oliver seemed to hang on his every word, Goran often catching the 11 year old staring at him, their eyes meeting and a smile being exchanged. There were a hundred other little things too like the way Oliver had to be in physical contact with Goran as much as he could, even it was just leaning against him, to the way the boy would hold his hand when he thought no one else was looking.

He doubted Oliver knew what love was, or if he even had anything remotely approaching a sexual thought in his young life thus far, but there was definitely something more than friendship there. Goran was afraid to pursue it though, knowing what the consequences could be for him and not sure if he could risk losing the opportunity to live the life he had always dreamed of as a poor actor back in his native Croatia.

With Oliver however Goran felt like it might just be worth that risk, and each moment that he spent with the adorable 11 year old felt like yet another step down that path. As he watched the 11 year old Oliver sleep soundly on the sofa in front of him he knew his resolve would break before too long. He bent down onto his knees and reached out a hand to gently stroke the sleeping boy's hair, hearing him quietly murmur something unintelligible in his sleep as he did so.

He bent down to Oliver wanting to smell the sweet little boy and noticing the scent of his own aftershave there, it not being the first time Oliver had put some on, clearly wanting to be as much like Goran as he possibly could. He placed his hand on the young boy's smooth cheek, the tanned skin feeling warm to Goran's touch, and gently caressed his face.

Goran desperately wanted to stay in that moment, maybe even to lay down with Oliver and pull the small, warm boy close to him, but he knew that sooner or later someone would come looking for him. Oliver's attachment to Goran was well known, so the Croatian actor's dressing room was always a likely hiding place for the 11 year old, not there was any suspicion of any impropriety on Goran's part, he being the star of the show at present.

He reached out a hand to gently shake Oliver by the shoulder, the young boy stirring from sleep slowly, resistant to the attempts to wake him up at first. A few more gentle shakes were enough to rouse him.

"Goran....I..." Oliver said groggily, a yawn overtaking him mid sentence, "How long was I asleep for?" Oliver asked, looking up at Goran who was still on his haunches and bent over him.

"I don't know. I came back from the set to find you sleeping here like something out of Goldilocks and the three bears. Lucky I didn't have any porridge right? Or you would have eaten it! You did steal my aftershave again though didn't you?" Goran replied, smiling and reaching down to tickle Oliver's tummy eliciting a beautiful giggle from the 11 year old as he did so.

"You said I could use it" Oliver replied after his giggles died down, enjoying the feeling of Goran's hand as it rested on his tummy, feeling a fluttering sensation forming there.

"Yes, but I said you had to ask too didn't I?" Goran replied, mockingly exacerbated.

"But you weren't here! I can't ask if you aren't here right?" Oliver replied, smiling up at Goran and explaining what to him was an obvious loophole.

"Funny boy. Aren't you supposed to be off with the grey destroyer?" Goran asked, using the name Oliver had given his set tutor, his dislike for her coming across whenever he mentioned her.

"Yes, but I can hide out here for a little while right?" Oliver asked hopefully.

"Just until she starts stalking the halls looking for you, OK?" Goran replied, looking down into Oliver's deep brown eyes and knowing he could never refuse him.

"Cool" Oliver replied, Goran moving his hand away from the 11 year old's tummy and going to sit down on his padded swivel chair. He pulled out some wet wipes from a container on the table and used them to remove the light set make-up he had on. Oliver got up off the sofa and came over to stand beside him, the young boy leaning against Goran's shoulder.

"Are you finished with your scenes for the day?" Goran asked, turning his head to look at Oliver.

"Yeah, but I have to wait till six o'clock for my Mom to come get me. It sucks, there is nothing to do and I know that witch will make me study instead. I study more here then I do at school!" Oliver moaned.

"Well it is good to learn things, how else will you get a job earning millions when you are older?" Goran asked, removing the last of the make-up from his face and chucking the discarded wipes into the trash can under the dressing table.

"I don't need to be smart to be an actor do I, I mean just look at you?!" Oliver said, collapsing into a fit of giggles as Goran grabbed him and pulled him onto his lap, mercilessly tickling the squirming 11 year old as he did so.

"Stop, stop it please, you are gonna make me pee" Oliver begged through fits of laughter, Goran finally releasing him.

"I can't have you peeing on my good trousers, so I will let you off this time you cheeky boy" Goran replied shaking his finger at Oliver, Oliver having moved across the room just out of Goran's reach.

"Yeah, bite me you Croatian bastard" Oliver said, grinning. He just about managed to move in time to avoid Goran as the tall Croatian lunged towards him.

"You know I don't like you swearing, only lazy people swear instead of using their words" Goran said somewhat sternly, Oliver's smile fading, "So in future, 'You Croatian man whose mother was unmarried when she gave birth to you' would be more appropriate" he added, smiling at the confused look on Oliver's face.

"What?" Oliver replied, perplexed.

"A bastard. It's what they call someone who's mother gave birth to them outside of marriage, it caused a lot of shame to young women" Goran replied.

"Is that what it means? I just thought it was a cool curse word" Oliver replied, smiling.

"God, you Americans. You use these words and don't even know what they mean. What am I going to do with you?!" Goran replied, smiling.

"You are stuck with me, sorry" Oliver replied, giving Goran a look that would melt any man's heart.

"I guess so. So what should we do then? Do you want to risk going to the catering truck? Noah said that they had a huge box of Krispy Kreme doughnuts, you like those right?" Goran said, moving to stand up.

"Oh really? Cool. But what if the grey destroyer sees us?" Oliver said.

"Oh I think we can give her the slip, me an you, yes?" Goran replied, heading over to the door, Oliver as ever in close attendance.

Goran opened the door and held it open for Oliver, closing it behind them both. He smiled as Oliver silently slipped his hand into his as they walked down the corridor, holding gently onto Oliver's hand in return. They heard the sound of someone's footsteps coming towards them down the corridor, Oliver quickly slipping his hand from Goran's grasp.

The large overweight form of the 60 year old set tutor appeared in front of the pair, her face like thunder, her cheeks red and flushed from all the walking she must have been doing looking for Oliver. She had Oliver's coat and rucksack in her hand.

"There you are! Where have you been?" She said sternly.

"I'm sorry Sarah, he was with me. We have a scene coming up and I wanted to run through the lines" Goran replied, holding his hands up in apology and flashing the grey haired woman his best and most charming smile.

"Oh, well I suppose that is OK Goran. But you mustn't let him bother you, he can get quite out of hand" Sarah replied, never failing to fall for the handsome Croatian actor's charms.

"I keep him in line" Goran replied, sternly reaching out a hand to grip Oliver's shoulder, Oliver standing to attention and looking appropriately chastened as he realised the act that was required, trying desperately to suppress a smile.

"Good. Well I have to drop him off home tonight, his Mom won't be able to make it in time to collect him. I have several errands to run before I can drop him off so we need to get going now" She replied, pleased at the stern and disciplined approach Goran seemed to be taking with Oliver.

"We have to go now?" Oliver exclaimed, unable to keep the whining sound out of his voice, his disappointment clear. He really wanted to go and spend some time with Goran.

"Yes. Come here and take your things, I don't have time to mess around" Sarah shot back sternly as Oliver moved to take his coat and put it on, before pulling his rucksack onto his back.

Goran looked down at Oliver as the 11 year old shot him a pleading look, clearly desperate not to have to go home with the grey destroyer. Normally Goran would have shrugged and done his best to ignore the look, but for some reason he decided not to that day.

"Sarah, I could really do with more of Oliver's help on the scene. Could you perhaps delay leaving for a while?" Goran offered, catching the sudden smile on Oliver's face, the boy hopeful.

"I am sorry Goran, but I couldn't possibly do that. I have some very important errands to run" Sarah replied pompously, her false sense of self importance obvious.

Oliver's face sunk, his head dropping to look at the floor, something Goran noticed. He couldn't believe what he was about to say, but something about the pompous woman and the way she was being to this adorable boy seemed to spurn him into action.

"I see. Well I wouldn't want to interrupt that as I know you are an important woman here on set. Perhaps I can take Oliver home for you, I go past his home anyway so I am sure it won't be a problem?" Goran offered, trying his best to sound respectful and deferential.

Sarah thought about it for a few moments, looking at Goran and then down to the 11 year old boy beside him. She was torn between wanting to meet her responsibilities and the convenience of having the troublesome 11 year old off her hands, "I suppose I could ring his Mom and ask if it is OK. My duties are of course important, but I wouldn't want to stand in the way of your craft Goran" she answered eventually.

"Of course, and I appreciate that. You can use my cell phone if you wish, it will save you the cost of the call" Goran offered, reaching into his pocket and taking out his cell phone. Sarah took it with a nod, clearly pleased to save the few cents that the call would cost.

"How very kind of you" she replied, reaching into her pocket for her own phone and bringing up the number of Oliver's Mom, tapping it into Goran's phone and hitting dial.

"Hello, Mrs. Davis? Yes, it's Sarah here. I am due to drop off young Oliver to you this evening, but it seems he is needed on set to help Goran with a scene" Sarah said, "Yes, that's the one. Goran has kindly offered to drop off Oliver on his way home as I have important errands to run, would that be acceptable" she said, listening to the response.

Oliver looked on as she talked, the 11 year old praying that his Mom would agree, looking up to Goran and smiling hopefully at the tall Croatian.

"OK, that's fine. I shall give him your address, and will see you and Oliver tomorrow morning. Thank you for your time Mrs. Davis, and good day to you" Sarah said formally, before ending the call and handing Goran's phone back to him.

Goran felt Oliver beginning to jump up beside him and pushed the 11 year old down with the hand he still had on his shoulder, Oliver realising why and trying to contain his obvious excitement as best as he could, it coming out in the form of the the young boy's sudden fidgeting on the spot.

"OK, his Mom says that is fine. Shall I give you Oliver's address?" Sarah said.

"I know it, I can tell him" Oliver interrupted.

"Very well. I will see you tomorrow morning Oliver, bright and early. Goran, thank you for taking him off my hands, it is very kind of you" Sarah said, Goran nodding in acknowledgement and watching as the pompous woman walked away.

"What an utter bitch" Goran said finally, once Sarah was out of earshot.

"Hey, I thought you said only lazy people swore?" Oliver said, grinning up at Goran.

"There are exceptions to every rule" Goran said letting out a little laugh. Oliver moved to wrap his arms around Goran's waist in a tight hug, Goran placing his hand onto Oliver's head as he did so.

"Thank you so much Goran. Why did you do that?" Oliver asked as he removed his arms from around Goran's waist, moving to place his hand in Goran's again as they stood in the corridor.

"I don't know, I just didn't like how she was being towards you. So what should we do now? You want to go get those Krispy Kreme's or should we go do something else?" Goran asked.

"Can we go to your house? I have never seen it before" Oliver asked after thinking for a moment.

"I am not sure if I should" Goran replied, the thought of someone see and thinking it an odd thing to do niggling at him.

"Please Goran. I really wanna see where you live" Oliver pleaded, again giving Goran a look that Goran simply couldn't turn down.

"OK, but we probably shouldn't tell your Mom or anyone, it is odd for a man and a boy to be such good friends if they are not related is it not?" Goran replied.

"I guess so, but I don't care. Lets go now please" Oliver replied still holding tightly onto Goran's hand.

"OK. I need to get my stuff from the dressing room first, so wait here" Goran replied, releasing the 11 year old's hand and turning back towards his dressing room.

He quickly went inside and collected his things, before joining Oliver back in the corridor and leading the boy out in the opposite direction towards the exit and the cast and crew parking area, the boy again slipping his hand into Goran's as they walked.

They exited out the rear door and headed across the small parking area, Oliver letting out a whoop of delight as they reached Goran's black Porsche 911. There were certainly some perks to working on a successful show.

"Is this your car? Oh my god it is so freaking cool" the 11 year old exclaimed, quickly getting into the passenger seat and putting his rucksack between his legs as Goran opened the door for him, slamming it shut as Oliver let out more enthusiastic noises as he looked around the small sports car's interior.

They travelled the short distance to Goran's home in much the same way, Oliver exclaiming how amazing the car was, Goran unable to resist putting it through it's paces to giggles of delight from the boy beside him, the sound utterly intoxicating. Goran pulled the nippy sports car into his private driveway as he reached his home, the gates opening automatically for him.

He led the excitable Oliver up the short set of stone steps and into his LA home, Oliver dropping his rucksack and coat onto the floor just inside the door with wild abandon before running off to explore, calling out various things to Goran as he did so. Goran bent down to pick up the 11 year old's coat and rucksack and hung them on the coat stand by the door. He smiled to himself at Oliver's boyish exuberance, it being one of the many things that he loved about him.

Oliver suddenly appeared before Goran in the hallway, a look of utter delight on his face, "You have a pool?! Can we go swimming?" he said, practically jumping up and down on the spot.

"But you don't have your trunks?" Goran asked.

"I can swim in my underwear, please Goran!" Oliver begged, reaching out with his hands to grab onto Goran's in excitement.

"OK, OK! But wait for me, I need to go and get into my trunks OK?" Goran replied, smiling to himself as Oliver let out an exaggerated sigh.

"OK, but hurry up" Oliver replied moving to sit on the stairs, clearly planning to wait there until Goran came down from the bedrooms.

Goran headed up the stairs, doing his best to hurry. He was excited too, especially given Oliver had just said he was going to swim in his pool in his underwear. He had never even so much as see the 11 year old shirtless before, never mind in his underwear. He felt a stirring inside his boxers, knowing that today might be the day that Oliver finally broke his resistance.

He quickly entered his room and rooted around in his dressing area for his swimming shorts, hurriedly removing his clothes and pulling them on, smiling to himself at how he was getting caught up in the excitement just like the 11 year old Oliver.

He passed across the hallway to grab two towels from the airing cupboard, before heading back down the stairs to where Oliver was sitting, the boy getting up and reaching out a hand to pull Goran along with him and out to the pool area. Goran placed the two towels onto the sun loungers that sat on the small patio area, watching on as Oliver began to remove his clothes.

Oliver pulled the blue and white long sleeved baseball t-shirt over his head revealing a slim pale chest, small brown nipples and a tight boy tummy with cute innie belly button. He sat down on his butt, impatiently pulling his sneakers and white socks off his feet before standing up facing Goran and pulling down the tan combat trousers in one move, not bothering to undo the button or zip, revealing his red boxer briefs.

Goran smiled to himself at the nearly naked boy before him, noting the slim body and tight boy tummy, as well as the little bulge at the front of the 11 year old's red boxer briefs. He was just as sexy as Goran had imagined, and he smiled again as Oliver turned away and the boy's tight butt came into view, the fabric of his red boxer briefs outlining it perfectly, Goran almost gasping at the sight.

Oliver launched himself into a bombing dive into the pool, large splashes of water leaving it as he did so, some even catching Goran and making the tall Croatian laugh. Only a boy could manage to do that he thought. Goran jumped in the pool after him, making enough of a splash himself.

They played around for an hour or so, Oliver getting Goran to toss him across the pool to great whoops of delight, the boy having fun and forgetting about anything else. It was so amazing for Goran to simply be alone with Oliver, no one looking to make sure if it was appropriate or not. Soon Oliver began to tire, the 11 year old moving towards Goran in the pool and wrapping his arms around his neck, his bare torso tight against Goran's.

"This is so much fun Goran, I wish I could live with you" Oliver said, the boy's wet hair sticking to his face, his deep brown eyes alive with joy.

"So do I , but I think my neighbours would complain after a while, you make so much noise" Goran replied, smiling at Oliver, letting his arms wrap tightly around the small boy.

"I don't make that much noise" Oliver replied, cutely.

"You do, it is like a hundred little girls, your voice is so high when you scream" Goran teased.

"It isn't! Don't be mean to me, or I'll bite your big nose" Oliver said, acting ever so offended but not really feeling that way.

"You would not dare" Goran teased, letting out a yelp in surprise as Oliver bit his nose, "That hurts, what did you do that?" Goran replied laughing as Oliver released his nose, still hanging on tightly to Goran.

"I warned you. Did it really hurt?" Oliver replied, suddenly feeling a bit bad.

"Yes, really!" Goran replied.

"Should I kiss it better?" Oliver asked, the idea coming to him suddenly.

"I think you had better" Goran nodded, giving Oliver a serious look.

Oliver leant forward and planted a delicate little kiss onto Goran's nose, "There, is that better?" the boy asked sweetly.

"I think one more" Goran replied, smiling as Oliver planted another kiss on the end of his noise, this one more tender than the first.

Oliver leaned back and looked into Goran's eyes, feeling so safe and loved in the big Croatian's arms and never wanting to be let go. Goran looked back at him seriously, and Oliver was unable to resist bending forward and planting a gentle kiss on Goran's lips.

"What was that one for?" Goran asked, his voice barely above a whisper, Oliver's face close to his.

"To make you feel better" Oliver whispered back, a little smile on his face, "Did it work?" he added.

"Yes. But you always make me feel better" Goran replied, feeling utterly in love with Oliver in that moment, Oliver smiling and moving to wrap his arms around Goran more tightly, his head moving to lay on Goran's shoulder. They bobbed in the water like that for a few minutes, an occasional contented sigh escaping Oliver.

It was the closest they had ever been, and Goran decided in that moment that he was not going to resist Oliver any longer, that if the boy wanted to pursue things with him then he was going to give himself over to it. The boy meant too much to him for Goran to refuse him any longer.

"We had better get out and get dried. I am hungry too, aren't you?" Goran asked finally, Oliver's head still on his shoulder.

"I wanna stay here forever" Oliver purred, making no signs of moving.

"So do I, but we would die if we did that" Goran answered.

"I wouldn't care, as long as you were with me" Oliver said, meaning every word.

Goran felt his heart pound faster in his chest, knowing now that Oliver felt the same way about him as he felt about Oliver. He waded over to the steps down into the pool, Oliver wrapping his legs around his waist as the exited the pool and carried the 11 year old over to the sun lounger.

He wrapped a towel around Oliver as he placed him down, smiling as he looked down to the dripping wet 11 year old's waist and seeing how the now soaking wet red boxer briefs clung to every feature of the boy's immature crotch, his small soft dick and balls being clearly identifiable.

"Let's go inside where it is warmer, so we can get dry" Goran prompted as he wrapped the other towel around his waist and secured it, reaching out a hand for Oliver to take and leading the towel clad boy into the main house to the kitchen.

He brought Oliver over to the small seating area just next to the kitchen and sat down, Oliver standing in front of him with the white towel draped over his shoulders and closed over his front, almost covering his small frame.

Goran moved to pull the towel up and began to dry Oliver's unruly hair, the 11 year old smiling at him wordlessly, before moving the towel down to dry Oliver's arms and then his chest, a little giggle escaping him as he ran the towel over Oliver's ticklish sides. He bent down to Oliver's legs, taking each foot in his hand and drying it along with Oliver's leg, the boy reaching out his hands to place them on Goran's shoulders for balance.

He moved the towel up to Oliver's midsection, and noticed that the front of Oliver's soaking wet red boxer briefs was tented out slightly now, the thin material being pushed away by what could only be Oliver's now clearly erect dick. Goran looked up at Oliver and smiled, getting an embarrassed smile back in return.

"You will need some dry underwear to go home in, do you want to take these ones off so I can put them in the dryer for you?" Goran asked, letting practicality get in the way for a moment.

"OK" Oliver replied.

"I will hold the towel around you while you take them down underneath, OK?" Goran said, wanting to respect Oliver's privacy.

"Why?" Oliver asked, puzzled.

"So it can be private for you?" Goran replied, seriously.

"You can just take them off, I don't care if you see" Oliver said after a few seconds, a little smile spreading over his face.

"Are you sure?" Goran replied feeling his chest tighten, Oliver nodding wordlessly in response.

Goran placed the now slightly damp towel down on the chair beside him and gently gripped the waistband of Oliver's wet red boxer briefs on either side of the 11 year old's slim hips. He looked up at Oliver again, seeing him staring straight back at him, the 11 year old breathing nervously in anticipation. This would signal a change in their relationship, and both of them sensed it.

Goran began to slip the wet red boxer briefs down Oliver's slim thighs, the thin material catching on the boy's erection. Oliver reached down into his boxer briefs to free it so that Goran could pull the them down before Oliver carefully stepped out of them, again placing his hands on to Goran's shoulders for balance.

Oliver stood there in front of Goran, now naked and trembling slightly. He wanted so much for Goran to like him, and to see how much he liked him too. His 3 inch cut erection stuck to his hairless pubic area, his small hairless balls drawn tightly to his body underneath it. He felt his breathing quicken slightly, his little heart pounding inside his chest as he watched Goran look at his body unashamedly, any pretence suddenly gone between them.

" are so beautiful, do you know that?" Goran said finally, looking into the 11 year old's eyes and seeing him smile, the boy's hand self consciously moving to play with a strand of his errant hair.

"Really?" Oliver asked, his voice barely above a whisper.

"Yes, really" Goran replied, reaching out his strong hands to gently take Oliver by the hips and pull him towards him before enveloping the still slightly trembling 11 year old in a tight hug, planting a kiss onto the top of his head.

"I love you Goran" Oliver whispered, almost afraid to let Goran hear in case the tall Croatian actor did not feel the same way, yet still feeling so safe and loved in that moment.

Goran released Oliver from the hug, his hands now holding the still naked 11 year old by the small of his back. He had only just heard what Oliver had said, and now saw the nervous look on the boy's face. He was so proud at the boy's bravery in saying those words, and bent forward to plant a gentle, tender kiss onto the boy's thin pink lips, before pulling back, "I love you too little one" he said, smiling as Oliver's face lit up in response to hearing the words.

"You do? Really?" Oliver replied, excited.

"Of course, from the very first moment I saw you. How could I not. But Oliver, if we take this path, you understand that we cannot tell anyone. America does not like such things, so it would have to be our secret" Goran said, the warning delivered seriously. He smiled as he watched Oliver's face change, the boy considering the words.

"I understand. I won't ever tell" Oliver replied finally. He meant every word, he could not ever imagine betraying Goran, no matter what happened. The idea was simply unthinkable.

"Perhaps we should go to my bedroom then, if you want to?" Goran asked, praying the still naked 11 year old would agree.

Oliver nodded in response, taking Goran's hand and beginning to pull him up off the chair, the Croatian still shirtless with a towel wrapped around his waist.

"Wait, wait. We have to put your underwear in the dryer" Goran said with a laugh, Oliver's rush to get him upstairs and the sight of the cute 11 year old's bare backside making him smile.

"Well hurry up then" Oliver said, impatiently, letting go of Goran's hand.

"Yes sir!" Goran replied, giving the naked 11 year a mock salute and watching as Oliver reached down a hand to wrap it around his 3 inch cut erection, the boy clearly as horny as he had ever been in his young life.

Goran quickly retrieved Oliver's wet red boxer briefs from the floor, heading into the kitchen and out into the little utility area behind it. He dropped the boxer briefs into the dryer and turned it on low for a 20 minute cycle before heading back out into the kitchen.

"Come on Goran!" Oliver pleaded, reaching out his little hand for Goran to take. Goran was enjoying the feeling of being so desperately wanted by the impatient little boy.

"You know we have forever right? I mean I am not going anywhere" Goran replied, taking Oliver's hand as the 11 year old lead him through the living area and towards the stairs.

"Yes, but I want to do it SO bad so hurry up!" Oliver added, a little whine creeping into his voice, Goran deciding to just give in and let the little boy take control.

Oliver led Goran to the stairs, almost dragging him up them behind him and down the small corridor at the top, peering into each door trying to find Goran's bedroom before giving up with them all looking very similar.

"Which one is it?" Oliver asked impatiently.

"I can't remember" Goran teased, letting out a laugh as Oliver placed his hands on his hips, his little 3 inch cut erection jutting out from his hairless pubic area with a wobble as he did so.

"Goran!" He pleaded, a smile creeping onto his face.

"OK, OK, it is this one" Goran replied, reaching out to steer Oliver into the bedroom behind him.

Goran moved over to sit on the bed, letting the towel fall from his waist and revealing the damp swimming shorts he still had on underneath. His 8 inch uncut erection strained at the front, crying out to be released. He watched as Oliver moved over to him, the naked 11 year old reaching out to grip onto the waistband of Goran's shorts and tugging at it, Goran moving his butt off the bed to help as Oliver pulled the swimming shorts down.

Oliver stared down at the Croatian's 8 inch uncut erection, a little gasp escaping him as his eyes grew wide, "It's so big" he managed to say finally, his little hand going down to wrap around his now painfully hard 3 inch cut erection. He could barely contain his excitement.

Goran smiled at the words before reaching out to pull the shocked boy up onto him, laying back onto the bed as the boy followed, his 11 year old crotch now pressed against Goran's tummy. Oliver looked down at Goran lovingly, the boy's dark brown eyes saying more with a glance than words could ever convey, before he placed his head onto Goran's shoulder nuzzling him there, and began to hump his hard 3 inch cut erection into Goran's tummy. Oliver was desperate for a release, the situation being something he had long thought about but almost couldn't handle actually being in.

Goran could feel the 11 year old's humps, the little boy's 3 inch cut erection digging into him. He heard Oliver's breath beginning to come out in desperate little pants and knew that the boy was simply overwhelmed by the situation and lost in his pursuit for instant release. He lay still, moving his hands on Oliver's back to gently caress him there as the boy humped into him, happy for Oliver to sate his needs in that moment and be just a passive participant.

Oliver humped his slim hips forward, driving his hard little 3 inch cut erection into the man below him. He felt his body beginning to tremble, the feeling of making contact with Goran overwhelming. He had masturbated before but this was different, this was Goran and he wanted so desperately to reach the point of no return, never having needed to orgasm more than he did in that moment.

Goran felt the desperate little pumps of the 11 year old, the boy's pained little whimpers muffled where he had buried his head into Goran's shoulder, knowing that the boy would have his orgasm any moment. He continued to rub Oliver's back comfortingly.

Oliver's orgasm hit him now, his little body shaking and his back arching as he drove his hips into Goran one last time. His face moved off Goran's shoulder and a desperate little cry escaped him, his eyes clamped shut tightly.

Goran looked on at the the look of ecstasy on Oliver's face as the boy's orgasm hit him, thinking that he was never more beautiful than in that moment. Oliver's head head fell back on to Goran's chest as his orgasm passed, the boy now desperately trying to catch his breath. Goran could feel Oliver's chest rise and fall at a breakneck pace, and reached his arms around Oliver to grasp him tightly.

Oliver began to calm down again, his breath now coming in and out steadily. He felt Goran's warm arms wrapping around him tightly, and made a connection with the world again having been utterly lost to it in his desperate pursuit for an orgasm.

"Are you OK now?" Goran asked, sensing that Oliver was back with him.

"Yes. I'm sorry.....I just..." Oliver said, struggling to find the words to explain.

"It is OK, I know, I know"Goran soothed, "But you could have at least bought me dinner first" Goran added, Oliver letting out a delightful little giggle and moving to prop himself up on his forearms and look down at Goran.

"But I don't have any money! I could maybe buy you a Twinkie or something?" Oliver replied, smiling down at Goran.

"I will settle for something else then" Goran said.

"What?" Oliver replied, looking at Goran quizzically.

"A kiss" Goran replied, smiling.

Oliver moved forward and placed his thin pink lips against Goran's, closing his eyes as he made his best but somewhat clumsy effort to kiss Goran before moving back, "Better?" Oliver asked.

"Yes, but I didn't want you to kiss me there" Goran replied, smiling.

"Oh, oh I get it" Oliver replied dramatically, moving to plant a gentle kiss onto Goran's nose, "There?" Oliver asked, smiling.

"No" Goran replied, watching as Oliver moved and planted another little kiss on his chin. "There?" Oliver said again, Goran shaking his head no.

Oliver scooted down Goran's body, planting a kiss on Goran's chest, looking up sweetly at the Croatian, "There?" he asked again.

"No, but you are getting warmer" Goran replied, enjoying the seemingly innocent little game but knowing where it was going. He watched as Oliver moved a bit further down before slipping off the bed and kneeling between Goran's thighs, Goran's 8 inch uncut erection now in the way and blocking his view of Oliver's face somewhat.

Oliver moved his head down, his pouted lips now hovering just over Goran's dick. He looked up at Goran who was watching the 11 year old intently, and moved down before suddenly changing direction at the last second and placing a gentle kiss onto Goran's tummy instead, "There?" Oliver said, laughing as he heard Goran gasp in frustration.

"No, not there" Goran answered, smiling at Oliver as the boy revelled in teasing him.

"I don't know then. I give up" Oliver said, sitting back on his heels and giving Goran a innocent and puzzled look, despite knowing exactly what Goran wanted.

"You know it is mean to tease yes?" Goran said, smiling down at the impossibly cute boy before him.

"I'm not teasing, I really don't know where to kiss!" Oliver replied, trying to sound honest and failing completely before collapsing into a fit of giggles.

He recovered his composure a few seconds later and gave Goran a very serious look, before moving forward and planting a very tender kiss onto the shaft of Goran's now painfully hard 8 inch uncut dick, causing Goran to gasp as he did so, "What about there?" Oliver asked, his voice only just above a whisper, before sitting back and looking up at Goran.

"Yes my boy, that is where" Goran replied, the scene simply too erotic.

He looked on as Oliver reached out a small hand and wrapped it around the thick shaft of Goran's 8 inch uncut dick. Oliver gently rolled back the Croatian's foreskin to reveal the pink mushroom head underneath, smiling as he did so not having really seen one with the foreskin intact before,

"Cool" Oliver mused to himself, as he rolled the foreskin back and forth a few times, "You can hide it, it looks different to mine" he added.

"Do you like it?" Goran asked huskily as 11 year old Oliver Davis gently explored him, the innocent look of wonder on the adorable boy's face adding to the excitement.

"Yeah, I wish mine looked like yours did" Oliver replied, really meaning it. He rolled the foreskin back again and this time planted another gentle kiss directly onto the pink mushroom head, causing Goran to gasp, "Did I hurt you?" Oliver said worriedly upon hearing the sound, looking up at Goran.

"No, the opposite, it felt so nice Oliver" Goran replied, reaching down a hand to affectionately run it through Oliver's now mostly dry, shaggy, light brown hair as the 11 year old stared back at him lovingly.

Oliver looked back down at Goran's 8 inch uncut erection, trying to think back to the gay porn he had watched before to remember how they had gone about sucking a dick, this being his first go at it. He let his small pink tongue slip out of his mouth and gently began to lap at the large pink mushroom head, hearing Goran gasp again and realising he was doing something right.

He probed around the area where Goran's foreskin had bunched, letting the tip of his tongue slide into every little gap, before moving it around to the front of the pink mushroom head and letting it push into Goran's piss slit. Oliver could taste a slightly musky flavour, but not an unpleasant one.

Goran watched on as Oliver gently licked at his dick, the 11 year old being so careful and lapping at it like a little puppy. The feeling of the boy's warm breath on his dick added to the sensations, and he could scarcely believe that this was happening, both terrified and relieved at finally letting his resolve break and giving into his love for Oliver.

Oliver ran his tongue along the underside of the pink mushroom head now, tracing it tightly over the thick veins that protruded under the soft skin and allowing it to follow the bumps down the thick and slightly pulsing shaft. He reached the base of Goran's 8 inch uncut dick and moved to gently take the Croatian's large hairy balls into his mouth, rolling them around inside before releasing them and letting out a little giggle as his chin was tickled by Goran's pubic hair.

"What is it?" Goran asked as he looked down at Oliver.

"Your hair made me ticklish" Oliver replied, smirking at Goran before moving his tongue back up the thick shaft and reaching the pink mushroom head again, staring down at the prize he held in his hand.

He bent forward and let the large pink mushroom head into his warm, wet mouth, closing his thin pink lips tightly around it as it glided over his tongue. He moved his mouth slowly down the shaft, small dribbles of saliva escaping the corners of his mouth as he did so, managing to get just under 3 inches of Goran's dick into his mouth before it hit the back of his throat causing Oliver to gag and pull back. Oliver repeated the manoeuvre, getting into a gentle rhythm being careful not to let his teeth catch on Goran's dick, not wanting to hurt him.

Goran let out another gasp as Oliver's mouth enveloped him, the feeling of the 11 year boy clamping onto him being exquisite, far better than any woman or man could ever hope to replicate. He looked down at Oliver and smiled as he saw the boy concentrating on his task, making love to Goran's dick with his immature little mouth.

Oliver began to get into a steady rhythm now, wanking the shaft of Goran's dick and adding his other hand to help him grasp onto more of it. He began to pump the Croatian's dick into his mouth more efficiently, quickly learning what worked and not letting the now glistening dick slip out of his mouth.

A thought occurred to Oliver then, his small mouth still sliding up and down the hard shaft of Goran's 8 inch uncut dick. He had seen plenty of sucking in the gay porn videos he had watched, but had also seen the men putting their dicks into each other's butts as well. He wondered what it felt like, and whether Goran's dick would fit into his hole. He felt his still hard 3 inch cut erection twitch in between his legs at the thought, making a decision.

"Goran? Can you put it in my butt?" Oliver asked, his mouth slipping off the now glistening wet dick in front of him.

"What?" Goran replied, hearing Oliver but not quite believing he had heard him correctly.

"Your dick, can you put it in my butt?" Oliver asked again, adding more detail.

"Um Oliver, I am not sure. My dick is big, it might hurt you" Goran warned. He had tried it with older boys before, perhaps 13 and 14 years old, but never one as young and small as Oliver. The last thing he ever wanted to do was hurt the adorable 11 year old.

"Please Goran, can we try it? I really want to" Oliver pleaded, still gripping onto Goran's shaft with one of his small hands.

"OK, but if it hurts we will stop, so you must say, OK?" Goran replied, looking down at Oliver as the 11 year old smiled and bounced on his knees excitedly. Goran let out a laugh at Oliver's enthusiasm, having an 11 year old boy ask him to put his dick in his butt being a totally surreal situation.

"Awesome! What do we do?" Oliver asked, moving to release Goran's dick and stand up, "Should I just sit on it or something?" He added.

"No, it would be too difficult for you. Come and lay on the bed here on your back, with your butt close to edge, OK?" Goran instructed, getting up off the bed and walking around it.

"Where are you going?" Oliver asked, not wanting to be away from Goran.

"Just getting something that will help, I'm not leaving. I would never leave you" Goran replied soothingly as he looked at Oliver, before moving towards the en-suite bathroom and rummaging around in one of the drawers in the under-sink cabinet, finding what he wanted after a few seconds.

He came back into the room, smiling as he looked at the naked 11 year old who was laying on his back and idly playing with his 3 inch cut erection. Oliver followed Goran with his eyes, noticing the small tube he had in his hands.

"What's that?" Oliver asked, curious.

"It is called lube, it will make it easier for me to put it inside you" Goran replied, holding the tube of KY Jelly out to Oliver so the 11 year old could satisfy his curiosity.

Goran bent down on his haunches in front of Oliver, reaching out to gently grip on the boy's legs and pull him forward so that his butt was closer to the edge of the bed, Oliver letting out a little giggle as he did so. He opened the tube of KY Jelly and squirted some of it out onto his fingers before moving over to Oliver and placing a hand gently onto Oliver's thigh, "This will feel cold, OK? Put let your legs up onto my shoulders" Goran instructed, Oliver's small pink virgin hole now being exposed to him.

"Oh shit. That's cold!" Oliver gasped as Goran began to gently apply the KY Jelly to his hole before beginning to probe it with his index finger.

"I did warn you" Goran smiled, "Relax Oliver, let it slide in" Goran coached feeling Oliver relax as his index finger gently slid into the 11 year old's hole, the muscles of the boy's anus gripping onto his finger occasionally.

Goran began to slowly slide his finger in and out of Oliver, adding a second as he felt the boy relax. He looked up to Oliver's face and saw the look of contentment there, "How is feeling so far?" Goran asked.

"Kinda weird, but nice" Oliver replied, looking down at his body but unable to see where Goran's fingers were entering him.

Goran let his fingers slide in and out of Oliver's hole, finally adding a third and feeling no resistance. He let his fingers slide out of Oliver for a moment and smiled as he saw the boy's hole gaping wide before it slowly closed, knowing that Oliver was ready.

"OK, I am going to try with my dick now. You must promise to say if it is painful, I don't want to hurt you" Goran said, reaching up a hand to gently rub Oliver's tight tummy.

"OK, I will say, I promise. I know you wouldn't hurt me Goran" Oliver replied, smiling back at the tall Croatian.

Goran looked back down to Oliver's small pink hole, the anticipation of putting his dick into the small boy causing his 8 inch erection to become even harder if it was possible. He reached over to the tube of KY Jelly and squirted some more out on his fingers, using it to liberally lube his dick and leaving it slick and shining.

He moved forwards slightly, Oliver's slim legs still resting on and over his shoulders, the boy's small pink hole clearly in view. He gripped onto his erection and guided it towards Oliver's hole, placing the pink mushroom head against it and gently pushing forward. The pink mushroom head disappeared almost instantly, the boy's anus gripping onto it tightly. Goran began to push forward again, before Oliver let out a pained gasp.

"Stop" Oliver said, wincing. Having Goran's dick entering him, even if only the tip of it, felt weird.

"We can do something else, it's OK" Goran said, moving to pull back out of Oliver.

"No, no Goran don't. I just need a second OK, it feels kinda weird but its not painful, honest" Oliver reassured him.

Goran waited as Oliver got used to the feeling of having the tip of his dick inside his virgin hole, feeling the young boy relax before Oliver nodded and gave him to the go ahead to try pushing more of it into him. Oliver felt Goran begin to push more of his dick inside him now, it making him feel oddly full but thus far not causing him any pain.

Goran looked down to see almost 3 inches of his 8 inch uncut dick had disappeared inside Oliver, Oliver's eyes now closed and small little twitches showing on the boy's face from time to time. He pushed forward gently again, now with a little over 5 inches inside Oliver.

"Ow, stop, stop" Oliver said suddenly, "Don't go any further" he added.

Goran looked down to see just over 6 inches of his dick was now buried inside Oliver's hole, the 11 year old's anus gripping onto the shaft like a little vice. He knew he had gone in as far as he was going to get, and that it was time to pull back, making a note of the limit he had to be mindful of, "OK, I am going to pull it out now and then slide it back in. I won't go any further than this, OK?" he asked, looking up at Oliver.

"OK" Oliver nodded, moving to prop himself up on his elbows. He felt Goran slide back out slowly and felt a sudden little burst of pleasure as the Croatian's dick rubbed over something inside him, "Oh god" he gasped.

"What?" Goran asked, again concerned that he may be hurting the 11 year old.

"It just felt awesome there" Oliver said, gasping again.

"Oh, yes, it will do after a while" Goran replied, knowing he had grazed the boy's prostate, the male G spot. He carefully continued to slide back out of Oliver's hole, pulling back until just an inch of him was left inside the boy before gently pushing forwards again.

Oliver gasped as he felt Goran rub past his sweet spot again, a few minutes passing as Goran continued to gently slide in and out of Oliver's tight virgin hole. Oliver began to relax now, starting to enjoy the feelings of having Goran's 8 inch uncut dick inside him, beginning to understand why the guys in the porn movies did it in the first place.

Goran built up a slow and steady rhythm as his dick glided into Oliver, reaching down to grip onto the boy's upper thighs with his hands, his large hands almost wrapping completely around them. He felt Oliver's tight, warm hole gripping him and heard the little gasps of pleasure escaping the boy, wanting to burn the sights and sounds into his memory forever.

Oliver propped him self up more over to one side, releasing his right arm and moving it so he could reach his hard 3 inch cut erection and wrap his hand around it tightly, beginning to wank himself in time with Goran's gentle thrusts. The feelings the big Croatian was sending through his little body were amazing and he felt his dick twitch in response every time Goran grazed against his prostate, the move sending yet another electric wave of pleasure through him.

Goran felt the intense feelings building for him, and looked down to where Oliver was wanking himself, the boy seemingly lost in the moment with his eyes clamped shut and as he bit his lower lip. His little hand was pumping his 3 inch cut erection furiously now, and the sight of the 11 year old boy in a world of utter ecstasy was too much for Goran to take.

He knew that this was going to happen again and when it did that it would be slower and more gentle, but right now he needed a release as much as Oliver had done a little while before. He allowed himself to stroke into Oliver a bit quicker now, hearing the 11 year old whimper and beginning to pant, satisfied that he wasn't hurting him. He felt that he was only minutes away from cumming, and decided that he did not want to do that inside Oliver, not this first time.

Oliver felt Goran thrusting into him deeper now, the sensations growing, his 3 inch cut dick tingling as he wanked it as Goran pumped into him. He heard Goran let out a groan and opened his eyes to see the Croatian looking back at him, knowing that he was feeling as good as Oliver was.

Goran felt his orgasm upon him knowing it was about to cause him to unleash a load of his man-cum into Oliver's virgin hole. He quickly pulled out his 8 inch erection, Oliver moving forward slightly as he did so as a loud, slick, popping sound escaped the boy's hole.

Goran moved forward and gripped onto his dick tightly, wanking himself at a furious pace before he felt his orgasm hit him and let out a loud groan, He unleashed three sharp bursts of thick, white man-cum, each burst landing onto Oliver's hairless balls and 3 inch cut erection and coating the 11 year old who looked on in surprise, a smile creeping onto his face.

Goran quickly bent down onto his knees, his own orgasm still causing him to tremble, and moved to push Oliver's hand away from his dick and quickly taking the steel hard 3 inch cut erection into his mouth. He could taste his own warm man-cum there and began to suck the shocked little boy with all his might, moving a thumb and forefinger onto the thin shaft and wanking the 11 year old as he did so.

Oliver let out a gasp of delight at this sudden change, his dick going from feeling good to feeling amazing in an instant as Goran sucked and wanked him. His legs were still draped over Goran's shoulders as the big Croatian buried his head in the 11 year old's lap. Oliver placed his hands onto Goran's head roughly gripping his hair and trying to pump more of his immature dick into Goran's mouth, the sensations overwhelming his small body.

Goran felt the grip on his head and knew that little Oliver would get his second orgasm of the day in a few seconds. He quickly slipped a finger back into Olivier's now gaping hole and fingered the boy, finding his sensitive prostate and driving the 11 year old over the edge.

Oliver let out tortured little gasps now, his toes curling behind Goran's back and his legs straightening out as his second orgasm of the day hit him. He let out a desperate cry, his whole body trembling, his tight hole clamping onto Goran's finger now buried deep inside him and his 3 inch cut erection twitching violently inside Goran's mouth.

Goran felt the pink mushroom head flare inside his mouth, sucking Oliver harder now, determined to give the 11 year old every possible bit of pleasure. He heard Oliver's boyish whimpers as the boy's body was wracked by his almost violent orgasm.

Goran finally released Oliver's still hard 3 inch cut erection from his mouth, smiling at the way it was still twitching seemingly with a mind of his own before bending back down to gently lap up a bit of his earlier released man-cum that had dribbled down from from the boy's hairless balls and traced the line of his perineum. He made sure Oliver's hairless balls were clean and free of man-cum as well before finally sitting back and moving Oliver's legs from his shoulders and onto the floor.

Goran looked at the still heavily panting 11 year old in front of him, Oliver's naked body now glistening with a thin film of boyish sweat. He traced his eyes from the boy's face, his eyes still clamped shut, and down over his rapidly expanding chest, across his tight tummy and little boy six pack that clenched with ever breath the boy took. His eyes moved lower, down to Oliver's now glistening 3 inch cut dick and balls, his dick stick standing proudly erect and stuck fast to his hairless pubic area.

Oliver began to calm down, his breath almost returning to normal. He finally opened his eyes and looked up at Goran, seeing the handsome Croatian staring down at him lovingly. It all became too much for Oliver in that moment and he began to cry, not entirely sure why, simply overwhelmed with emotion.

Goran bent down to scoop the now softly crying 11 year old into his arms, holding him tight and feeling the boy's wet tears drip down onto his chest. He placed a kiss into Oliver's head, feeling a deep love for the boy as a few tears escaped his own eyes. He knew this was the start of relationship that would stay with him forever.

Oliver began to calm down, his crying stopped as he buried his head into Goran's chest. He had never felt more safe or loved than he did in that moment, feeling that he could live inside it forever. He felt Goran push him back, turning his head to look up at him and seeing the Croatian's tear streaked cheeks.

"Thank you so much Oliver" Goran said seriously, taking the sides of the small boy's face into his hands and planting a kiss on the 11 year old's lips, feeling Oliver return it just as tenderly.

"I love you Goran" Oliver said when their lips parted, meaning the words with every fibre of his little body.

"I love you more" Goran replied before reaching out to plant a kiss onto Oliver's cute little nose, reminiscent of how this had started, causing the adorable boy to giggle in response.

He moved to stand up, scoping up Oliver easily in his strong muscular arms and carrying the ever so light 11 year old around to the side of his bed. He lay down with him, hugging the still naked boy close. They lay that way for a little while longer, neither saying a word, content to simply be in each other's company.

"I am kind of hungry now" Oliver said finally, breaking the silence, "Do you think we can go and get some Krispy Kreme's?" he asked, lifting his head off Goran's chest to smile at him.

"For you? I think we can manage that" Goran replied, moving to get up off the bed and retrieve his clothes from the chair he had thrown them on earlier, smiling as the still naked 11 year old watched him get dressed as he lay on the bed, something about it being very erotic.

Goran finished getting dressed, reaching out a hand to lead Olivier back down stairs and going to fetch the boy's now dry red boxer briefs from the dryer. He looked on lustfully as his beautiful boy got dressed again, finally looking decent enough to be seen in public.

"OK, lets go" Oliver said, moving towards the door and grabbing his coat and rucksack from the coat stand Goran had hung them on earlier.

The got back into Goran's black Porsche 911, Oliver again making every conceivable comment about the car as they made their way over to the doughnut store, Goran parking in a space a few doors down. The walked up to the store front, Oliver slipping his hand into Goran's. Unlike before, the 11 year old didn't care who saw him holding Goran's hand.

After that afternoon, nothing mattered expect being close to Goran, and Oliver wanted the world to know it.

The End.

Well that is yet another story done.

I loved writing this one perhaps more than any other before, the boy in question being one I have long since found utterly irresistible. I hope you enjoyed reading it.

Please keep your feedback coming, as it really helps.

Next: Chapter 6: Jacob Tremblays Press Tour

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