Boy Actor Tales

By Nifty Story

Published on Sep 3, 2014


This is story depicts sexual acts involving minors. The minors in this story are being played by actors 18 years of age or older. This story in no way intends to depict or insinuate that the persons named in the story engage in, condone, or approve of the sex acts contained in the content. Please do not read this story if you are under 18 years of age, or if it is illegal to do so in the state or area where you live.

If you want to comment or give me constructive advice and criticism then I welcome it. My E-Mail address is

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To follow on from my recent story 'The Beckham Boys' I decided to start a series that would allow me to feature a different boy actor every chapter and have that chapter be about just him.

I thought this would make it more believable than stories that seem to result in a orgy occurring between random boys, and would allow me to keep it interesting and try out different things.

I have a few boy actors in mind already, but if there are any boys you would specifically like me to write about then please let me know, and I will give it some thought.

Next up is Daniel Radcliffe, and given he is now 25 please see the below image to get a taste of how I was imagining him here (it's a safe and legal image):

I have also included Rupert Grint here for Daniel to play with (as we have to have Ron right?!), with Emma Watson making a brief cameo as well.

I have set this just as Daniel was cast, before any filming, when he would have been 11 years old, and Rupert just having turned 12 years old.

Chapter 4 – Daniel Radcliffe's Bathtime News

Daniel Radcliffe lay back in the bath, his head submerged in the water, only his face and the tips of his toes visible above it. He had been in the bath for almost 15 minutes now, and could feel his skin begin to wrinkle. The water was warm and relaxing though, so he didn't mind too much.

With his ears covered by the water the sound in the room was muffled, the water changing how his ears heard it, but he managed to make out the sound of the phone ringing downstairs in his house. He moved his head above the water and turned towards the open bathroom door, listening as his Dad answered it.

The call seemed to last for a few moments, Daniel not quite being able to make out what his Dad was saying, before the call seemed to end. He heard footsteps on the stairs a few moments later, his Dad stepping through the open door and into the bathroom.

"Guess who is the going to be playing Harry Potter?!" his Dad said, unable to keep the excitement from his voice as he looked down at his naked 11 year old son.

"Really?! Did I get it?" Daniel replied, sitting up quickly in the water, causing some of it to splash over the side and onto the floor below.

"Yes Daniel, you did!" his Dad replied, reaching out his arms as Daniel scrambled to stand up, the dripping wet naked boy grabbing onto his Dad and hugging him tightly, jumping up and down in the bath excitedly as he did so, soaking his Dad and most of the bathroom around him.

"YES! I can't believe I actually got it Daddy" Daniel said, the news hitting him, "I really can't believe it".

"Well believe it! You did so well darling, I am SO proud of you" his Dad replied, hugging Daniel tight, a hand on the 11 year old's naked, wet bum gently rubbing him.

"But it's crazy. They picked me, out of all of the other boys" Daniel said, sitting back down onto his knees in the bath, feeling tears welling in his eyes before they rolled down his face, "I am so lucky aren't I?".

"Oh darling, don't cry" his Dad said, reaching out to rub a hand affectionately through the 11 year old's wet brown hair.

"I can't help it, I am just so happy" Daniel replied, sniffing loudly and reaching up to rub the tears away from his face.

Daniel was 4"6 tall and had a reasonably slim body, with just a few hints of boyish puppy fat that would disappear as he got older. He had pale white skin and dark brown hair that nicely framed his face and blue eyes. He perhaps wasn't the cutest boy in the world, but he had a vulnerability behind his eyes that made him utterly adorable, and also made him perfect to play 'Harry Potter'.

"Mum will not be back for another hour, so it will just have to be me and you doing the celebrating for now" his Dad said, moving to sit on his haunches and look at Daniel.

"Cool! Can we do the special thing then Daddy?" Daniel asked, a cheeky smile on his face.

Daniel and his Dad had been exploring each other sexually for the past couple of years now, ever since Daniel had got into bed with his Dad early one morning to find him erect, and deciding to wake him up by playing with his Dad's erection. His Dad had been reluctant at first, but with relations with Daniel's Mum having been cold for a number of years the tight, smooth body that Daniel freely offered was simply too appealing to resist.

"OK darling, I suppose it is a good idea to make you feel nice since you have done so well. Stand up for me and let's see if we can wake him up" his Dad said, smiling as Daniel stood up out of the water, his already erect 3 inch uncut dick sticking up straight and tight against his hairless pubic area, his smooth balls hanging loosely below it, "Oh, I see he is already awake!" he added, Daniel giggling in response.

"Yes, I think you woke him up when you touched my bum, I think my willy likes you Daddy" Daniel replied, reaching down a small, pale hand to grip onto his steel hard little boy dick and wiggle it at his Dad as he let out a boyish giggle.

"He sure does. Should we make him like me even more do you think?" his Dad asked.

"Yes" Daniel purred, knowing what was coming next and feeling his dick grow harder in his hand at the thought of it. He loved the games he and his Dad played, and took any opportunity he could to prompt him into playing them.

"Come a little bit closer to the edge of the bath then, and don't splash me like last time, OK?" his Dad warned, reaching out to take hold of Daniel's 3 inch uncut erection with his thumb and forefinger as the young boy released his own hand from around it, a little sigh of contentment escaping Daniel as he did so.

Daniel looked down intently as his Dad gently rolled back his tight foreskin, the tiny pink mushroom head being revealed as he did so. His Dad repeated the manoeuvre a few times, Daniel beginning to feel nice and pushing his hips forward slightly, getting into a slight humping movement, causing his Dad to grin.

"Do you like that then darling?" his Dad asked, Daniel nodding at him.

Daniel's Dad reached out a hand to grip onto one of Daniel's bum cheeks, pulling the 11 year old a little closer towards him, before gently putting his mouth over his 3 inch uncut erection, the little pink mushroom head effortless gliding over his wet tongue. He could taste the mixture of soap and shampoo on Daniel's dick, the young boy having not long since washed it.

He let his tongue roll around the pink mushroom head, flicking at the tiny piss slit as he did so, knowing Daniel liked it when he did that, before moving his head forwards to take the entire 3 inch length into his

mouth. He felt Daniel continuing to gently hump forwards, keeping his mouth still as his 11 year old son face fucked him, Daniel reaching out his hands to place them on his Dad's head.

Daniel's Dad reached out a hand to grip onto Daniel's other bum cheek now, helping the eager boy to pump into his mouth, enjoying the feeling of his son using him, it somehow adding to the excitement of the situation. He gently parted Daniel's bum cheeks with one hand, slipping a finger from his other hand into the moist crease and finding Daniel's small pink boy hole, probing it gently with the tip of his finger.

"Yes Daddy, put it in there please" Daniel said as he felt his Dad's finger touch his hole, little breaths of effort escaping him as he continued to face fuck his Dad.

Daniel's Dad let his finger slide into Daniel's tight pink hole, it entering easily this not being the first time the pair had done it, and felt Daniel's anus muscles grip onto him, a little more of it sliding into Daniel every time the 11 year old moved back his hips on a thrust out of his Dad's mouth.

Daniel felt his body begin to feel nice, gasping slightly as his Dad's finger found his prostate, the feeling spurring the 11 year old to began to face fuck his Dad at a faster placing, gripping tightly onto his Dad's head for balance, a slapping sound being made as his hairless pubic area made contact with his Dad's nose and cheeks.

Daniel's Dad felt his young son increase his pace, pushing his finger deeper into the 11 year old, the warm hole gripping onto him tightly. He continued to move his tongue into different positions inside his mouth, it making contact with Daniel's 3 inch uncut erection at ever changing points. The little whimpers escaping Daniel's thin pink lips were delightful, and he could feel his own 7 inch cut erection straining at the cotton shorts he was wearing, desperately wanting to reach down and wank himself but having no free hand with which to do so.

Daniel's breathing was coming out in desperate pants now, his body beginning the now all too familiar tremble, gasping again as his Dad's finger ran over his prostate inside his tight hole, "Oh Daddy that feels so nice, I am going to get my tingle any second" he said, between desperate little breaths.

Daniel's Dad loved the immature word Daniel used for an orgasm. He held his head and the finger buried deep inside Daniel steady, his 11 year old son's motion simultaneously fucked his mouth and caused his hole to be fucked by his finger. He knew from the sound of Daniel's breath that the boy would orgasm any moment, marvelling at how easily he was able to achieve the feeling for someone so young.

"Oh Daddy!" Daniel gasped, pumping his hips quickly, driving his steel hard 3 inch uncut erection into his Dad's warm, wet mouth and pushing back hard onto his Dad's finger still buried deep inside his tight hole.

Daniel felt his legs begin to shake as his little orgasm hit him, whimpers of pleasure escaping him, the sensations in his dick indescribable, finally letting out a loud moan, "Oh yes Daddy, I have it" he moaned, continuing to pump his 3 inch uncut erection into his Dad's mouth.

Daniel's Dad felt his 11 year old son's erection grow in his mouth, beginning to twitch as his 'tingle' hit him, the boy losing his humping rhythm, his tiny body trembling as his orgasm began to subside. He moved to take over some of the humping motion by pushing Daniel with the hand he was using to part the boys cheeks, clamping onto Daniel's dick and continuing to suck him.

"Keep sucking him Daddy, I want the second one" Daniel gasped, barely able to move his hips forward but desperate to get his second orgasm in the space of 30 seconds, knowing it was usually even more intense for him that the first. He felt the wave of pleasure building again as his Dad sucked him, his sensitive little dick crying out to be left alone, but knowing that if he closed his eyes tightly and ignored it another tingle would hit him.

Daniel's Dad sucked the hard 3 inch uncut erection into his mouth as fast as he could, being careful not to let it slip out and heard Daniel let out a noise bordering on scream as his second orgasm hit him, Daniel desperately hanging onto his Dad's head and almost collapsing as it did, his legs unable to support him amid the intense feelings of pleasure coursing through his small body.

Daniel pushed his Dad's head away from his mouth, his Dad gently removing his finger that was still buried in Daniel's hole, and collapsed onto his knees in the water below him, heaving in great lungfuls of air as he tried to recover from the double orgasm. He reached a hand down to wrap it around his still hard 3 inch erection, checking to see if it was still there, the feelings that had swept through his body almost making him think it had exploded in ecstasy.

"Daddy, that was the the best one yet. Did I make any milk?" Daniel asked, wanting ever so much to orgasm like his Dad did.

"Not that time darling, sorry. But you will soon I am sure, especially if we keep practising" his Dad replied, smiling down at Daniel, the young boy desperate for his smooth immature balls to begin to spurt out boy-cum.

"Cool! Practising IS fun isn't it?" Daniel quipped, smiling up at his Dad, "Can I get my milk now then?" Daniel asked, moving up on his knees and tilting his head back, opening his mouth and letting out a half giggle as he did so.

Daniel's Dad didn't need any further encouragement, the sight of his son kneeling there with his mouth gaping wide desperate for yet another taste of his man-cum being more than enough. He stood up and quickly pulled down his cotton shorts and boxers in one move, his 7 inch cut erection springing into place, before guiding it slowly into Daniel's warm, wet mouth and over his small pink tongue, the young boy clamping his thin pink lips around it as he did so.

He began to slowly pump his dick into Daniel's mouth, being careful not to push too far knowing how much Daniel hated the gagging feeling it gave him, reaching out a hand to gently grasp the back of Daniel's head, his hand getting wet from the 11 year old's still wet hair. He knew it wouldn't be long before he was filling the willing boy with his man-cum, the feel of Daniel's soft little mouth being almost too much of a stimulation, one his body could barely take for more than a minute or two.

Daniel loved the full feeling of having his Dad's dick inside his mouth, doing his best to move his tongue around the pink mushroom head as he knew his Dad liked, wishing to himself that his mouth was bigger so he could fit more of it inside. He wanted to taste his Dad's man-cum so badly, the salty taste being one he craved, even day dreaming about it when he sat in his class at school, idly playing with his erection through his school shorts under the desk.

Daniel reached out a hand to grip onto the shaft of his Dad's 7 inch cut dick, squeezing it hard but not hard enough not to allow his Dad to continue to slide it forward, moving his other hand to play with his Dad's big hairy balls that hung low and loosely below, squeezing each one a little, making his Dad moan as he did so.

Daniel's Dad loved having his balls squeezed, Daniel knowing exactly which buttons to push after the last few years, the 11 year old being an expert on what made his Dad cum. He felt his orgasm beginning to rise within him now, holding onto Daniel's head more roughly and pushing forwardly slightly, Daniel obediently letting him do so.

Daniel heard his Dad let out a sharp gasp, pushing his dick forward into his small mouth, before Daniel felt the first shot of his Dad's man-cum erupt and hit the back of his throat. Daniel used his free hand to push his Dad back a bit, letting his 7 inch cut dick slip out of his mouth as the next blast of man-cum landed straight on Daniel's small pink tongue, exactly where the 11 year old wanted it. A third shot dribbled out pitifully a moment later, Daniel moving to lap it up with his tongue as it oozed out of his Dad's piss slit, not letting a single drop go to waste.

Daniel's Dad watched as Daniel hungrily ate his man-cum, never failing to be surprised by just how much his 11 year old son seemed to love it. Daniel lapped gently at his now angry red mushroom head, before releasing his grip on his Dad's dick and sitting back down on his heels in the bathtub.

"That was tasty Dad, but I wish more milk came out" Daniel said, smiling up at his Dad.

"Well I did my best darling" His Dad replied, reaching out a hand to gently caress Daniel's face, wondering if it was possible to love anyone more than he loved Daniel in that moment.

"I love you Daddy" Daniel said, moving to stand up in the bath and wrap his arms tightly around his Dad, his head at roughly the same level as the start of his Dad's ribcage.

"I love you too darling" his Dad replied, rubbing Daniel's now almost dry back, looking down at his son lovingly, "We better get you out of that bath and dry before Mum comes home" he added.

Daniel moved to step out of the bath, giggling as he Dad wrapped a fluffy white towel around him having just pulled up his cotton shorts and boxers, not needing to wipe off his now deflated dick, Daniel having done such an expert job at cleaning it for him.

Daniel's Dad picked up his beautiful boy and carried him into Daniel's bedroom, carefully drying the small boy and smiling to himself as the still hard little 3 inch uncut erection jutted out proudly from Daniel's hairless pubic area. He helped Daniel into his red and blue cotton pyjamas when he was dry, not putting any underwear on him, before helping him slide into bed.

"Can you read me another chapter Daddy?" Daniel asked, gesturing to the book that sat on the small table beside his bed.

"Of course. It will be a bit different hearing it now you know you will be playing Harry though won't it?" his Dad asked, the book in his hand being Harry Potter and The Philosopher's Stone.

"Yeah, so I better know the story really well hadn't I?" Daniel replied, his head now resting on the pillow, his body turned towards his Dad.

"I suppose so. Scoot over then, make some room" his Dad said, moving to lay on the side of the bed in the space Daniel had made for him, the 11 year old threading his head under his Dad's arm and resting it on the side of his Dad's chest.

Daniel watched on as his Dad read to him, feeling his eyes become heavy as the combination of his warm bed, the sound of his Dad's soothing voice and the exertions in the bath now catching up with him. Before too long he was drifting off into a Harry Potter filled dream world.

A few days passed after the casting announcement was made and the world learned the news, Daniel finally being required to attend a press day. He wasn't sure if he liked having to face the cameras, the flashing lights going off in his face incessantly. For a brief moment he wondered if it was such a good idea to be playing Harry Potter with all the attention it would inevitably bring.

He was happy to meet his young co-stars though, Rupert Grint who was going to be playing Ron Weasley being particularly nice to him. Daniel thought that they could be friends, and found it funny just how much he seemed to suit playing Ron given what Daniel now knew of the character from the book his Dad was reading to him at bedtime. Emma Watson, who was playing Hermione Granger, was a little more quiet and stuck quite close to her Mum throughout the press conference.

They were due to meet up again in a week's time for the first costume tests, the multimillion dollar production moving into full swing without further delay. Daniel was excited to get into his Harry Potter costume for the first time, and had wondered to himself if he would be given a wand and an owl too. He had always wanted to have a pet owl, as strange as the thought was.

The day finally came for his first visit to the studio and associated production areas that were cropping up, the sets under construction on the large sound stages within. Daniel's Mum ushered him into the car for the short journey to the studio.

Daniel stared in wonder at the large wooden structures that were under construction all around him as they drove through the fenced off studio lot, his Mum parking their old Saab to the rear of one of the large sound stages. They exited the car and headed off in the direction of the wardrobe area, following some small orange signs that were dotted around the large site to give out directions.

They entered into a lobby area, being greeted by a young male production assistant who led them into a small waiting room where 10 year old Emma Watson was waiting, sat next to her Mum.

"Hi Daniel" Emma said, seemingly having gotten over her quietness from the last time Daniel had seen her.

"Hey Emma. Is Rupert not here yet?" Daniel replied as he looked around the room and noticed that the ginger haired Rupert was nowhere to be seen, surprised at the change in Emma.

"No, not yet, he is running late. That's so like Ron isn't it? It is kind of funny" Emma said, smiling.

"Yeah I guess so. Are you OK? I mean you seem happier than you did last week?" Daniel asked.

"Yeah, sorry about that. I didn't like all those cameras, it was kind of scary wasn't it" she replied, looking on as her and Daniel's Mum chatted between themselves, the two women seemingly having become firm friends.

"Yeah I didn't like it either. I hope it isn't always going to be like that. I thought I might go blind at one point!" Daniel quipped, smiling as Emma moved to get off the sofa she was sharing with her Mum to sit in the armchair next to him instead.

"I think I nearly did!" Emma replied as she sat down.

"OK, we are ready for you guys now" the male production assistant said, popping his head around the door.

"Good luck sweetheart" Daniel's Mum said, giving Daniel a little wave as he followed Emma out of the room, the two mothers continuing their chatting as their children were led away.

Daniel and Emma followed the production assistant down a small corridor and into what looked like a large dressing room, with rail upon rail of clothes all around them. There were several slightly older women in attendance, all sporting tape measures and milling about the room working on various tasks.

"OK, this is a basic outfit for each of you. There is a little room just through there that you can use to change in. Come out when you're done" the male production assistant said, handing each of them an outfit on a hanger that he had taken off a silver clothes rail, a plastic cover over the top of each, and pointing towards a door off to one side of the room.

"Is there a boys and a girls changing room?" Emma asked.

"No, it's just one room, but there is a screen in there that you can use if you want some privacy" the production assistant replied, seemingly disinterested before looking down at a clipboard he was holding.

"Don't worry Emma, I won't look. I promise" Daniel said quietly, nodding at Emma earnestly.

"You better not!" Emma replied, reaching out to whack Daniel in the arm as the 11 year old led the way off into the adjoining changing room, Daniel letting out a groan dramatically as she made contact.

Daniel held the door open for Emma as they entered the changing room, it being quite compact and bare with just a small table and three small chairs on one side and an old fashioned wooden privacy screen leaning against the opposite wall. They each draped their costumes over the back of a chair, before Emma moved over to the privacy screen and tried to move stand it up, the rickety wooden screen almost toppling over as she did so.

"It looks ancient!" Daniel said, moving to help Emma to right the screen.

"Yeah, and it won't stand up properly" Emma said frustratedly, as she tried to stand the screen up with Daniel's help as it almost toppled over again, "Oh I give up. You promise you won't look?" Emma asked finally, moving to lean the screen back against the wall.

"I promise" Daniel replied, feeling his dick stirring inside his briefs at the thought of maybe seeing 10 year old Emma in her knickers or maybe even more, wondering if she had boobs yet. He was an only child and could not ever remember seeing a girl undress, not even his own mother.

Daniel stood stock still, watching as Emma removed the plastic wrap covering her costume, stopping to look at the white blouse, dark grey pleated skirt and light grey pullover with a Gryffindor logo inscribed on it, a red and orange Gryffindor tie completing the basic outfit.

"They have the house colours and everything. Aren't you going to get changed too?" Emma said, turning to look over at Daniel as she removed the items from the hanger and placed them on the seat in front of her, figuring that it would make it quicker to put them on that way, not wanting to give Daniel any more of a look at her body than she needed to.

"Oh, yeah" Daniel said as Emma knocked him out of his trance like state, moving to do the same as Emma had done with her clothes. Daniel pulled his blue t-shirt over his head, revealing his slim chest and small pink nipples, placing it on the side of the chair, before sitting down on the edge of the chair to pull his trainers off his feet.

He looked over towards Emma out of the corner of his eye, his head pointing down at his feet, watching as she pulled her pink flowered top over her head revealing her skinny chest with small puffy nipples that stood out slightly form her body a few centimetres or so. Although similar, her nipples looked very different to the way Daniel's did and to his innocent eyes were nothing short of a girl's breasts.

Emma hurriedly grabbed for the white blouse, pulling it on and closing it around her almost in one move, shooting a look towards Daniel, the 11 year old managing to avert his eyes in time and appear disinterested, Emma apparently satisfied that he was keeping his promise not to look.

Daniel felt his erection reach it's full 3 inch length inside the briefs he was wearing as he stole little glances at Emma, wanting desperately to reach down and squeeze it but knowing Emma would see.

Emma finished buttoning up the white blouse before looking over to Daniel again, who was putting his trainers under the chair and beginning to stand up, fiddling with the buttons on the white shirt they had given him, struggling to undo them.

Emma kicked her sandals off her feet and reached up to undo the button on her denim skirt, pulling the zipper down and quickly slipping it over her thighs, her pink and white patterned knickers coming down slightly as she did so. Part of her hairless pubic area was revealed in the process before she could quickly pull them up and the thin material of her knickers hugged her immature vagina where she had done so tightly, the outline of her slit clearly visible.

Daniel had been watching closely as Emma pulled her denim skirt down, seeing a flash of skin and her vagina almost coming into view before she pulled her knickers up. The way she had done this made her 10 year old slit visible through the thin material, and Daniel struggled not to gasp at the sight.

He felt his hard little erection threatening to burst though his briefs and he dared not take his dark blue shorts down, Emma sure to see that he was hard. She looked in his direction again, but luckily he was looking down in the direction of his shorts, the shirt still in hands as he fiddled with it.

Emma pulled the dark grey skirt on, looking over to Daniel again and stealing a glance at his boyish chest, wondering why he was taking so long to get changed. She watched him pull the shirt on finally, before doing up the buttons. Emma put the Gryffindor tie into place, it being pre-knotted and attached to some elastic before pulling the light grey jumper over her head, bending down to pick up her quickly discarded denim skirt.

Daniel loitered a few moments more, his shirt in place and now having been joined by his Gryffindor tie and jumper, but looking down to see it only just reached his waist and knowing it would do nothing to hide his crotch and his achingly hard erection hidden there. He looked over to Emma, now dressed and neatly folding her clothes, and decided that he needed to chance it whilst she was focused on something else.

He undid the button on his blue shorts and quickly pulled them down, his tight green briefs coming into view, the front tenting out obscenely where his painfully erect 3 inch uncut dick stuck out. He quickly moved to pick up the dark grey trousers from the chair, cursing slightly when he couldn't get the button on them undone.

Emma heard the little curse and looked over to Daniel, seeing him struggling with the button and then gasping as she saw the tent at his crotch, his green briefs pointing out very obviously. Emma had a little brother so had seen a boy in his pants before, but it was different to see a boy her own age. Daniel's penis seemed to be really big, at least to her eyes, and she smiled as she openly stared and wondered what it looked like underneath Daniel's green briefs.

Daniel heard Emma's little gasp, looking over to her as he finally got the button on the grey trousers undone and seeing her openly staring at his crotch, "Hey, we said no looking" he complained, moving the trousers in front of him to cover his crotch.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to look, but that your willy making your pants stick out?" She asked, a little smile on her face as she looked at Daniel.

"Yes, but you are not supposed to look! We said no looking!" Daniel replied, still holding the dark grey trousers in front of his briefs covered erection, willing it to go down and knowing it wouldn't.

"Sorry, I just....I mean it is....." she trailed off, embarrassed, feeling her cheeks go red.

"It's called an erection and it happens to all boys, OK?" Daniel snapped, frustrated at Emma, thinking she was teasing him.

"Sorry Daniel, I wasn't teasing, I mean it's cool....uh...I mean its OK" she said, looking at Daniel and trying to sound genuine.

"OK, sorry for snapping" Daniel replied, moving to hold out the trousers in front of him and quickly stepping into them.

"Wait......" Emma said suddenly as Daniel was pulling up the trousers.

"What?" Daniel replied.

"Can I....can I see it?" Emma asked nervously.

"My willy?" Daniel replied, shocked.

"Yes" Emma answered, feeling her checks grow hot.

Daniel thought about it for a few seconds, wondering what to do, before deciding, "OK, but you have to show me your thing too" he said, hopefully.

"No! It's OK then, forget it" Emma replied, the 10 year old simply too embarrassed.

Daniel felt disappointed, hoping he was going to get to see between a girl's legs for the first time. He began to do up the button on his grey trousers, watching as Emma slipped her feet back into her sandals and went to leave. A thought struck him then, his horniness taking over.

"Emma.....wait" Daniel said, nervously.

"What?" Emma asked, turning back to look at the 11 year old.

"I'll show you, but you can't tell anyone, OK?" Daniel said, standing facing Emma with his fingers on the button on his trousers.

"OK, I promise I won't" Emma said, moving over towards Daniel and letting out a nervous breath, feeling excited.

She watched closely as Daniel undid the button on his dark grey trousers and undid the zip, before gripping the waistband of his green briefs, pulling it down to reveal his 3 inch uncut erection, pushing his hips forward so that it stuck out a bit more so that Emma could see it better.

Emma gasped as she looked at Daniel's erection, seeing it move slightly. It looked very different to her brother's penis that he she had seen once or twice when he was in the bath, and kind of cool where it stuck up. She reached out a hand tentatively, about to ask Daniel if she could feel it when she almost jumped out of her skin as the door began to open, Daniel quickly pulling the waistband of his green briefs up to cover his erection and zipping his trousers back up, struggling to the do the button up as Rupert Grint walked in, the ginger haired 12 year old carrying his own outfit in his hand.

"Hey you two" he said warmly, heading into the room and over to his two new co-stars, completely oblivious to the odd atmosphere and Daniel hurriedly doing up his trousers with Emma in close attendance.

"Oh, hey Rupert" Emma replied nervously, the 10 year old quickly moving to leave the room as Daniel finished doing up his trousers.

"What's up with her?" Rupert asked as the door closed behind Emma.

"I dunno, you know what girls are like" Daniel said, not sure what else to say, moving to sit on the edge of the chair and put his trainers back on, "Why were you so late?" he asked Rupert.

"My Dad always gets lost. We are late for everything" Rupert moaned as he began to get dressed into his costume, "Did you get to see Emma naked then?" Rupert asked, smiling.

"No, just in her knickers" Daniel replied, sharing a conspiratorial smile with Rupert.

"Shit, why do I always miss the good things" Rupert said, pulling his white t-shirt over his head revealing his pale, almost white chest dotted with little ginger freckles.

"Well we might see something again later, right? I better go, see you out there" Daniel said, moving towards the door and heading out of the room, now fully dressed.

"OK mate, see you in a minute" Rupert replied as the door closed.

Daniel moved out into the main wardrobe area, looking over to where 10 year old Emma was stood patiently whilst several of the women used tape measures and pins on her, trying to ensure an accurate fit for the costume.

Daniel joined Emma, smiling at her nervously as he did so, Emma returning his smile. He had just shown her his dick, and she had almost touched it! If only Rupert hadn't come in. As if on cue Rupert appeared a few seconds later, the 12 year old dressed in his costume albeit rather untidily and eliciting a tut from one of the wardrobe women as she looked at him.

The three of them stood patiently as the women fussed around them, before they were led off into another room by the still bored looking male production assistant where producers and the wardrobe supervisor looked them over and decided if things needed to be changed. It was boring for the three of them, but simply something they had to endure given the size of the production and the large amounts of money at stake. Everything had to be just right.

They were eventually released, and followed the male production assistant back to the wardrobe room for some final measurements. 10 Year old Emma was sent off to get changed first, her measurements locked in, with the two boys being kept back for a moment longer to make a minor adjustment on the hems of their dark grey trousers.

Rupert was finally released, giving out a little grunt and muttering about it being about time, 11 year old Daniel following into the small changing room a minute or two later. He almost bumped into Emma as he pushed the door open, who was moving out of the room hurriedly, now dressed back in her own clothes.

"Bye Emma" Daniel said as she brushed past him.

"Bye" she replied, not even looking at him. Daniel moved into the room where Rupert was sat on one the small chairs, dressed in just a pair of dark grey boxers, "What happened?" Daniel asked.

"I asked her to show me her fanny but she got all uptight. I saw her looking at me in my boxers, I know she wanted to. She is weird that one" Rupert said, the ginger 12 year old reaching down a hand and idly slipping it into his boxers.

"Well, I showed her my dick before you came in, so maybe she was waiting for me" Daniel replied proudly, smirking as he moved over to where Rupert was and beginning to get undressed, his bare chest coming into view.

"Really? You didn't say that before?! Did she wank you off or anything?" Rupert asked, excitedly, moving to sit further forward on the chair.

"Wank me off?" Daniel asked.

"Yeah, played with your dick? You know, rubbed it and that?" Rupert added, surprised Daniel didn't know what wanking was.

"Oh, no. I think she wanted to but then you came in and she ran off" Daniel replied, moving to pull down his dark grey trousers.

"Shit, sorry Daniel. I didn't know. God I've got such a stiffy now" Rupert replied, Daniel looking over to where the ginger haired 12 year old sat, his hand still inside his dark grey boxers and seeing the obvious bulge there.

"Me too" Daniel replied, the 11 year old reaching down to squeeze at the front of his green briefs, feeling his own dick reach its full 3 inch uncut length.

"Wanna wank then? No one is gonna come in if your worried" Rupert said casually, moving his other hand to grip the waistband of his dark grey boxers, waiting for the go ahead from Daniel. He had no qualms about wanking in front of other boys, having done it countless times with his friends when watching porn.

"Um, you mean me and you doing it at the same time?" Daniel replied nervously.

"Yeah why not? I do it with my mates, you do it with yours right?" Rupert replied, not seeing any issue.

"Well not really, I mean I do it with my Da....." Daniel answered, stopping himself before he could complete the sentence, "I mean I do it with my friend Danny" he added, covering.

"Daniel and Danny wanking, that's funny" Rupert said, chuckling, "So you wanna then?" he added.

"OK" Daniel replied, watching as Rupert pulled the waistband of his dark grey boxers and pulled out his 5 inch uncut dick, a small patch of ginger pubic hair above it, "Wow, you have hair?" Daniel remarked.

"Yeah, got a big one too ain't I, biggest out of all my mates" Rupert answered proudly, "Get yours out too then" he added.

Daniel sat down on the chair and pulled the waistband of his green briefs down, tucking it under his balls, his 3 inch uncut erection coming into view sitting tightly against his hairless pubic area. He gently wrapped his hand around it and began to wank, watching as Rupert did the same in the chair just across from him.

"Cool, yours is pretty big too. You got pubes yet?" Rupert asked, moving to lean forward a bit and peering into Daniel's crotch, seemingly without any shame.

"No not yet" Daniel answered, moving his dick down and pushing his little hips forward to show Rupert his hairless pubic area.

"Oh OK. I didn't get mine until like 6 months ago, you will probably be the same. Your 11 right?" Rupert asked.

"Yeah" Daniel replied, resuming his wanking motion as he looked over at Rupert.

"Well it will all start happening soon mate. You don't spunk yet either then?" Rupert asked.

"Spunk?" Daniel replied, again confused.

"Yeah, get sperm and stuff. It comes out your dick, it's like this sticky white stuff" Rupert explained.

"Oh, that, no not yet. But I get a tingle though" Daniel replied, recognising Rupert's description to be the salty milk that came out of his Dad's dick that he loved so much.

"You don't call it a tingle, it's called cumming, you say you have just cum" Rupert instructed, the ginger 12 year old pleased to be able to give Daniel a little lesson, relieved that he had older mates to fill him in about it all.

"Oh, OK, cum then. Cool" Daniel replied, moving to wank himself more, rolling his tight foreskin back and forth over the pink mushroom head of his 3 inch uncut erection, watching as Rupert did the same on his 5 inch uncut erection. It looked similar to Daniel's in thickness, but the length made it stand out, like a long thin pencil.

Rupert leant back onto the chair behind him, tucking the waistband of his dark grey boxers under his as yet hairless balls, getting into a steady rhythm. He imagined Emma being there, stripping naked for him and fingering her pussy the way he had seen girls do in the porn videos he watched with his friends, "I wish Emma was here" he said, his breath beginning to become laboured as he wanked.

"Yeah, me too" Daniel replied, though not really knowing what he would do if she was there.

"We could fuck her, like one dick in her mouth and one in her pussy" Rupert said, gripping onto his 5 inch uncut dick harder now, imagining the scene, staring off into space some what.

"Yeah and suck her tits" Daniel added, not knowing if that was a good thing or not.

"Yeah hot. Wanna do each other, so it's like Emma was doing it?? Rupert asked suddenly.

"What, you mean wank each other's willy?" Daniel asked.

"Yeah, it will be cool, come on" Rupert urged.

"OK, yeah" Daniel replied, releasing his own 3 inch uncut erection and reaching out to grab onto Rupert's 5 inch uncut erection, beginning to wank it as Rupert did the same to him.

"Shit, that feels much better. Hold it harder Dan" Rupert instructed as he wanked his 11 year old friend, gasping slightly as Daniel hardened his grip on his dick.

Daniel wanked Rupert hard now, enjoying the feeling of holding a new dick, one that felt very different to his Dad's and his own. He looked down to his own crotch, where Rupert was wanking him, smiling to himself at how this had all come about. He had an idea then, but was afraid to say it out loud, knowing what some boys said about being gay.

Rupert looked up to Daniel's face, seeing the unsure look there, and wondering what was wrong, "What is it Dan? Don't you wanna do it any more?" Rupert asked, moving to stop wanking Daniel's 3 inch uncut erection.

"Um no.... I just..." Daniel replied, the 11 year old afraid to say what he was thinking.

"What is it? You can tell me" Rupert urged.

"I mean did you want to.....can I....can I suck your willy?" Daniel said finally, feeling his cheeks grow hot before looking down at the floor.

"You wanna suck me off?" Rupert replied, shocked. None of his friends had ever asked him that before, that was considered a bit too far of a step into gay territory.

"Yeah, my friend Danny lets me do it" Daniel replied using the earlier code name for his Dad, looking back up at Rupert, who seemed to be thinking it over.

"OK then, but I'm not sucking yours" Rupert replied, seriously. Having a dick in his hand was one thing, having a dick in his mouth was another.

"It's OK you don't have to" Daniel replied, suddenly excited, wondering if Rupert's 'spunk' as he called it tasted the same as his Dad's.

"Cool. You want me to come over there or will you come and do it here?" Rupert asked.

"There" Daniel replied, getting up off the chair as Rupert released his 3 inch uncut dick, before kneeling down in front of Rupert between the ginger 12 year old's legs.

Rupert looked on as Daniel reached out a small, pale hand and gently gripped onto his 5 inch uncut erection, letting the foreskin roll back to reveal the pink mushroom head underneath. He bent his head down, moving Rupert's dick towards his mouth as he did so, before sticking out his tongue to gently move it over Rupert's dick.

"Shit" Rupert said, this being a first for him.

Daniel smiled at Rupert, knowing that if he liked that he was going to love what was coming next. He gripped Rupert's erection tightly, keeping his head steady as he moved the pink mushroom head back and forth across his tongue, knowing how nice that felt from when his Dad did it to him, and hearing Rupert gasp.

He moved to trace his tongue down the shaft of Rupert's 5 inch uncut dick, feeling the smooth silky skin, reaching Rupert hairless balls and taking each one gently into his mouth before releasing them and gliding his tongue back up the shaft towards the pink mushroom head, letting his little pink tongue flick at the piss slit as he did so.

Rupert watched intently as Daniel gave him his first ever blow job, wondering to himself just how many times Daniel had done this with his friend 'Danny', so good was he making the ginger haired 12 year old feel good.

Daniel began to wank Rupert now, the 11 year old opening his mouth to let the pink mushroom head enter and clamping his lips shut tightly, rolling his tongue around it inside his mouth causing Rupert to gasp once more. He timed his movements now so that he wanked downwards as his little mouth sucked Rupert in, wanking upwards as he slid his mouth up.

Rupert began to get into it now, suddenly feeling a bit weird about it being a boy sucking him and deciding to imagine 10 year old Emma doing it instead, reaching at a hand to place it on Daniel's head and trying and push the 11 year old further onto his dick. His breath quickened and he felt that if Daniel kept this up much longer he was going to spunk into Daniel's mouth.

Daniel wanked Rupert at a faster pace now, feeling the older boy try and push into his mouth a little more and knowing that he must be liking it. Rupert whispered something that he couldn't quite make out, but thought sounded like he had said Emma's name, Daniel realising that Rupert must be imaging it was Emma sucking him instead, somehow the thought that Rupert was imagaining him as a girl making him feel hornier.

He reached his free hand down to his own dick, gripping onto the 3 inch uncut erection and beginning to wank himself. He wished his Dad was there so that he could put one of his fingers into his little pink hole, something Daniel absolutely loved.

Rupert gripped onto Daniel's head with both hands now, looking down at where his new friend was sucking him and then noticing that Daniel was wanking himself. It was all too hot, Rupert not believing it was happening. All he needed now was for Emma to come back and join in, as unlikely as that was.

Daniel felt his body beginning to tremble now, realising that as ever he would quickly get his tingle, his little body seemingly unable to handle any sustained stimulation for too long without wanting to drive the 11 year old to an orgasm.

He sucked Rupert for all his worth now, hearing the ginger 12 year old's breath beginning to come out in desperate little pants, knowing that he was probably going to get a taste of the salty milk he craved so much soon, praying it was a big load like that which his Dad regularly gave to him.

Rupert dug his hands into Daniel's hair, almost forcing the 11 year old further down onto his dick and trying to face fuck him, hearing the muffled moans that Daniel was making as he did so, the smaller boy still wanking his own 3 inch uncut erection between his legs, his arm moving at a blistering pace.

Daniel felt his orgasm building now, knowing that he could not hold out much longer, desperately wanting to taste Rupert's boy-cum before his orgasm hit him. He wanked Rupert harder now, letting his mouth be fucked by the ginger 12 year old's bigger dick, hearing Rupert gasp.

"Fuck!" Rupert said loudly, "I'm gonna cum any second, watch out" Rupert said, expecting that Daniel would not want him to cum inside his mouth, little knowing what Daniel had gotten up to with his Dad thus far.

Daniel knew what that word meant now and clamped his mouth tightly onto the ginger 12 year old's 5 inch uncut erection, Rupert still pumping it into his mouth. Rupert let out a loud gasp, his body tensing as he shot a thin burst of clear, watery boy-cum into Daniel's mouth, a second shot coming out half a second later.

Daniel tasted the salty boy-cum, increasing his wanking on his own 3 inch uncut erection as his orgasm hit him, muffled moans escaping the 11 year old's mouth that was still filled with Rupert's twitching 5 inch uncut erection, almost biting down onto it and causing Rupert to gasp in pain in the process.

"Shit, watch it" Rupert said, trying to push Daniel's mouth off of his dick as the 11 year old continued to wank himself, riding the wave of his own orgasm, oblivious to Rupert and the room around him.

Daniel let Rupert's still hard 5 inch uncut erection out of his mouth finally, closing his eyes and leaning back as he continued to wank himself, trying desperately to get a second orgasm but his arm being too tired to let him continue and finally causing the 11 year old to collapse down onto Rupert, his head resting in the 12 year old's lap.

"Fucking hell Dan" Rupert said, shocked at everything that had happened, not sure what else to say, his own breath still laboured as a result of the expert blow job he had received and the orgasm it had brought him too.

"Sorry....I didn't mean to bite, it's just my ting....I mean my cum" Daniel said between panted breaths, correcting himself mid sentence.

"It's cool, you didn't bite it that hard" Rupert said, Daniel now moving his head out of his lap and moving back to sit on his heels, his still hard 3 inch uncut erection poking out the top of his green briefs.

Rupert gripped onto his now deflating dick, looking at it just to make sure it was OK, satisfying himself that it was, before tucking it away into his dark grey boxers, "God Dan, you and this Danny must do it a lot, that was fucking wicked mate. Except for the biting bit at the end" Rupert said, looking down at Daniel who now seemed to have recovered his breath again.

"Yeah me and Daddy do it a lot" Daniel answered, realising his slip almost immediately and looking up at Rupert, seeing the shock on the ginger 12 year old's face.

"Your Daddy?! You do this with your Dad?!" Rupert asked, shocked.

Daniel didn't know what to say, staring back at Rupert in panicked silence for a moment or two, before nodding silently and expecting Rupert to get mad or something.

"Weird. Does he make you do it then?" Rupert asked, suddenly concerned.

"No, I want to do it. I like doing it" Daniel answered after a few seconds.

"Shit. You know that is kind of fucked up right? But I guess if you like it then it's OK" Rupert replied, shrugging his shoulders. It was up to Daniel what he did, and if he meant Rupert got blow jobs like the one he had just received then he could live with it.

"Cool. You can't tell anyone about it though, because my Dad would get in trouble" Daniel added, remembering what his Dad had told him about keeping their games a secret.

"I won't say anything, don't worry. You gotta suck me off again though, deal?" Rupert said, seeing something in it for him.

"Deal. I like doing it anyway so I don't mind" Daniel replied happily, seeing it as a win/win situation for himself.

"Ace. We better get dressed then, before someone comes in and sees us" Rupert replied, moving to get up and begin to get dressed back into this own clothes, Daniel following suit a few moments later.

The boys finished dressing and headed back out in the main wardrobe area, handing their costumes back to the busy looking wardrobe department women and heading back out towards the waiting area where Daniel's Mum and and Rupert's Dad were waiting for them.

"All done then chaps?" Rupert's Dad asked the two boys.

"Yeah thankfully, for now anyway at least" Rupert replied, the 12 year old answering for both himself and Daniel.

"OK, well we had better get going then Daniel, your Dad will be waiting at home and wanting to hear all about how you got on today" Daniel's Mum said, reaching out a hand to grasp onto Daniel's shoulder and begin to steer him out of the room, "Bye Rupert. Good to see you again Nigel" she said, giving Rupert's Dad a wave goodbye.

"You too Marcia, bye Daniel" Rupert's Dad replied.

"Later Dan" Rupert said, smirking at Daniel as he left.

"Bye Rupert, see you next time" Daniel replied, the 11 year old smiling and giving Rupert's Dad a little wave as he and his Mum walked out.

Rupert watched as Daniel left, the ginger 12 year old smirking to himself about Daniel's Dad wanting to hear how the day had gone, thinking that he probably just wanted another blow job from Daniel instead, before following his own Dad out of the room and off for the long journey home.

Daniel sat in the passenger seat next to his Mum as she drove them out of the studio lot, looking out of the window as the world went by. It might be a drag to suddenly have all this attention, but some of that attention was just fine with him.

The End.

Well that is yet another little tale written.

I went at this one slightly differently, starting off with some of the sex before moving into telling more of story, so I hope you enjoyed the slight change. Normal service will be resumed next chapter though!

As always please keep your thoughts and suggestions coming, they are all gratefully received.

Next: Chapter 5: Oliver Davis Medical Emergency

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