Boy Actor Tales

By Nifty Story

Published on Aug 31, 2014


This is story depicts sexual acts involving minors. The minors in this story are being played by actors 18 year of age or older. This story in no way intends to depict or insinuate that the persons named in the story engage in, condone, or approve of the sex acts contained in the content. Please do not read this story if you are under 18 years of age, or if it is illegal in the state or area where you live.

If you want to comment or give constructive advice or criticism, I welcome it. My E-Mail address is

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To follow on from my recent story 'The Beckham Boys' I decided to start a series that would allow me to feature a different boy actor every chapter and have that chapter be about just him.

I thought this would make it more believable than stories that seem to result in a orgy occurring between random boys, and would allow me to keep it interesting and try out different things.

I have a few boy actors in mind already, but if there are any boys you would specifically like me to write about then please let me know, and I will give it some thought.

Next up is Nathan Gamble, and given he is now 16 please see the below image to get a taste of how I was imagine him here (it's a safe and legal image):

I have set this about 6 months before he began filming for 'Dolphin Tale' so he would have been a freshly minted 12 year old at the time, and thankfully still in possession of his lovely blonde hair which producers made him dye brown for 'Dolphin Tale'.

Chapter 2 – Nathan Gamble's Dolphin Tale

Nathan Gamble leant over to give his Mom a kiss goodbye, knowing that it was easier just to do it and get it over with than to moan, the blonde 12 year old wanting an easy life.

"That's my baby boy" his Mom beamed as Nathan sat back.

"MOM! I'm not a baby, I'm almost 13!" Nathan whined, reaching down beside him to unbuckle his seatbelt.

"Almost 13?! You were only 12 a month ago!" His Mom shot back, stifling a giggle.

"'s still almost 13, it's only 11 months"

"OK Nathan" his Mom replied, smiling at how much of a hurry he was in to grow up, "Josh will meet you inside and I will be back in about two hours to pick you up, so make sure you stay here and don't go for a wander" she added sternly.

"OK fine" Nathan harrumphed, opening the car door and closing it behind him before moving to open the rear door. He retrieve his rucksack from inside, slinging it over his shoulder, and turned to head off into the down town pool complex.

"Nathan?" his Mom said, having opened the passenger window to call across to him as a few people walked past.

"Yes Mom?" Nathan replied, turning to look back at his Mom frustratedly.

"I love you, and you will always be my baby boy" She said smiling, "Bye!" she added, laughing as she closed the window and then began to move the car off leaving Nathan unable to offer a retort.

'I can't believe she did that, and in front of people too, she is so embarrassing' Nathan thought to himself, feeling his pale cheeks begin to grow hot with embarrassment and looking around him to see if anyone had heard his Mom, deciding it was better to just get inside as quickly as he could before turning and quick stepping it to the entrance.

He had recently turned 12 but was utterly desperate to be older, willing the days away until he would be 13 and 14 and so on. At 4"9 he was one of the shorter boys amongst his friends, and could still pass for 10 years old at times with his baby face, something which really bothered him. He had a slim, bordering on skinny body, shaggy light blonde hair, greyish green eyes, a little patch of freckles that stretched across the tops of his cheeks and nose, and thin pink lips. He was dressed in a Sea Hawks jersey, grey combat shorts and blue sneakers which he wore without socks.

He reached the glass double doors and pulled the handle, holding the door open for two teenage girls who were coming out at the same time and blushing furiously when they smiled at him and said thank you. Nathan sucked with girls, normally clamming up and only being able to grin back stupidly whenever one spoke to him.

He stepped inside and muttered a curse word to himself about not saying anything back to the two girls before he then heard the familiar voice of his swimming coach Josh call out to him across the lobby area.

"Nathan!" Josh called out, his arm raised in greeting. The grey haired 40 year old swimming coach was stood off to one side of the entrance to the changing rooms, as ever dressed in a track suit.

"Hey Josh, sorry I'm late, Mom was torturing me" Nathan said, moving over to the swimming coach.

"What with this time?" Josh asked, smiling at the attractive boy.

"Embarrassment as usual. She just can't help herself" Nathan moaned.

He had recently been cast to play a young boy assisting the recovery of an injured Dolphin in a film called 'Dolphin Tale' that would involve a lot of time spent swimming or in water tanks. Nathan was only just a passable swimmer so his Mom had arranged some extra lessons to prepare him for the role and to make him feel a bit more relaxed in the water so he could just concentrate on the acting. This was his fourth session with Josh, whom he had really grown to like.

"Oh well Nathan, embarrassing you is her job, she is your Mom after all. So are you set?" Josh replied, reaching out to clap Nathan on the shoulder.

"Yeah, I remembered not to eat this time as well. I don't want any more cramps"

"Good stuff. Go and get changed and I will meet you out by the pool, OK?" Josh replied, moving off towards the staff entrance.

"OK, see you in five" Nathan nodded, before pushing open the door that led to the pool changing rooms.

He headed down the short corridor, entering the door to his right that went into the male changing rooms, casting a longing glance at the door to his left that led to the female dressing rooms and wondering about all the naked girls that must be in there.

The changing rooms were laid out in two sections: banks of changing cubicles on one side and an open changing area on the opposite side, with rows of storage lockers dividing them. Nathan never used the open changing area, and as he entered he saw two older men and what looked like a Dad with his 3 or 4 year old son.

One of the men, who was very overweight and looked to be in his fifties, glanced up when Nathan walked in, doing a double take as he obviously realised who Nathan was and watched disappointedly as the 12 year old walked in the direction of the private cubicles.

If there was one thing Nathan was used to by now it was random men staring at him. It had been happening since he was around 5 or 6 years old, but since he began acting seriously it was happening a lot more. He knew why they stared and had been given serious talks by his parents about paedophiles and being careful. They all seemed to be fat, old bald men and he just couldn't understand why they wanted to do things with him.

Nathan chose a cubicle at the very end of the row, closing the door and sliding the latch across to secure it behind him. He slipped his rucksack off his shoulder and put it on the little bench seat at the back of the cubicle, opening the zip to fish out his light blue swimming shorts and goggles and placing them on the bench before taking his rucksack and putting it on the floor.

He sat on the bench and pulled off his blue sneakers, putting them into his rucksack, before pulling his Sea Hawks jersey over his head revealing his pale skinny torso and little pink nipples, stuffing it into his rucksack unceremoniously. He stood up and undid the button on his grey combat shorts, stopping before undoing them to look at the top and then the bottom of the cubicle to make sure one one was looking at or filming him, something he had caught someone doing before.

Satisfied that there was no one perving on him he undid the zipper on his fly and let the grey combat shorts fall to the floor before stepping out of them and putting them into his rucksack. He hooked his thumbs in the sides of his black boxer briefs and slipped them down over his pale skinny legs, his soft 2 inch dick coming into view which sat above his hairless balls that had started to hang a little lower of late. Unlike his friends Nathan was uncut, his parents wanting to keep him whole. He had not yet sprouted any pubic hair, much to his displeasure.

He added the boxer briefs to his rucksack along with his other clothes and reached out for his blue swimming shorts, which were basically a swimming trunk version of the boxer briefs he had just removed, and quickly pulled them up his legs, adjusting how his dick was sitting so it wouldn't be noticeable before letting the waistband snap back against his tight tummy just bellow his innie belly button.

He grabbed his goggles from the bench, picking up his rucksack and closing over the zipper, before turning to open the door with his free hand. He stepped out into the locker room, his feet feeling cold on the tiled floor and moved over to the row of lockers in the middle of the room. He picked a free one in the middle that was at head height for him. He stuffed his rucksack into the locker and closed the door, turning the key to lock that was on a rubber wristband to lock it, before securing it in place around his wrist.

He headed to the end of the row of lockers and turned around them, passing the open changing area on his right and looking to see the the man who had stared at him earlier still there despite having been almost done changing when Nathan had walked in. He was alone in the changing area and now naked. Nathan saw him and smirked to himself when he realised the guy must have waited for him to come out so he could flash his junk at him.

"Loser" Nathan spat as he headed out towards the shower area that sat between then changing area and the pool, quickly turning a shower on to get himself wet and wash off any grime from the street. His blonde hair now darkened, the warm water flowing down his slim pale chest. He shut the shower off just in time to see the man from the changing room enter, not wanting to hang around and let him perv at him.

"Finally! What were you doing in there?" Josh said, standing just off just to one side now dressed in some black swimming shorts and a white polo top with the logo of the swimming association he belonged too embroidered on it.

"Sorry" Nathan replied. He put on a good front when he noticed guys perving on him, but it still freaked him out a little bit when it happened so he felt better being with Josh.

"Don't sweat it. OK, jump in and we will start with some treading water lessons, I know how much you love those" Josh smiled, clapping Nathan on his bare back.

Nathan made a frustrated groaning sound, not being a fan of treading water given how much it tired out his small, skinny body. He headed over to the side of the pool about half way along its width where he knew he would be able to touch the bottom and keep his head above water and sat on the edge of the pool to ease himself into it.

Josh came over and directed him a little further into the deeper section of the pool and instructed Nathan on the correct movement of feet and hands necessary to keep himself stationary and his head above the water, timing Nathan with a small waterproof stopwatch that hung around his neck.

"Good boy, keep working hard, only another 30 seconds" Josh said after a minute or so, pleased with the progress Nathan had made despite only having had the blonde 12 year old for three hour and half sessions so far, "OK, you can stop. Move up the pool until you can stand up and catch your breath for a few moments" he added finally, Nathan letting out a relieved breath and moving back into shallower water. Josh slipped into the water himself now, moving over to stand next to Nathan.

"OK, next we need to work on your front crawl technique. I am going to support you at your waist and hold you on the spot in the water, like we did last time, you remember?" Josh asked,

"Yeah" Nathan nodded, his goggles on his forehead.

"Good boy. OK, are you ready?"

"Yes" Nathan nodded again, moving his goggles down to cover his eyes knowing that his face would be in the water for this stroke.

"OK, lay on your tummy, face in the water. Kick out nice and straight with your legs and use those arms to drive yourself forward, remembering to cup your hands. I want a breath from the side, mid stroke, every four strokes. Let's do it" Josh replied as Nathan got into position.

Josh placed the flat of his hand underneath Nathan, just below his belly button and placed his other hand on the small of Nathan's back, holding him gently in place as Nathan began to slowly go through what he had been taught.

"OK, cup those hands more Nathan" Josh instructed, "Good. Try and get a more angled entry on on your arms" He added, Nathan able to hear him as he took breaths to his side when he let his face come out of the water.

The two worked on the stroke for a little while longer, before Josh had Nathan swim some slow laps across the pool, concentrating on technique over speed. They repeated the same process with the butterfly, breaststroke and backstrokes over the course of the next hour, Josh nodding to himself at the good progress Nathan was making.

"Good job Nathan, you worked really hard today" Josh beamed, reaching out to rub a hand through Nathan's wet hair affectionately.

"Thanks, do you think I'm getting better?" Nathan replied, pleased at the praise as he really liked Josh.

"For sure. I reckon a few more weeks and you will be just about spot on. The swimming will help you bulk up a bit. It will give the girls something extra to look at as well won't it" Josh laughed, reaching out to clap the smiling Nathan on the arm.

"I hope so, if I can even manage to get a word out when I meet one that is" Nathan admitted.

"Don't sweat it, it takes time to get confident, I was the same at your age. Plus, you're a movie start right? How can they not like you"

"I guess" Nathan replied, shrugging.

"Practise makes perfect, same with anything. Why don't you go have a play about for a while, I think we are done for today and you have earned it. Unless you want to go at it some more, your Mom does pay for a full hour and a half?" Josh added.

"NO! I am good, and I won't tell her so don't worry" He smiled.

"OK. Get lost and be sure to be out and changed in time for your Mom. I'll be over with the other coaches in case you need me. Oh, and remember to eat, you need to replace all the energy you burned off today. Just stay away from the French Fries!" Josh added, moving over to the side of the pool as Nathan waved at him, getting out to go and join the small group of coaches sat on the bleachers that ran along side the pool.

Nathan swum back towards the shallower end of the pool, the blonde 12 year old feeling a bit better when he knew he could touch the floor if he wanted to, before moving over towards where five boys were playing with some floats and footballs.

"Hey, can I join in?" He asked, tentatively.

"Sure, you can be on my brother's team, we are playing water football" the dark haired Mexican boy he spoke to replied.

Nathan smiled and joined the boys in the game, the six strong group making a lot of noise and splashing just about anyone that came within their reach. Two dark haired teenage girls in bikinis were watching the group off to one side, one girl whispering to the other as they looked on and pointing towards Nathan.

"Hey, you're Nathan Gamble right?" One of the girls called out, Nathan turning around as he heard his name being called from the side.

"Um...yeah" Nathan replied nervously, trying not to look at the teen girl's chest and focus on her eyes instead, which was proving tough as she had what looked like nice tits, Nathan having spotted them earlier.

"Cool. We LOVE 'Marley and Me'! Do you think we can get a photo with you? Our Dad has a camera phone, he is sat in the bleachers" The slightly taller of the two asked.

"OK, I guess so" Nathan nodded, before wading over to the two girls, one of whom was now making hand signals at a man in the bleachers who was getting up to head over to the three of them.

"Dad, can you take our picture? This is that kid out of 'Marley and Me', you know that film where the dog dies?" The girl said, her Dad nodding and getting his phone out, holding it out in front of him.

"Get a bit closer together, you can stand in the middle sport" the Dad instructed, gesturing for Nathan to stand in the middle of the two teen girls.

Nathan came closer to the side of the pool to stand between the two girls, realising that the were both taller than him which was really embarrassing. Both girls put an arm around him, moving their faces closer to him. Nathan could just about feel where their bikini covered breasts were making contact with his bare chest and felt the familiar stirrings of an impending boner in his blue swimming shorts, relieved that the bottom half of him was under the water.

The Dad snapped several pictures, holding the screen out to one of the girls so she could make sure he had a got a good shot, before they thanked Nathan and exited the pool at he side, Nathan looking on as their asses came into view, their wet bikini bottoms clinging tightly to them. His hand went down to the front of his swimming trunks, squeezing his now fully hard 4 inch uncut erection, the blonde 12 year old feeling extremely horny.

He still had his goggles on his forehead and put them on so he could look down into the water and readjust himself so that his swimming trunks didn't tent out as noticeably as they did now. As his face came out of the water he heard someone speak.

"I get that problem too, the pool is the worst place for awkward boners" the voice quipped as Nathan's face came out of the water, Nathan reaching up to move his goggles back onto his forehead and look at the person who had spoken, expecting it to be the old pervert from before and needing to tell him to get lost.

"Will you.....oh. You're not him" Nathan said, stopping in his tracks. The person who had spoken to him was young, whether a man or teen, Nathan wasn't sure. He had short buzz cut black hair, a handsome blemish free face, brown eyes and a friendly smile. His chest was fully out of the water as he probably stood a foot or more taller than the blonde 12 year old. He had a nicely defined though not obscenely so body and looked to be wearing some white board shorts.

"Not who?" the person in front of him spoke.

"Oh, I just thought you were some old guy that was perving at me" Nathan replied.

"No not me, I save the perving for the girls, not the 10 year old boys" the stranger responded.

"I'm 12 actually, almost 13!" Nathan shot back angrily.

"Whoa, cool it little guy, I didn't mean to insult you. You just look a bit younger that's all. Are those girls your friends or something?" the stranger asked, gesturing over to the two teen girls who were now heading over towards the female changing rooms.

"No, I wish" Nathan replied, calming down somewhat at the strangers disarming manner.

"Yeah me too, little hotties ain't they, one of them had nice titties too" the stranger added, sharing a conspiratorial smile with Nathan, "Not surprised you chubbed up over them" he added.

"Yeah, I couldn't help it, smoking hot ass does that to me" Nathan replied, trying to sound grown up, "I'm Nathan" he added.

"Alex. Areyou here with your family?" Alex asked, looking around him.

"No, my Mom dropped me off for some swimming lessons. She will be coming back to get me in like half an hour or so"

"Cool. I'm here with my little brother, he is that dark haired dude on the 10m diving board now. He has practise every day so I get lumbered with taking him sometimes" Alex added, moving to stand closer to Nathan and putting an arm on the blonde 12 year old's shoulder to direct him and point towards a small looking boy who was about to execute a dive from the highest platform.

Nathan watched as the boy did the dive, suitably impressed. "That was pretty cool, is he like a professional or something?" Nathan asked.

"Kind of, well he is working towards it anyway. I was at one point but I got a bad wrist break so had to stop when I was 14" Alex added, looking a bit bummed about it.

"Oh, sorry. That must suck, but I guess it happened a long time ago now right?" Nathan added, doing his best to sound consoling.

"It was only 3 years ago, it's still pretty fresh to be honest" Alex replied.

"So your 17? I thought you were like 21 or something?' Nathan asked, genuinely surprised. By the build and look of Alex he had thought he was a lot older.

"Yeah I get that a lot, it is kinda handy really as it means I can do a lot of stuff I shouldn't, like but a beer and stuff" Alex replied, smiling.

"Cool. I really wanna be older, or bigger or both. It sucks having everyone think I am 10 or something. Even you did it"

"I said sorry dude! Anyway, I'm done with my laps now and I am gonna get out. What about you?" Alex said.

"Yeah I'm done too I guess" Nathan replied, noticing that the group of boys he had been playing with had left whilst he was talking to Alex.

"Fair enough" Alex replied, before moving over to the side of the pool and climbing out, reaching down a hand to half pull Nathan out behind him, the skinny blonde 12 year old mumbling a thanks. Alex stood close to 6 feet tall and towered over Nathan.

"Are you done Nathan? Oh, hi Alex, you here with Jason?" Josh said, Nathan's swimming coach coming over from the bleachers as he saw Nathan getting out and recognising the 17 year old Alex.

"Hey Josh, yeah Jason is still diving now. Are you Nathan's coach then?" Alex replied.

"Yes" Nathan answered on Josh's behalf.

"And he is doing pretty well too,we can't have him looking bad on the big screen" Josh replied, reaching out to clap Nathan on his bare shoulder.

"Big screen?" Alex asked, seemingly confused.

"Yeah, I have been in a few movies and stuff, no big deal" Nathan replied, half disappointed that Alex had no idea who he was and half pleased.

"Cool, so that's why those girls wanted a photo yeah?" Alex asked.

"Girls? You a hit with the ladies now then Nathan?" Josh teased gently.

"Hardly" Nathan replied downheartedly.

"Oh well, practise, practise, practise as I always say" Josh replied consolingly, "Hey Alex, if you are done do you mind heading over with Nathan to the cafeteria and making sure he eats something healthy. You know the drill right?" Josh added.

"Sure, if Nathan doesn't mind that is. I am kind of hungry" Alex replied, looking towards the smaller boy beside him.

"OK" Nathan nodded.

"Excellent, tell Maggie to charge whatever you guys want to my staff account, OK? See you next week Nathan, and Alex I will probably see you tomorrow I expect" Josh said, before moving back to join the group of coaches.

"Awesome, free lunch" Alex quipped as he walked away with Nathan to his side and a half step behind.

"Who is Maggie?" Nathan asked.

"She runs the on-site cafeteria. You get to know everyone when you come here as often as I do. Josh is cool right?" Alex asked, turning to look down at Nathan.

"Yeah I like him. He makes me work hard but he isn't mean about it, and he is pretty funny" Nathan agreed as the 17 year old and 12 year old entered the male shower room that separated the pool from the male changing room.

Nathan headed over to a shower head on the far side of the wall, turning it on and moving so his back was underneath it, the warm water running over the 12 year old blonde boy's tired muscles, causing him to close his eyes at the relaxing feeling. To Nathan's surprise Alex came and stood facing the shower head next to him, letting the warm water pool in his hands before running it over his hair and down his toned body.

Nathan risked a little sideways glance at Alex, noticing the muscular arms and pecs, wondering what the 17 did to get a body like that and if he too might look like that when he grew older, especially if he kept up with the swimming. Alex then swiftly slipped his white board shorts down his thighs and stepped out of them, his soft dick which looked to be about 3 inches long now on display.

Nathan dared a few more sideways looks at Alex, noticing that the older boy didn't have much pubic hair but did have a really big pair of balls. Alex was now running his shorts under the shower, squeezing them out intermittently before moving to allow the water to run down his now naked front. Nathan felt a little stirring inside his blue swimming shorts, his dick beginning to harden slightly.

Alex continued to let the warm water run over his naked body, stealing his own side way glance towards the cute blonde 12 year old beside him and seeing him glance down to his crotch, noticing that the little guy seemed to be in the process of filling out his blue swimming shorts a bit more than he had done a few moments ago.

Alex smiled to himself, pleased that his instincts and methods still worked. Alex had known exactly who Nathan was, what self respecting boy lover wouldn't recognise the blonde hottie. He had spotted him leaving from a session the week before, and kicked himself that he had not been able to catch him. He made of point of bringing his swimming stuff along to the next few dive training sessions that he accompanied his brother on, hoping Nathan might reappear.

Sure enough, the blonde 12 year old turned up today and this had prompted Alex to go and get changed to get into the pool and wait for an opportunity to speak to him. He got it when he spotted Nathan have the age old pool boner problem, and then feigned ignorance of who he was in front of Josh.

Nathan was not the first young boy he had been able to seduce at the pool, and he wasn't going to be the last. He figured the little guy would have a look at his naked body if he could, and that the reaction he got would determine where things went next. Seeing the little blonde 12 year old throw sly glances at his naked body and then begin to chub up was exactly what Alex had wanted.

Nathan hurriedly turned off the shower feeling his dick beginning to harden more, seemingly the more he thought about not getting a boner the more he got a boner, and headed into the changing rooms ahead of Alex, who had now slipped his white boards shorts back on and followed Nathan in.

Both boys headed over to the lockers, Nathan using the key on his wrist to open his locker and retrieve his rucksack, Alex doing the same at a locker five or six steps away, neither boy saying anything to each other for a moment.

"So what are you going to eat? You know burgers are off the menu right?" Alex said finally, Nathan turning towards him. Alex figured Nathan for a cubicle changer, but also had him pegged for a generally polite boy. If he could keep Nathan talking and slide him in the direction of the open changing area then he should at least get to see the little hotties dick.

"Uh, I don't know. What kind of stuff should I eat then?" Nathan asked, taking a step or two towards the cubicle he had gotten changed in earlier.

"They have pasta and salad and stuff, you like that kind of thing?" Alex replied, walking around the corner and turning back towards Nathan, seeing the indecision on the younger boys face about whether to follow or be rude and go with the safety of the private changing room.

"Uh cool.....I should prob...." Nathan began

"You can have some fruit too, I can help you with a diet plan if you like?" Alex interrupted, half calling from around the corner now out of sight of Nathan. If the blonde 12 year old came around the corner and answered as any good polite boy would then Alex had him. Sure enough, Nathan appeared around the corner a few seconds later, carrying his rucksack in one hand and placing it on one of the benches.

"Yeah that would be cool thanks, I mean I kind of want to bulk up if I can" Nathan replied, looking around the open changing area nervously and seeming to relax when he saw it was empty.

"No problem. Hey, are you OK? You look a little nervous?" Alex asked, seeing the worried look on the 12 year old's face.

"Yeah. It's just that I don't normally change here in the open, in case someone pervs you know?" Nathan answered, looking at Alex.

"Oh, well it's just me and you here right. So don't worry, I'll protect you little guy" Alex quipped, moving to sit down and smiling reassuringly at the younger boy.

"OK, I guess it won't matter this one time" Nathan replied. He turned to rummage through his rucksack and pull out a towel, beginning to use it to rub his smooth, skinny body dry. He brought it up to give his hair a good dry, ending up looking like he had just been through a tornado after he was done.

"Nice hair dude, the ladies will love it" Alex quipped, drying himself off now as well.

"Thanks, looking pretty smooth yourself" Nathan replied spotting Alex's hair in a similar state, Alex making a pose and flexing his biceps as the younger boy giggled in response. He liked Alex, he was funny, cool and seemed to know about girls and stuff.

"There were some hotties on display today" Alex mused, "You think me and you could have got one each?" Alex asked.

"Sure" Nathan nodded, not wanted to admit that he was terrible with girls.

"Awesome, maybe you can use your movie star cred and hook me up. You have been with a girl before right?" Alex added, knowing from what he saw before that the chances of the little blonde boy in front of him being anything other than a complete virgin were slim.

"Yeah, a few times" Nathan replied, trying to keep the croak out of his voice, hoping his cool new friend didn't see right through him.

"Awesome, so are you a tits or ass man?" Alex asked, figuring it was only gonna be a few moments before little Nathan Gamble was sporting a boner in those tight little blue swimming shorts he was wearing.

"Tits. I like big ones" Nathan replied, not knowing what to say but figuring big was better.

"Oh yeah, and some tight pussy too. I love that feeling when you slip your dick into a girl for the first time, so hot and wet. You love it too right?"

"Yeah, of course, it's awesome" Nathan replied, wishing he had actually had the chance to experience what Alex was describing. He felt his dick being to stiffen up again, moving his towel around his waist and cover himself before Alex could see.

"Damn, I need to bust a nut really bad now, I'm getting boned" Alex said, reaching down to the front of his white board shorts and gripping his dick which was rapidly swelling to its full 7 inch length inside them, "I got some awesome porn on my tablet, wanna see it, maybe drop a load? At least afterwards we can concentrate on eating and chilling out instead of all the girls?" Alex asked, knowing this was crunch time.

"Uh, I dunno. I did it earlier anyway" Nathan lied. He did masturbate, but hadn't really fully gotten the hang of it yet, and wasn't sure if he wanted to watch porn with Alex, never mind jerk off with him.

"Dude, from the boner you are hiding there I think you better do it, I mean you are gonna take out someone's eye with that thing" Alex quipped, reaching out to playfully flick at Nathan's towel covered crotch, which now sported a 4 inch uncut boner lurking somewhere inside.

"Uh, well I only really like certain porn, you might not have it" Nathan stammered, feeling a bit pressured.

"Dude you have no idea, I have all sorts man. Come on, lets go in one of those family cubicles so it's private, it will be cool" Alex encouraged, feeling that a bit of peer pressure would work well on the nervous looking Nathan.

"OK, I guess we can have a quick look, but I might know" Nathan replied.

"Sure dude, up to you" Alex replied, reaching down to grab his bag and towel and lead the blonde 12 year old into one of the larger family sized changing cubicles.

Alex entered the family cubicle, which was basically the same as the smaller personal ones except larger and with a bench on two sides. He placed his bag on the bench and fished out his iPad, unlocking it and sitting down to click on a few links, finding a hot porno that even he as a boylover liked. It involved two guys and a fantastically attractive teen girl, and would blow little Nathan's mind. He started the clip and placed the iPad onto the bench where they could both see it, using the stand that was built into the cover.

He got up off the bench and pulled his white board shoots down, his now fully hard 7 inch cut dick springing into place, before sitting down next to the blonde 12 year old, who was torn between starting at Alex's dick and the porn on the iPad. Alex smiled to himself at Nathan's reaction, and knew the next 20 minutes were going to be seriously hot.

"Damn, look at those titties" Alex hissed, his hand going down to wrap around his 7 inch cut erection and beginning to give it some attention, looking over to see the obvious bulge in Nathan's lap, "Dude, you gotta deal with that thing, we won't be able to walk out of here without you getting arrested or something, come on" Alex ribbed, nudging Nathan.

Nathan was completely torn, a little rabbit caught in the headlights. On the one hand he was so hard that he thought he might burst, but he was also shy and unsure. Unsure about doing this kind of thing with a guy most of all.

"Dude, if all this is a bit too old for you, I mean if you aren't that into girls being young and all, it's cool. I mean it's kind of a man thing, porn that is" Alex teased, knowing the age reference would work on Nathan.

"I am, I was just getting into it" Nathan replied, slightly riled and not wanting to appear to still be his Mom's baby boy in front of his new friend.

Nathan stood up and unwrapped the towel from his waist, glancing down to where the front of his blue swimming shorts were tented out by his now painfully hard 4 inch uncut erection. He looked over to Alex, the older boy seemingly interested only in the porn, and hooked his thumbs into either side of the shorts and slipped them down, his 4 inch uncut erection springing back and pointing straight up, his hairless balls hanging loosely below it. He sat down next to the naked Alex, their thighs touching slightly.

"Shit, look at her, those tits are amazing, you can tell she's a pro" Alex said, smiling as he watched Nathan's eyes move from his body to the screen, giving him a chance to take in the hot 12 year old's 4 inch erection, surprised that he was uncut but pleased to see that he was still hairless. On top of his cute face and slim tight body it was a major bonus. Alex began to jerk himself more now, the sight of Nathan finally naked enough of a spur.

Nathan reached down and gripped onto his 4 inch uncut dick, rolling his foreskin back to reveal the pink mushroom head, repeating the process a few times and enjoying the feeling. He looked over to where Alex was jerking off, seeing how the older boy did it and doing his best to try and copy the movement, although Alex was cut.

"Hey, you're uncut, cool" Alex said, deciding to get Nathan used to having his dick looked at, "Does it feel different you think, having the skin?" Alex asked.

"Um, I don't know, I have always had it. It feels nice if I roll the skin over the top bit I guess" Nathan replied, self consciously, seeing Alex looking down at his dick.

"What do you do then?" Alex asked.

"Um, kinda like this" Nathan replied, stopping the jerking motion he had copied and gripping just the tip of his 4 inch erection to slowly roll his foreskin back and forth over the pink mushroom head.

"Cool. I wish I still had mine, it can get kinda dry sometimes" Alex replied, noticing Nathan smile at the compliment, finally having something an older boy wanted. If only he knew what else Alex wanted.

The two watched the porno for a few moments more, Alex having chosen this clip for what was coming next. The video moved on, the woman now doing a sexy lap dance in front of the two seated men. Each man reached over then, taking hold of the other's dick, and began to masturbate each other.

"Shit, that's hot. It must feel like a girl is doing it. Better than doing it yourself" Alex remarked, looking over to the blonde 12 year old beside him and hoping he would agree.

"Yeah it looks cool, I wish someone would jerk me off" Nathan replied, meaning a girl. He jumped slightly when Alex reached over and pushed his small hand off his 4 inch erection and began to jerk the smaller boy.

"Come on, don't leave a bro hanging" Alex urged, pushing his hips forward and smiling when 12 year old Nathan Gamble reached out his hand and tentatively gripped the older boys 7 inch cut erection and began to awkwardly jerk him.

Nathan had never had another person touch his dick before, well apart from his Mom when he was little, and it felt amazing even if it was odd that it was a guy. But the guys in the porno were doing it and Alex seemed to think nothing of it so it must be OK. Alex's dick felt so hard in his hand, but he struggled to get a good rhythm going, unsure what to really do given there was no foreskin but doing the best he could.

"Shit dude, that feels good, thanks" Alex moaned, looking down to where Nathan's small hand jerked him, the younger boy now getting into more of a steady rhythm as he adjusted to the lack of foreskin. Alex gave Nathan's

4 inch uncut dick a tighter squeeze, getting a little gasp from the blonde 12 year old and smiling to himself, knowing the boy was liking the new feelings.

Nathan alternated his glance between the porno, his jerking motion on Alex's dick and looking down to where Alex was jerking him off. It felt so nice, especially when Alex gripped it a bit harder, and he tried to do the same thing to Alex and heard him moan when he did so.

The porn clip moved on now, the woman moving down onto her knees to suck both guy's dicks, switching from one to another. "Damn, I wish there was a girl here to suck us now, blow jobs feel fucking awesome right?" Alex asked, looking at Nathan.

"Uh....yeah" Nathan replied.

"Oh, wait, have you not had one yet? It's cool if you haven't, I mean most girls won't do it when they are your age right?" Alex offered.

"Well, a girl licked it, but yeah she wouldn't suck it, I wanted her too though" Nathan replied, hoping he didn't sound like too much of a baby.

"Bummer dude, I wish you could feel what a blow job feels like. Hey, wait a minute, I can help you out? I mean just this one time, gotta help a bro out right?" Alex said.

"What? You mean you will suck me?" Nathan replied, turning to look at Alex, his little hand stopping his jerking motion on the older boy's 7 inch cut erection.

"Sure, I mean I'm not gay but I can't leave my new buddy hanging. So you want me to?" Alex asked, feeling the involuntary twitch and sudden extra hardening in the blonde 12 year old's 4 inch uncut erection and knowing the answer.

"Um.....OK, if you really don't mind?" Nathan croaked.

"Sure" Alex instructed, getting off the bench and moving to kneel down in between Nathan's slim pale legs, his hand never losing its grip on the blonde 12 year old's erection. He got comfortable on his knees, the tiled floor feeling somewhat cold underneath him and looked up into Nathan's face, the boy watching him intently.

Alex examined Nathan's 4 inch uncut erection closely, committing every little vein and bump to memory, the thin shaft pulsing slightly in his hand. He gently rolled back Nathan's foreskin, the pale pink mushroom head coming into view. He bent down and ran his tongue up the underside of the shaft and slowly reached the tip, letting his tongue gently explore where Nathan's foreskin had retracted, flicking his tongue into the 12 year old's piss slit and being rewarded with a sharp intake of breath from the boy, before rolling his tongue over the pale pink mushroom head leaving it glistening with his saliva, reflecting the light in the room.

Nathan looked on as Alex tongued at his dick, scarcely believing that he had only just met this new friend and was now in the process of getting him his first ever blow job from him. Alex let Nathan's dick slide gently into his mouth, using his tongue to flick at the underside of the shaft as he did so causing Nathan to gasp, enjoying the feeling of being inside a warm, wet mouth for the first time.

Alex gripped onto the shaft of Nathan's 4 inch uncut erection and began to gently jerk the now squirming boy, feeling the tight, almost translucent skin move up and down, pushing the bunched up foreskin to move to cover the pink mushroom head and using his tongue to force it back, letting it roll around the head and again tonguing the blonde 12 year old's piss slit, all pretence of watching the porno now gone.

Nathan placed his hands on Alex's head and gripped it tightly, closing his eyes and enjoying the sensations as Alex expertly sucked him, his 4 inch uncut erection feeling incredible. If this was what a blow job felt like then what would actual sex with a girl feel like. He opened his eyes again and watched as Alex let his dick slip out of his mouth and held his tongue steady as his used his hand to rub the sensitive tip back and forth over it, making Nathan squirm again, the feelings almost too intense to take for too long, before letting the glistening 12 year old's dick slide back into his mouth and moving to engulf it all the way down to the boy's hairless pubic area, easily swallowing the 4 inch length.

"Oh fuck, that feels so good" Nathan moaned, not caring who heard him, lost in the new sensations the 17 yeah old boy was giving him.

Alex gripped the blonde 12 year old's shaft harder now, using a thumb and forefinger to jerk the boy more intensely, timing his movements to coincide with the downward thrusts into his mouth, before reaching out another hand and teasing Nathan's hairless balls, rolling each one around gently in his hand. He released Nathan's dick from his mouth and moved down to suck each hairless ball slowly into his mouth, never stopping his jerking movements, looking up to where Nathan's foreskin covered and uncovered the pink mushroom head now slick with Alex's saliva.

Nathan offered no resistance, lost in the sensations he was feeling, not thinking about it being gay or being shy or anything. He gripped onto Alex's head more firmly now, trying to move the 17 year old away from his balls, desperately pushing his hips forward to try and get his 4 inch erection back into Alex's mouth.

Alex let Nathan push him where the boy wanted him, his immature dick back in the 17 year old's mouth, Nathan's hips now bucking up from the wooden bench, and knew it would not be long before he cummed, wondering if Nathan could shoot yet and if he would be treated to some of the cute blonde 12 year old's fresh boy-cum.

Nathan continued to push hips forward, his tummy muscles tightening as he did so, the sensations so intense now, knowing that he would cum at any moment. He clamped his eyes tightly shut, his breath quickening and little whimpers escaping his thin pink lips every time Alex flicked his tongue around the now ever so sensitive pink mushroom head inside his mouth.

Alex decide now was the time for Nathan to cum, and increased his sucking speed, the sound of the pained moans escaping the blonde 12 year old even more of a turn on and waiting for the tell-tale change in the sounds being made and the flare of the young boy's dick, wanting to be be able to release it from his mouth in time to see what, if anything, would come out.

Nathan's was on the edge, about to drop over into orgasmic bliss. His breath was coming out in desperate pants now, his hands gripping onto the back of Alex's head almost violently, willing his orgasm to hit him, forcing as much of his 4 inch uncut erection into Alex's mouth as he could. He felt the tingle building from his toes, up his slim legs, and seeming to concentrate in his tummy before his orgasm began to hit him.

Alex felt the change in Nathan's body, quickly releasing the boy's 4 inch uncut erection from his mouth and furiously jerking the hard little nail, watching as Nathan let out a tortured little whimper before the pink mushroom head of his dick flared and released a short burst of watery boy-cum into the air, landing on Nathan's tight and rapidly contracting tummy, followed by another small dribble a second later.

Alex bent down traced the dibble of boy-cum up the shaft of Nathan's still hard and pulsing 4 inch uncut erection, getting every drop before managing to pump out another small drop of the almost clear boy-cum and devouring it greedily as he did so. He moved up to the blonde 12 year old's tight tummy and carefully licked the still panting boy clean, who had now opened his eyes and was watching as Alex did so.

"How was that then dude?" Alex asked, sitting back on his knees now, idly jerking Nathan, whose dick was still hard.

"Fucking awesome....I didn't know....I mean I had no idea it could feel that good" Nathan replied, a surprised smile breaking out onto his face before he let out a boyish giggle.

"Oh yeah buddy, blow jobs rule, and now you know right?" Alex replied, pleased at how much pleasure he had given to the hot little movie stud, knowing the blonde 12 year old would remember it forever.

"Yeah, thanks!" Nathan replied

"Well....since we are on the subject, wanna help a dude out here?" Alex asked, gesturing down to his still hard 7 inch cut erection.

"Um.....I am not sure I wanna suck it...." Nathan replied, really unsure, not liking the idea at all. He really wasn't gay, and having now cum he wasn't feeling too horny any more.

"Cool, I get it. You can give me a hand job though right?" Alex asked, understanding it was not a good idea to push Nathan this first time, figuring this was going to be something that would be repeated.

"I guess, I mean I did it already kinda right?" Nathan replied, not finding the idea too unappealing.

"Awesome, get to work little dude" Alex encouraged, pulling Nathan up on his feet, the young boy still a little shaky from the intense cum he had just had, and moving to sit down on the wooden bench.

Nathan got down onto his knees and took up a position in between Alex's legs and reached out to grab onto Alex's 7 inch dick, the older boy moaning slightly as he did before beginning to slowly jerk him.

"Use both of your hands dude" Alex instructed, smiling as Nathan added a second hand and began to jerk him more vigorously, getting a steady rhythm going, "It needs some lube dude, give it a little lick to get it wet" Alex encouraged, hoping Nathan would agree.

"I'm not sucking it" Nathan replied.

"No dude, just tongue it a bit, get it wet so it's easier to jerk, you get it?"

"OK, but that's it" Nathan replied, giving Alex his best stern expression before bending over and tentatively sticking out his small pink tongue to taste Alex's 7 inch cut erection, finding it to not really taste bad, or of anything really. He gently let his tongue slide up and around the shaft, getting it slick with his own saliva before doing the same to the angry pink mushroom head, causing Alex to gasp as he did so, rolling it around a few times before going back to resume jerking Alex, his hands gliding more easily on the now slick erection in front of him.

Nathan jerked Alex for all he was worth, looking up to the older boy's face to make sure he was doing it right and seeing the look of pleasure there, suddenly proud of himself. His little hands were now gripping the thick erection tightly, the way Alex had done to Nathan before.

Alex looked down to where the cute 12 year old Nathan Gamble was jerking him, seeing the concentration on the younger boy's face and looking so eager to please. He knew that before too long he would turn the little hottie into his own personal dick slave, as he had done with other 'straight' little boys over the years. Nathan would be no different.

He felt his orgasm beginning to grow, the little boy doing a great job despite an awkward start, little beads of sweat forming on Nathan's nose and trickling down his face with the effort he was putting in. He reached down to place his hands on Nathan's head in encouragement.

"Oh shit dude, you're doing so great, don't stop" he added.

Nathan, enthused by the extra encouragement, continued to jerk Alex as he felt his thin arms beginning to tire and hoping the older boy would cum before he ran out of steam.

Alex's body began to tremble now, his muscles contracting, his breathing quickening. He looked down at Nathan again, only to see the cute blonde boy looked back at him smiling, seemingly pleased with the good job his was doing, the look pushing Alex over the edge. His hips bucked up off the bench as Nathan's had before him, almost pushing Nathan back, before he felt his orgasm hit him, a thick stream of teen-cum erupting from his 7 inch cut dick and launching right over Nathan's shoulder and onto the floor, the second blast catching the blonde 12 year old square on the nose, the cum covering some of his cute little freckles, a look of shock on his face.

Nathan had stopped jerking Alex now, simply holding onto the still twitching dick as it pumped out a third blast of hot teen-cum, watching intently as Alex's orgasm died down and wondering if he had looked the same when he had his own orgasm. He felt a dribble of Alex's cum that had hit his nose roll down onto his top lip, and risked letting his tongue out to taste it, finding it was not too bad before releasing Alex's dick and using a hand to rub the remainder of the cum off his case and then rubbing it off on Alex's thigh before standing up.

Alex saw Nathan take a little taste of his teen-cum, seeing the boy seem to enjoy it and then smiling as he unceremoniously rubbed the rest of it from his face and onto Alex's thighs. "Nice way to clean up dude" Alex laughed.

"Sorry, I just didn't want it on my nose" Nathan replied, moving to sit down beside Alex, still naked, his dick now back at its 4 inch erect length.

"Dude, how can you still be hard after that cum you had?" Alex laughed, reaching out a hand to flick the blonde 12 year old's dick down playfully, causing it slap hard back against the boy's hairless pubic area.

"I dunno, guess it's one of the perks of being young" Nathan replied, pleased there was at least one perk.

"Yeah probably. We should get dressed, I really need to eat now" Alex replied, moving to stand up and grabbing his towel from his bag and using it to wipe the remainder of his cum from his thigh and dick.

"Yeah OK" Nathan agreed, following suit and getting dressed along with Alex.

"So you had fun then?" Alex asked as he carefully put the iPad away into his bag as he fished out a plastic bag from within. He put his wet things into the plastic bag before putting it into his bag, before finally pulling his white t-shirt over his head.

"Yeah, it was kinda cool. But I'm not gay" Nathan replied, not wanting to seem too cool with what had happened.

"Me neither dude, just helping a bro out right, nothing wrong with that. Wanna give me your number and we can hook up again if you want to?" Alex asked, already knowing the answer regardless off what Nathan had said.

"Yeah I guess so, I will be here again next week anyway. If you want to do it again then?" Nathan asked hopefully.

"Sure thing, sounds good" Alex replied, before grabbing his phone and typing in the mobile number Nathan gave him. They gathered up their things and headed out of the family cubicle, exiting the changing rooms before heading off in the direction of the cafeteria to get something to eat.

In the changing rooms the door next to the family cubicle opened, and an overweight man in his 50's stepped out. He had been able to see what had happened in the family cubicle, having been stood on the bench and peering down at the two boys, pleased that he decided to follow them silently into the change area.

Seeing hot little Nathan Gamble go gay before his eyes was something he was never going to forget, but luckily he didn't need to worry about that happening as he had been able to record the whole thing on his phone as well. Who knows, it may even be worth something to a tabloid one day.

"Not such a loser now am I you little shit" the man muttered to himself, remembering the rude way the blonde 12 year old Nathan Gamble had spoken to him before.

Nathan had been so wary of the old paedophile, but it was the far younger one he needed to watch out for. It was funny how things worked out sometimes.

The End

Well that is the end of that instalment, I hope you enjoyed it.

As always, please let me know what you think, as your feedback really helps.

Next: Chapter 3: Asa Butterfields Magic Trick

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