Boutique Hotel

By John Black

Published on Jun 23, 2016


Boutique Hotel

Running a boutique hotel requires that you have a gimmick, or you soon fail. Small hotels (boutique is the marketing name for them) can't afford the amenities offered by the larger and chain hotels. Truthfully, it is a matter of space consideration rather than cost. My hotel has only 12 rooms; four on each other of the three public floors above the main floor (which contains reception, a small dining room, kitchen, and laundry), plus the fifth floor for myself (considered the fourth floor if you count the main floor as zero like the Europeans do). Each rented room is themed by color and décor, but the general atmosphere is European.

My father has several business interests in town. This hotel is one of them, but he doesn't have the time to devote to the running of it, so he persuaded me to take it over. It didn't take much persuading. When I finally settled on my degree program in college (hospitality management), Dad decided to buy a hotel for me to run when I graduated. But, the stipulation was that I needed to learn the business from the ground up, including chamber-maid, repairs, front desk, reservations, billings, etc. Within six months, I no longer needed the temporary manager, the housekeeping staff, or all three of the front desk people. A hotel this small couldn't afford all that staffing. So, I became the manager, took one of the front desk shifts, and contracted out the housekeeping (paying by the number of rooms to be cleaned). I also did the laundering myself.

So, what's my gimmick? I cater to a gay clientele, although not exclusively. I'm not stupid! Specifically, my "hook" is to offer me as an incentive. If their dick is bigger than mine, they can fuck me. If I'm bigger, I fuck them. Included in my website, is my picture (shirt off with a big smile). I leave them guessing as to what they might find in my pants. However, I do broadly hint that I seldom bottom.

I come from a long line of good-looking men; tall, muscular, very well hung, and handsome. Looking at me, you'd think I might be Italian, possibly Spanish, but not likely having any African in me. But, you'd be wrong. I'm the 3rd great grandson of a slave born in 1830 on a plantation in Alabama. His name was Daniel and he was trained to be a blacksmith. But, his more interesting duty was stud to the slave women on the plantation as well as several of the nearby ones. Of course, the plantation owner got stud fees if Daniel was asked to service a woman outside the farm. Family stories indicate that Old Daniel (he lived to be 92) fathered more than 100 children, including my 2nd great grandfather (also Daniel).

The real scandal was that my 2nd great grandfather's mother was one the plantation owner's daughter. She had been promised to one of the boys in a neighboring plantation and they had casually been seeing each other, but Sarah had her eye on Old Daniel (who was only 18 at the time and she was 16). She'd heard from gossip of the house slaves that Daniel was prodigiously hung and an excellent bed partner. One thing led to another and she got pregnant. Her father thought that the neighbor boy had done the deed. She didn't say anything to the contrary as they had been fucking, too. But, Daniel's sperm were the better swimmers (and they fucked more often), so a "mulatto" was born in 1849.

Her father was beyond enraged. He beat the daylights out of Daniel and the overseer (also a slave) for allowing such a thing to happen to his daughter. The overseer had been physically abused many times already, so this was the last straw for him. Adding poison to the master's nightly "medicinal" quantity of whiskey, the overseer watched with concealed joy as his master slowly, agonizingly died over the next three days. Old Daniel never knew what poison was used or how the master didn't taste it. But, the end result was that the bad blood between them was well known enough that the overseer's life was probably forfeit. Consequently, he fled on the third day and was never seen nor heard from again. The rumor was that he'd found a contact in the underground railroad assisting slaves to escape to the freedom of the North.

The child was sired by a slave, so he was a slave, too. His grandmother allowed his mother to keep him as part of the house staff, but he was never treated as a grandson should have been.

Old Daniel continued his blacksmith and stud work after the master had died. Within another year, the widow was inviting Old Daniel (now 20 years old) into her bed, discretely, of course. She was beyond child-bearing years (being in her late 50s by then), so she could safely enjoy Old Daniel's bedroom skills and monster dick.

Young Daniel grew up to be the image of his father in all the best ways: tall, muscular, handsome, and extremely well endowed. Young Daniel's grandmother wasn't well-suited to be a plantation owner. So, she sold the plantation and most of the slaves to a new owner in 1863 and moved to New Orleans. There, she continued to enjoy Old Daniel's prowess. Her daughter Sarah joined her in New Orleans, having no prospects of marriage after rumors spread about Sarah's black child. Young Daniel, age 14 now, was learning the blacksmith trade and was brought along at the urging of Sarah and Old Daniel. By the time Civil War ended in 1865, all the slaves at the old plantation had been sold or ran off. Sherman's march to the sea had decimated the old place.

As the years passed, the old woman died, young Daniel acquired a young, white wife (after getting her pregnant) and Old Daniel continued his stud services, not with slaves, but with several very willing women. Sarah kept the house after her mother passed away as well as the small fortune she'd been left. Old Daniel's blacksmith business prospered with the help of his son and the encouragement of Sarah (who took her mother's place in Old Daniel's bed). Sarah and Old Daniel finally married, but she didn't survive the birth of their fourth son. With small children to be cared for, Old Daniel married again (a woman of prodigious sexual appetite), but she also died in child-birth. Once more, Old Daniel looked around for a woman to care for his growing family, but instead of marrying, he hired a woman who acted as housekeeper and child-raiser. She wouldn't put up the Old Daniel's casual sexual advances, until she saw what equipment he had (and I don't mean blacksmith equipment). Again, Old Daniel married, but this marriage was barren. After 20 happy years of marriage, she passed away and Old Daniel decided he was old enough to take care of himself without a woman around and all his children were grown and out of the house. So, from 1899 until 1922 (when he died) he was a bachelor. However, that didn't keep him from being visited by older women who knew of his bedroom skills and weren't concerned about bearing children anymore.

Young Daniel and his family prospered and moved out of New Orleans to California with his wife and their five boys. The youngest of the five surviving sons was my great grandfather, Ray, born in 1887. Ray's first son born in 1918, to him and his wife (also a white lady) was Ray, Jr. I still have a copy of the 1920, black and white photograph of the five generations with Old Daniel holding Ray, Jr. in his lap. The gradations of coloring were very clear from the very dark Old Daniel to the nearly white skin of my grandfather, Ray, Jr. The next generation was born in 1943, with the name Daniel. That was my father. I was born in 1985 with the same name. But, as Junior, I shortened it to J.R. as soon as grade school to differentiate myself from my dad.

In each generation since Old Daniel, our African genome has been diluted with the introduction of another white family. The exception would be me. I'm not getting married (except to another man). However, my two brothers have done their duty, marrying white women and fathering more sons. That seems to be all we make in our family is boys. And each generation gets whiter. Even though the times frowned on black and white marriages or fraternization from the time of Old Daniel to my own father, my ancestors were handsome devils with bedroom prowess and business skills that allowed them to provide for their families and satisfy their lusty, white wives. But, the important characteristics remain: tall, muscular, exceptionally well hung, and permanently horny men. I know my brothers have big dicks because I've serviced both of them. But, that's another tale.

So, here I am: 31 years old, 6'4", 223 pounds of muscle, a thick 10" dick, single (but not lacking in companionship or getting my nutt when I want to), and running a boutique hotel. I work out at the gym in the morning after the continental breakfast rush is over, but before I do whatever errands, shopping, linen changes, laundry, and hotel business that are required. My reception desk duties begin at 3 p.m. and end at 11 p.m. I greet each guest warmly, remind them of the continental breakfast served in the morning between 7 a.m. and 10 a.m., and ask (if they don't mention it) if they were in need of my special services as stated on our website. Better than half of the guests will decline, because they are there with their respective male partners. Others will pounce at the chance to have me service both of them. Nearly all the singles are eager to compare dicks and take their chances. That leaves me with four or five men who need to see me. I let them know when I'm available (after 11 p.m., but before 1 a.m.) and schedule them in half hour intervals. That will take care of five. If I have more interested guests, I merely extend my hours or suggest something in the early afternoon before my desk duty begins. They are always willing to accommodate me. In case you haven't figured it out, I have very fast recovery in the bedroom and am ready to go again in 15 to 20 minutes.

Word of mouth and return clientele are the reasons the hotel has been a success. Advertising carefully in the right publications, being available for interviews with gay travel guides, magazines, and websites have always paid dividends. The only stipulation is that they not reveal how hung I am. They can say that my website speaks the truth, though.

Today was a typical winter Sunday. Weekend guests were checking out before noon, leaving me with adequate time to change the beds, clean the rooms, and welcome my new guests later in the evening. Portland isn't exactly the sunniest clime during those grey, rainy, wintry days, so the winter months were almost exclusively business travelers. Summer almost guarantees a full slate of guests throughout the week. But, this was winter and the pace was more casual, though the sex wasn't.

Tonight, one of my favorite, repeat guests would check in. Carlos is a gorgeous, tall, delicious tasting and looking Blatino. His café-au-lait skin tones were creamy and his demeanor so laid back you'd think he didn't care about much of anything. He cared about his business dealings and working his big dick up my ass. His monster wasn't longer than mine, but it was sure thicker. He had a straight, big-headed dick that grew to 10" long and 7" around. I'm a smaller 10" long and 6" around. After the first night when he proved the bigger man, he asked to see me again the next night. I was more than eager to sit on his Blatino horse dick again, but he needed some of my special skills that night. So, I fucked him. We've continued to swap fucks for the last five 5 months, meeting about monthly, and screwing every night he was in town. He has a standing appointment with me as my last fuck at 1 a.m. After that first meeting, I've spent my nights in his bed when he's in town. If he didn't live so far away, I could easily see me in his bed on a permanent basis. Tonight, I'm cancelling his reservation and he'll be sleeping in my quarters on the fifth floor.

My guest register filled seven rooms tonight. Five of those rooms were repeat customers, two were new. Four of my five repeaters wouldn't need my services (at their boyfriend's insistence), so I had only two men to service: a repeater and Carlos. As it turned out, the repeater had an early morning meeting and had to cancel his appointment with me. The two new guests availed themselves of my services, getting deeply fucked and satisfied well before midnight.

I took the elevator to my suite (only my card key allowed access to the top floor) and found Carlos sitting on the sofa, watching a movie. He had a towel wrapped around his waist, his hair still damp from the shower he'd just taken. He grinned broadly at me and welcomed me with a deep kiss. "Missed ya," he purred into my neck after the kiss.

"So have I missed you," I replied softly.

"I have a suggestion for tonight that I think you'll like," he said mysteriously. I raised one eyebrow, clearly interested in what my dark Adonis had in mind. He leaned over and pulled a piece of paper from the end table. "Here, read this," he directed. It was test results from a lab that said that Carlos was HIV negative as of Friday, two days ago.

I looked up at him and grinned. "You wanna bareback with me, doncha!" I laughed.

He leered at me and grabbed my ass with both hands. "Since the day I met you," he admitted. "I just needed to get up the courage to suggest it. With you asking me to sleep in your room tonight, I thought this was the perfect time to suggest it."

"Hold that thought," I smirked and raced into the bedroom. I pulled a piece of paper from my personal files and rushed back into the living room. "Great minds think alike," I smiled, handing the paper over to him. Like his test, mine was negative as of Friday, too. "And I've only fucked with condoms since then and not sucked anyone off. So, we're both good to go," I leered back at him.

"I get first turn at bottom," he pronounced. "I wanna feel your load gush into me. You nutt so hard!" he recalled.

"We'll flip-fuck until the early hours," I promised, "but I do have to be up and sparkling before breakfast preparation starts at 6:30."

"Maybe, we'll just fuck all night," Carlos grinned.

"Maybe," I smiled back.

I pulled his tented towel off and sank to my knees. I examined his black steel with my lips, tongue and tonsils. It tasted as good as I remembered. He always leaked like an old faucet when he was hard. I loved that about him and was looking forward to his leakage lubing up the hot, bareback fuck I was gonna get from him. Within seconds, he pushed me away and spun around, bent over and presented his incredibly muscular ass to my eager tongue. We'd rimmed each other many times before, but this time, it was leading to a proper seeding, not a condom-filling one.

"Hungry, aren't we," I laughed when I pulled away for a moment.

"You have no idea how much I need to get fucked and seeded by you," he assured me. "I've waited a long time for this."

"Wait no longer," I whispered as I rose behind him and pushed the big head of my hard dick against his wet hole. He pushed back against me and four inches of thick, dark, hard dick entered him. I wanted to push all the way in, but held back, not wanting to hurt him. After a few moments, he wiggled his beautiful ass and ate more inches of my seeding tube. "Fuckin' skin to skin is so awesome," I breathed. "Your ass was made for my dick."

"And hungry to take your loads!" Carlos rejoined. "I need to be bred," he added, pushing back against me and fucking himself faster and faster on my baby-maker.

I pushed him down on the floor and continued to fuck him doggie style. The slight break in the action kept me from instantly nutting in his ass. I was so close to losing my cream too soon. I fucked him for another minute doggie style, but had to pull out or climax before we got to the bed. Pulling him by the hand, we hit the bed. Carlos stretched out on his stomach and I ate his hole out again. Did I taste cum in his ass? It wouldn't surprise me if I'd already pre-nutted in his ass. I do that a lot when I'm really turned on and get close to my climax. My dick squirts out one or two creamy ropes of jizz before my climax overtakes me. If I'm careful, I can avoid the climax, but not the cream ejections.

Once more, I climbed on his back and started to fuck his muscle butt. He pushed back against each thrust, trying to get me as deeply as he could. I kissed him on the neck, shoulders, and lips as I rode him harder and harder. Again, I was getting too close and I pulled out. He flipped over on to his back and pulled his knees into his shoulders, offering up his beautiful ass once more. His winking hole oozed more cum and I had to lick it up. He nearly lost control when I munched on his sweet manhole and drove my tongue as deeply as I could reach.

Finally, he pulled my head away from his ass and brought my lips up to his. We kissed tenderly as my breeding stick entered him again. I sank to the root of my 10" dick and ground in the last half inch. Carlos winced, but pulled harder on my ass with both hands. He really wanted me inside him.

"You are gonna get so filled with my baby batter," I warned him as our pace increased.

"I've been ready for weeks," he insisted. He clamped his ass muscles hard around my pistoning dick and rode me like he was built to bottom for me. We kissed again and my pumping hips pounded against his upturned ass. The harder I fucked him, the more he wanted it. "Fuck me! Breed me! Cum in my ASS!" he begged. I couldn't pull out now if I'd wanted to. His love tunnel was slick with my pre-nut, my dick jerked and the big apple head swelled. My nuts were tight against the base of my ramming dick. I felt my nuts kick and my dick jerk particularly hard.

"Ah, FUCK!" I roared as hot cream jetted out of my dick into his hungry hole. The harder I nutted, the deeper I fucked. I was probably hurting him, but neither of us cared. He was getting filled and I was getting off in a very big way. My pounding dick fired again and again, and I kept fucking like my life depended on it. I couldn't get enough of this man's incredible, muscled ass.

My climax finally waned, but I couldn't stop fucking. My need to breed overwhelmed the sensitivity of my slowly wilting fuck post. We kissed and kissed, sharing the need to bond as the last of my load dribbled into him. At long last, my dick slipped out of him and I rolled on to my back next to him. "Best fuck I've ever had," he sighed as he snuggled into me.

When I caught my breath, I reached over and stroked his very hard, black dick. Already it had started to leak. I went down on him, but he pushed me away in less than a minute. "I'll cum in your mouth instead of your ass if you keep blowing me," he warned. He straddled me in a 69 position, licking some last drips of cum from my dick before he began munching on my ass. He is still the best ass eater I've ever found. If I'd let him, he'd make me nutt just by sticking his tongue up my butt. But, tonight, I needed to get fucked and bred, not rimmed to death.

I sucked his monster dick into my mouth as best I could. The drooling precum tasted sweet and salty, just as I'd remembered it. But, the length and width were too much for my throat. I gazed up at his well fucked ass and saw some of my nut dripping from it. I released his dick and ate out his ass again. I knew I nutted a lot, but I didn't think I'd overwhelmed his love tunnel, not as deeply as I'd squirted!

But, he needed to seed and I needed to get fucked, so he turned around, ate my ass out for less than a minute before he mounted me. I'll never get used to how thick he is! DAYUM! That monster stings when he pushes it in. But, like in the past, this passed quickly and I was able to take his entire horse dick to the hilt. He rested for a moment buried inside me, allowing me to get used to his length and girth. "You got the best dick I've ever had up my ass," I smiled up at him. "And this will be the best time. I need your load, Carlos," I added, punctuating my need by working my ass muscles.

"You keep doin' that and I'll nutt too soon!" he grimaced.

"I don't care," I said. "I'm gettin' more than one load out of you tonight.'

"You sure you can coax another one out of me?" It usually took him a couple of hours to get up and squirt again; whereas, I could get up and nutt every 15 to 20 minutes for a couple of hours. I've never run out of sperm, either.

"I'm an expert at this," I assured him, working my ass muscles to perfection on his raging, hard ass-ripper.

"FUCK YOU!" he bellowed. "I can't hold back! SHIT!" I felt his black post jerk inside me, a warm feeling spread deeply into me each time he shuddered. Judging by the sperm he used to deposit in a condom, I knew I was getting the biggest loading of my life. Enjoying the last of his climax, Carlos kept fucking me, stirring my guts and pushing his load deeper.

He finally pulled out after many minutes of kissing and fucking. This man felt so good inside me, on top of me, beneath me, near me. He completed me in so many ways.

"I see that you're hard again and I need more of your baby gravy in my ass, now that we're barebacking," Carlos suggested. I wasn't about to turn down an offer like that. His perfect ass and his deep fuck tunnel fit my dick to a T. I couldn't believe I was so lucky that I found this guy and he loved to flip fuck as much as I did. We started again with some heavy duty rimming and felching. Carlos was soon begging me to load his ass again, but I hesitated. I wanted him to appreciate what he was getting. Besides, just because I'd already bred him a few minutes ago, that didn't mean that I wasn't on a hair trigger that would breed him far too quickly.

But, he was content to eat my ass out and enjoyed the load that he'd shot in there. With matching piggy noises, we kept at it for another 10 minutes. By then, my dick was so hard that my balls were starting to hurt. "How do you want it?" I asked.

"Start out doggie style, but flip me over to finish me missionary. I love to watch your face when you cum hard in my ass," Carlos sighed, recalling how much he loved getting fucked by my big dick. He got onto his hands and knees and wiggled his ass at me. I got behind him and ate his hole out, savoring my creamy loads and his tasty butt. "You're the best ass eater I've ever encountered," he sighed contentedly. His hands found the back of my head and pulled me gently deeper between his muscular ass globes. My tongue explored him deeply, but I couldn't reach the cache of dick gravy I'd shot into him that evening.

It was time to add to his reservoir of my male juices. On my knees behind him, I pushed my fat dickhead into his ass, parting his hungry ass lips and sliding more than half of its length inside him. We moaned in unison. His ass was still delightfully tight, even after the pounding that he'd endured tonight. My dick was rock hard and I could feel that my heavy ball bag was pulling up against the base of my thick dick. "Time to turn over," I warned him. He glanced over his shoulder and could see how much I was straining not to nutt in his ass already.

He pulled away and flipped on to his back, raising his legs into his chest so far that his knees were by his ears. "Fuck me, Baby!" he begged.

"That's the idea," I smiled down on him. Easily, I pushed my hard dick back up his butt, sinking slowly all the way in. My dick pulsed and jerked, warning me that I was dangerously close to a climax I'd not be able to resist. I held my position, hoping that would cool my ardor to breed him. After a few more seconds, I breathed, "Damn that was close."

"You're good for many more," Carlos reminded me. "Cum as many times as you can in my ass. "Barebacking with you makes me want to get bred again and again. Getting fucked is always wonderful, but to get your raw load only makes me want more."

Trying very hard to hold back my climax, I resumed a very slow fuck. My dick warned me several times with hard jerks when I was buried completely inside him. I was on the verge of deep breeding him several times. But, finally, there was no holding back. With a roar, I pumped and jetted another creamy load of baby batter deep inside Carlos. He howled with pleasure as he felt my dick jerk and my jizz spray in thick ropes into his welcoming hole.

Sated, I pulled out and lay beside him. He leaned over and sucked my leaking dick into his mouth as he swung a leg over my head and sat on my face. Plentiful dribbles of my recent load crossed my tongue deliciously.

When my dick was clean, Carlos started eating out my ass again. His hard dick rested on my chest, so I knew that he wanted to fuck me again. I was surprised at that as he usually couldn't get a good stiff dick going for a couple of hours after his climax. Evidently, our barebacking inspired him. Moving my tongue to his dick, I blew him while he ate my ass. I could taste a steady flow of his sweet precum. From that I deduced that he was more than ready to reciprocate and fuck me good.

"I so rarely get fucked," I said. "And if it is gonna be a man with a big dick, I'm glad it's you."

"And I'm glad you have a beautiful ass that enjoys getting fucked as much as I love taking your monster deep up my ass," Carlos replied. "I don't enjoy one-sided sex. I want to be the top and the bottom."

"I save my ass for only the biggest, but they are very rare, so you know that my butt is pretty close to virginal."

He laughed at that remark. "Close?" he smirked. "As easily as you take me up this perfect ass," he remarked, patting my ass as his dick slipped deeper inside me, "I think you've been fucked more than you admit."

"I merely know how to relax for a stud like you," I countered. He wasn't buying it, but he let it pass. In a missionary position, he fucked me gently for nearly a minute. At that point, something clicked and he pounded me as hard as he could. Seconds later, he bellowed out a massive climax that was probably heard two floors away. I didn't try to silence him, because I was roaring out the pleasure his big dick was giving my ass. His throbbing dick pulsed rapidly, spewing sperm deeply into me. I could feel his dick jerk with each new volley of cream.

At last, he pulled out. He needed to be fresh for his meetings tomorrow morning and I needed to be "sparkling" for my early breakfast diners. We slept for a couple of hours. But, I was awakened by Carlos' need to get bred again. I happily obliged him. Twice more, he needed servicing before I had to get up for my diners. He accompanied me to the shower and we swapped deep, bareback fucks. I was only slightly late for the breakfast rush. Luckily, none of my guests were early risers, so I was ready for my first guest at 7:30 a.m. instead of the promised 6:30 a.m. No one complained, because no one knew I was late.

I sent Carlos off to his meetings with a pat on the ass and set about my daily chores, getting the boutique hotel ready for new guests. As it was winter and mid-week, I had only two guests. One was a repeater who loved getting fucked by me. He usually came to town quarterly, stayed four days, and went home with a big smile and a well-fucked ass. This guy really wasn't my type, but I did promise any guest who needed my special services that he would get some serious bed time with me. Despite his drawbacks, he was a very good guest and in the last year had already recommended my hotel to over half a dozen of his friends and business associates. With that in mind, I added a space on my on-line reservation system that asked if anyone had recommended my hotel. Because this guy had recommended me so many times, I "comped" his room for one of the four nights that he stayed with me.

During the week, I had a gay couple stay two nights. One of them was attending a training session and the other one wanted to tour the city and shop. The shopper got the special service that I offered while his boyfriend was at the training. When the boyfriend came back from his daily session, I fucked him, too. The boyfriend that I'd pounded in the morning was out shopping, so I was very willing to fuck his handsome boyfriend while he was out. When I closed the front door of the hotel at 11 p.m., I serviced the standing appointment with my guest who stayed four days. At 11:30 p.m., I'd been invited to fuck the two men staying for two days. They barebacked each other and then asked me to fuck and pound their loads deeper. The request was an easy one to grant. The handsome one got the filled condom while I ate out his boyfriend's well-seeded manhole. My pounding dick had drawn the handsome guy's loads out of the depths that he'd pumped in, giving me a delicious night-cap.

My other guests did not avail themselves of the special services that I offered. I was very disappointed, because I thought they were hot men with great bodies, amazingly round butts, and some obvious bulges in the crotch area. Sigh. But, you can't always have what you desire, so I let it go.

As the weekend approached, I had a full house. There was some kind of festival the city was putting on. It had something to do with arts and crafts, not my forte. However, anything that brought paying guests during the off season was a good thing. I made sure that I had plenty of brochures about the event as well as other propaganda about the city and things to do while staying here. Most of the guests arrived Friday evening and were going home on Sunday. Every man who had a reservation made sure that I knew that they needed my special services. None of them volunteered that there was any chance that I'd be bottoming that weekend. I didn't mind. My ass was still a little sore from the multiple rides I'd given Carlos last Sunday night.

I scheduled the men and their roommates or partners for both nights. It would have been a six-hour marathon, but I broke them up into manageable blocks of time in the morning and evening. Three of them I fucked in the office. Two I pounded in the kitchen. The other seven were fucked in their rooms. Two couples knew each other very well and got fucked together in a two-hour session. They were amazingly hungry for dick and I satisfied all of them. Although my dick was bagged, I did pump out a big load each time I fucked one of them. Saturday night was even more fun with two of the men insisting on a second round. I got to bed after 4 a.m. I was exhausted, but was up and had breakfast ready for them at 6:30 a.m. When I closed the dining room at 8:30, I shoved all the dishes into the dishwasher, quickly put away the left-over food, and headed for bed. Check-out time was noon and everyone seemed to dawdle. Their flights left later in the afternoon, so several suggested that they needed another round of servicing. I fucked seven of them, but didn't climax until I hit the last one. He had one of those amazingly talented asses that could suck the nutt right out of your balls no matter how hard you worked at not cumming. I didn't mind at all. This guy had a sweet ass and I loved fucking him. My only wish was that he had been in my bed and I hadn't had any other guests who needed my special talents. He had a nice ass like Carlos, which left me wanting more.

Sunday evening, I had only two guests. Their planes were coming in late in the evening, so I took a long nap, locking the hotel while I slept. Feeling well rested, I hopped out of bed, took a shower, and went down to the hotel lobby. The time was still early evening, but I hadn't properly cleaned up the kitchen this morning, so I tidied that up and returned to the lobby. Knowing that I had a full house this weekend, I had my cleaning staff come in over the weekend, so that I didn't have that hanging over my head, too.

My two guests arrived about an hour apart and went directly to their rooms. Nothing was mentioned about either of them needing my special services. At 11:00 p.m., I locked the door, set up breakfast, and went to bed. I had lurid dreams about a couple of the men from the weekend as well as Carlos. He was fucking them, too. Everyone was getting raw loads and was enjoying them immensely. They especially liked the felching that we did on all of them. They squealed like happy children.

I woke up with a massive hard dick that I slowly jacked off. My load sprayed as high as my face as I greedily lapped it up. After a good shower, I busied myself in the kitchen and had everything ready for my guests at 6:30. Both guests arrived at 6:35 and ordered what they wanted from the kitchen as well as side orders to complete the offered special of the day. I did notice that both of them watched me work in the dining room. Quick glances at my crotch and ass told me they were very interested, but weren't quite sure what they were allowed to do about it. I casually mentioned to both in a whisper that my special services were available, should they require them. Of course, there was no additional charge for that. Both of the guests requested servicing as soon as I was available in the evening.

Both had great bodies, but one of them had a face that would make babies cry. However, with his hard, deep ass and his geysering dick, we accomplished the deed. The other guest was very vanilla, but enjoyed sucking me off while I ate his ass out. He sprayed his load on my chest as he rubbed his dick against it.

Lest you think that my boutique hotel is only for gay men, rest assured that I was open for all guests. The first year I was open, word had gotten around that I was an excellent fuck with a big dick. Gay men flocked to the place, due to my advertising in gay-themed sites and magazines. Hotel and boutique hotel association websites included the hotel's listing, but without the special details that I included in the gay media.

Nevertheless, I serviced a woman while her husband was out on business. The afternoon had been a slow one and my dick was particularly hungry. So, when she rubbed against me and mentioned that she heard that special customers get special treatment, I was painted into the proverbial corner. With a sign at the desk asking anyone coming into the lobby to call me on my cell phone, I rode in the elevator up to her shared room. Her clothes came off in a blur and then she began working on removing mine. She spent several minutes admiring my body before she pulled off my underwear and exposed my hard, thick, long dick. She fell to her knees and blew me, rather badly I have to say. I guess only men know how to suck dick.

I pulled her on to the bed on to her back. I place a towel beneath her, because there was a very good chance that she was going to hit a serious of very wet climaxes. A massive wet spot would be difficult for her to explain to her husband without him having caused it. I ate her out as she squealed and begged for my dick. But, I continued working my lingual magic on her, causing multiple orgasms. Finally, I mounted and deeply fucked her. She writhed and bucked beneath me, begging for a harder fuck. She got that, but it did cause me to climax too soon. However, she didn't mind. She'd hit more climaxes than she ever had with her husband, or so she said. I pulled out my bagged dick, licked her pussy one more time and put my clothes back on. I dashed through my shower to get the smell of sex off me and returned to the front desk. She needed me two more times before they checked out. I was randy enough to accommodate her wishes.

Does that make me bi-sexual? Not in my opinion. I'm simply able to perform with women, but I enjoy the company of men in bed if there is a choice offered. Besides, her vagina was not what I'd ever experienced with a man, except for one man who loved getting fisted. He had a pussy as sloppy as hers.

So, you may ask, how often do I service women out of the total clientele that avails themselves of my special services? I haven't been keeping score, but I'd estimate that fewer than 2% of my sex partners are women.

And I'm pleased to say that none of my guests have ever complained about the delights of the special services at my boutique hotel. Referrals continue to roll in. At this point some four years after the hotel opened, more than half of my clients are repeat guests or referrals. Life is good and filled with amazing sex.

This story is fantasy. Your life isn't. Always practice safe sex.

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Next: Chapter 2

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