Bound to the Mast

By Kenneth Sancier

Published on Apr 19, 2007



The audience to probably gay oriented.


On Sundays, I usually invited my straight friends and business associates from work for a ride in my sailboat. While sailing, I fantasized about how I would tie a selected gay guy to the mast of the boat. I hadn't decided who that guy would be, but I really enjoyed bondage having had some wonderful experiences at a younger age. My reverie was soon interrupted by my obligation to socialize with the people on board and a rising wind that caused concern on all aboard.

I met Brad, the guy of my dreams, at my modern dance class in New York City. Brad was also a student of modern dance. When he danced he wore only loose cotton briefs that accentuated his basket, strong legs and buttocks. He moved with grace during bar exercises and when crossing the floor. Modern dance develops strong legs and body, which Brad was blessed with. I was amused to see how other guys stared with open mouths while this beautiful and muscular man danced. Apparently, Brad was unaware of the attention he had aroused.

Later, in the dressing room, while we changed clothes, I could admire his nude muscular body. While we were both undressed, and alone, I noticed that his cock was semi-hard. I managed to brush near him and whispered that he might need help with that. He got my drift, and looking down at my semi-hard cock, said to me, "You also might need help." With that he grabbed my body and kissed me as we both held each other's cocks. I broke away afraid that someone might come into the dressing room. "We should get together soon," he said in a low and sexy voice. I nodded, swallowed hard, and invited him for a ride in my sailboat on the following Saturday. He gave me one of his engaging smiles that accentuated his dimples and said, "Yes, thanks."

When Saturday arrived, my heart was pacing rapidly as I waited at the train station to pick him up. He was a delightful sight to see; he was wearing tight-fitting jeans and a tee shirt with cut-off sleeves that revealed his muscular arms. We stopped briefly at my house for him to change in my bedroom. While preparing for the trip, at first we were both nude. Again I delighted in seeing his nude muscular body, and too briefly we kissed and rubbed each other's bodies. Apparently, he was as much turn on as I. Finally, I reminded him that we needed to dress for the sail, and so we broke way. We both put on short cut-offs, which hardly concealed out pending excitement, and I grabbed a bagged lunch and headed for my sailboat, which was moored about 100 yards from my house.

We tacked out of the lagoon, where my boat was moored, and then into the Great South Bay, which is 30 miles long, 5 miles wide, and is bordered on the North by Long Island and on the South by Fire Island. At the tender age of 18 I still was unaware of the gay life on Fire Island, but that would change in a year or so. Now I was with Brad, the man of my dreams, whom I believe returned my admiration. At this point, Brad did not suspect my ultimate objective of having him tied to the mast. I had several bondage experiences prior to meeting Brad and was well acquainted with rope bondage. I knew about the delights of tying a guy up or being tied up. I had high hopes that my first bondage experience on a boat was soon to be realized, and I was keyed up in anticipation to seeing Brad's nude body tied up for my pleasure.

We sailed for about 30 minutes, about half way across the Bay. When we were out of sight of prying eyes, I set anchor and lowered the sails and tied them to the boom. I then was prepared for our private dance with rope, but Brad suggested that we take a swim, which provided a buffer in time for our ultimate sensual-sexual encounter. We swam in the nude, and it was fun having water rush over one's body and between the legs. I introduced Brad to clamming, which involves feeling the sandy bottom with feet for clams, which protrude about 1/4 inch above the sandy surface. We then dove down and recovered the clams with out fingers. The water was about 5 feet deep, so that we could touch the sandybottom. We threw the clams into a pail and finally into the bottom of the boat for later consumption.

During the dive, our bottoms appeared at the surface of the water, and I grabbed Brad's cock and balls and ran my fingers along his ass crack. I dove down and began sucking his hard cock. However, I soon had to surface to prevent drowning. To get even with me, Brad grabbed my cock and balls, raised my ass, and began eating my ass. I struggled to keep my head above water, but soon I said to him, "I think it best to postponed further activities until returning to the boat." So we kissed passionately, and he ran his tongue inside my mouth, exploring the interior with his tongue.

Finally we returned to the boat, and Brad raised my ass and had me on my knees so that he could continue sucking my ass. He stuck his tongue in my hole and bit my buttocks. I couldn't have been happier. Having lubed my hole with his saliva, he proceeded to slowly enter with his hard cock. He said, "This may hurt at first, but you will enjoy it later." He entered slowly at first, then fully and rested. I was impaled by his cock and enjoying the feeling of being filled with this man's hard cock. I could feel his cock become harder and I could feel it pulse as more blood entered his cock. He began to pump my ass and at the same time reached around and massaged my hard dick. I was beside myself with pleasure and moaned in contentment. He continued his pumping until he said he was about to cum and as he flooded my hole with his cum, I also had a powerful orgasm. We both collapsed on the floor of the boat, and with his cock, now hard again, in my ass, he reached around to kiss me. We lay like that until we dosed off. We were awakened by a sudden gust of wind. Brad suggested that we go for a swim and clean ourselves.

After returning to the boat, we hungrily ate the packed lunch and played footsy with each other's crotches. He leaned down and took my cock in his hot mouth, and I felt the wonderful sensation of having his silk smooth mouth massage my cock. I loved this man and his responses were reciprocated. He reached over and kissed me. What a wonderful feeling to have this beautiful man, whom I loved, suck my cock and kiss me; I almost lost it with those thoughts.

I decided to explore other avenues of pleasure for both of us. Clams probably have a similar effect as oysters in stimulating sexual drive, but neither Brad nor I needed that incentive. But I was not to be distracted from my plan, so I timidly broached the subject of using the ropes to tie each other up to the mast. Brad said he didn't know anything about ropes, but was willing to learn. He seemed to like the idea. Again, he gave me his wonderful smile that told me that he probably knew what I had in mind.

I wasted little time in preparing him for bondage. I remained alert to any nearby boats that might observe our actions. First, while he was nude I had him spread his legs wide, with his feet on the narrow decks on opposite sides of the boat. I tied each of his ankles to cleats mounted on the deck. He stabilized himself by leaning his back against the mast, and I helped steady him by grabbing his cock and balls. He was rock hard at this point, and breathing heavily with anticipation. I was afraid he might hyperventilate. I almost broke the spell by fastening his wrists to ropes that were attached to the top of the mast. I pulled on the ropes to stretch his body, applying enough tension to stretch his wonderful torso, but not enough to cause discomfort. Brad was a magnificent sight: a slender, well-muscular body, stretched to reveal his muscularity. He didn't mind the position I had put him in, as indicated by his hard cock. I sat back and watched with fascination how Brad squirmed in an attempt to test his bondage. His thrashing about made me more satisfied with the man that I had under my control and for my pleasure.

The wind and waves caused the boat to toss about, so to stabilize him I tied his slim waist, and then his broad shoulders, to the mast. Brad was helpless. I tied a ropearound his cock and balls and tied the rope to the boom just below him. He was completely immobilized except for his hard cock, which bobbed up and down and leaked precum in quantity. I sat down in the bottom of the boat and again admired my handy work. Brad looked down and gave me a smile of contentment. He whispered to me, "I trusted you and you can do what ever I want." He moaned in delight at so much attention, but I had just begun.

Putting aside my raging hard dick, at least for a while. I straddled the boat so that I was facing him and my thighs were pressed against his. I hugged his slim, hard body and kissed him deeply. I pressed my hard dick against his tense stomach and brought his dick, already hard and nearly vertical, along side of mine. His dick was thicker than mine, but mine was longer, about 7 inches. In that position I pushed against his body, both of us enjoying the friction between us. I ran my hands over his hard body, squeezing and pinching as I wished. He moaned in delight. I had looked forward to this event for a long time and finally achieved a reality I could hardly believe.

I was still a bit hesitant how to continue approaching him. I decided that roaming hands were not enough, so I began to caress Brad's body with my mouth and tongue. His skin had a salty taste, remnant of the swim, which further stimulated me. I tasted his nipples and his pits. I was delighted to see that he was ticklish, and I made more of that by applying gentle pressure with my fingers then more firmly on his ribcage. His whole body shook as he laughed, and I could not help but also laugh along with him. His hard cock was an inviting sight so I began to lick at the end of his prick, around the crown, and backing off temporarily before continuing. Brad struggled vainly to get more of his cock in my mouth, but he would have to wait. I licked his balls and his thighs and calves, and occasionally I bit various parts of his body.

His positive response goaded me on, so I took his cock in my mouth, just a little at the time, and I swirled my tongue around the crown of his hard cock. Having his cock in my mouth felt so good, that I pressed forward and forced his cock further in my mouth. What a delight to have his hard cock fill my mouth and having him groan in response.

He was rock hard and struggling vainly for release. I thought this is the time to explore his hole, so I entered him with one finger using some lube. I now explored the inside of the man I had so firmly bound and so much admired. I wriggled my finger to massage his prostate, and in response he thrashed about, and he mumbled "more". In response, I put in two fingers and then three, while feeling and massaging his prostate and all around his inside. I put the fingers of my free hand in his mouth, and explored the inside of that cavity. He devoured my fingers and sucked greedily on them; it was quite a sensation. With my fingers of one hand in his ass hole and the fingers of the other hand in his mouth, I went to work with my mouth on his cock and balls, but very slowly so that he would not erupt immediately. I continued to lick his cock, and when he least expected it I drove his cock all the way into my mouth and throat. I waited until he became used to the sensation of my wet and hot mouth. I could hear him moan and felt him thrash about wildly. After a while, I used my throat muscles to massage his cock, which was throbbing, and had become fuller, harder and thicker. Soon, a flood of cum came flowing down my throat and I felt his body quiver and he cried with delight. To relax him, I ran my fingers slowly along his body. I was amazed that he was still hard.

I relaxed the tension on his arms and released his legs, so now he could sit on the forward deck, with his legs dangling in the boat. He rested his back against the mast, and I released his arms from to top of the mast, but bound his wrists behind the mast. To complete the bondage, I tied his ankles together and tied them to the mast below the deck. He sat there with his cock point skyward and with a impish look on his face, as much as to say, now what are you going to do with me. To answer his unspoken query, I straddling his face and inserted my cock in his mouth. Without hesitation he opened his mouth, and I slid my erect cock into this warm and moist cavity. Pumping on his face was a joy and I became harder. I withdrew to rest, but presently returned to have him suck some more. He was quite talented and used his tongue to tantalize me. I reached down and massaged his cock, which had become hard again. I marveled at his sexual appetite. He gobbled and sucked until I had reached the point of no return. With that I release a flood of pent up cum in his mouth and I screamed with pleasure. Brad gulped, and after I withdrew he thanked me. I kissed him and I could taste my cum in his mouth.

After I released him, we drank a few beers. I asked him why he was laughing, and he said, "I enjoyed the trip up the mast so much that I want to do to the same to you." That was a request I couldn't refuse. By this time, both he and I were hard again and ready for the next dance up the mast. I was assured of our continued privacy after scanning the sea about us for possible intruders and was ready for my dance up the mast.

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