Bound to Cum

By moc.toofgib@kurohtua

Published on Jun 23, 1998



Bound-To-Cum-04 (t/t Bond Underwear)

If you have any comments or feedback on this story please feel free to e-mail me at . Any stories I write will only be posted to the ASSGM news group so if you see them anywhere else, apart from the Nifty Archive, please let me know as they will have been posted without my permission. Suggestions for possible story topics also welcome.

Many apologies to any readers for the delay in posting this part. Future instalments will not take so long - honest.

Bound To Cum -04

Half an hour had passed since their initial 'assault' on the four captive boys and in that period the sun had risen higher in the sky, warming the clearing and the six youths who were in it. Andy and Craig hadn't bothered to dress again, just lain on the ground resting but now their dicks were again stiff, telling them it was time to start again on their 'punishment' of Andy's bound former tormentors.

Whilst the two friends had been relaxing, the four tied to the trees had been suffering a myriad of emotions. They were furious at having been caught relatively easily but also a bit scared as, being blindfolded was rather unnerving as they could not see who was responsible not could they get any idea of what was happening next. None of them had yet connected the incident with Andy days before, as he was not the first person to have been subjected to the whims of their gang. Conversely, they were also somewhat aroused as what had happened earlier had not been unpleasant and their still damp jockeys were a constant reminder causing the four, spunk damp cocks to stiffen a certain amount.

Serle tensed as he sensed movement and squirmed as he felt hands pulling down his jockeys until they were hanging around his knees. Then he felt someone clasp hold of his dangling ball sack followed by another, unusual sensation.

Below him Andy had just finishing winding the thin but strong twine around the base of the ball sack, completing the operation with a reef knot. Next he passed the trailing end of the twine between Serle's legs where it was grabbed by Craig, who, having already been briefed, walked away from the bound boy until he felt tension on the string. At the other end of the twine Serle gave an intake of breath as he felt the noticeable pull on his testicles then he felt warm breath against his left ear followed by a low voice.

"Listen, you turd. You're going to suck my cock now. Now, you've probably noticed there's something tied around your bollocks and as long as you behave you won't have a problem. But if you try anything at all, like biting my dick, my friend is going to pull a lot harder than . . .THIS!" On the last word of the sentence Craig gave a fairly mild tug on the string but it was still sufficient to cause Serle to whimper as his balls were pulled between his legs before being released. The voice asked him if he understood and Serle nodded. He felt the rope tying him to the tree loosen but despite being temporarily freed he dared not move, only too aware of what would happen to his tender balls if he did.

Hands pressed on his shoulders, forcing him to his knees, and then the ropes were re-tied making him once again immobile. He felt hands at his gag which was unties and removed and he drew a breath of relief. He started to speak but quickly stopped as his balls were pulled backwards, this time slightly harder although still not enough to cause real pain, he waited for what was to happen.

Andy stared at the face of his captive, just inches away from his now rigid tool and he was about to push it into Serle's mouth when an idea struck him. Quickly he walked over to the tree where Watkins was bound, placed a hand over the crotch of his jockeys and squeezed gently. Then he repeated this with Ingram. Having fondled the two crotches he made up his mind and returned to stand in front of Watkins. He'd wanted to find which of the two still had the wettest jockies, after being forced to cum into them earlier, and Watkins had won. Grasping the waistband he pulled it outwards and looked inside. The semi-stiff cock stared back at him and he could see several blobs of still damp spunk adorning the boys shaft and pubics. There were also some noticeably wet patches on the jockeys. Andy pulled the jockeys out and down slightly and at the same time moved forward until his cock was immediately above the opened underwear. Taking his dick in his other hand he pushed it down until he felt it come into contact with the wet material. He rubbed his shaft over the wet areas, coating it with Watkin's discharged sperm and then pressed the tip against the other's prick and pubic hair, feeling the sticky fluid coating his cock head. Finally satisfied he stepped back and released the jockeys, causing them to snap back against Watkin's stomach. Going over to Ingram and repeated the operation, wiping his cock over the less but still sufficient damp patches on the bound boy's briefs and cock. Then he walked back to his kneeling captive.

Serle was waiting anxiously and despite his predicament had a painfully stiff hard on. This was mostly because he had been refused relief earlier but also partially because of what was going to happen to him. A whiff of boy cum reached his nostrils and he realised his sucking was about to start. The smell got stronger as Andy inched his dick towards the still closed mouth until, finally, his cock head was pressing against Serle's lips. By now the aroma of cum was very strong around the bound boys face and he realised he could also taste it on his lips. He heard the voice telling him to open his mouth and, conscious of the twine tied to his bollocks, hesitantly parted his lips and teeth. As he did so Andy pushed forward, sliding the whole of his 4 inch, cum coated cock into the warm, wet mouth.

As the rigid organ slipped in Serle was surprised to find that the cum tasted different from any he'd tasted before. Although Andy and Craig didn't know it, Serle and his friends often played with each other and indulged in sucking sessions, although that was as far as they'd ever gone, so he was used to the taste of spunk - but this time the tang on his tongue was different, somehow. A quick tug on the twine stopped his thoughts and made him concentrate on the matter in hand, that of sucking the stiff prick in his mouth. He flicked his tongue over the cock head, pressing into the piss slit and around the sensitive foreskin. He felt the cock pressing towards him until warm, hairless crotch was tight against his face but he still had no problems taking the whole of Andy's throbbing meat into his mouth. By now he was suffering as his unrelieved cock was pressing tightly into his damp jockeys, causing them to tent outwards - he really needed to cum but was unable to do more than thrust his hips forward a tiny bit which wasn't helping at all.

Andy, meanwhile, was having a great time as his cock was experiencing a myriad of new, pleasurable sensations as Serle's mouth and tongue swirled over it, lubricating the tender head with warm, cum infused saliva. The rhythmic sucking motion was really getting his off and he rubbed his hands across Serle's soft head of hair as he thrust his tool in and out of the welcoming mouth.

All this time poor Craig had just been standing behind Serle, holding the end of the twine with one hand and intermittently squeezing his own dick with the other. Now, as the action got hotter, he released the twine and moved towards the entwined boys, realising Serle had forgotten about the threat to his bollocks as he had got aroused himself. From his position, as he fucked Serle's mouth Andy saw his friend walk over until he was standing beside him, his cock an inch or so from the bobbing head engrossed in Andy's shaft. Craig stroked his left hand over Andy's back, feeling the heat emanating from the excited boy and then, as he fondled his own cock with his right hand, he slipped his left down until it was clasping one of Andy's tight asscheeks. Gradually he moved over it until his fingertips encountered the boy's ass crack, then, moving even more, he slipped his fingers into the fleshy spilt until he felt one finger press against the tight ass hole of his now groaning friend. He pushed harder and was rewarded by Andy thrusting back slightly, causing the tip of his finger to penetrate the muscled ring of the asshole. As Andy, for the first time, felt his virgin hole being violated, he was overtaken by another sensation and he pushed back even more, at the same time pulling Serle's head forward so he could keep his whole dick in the saliva lubricated mouth. He tightened his asshole around Craig's finger, now buried up to the second knuckle inside him which prompted his friend to start finger fucking him. This was just too much and Andy felt his balls tightening as they prepared to release their waiting cream. The cock in Serle's mouth started throbbing wildly until it suddenly started spurting hot spunk from the piss split, spilling over the warm tongue and inner cheeks. Andy closed his eyes as the climax washed over him, Chris still ramming his finger in and out of the now slick asshole as Serle swallowed the cream still emitting from Andy's cock.

As he felt his friend start to relax after his amazing climax, Craig pulled his finger from the asshole and sniffed it curiously as he wanked away. It smelt of boy and sex, not what he'd expected and he sniffed deeply, moving forward slightly until the tip of his cock was almost touching Serle's face. Andy stepped back, causing his slightly softening dick to slip from the other's mouth and as it did so, the sight of his mate's cock and Serle's cum stained lips was enough for Craig who watched, still sniffing one finger, as his cum spunked from the end of his prick landing in warm, white, globules, all over Serle's cheek and mouth. All too soon, for him, Craig's orgasm stopped and he stood there, panting, staring at Serle who was kneeling in front of him, his face covered with splotches of cum and who was sporting an incredibly hard erection that was causing his jockeys to look like a miniature tent.

"For God's sake, wank me off, please!!", they heard the bound boy whisper, plaintively.

Craig looked at Andy who shook his head.

"Not yet", he told his friend. "As he obviously likes sucking I think it only fair to let him do some more."

"But I won't be ready for a bit yet", Craig answered.

Andy grinned. "No, neither will I. But they are!" and he pointed to the other three bound boys, standing motionless against their respective trees.

"I think it's about time we 'helped' them to enjoy each other, don't you?"

Bound To Cum -05

The first indication Serle had of the next phase of his tormentors plan was when he felt the rope around his feet being loosened and then removed but, because his hands were still firmly tied to the tree he was unable to do anything to escape. Andy and Craig looked at the youth, his jeans now down around his knees, his rigid hard-on poking forward pushing his still spunk damp jockeys well away from his crotch. Craig knelt down and pulled the jeans right down and then off the untied legs. Then he slid one hand between Serles legs and firmly grabbed the twine that still dangled from his balls. He have a little tug just to remind the other youth what would happen if he tried to struggle.

Having delivered this warning the boy untied the rope fixing Serle's arms around the tree but before his captor had a chance to even think about doing anything he spun him around and re-tied the ropes. This time he pulled them down the trunk causing Serle to bend forward and down until his head was pressed against the trunk and he was almost off balance. From his new position he realised that if he moved his legs too much he was likely to topple over which would put considerable strain on his arms and achieve nothing. As soon as he was tied again the hand clasping his balls was removed and he felt someone rubbing their hand gently over his taut, jockey covered ass. His boner swelled even more and he was becoming desperate to discharge the build up of spunk that had almost managed to escape earlier until whoever had been sucking his dick had unkindly stopped.

Although it hadn't been that long since the two boys had last orgasmed, as they looked at Serle, bent forward against the tree, the bulge of his ass cheeks outlined through his white underwear, they both felt their cocks start to stiffen yet again. Andy bent down, grabbed the thin cotton material and started to slide it down Serle's legs. The smooth slide was halted as the waistband caught on the hard prick beneath it but as Andy continued his pressure the inexorable pressure on the cock head caused it to slide roughly over the elasticated waistband and spring into view, banging its owners stomach as it did so. Grabbing one ankle at a time Andy slipped the briefs completely off and then, almost as an afterthought, placed them over Serles head, making sure that the crotch area was over the tied boys face.

Smelling his own crotch scent was doing nothing to make Serle less horny or frustrated but he was unable to do anything about it and just had to breath in the mixed scents of cock, balls, someone else's cum and a slight whiff of piss. The two boys were looking at the now exposed ass, the twin, pale cheeks surrounding the ass crack with its suggestion of hidden pleasures within. Clasping an ass cheek in each hand Andy prised them apart until he had an uninterrupted view of the tiny, puckered asshole that twitched suggestively under his gaze. He noticed that there were a few coarse hairs around it, but not enough yet to obscure the nice view.

Letting go of Serle's ass cheeks Andy beckoned to Craig and they went over to where Hattin was tied to his tree. As, like Serle, he hadn't cum yet his cock was straining out against his damp yellow briefs and Craig thrust a hand between the youths legs and wrapped it around his cloth covered ball sack. He squeezed, eliciting a slight wince from the testicles owner, who then listened as Andy informed him of what would happen to his bollocks if he tried to struggle.

The two boys then did the same to him as they had done to Serle, reversing his position so that he was bending over, his ass raised, jockeys over his head. Again they opened his the ass cheeks and examined the youth's fuckhole and they observed that, unlike Serle, Hattin's asshole was hairless, the small, slightly dark muscle around the hole appearing slightly shiny from the heat. Craig prodded it experimentally and felt it give slightly, allowing the tip of one finger in and he was rewarded by a small whimper from Hattin as the finger entered his most private sanctum.

Now that they had two of the boys bound appropriately, with their firm teenage asses in plain view, it was time for part two of Andy's latest idea and they walked over to the tree to which Watkins was tied.

He untied his legs and then 'hobbled' the youth by means of tying both ankles almost together but leaving about six inches of rope between them. Then he released his arms from their position around the tree and re-tied them tightly behind his back. As he did this Craig and again appointed himself 'chief bollock holder', in case Watkins got any funny idea.

Because of the hobble he'd put on, when Andy started pushing Watkins forward he was able to walk slowly but would be unable to run without immediately tripping over. Now he was, again, bound securely Craig took hold of one of Serle's arms, while Andy grabbed the other one and between them they guided the blindfolded teen across the clearing until he was directly behind Serle.

After warning him not to move a muscle, Andy and his friend then went over to Ingram and performed the same tasks on him. This time the led the youth to where Hattin was waiting, asscheeks bared invitingly. Leaving Craig beside him Andy returned to where he had left Watkins, noticing with amusement that, as ordered, he hadn't moved a fraction of an inch. Having checked that Craig was ready, he placed his hands on Watkins's shoulders and pressed downwards, forcing the youth to kneel so that his face was directly behind Serle's ass. As he slid down to the kneeling position Andy had felt his own cock make brief contact with the warm flesh of Watkins ass cheek and he gave a shiver of excitement. Ordering Watkins to stick out his tongue he caught hold of the back of his head and pushed it slowly forward until the wet, red sensory organ came into contact with the split between Serle's ass cheeks. Realising what was happening the youth tried to push backwards but Andy increased the pressure on his head causing the tongue to slide into the crack until it rested against the puckered, asshole.

"I suggest you start giving that ass a good tonguing - unless you want me to start playing 'squeezie and tug' with your balls!", Andy whispered to him.

Watkins needed no more encouragement and started flicking his tongue over the ass hole, surprised to find he was finding the action stimulating instead of gross and it was clear from the movements of the asses owner that he was enjoying it as much. Watkins had assumed he was licking the ass of one of their captors, and had no idea that it belonged to one of his friends, which was exactly the situation Andy had intended. One thing he hadn't anticipated, however, was how erotic he was finding it, Watkins's face tight against the ass crack, bobbing slightly as his tongue performed it's task. Similarly, Serle was experiencing similar sensations. He'd thought that the finger in his ass earlier had been the ultimate but that was paling into insignificance as his asshole was wetly assaulted by the warm tongue which was now attempting to push its way through the tight muscle and into the warm, dark cavern of his teenage asshole. He tried to push back as much as his bonds would allow, to get more of the tongue into his ass and wished desperately his hands were free so he could wank his own cock until he spunked. But that was not to be, so the more stimulated he became, the more frustrated he got at his inability to gain complete relief.

At the other tree a similar scene was taking place, this time with Craig watching and doing his very best not to yield to temptation and jerk off his throbbing boner. As he had started to push Ingram down to his kneed he had taken a good look at the large, thick circumcised cock that nestled in a dark clump of thick hair and admitted, again, that this was the biggest dick he'd ever seen up to now As the now kneeling youth started forcing his tongue into Hattin's ass crack, Craig wondered what it would be like to have that large cock spurt its load all over his face and at the thought his hand crept to massage his own, smaller dick. It took real willpower to stop after just one quick rub and he began to realise how Hattin and Serle must be feeling as out of all the boys, they still hadn't cum once yet!

Andy was watching judiciously as Watkins continued tonguing the now wriggling and moaning Serle. The former had now succeeded in pushing a large part of his tactile tongue through Serle's ass ring and it was teasing at the tender interior of the muscle which Serle feel so good he felt like he was going to explode. He was closing his ass muscle around the intruder and his cock had never felt so full, hard and horny, so much so that he really had to cum - but couldn't. He remained in his uncomfortable position, the ropes keeping him in his bent over position, but almost ignored the uncomfortable feeling as his ass was getting such an amazing tonguing - which suddenly stopped abruptly, as Andy pulled Watkins head back. Serle gave a little cry of frustration and moved his ass around, trying to regain contact, to no avail.

Having pulled Watkins away from the now wet asshole, Andy pushed a hand into the ass crack and, finding the loosened hole pushed his forefinger in as far as it would go. It slipped in smoothly so he withdrew it and then repeated the movement, this time with two fingers. This time he encountered a slight resistance but in a matter of seconds both fingers were deep inside Serles hot tight, asshole. He revolved his wrist causing the inserted fingers to twist around, stretching the muscle around the asshole and he could feel Serle responding by tightening his ass. Craig pulled out his hand one final time, placed three fingers together, lined them up with the now stretched hole, and pushed. He heard a slight whimper from the other boy as, with a bit of extra pressure, they pushed into Serle's fuck hole, stretching the muscle more than the bound boy had ever experienced before. Serle screwed up his face at the initially unpleasant feeling but within seconds this feeling had changed to one of pleasure and although he'd never had anything shoved up his ass before he realised that he liked it. Andy kept manipulating his fingers inside the other boys ass as he looked over to see how Craig was doing and he grinned as he saw that his friend was currently enjoying himself with most of one hand in the cleft of Hattin's ass crack and, judging from the movement of his hand, was giving his 'captive' a vigorous finger fuck.

Hattin's cock was now almost purple along its entire, circumcised length as his intense excitement caused yet more blood to pump into the already swollen shaft. As he rammed his fingers in and out of Hattin's once tight cave of heat Craig knew he couldn't last much longer without getting relief himself so he decided that he'd have to move onto the final stage of this phase. The boys had discussed what was meant to happen during their earlier rest and, so far it was going according to plan, although Craig had just thought of a slight variation, caused by his throbbing prick. Giving one final twist he pulled out his fingers from the pliant ass hole and then, standing behind Ingram, lifted him back onto his feet He walked around to the side and, inserting one hand into Hattin's ass crack he pushed the cheeks aside using his fingers and thumb and with the other he grabbed Ingram's throbbing meat and pulled, causing the other youth to move forward. Craig placed the blood engorged cock between the opened crack and manoeuvred it until the piss slit in the centre of the cock head was pressing against Hattin's asshole.

Carefully, but quickly he moved around behind Ingram, placed his hands on his ass - and pushed!

As the shove made the youth go forward his cock head parted Hattin's asshole and started to enter his asshole. His prick encountered resistance due to its width but Craig's continuous pressure soon solved that problem and suddenly his testicles banged against Hattins ass as the whole of his rampant organ slipped into the warm depths of the bound boys fuck hole. Hattin almost screamed aloud as he felt his sensitive ring opening to allow the entrance of the throbbing cock which seemed to fill him completely and then, as Craig first pulled, then pushed Ingrams asshole the other boy got into a rhythmic fucking of, unknowingly, his friends asshole. Hattin had already got used to the sensations caused by the cock filling his ass and as the regular thrusts continued he pressed his ass back to try to get his ass filled even more.

Ingram had now forgotten he was being forced into his actions as the rubbing of Hattin's asshole gripping his cock was causing him such great feelings that his only thought was to fuck this ass until he came. Because of this, he was unaware of Craig who, realising he didn't need to continue 'helping' Ingram, had let go and was standing behind his, watching the thrusting buttocks, holding his prick in one hand. He opened the fucking boys cheeks and, judging the moent to perfection, pushed his swollen dick towards the puckered hole just as Ingram was pulling out for another thrust. As his ass started to reach its furthest point away from the asshole he was fucking he hardly felt Craigs cock press against, then slide right into his ass, so intent was he on getting his cum into the asshole in front of him.

As Ingram continued his assault all Craig had to do was stand still and let the fucking boy do the work. Every time Hattin's ass was filled with dick Ingrams' ass stroked Craig's cock head and each time he pulled out from the slippery hole the younger boy felt his prick slip back into Ingrams ass and he clenched his fists as the sensations in his ass enveloped dick got more and more exquisite.

Andy had watched this addition to their plan in amazement and as his friend started fucking Ingrams ass he quickly pulled his fingers from Serle's ass, grabbed Watkins and, as quickly as he could , aimed the swollen, foreskinned cock at Serles' asshole, got behind and pushed, forcing Watkin's rod straight up into Serle's, now stretched and willing asshole. By now Serle was so unbelievably horny he welcomed the new, larger intrusion into his fuck hole and his engorged prick jumped each time Watkin's cock head pounded against his prostate.

Like Craig, Andy had wasted no time in getting his slender, stiff dick into Watkins ass and as the tight hole slid up and down his hardness he grabbed the others pelvis and thrust as hard as he could until he was completely buried in the welcome heat.

Ingram, pounding away at Hattin's hole knew he was about to come and, drawing back as far as he could without leaving the entrance to this glorious fuck cave, grabbed Hattin and pulled as he rammed his cock in as far as possible, feeling his spunk starting to leave his piss slit as he slid further in. Hattin felt the warm, sticky liquid spattering the inside of his pleasantly battered asshole and, for a moment, thought this would be enough to cause him to finally obtain relief as he felt his balls throb. But before his cum started to move into position Ingram slowed his movements as the last of his juice left his piss slit, and Hattins moment of hope was gone.

Meanwhile Craig had been having an intense orgasm as when Ingram had made his final thrust Craig had done the same and as the head of his cock had rubbed against the inside of the entered asshole a feeling of total euphoria enveloped him as his slim dick started cumming inside Ingram.

There was also quite a bit of cumming, but no goings, at the other tree. Serle was in the throes of getting his sore ass pumped full of Watkin's teen cream as the hyped up youth finally orgasmed and started spunking gobs of sticky love juice into Serle. At the moment of cumming Watkins had become frenzied in his ass fucking and so Andy just grabbed him tightly and had gone along for the ride. He was almost lifted off the floor as Watkins fucked Serle's responding hole, and his little rigid dick jerked around the warm ass, feeling the ass muscle squeezing the sides of his shaft until his previously pumped bollocks managed to find yet more boy cream which it forced into Andy's jerking cock and out the end into the enveloping asshole.

Serle pulled against the ropes tying him to the tree as he felt the hot, sticky sperm spattering his asshole, already filled with throbbing dick and, like Hattin, hoped, for a fraction of a second, that he could at last cum but, like his compatriot, it was not to be.

All too soon, all the fucking boys had emptied their cream into various asses and they moved apart, weakly. Andy and Craig hardly had enough strength to take Watkins and Ingram to their trees and re-tie them before they collapsed on the ground, their spent, shrunken dicks flopping against their thighs.

Again silence fell over the clearing as four limp dicked boys lay recovering, feeling warm and satisfied.

This was more than could be said for Serle and Hattin, still bound in a bent over position, trickles of white liquid sliding from their assholes and down their thighs and both exhibiting incredibly stiff, swollen hard ons. Both were now desperate for relief, so desperate that they had reached a new point of frustration and need which was totally concentrated in their cocks and throbbing asses.

Weakly, Andy turned his head to look at his friend.

"That was fucking awesome", he murmured happily.

"Tell me about it", came the happy response. "And those two bastards still haven't cum yet!"

"I know", was the pleased reply. "I want them to beg before we let them do that. And there's one more phase of my revenge to go yet. I only thought of it yesterday. Listen . . ."

Bound To Cum 06

This time it took a long time for Andy and Craig to get back in the mood, so to speak as neither of them had ever experienced so many orgasms in such a short time before and, even allowing for the remarkable recuperative powers of horny teens their balls and cocks had already taken quite a hammering, in a figurative sense.

Eventually they started taking a sexual interest in the surrounding scene and their cocks started stiffening again as they looked at their four 'captives', tied to their trees in various stages of exhaustion. It was clear that Hattin and Searle were still extremely horny and frustrated, judging from the way their swollen pricks stuck out from their bodies whilst the other two still had pretty limp organs.

"Time to start again", I suppose, Andy remarked with mock weariness as he stood up, his now hard dick swaying slightly with the movement. He went to his rucksack, took out some more rope and walked over to the tree to which Serle, his main tormentor of the other day, was tied. As he stared cum spattered ass of the bent over youth he had an irresistible urge to examine the area more closely so he knelt down and pulled the soft ass cheeks apart so he could get a good look at the loosened asshole. Leaning forward he caught a whiff of teen ass and cum which made his dick flip in excitement and so he got closer still until he was able to press his face between the asscheeks and sniff at the exotic aroma wafting from Serle's ass. As the almost overpowering odour hit him he felt lightheaded and started to frantically lick the puckered, cummy asshole, tasting the variety of flavours with enjoyment. Serle groaned at this new assault, his urge for relief now almost unbearable and now being made even worse by the warm tongue flicking away at his tender hole.

Seeing how much fun Andy seemed to be having Craig decided to join in the action and after walking over to Hattin he soon had his tongue investigating the warm ass, tasting the creamy spunk that had not long ago spurted from Ingram's throbbing cock. As he slurped away at the wonderful teen asshole one hand started to gently fondle Hattin's ball sack which didn't do a lot for the already frustrated youth. Hattin didn't know what to do, his circumcised cock was so tight by now it felt like it would burst at any moment and as the soft fingers probed the loose skin around his bollocks his almost purple cock head got even darker as more blood forced its way up his shaft.

By now Serle wasn't faring any better as his foreskin had gradually slipped further down his cock as the organ swelled and now felt a little like a wide rubber band constricting his swollen cock, the shiny, damp red head protruding from the top and he felt relieved as the tonguing of his sensitive hole suddenly stopped as Andy reluctantly stood up knowing if he carried much longer he was going to cum before the 'game' was finished. Almost as an afterthought he pushed one hand between Serle's ass cheeks and wiped it over the damp, warm ass, getting the heady aromas onto his palm. Then he slowly rubbed his hand over Serle's face, concentrating on his mouth and nose, making sure as much of the cummy, asshole smells were transferred to the other boys face. He knew from the excited whimper that escaped that his idea had worked and his captive was now at another peak of sexual frustration. Stepping back he picked up the spare rope and walked over to Watkins. Craig, knowing that the last phase was about to start also left his enjoyable position around Hattin's ass and went to help his friend.

Between them they untied the youth and re-positioned him, this time lying him flat on his back and tying his arms to one tree and his legs to another so he was spread-eagled on the ground, his again stiff, foreskinned cock sticking straight up into the air. Then they repeated the manoeuvre with the other youths until they were looking down at four helpless boys, each with a rampantly stiff cock, of varying sizes, pointing skywards. They had discussed the final scenario whilst they'd been recovering and had both come to the same conclusion.

They both wanted to get fucked!

Being a new experience for them both they wanted to make it as good as possible and knew that to start with Ingram or Serle would be a bad idea as not only had their cocks been bigger than the others to begin with but also Serle's was now considerably more swollen because of frustration and neither Andy or Craig fancied getting their asses split as it would spoil their pleasure.

It was a toss up, if you'll excuse the pun, between Watkins and Hattin. Both normally had similar sized dicks and the main difference was that only one was circumcised. However, Hattin, like Serle, was also in a frustrated state that had caused increased swelling in his prick - so deciding to start with Watkins they went over and stood over the lucky boy!

Chris Watkins was aware that something was about to happen but as he was still blindfolded he didn't know what until Andy's ass pressing against his wide lipped mouth and heard a voice telling him to lick it. At the same time a hand grabbed his cock and started gently playing with the foreskin and this was enough to make him throw any reservations to the wind and opening his mouth he pushed his tongue hard against the puckered, sweaty hole. As he felt his fuck hole being licked Andy tensed and closed his eyes at the great feeling and he gave his now rigid cock a couple of squeezes, causing a drop of pre-cum to ooze from his piss slit. He wiggled his ass around, trying to push it onto the probing tongue now lapping furiously over his asshole. At the other end Craig was examining the stiff cock with interest, pulling at the foreskin and sniffing the tightened ball sack. At one point he pulled the foreskin over Watkin's cock until there was a fold of loose skin protruding from the tip and he bent down and pushed his tongue inside it, licking the sensitive interior of the foreskin. He felt the cock twitch as he licked but Andy did better as the feeling of the tongue inside his foreskin caused Watkins to tense up and push his tongue forwards to such an extent that the tip slipped through the muscle of the younger boys asshole and into the hot steamy home. As he hole started loosening under the ministrations of the tongue Andy tried to pull his ass cheeks apart even more so he could get more of the tongue up his ass and he wiggled so much he almost suffocated the youth beneath him.

The two boys continued with this for a while and then changed places so it was now Craig experiencing a good ass tonguing whilst Andy played with Watkins cock with hand and tried to shove his fingers into his own ass at the same time, stretching the entrance gently as he moved his fingers around. It wasn't long before he felt ready to take the next step so he stood up, positioned himself above the bound, slightly writhing boys cock and started to lower himself towards it. As he felt hard prick brush his ass cheeks he moved one hand around, grabbed it and moved it around his crack until he felt the stiff but spongy tip press against his puckered hole. Removing his hand he pushed his ass against the hard invader and sighed with relief as the cock head started to push its way through the stretched entrance. When he felt the whole cock head inside his hole Andy paused, getting used to the strange but not unpleasant sensations then, as he looked at his friend, wiggling with pleasure as Watkins continued to lick at his bumhole, Andy began lowering himself again. As the swollen prick slid further into his waiting asshole Andy clenched his buttocks, compressing his ass muscle against the intruder but at the same time pressing down more and more until he could feel pubic hairs brushing his ass cheeks and realised that he's managed to get the whole of Watkin's cock into his eager bumhole.

Chris Watkins had been getting more and more aroused ever since he'd first felt the warm compression on his cock head and realised it was sliding into a lovely tight bum and the more horny he got the harder he licked Craig's ass which was causing wonderful feelings in the boy. By now about a third of Watkin's tongue was inside his hole, licking the sides of his ass, coating them with warm, sticky saliva in preparation for his turn to have a stiff dick inside him.

Once Andy had managed to get the whole cock inside him he just squatted for a moment or two, getting used to the unusual but pleasant sensation emanating from his filled asshole. Then he tried raising and lowering his body so Watkin's dick slid in and out of his boy cunt. This felt great and he was tempted to speed up the movements but knew it was now time for him to move on to bigger things so he reluctantly raised his ass, feeling the prick sliding out until it emerged from his ass hole with a faint plop. He waited whilst Craig removed himself from Watkin's facial area and took over the position recently occupied by his friend then, as Craig started to impale his ass on the waiting cock Andy moved over to Ingram.

By rights he should have been done by Hattin next as Ingram's cock was naturally larger, but he knew he was going to finish with Serle and wanted Craig to also have the chance to be fucked by someone who hadn't yet cum. Despite his ass now being slippery and comfortably stretched he still viewed Ingram's dick with some trepidation as it was no only a bit longer but quite a bit thicker than Watkins and the fact it was circumcised made it look even bigger! He hesitated but the sounds of enjoyment coming from Craig, who was now bouncing up and down causing Watkin's cock to slide in and out of his virgin asshole, were enough to remove any doubts and he quickly positioned himself over the hard, jutting cock. As his asshole mat the cock head he felt some resistance as the thick organ tried to force its way into his asshole but he persevered and it wasn't long before, with a small stab of pain, he had Ingram's cock head inside his hole. Ever so slowly he started to lower himself, planning to let the cock slide into his ass very, very gently, but there was one thing he hadn't taken account of.

Although Ingram, like the others, had his arms and legs tied to trees, preventing escape, the ropes didn't prevent him a certain amount of upward movement. Because of this, as he felt the end of his cock being surrounded by tight asshole it felt so good he wasn't prepared to hang about whilst the ass was lowered gently onto it and with an excited grunt he thrust his buttocks off the ground and upwards forcing his cock deep into Andy's unprepared asshole.

Andy gave a squeal as his hole was rudely filled with thick, hard dick but as the cock head pressed against his prostate he forgot any pain and furiously started moving his ass up and down, feeling the cock inside him pounding and stretching his ass. The effect of this was to cause Ingram to continue thrusting upwards and soon the two were in the ideal rhythm. As Andy slid downwards Ingram would thrust up, forcing his shaft deep into the steaming asshole until his pubis and balls banged against the ass cheeks. Andy was now riding the cock like a pro, exquisite sensations running thorough him as Ingrams cock ploughed his hole and stimulated his prostrate. He wondered if there could be anything else so good than being fucked by the older boy and clenched his ass around the thrusting pole to increase the incredible sensations.

Meanwhile Craig was in heaven as he bounced up and down on Watkins cock, causing his asshole to stretch and contract as the rigid shaft thrust in and out of his vibrating asshole. The sensations coming from his asshole were amazing and every time the swollen cock head bounced off his prostate his buttocks clenched, trying to stop it sliding out. Of course this was the worst thing he could have done as the pressure and rubbing on his prick proved too much for Watkins and with a muffled yell his hot cum started spurting from his piss slit into Craigs steamy, welcoming ass hole. Craig clenched his ass muscle hard as he felt warm stickiness spattering inside his hole and he almost came as well as the walls of his asshole got whitewashed. He continued bouncing up and down until Watkins was spent and his softening cock finally gave up and slipped from the other boys hole. Almost immediately Craig stood up, white dribbles sliding from his ass and went quickly over to where Hattin was lying.

As he passed his friend he saw him convulse as Ingram's frenzied fucking finally achieved its aim and he started spunking into Andy's ass. Like Craig moments before, Andy couldn't believe how good it felt to have someone releasing a load of creamy cum into his already well lubricated hole and he had to fight a temptation to grab his dick and wank off. The thick cock was still thrusting against his prostate and each time it connected another gob of juice shot from the piss slit. By now the first loads of cum were coating the shaft of the sliding dick which increased the pleasure as it slid roughly over the ass muscle and, being more mature, Ingram was still fully hard even though he was ending his cum shooting session. It was now that Andy realised that his original plan wasn't going to work as well as he'd intended because he was so worked up now he just wanted to feel Serle's cock inside his ass and have it empty it's cream into it. Accepting that the intended prolonged 'torture' wasn't going to happen he stood up, suddenly feeling rather empty as Ingram's dick slipped from his hole. Feeling rather stretched he walked, slightly gingerly, to where Serle was lying with his swollen hard on throbbing slightly with the pent up frustration.

He passed Craig who was already well away, Hattins prick sliding in and out of his slick ass. Like Ingram he was also making the most of the little movement he had and was thrusting upwards furiously and Andy watched in fascination as the slippery pole slid into his friends bum hole.

As he reached Serle he could hear small whimpering noises and realised they were coming from the bound boy. Curious, he knelt down and stroked the youths ball sack and was rewarded with another, pathetic whimper.

"What's the matter?" he asked, slightly concerned at this bully making such strange sounds.

The voice that replied was unrecognisable from the brash, confident one Andy had heard when he had been captured a few days before.

"I can't stand it any more. For fucks sake wank me of. .please . .I've gotta cum or I'll burst."

Andy felt relieved but also released that his original plan might be possible, in part, after all. He gently stroked Serles's balls again as he whispered to the frantic teen.

"You mean you want me to slowly rub your dick until you cum. You really want me to wank you off?"

"Oh shit yes. I'll do anything you want, just do it . . now . . please".

Andy placed his mouth right up by Serle's ear.

"How would you like to fuck me, stick it in my lovely asshole and fill me up with your cream?"

Serle writhed and whimpered again and Andy realised he was almost sobbing.

"Oh God, yes I want to . .I need to . .I've got to do something now . . please!"

Without hesitating Andy quickly untied the tensed up, frantic boy, helped him to his feet and removed the blindfold. Serle blinked at the sudden light and then looked at his tormentor who gave him a quick smile before turning round and bending over slightly, presenting a cum stained ass to the youth.

Far from feeling anger Serle just saw a beautifully proportioned teen offering his asshole for relief and with a loud groan he roughly grabbed Andy's ass cheeks, prised them apart and with no build up at all pressed his already throbbing cock against the welcoming hole and thrust hard. Andy yelled in pleasure as Serle's swollen dick ploughed into his slimy ass hole and started fucking him harder than he would have believed possible. Serle closed his eyes in relief as he pounded his prick into the beautiful, still tight bum hole, feeling the contracting muscle rubbing against his shaft. His balls banged against the other boys ass cheeks on each inward thrust causing both to experience more pleasurable sensations. Both knew that because of the prolonged build up the older boy wouldn't last long but neither cared, Andy wanted a really good, rough fucking and Serle just wanted relief and if he got it whilst ravaging a lovely teenage fuck hole so much the better. He felt he was getting close and clasped the other boy tighter, sliding one hand around until he could grab the stiff boy cock and he started to wank it hard as his felt the sperm building up in his ass fucking cock.

Andy tightened his asshole as much as he could around the just pliant flesh stretching his hole and sliding in and out against the walls of his ass and as Serle kept fucking and wanking him he knew he was going to cum any moment.

He wasn't the only one. Hattin had now reached his goal and as Craig kept bouncing on his cock he gave one final thrust and started filling the boys hot hole with cum. As he felt his ass get another spattering Craig grabbed his dick and wanked it furiously and it only took a few strokes before he joined Hattin in shooting sperm. The only difference was that whilst Hattin was filling his ass he was spattering small puddles of liquid over the other boys stomach. They continued their actions until all their fluid had left their respective cocks.

Serle screamed as he felt his balls contract and he gave a final hard thrust, driving his prick as deep as possible into Andy's ass just as he started coating the boys steaming fuck hole with hot, creamy spunk. Andy could feel the sticky cum spattering his ass hole and at the same time the frantic fingers around his dick did their job and he watched as he started shooting his own spunk over the wanking hand. Serle was still cumming and he continued to pound Andy's ass with his fuckpole until it was coated with the cummy contents. Because of the dual fucking Andy's ass couldn't retain all the discharge and more cum streams were now slipping from his ass.

Craig watched happily as his friend and Serle started to calm down. He was still sitting on Ingrams, softening cock and could feel cooling spunk dripping from his ass, but he didn't wasn't to lose the feeling of fullness the other boys prick was giving him. He hadn't even thought about the fact that Serle was untied until the older boy stepped back, his prick sliding from the still twitching ass.

"Oh fuck, we're for it now", he thought to himself and prepared to make a quick getaway.

He needn't have worried for Serle grabbed Andy's shoulders, turned him round and grinned at him happily.

"You and your mate are cheeky little cunts", he told him, "but you've got balls to get us like this. I reckon between us all we'd make a pretty good team. I think we could all have a pretty good time together and I'm sure you know a lot of 'suitable' boys your age we could have some fun with as well".

Andy looked at Serle and then at Craig who smiled back at him.

Both realised that if they agreed with Serle they would be entering a new ere of sexual experience but that it would involve doing to others what Serle's gang had done to Andy.

And both knew that there was no way they were going to turn down the suggestion.

But that's another story . . . Perhaps!!

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