Bound to Cum

By moc.toofgib@kurohtua

Published on Jan 20, 1998



If you have any comments or feedback on this story please feel free to e-mail me at . Any stories I write will only be posted to the ASSGM news group so if you see them anywhere else, apart from the Nifty Archive, please let me know as they will have been posted without my permission. Suggestions for possible story topics also welcome.

"Bound To Cum"

"Don't move or you're dead"

As he heard the words he felt something press into his back.

"Shit", thought Andy, " captured again".

He lifted his hands resignedly and turned to face Craig, his 14 year old friend, standing in mock combat gear, his plastic rifle pointing at Andy.

Craig 'glared' at him. "Right, you're my prisoner", he snapped. "Go over to that tree".

As he spoke he gestured with his rifle towards a tall oak tree on the left of the clearing where he had 'captured' his friend. The two boys walked towards it, Craig walking behind Andy, his rifle still in the alert position. When they reached the tree Andy was ordered to stand with his back against the trunk and then Craig, shucking the rucksack from his back, opened it and removed a coil of rope. As Andy stood against the tree he could feel the rope fastening his hands behind the tree and then, when Craig was sure they were fixed firmly proceeded to do the same to his friends' legs until Andy was fixed firmly to the tree. Once he was satisfied with his knots, Craig walked around the tree until he was facing the bound boy.

"You are now my prisoner", he declared triumphantly, "and if you don't give me the information I want you will be tortured until you beg for mercy."

"I'll never talk", Andy replied, maintaining his character of the tough, war bitten soldier.

Craig started to speak again then his eyes flicked past Andy to a point behind the tree.

"Ohhh Shit", he yelped.

Before his friend had a chance to ask what was wrong Craig turned and started running towards the clearing, twice looking over his shoulder at 'something' behind Andy, as he went.

Of course Andy was unable to follow, being tied to the tree so all he could do was watch Craig's back as it moved further and further away. He wasn't sure whether his friend was just pissing about or had really seen something alarming but even as he was considering this he heard the sound of several footsteps coming from behind.

"Well look what's here", came an amused voice. Andy groaned silently, recognising the speaker as Chris Serle. Chris attended the same school but was a couple of years older and, with his friends, took great pleasure in bullying the smaller kids. Until now Andy had managed to keep out of his way but this time he hadn't being so lucky. Movement caught his eye and he stared apprehensively as Chris came into view. He was accompanied by three of his "gang", Paul Hatton, Hilt (Hilton) Ingram and Chris Watkins. Serle was already almost 6' tall, slim but muscular with light brown hair and at present had a rather unpleasant grin on his face. His cronies were slightly shorter but no less menacing. Paul Hatton was stockier, his stern faced topped by a shock of curly, dark brown hair, Ingram was of similar build and hair colour but his was straight and Watkins was slimmer with longer, slightly greasy, black hair.

The four of them stood staring at the bound boy and Andy had little choice but to stare back as the ropes allowed him little movement. Chris Serle smiled at him but it was not a very nice smile, more a "you've had it now mate" kind of smile and Andy swallowed apprehensively.

The bigger boy stepped forward until he was standing directly in front of Andy and then, without any warning, thrust a hand between the boys legs and grabbed his balls. Andy grasped as little shafts of pain rose up his body from his squeezed bollocks. Even though his tormentor wasn't gripping him all that tightly is was certainly enough to hurt.

"Well he's got something there", Serle announced to the others as he continued squeezing Andy's balls through his jeans.

"Anything much else there?", Ingram asked and Serle moved his hand up the jeans until his palm was pressing down on the crotch, his fingers digging into Andy's scrotum.

"I think he's got a dick there but it's hard to tell as it's so small I can't tell through his jeans", Serle replied.

Watkins laughed. "Better take them down then so we can check properly".

"Just let me go", shouted Andy now feeling pretty frightened at the situation he was in but soon shut up as the fingers pressed harder against his balls.

"You don't give me orders", Serle told him, prodding his testicles each time he said a word. Andy just looked at the bigger boy resignedly, knowing there was sod all he could do to stop his and his mates doing whatever they wanted. He felt the weight on his crotch lift as the hand moved upwards until it was fumbling with the boys belt. As the two ends of the belt dropped and hung limply Andy could feel the clip of his jeans being undone and felt the pressure around his waist lessen as the top of his jeans sprung apart. Next he heard the sound of his zip being pulled down and he knew that the crotch of his jeans was opening.

Letting go of the zip Serle took a step back so the four of them could look at the tied up boy properly and they stared down at Andy's crotch where now could be seen the white cotton of his jockeys in the centre of the now wide open fly of the jeans. Serle stepped forward again and rubbed a finger over the material until he came into contact with the soft, fleshy lump beneath them

"At least he's got one", he sniggered, as he added another finger to the exploration. Andy felt his dick being gently squeezed where it was lying, limp, under his briefs. Serle continued with this movement for a few seconds and then grasped the boy's jeans and pulled them down until they were resting around his bound ankles. Grabbing hold of the jockeys he repeated the movement and Andy felt the cool air against his now naked crotch as his underpants joined his jeans. The others crowded around, almost eagerly and looked at the flaccid, 4 inch cock that was now revealed. Beneath was a nicely proportioned ball sack and above it was just a trace of wispy hair. Chris Watkins reached out his hand and prodded the soft cock experimentally and was rewarded by a slight tightening under his fingers.

Tied to the tree Andy also felt it and realised that despite what was happening his dick was starting to get hard. He shut his eyes as he felt fingers squeezing gently causing his shaft to stiffen more and more until he knew it was sticking straight out from his body. Realising he could do nothing to stop the hard on he let his eyelids flicker apart and saw that the four boys were staring down between his legs and all of them were slowly rubbing their own crotches.

"Ever sucked cock you little turd?", Serle snapped at him.

"Course not", Andy replied almost defiantly. "Only faggots do stuff like that. It's gross."

"Looks like you're about to become a faggot then", came a snickering reply.

Before these last words had sunk in properly the boys moved around the tree and Andy felt the rope being untied but his relief was short lived as he felt the clothing around his ankles pulled off and at the same time his T-Shirt was removed. Then, naked, he was forced downwards until he was kneeling, his back still against the rough tree trunk, and his hands and feet tied up again. It wasn't the most comfortable position, Andy thought, in a masterpiece of understatement, as his shoulders ached a little from the position of his arms and the tree bark was pressing into his bare back. The only good think about it was his erection had deflated a bit so his dick was now at a "half mast" position.

From his new viewpoint he watched as the four bullies re-assumed their positions in front of him and then, in front of the horrified boy's eyes, started removing their T-Shirts. Andy noticed that none of the boys yet had any chest hair but all were pretty well proportioned. Now there were four pairs of hands undoing four pairs of blue jeans which each soon slipped down the legs of their respective owners until they lay on the ground in four, crumpled, blue piles.

The boys now stood in front of their captive wearing only their undergarments and Andy noticed that whilst Serle and Ingram wore jockeys, Watkins and Hatton favoured boxer shorts, one pair plain blue and the other patterned. All had noticeable bulges in the crotch area but with the two jockey wearers their cocks were clearly defined under the thin material and, to Andy, looked pretty big. He didn't have long to wait as all four took hold of their final garment and slipped them off so they were facing Andy, bollock naked, stiff dicks pointing towards him. Apart from his own, he'd never seen another boy with a hard on and so he couldn't help examining each of the rigid shafts. Serle and Ingram had the biggest pricks, about 6" long but there the similarity ended. Serle was uncircumcised and his foreskin was slightly pulled away from the end revealing half an inch of spongy, purplish, glistening dick head, the slightly opened piss slit staring unblinkingly at the captive boy. Ingram was cut and his dick was also thicker than Serle's. The head was also pinker and dry although as Andy looked he saw a small drop of clear liquid ooze from the slit at the top.

Watkins and Hatton were less endowed by maybe half an inch and like the other two, one was circumcised and one wasn't. Watkins already had a hand on his shaft and as he moved it up and down his foreskin slid back and forth over his shiny cock head. Like Ingram, Hatton's cut cock was surrounded by a thick bush of curly black hair and his ballsack hung loosely between his legs. As he was looking at the four dicks Andy felt his own reversing its downward movement and start stiffening again but he guessed it just something that happened when you were faced with four boners.

Chris Serle had been watching as Andy got stiff again and his own cock throbbed in anticipation of what was to come. He walked over until he was standing directly in front of the hog-tied boy so that his stiff organ was only an inch or so away from his face.

"Right listen, you little faggot-to-be", he snarled. "You are going to suck my dick. In fact you're going to suck all our dicks. If you don't do a good job you'll get a beating, if you hurt us with your teeth you'll get a beating, if you tell anyone you'll get a beating. In fact if you do anything wrong you'll get a beating. Understand?"

By the time Serle had finished speaking Andy was feeling pretty scared. Having his dick touched hadn't been too bad, he could handle that, but now these bastards were going to stick their filthy cocks into his mouth. For a moment he seriously considered taking the beating instead but only for a moment as his fear of pain cut in making the sucking the better of two crappy options.

"I understand", he whispered, his eyes focussed on the hard, twitching cock in front of him. Serle started pushing forward and the head of his cock moved closer to Andy's lips. The boy hesitated for a second and then ever so slowly pushed his tongue towards the head of the jutting organ. As the two finally made contact the unfamiliar taste of boy cock hit his senses. It was hard to describe, slightly acrid and musky with just a hint of something else. As he realised that it wasn't as bad he had imagined, Andy started licking further around the spongy flesh. Serle clenched his hands as the tongue slid over the end of his cock, getting more adventurous as time passed and already he could feel his balls tightening, the thought of an unwilling boy licking his dick making him light-headed, feelings that intensified as the Andy flicked over his sensitive foreskin.

Now he'd got used to the idea Andy was finding that the cock sucking wasn't really that bad. Sure sucking someone's dick was gross but it didn't taste as horrible as he'd expected and was certainly better that getting beaten up. He decided he'd better start doing more than just licking before his captors got annoyed so, opening his mouth he slid it right over the head of Serle's hard, warm cock. As the boner started filling his mouth he clamped his lips around it and continued swashing his tongue over the tip. He felt a small amount of some liquid seeping from the piss slit and licked it, finding it Ok. By now Serle was getting really worked up as Adam worked on his dick and his three cronies standing there stroking their own cocks wasn't helping. He knew he wouldn't last much longer and so he grabbed Adam's head and pulled it towards him, forcing his meat further into the warm, wet mouth. Adam almost gagged as the cock head reached his throat but he managed to avoid that by concentrating on sucking and salivating the now throbbing cock. He heard Serle groan, felt the dick in his mouth start jumping and then as his mouth started filling with hot, thick liquid he realised that the youth was cumming in his mouth. He instinctively swallowed the creamy juice to make room for the next dollops spurting from Serle's pulsating prick. It wasn't long before the spurts changed to a trickle and as he felt the penis in his mouth start to soften slightly his head was released and Serle stepped back a few paces, his forehead shining with sweat.

Andy swallowed the last of the cum in his mouth and realised that his own dick was feeling really tight but before he could dwell on this a hard, thick, cut cock came into view as Hatton took Serle's place. Andy sighed, quietly, and leant forward to start on his next sucking task. This time it was different as Hatton's cock was drier as he had no foreskin to lubricate his head but this was compensated by the traces of sticky cum mixed with saliva still in Andy's mouth. The boy was finding the differences in this cock quite interesting and noticed that even Hatton's crotch had a different smell to it, different but still, surprisingly, rather exciting. Andy traced over the taut shaft with his lips, his tongue laving the cock head and pressing into the little slit at the end. Because Hatton had been rubbing himself whilst watching Serle get his rocks off it didn't take him nearly as long to climax and so shortly afterward Andy felt another dick throbbing and a second dose of similar tasting spunk jetted into his mouth. He swallowed furiously as Hatton pumped in and out of his mouth, causing one jet to catch Adam's lips and slide slowly down his chin.

By this stage the other two had worked themselves up into such a state of lust that neither could wait any longer and so as soon as Hatton stepped back they both dove forward simultaneously until Adam had yet another new experience as two stiff dicks both tried to enter his cum sticky mouth together. The boy knew that he'd never get both in so, taking the initiative he caught hold of one cock in each hand and, holding them tightly, started running his tongue over the cock heads one after another. Sometimes he would slide his tongue between the two pulsing boners so he was licking the sides of both pricks at once and at the same time he moved his hands up and down jerking off the two panting youths.

The amazing sensations in their dicks was heating the two up even more and until they each had an arm around the other tightly causing their naked sides to press together. The feelings in their groins were intensified now and then as their cock heads rubbed against each other and both dug their fingernails into the other as they felt their climaxes approaching.

Adam was quite into the whole thing now, his build up of sexual excitement had reached such a stage that any thoughts of it being gross or disgusting to suck another persons cock had disappeared and he licked the shafts vigorously, still wanking the two boys as he did. As he felt the now familiar movements starting in the two swollen cocks he opened his mouth in preparation for what was about to happen and this time was able to watch as the two boy's dicks started to disgorge their creamy loads. As Adam saw the first jets of white fluid leave the piss slits and travel the short distance to his waiting mouth he felt his own dick throbbing and to his amazement, as more hot salty, cream spattered his face, he felt his own cum boiling up from his balls, leaving his painfully tight prick and looping to the ground. His massive climax was continuing and he pressed his face against the two dicks and licked the sticky cock heads, still spitting their final globules of spunk against him.

Finally all three were satiated and Adam slumped back against the tree. The other boys stood looking, their gradually limpening dicks shining with a mixture of saliva and spunk.

"Quick, he's over here", came a voice from the trees in the distance and Adam recognised his friend Craig's voice. At the sound the four naked boys jumped as if electrified and with muttered oaths grabbed their clothes from the ground and started running back from where they had first appeared. Adam just lay back against the tree, totally exhausted, and waited for whoever Craig had got to help to arrive. Then the realisation of his situation dawned on him. "Oh, fuck", he thought. "They'll see me like this and know what I did. Oh Shit"

He detected movement and fearfully lifted his head only to gasp in surprise when, instead of a group of people, he just saw Craig running towards him. When he reached his friend Craig stood, staring in horror at his friend, sitting, tied to the tree, dribbles of cum over his face and chest and other white clusters on the ground near his semi-limp dick.

"Oh shit, I'm so sorry I ran away, man, but I was so scared", Craig whispered, tears forming in the corner of his eyes.

"It's OK", Andy reassured him. "It wasn't that bad, really. Just help me get untied".

His friend complied with this request and gently untied the knotted rope until it dropped to the ground. He helped Andy to his feet and as he looked at his cum covered friend he was surprised to feel his groin tighten.

"What did they do?", he asked as Andy started collecting his clothing, wiping the spunk from his body with his jockeys before putting them on. Andy looked up.

"I'll tell you all about it later", he promised. "And, I'll tell you something else. Somehow I'm gonna get those creeps back. I think they should find out what it's like to suck dick, and worse!"

Bound To Cum (2)

When the doorbell sounded it's strident ring, the following morning, Andy ran downstairs from his room to answer it. He guessed it was Craig and as he opened the door he saw he was right. His friend walked in and, after closing the door, Andy ran back up to his room closely followed by Craig.

Because Andy hadn't had time yesterday to explain what the four boys had "made" him do he'd had to promise to give Craig all the gory details now, so as the two of them entered Andy's bedroom, closing the door behind them, he saw the other boy staring at him expectantly.

"O.K., tell me what happened." Craig said, then, as he saw a hint of hesitation appearing, "Oh come on. You promised".

Andy relented and shrugged. "Yeah, all right. Better get comfy 'cos it might take some time.

The two of them flung themselves onto Andy's bed. Andy leant on his right side so he could look at his friend who was lying on his back, hands behind his head, and once they were both settled he began to relate the events of the previous afternoon.

Craig listened intently as the details unfolded, flicking surreptitious glances at the other boy every now and then. As he spoke and remembered what had happened Andy realised, to his surprise, that he was actually enjoying telling his friend about it and was even getting hard.

Unknown to Andy similar things were happening to the other boy. Although he had started out expecting to be shocked and horrified by what his poor friend had endured, Craig was, instead, fascinated and when he heard about Serle cumming in Andy's mouth he casually moved one hand from his head and down to his crotch so he could hide what was definitely the start of a hard on.

"What did it taste like", he whispered. "Was it gross"

"No it wasn't 'tho I thought it would be", was the reply. "It was quite thick and warm but it's hard to describe the taste."

Eventually Andy reached the point where the boys had run off and he could tell from the pressure in his jockeys that he had a raging stiffie.

Craig thought for a moment then spoke again. "I'm having a problem working out why you couldn't get away. How were you tied up?"

Andy started to explain, rather surprised at his friend's apparent lack of belief, but was soon interrupted.

"Look, why don't you show me, it'll be easier."

"But I don't have a tree in my room", said Andy, stating the obvious.

"Shit I know that. We'll have to use something else. Come on, it'll be a laugh."

After looking around the sparsely furnished room they decided that the only thing to do would be to upend the bed and pretend that was the tree so that was what they did. Andy rummaged around until he had found some rope and then held it out so his friend could tie him up, but Craig shook his head.

" I've been thinking", he told Andy, "and I reckon the best way for me to understand it is if I pretend to be you and you pretend to be Serle."

So saying he positioned himself with his back against the springs of the upended bed.

"Now tie me up like you were when they first arrived".

Still a bit surprised Andy did as he was asked until Craig was firmly fixed to the bed.

"Now I want you to try and remember everything Serle did, in the right order. What happened first?"

Andy thought back but it wasn't too difficult to remember.

"He squeezed my dick and balls", he told Craig.

"Go on then", his friend said.

Andy hesitated but as Craig urged him on, he reached out a hand and gently clasped it over the fly of his friends jeans. He immediately noticed one difference from the events of yesterday. When Serle had squeezed him his dick had been limp which was not what was happening here as his hand was wrapped around something very hard indeed!

"Go on, squeeze", Craig muttered.

Andy tightened his grip as he felt his friends cock for the first time, even though it was through his clothing. Until now they'd never really talked about stuff like that - sure they'd made the usual crude, jokey comments boys do but neither had ever suggested anything else. As he squeezed he thought, for a moment that he felt some response but then he dismissed the idea, after all, they were just recreating the start of the incident out of curiosity - weren't they?

Finally Andy released his grip and stepped back.

"Well that's how it started so you see I couldn't have done anything about it, could I."

Craig stared back at him and Andy saw a strange look in his eyes.

"Yeah, I mean No. OK, you couldn't have but I still think we'd better do a bit more of it. I want to know how bad it must have been for you. Come on. Please."

Andy thought about it but whatever his brain was saying his cock was certainly willing, judging from the way it was pushing against the tight cloth of his briefs.

"Well if you're sure. But the next thing Serle did was take my jeans and stuff down."

Craig said nothing, just looked at him almost appealingly so Andy moved in and carefully caught hold of the clip at the waistband of the tied boys jeans. He felt the clip open and then, taking hold of the zipper between his thumb and forefinger, he slowly drew it downwards. The sound of the zip undoing seemed loud in the almost silent room and Andy watched, mesmerised, as the zip fastening opened revealing the whiteness of Craig's jockeys, the front pushed forward from the small but firm cock beneath. When the front of the jeans were gaping wide Andy let go of the zip and taking hold of the blue denim pulled the jeans down his friends slim legs. As they stopped their downward slide, Andy started to move his hand towards the now cotton covered crotch in front of him.

As he had felt the slim fingers performing their actions on his jeans Craig could hardly breath. The fact that his friend was touching him where no one ever had before, was, somehow, incredibly exciting and he knew that this was something he would remember for a very long time. He closed his eyes when his jeans slid down his legs so he didn't see what was happening next until he felt a hand squeezing the thin material covering his shaft and he felt his boner swell under the gentle pressure.

By now Andy's own cock was pressing so hard into his clothing it was almost painful but he ignored it, concentrating on his hand as it slowly moved over the white covered protrusion in front of him. He saw a small damp spot appear on the cotton briefs where the tip of Craig's dick was pushing against it and instinctively squeezed the shaft, causing the spot to get slightly larger. Almost reverently he clasped the sides of the underwear and pulled it down, giving a little gasp as he saw his friends uncovered prick for the first time. He noticed it seemed slightly longer than his but no thicker and the slit at the end had a drop of liquid hanging precariously on it. Craig also had just a hint of hair around the base of his dick which Andy looked at with interest and as soon as the jockeys were clear of the area he put his hand up and clasped the warm, stiff flesh of Craig's boy cock. As he did so he heard the other boy moan softly and, slightly panicking, pulled his hand back.

"Er..that's was all he did before. . .", his voice tailed of but almost immediately his friend completed the sentence.

". .before he made you suck him off, right?"

"Um . .yeah. First they tied me differently then made me do it."

"Show me how you were tied for that, then" Craig told him.

By now, despite himself, Andy was feeling pretty horny and didn't need any more urging to untie his friend, push him to his knees and then tie him up again, tightly, to the base of the bed. He stood looking down at the tied boy, who was struggling with the ropes.

"Shit, you've really done a good job with these ropes", came a plaintiff voice.

"I know, but you wanted to know what it was like and you have to be tied as tight as me to understand how I couldn't stop them - right?"

"I s'pose so" was the slightly grudging reply. "So what happens now."

Andy lost any semblance of control as he looked at Craig.

"This does", he told Craig and hurriedly started undoing his own jeans.

The bound boy watched as his friend stripped off his trousers and then, before he had much chance to look at Andy's bulging briefs, they were slipped down as well until Craig was staring at just over 4 inches of stiff dick. Even as he watched it moved towards him until the head brushed his lips and the smell of fresh boy dick entered his nostrils. Making no effort to resist he opened his mouth and felt Andy's cock slide into his wet mouth. Craig sniffed the new, exciting scent and closed his mouth against the warm, swollen flesh, tasting the drop of pre-cum against his tongue. He flicked his tongue experimentally over the spongy head and was rewarded by feeling it twitch in response.

Andy was in seventh heaven, not only was his dock being sucked for the first time but by his best friend and the combination was awesome. It was also bringing him on very quickly and he knew he was going to climax any second. Craig's tongue was sliding over his cock head faster now and Andy clenched his ass cheeks as he felt his dick start the now familiar pulsation. He almost screamed as he started cumming and knew that more spunk was leaving his piss slit than the day before.

For Craig it was another new experience as he felt hot, creamy stiff spurting into his mouth and he savoured the strange taste, swallowing the first globules and feeling them sliding down his throat as more entered his mouth. He thought his own dick was going to explode as his friend's cock throbbed in his mouth and he tried to free one hand to wank himself but the ropes were too tight. Finally Andy stepped back causing his slightly softened shaft to slip from Craig's mouth, a last drop of white liquid oozing from the damp piss slit. Craig was feeling really desperate as his cock seemed to swell even more.

"Oh, Christ, Andy, please do me, I can't stand this."

As he heard the plaintiff cry and stared at his bound, horny friend, Andy felt his own softening cock start to stiffen slightly and he quickly knelt down and took Craig's burning cock in his mouth. The first touch of Andy's wet tongue was enough and he felt his friends whole body jerking as his creamy cum started filling Andy's warm, and willing, mouth. He grabbed Craig's ass cheeks and pulled him up, forcing the pulsating dick further into his now salivered, cummy mouth.

Craig couldn't have imagined how incredible it felt to have his friend sucking him and taking in his spunk and he thrust upwards as if he was trying to push his dick right down his friend's throat. All too soon he stopped cumming and gradually relaxed. Andy lifted his head from the spunked out dick, swallowed the remaining cream still in his mouth and looked at his friend.

Craig smiled at him, his face flushed.

"Fuck, that was awesome", he muttered. "Now, if you untie me you can tell me what you've got planned for the others."

As he untied the ropes Andy realised that now there was going to be two, horny boys wanting to take their revenge and as this thought struck him he felt a twinge in his dick and a final drop of cum plopped from his cock head onto the carpet below.

Bound To Cum (3)

Over the next couple of days the two boys discussed how they were going to get back at Serle and the others. It was pretty obvious that they couldn't take them all on at once but Andy was determined to give all four a taste of their own medicine so it was clear that they would to plan their strategy carefully.

They considered several possibilities but finally decided that a variation on the old saying 'divide and conquer' would be the best bet and so they started making a detailed plan...

It was almost like a military operation, Andy thought to himself as he covertly observed Serle from some bushes. Since they had decided on a plan the two boys had tried to get some idea of the movements of their "enemies", to try and find some pattern, and it had become clear that all four went to the park where they had caught Andy more often than anywhere else. So after comparing notes and deciding on the 'area of operations' Andy and his friend fixed the following Saturday as "GBB" day, or "Get the Bastards Back" Day!. The day before, both were kept busy collecting the various items they had decided they would need to ensure maximum safety, for themselves, and maximum 'pay back' for the others!

. . . . . . . . . . .

The strident buzzing of his alarm clock woke Andy abruptly but any thought of more sleep almost immediately left him. Today was 'THE DAY' and he leapt out of bed and pulled on jeans, jockeys, socks and a T-shirt. He fastened the rather bulky rucksack that was lying in one corner of his room and, having put on his trainers, crept quietly from the house. He had told his parents that he and Craig were going fishing and wanted an early start, which they had accepted with no problems. If only they had known what the two boys really had planned for the day!

. . . . . . . . .

Craig saw his friend from his bedroom window, where he had been anxiously waiting. Since the incident the other day when Andy had showed what had been done to him he'd been unable to think of much else as the remembrance of Andy's

cum in his mouth kept flashing back into his mind, and each time it did his cock would stiffen. Although the two of them had planned the initial stages of today with great care, what was to happened once they had their 'captors' had been left rather up in the air. He'd asked Andy about this at one point but his friend had just grinned.

"I think we'll just take things as they come", he'd replied and Craig wasn't sure which spelling of the word the other boy had meant! Now seeing Andy he left his bedroom and went down stairs, remembering to grab his own, equally bulky, rucksack as he went. Leaving the still silent house he walked over to his approaching friend and the two of them grinned at each other.

"Well this is it!" Andy stated, perhaps a little nervously as they started towards their destination.

"I just hope we've thought of everything", the other boy replied. "I mean, we're only going to get one chance and if anything goes wrong then. ."

". . we're fucked", both of them said simultaneously.

Andy looked across at Craig.

"You know if you want to back out I won't mind. I mean, it was me that they did it to so I won't blame you."

Craig returned the glance and tried to look resolute.

"Shit, no", he replied. "You're my mate, aren't you? Count me in."

(Privately he was thinking that he would follow his friend to the ends of the earth after that all too short blow job he'd experienced the other day!)

By the time they reached the wooded area that had been the scene of Andy's undignified experience of a few days before the sun was starting to warm up the air around them. This time, however, they carried on for around another hundred yards until they came to another clearing with a dirt path leading into it from the other direction. Their recent observations had shown that this was where their four "targets" met and so they had based their plans on this site.

"Right, let's get ready", Andy said to his friend and, going behind a clump of bushes, they unpacked their rucksacks. Over the next 30 minutes or so the two boys organised themselves and their equipment until they were satisfied everything was ready."

"O.K.", Andy finally said, "They should start getting here soon so let's get in position". He was unable to hide the nervousness in his voice so he quickly walked a short way along the path until he reached a pre-selected bush which he hid behind. Craig also took up his position and the two boys waited, silently for their prey.

It wasn't long before the sound of someone walking towards them reached their ears and Andy peered through the bush, trying to make out who it was. As the figure drew nearer he saw it was Serle, and he was alone. That had been the only problem, if the four boys had come along together Andy and Craig would have had severe problems and the whole plan would have had to be abandoned.

Serle drew gradually closer until, finally, he was passing the clumps of bushes where the two boys were hiding and as he drew level Andy leapt out behind him and thrust a pillow case over his head. At the same time Craig emerged and wrapped his arms around Serle's legs, causing the older boy to lose his balance and topple forward. He hit the ground with a thump and the "wuuumph" of expelled breath was clearly audible as his lungs emptied. Before he could recover the two younger boys rapidly tied his arms tightly behind his back. His legs were then hobbled together with more rope so there was just a few inches of movement them. When they were satisfied with their knots the boys turned their attentions to Serle's head. Craig pulled off the pillow case and Andy blindfolded and gagged the still winded boy with two handkerchiefs. Having completed the immobilisation they pulled Serle to his feet and started to drag him towards the nearby clearing. The older boy tried to struggle but he had been bound too well and he couldn't even kick out without losing his balance. Reaching the clearing they dragged Serle to one of the trees and, with another piece of rope tied him to the trunk, not too tightly but enough to keep him there. Then they went back to the clump of bushes to await their next "victim".

As he waited Andy realised that whilst they had been tying Serle up he'd started to get a hard on, there had been something exciting about having power over someone, something he'd never thought about before. However, he tried to put this out of his mind and concentrate on the job in hand, that of "capturing" Serle's three fiends. He only hoped things went as smoothly with them as they had with Serle.

They did! Within twenty minutes there were four boys tied to adjacent trees and the sounds of futile struggling and mumbles echoed softly around the clearing. The two friends looked at each other and grinned.

"Shit, I never thought we'd manage it", Craig whispered. Andy nodded, relieved.

"To be honest I wasn't sure either - but we've got them".

"Too right", Craig responded. "So what do we do with them now?"

"That was a good point", Andy admitted, wryly, to himself. He'd spent so much time planning the capture he hadn't really thought about the aftermath. He remembered back to the things they had made him do when he was in the same position and his cock poked into his jeans excitedly at the remembrance.

"Let's start by getting their dicks out and take it from there", he suggested and his friend nodded, his face getting flushed with excitement and, judging from the lump in his jeans other bits of him also liked the idea!

Walking over to the four boys they stood and stared at them. The struggling had virtually stopped now, probably because they had realised it was pointless. All four were wearing jeans, T-shirts and sneakers, the only difference being the colours of the garments. Almost tentatively Andy went over to Serle and, reaching out a hand rubbed it over the zip of the other boys jeans. There was an immediate reaction as Serle started struggling but once Andy realised the struggling wasn't making any difference he got bolder and squeezed the bunched up cloth under his palm. He was almost immediately rewarded by Serle's dick stiffening inside the material and pressing into his hand. Emboldened now, he grabbed the zip and pulled it down until Serle's tented jockey's poked through the widening gap in the fly.

Watching his friends actions on Serle's jeans was making Craig very horny and, going over to Hattin, started performing the same actions on his jeans and crotch until he too had a boner poking through his slightly stained, yellow briefs. As he looked at this exciting sight Craig had an overwhelming urge to smell Hattin's jockey's and bending down until his nose was almost touching the material he sniffed deeply, feeling his cock harden more as the aroma of boy cock and piss filled his nostrils. He almost wanted to pull out his dick and wank there and then but managed to restrain himself, knowing there was a lot more "work" to do yet. Standing up he saw that Andy had now moved over to Ingram and was busy with the bound boy's zip so Craig, slightly reluctantly, left Hattin and went over to the Watkins, the only one who still had his clothing completely fastened.

That state of affairs didn't last long, however, and it wasn't long before there were four boys, tied to trees with various sized jockey covered hard-ons sticking out of the flies of their jeans.

"I'm not sure how long I'm gonna last", Craig muttered to his friend, rubbing at his enclosed cock".

"You're not the only one", came the reply. "Let's get more comfy".

As he finished the sentence Andy kicked off his sneakers, undid his jeans and shucked them off, quickly followed by his jockeys and T-shirt until he was standing in the sun warmed clearing, stark naked, his stiff 4.5" dick pointing straight out in front of him. Craig didn't have to be told twice and in a short time was also naked, cock jutting out, a drop of pre-cum glistening on his piss slit. He looked at Andy and, after a brief hesitation, put into words what he's been thinking about ever since he'd undone Hattin's jeans.

"You'll probably think this is weird but I really want to suck their dicks through their jockey's. Isn't that gross?"

Andy thought about it, but only briefly, as even whilst his friend had been suggesting it his cock had throbbed at the idea.

"Why the hell not," he replied. "After all, we want them to be humiliated as much as I was - right?"

The two naked boys made there way to two of their "prisoners", Andy choosing Serle as the first recipient of his desire and Craig, not surprisingly, Hattin.

They knelt down in front of their respective boys and prepared to start.

The smell from Hattin's jockey's reached Craig's nostrils again and without more ado he put out his tongue and licked the rough material, the unusual tastes making his head whirl. Hattin jerked and grunted at this new, but not unpleasant sensation teasing his rigid dick as it forced itself against the material of his jockeys. When he'd first found himself captured he had been really pissed off, and, if he was honest, a bit scared as well as he hadn't had a clue who his attackers were. He still didn't but so far nothing too bad had happened quite the opposite in fact as the tongue laving his jockeys was sending tingling feelings up his cock. Fairly soon Craig got tired of just licking the jockeys and, leaning forward, wrapped his wet mouth around the cloth covered shaft of Hattin's dick. Now his mouth was full of the pissy, boy cock taste and the aroma from the crotch almost brushing his face was amazing. He could almost feel the heat from the rigid organ and he started sucking hard.

On the next tree Serle was experiencing mixed emotions. He was still really pissed off at having been caught so easily but against that, was also enjoying having his dick sucked through his jockeys. On the other end of the dick Andy was also enjoying himself as he sucked away at the now sodden jockeys of his earlier tormentor. He could taste a myriad of different flavours and could smell the musky scent of Serle's rampant crotch. He could hardly stop himself from touching his own cock but was trying to prolong his sexual excitement for as long as possible. As he felt Serle moving under the persistent tonguing of his jockeys another idea came to him and he started to suck harder until he felt the movement of Serle's crotch increase and knew the older boy was about to cum. Timing his moment to perfection he suddenly withdrew his mouth.

Serle could feel his cum starting to boil up in his balls and started to tense in preparation for his climax when the warm feeling of the mouth around his crotch disappeared. He thrust his cock forward, desperately trying to get back to the point of orgasm, now drifting away, but however much he tried, the warm, wet mouth eluded him. He groaned in frustration but the ropes prevented him using his hand to give himself the release he craved.

Adam watched in amusement at the fevered contortions of the bound boy and then walked over to the tree where Chris Watkins was tied. Kneeling in front of him he started to softly suck the covered cock, sticking out from the boy. He could feel an almost immediate response to his ministrations and started sucking even harder.

Craig had seen Adam move out of the corner of his eye and quickly realised what his friend intended. Clasping Hattin's covered balls with one hand he squeezed them softly as he increased the vacuuming movement of his mouth until he felt the boy start to squirm. Craig continued his ministrations until he judged that Hattin was about to shoot his load and then, as Adam had done, he abruptly drew away. Judging from the movements of his "victim" he had timed the movement just right and he moved over to the remaining youth, Ingram without so much as a backward glance. He could tell from the bulge in the white briefs that this boy had a good sized dick and as he wrapped his mouth around the jockeys and their contents he realised it was at least an inch thicker than his own or Adam's and was even bigger than Hattins.

If anyone had entered the clearing at that moment they would have got one hell of a shock. There they were, four helpless boys, jeans around their ankles, all jerking slightly and gasping. Two had large wet patches on the front of their jockeys at the point where their obviously rigid dicks were pressing into them, the other two had younger boys kneeling in front of them with their mouths clamped tightly around the crotch area. But luckily for them all, no one did arrive.

Andy sucked away at Watkin's cloth covered cock and at the same time fondled his balls through the jockeys. Almost as an afterthought he slipped his remaining hand over the back of the boys' leg and inside the leg of his jockeys until he could feel the warm mounds of flesh of Watkin's ass. The hand continued until it was stroking the crack between the cheeks and then Adam explored further until the tip of one finger was brushing the muscle around the boys ass hole. He pushed experimentally and felt Watkins respond by pressing his crotch into Adam's face, as if trying to escape the probing finger. He pushed the finger into the tightened muscle until he felt it slip into the entrance of the asshole. He could tell that Watkins was almost at the point of no return but by now he, himself wanted some relief so instead of pulling away he increased the movements of his mouth on the damp cloth and cock, still squeezing the balls and at the same time pushing his finger further into the warm, tightly muscled asshole.

Above him Watkins was feeling sensations he'd never had before and wanted to push both forwards into the wet mouth but also backwards to get more of the invading digit up his ass. As he felt himself cumming he clenched his ass around Adam's finger which by now was sliding in and out of his asshole and thrust his crotch as far as he could as he felt his dick spurting hot cum into the front of his jockeys. Adam sucked even harder as he tasted the first of the cum that strained through the cotton and pushed his finger as far as it would go into Watkin's asshole and more spurts of spunk soaked the jockeys. Finally Watkins relaxed as the last of his orgasm left him and Adam stood up, licking his lips as looked to his right where Craig was just receiving jockey strained cum from Ingram. Adam could see some of the white blobs had seeped out and were covering the edge of his friends mouth and he waited, licking his own lips thoughtfully.

Shortly afterwards Craig joined his friend, leaving a spent Ingram leaning against his tree, the front of his jockeys thick with his spurted cum, the bulge slightly less now the dick inside had deflated. Adam saw that Craig still had some of Ingram's spunk around his mouth and without thinking, leaned forward and licked at it experimentally. As Adam's tongue brushed his face Craig was initially shocked, but only for an instant, then he responded by flicking his tongue over Adam's lips, tasting their saliva and cum coating. When they'd licked each other clean Adam whispered something to Craig who grinned and nodded. The two boys then went over to Serle and Hattin, both still exhibiting fully stiff dicks pressing into their damp jockeys. Craig went to Hattin and Adam to Serle and, almost in unison, they each opened the front of one of the two pairs of jockeys and stuck their dicks into them. Andy felt his cock sliding into Serle's crotch, brushing against the pubic hair and then rubbing against the warm, hard cock and he slowly started a fucking movement causing his prick to rub against the coarse pubes and damp dick. The sensation of the jockeys brushing his shaft as he went made him feel even better and he grabbed the bound boy to enable his thrusts to be more rough.

Craig was having similar fun as he fucked Hattin's jockeys, rubbing against the cut dick and squeezing the cloth covered butt as he moved. All too soon he was ready and his cum started spurting over Hattin's cock, balls and pubes. The tip of Craig's dick jerked each time it rubbed the rough pubic hair and another gob of cum would leave the piss slit. Through his excitement he heard Andy groan and turned his head in time to see his friend humping Serle's jockeys for all he was worth.

As he felt his spunk jetting over Serle's cock he fucked harder, trying to soak the inside of the jockeys and their contents but he couldn't yet produce that much cum and had to content himself with a number of small, but satisfying spurts. Finally the last drop of hot cum left his cock and he reluctantly pulled out just as Craig did the same.

"What about them?", his friend asked, "Are we gonna wank them off?"

Andy gave his naked friend a hug.

"Hell no", he muttered. "Let them fucking suffer. After all, we've got hours yet and I've got a lot more planned for these four . . . .

To be continued. . . .

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