Bound in the Bayou

By Locked Cub

Published on Feb 8, 2023


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Bound in the Bayou

Part 9: First Privileges

In his second week, Sam spent most of his time continuing to sand and stain the dock. The wood was old and worn and several planks ended up needing to be replaced, a job that fell on the boy. While he worked, Sam thought about everything that Junior had told him. At first, he was scared about the prospect of being collared and becoming what sounded like the property of another man, but there were aspects of his personality that were turned on by the idea, too.

Sam could not help but fantasize about being Chad's boy. As he let his mind wander, he imagined waking up every morning and taking the big bear of a man's cock into his mouth and feeling it swell and drip precum over his tongue and down his throat. He saw himself bending over to have it pummeled into him to load his ass full of the man's alpha seed. He pictured himself taking care of the man, cleaning his house, preparing his meals, and yes, even taking his piss. His nub painfully swelled as he dreamed and Sam hoped that when he saw the man again, he would be proud of how far he had come.

The summer heat was building in the swamp. As the humidity level increased, Sam was almost happy he never wore clothes. The sweat covered his body as did the sawdust and stain he was using. He stunk, but Jim had not permitted him to bathe. He could only rinse off his body before coming inside. Calluses were starting to form on his hands and feet, which made the work easier and cut down on the cuts and scrapes and he was getting used to being on his knees, too.

On Thursday, Jim stepped out to check on his progress and Sam turned to see him as he was finishing the stain on the boards near the end of the dock. Sam put his brush down and wiped his forehead and then turned and knelt.

"Good afternoon, Sir."

"Nice job, boy," Jim said as he walked around and looked at the work that had been completed. "Looks like you are almost done."

"Yes, Sir," Sam replied. "I'll be done tonight for sure."

"Good," Jim said. "You might have had a tough start here, but you are a damn hard worker. I've never heard you complain about that."

"I've always worked with my hands, Sir," Sam replied. "Hard work is good for you. It keeps you focused."

"That is true," Jim said as he looked down at the boy. "It might burn some of that fat off your belly too."

Sam smiled.

"That's true, Sir."

Jim grinned and turned to piss off the dock. When Sam saw what he was about to do, he spoke up.

"Sir, may I ask you something?"

Jim stopped and turned and looked over at the boy.


"Junior told me I will need to learn to take piss from the tap," Sam replied. "May I start practicing that now? Before you waste that in the river, I mean."

Jim smiled.

"Of course, you can."

"Thank you, Sir," Sam replied. "I want to commit myself to this training process and start learning more."

"I am very glad to hear you say that," Jim said. "Come kneel in front of me."

Sam stood and walked over and then knelt till his head was at the level of Jim's crotch.

"Some men like to have a boy's mouth completely on their cock when they piss and some men like to piss into a boy's mouth," Jim began. "You will need to learn both ways and learn to not spill a drop, regardless."

"I understand, Sir," Sam replied.

"I will piss into your mouth today," Jim said. "Hold your head back slightly and open wide. As your mouth fills, you will need to train yourself to swallow at the right time to make sure you leave room for more. The first time is always difficult for new boys, so I don't expect you to master it at first. I will not stop the flow, though. So, anything you miss, you will be wearing for the rest of the day."

"I understand, Sir," Sam said.

Sam opened his mouth and leaned his head back and prepared himself as he watched Jim point his cock at him. When the stream hit his tongue, he flinched and the piss splashed over his face and down the front of his body.

"You better recover quickly, boy!" Jim said as the stream became more forceful.

Sam moved until he was collecting the piss in his mouth and tried to time his swallows. It took a few times to get it right and more liquid came out of his mouth and ran down the front of his body in the process. The warmth of the fluid was the main thing that nearly made him gag, however, he did his best. Jim had quite a full bladder, though, and as the stream continued to come at him, Sam lost concentration and it ended up all over his face and body near the end.

As Jim finished, he wiggled his cock over the boy's face and smiled.

"Well, that was not bad for a first attempt. Not good, but not bad."

Sam could still taste the piss in his mouth and felt the wetness of his face and body as what he missed dripped down over him and onto the dock.

"Thank you for giving me the pleasure of your piss, Sir," Sam replied. "May I request that I take your piss for the remainder of my training time here so I can learn to master this skill?"

Jim looked down at the boy and smiled.

"Of course, boy," Jim said. "Now get back to work."

"Yes, Sir!" Sam replied as he turned to complete his tasks.

As evening came, Sam stood and stretched. He had finished the staining of the dock and all his joints ached. He smelled awful, a combination of normal body odor, sweat, piss, and stain, but he knew he had more work to do before he could rest. He used a bucket to gather some river water which he poured over himself to rinse off and then when he was dry, he walked into the house. Jim was sitting down in his chair with his feet propped on a table. He was reading a newspaper and turned the edges down to look at the boy as he entered.

"Are you ready for me to make dinner, Sir?" Sam asked.

"Yes, boy," Jim replied. "I'm famished."

"Me too, Sir," Sam replied. "I am looking forward to earning the right to have my bowl in your presence after you are done."

Jim looked at the boy for a moment as Sam walked into the kitchen.

"Not that I am complaining, but what has caused this attitude change in you?" Jim asked.

"Sir?" Sam replied as he turned to face him.

Jim put the paper down and walked over and Sam immediately got to his knees and put his hands behind his back.

"See, this is what I mean," Jim said. "You are actually behaving like a sub now. Asking for my piss and showing deference to me. Am I to take it you have finally accepted your role here?"

"Yes, Sir," Sam replied as he looked up at Jim. "Every night this week I have thought about what Junior and I talked about. I have been fantasizing about Sir Chad, too. I realized that I want to commit myself to this training and learn all I can from you."

"No matter where that leads?" Jim asked.

"No matter where it leads," Sam replied. "I am still nervous, but I need this."

Jim smiled.

"Good. Get to work cooking dinner. And fix a plate for yourself, too. You have earned your first true meal here."

"Thank you so much for that privilege," Sam said as he beamed.

Jim returned to the living room and Sam pulled out some more gator meat to cook up with some vegetables and a sauce. As he plated it, he began to salivate at the thought of having real food for the first time in over a week and a half. He brought the food to the table and as Jim walked over and sat down, Sam knelt by the wall as usual.

Jim leaned over the table and breathed in the aroma.

"Damn, this smells good. I will have to say, I am going to miss having you around here preparing my meals."

"Thank you, Sir," Sam replied.

Jim reached over and grabbed the second plate that Sam had prepared and set it on the floor next to his feet.

"Come over here, boy. You may have your meal next to me."

"Thank you for the honor, Sir," Sam replied.

As Sam crawled over, he could feel his stomach beginning to grumble. He picked up the piece of meat in his hands and as it ran over his mouth and he chewed it, tears came to his eyes. It tasted so good and he was so proud of himself for earning the reward. He devoured his meal very quickly and then licked the plate clean. Jim looked down at him and chuckled.

"That's a good boy."

Sam looked up and smiled at him. For a moment he forgot about the slop he had been eating up to this point and all that he had to endure. He just relished the praise he was receiving.

"Now, I want you at my feet. Clean them with your tongue."

Sam looked down and saw that Jim's feet were filthy. After such a good meal, he almost hesitated to ruin the taste in his mouth by degrading himself, but with only a moment's pause, he moved under the table and put his mouth down on the man's foot and began to lick them clean. As he tasted the grit and dirt, he remembered his place again and resigned himself to his role.

Jim watched Sam grovel before him. He had finally broken the boy's will down and he was now ready to be molded and built back up to a confident and well-trained sub. Jim had been uncertain this stage would be achieved, but perhaps his nephew was right and the boy had some true potential. It was still early, to be sure, but he had known plenty of other boys that never made it this far.

After Jim's feet were cleaned and he had finished his dinner, he left the table and Sam stood and cleaned up the dishes and the kitchen. He then walked outside so that Jim could feed him his evening piss. Like before, his timing was off and a good amount ended up cascading over his face and down his body, but he managed to get more of it this time. Jim ran his hand over the boy's head and smiled.

"You have been getting pretty rank lately, boy. I am proud of your behavior this evening, so as a reward, grab the soap and go jump in the river and wash up before bed."

Sam beamed with pride.

"Thank you, Sir!"

He then turned and grabbed a bar of soap that was attached to a rope and jumped into the water to rinse down. As he sat on the dock after, he didn't even care about the mosquitoes that began to swarm. Jim was happy with him and that was all that mattered. Later, as Sam crawled into his cage and he heard the door close and lock, he sighed.

"I'm not the same boy that started here last week. And I expect I will be a completely different person when I leave. But I need this. I want this. I can do this."

Sam closed his eyes and smiled as he turned to get some rest.

The next morning, as the alarm sounded twice and the door to his sleeping cage opened, Sam crawled out refreshed and ready for another day of work. As he stood and did his morning stretches, Jim opened the door.

"Morning boy!"

Sam turned and smiled and knelt on the floor.

"Good morning, Sir. I am ready to serve you today."

"Good boy," Jim replied. "I am about to head out and do some fishing and I need to run into town. Provisions are running low."

"I would be happy to do the fishing for you if that will help," Sam said.

"Yes, that would be nice," Jim said. "See how much you can catch with the bait I have left and I will go on a shopping run."

"Sure thing, Sir," Sam replied with a smile.

Jim disappeared down the hall and Sam stood and finished his stretching. He reached down and adjusted his cage when he was done. The blue balls feeling had returned and his morning attempt at an erection had left his nub swollen. He adjusted and moved the cage around to let the blood flow back into his body and obtain some relief. As he walked into the living room, Jim was putting on his boots and turned to him.

"I'll be back in two hours. I left the tackle box and gear on the dock for you. I expect breakfast to be waiting for me when I return."

"Yes, Sir," Sam replied.

Jim turned to leave and Sam grabbed a can of the mosquito repellent from the kitchen to spray on himself before walking outside. The blast of humid air that greeted him made him gasp.

"Ugh, this air is like soup."

Sam walked down and loaded the gear into his boat and got on board. As he pulled away, he headed upstream to where they had removed the branch the week before. As he rounded the bend, he found the area that he saw Jim fishing previously and he cast his first line. Sam was pretty lucky and within the first thirty minutes had caught three large fish and was down to the last of the bait.

The morning air was still as he sat in the boat and cast one last time. He was concentrating on watching some of the bubbles that were coming to the surface near the boat when he heard the sound of a distant motor upstream. As he turned to look behind him in the direction of the noise, he remembered he was naked. He closed his legs together to hide his cage, but there was no way to cover himself. The sound got louder and soon he saw another craft round the turn. Inside the flat-bottom boat, he saw the figure of a man. As the craft got closer, he saw the man wave and heard his voice.

"Well, look who we have here!"

Sam recognized the voice instantly as Liam's.

"Hello, Sir!" Sam replied.

Liam cut his motor and pulled up next to Sam's boat and grabbed it.

"You out doing Jim's fishing?"

"Yes, Sir," Sam replied. "Sir had to go into town to do some shopping."

"How have you done?" Liam asked.

"Got several large fish," Sam replied pointing to his haul in the bottom of the boat. "I was just about to head back in and get these put away."

"Damn, those are a nice size!" Liam replied. "I'll have to try this spot later."

Liam grabbed his crotch and adjusted it and then looked at the boy.

"How about I follow you back. I need to drain my balls and last time I had that ass you had already been loosened up and flooded by my brothers. I would love to see what it is like when it is fresh."

"I'd be happy to service you, Sir," Sam said with a smile.

Liam smirked and watched as Sam put his gear away. He followed the boy back to the dock and Sam helped him tie his boat up after he secured his own. As Liam stepped out onto the dock, Sam could see he had on some cut-off jeans and was barefoot. His shirt was torn in a few areas and he could smell the man's familiar musk again. Sam knelt on the dock and Liam grabbed his head and rubbed it in his crotch.

"You ready to serve me, boy?"

"I am always ready to serve, Sir," Sam said. "Shall we go to the playroom?"

Liam took his shirt off and he let it drop to the dock and then began to unbutton his pants.

"Nah, boy. Just lie on your stomach on the dock. I'm gonna dick you down right here."

Sam watched as the man's pants hit the dock. Liam's cock was already hardening and glistening with precum. He watched as the man rubbed his large balls and stroked his shaft. Sam turned and laid on his stomach and felt as Liam straddled his legs. He felt hands spread his cheeks apart and then spit land on his hole. Liam rubbed the spit around with his thumb and pushed it inside Sam and the boy groaned.

"Fuck, you are tighter at first. I'm going to enjoy this."

More spit came down and then Sam heard the sound of Liam stroking his cock before he felt it rub at the entrance to his ass. As the man pushed forward, Sam groaned loudly.

"Fuck, yeah," Liam responded. "I know you missed this cock."

A moment of intense pain shot through Sam as Liam pushed deeper. The boy took a deep breath and tried to relax and laid his head on the dock as he closed his eyes. Liam placed his hands on either side of Sam and raised his legs as he pushed down till his balls hit the boy's ass. He then began to buck his hips and Sam felt the weight of the man as it pushed him into the surface of the dock.

"Damn, this ass is so nice. I am going first next time we have a gang bang!"

Sam grunted and opened his eyes as he felt the man fuck.

"Your dick feels so good, Sir."

"You like that, fucker?" Liam asked.

"Yes, Sir," Sam replied. "The feel of your alpha cock is like nothing else."

"That's right, bitch!" Liam replied as he put his knees on the dock and pushed into the boy.

Sam could feel the head of Liam's cock as it reached deeper inside him. His nub was completely swollen in his cage and he knew he was precumming all over the wood below him. His balls were getting smashed into the deck below, too, but he ignored the discomfort and focused on his ass. He squeezed and gripped the dick that was penetrating him and Liam squealed in response.

"Fuck yeah! Milk my fucking cock, boy!"

Sam grunted as he continued to flex his hole around the dick inside him as it pounded away. Liam was working up a sweat as he fucked and Sam could feel the wetness on his back and the fur of the man's chest as it slid over him. The boy could hear the sound of liquid smacking as Liam pounded and Sam got lost in the sensation.

"Time for your breeding, boy!" Liam shouted out.

"Put it deep in me, Sir!" Sam replied back.

Liam growled loudly as he orgasmed. His cock pulsed several times and Sam could feel it deep inside him as the seed was planted. When Liam finally caught his breath and pulled out, Sam felt the man slap his ass and then finger his hole.

"Fuck that was nice!"

"Thank you for the honor of your cum, Sir," Sam replied with a gasp.

Liam laughed and got to his feet and looked down at the boy.

"Get on your knees and clean this mess of yours off me."

Sam turned and looked and saw that Liam's softening cock had cum dribbling off it. He turned and got to his knees to face him and then took the cock into his mouth to clean it. The taste of the man's cum and his ass filled his mouth and he went deep down on him until he reached Liam's bush and could smell the man's scent. Liam grabbed Sam's head and held it on him until the boy coughed and then he released his grip.

"That's a good boy," Liam replied as he looked down.

Sam smiled and watched as Liam put his pants and shirt on.

"Come by anytime, Sir."

"I may have to!" Liam replied with a wink.

Sam watched the man get back into his boat and return upstream and then he grabbed the fishing gear and fish out of his boat to put away.

When Jim returned home, Sam had his breakfast ready and was waiting on his knees next to the wall.

"How did you do today, boy?" Jim asked as he put his hat on the table and sat down to eat.

"Very well, Sir," Sam replied. "I caught several large fish for your meals and I met Liam on the river after and he bred me on the dock."

Jim laughed.

"Poor Liam. Every time he has had a chance to use one of my boys, his brothers are with him and make him go last. I am glad he got a chance to use that hole of yours first thing. Did you provide him pleasure?"

"I did, Sir," Sam replied. "He was very complimentary and drained his balls well."

"Good," Jim said. "I would have preferred to have that ass of yours myself this morning while it was still fresh and unused, but at least it will be pre-lubed for me now."

"Yes, Sir," Sam replied.

"You may grab yourself a can of your food and then mount the fuck bench. I will be in to breed you again when I am done eating and putting the provisions away."

"Yes, Sir," Sam replied. "Happy to serve, Sir."

As Sam waited on the fuck bench, he turned and looked out the window beside him. The daylight was creeping in and the room was already warming up. His body had a sheen of sweat on it and he took a deep breath and considered everything that had happened to him over the past two weeks. He had finally accepted the training program and all that it might entail, but that did not mean he was not still nervous about what might come.

The sound of the door opening behind him caught his attention and he turned to see Jim walking in. The man was naked and carrying something in his hands, which he placed on the table on the far side of the room. It made a clanking sound like it was made of metal, but Sam was unsure what it could have been. Jim then crossed the room and strapped the boy down to the bench till he was secure.

"You've made some great progress this week, boy," Jim said as he rubbed Sam's ass and lower back. "Are you ready to now fully commit yourself to the training program and move forward?"

"Yes, Sir," Sam replied. "I want to thank you for being patient with me and keeping me around even when I made mistakes."

"That is all part of the process, boy," Jim said as he rand his middle finger down Sam's ass crack and paused to push on the boy's hole.

Sam gasped at the pressure and as it entered him, he moaned.

"Yeah, I can still feel some cum up in there," Jim said as he pulled his finger out and patted the boy's ass cheeks. "Liam dumped a nice load in you."

Jim walked over to the table again and picked up the things he had brought with him. He then moved near Sam's head and bent down to look the boy in the eye.

"There are a few steps to my program," Jim began. "The first is the breaking stage, as I call it. New boys are denied normal food, have specific grooming requirements, are worked hard, and are given little leeway. The point is to see what your limits are and if you have the willpower to continue. I was unsure at first if you would make it past this stage, but you have shown me you have potential now."

"Thank you, Sir!" Sam replied with a smile.

"Now that you have been broken, it is time to build you up mentally, physically, and spiritually. You need to be able to live and breathe as a sub to truly embrace the lifestyle. As you progress, I will begin to give you privileges like normal food, bathing opportunities, and extra breaks. You will be given duties that are not as strenuous and you will have the opportunity to leave the house under supervision. The goal is to produce a sub that is hardened and ready to serve. Is that still what you want, boy?"

"Yes, Sir," Sam replied. "I want to continue."

"This here is a needle that I will use to pierce your upper ear to install this metal band," Jim said as he showed them to Sam. "The band has the number 41 on it, which states you are the 41st locked boy that I have trained. It is your first mark of passage in the training program, but there will be others. Are you ready to be tagged?"

"Yes, Sir," Sam replied, nervously. "Will it hurt?"

"Only for a moment," Jim replied. "It is not as bad as some piercings. Prepare yourself."

Sam gripped the bench as Jim walked over to the table again to grab some cotton pads and alcohol. He rubbed Sam's ear to clean it and then opened the needle and pushed it through the boy's upper ear. Sam flinched at the sharp pain, but it was not as bad as he was expecting. Jim then threaded the small ends of the band through the hole and used a clamp to push them together. The wide part wrapped around his earlobe and was engraved with his number. Jim wiped the area again with alcohol before standing.

"Good job, boy," the man said as he walked over to the trash to dispose of the needle and pads. "Now for your first fuck as an officially tagged boy."

Jim walked behind Sam and the boy felt some lube rubbed over his hole. He then felt the head of Jim's cock as it was placed on his ass and then felt his ass spread wide as the man entered him. Sam closed his eyes and flexed his feet as the shaft pushed forward. He let out a long sigh and then groaned.

"Please use my ass for your pleasure, Sir!"

"That's the plan, boy," Jim replied as he pushed forward till he was fully inside.

As the man fucked, Sam thought about the tag on his ear. He had made the first step on a new journey. He knew that more milestones would come in the future and he wondered what his parents would say when they saw him again. How would he explain the tag? If he were marked and collared, what would that mean for his future? There were still many unanswered questions he would need to grapple with, but as he felt the man begin to pound his ass hard enough to cause his cage to swing back and forth under him, he focused on the present and what he was here for. He was here to give pleasure to this man.

Next: Chapter 10

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