Bound in the Bayou

By Locked Cub

Published on Feb 4, 2023


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Bound in the Bayou

Part 8: Milking the Sub

As Jim read his paper, he flexed his feet that were propped on Junior's back. Sam had completed scrubbing the floors in the kitchen and living room and had moved back to the hall and bedrooms. Jim sighed and put his legs on the floor and looked at the boy in front of him.

"Standard position."

Junior immediately turned to face Jim and knelt on his knees.

"Time to be honest. Is the boy worth my time?" Jim asked.

"He is hesitant, Sir," Junior replied. "I don't think he truly grasps what you do here. We discussed this at length earlier."

"My nephew has brought boys to me before," Jim replied. "In the past, they are usually in it for the experience for themselves, but never live up to my standards and expectations. I had told myself I would not accept another one from him, but Chad was insistent that this one was different. He really had a personal interest in the boy's training, so I relented."

"I understand, Sir," Junior replied. "You should not have to waste your time on someone that is not truly committed. You have a reputation to uphold."

Jim smiled.

"You were one of the best boys I ever trained. You took to discipline and your role quickly and I knew you would make me proud. This is one reason I jumped at the chance to have you spend time with him. I sense a lot of individualism in him still."

"Not everyone is committed to a life of service, Sir," Junior replied. "But, if I may advocate on his behalf, I would be patient with him and let him make a decision. I do think he has potential. Ultimately, though, it is up to you," Junior replied as he bowed his head.

"Damn, you are a fucking good boy," Jim said as he leaned over and rubbed Junior's head. "I'll give him some time since you requested it. He did a good job serving Vernon's sons yesterday, so that brought his stock up a lot."

Junior raised his head and smiled.

"I still remember how sore my ass was when they left, Sir."

Jim laughed.

"Those boys can sure rut for damn sure. You don't know how close you came to being Jason's boy. Steve outbid him in the end, but you made an impression on all three of the brothers."

Junior smiled.

"It would have been an honor to serve him full-time, too!"

It was nearing lunchtime when Sam came into the living room carrying his bucket and cleaning supplies. He saw that Jim was napping and had his feet propped on the back of Junior. As he put his things away, Jim woke and looked over.

"Chores done, boy?" Jim said as he stretched.

"Yes, Sir," Sam replied. "You could eat off the floors now."

"You may have to test that for me some time," Jim said with a smile. "The fish I caught are in the fridge. Get them scaled, prepped, seasoned, and fried up. Make a plate for myself and the boy here."

"Yes, Sir," Sam replied as he turned to make lunch.

When the fish was done and plated with some fresh vegetables that Jim had brought to the house, Sam put everything on the table and turned and knelt by the wall in his usual place. Jim walked over and sat down and Junior followed and knelt beside Jim's chair and bowed his head.

"May this boy have permission to eat, Sir?" Junior asked.

"Yes, and please join me at the table," Jim replied.

"Thank you for the honor, Sir," Junior replied as he stood and sat next to Jim and began to eat.

Sam watched them both. His stomach was growling and the smells in the room were not helping matters. Junior did not speak while he ate, but Jim seemed to be enjoying his meal.

"The boy here cooks well, doesn't he?" Jim asked Junior.

"Very well, Sir," Junior replied. "He seasoned everything perfectly."

Jim looked over and smiled at Sam.

"Whoever taught you, did a good job, boy."

"Thank you very much, Sir," Sam replied. "My mother would be proud to hear you say that."

The two continued to eat and when they were done, Jim turned to Sam again.

"Well, boy. You have been with me for a week now. Do you feel you have earned a milking?"

Sam paused and thought about how he should answer the question before speaking.

"I am here to serve you, Sir. I hope I have performed adequately enough to have earned one."

"You made some pretty big errors this week, but you did such a good job with Vernon's boys that I am inclined to give you one. However, Junior tells me you two have discussed some things today. I get the feeling you still are unsure about your future."

"It is a lot to take in, Sir," Sam replied. "I don't want to waste your time, but I am nervous about everything."

"You have been here seven days now," Jim said. "I have promised the boy here that I would be patient with you, but I will give you this ultimatum."

Jim pulled the key to Sam's chastity cage out and put it on the table in front of him.

"You have until this time next week to fully commit yourself to your training and whatever future it might lead you to. If that is too much for you, then you may come in here and take this key and remove the device and leave. However, your parents will not be paid for the time you have been here."

"I understand, Sir," Sam replied as he stared at the key sitting mere feet from him.

"Clean the kitchen up and then you may feed yourself a can of your food," Jim replied as he stood. "When you are done, report to your room and I will milk you."

"Yes, Sir," Sam replied as Jim and Junior returned to the living room.

Sam had been waiting for about thirty minutes kneeling in his room before Jim came back and entered. Junior followed him and closed the door behind him as Jim stood in front of Sam.

"Get on the fuck bench, boy," Jim said.

"Yes, Sir," Sam replied as he stood and climbed onto the padded, wooden device.

Junior walked over and strapped Sam down and then knelt beside the bench. Sam then felt a lubed finger being inserted into his ass. He groaned as it moved farther in and then felt as it turned and rubbed against his prostate. Jim applied some pressure and moved his finger in circles. Sam could feel a warmth building in his groin area soon after and he flexed his feet and moaned again.

"This is the first time I have milked you, so I will tell you this now," Jim said. "I do not want to hear a sound out of you. This is not about your pleasure. Treat this as a way to drain your fluids and nothing more. Is that understood, boy?"

"Yes, Sir," Sam replied.

"Junior, grab the jar," Jim said.

Junior stood and walked to the side of the room and grabbed a mason jar that was sitting on a small table. He unscrewed the lid and walked back to where Sam was strapped down. He held the jar under the boy's nub as it dribbled precum."

"I expect a grateful response when we are done here for the time I am spending to do this."

"Yes, Sir," Sam replied.

Jim continued to rub Sam's prostate and after several minutes, fluids dripped and then flowed out of the boy's nub. They dangled below and then were collected in the jar that Junior held under him over the course of five minutes. When Jim saw that the fluids had slowed and stopped, he pulled his finger out and Sam resisted the urge to grunt in response. The entire process left his balls feeling so much lighter and he closed his eyes and savored the feeling.

"Thank you for milking me, Sir," Sam replied. "May I offer my ass to you in gratitude?"

"Thank you, boy," Jim replied as he wiped his finger on a towel and threw it on the floor. "I would like that."

Junior continued to hold the jar under Sam as Jim dropped his pants and stroked his cock. The man slapped it on Sam's ass crack a few times as it engorged. When he placed the swollen head at the entrance, Sam closed his eyes and took a deep breath and let it out. As he did so, Jim entered him. Sam gripped the bench and clinched his toes. There was a tinge of pain as the man moved forward, but nothing that he could not handle.

When Jim was fully inside the boy, he gripped Sam's waist and thrusted his hips. The bench groaned beneath the boy and Sam opened his eyes and quietly moaned. Sam's balls felt much lighter after his milking, but his nub leaked again as the head of Jim's cock ran over his prostate. The fluids formed a long string that collected inside the jar as Junior held it and watched Jim fuck Sam mere inches from his face.

"It's always an honor to watch you pleasure yourself, Sir!" Junior said.

Jim smiled.

"This boy has a good ass for fucking. It feels really good."

As Jim's cock slammed inside Sam, the lube dribbled out and enhanced the smacking sound when the man reached the boy's ass and bounced back. Junior saw Jim's large testicles as they swung back and forth. They occasionally hit the small, caged ones of Sam and he saw the reaction in the boy when it happened. Sam would flex his feet at the impacts and a light groan could be heard. Otherwise, he was taking the fucking like a good sub.

Jim pounded the boy for a good five minutes before he growled. Junior smiled and looked up at the man.

"Are you close, Sir?"

"Nearing the edge, boy," Jim replied as he closed his eyes and tilted his head up.

As his orgasm peaked, Jim shouted and looked down at Sam. He pulled his cock out just as the first volley of cum erupted and then shoved it deep inside the boy to seed him well. Sam grunted when he felt the pulsing cock forced inside him.

"Oh fuck."

"That's a good boy," Jim said as he rubbed Sam's lower back.

The man held still inside Sam till he was done and as he withdrew, Junior moved the jar under Sam's ass to catch the dribbles of cum that came out. Jim shook his cock over the lid of the jar before stepping back and catching his breath.

"May I clean you, Sir?" Junior asked.

Jim smiled and walked over to the boy.

"You may."

Junior put the jar that contained Sam's fluids and Jim's cum on the floor and took the man's cock into his mouth to clean it. He could taste the remnants of the large load that was just spent and made sure to swallow what was left. When he was done, Jim pulled out and rubbed his belly.

"Wil you be adding your normal top off, Sir?" Junior asked as he picked up the jar again.

"Yes, boy," Jim replied.

Junior turned and held the jar in front of him. Jim pulled his cock out and pointed it at the jar and proceeded to fill it with his piss. The sound of the stream hitting the jar startled Sam, who could not see what was happening, but could hear it. As the pale, yellow liquid filled the jar to the brim, both boys were silent. Jim stopped his flow before it overfilled the jar and Junior screwed the cap back on and shook it to mix the fluids inside.

"Junior, make sure that he finishes his Sunday drink and then report to me in the living room. Boy, I want this room cleaned up and spotless and then you can join him outside. You both will be sanding the dock smooth in preparation for staining tomorrow."

"Yes, Sir," both boys replied.

As Jim walked out of the room, Junior placed the jar on the floor and then turned and undid the restraints on Sam and helped him to his feet. Sam looked over and saw the jar on the floor and pursed his lips.

"I have to drink that?"

"Yes," Junior replied. "Whenever you are milked, your fluids will be collected and mixed with your master's piss. You will always consume them after. Have you ever drunk piss before?"

"No," Sam replied.

"Well, it is time to learn," Junior said as he reached down and picked up the jar.

Junior shook it a few more times and then unscrewed the lid and handed it to Sam. Sam looked at the contents and he could feel the warmth of the fluids in the jar. He brought it to his nose and sniffed it.

"The best thing you can do is just start drinking," Junior said. "It is not that bad. The warm temperature will probably get you at first, but you need to finish it all. This will get you ready for taking it from the tap in the future."

"You mean I will have to drink it as it comes out of his cock?" Sam asked.

"Yes," Junior said. "That is one of the skills you need to master. You will need to drink it all without spilling a drop."

Sam took a deep breath and tipped the glass into his mouth. As the stale piss ran over his tongue, he could taste the saltiness of it, but it was not overly strong. He stopped after a few sips and held the jar out.

"Well?" Junior asked.

"It is different," Sam replied.

"Hurry up and drink it all," Junior said. "Remember what I told you. You need to commit yourself."

Sam looked at the jar again and took another drink. It took him several minutes, but he finally downed the entire jar and handed it to Junior, who smiled.

"I'll see you outside when you are done cleaning up in here."

Junior turned and left and Sam rubbed his belly. He burped and tasted the piss again a second time and his face contorted.

"That will take some work to get used to."

Sam went about cleaning the room and when he was done, he walked outside and saw Junior on his hands and knees rubbing a sanding block on the far side of the dock. Sam joined him and picked up another block that was beside him and began to help.

"I know you were not expecting to drink piss, but do your balls feel lighter, at least?" Junior asked with a smile.

"So much lighter," Sam replied with a grin.

"We got a lot of work to do here," Junior said. "I'll do this side. You go down and start on the other and we will meet in the middle."

"Ok," Sam replied.

The boys spent most of the hot afternoon on their hands and knees. When the evening came, they were both covered in sawdust and their limbs and joints ached. They had just finished up when Junior saw a boat approaching. Inside was his master, Steve. When the boat neared, Junior got to his feet and grabbed the rope Steve tossed him and tied it off. He then knelt on the dock and Sam did the same.

"Well, have you been serving Jim well today, boy?" Steve asked.

"Yes, Sir," Junior replied. "And getting to know the new boy, too."

"That is good," Steve replied as he patted Junior's head.

Jim opened the door and grinned soon after.

"Howdy, Steve. How has your afternoon been?"

"Quiet without the boy," Steve replied. "I'll be happy to have him back."

"Well, I appreciate you loaning him to me," Jim said. "Still jealous you took him home. I should have kept him."

Steve laughed and walked inside with Jim. As the door closed, Jim stuck his head out at the boys.

"Wash yourselves off and then come inside."

"Yes, Sir," the boys responded.

Sam and Junior put the sanding blocks away and then jumped in the water to rinse off. When they were clean, they hopped back on the dock and waited for the water to drip off them before entering the house. They found Jim sitting in his chair in his boxers and Steve was on the couch across from him naked. Jim looked up and smiled.

"Boy, get over here and show your appreciation to Steve for letting him lend his boy to us for a few hours."

"Yes, Sir," Sam replied.

Sam moved over and knelt in front of Steve. The man spread his legs and the boy could see that he had a nice package. Nestled under a dark brown bush with some stray white hairs was a set of balls that hung low in the summer heat. A cock lay across them that was uncut and quite impressive in its soft state. Sam reached up and grasped it and pulled back the man's foreskin as he brought it into his mouth.

As it ran over his tongue, Sam applied some suction and closed his lips around the shaft. Steve groaned and leaned back on the couch as blood flowed down into his groin. His cock lengthened and Sam could tell it was going to fill his mouth. When it was fully engorged, the boy pulled it out and ran his tongue down one side and then the other. He saw the redness of the head of the man's cock as it appeared and Sam brought it into his mouth again to suck on it.

"Fuck he does have a nice mouth," Steve replied as he reached down and held onto Sam's head.

As Sam bobbed up and down, Steve closed his eyes and wiggled his toes. He began to groan and grunt and Junior, who was kneeling beside Jim and watching, smiled. He had seen that look on his master many times and knew that Sam was performing well.

Sam used his hand to stroke the shaft of the man while he swirled his head around the tip of Steve's cock. He let his tongue move under the foreskin and as he ran it around, Steve growled. Sam rolled the man's balls in his hand and marveled at how large and heavy they were. He figured he would be getting a mouthful and he was not disappointed. After about ten minutes of working the man's shaft, he felt the balls move in his hand and Steve's body shook as he let out a loud yell. Streams of cum poured out of the man's cock and filled Sam's mouth. The boy could barely keep up as it continued and try as he might, some of the precious fluids dripped out of the side of his mouth.

When the orgasm had subsided, Steve reached down and rubbed Sam's head. Sam made sure to continue to suck and lick the man's cock until it was completely drained and clean and then he used his finger to catch the remnants of the cum that had dribbled down over his chin. As he leaned back on his knees, he looked up at Steve.

"Thank you for the pleasure of taking your cum, Sir."

"You are welcome, boy!" Steve said with a sigh. "That was fucking amazing!"

Jim smiled and looked over at Junior.

"Jealous, boy?"

"No Sir!" Junior replied. "I am just glad Master was pleasured well."

Steve laughed and took another deep breath.

"I will definitely be over to use him again soon!"

Next: Chapter 9

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