Bound in the Bayou

By Locked Cub

Published on Jan 30, 2023


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Bound in the Bayou

Part 7: A Fellow Sub

Sunday morning, Sam slept through both alarms and only stirred when the opening cage door made his feet fall from where they had been positioned. He yawned and stretched and crawled out of his cage and then stood up. His ass was still sore from the evening before and he reached around and was rubbing it when Jim poked his head in the door.

"Good morning, boy!"

"Good morning, Sir!" Sam replied as he knelt on the floor.

"Did you sleep well?" Jim asked.

"Very well, Sir," Sam said. "I am ready to serve you today."

"That is good to hear," Jim replied. "Come with me. There is a tree that has fallen upriver near one of my fishing spots and I will need your help to clear it."

"Yes, Sir," Sam replied as he followed Jim into the hall and through the living room to the dock.

It had been a week since Sam had arrived at Jim's house and this would be the first chance he had to leave the property. The humidity hit him like a ton of bricks as soon as he stepped through the threshold to the dock. He saw some steam and fog hugging the surface of the water near the shoreline as it wound in between the tree roots. The sound of the crickets and frogs filled the air and he could see the morning sun beginning to brighten the horizon.

Jim crawled into the back of the boat and Sam stepped into the front and untied the rope from a post so they could move away. As they moved up the river, Sam forgot that he was naked and wearing only his cage. He was too busy scanning the shoreline for any animal life. Splashes could be heard off in the distance and he was sure he saw a gator poke his eyes out at them.

As they rounded a bin, Sam could see a large branch that had broken and fallen into the water. It was blocking half the channel and Jim maneuvered the boat around to one side. He then tossed a weight into the water to anchor them and reached down to grab some large clippers.

"Here, take these, boy," Jim said as he passed the tool to Sam. "Start clipping the ends of the branch down. I'll keep a watch for any unsavory critters."

"Yes, Sir," Sam said as he took the tool and turned to start clipping.

It took about an hour to prune down the dead limb to the point where they could use an ax to break it into sections that could be floated or tossed away. When the last bit had been cleared, Sam was sweating profusely and sat down in the boat and took a deep breath.

"That's a lot of work for a big boy," Jim said with a grin, passing a handkerchief to Sam.

Sam sighed as he wiped his brow with the cloth.

"Yes, Sir. I guess I need to work out more. I put on more weight than I should have this past year."

"Oh, I am not admonishing you, boy," Jim said. "There are indeed a lot of men out there that like their subs young, slim, and denuded, but I know plenty that like 'em furry with some meat on their bones."

Sam smiled and rubbed his belly.

"Vernon's sons seemed to be pleased with me."

"Yes, they were," Jim said as he turned and pulled out his fishing pole. "You performed adequately. There are still a lot of things you need to learn, though."

"I understand, Sir," Sam said as he turned to look at the water. "I appreciate you taking the time to help me. I really did enjoy serving them. I didn't even care if I orgasmed. I was focused on their pleasure."

"That's good!" Jim said as he casted his bait. "And did you orgasm?"

"No, Sir," Sam replied as he turned to face the man. "I didn't even get milked even though I got fucked so much. I guess they never hit the right spots."

"So, you are still pent up and horny then?" Jim asked.

"Yes, Sir," Sam replied as he cupped his sore, caged balls.

"And what do you think about that?" Jim asked as he turned to look at Sam.

"It's uncomfortable, Sir," Sam said. "But, it just means I have more energy to put into serving you today."

"Good answer," Jim said as he turned to the water again.

The two sat in silence as Jim fished. Sam leaned back to relax and helped Jim when he needed to reel in any catches. The man had caught two nice-sized fish over thirty minutes and seem pleased. As he put his rod away, he looked up at Sam and unzipped his pants.

"Let's see how good your balance is, boy," Jim said as he pulled his cock out. "Crawl over here and suck me off. But be careful not to tip the boat."

Sam smiled and slowly sat in the middle of the boat and then slid over till his head was in Jim's crotch. He reached up and held the man's large balls and licked and sucked each of them into his mouth. He could smell the man's musk and it was evident Jim had not bathed in some time. The taste was pungent, but all he cared about was pleasuring the man.

Jim groaned and leaned back as Sam took the man's cock and put it into his mouth. The boy swirled his tongue around Jim's shaft and pulled it deeper as the blood rushed in and it swelled to its full extent. His practice over the past week with the dildo had helped his gag reflex, but he was still struggling when the head hit the right part of his throat. He coughed a few times, causing spit to pour out of his mouth, but he went right back on Jim's dick without hesitation.

As he gripped the base of the man's cock and stroked it, he bobbed up and down. The boat shifted at the same time and Jim grabbed the sides to steady himself.

"Watch your movements boy," Jim said. "You are doing a good job, but I don't want to end up in the water."

"Yes, Sir," Sam replied as he backed off the man's dick and stroked its length with his hand.

Jim moaned as precum formed at the tip of his cock. Sam leaned over and licked and then sucked it down, savoring the taste. He bobbed up and down with more applied suction and Jim could feel his balls starting to stir.

"Here it comes boy," Jim groaned as he leaned his head back and closed his eyes.

The first spurt of cum hit the back of Sam's throat and the boy groaned loudly as he tasted and swallowed it. Three more shots came in quick sensation as Sam continued to move his hand up and down Jim's shaft. Jim convulsed and a final dribble came out as Sam licked the head of the softening cock in front of him. He moved his head down to lick the man's balls again when he heard a voice next to them.

"Looks like you got a new boy in training!"

Sam came off Jim's cock and turned to see another boat pulling up next to theirs. The voice had come from a man with a white tank top on and muddy jeans. In the front of his boat was a naked sub that looked to be a little older than Sam with a short goatee and shaved head. He was wearing a metal chastity cage that was so small that the head of his nub was barely visible above his caged balls. He also had a chain around his neck that was locked with a padlock and had a tag attached to it.

Sam was still holding Jim's cock when the man replied.

"Howdy Steve. Yeah, this here boy started with me last week. We came out here to clear a branch out of the channel. You catch anything this morning?"

Sam did not know what to do, but when he turned to see that there was still some cum leaking from Jim's softening cock, he thought it better to complete his task. He put his head back down in the man's crotch to clean it as the two men continued to talk.

"Yeah, I caught a few fish for later today," Steve replied. "Looks like you got a nice morning draining!"

Jim smiled and reached down and rubbed Sam's head as the boy licked him clean.

"Yeah, he has quite the mouth on him. One of his better qualities."

Sam looked up and smiled as he finished cleaning the last of the cum away and then moved to the front of the boat again.

"Well, Junior here has served me well in the past year," Steve said as he reached over and patted the sub in front of him. "You train 'em well."

"I am glad to hear he is pleasing you," Jim replied with a grin. "Actually, you think we could borrow the boy for a while? It might be good for my new one to talk and learn from him."

"Sure," Steve said. "You ok with that, boy?"

"Of course. I am here to serve, Sir," Junior replied.

"Good boy," Steve said. "We can follow you back to your house and I can drop him off. I can come to pick him up later this afternoon."

"That would be good," Jim said. "You can use this new boy for your pleasure when you do as a thank you from me."

"Perfect!" Steve replied.

Jim secured his gear and started up the boat again and headed back towards the houseboat with the other craft following behind. As they neared the dock, Sam slowly got up and jumped out to help secure it and then helped Junior get on to the dock as Steve pulled his boat near.

"I'll be back this afternoon, boy," Steve said to Junior with a wave.

"Yes, Sir," Junior replied as he turned and helped Jim unload the tackle and fish from the boat.

When Jim got onto the dock, Junior immediately got on his knees and bowed his head. Sam looked down at him and mimicked the behavior. When he was on his knees beside the boy, Jim stood in front of them.

"Junior, why don't you and the boy talk for a while. I am sure he has some questions. I will come to get you in about thirty minutes. You can assist me with training him today."

"Yes, Sir," Junior replied without raising his head. "It is always a pleasure to serve you."

Jim smiled and turned to go inside. When the door closed, Junior looked up and turned and put his hand on Sam's back.

"It is good to meet you."

Sam looked over and smiled.

"Thanks. Are you from around here?"

Junior got to his feet and walked over to the edge of the dock near the area that was roped off with netting and put his feet in the water. As he walked by, Sam noticed that there was a tattoo on the boy's lower back just above his waistline, though he could not make out what it said. The boy also had a metal ring on his upper ear lobe. Sam followed him around and sat beside him as he began to reply.

"Yeah. I grew up not far from here. I met Sir Jim through a friend and trained under him last summer."

"Oh wow," Sam replied as he sat next to the boy and dangle his feet in the water.

"What about you?" Junior asked.

"I grew up across the river in Natchez," Sam replied. "Been lusting after Sir's nephew for several years and he had me servicing him during my freshman year at college. He was the one that introduced me to Sir."

"You must be talking about Sir Chad," Junior said with a smile.

"Yeah, that is him," Sam said as he reached for his cage. "He was the one that put this on me back before Thanksgiving."

"He's got quite the cock on him," Junior replied as he leaned back on his hands. "He fucked me a few times when I was in training."

"Yeah, I miss him," Sam said as he looked down at his feet and swirled them around. "I'll be honest. It freaked me out the first time he put the chastity cage on me. I think he saw the inner sub inside and wanted to bring it out."

Junior laughed and Sam leaned back to look at the boy's back. He saw the tattoo in more detail now. The outside of the design was a circle made of chain links. This encircled the figure of a boy on his knees and his head bowed before a larger man and below this it read "Chastity Sub Trained by Master Jim #38".

"What do you think?" Junior asked as he saw Sam looking behind him.

"That is a nice tattoo!" Sam replied. "When did you get that?"

"I was inked when I completed Sir Jim's training," Junior replied. "It is the mark of passage before you take the collar of a dominant."

"Really?" Sam asked in bewilderment.

Junior laughed as he grabbed the chain around his neck and showed the tag to Sam. Sam looked closer and noticed that it read, 'Owned by Sir Steve'.

"This was placed around my neck when I was taken in by my master. The first thing you will receive once you have fully accepted your training is this, though."

Junior turned and showed the ring that was in his left ear. Sam looked closer. It was a metal band that encircled the edge of his upper ear lobe and it had the number 38 on it.

"That's the same number on your tattoo," Sam said. "What does the number mean?"

"I was the 38th sub that Sir Jim took in for training," Junior replied. "Not everyone completes the program, though."

"So, I will get one of those?" Sam asked as he instinctively grabbed his ear.

"Yes, and soon I expect," Junior said. "You will learn more about what will be expected of you as you train. Did I hear that you just started last week?"

"Yeah, I arrived last Monday," Sam replied. "It has been an intense week. I was very nervous when I got here and did not know what to expect. The food is awful and the accommodations are not the best, but Sir is putting me through an intensive training regimen."

"Well, true service is all about the man you are under," Junior said, looking at Sam. "You should be happy that you are fed regularly and provided a safe place to rest. I know the slop you are fed here is not the best, but it is nutritious and as you grow and progress, you will earn privileges. Sir likes to strip boys down to nothing and rebuild them from scratch. Are you committed to becoming an owned, full-time sub?"

It was the first time Sam had been asked that question in that way and he looked over at Junior as he replied.

"I guess. I do enjoy pleasing men and since I have been in chastity, it has made me horny and want to focus my energy on them."

"But can you see yourself in a life of service?" Junior asked. "If a man came by after your training and took you in to be his boy, would you be ready to give up school and a career and dedicate your life to him?"

Sam paused and thought about the question for a while. He had not considered that scenario before.

"I don't know."

"It is something you need to think about," Junior replied as he turned and looked out over the river. "My master was introduced to me during my final few weeks of training and I was inked, collared, and taken in by him as soon as I finished. I have lived with him since that time and take care of the house and all his needs."

"What about your family?" Sam asked.

"It was a period of adjustment," Junior replied. "I was out on my own before I came to train here, but I am permitted to set aside time to see my parents as long as it fits within my master's schedule. His needs come first, though."

"I just finished my freshman year of college," Sam replied. "I am the first to get to go and have a scholarship there for the next three years."

"Why did you come here?" Junior asked as he turned to Sam.

"Because Chad told me to," Sam replied. "He said it would be good for me and I wanted to please him."

"Well, that is a good thing," Junior said. "And it is Sir Chad. Don't forget that. But is that the only reason you are here? Because he told you to?"

"No," Sam replied. "I do want to learn what it means to be a sub. But, I had not considered being marked, owned, and providing full-time service like what you are describing. It almost sounds like you are a slave."

"I have free will," Junior said. "I can leave whenever I want. I don't consider myself a slave. However, I am bound to my master and dedicate myself to his service."

"I see," Sam replied.

"This is not a game for Sir Jim," Junior said. "Did he not give you the option to take the key and remove your device and leave?"

"Yes, he did," Sam replied. "I fucked up royally recently and he threw it on the floor in front of me and told me to make my mind up."

"And you chose to stay?" Junior asked.

"Yeah," Sam replied.


"It just felt right to stay," Sam said. "I need to prove to him that I am committed and I don't want to let Sir Chad down."

"But what are you committed to?" Junior asked. "I am sorry to be blunt with you, but you sound like you are unsure."

"It is just a lot to take in," Sam said. "I honestly don't have an answer for you."

Junior scowled and scratched his stomach.

"Can I give you some advice?"

"Sure," Sam said.

"You need to have an answer to that question and soon. If you are to continue here, you need to understand that Sir Jim is a trainer of subs. He puts a lot of effort and time into this program and almost always finds new homes for them. You will likely be presented with the offer to be marked and collared before you leave here and you may not be going back to the life you had. If that is something you are not ready for, you need to tell Sir and tell him soon. It is disrespectful to him to make him waste his time on you. I am assuming he has offered to pay for your time here."

"Yes, he is," Sam replied. "He offered to send money to my parents. They think I am at a summer job."

"He is investing a lot in you, then," Junior said. "You owe it to him to be honest. If you cannot commit, then you need to leave."

Sam did not reply and turned to look at the water below him. He could see some minnows swimming around his feet as he swirled them around and he let his shoulders slouch as he considered what they had discussed. Junior scooted over and put his arm around Sam and hugged him.

"I know it is a lot to think about, but you understand what I am saying, right?"

"Oh, you are correct," Sam replied. "I guess I never really thought about all of this. I have been so fucking horny this week. I haven't been milked since I was back in school a few weeks ago."

Junior chuckled.

"You are lucky it was only a few weeks. Master has made me wait two months between milkings in the past. Though he usually does it weekly, as long as I have been good."

"I would go insane if I had to wait two months," Sam replied with a smile. "What about orgasms?"

"If you are talking about a full on orgasm from touching the shaft of my nub, then I have not had one since I was marked and collared," Junior said. "For all intents and purposes, I am a chaste sub now. I get my pleasure from service to others and my master. I have had an internal orgasm a few times from being fucked, but that is a rare thing."

"Damn!" Sam replied. "That is intense!"

"Again, true service as a sub means that it is not about you," Junior replied. "Remember, this is all about their pleasure and service to them. If you complete your training, you will learn this."

"I guess I better think long and hard about all of this," Sam said.

The boys had continued to talk and Sam got to know Junior better. Steve's house was located on the shore a few miles upriver. Junior took care of it and did all the chores around the house. He cooked and cleaned and made sure that Steve never wanted for anything. Steve had a pretty high sex drive and Junior was often fucked by him, but he served a few men in the neighborhood, too. Anytime they showed up, he had to stop what he was doing and please them as part of his duties.

"So, you say you don't feel like a slave, then?" Sam asked.

"I do not like that term," Junior replied. "As I said, I can leave whenever I want. The key to my cage is on a hook near the front door. I choose to stay and serve my master because that is what gives me pleasure. I want to see to his every need so he is well taken care of. I do not expect it, but when I am given praise or a pat on the head, I beam with pride. When I hear him growl and see the waves of pleasure wash over him when I have given him a mind-blowing orgasm, it is like I had one myself. Truly, I do not care if I ever have a normal orgasm again. I get everything I need from my service to him."

"Wow," Sam replied.

Junior laughed and rubbed Sam's shoulders.

"Again, you need to think about all of this. Make your decision and make it soon."

When the door to the house opened sometime later, Junior looked up and saw Jim. He immediately got to his knees and bowed his head and Sam followed suit.

"Have you boys had a good chat?"

"We have, Sir," Junior replied. "Your boy has some things to consider, but I think he will serve you well."

Jim smiled.

"Is that true, boy?"

"Yes, Sir," Sam replied. "Junior has opened my eyes to many things, but I am ready to serve."

"Well, get your asses in here then," Jim replied. "Junior, I want you at my feet massaging them and the boy can start scrubbing the floors."

"Yes, Sir," the two boys replied as they stood and followed Jim indoors.

Next: Chapter 8

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