Bound in the Bayou

By Locked Cub

Published on Jan 27, 2023


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Bound in the Bayou

Part 6: The Boys

Sam fell asleep in his cage and was awoken a few hours later to the sounds of a boat approaching the dock through the open window. He could hear the voices of several men and their footsteps as they jumped onto the deck, but he could not make out what was being said or how many there were. He assumed these were the sons of Vernon and he turned, sat up in the cage, and tilted his head to the side to watch the door.

The voices of the men echoed in the living room as they entered the house. Jim was greeting and having a conversation with them. From his cage, Sam still could not make out the words, but he could hear the thumps and clinks of clothes being discarded from the other side of the wall. When he heard footsteps approaching, he prepared himself.

The first person he saw appear in the doorway was a moderately tall, naked man. He had medium-length brown hair and a scruffy, but full beard of the same color. His chest was broad and he had large, muscled arms. His built chest was furry and it was evident that he had once been more heavy set as his belly had a slight sag to it. He had a soft cock that was swinging with each step and hung over a set of low-hanging balls. His legs were toned and Sam watched as they walked over near his cage.

The next man to appear behind him was similarly built to the first, though his belly was pudgier. He had shaved his head and it was evident that his hairline was receding. His beard was much shorter than the first, but his cock was thicker and longer and swung more as he sauntered in.

Behind him walked in a third man along with Jim. The third had short hair and a close-cropped goatee. His hairy chest was broad but not as built as the other two and covered a slightly protruding beer belly. His cock was on the smaller side compared to the other two, but still impressive as it swung to his steps. His balls hung lowest of all and appeared to be bigger than even Jim's.

The three men came over and stood next to the cage and Sam looked up at them. They smiled and before the boy could say anything, Jim spoke.

"Men, this here is my newest trainee. Boy, come out here and greet Vernon's sons."

Sam turned and crawled out of his cage and then knelt on the floor with his hands behind his back and looked up at them. Without skipping a beat, the boy repeated the words he had learned a few days ago.

"Sirs, I am a chastity boy that is here to provide pleasure and service for men. May I have the honor of pleasuring you all?"

"Damn, he is well trained already, Jim!" the man with the goatee responded as he groped his crotch.

"My nephew got him started some time ago and he is here to complete his training," Jim responded. "I think you will enjoy his ass and mouth. He's quite a talented boy."

"Little on the fat side, though," the bald man replied.

"That's ok," the man with the full beard responded. "Piggies make good boys too."

Jim smiled. He was standing in his boxer shorts and smoking his pipe as the men looked Sam over.

"Boy," Jim said. "Let me introduce you to the men you will be pleasuring today. The young one here with the hair that needs cutting is Bryce."

Bryce rolled his eyes at Jim as he ran his hand through his hair.

"His older brother next to him is Jason and the one with the goatee is the middle child, Liam," Jim continued. "Men, the boy is cleaned out and prepared for you and has been told he is to do whatever you want. Just remember my standing rules. No permanent marks, no severe pain, and pace yourselves. He ain't going anywhere."

"Understood, Jim," the men replied in unison with a grin.

Jim turned and knelt next to Sam and the boy looked into his eyes as Jim reached down and held the boy's head.

"Remember our deal," Jim said. "Perform well and you will be rewarded. Fail and there will be punishment. Understood?"

"Understood, Sir," Sam replied.

Jim smiled and patted Sam's cheek and then stood and took a puff on his pipe.

"Ok, men. He is all yours. I'm headed out to fish for a while."

Jim turned and left and Liam spoke.

"So, who is going first?"

"I'm the oldest, so I am," Jason replied. "Y'all should be used to sloppy seconds by now."

The two other brothers groaned as Jason moved towards Sam. He reached down and groped himself and smiled.

"Let's see how good a job you can do getting me hard, little pig."

Sam stared at the cock in front of him. He moved his head forward and stuck out his tongue and licked the shaft and pulled it into his mouth with one motion. As he began to suck, he could feel the blood rushing into Jason's shaft and the man moaned.


Jason's cock lengthened and widened inside Sam's mouth as the boy bobbed up and down. He could feel the head creeping to the back of his throat and when it was fully engorged, he went too far and coughed, sending spit out of his mouth and through his nose.

"Careful there, piggy!" Jason responded. "You've got a long afternoon ahead of you. Don't go choking yourself too soon."

Sam looked up and smiled at the man and then took Jason's cock into his mouth again. He closed his eyes and as he moved back and forth, he felt the man's hands grab onto his head and start to guide him. As he was being face-fucked, he felt the head reach the back of his throat again and he coughed momentarily till he remembered to relax and try to power through his gag reflex.

When Sam opened his eyes again and looked up he could see Jason was staring at the ceiling. He was biting his curled lower lip and grunting as he gyrated his hips and forced his cock down the boy's throat. Behind him, his brothers were watching and stroking their cocks, which were hard and dripping at this point. Sam could tell all three were similarly hung. Jason looked to be the thickest and Bryce the longest, but Liam's was impressive, too. Sam felt his cage shift as his nub swelled and leaked and his ass puckered in anticipation of what was to come.

When Jason finally pulled out, he pushed Sam's head back and spit on the boy's face.

"Fuck you have a good mouth, piggy. Get your fat ass up here in this fuck bench. I want to try out that pussy of yours next."

Sam smiled and stood up and moved over to the bench. As he mounted it, Liam and Bryce moved to the sides and strapped his legs and arms down as Jason pulled the strap over his waist and pulled it tight. After he was secured, Jason reached down and rubbed Sam's ass and ran his thumb over the boy's hole.

"Damn, Jim was right. This is a mighty fine pussy."

Jason leaned over and spit on Sam's ass and pushed the fluids in with his finger. As the digit entered him, Sam closed his eyes and groaned. His caged cock dangled below him and a spurt of precum fell and dangled from a long thread. Jason saw it and chuckled as he moved his hand under the boy to collect it.

"Fuck this piggy is in heat! Look at this precum, Bryce!"

Jason rubbed the precum between his fingers as he showed it to his baby brother and then moved to push it inside Sam's hole. Sam groaned loudly as two fingers entered him and even more precum spurted out.

"Ok, that is fucking hot," Bryce replied.

"Yeah, I can't wait for my turn," Liam said. "Hurry up and mount the bitch, Jason!"

"Cool it, bro!" Jason replied as he turned to Liam. "You'll get your chance."

Jason moved forward and collected more of Sam's precum and stroked his rock-hard cock. He slapped it on Sam's crack a few times and then gripped the boy's waist.

"Here it comes, piggy!" Jason shouted as he pointed his cock at Sam's hole and pushed forward.

As Jason's dick entered him, Sam cried out in shock. The man's cock was thick and spread him wide. He was glad that Jim had prepared him earlier with the dildo and the fucking machine.

"That's a piggy," Jason said as he continued to push inside the boy. "Bet you aren't used to a big cock like this!"

"Oh fuck!" Sam groaned as Jason bottomed out and he felt the man's groin meet his ass.

Jason gripped Sam's waist firmly and thrusted back and forth. As he did so, Bryce moved around and slapped his hard cock on Sam's face. Sam opened his eyes to look at the man and stuck his tongue out to lick the shaft as his ass was assaulted. Bryce pushed forward and let his cock enter Sam's mouth and the boy coughed as he felt it hit the back of his throat.

"Damn, he does have a nice mouth!" Bryce replied as he reached down and held Sam's head and felt the boy's neck as his cock entered and expanded it.

"Wait till you get the other end!" Jason grunted as he slammed his cock into the boy.

Sam was being rocked back and forth as the men penetrated him. He could hear the creaks and groans from the bench below him and his nub was leaking continuously and sending a stream of fluids down to the floor below him.

When Bryce pulled his cock out of Sam's mouth, it was replaced by Liam's soon after. It was obvious that Liam had not showered in a while as his scent was more potent than his brothers. Still, Sam had no choice but to breathe it in as the man's crotch hit his nose as the cock went down his throat.

"That's a boy," Liam replied. "Take that dick, fucker!"

Sam grunted as he felt the man's cock slide down his throat. His ass was on fire at this point as Jason was continuing to assail it at a fast speed. The sound of his cock sliding in and out and smacking as Jason's crotch bounced on Sam's ass filled the room. Sam could start to smell the musk of the men as they began to work up a sweat in the warm room and it was intoxicating to the boy. When Liam pulled out to slap his cock on Sam's face, the boy let out a long groan.

"Oh fuck!"

"That's right, piggy!" Jason shouted as he continued to thrust forward. "I know you love that cock!"

"You feel so good, Sir!" Sam replied. "Please use my ass for your pleasure!"

"Oh, believe me, I am!" Jason said as he reached forward and gripped Sam's lower back.

The man was covered in sweat at this point and it was starting to drip down on the boy. Jason reached up to wipe his brow, looked up at the ceiling, and grunted.


"You getting close, big bro?" Bryce asked.

"Fuck yeah!" Jason replied as he closed his eyes and bit his bottom lip again.

"Breed him, Jason!" Liam shouted as he pushed his cock back down Sam's throat.

"Fuck!" Jason shouted again as he opened his eyes and looked down at Sam's ass.

He pulled his cock out as the first volley of cum erupted and then he pushed forward to embed it deep inside the boy.

"Fucking hell!"

"Yeah!" Bryce yelled in encouragement. "Fill that fucker up!"

"You're getting that ass bred well, piggy!" Jason growled loudly as he slammed his cock into Sam with deep thrusts.

With one final pound, Jason held his cock deep inside the boy to finish draining, and then he leaned down and caught his breath.

"Fucking hell this is a nice ass!" Jason said as he slowly pulled out.

Sam groaned around Liam's cock. Sweat that had fallen on Sam's back glistened in the light of the room and Jason rubbed it as he moved to the side. Bryce turned and moved behind to take his place.

"Ok, I'm going next."

"That's fine," Liam replied. "This mouth is pretty nice."

As Liam's cock moved back and forth in Sam's mouth, the boy felt Bryce's hands over his ass and his cheeks spread wide.

"Fuck, Jason!" Bryce yelled. "How much cum did you dump in this fucker?"

"Stick your dick in it and find out!" Jason laughed as he moved to the side.

"Fuck!" Bryce yelled again as he slapped his cock on Sam's ass.

Bryce pointed his head toward Sam's cummy hole and pushed forward. It slid in easily and made a squishing sound as he bottomed out. Sam felt the cock fill him and grunted again. Bryce was not as thick as his brother but was at least an inch or two longer. He could feel the cock in the depths of his ass as Bryce grabbed ahold of the boy's waist and began to fuck.

"Damn this ass is sloppy!" Bryce said.

"Don't ream the boy out too much, bro!" Liam replied as he fucked Sam's throat. "I would like to enjoy it too!"

Bryce pounded Sam's ass with less intensity than his older brother, but at a quicker pace. As his cock slid in and out, he churned the cum that was deposited inside and it frothed and leaked out. As it slid down Sam's taint, it ran over the boy's caged balls and Sam could feel the coolness of it as it continued down to drip on the floor below.

Sam was lost in a different state of mind. As his ass was assaulted and his throat used, he closed his eyes and focused on the sensory overload around him. He could smell the sweat and musk in the air, hear the slaps and smacks of Bryce's fucking, taste the precum of Liam's cock as it coated the back of his mouth, and feel the hands of Bryce as they moved around trying desperately to grip the boy but sliding due to the copious amount of sweat covering Sam's back. When he opened his eyes again, he saw the hairy groin of Liam in front of him as it moved back and forth and he groaned loudly.

"That's a good piggy!" Jason said from the side of the room as he reached over and rubbed Sam's upper shoulders.

The smack of skin against skin intensified as Bryce neared his orgasm. The man leaned back and pummeled Sam's ass as he reached the edge and when he went over he pushed forward and screamed.

"Fuck yeah!"

"That's it, little bro!" Jason replied as he moved behind the man and grabbed Bryce's waist.

Bryce opened his eyes and panted as he flooded Sam's ass. As his cock pulsed, the boy could feel it deep in his bowels and he moaned. Liam pulled his cock out of Sam's mouth and walked around to where his brothers were standing.

"Ok, pull that thing out! I want a turn now!"

Jason pulled on Bryce and as the man's cock slid out, cum poured out of Sam's hole and made an audible 'splat' on the floor.

"Fucking hell, bros!" Liam said as he looked at the wrecked ass in front of him.

Sam's ass was spread wide and his skin was red and glistening. White, frothy cum covered the entrance and as Liam reached down and pushed his thumb into Sam, he saw the boy's hole react and more cum slid out and dripped down.

"Fucking hell!" Liam replied as he shook his head and positioned his hard cock to enter.

As he pushed forward, Sam barely responded. His ass was numb from the fucking he had endured and he was exhausted. Liam pushed all the way in and slowly fucked the boy as Bryce moved around to put his cock near Sam's mouth.

"Open up and clean my cock off, boy!" Bryce said.

Sam complied and tasted the loads that covered the man's dick as it slid over his tongue. Bryce was going soft and Sam applied some pressure to the shaft to milk the last bits of fluid out while he cleaned the outside. When Bryce pulled out, he patted the boy's cheeks.

"Thanks, boy."

Sam closed his eyes again and concentrated on the cock that was pounding him now. He tried to grip it by squeezing down, but he was too worn out and could not manage more than a slight squeeze. Liam was pounding faster and the sloshing sounds of the two loads inside the boy were becoming louder.

"You two fuckers flooded this boy!" Liam replied between thrusts. "I'm barely getting any friction!"

"That's because your dick is smaller than ours!" Jason replied with a laugh.

"Oh, fuck off!" Liam replied as he gripped Sam and fucked harder.

"Come on, bro," Bryce replied from the other side of the room. "You can do it! Surely you remember how to fuck. That ex-wife of yours didn't leave you that long ago."

Liam closed his eyes and concentrated as his cock slammed into Sam. His large balls were swinging back and forth and slapped Sam's caged ones on several occasions. The sensation was sending energy through the boy at the same time and pulses of precum flowed out of Sam again.

"The piggy is leaking again!" Jason replied.

"That pussy needs to be bred," Bryce said. "Fill him up, bro!"

Liam opened his eyes and gritted his teeth. He grunted louder and forcefully shoved his cock deep into Sam. As he felt his orgasm build he growled loudly and pushed forward just as cum flew out of his cock and added to his brother's loads.

"Fuck yeah!" Bryce shouted as he slapped Sam's back.

"That's a way to fill a pig!" Jason replied as he came over and rubbed Liam's shoulders.

Liam leaned back and groaned as Jason rubbed him and his cock finished pulsing. As he pulled out, cum freely flowed from Sam's ass and ran down and over the boy's caged balls.

"Fucking hell that was intense!" Liam said as he stroked his cock and tasted the loads of cum. "Now what do we do?"

"Grab a beer and prepare for round two of course!" Bryce said with a laugh.

"Ok, but I am going first next time," Liam said with a pant as he moved backward.

Jason moved around to Sam's head and leaned down to look at the boy.

"Don't you go anywhere, piggy. We will be back soon."

Jason smiled and patted Sam's face as the boy groaned. The brothers left the room and Sam could feel the wetness of his skin and the cum that was still pouring out of him. He flexed his feet and turned his head and sighed.

"Fucking hell this is going to be a long afternoon."

The men returned to fuck Sam once more and then took another break to cool off in the river before a third round. When they finally finished, Sam was beyond numb and sore. He could no longer feel his ass and had no idea how much cum had been deposited inside him. Jim returned in the late afternoon as the men were sitting on the dock after their last round. Sam could hear the boat as it pulled up and docked and the man greeted them. He passed out shortly after and the next thing he felt was the hands of Jim as the straps were being pulled off him.

"Wake up, boy!" Jim said as he rubbed Sam's back. "I've seen some well-used boys in my time, but your ass was destroyed!

Sam groaned as Jim tried to help him up. The boy had no feeling in his legs and he collapsed. He felt the wetness of his ass and saw the puddles of cum that had collected on the floor below him. Jim bent down and put his hands on the boy's shoulders.

"You ok?"

"Yes, Sir," Sam replied with a sigh. "I'm just really sore."

"Well, the men were very pleased with your performance," Jim said. "You've done a good job. Rest here for a moment and when you are ready, let me know and I will help you outside to clean yourself up."

Sam took a deep breath and flexed his arms and legs to get the feeling back. When he was ready, Jim helped him to his feet and out to the dock where he was able to jump into the river and clean the sweat and cum off of him. When he was done, he pulled himself out of the water and felt his ass. It was still gaping and sore and he groaned.

"I think you will need a break for 24 hours to heal," Jim said. "No more fucking till Monday."

"Thank you, Sir," Sam replied.

"Get into the playroom and scrub it clean and then you may start dinner," Jim said.

Sam nodded and moved to grab the scrub brush and cleaning products and proceeded to clear the fluids from the floor of his room and wipe down the equipment. When he was done, he came into the kitchen and prepared the fish that Jim had caught and then knelt on the floor to await his bowl of food. When Jim presented it to him, Sam dove into it and ate it all without regard to how bad it tasted. He was hungry and exhausted and did not even care at that point. When he was done, Jim allowed him to clean the kitchen, and then he assumed a crouching position in the living room for the man so Jim could prop his feet up and relax.

That evening, as Sam crawled into his cage, he thought about his experiences during the day. It had been intense, but it was satisfying. He never orgasmed, but he was happy that he brought pleasure to the men. Jim was right. The pleasure of others could be rewarding. He smiled as he heard the alarm sound twice and the door to his cage close and lock. As he drifted off to sleep, he could hear the sounds of the frogs and crickets in the bayou as they called out during another warm evening.

Next: Chapter 7

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