Bound in the Bayou

By Locked Cub

Published on Jan 23, 2023


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Bound in the Bayou

Part 5: Stumbling

Sam awoke the next morning before the sun came up. The room was still dark, but he could see the dawn was approaching from the cracks of light through the shuttered window. He stretched and it was then that he realized that he had fallen asleep on the floor outside of the cage. He sat up in a panic and grabbed the door to the cage and pulled it, but it was magnetically sealed tight. He looked over at the alarm clock that controlled access to the door and noticed it was only 5:30 am. It would not open for another thirty minutes.

Sam creeped out of his room and looked down the dark hall. He wondered if Jim had returned to the house. He could not hear anything except the faint sound of frogs and crickets outside. He moved down the hall and opened the door to Jim's room and let his eyes adjust to the dark. He could not see anyone in the bed. To be sure, he moved closer, but there was no one there. Sam moved backward quietly and grabbed the door to close it on his way out. When he got into the hall, he backed into someone and turned to see Jim staring at him.

"What the fuck are you doing out of your cage, boy?" Jim's voice boomed and echoed off the walls.

Sam was startled. He instinctively got to his knees and bowed down in front of the man.

"I fell asleep on the floor last night, Sir. The cage was locked when I woke up earlier."

"And why were you in my room?" Jim shouted. "Did I not say that it was off-limits?"

"I wanted to see if you had come back yet," Sam replied.

Jim reached down and grabbed Sam's hair and pulled his head back to look at him.

"Why is that?" Jim growled.

"Because I didn't want you to see me out of my cage," Sam said as he shook. "I didn't want to get into trouble."

Jim let go of Sam and the boy returned to grovel on the floor.

"Return to your room and stand at attention," Jim said loudly.

Sam got to his feet and hurriedly complied. When Jim came in after him, he turned on the light to the room. Jim was furious and his face showed it. Sam did not know what was coming next.

"Am I wasting my time trying to train you, boy?" Jim asked.

"No, Sir," Sam replied.

"Cause it sure sounds like you have no respect for me or the rules of the house," Jim said.

"I'm sorry, Sir," Sam said as he bowed his head. "It won't happen again."

"You are damn fucking right it won't happen again," Jim said as he stared at Sam. "And look at me when I am talking to you, boy!"

Sam looked up and a tear fell out of his eye.

"Rules are there for a reason," Jim said. "I don't have many. It can't be that hard."

"No, Sir," Sam replied.

Jim walked over to the wall and grabbed a large paddle that had holes drilled into it. He then faced Sam.

"Turn around and touch your toes, boy!"

Sam shook as he turned and bent over. He closed his eyes and held his breath for the impact that he knew was surely going to follow. When he felt it, the smack of the wood against his bare skin echoed loudly in the room and he nearly fell forward from the energy of the swing. Sam cried out in agony.

"I want to hear you counting the swings and thanking me for your punishment, boy!" Jim said.

Sam sobbed and breathed in deeply.

"That was one, Sir. Thank you for the paddling."

A second blow came immediately after he finished. It was as hard as the first and the crack of the wooden paddle cut through the air. His ass was on fire as Sam regained his balance.

"Two, Sir. Thank you, Sir."

The paddle made three more impacts on his ass as he counted out. After the fifth one, Sam was sobbing loudly and was shaking violently.

"Turn and face me, boy," Jim said.

As Sam stood and moved to face the man, Jim reached into his back pocket and pulled out a handkerchief and ran it over Sam's face. The boy's eyes were starting to turn red and Jim grabbed Sam's arm to hold him still.

"Take a deep breath for me," Jim said.

Sam let the air fill his lungs and let it out slowly. His ass was on fire and the pain was still shooting through him as Jim turned to hang the paddle back on the wall. When the man turned around again, he moved over to the cage and punched in a code that caused the door to release and open.

"Crawl in your cage, boy," Jim said.

Sam got to his hands and knees and entered the space and Jim punched in another code and the door lowered again and Sam heard it lock in place.

"I will return before lunch to let you out," Jim said. "I want you to think about the pain in your ass and your behavior. You will never do this again or I will send you home."

Sam watched as Jim turned the lights out and then closed the door behind him. He reached behind and felt his ass. It was warm to the touch and stung. He tried to get comfortable on his side and buried his face in his pillow as he laid there. He knew he had fucked up, but he also knew he would never do it again.

It was after 11 am before the door to the room opened again. Sam looked over and saw the bare feet of Jim walk in. He was in a white pair of boxers that was semi-transparent, but that was it. The man walked over and released the lock to the cage and as the door swung open, Sam crawled out and knelt flat on the floor. He put his face on Jim's feet and kissed them.

"I'm sorry for disrespecting you, Sir," Sam said. "I promise to follow the rules from now on."

"You better, boy," Jim replied. "Get up and go get my lunch started. I caught some more fish this morning."

"Yes, Sir," Sam said as he got up and walked out of the room.

Jim did not say anything more to Sam as the boy went to scale, fillet, and fry the fish. When he had plated the meal and set it out, he knelt by the wall and Jim came over and sat down to eat.

"I want you to be honest with me, boy," Jim said as he ate. "If I gave you your key right now and let you unlock that chastity device and gave you the option to leave and go home, would you do it?"

Sam thought for a moment and Jim stared at him.

"I'm not trying to trick you, boy," Jim said. "What is your answer?"

"I want to stay and make up for the mistake I made," Sam said. "I want to learn to be a good sub."

Jim reached into his pocket and pulled out a key and threw it in front of Sam. As the key slid across the floor, it jittered and clanged.

"If you stay I want you in your sleeping cage on time every night," Jim said. "You will follow my every command and rule in this house. You will put your mind and soul into service. You will think not of yourself, but the needs and desires of other men. You will learn to find pleasure in that service and seek it out."

Sam listened to Jim as he stared at the key to his chastity cage in front of him.

"The life of a sub is not easy and your willpower will be tested," Jim said. "If you cannot continue, take the key now and leave, and don't waste my time."

Sam reached out and grabbed the key off the floor and then turned to Jim. He crawled over and placed it on the table in front of the man and then returned to kneel against the wall.

"Please allow me to stay, Sir."

Jim reached out and put the key back in his pocket and finished eating. When he was done, he got up and grabbed a bottle of water and then placed it on the floor in front of the boy.

"Drink that," Jim said. "You lost your food privilege for now. I will feed you at dinner."

As the week progressed, Sam got into a routine. He woke up every morning and prepared Jim's breakfast before starting his chores around the house. Following lunch, Jim exposed Sam to things the boy had only read about or seen in porn. The first new routine was a flogging session that began in the afternoon after lunch. Jim bound Sam to the cross on the wall in the playroom and began to train the boy to control his pain. At first, the impacts were light, but over time, Jim increased the intensity till Sam's back and buttocks were a nice red color. The man always employed aftercare on Sam, though. As his hands roamed the boy's skin after every session, Sam shuttered at the intensity of the feeling as electricity shot through his body from a heightened sensitivity.

Enhanced throat training followed, as Jim called it. Jim had a large dildo that he attached to the wall that Sam was forced to take inside his mouth to practice his skills and resist the urge to gag. The boy's hands were bound behind him to help him focus his efforts and Jim hung weights from Sam's balls to stretch them. Jim also attached nipple clamps to the boy and Sam winced as he moved back and forth and felt the pressure on his caged and trapped testicles and tried to concentrate on the rubber dick moving into his mouth.

After his playroom time and afternoon chores, he trimmed his pubic region and shaved his face before beginning to prepare dinner. When Jim was done eating, Sam reported to the playroom again and was treated to a long and intense fucking on the bench before he was given his canned food in his bowl. More chores followed till nightfall and he reported to his cage to sleep.

When Friday evening came round, Sam was on his hands and knees on the floor and Jim had his feet propped on the boy's back as he read a newspaper and rubbed his full belly.

"You have come a long way in a short period, boy," Jim said. "These past few days you have shown a lot of promise."

"Thank you, Sir," Sam said as he felt the weight of the man's legs on him.

"Vernon's sons will be coming by to use you tomorrow," Jim said. "After lunch, I want you to report to the playroom and prepare yourself. They may use you in any way they see fit, but they are not allowed to harm you. If they leave satisfied, then I will drain those balls of yours on Sunday. If not, then you will be punished and suffer for another week without release."

"I understand, Sir," Sam said. "I look forward to serving them."

"Good boy," Jim replied.

Saturday morning, Sam awoke to the alarm and the opening of his sleeping cage. He crawled out and stretched and walked into the living room to find Jim sitting in his boxers reading the paper.

"Good morning, boy!" Jim said as he turned the corner down of the page.

Sam turned to face him and knelt on the floor with his hands behind his back and bowed his head.

"Good morning, Sir. How may I serve you today?"

The greeting protocol was one he had learned earlier in the week and Jim was pleased with how second nature it had become.

"You can start by cooking breakfast," Jim replied as he returned to his paper.

"Yes, Sir," Sam replied as he stood and turned to enter the kitchen.

As Sam passed by the table, he saw a dildo suction cupped to the wall near the floor. He paused to look at it and Jim looked over and smiled.

"I'll explain that later, boy. Get to cooking."

"Yes, Sir," Sam said as he turned to the stove.

After preparing a plate of eggs, sliced ham, grits, and toast, he brought it to the table and placed a fresh cup of coffee next to it. Jim smiled as he stood and crossed the room and sat down to eat.

"I'm starving, boy. This smells wonderful."

Sam knelt on the floor next to the wall near the dildo. Jim looked over and grinned.

"As much as I enjoy a tight ass, Vernon's sons are pretty hung. You are going to need to be ready for them. Turn around and practice your deep throating skills on that dildo while I eat and then I am going to have you ride that for a while."

"Yes, Sir," Sam replied as he turned around and grasped the toy protruding from the wall.

"No hands," Jim said in reaction. "Use only your mouth."

Sam put his hands on the floor and rocked himself back and forth as the dildo entered his mouth. Jim watched with amusement as he dived into his eggs and took a sip of coffee. The boy had been making good progress on taking cock without gagging, but it was likely going to take all summer to train him properly. Still, Sam put his best effort into it and took the toy deep enough inside that it bulged his throat out before he coughed.

Jim let Sam suck the dildo for a good ten minutes before he told him to turn around and ride it. Sam complied and used only the spit he put on it for lube. He pushed backward and felt the toy slide inside him. He grunted as it filled and spread him wide and his nub reacted by spurting precum out in front of him on the floor.

"I am constantly amazed how much you leak, boy," Jim said as he spooned some grits into his mouth as he watched.

Sam smiled and looked up at the man.

"I've always been like that, Sir."

"It is not a bad thing," Jim replied. "A lot of men like to see their boys leaking. It often means they are in heat and ready to please. It makes for good natural lube, too."

Sam smiled as he turned to face the floor and felt the toy's fake balls hit his ass. It was fully inserted in him now and he could feel all seven inches deep in his bowels.

"Now fuck yourself slowly," Jim said.

Sam moved back and forth. He braced his feet against the wall and put pressure on the floor with his hands for leverage. As the dildo slid in and out, he moaned as the sensation sent waves of energy through him. His nub continued to leak and a small puddle formed below him. Jim continued to watch in delight as he finished his meal. He had trained many boys in the past, but Sam was the first to show true potential so soon. Even with the boy's missteps earlier in the week, he still felt he had great promise.

Sam had been fucking himself against the wall on the toy for about fifteen minutes before Jim finished his coffee and stood up. Sam turned to look and watched as the man pulled out a can of food and put it in Sam's bowl and then placed it in front of the boy.

"You may eat, but I want you to continue to fuck yourself," Jim said. "When you are done with your meal, you can stop and clean up the kitchen."

"Yes, Sir," Sam replied as he turned and put his face into the bowl each time he came down onto the toy.

The disgusting slop was still barely palatable, but Sam had learned to deal with it. He tried to hold his breath as he took bites of the food, but the impaling dildo often made him gasp and sent the flavor of the food through his taste buds, nearly making him gag. It took him longer than usual, but he managed to finish it all. When he did, he pulled himself off the dildo and stood up. His ass felt like it was still open as he moved over and cleaned the table off and washed the dishes.

When Sam was done, he came into the living area and knelt quietly on the floor. Jim had returned to reading on the couch and when he was done, he looked up and smiled.

"How does your ass feel, boy?"

"Warmed up, Sir," Sam replied.

"Good, then follow me," Jim said.

Jim walked out the front door and turned to move around the house near where the outhouse was located. When Sam followed him around, he saw that Jim had strung up a bag with a tube in it that hung on the wall.

"You will be in for a long afternoon of play today," Jim said. "I want to make sure your ass is well cleaned out and ready for our guests. This bag has an enema solution in it. Are you familiar with how they work?"

"Yes, Sir," Sam replied.

"Good," Jim said. "Use it all and vacate yourself and then wait fifteen minutes. Repeat the procedure twice more with the two bags that are lying here on the dock and then return inside."

"Yes, Sir," Sam replied.

Jim smiled and went back inside and Sam moved over to put the tube in his ass and bent over. He released the crimp on the tube and felt the fluids enter him. When he felt full, he closed the crimp and waited for a moment before moving over to the outhouse to release it. He continued the procedure till the bag was empty and then gave his body a break for a while before continuing with the other bags. By the time he was done, everything was running clear out of him and he felt prepared.

When Sam returned inside, Jim was smoking his pipe in his chair.

"Are we all cleaned out?"

"Yes, Sir," Sam replied.

"Report to the playroom, then," Jim said.

Sam turned and went into the room and found that the fuck bench had been moved away from the wall and a fucking machine with a dildo attachment had been placed behind it. As Jim came into the room behind him, Sam moved over to inspect it.

"This is a fun instrument I like to use on my boys," Jim said as he ran his hands over the machine. "Let's get you on the bench first, though."

Sam turned and mounted the fuck bench and Jim strapped the boy's arms, legs, and waist down. He then moved the machine close to Sam's ass and lubed up the dildo before placing it on the entrance to Sam's ass.

"Are you ready, boy?" Jim asked.

"Yes, Sir," Sam replied as he closed his eyes and prepared himself.

Sam heard the click of a switch and then felt the dildo as it slowly pushed inside him. Even after riding the one earlier today, he still groaned as it filled him.

"There we go," Jim said as he watched the toy move deep inside Sam and then slowly pull out. "I have this on a timer. You will spend the next thirty minutes on this machine. If I come back and see you are still clean and clear, then I will know you are ready for the men later today."

Jim turned and left closing the door behind him and Sam felt the machine slowly start to increase its movements as it drove deep inside his guts. For ten minutes, it ramped up to a speed where he felt his body being rocked back and forth on the bench. He grunted in response and his locked nub leaked again.

"Fucking hell," Sam groaned as the onslaught continued.

The machine then ramped down and slowly pushed inside him for another five minutes before starting the cycle over again. When the second round of intense fucking had ended and slowed, Jim returned and inspected Sam's ass. It was still clean apart from the lube of the machine and he grinned.

"Looks like you are ready," Jim said. "How are you down there?"

"My ass is worn out, Sir," Sam replied with a gasp.

"Not yet," Jim said as he patted the boy's fat ass. "But it soon will be."

Jim turned off the machine and pulled it back and then took the straps off of Sam so the boy could get up. As Sam found his footing, he wobbled from side to side. His ass felt warm and gaping and he reached back and fingered himself.

"I want you to thoroughly clean this room and scrub the floors this morning," Jim said. "After you are done, use some water and a washcloth to wipe your body down, and then I want you to wait in your cage till the men arrive. I will bring them to you."

"Yes, Sir," Sam replied as he turned to collect a stream of precum off of his cage and he tasted it.

Jim smiled and then left and Sam grabbed the cleaning supplies to spruce up the room. When he was done and had wiped his body down, he crawled into his cage and waited. It was another sweltering day and the room had been heating up all morning. He had cracked the window to let some fresh air in but sweat was starting to build on his chest as he laid on the floor.

Next: Chapter 6

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