Bound in the Bayou

By Locked Cub

Published on Jan 19, 2023


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Bound in the Bayou

Part 4: Training Time

Sam awoke the next morning to the sound of a buzzer. It went off a second time and then he heard the magnets disengage and the door to the cage began to lift open. He pushed his legs out and stretched. He had been so tired from the day before that he slept like a log, but he was stiff all over from the position he had been in inside the cage. As he turned on his back and yawned, he saw the morning light starting to creep in through the edges of the window across the room. He crawled out of the cage and stood and leaned backward to extend his back and release some tension.

"Good morning, boy!" Jim said as he peeked in the door. "Are you ready to serve today?"

"Yes, Sir," Sam replied as he turned to look at the man.

Jim was dressed and leaning against the door frame.

"I'm heading out to catch some fish this morning. When I return, I will have you prepare them for lunch. In the meantime, I want you to start on the laundry. I left instructions in the kitchen for you. In an hour, I want you to take a break and start breakfast. I will be back at about 8 am and I expect to see some scrambled eggs, toast, and grits prepared and waiting for me. Is that understood?"

"I understand, Sir," Sam replied.

"See you soon, boy," Jim said as he continued down the hall.

Sam squatted down and put his hands in his face and groaned. He reached down and felt his caged nub. It was swollen and sore from an attempted morning erection. Sam had gotten used to them after all this time, but it was still annoying. He stood again and walked down the hall into the kitchen and saw a piece of paper on the counter.


There are two wooden tubs next to the outhouse. I want you to fill both with water from the river and then add some soap from under the sink. Take the laundry that is in the bag in my room and put it in the tub. Use the large wooden beater to agitate the clothes for 15 minutes. Use your hands to work the soap through the clothes and then beat them again for another 15 minutes. When you are done, pull them out and use the second tub to rinse them. Then wring them out and hang them on the line. You will need to repeat the procedure twice as there are too many clothes to do at once.


Sam looked out back and found the tubs and filled them and then followed the instructions to start to wash Jim's clothes. Using the beater on them was back-breaking work. There was an old clock on the back of the house and he watched it to see how long he was working the soap through them. By the time he had wrung them out and hung the first batch, his arms were on fire. Sam took a break to rest and then went to work on the second half of the load and was just hanging them up when he remembered that Jim would be home at 8 am. It was already 7:30 am and so he hurriedly finished and went in to start breakfast.

Sam's stomach was growling as he cracked open the eggs and fried them. He could not stand another can of food in his bowl and as he stirred the grits in the pot he pulled out the spoon and tasted them. His mouth was watering and it took all the willpower he had not to eat them and just start another batch for Jim. He was still contemplating it when he heard the sound of a boat returning. Sam quickly finished cooking the egg, plated it, grabbed the toast, placed a heaping spoonful of the grits on the side, and then turned and put it on the table. He then put on a pot of coffee, which was just beginning to drip as Jim walked in the door.

"I see you got the laundry done," Jim said. "That is a tough job. Are your arms ok?"

"They are sore, Sir," Sam replied. "But I am managing. Your coffee will be ready in a minute."

"That is fine," Jim said as he placed his tackle box on the floor and took his waders off. "The fish are on the dock along with a small alligator I caught. Prepare the fish for my lunch and I'll take the gator meat for supper."

"Yes, Sir," Sam replied as he grabbed the coffee container and filled a mug.

He brought it over to Jim, who had sat down to start eating and then he crossed the room and knelt on the side like he did the day before. Jim looked over at him and grinned.

"Good. Chad told me you are a quick learner."

Jim ate his breakfast slowly and Sam watched. The aroma of the meal was making his mouth water and he could hear his belly complaining.

"Another fine meal," Jim said as he pushed the plate back and finished his drink. "I know you are hungry. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Wait there."

Jim got up and went to the cabinet and pulled out a container that was filled with powder. He put two scoops in Sam's bowl and then poured in some bottled water and mixed it. He then pulled out another can of the brown food and opened it and poured it into the bowl on top. Jim turned and placed it in front of Sam.

"That there is a protein powder mixed with some nutritional supplements. It will keep you healthy. Eat up, boy."

Sam groaned and leaned over and put his face into the bowl. If the brown liquid and chunks were bad, the mixture of the lumpy powder and water made it even worse. He had to fight his gag reflex as he moved his mouth around and swallowed the concoction. He was so hungry that he powered through and even licked the bowl clean. Jim leaned down and rubbed Sam's head as he finished.

"That's a good boy! Now clean up and get to work on that fish. I am going to strip down and relax."

Sam looked up at Jim as he walked across the room and into the hall. As the boy stood, he picked up the bowl and dropped it in the sink and used some water to wash his face. He then turned to clean up the plates, silverware, and pots before putting them away. When he walked outside after, he saw three fish laying on the dock with a small alligator next to it. It had a shotgun wound in the head.

Sam grabbed a knife from the kitchen and went to scale the fish first. As he sat on the dock and worked, he heard the sound of another boat coming near and before he could think about the fact he was naked, he turned and saw a man waving at him.

"Howdy!" the man from the boat said.

He was an older man with a weather-beaten face and a gray beard. He had on a pair of overalls and an old worn cap, but nothing else. Sam did not know what to do and he froze with the fish in his hand.

"You must be Jim's new boy," the man said. "My name is Vernon. Is Jim here?"

"Yes, Sir," Sam replied. "He is inside."

"Well, good deal!" Vernon said as he pulled up and jumped on the dock.

He was in his bare feet and after he had tied off the boat he came over to Sam and bent down and looked at the fish.

"Looks like 'ol Jim was up with the morning sun today. And look at that! He got a gator!"

"Yes, Sir," Sam replied as he held his hand over his cage.

Vernon laughed.

"No need to hide. You ain't the first chastity boy to be trained here. I'll see you later."

Vernon tipped his hat and stood up and went inside the house and Sam looked back down at his cage. He took a deep breath and went back to scaling and preparing the fish. Jim had told him that he would be used by his friends. Sam wondered if Vernon would be one of them.

When Sam finished with the fish, he gathered them and walked inside to put them in the fridge. When he entered, he saw Jim sitting in his chair in his boxers and Vernon across from him on the sofa.

"All done, boy?" Jim asked.

"With the fish, Sir," Sam said. "I still need to prepare the gator."

"Well, that can wait a moment," Jim said. "Put the fish away and wash your hands and come in here."

Sam did as he was told and then walked over and stood at attention next to Jim.

"What do you think, Vernon?" Jim asked.

"He's a damn sight better looking than that boy you had several months ago," Vernon said. "Least this one has a full set of teeth."

Jim laughed.

"He's got some innate skill too," Jim said. "He just started yesterday and already is getting some of the protocols down."

"I'm impressed!" Vernon replied. "When can my boys use him?"

"Maybe Saturday," Jim said. "I want to make sure I expose him to a few things before they get their hands on him."

"Sounds like a plan!" Vernon replied.

Jim reached over and grabbed Sam's balls and the boy groaned.

"These things are pretty full!" Jim said. "When was the last time you were milked, boy?"

"Not since my last day of school over a week ago, Sir," Sam said.

"Well, keep up your good behavior and maybe you will get them drained this Sunday," Jim said.

Sam winced at the thought of waiting another week to relieve the intense "blue balls" feeling he had, but he put on a grin for his new master.

"Thank you, Sir."

"All right, back outside with you," Jim said.

Sam returned to the dock to address the alligator next. His dad had caught these in the past near their home and he knew the best places for meat were on the outside and the tail. With some difficulty, he was able to slice off what he needed and discarded the rest into the river. By the time he was done, it was mid-day and the boy was sweating profusely. Gnats and flies circled him and he felt miserable. He gathered up the meat and went indoors to wrap and store it and when the door closed, the two men looked up at him.

"All done, boy?"

"All done, Sir," Sam replied.

"How would you like to use the boy before you leave?" Jim asked.

"I'd enjoy that!" Vernon replied.

"Boy, report to the playroom," Jim said.

"Yes, Sir," Sam responded as he walked into the hall and into his room.

The men followed him and when Sam got to the center of the room, Jim moved over to the fuck bench and pulled it away from the wall.

"The first rule you will learn, boy, is to be appreciative of a dominant that chooses to use you," Jim said. "Get on your knees in front of Vernon and put your hands behind your back. Bow your head and then repeat after me."

Sam turned to face the other man and knelt in the position as he was told. The boy then repeated the lines that Jim fed him.

"Sir, I am a chastity boy that is here to provide pleasure and service for men. May I have the honor of pleasuring you?"

Vernon smiled at how well the boy followed orders.

"You may, boy. Start with my feet. Worship them."

Sam looked down and saw the man's bare feet. They were filthy and he paused as he considered the request. As he hesitated, he felt a hand grab the back of his head and force him down to the floor. The voice of Jim shouted in his ear.

"When a man gives you a request, you immediately respond, boy!"

Jim released his grip and stood again and Sam looked at the feet of Vernon in front of him.

"Use your tongue and worship them," Jim shouted. "It isn't that hard. You have three seconds before you will be punished."

Sam stuck out his tongue and closed his eyes and ran it over the top of Vernon's left foot. He could taste the dirt and sweat on the man and smell his scent. It was not pleasant. As he licked the other side, he felt the hard smack of a paddle on his exposed ass. The pain shot through him and his body convulsed.


"I said worship those feet, boy! Not gently lick them!"

Jim was becoming impatient and Sam could hear it in his voice. His ass was still stinging as he moved closer to Vernon and he grabbed the man's foot and began to lick and massage it. He kept his eyes closed the whole time to avoid seeing what he was doing. He felt degraded. He knew he could leave at any time, but why wasn't he? Why was he putting himself through this? Why was his nub swelling as he felt the smack of the paddle? Why did he feel a deep desire to do anything for the man standing above him?

"That's a good boy," Vernon replied. "Don't forget the other one!"

Sam moved over to the other foot and massaged and licked it next. Vernon lifted his foot so that Sam could grasp and get under it. Over the next several minutes, he cleaned and rubbed the man's soles and Vernon moaned in response.

Vernon lifted his foot and pushed it against Sam's head making the boy move back. He then unbuckled his overalls and they hit the floor. Sam instinctively reached out and grabbed them and helped him out of them and then neatly folded them before setting them to the side.

"Now you are behaving!" Jim replied. "Prepare his cock for your ass."

Sam looked up and saw that Vernon's cock was growing in length. The older man had an average set of balls and the shaft had a slight curve to the left. Sam grasped it and ran his tongue under Vernon's sack and tasted his sweat. As he moved up the shaft, he pointed it towards his mouth and sucked it inside. Vernon groaned as Sam moved back and forth and coated the cock with spit. He grasped the man's balls with his left hand and massaged them as he slowly stroked the bottom part of the shaft with his right.

"Damn you have a nice mouth," Vernon replied.

"He does that," Jim said from behind Sam. "It was one of the things that impressed me."

"How is his ass?" Vernon asked.

"You'll have to tell me," Jim said. "I haven't had a chance to use it yet. It will be my gift to you."

"Well, fuck," Vernon said. "Thank ya!"

Sam was lost in pleasuring the cock of the man. As he felt the head slide around near his throat, he moved his tongue around and gripped it. He moved his head from side to side as it slid in and out and he could taste the sweetness of the fluids starting to dribble out.

"My sons are going to love this!" Vernon said.

"Ok, boy," Jim said. "I think it is time to see how good that ass is. Get up here."

Sam pulled off Vernon's cock and looked up at the man with a grin before standing and moving over to Jim. His master was standing near the fuck bench and directed Sam to mount it. Jim assisted Sam as he got in and then strapped his legs, arms, and waist down. Sam was immobilized in the frame and his large ass was hanging out on display with his caged balls swinging below. He felt a hand rub over his ass cheek and pat it gently.

"Damn that is nice!" Vernon said.

Sam heard a bottle open and lube squeeze out and then felt his ass parted and a finger probed his hole. He moaned as he felt it enter him and his nub reacted by starting to dribble. The fluids formed a rope that dangled below him and glistened in the light of the room.

"The boy is in heat, for sure!" Vernon replied as he collected the stream of precum and tasted it.

Sam felt the finger pull out and be replaced by two that moved back and forth inside him. He moaned from the sensation. His balls were aching and full and he needed to be fucked bad.

"Please give me the pleasure of your cock, Sir," Sam said. "I need it."

"Be happy to, boy!" Vernon replied.

The fingers pulled out of him and were quickly replaced by the head of a cock that moved inside Sam with one thrust. Sam groaned as it penetrated him and he grabbed onto the bench. His body was forced forward and he heard the bench groan as the restraints held him tight. The cock pulled out and then immediately pushed forward again and fucked him hard.

Sam's head bounced back and forth from the intensity of the initial thrusts. Vernon's cock filled him completely. It was a perfect size and Sam relished the sensations it was giving him. He groaned with every forward movement and his nub pulsed with fluids in response.

"Fuck this ass is great, Jim!" Vernon said. "You are going to love it!"

"Well, be sure to load him up good and I'll take a turn next, then!" Jim said as he moved over in front of Sam.

The boy could see that Jim had dropped his boxers and his cock was hard and sticking in front of him. He had something in his hand, though, that Sam could not make out. Jim moved to stand right in front of Sam's head and his body towered over him.

"Prepare yourself, boy!" Jim shouted.

The smack of a leather flogger came down on Sam's upper shoulders as his ass was fucked. Sam winced and tried to pull his arms up, but they were fastened tight. He cried out as the second impact fell.

"Breathe for me, boy!" Jim said. "You need to learn to build your tolerance to pain. By the time you leave here, you will be begging to be flogged!"

Sam cried out as a third impact fell on his middle back. As the leather flogger continued to work him over, he felt his skin begin to tingle as if it was on fire. At the same time, Vernon had slowed and was pushing deep inside him with long, deliberate thrusts. Sam was overloaded with stimuli and did not know how to react. His nub was leaking precum heavily and the initial pain in his shoulders and back had turned to a deep warmth that radiated through him. When the flogging stopped, he felt the hands of Jim run over his skin and it sent electric pulses through him. He groaned loudly and his body shook.

"See?" Jim said. "That feels good. Doesn't it, boy?"

"Yes, Sir!" Sam replied with a groan as he felt Vernon start to fuck him harder.

"Getting close!" the man behind him said.

"Breed him, bubba!" Jim said.

Vernon continued to pound Sam for another minute and then he heard the man start to groan loudly. As Vernon pushed forward one last time, he shouted.

"Fucking hell!"

His cum shot deep into Sam and the boy could feel the pulses of the shaft as it moved inside.

"Oh fuck," Sam groaned as he relaxed his body.

Vernon held onto the boy's waist until he was done and then pulled out. A dribble of cum popped out as his head exited and it ran down Sam's ass and over his caged balls.

"Your turn!" Vernon said with a gasp as he caught his breath.

Jim moved around and Sam felt his ass cheeks parted. A finger ran down his crack and through the fluids dripping out of him.

"Looks like you left him well lubed," Jim said.

Sam felt the head of another cock placed on the entrance to his ass and as it pushed into him, he moaned. Jim was thicker than Vernon. His ass spread wide as the cock penetrated deeply into him and Sam fought the urge to clamp his muscles down for fear of hurting himself.

"That's a good boy," Jim said. "Chad was right. You have got a mighty fine ass."

"It needed your cock, Sir!" Sam said with a groan.

"Yes, it did!" Jim said as he thrusted back and forth.

"Oh fuck!" Sam cried out as he felt the dick moving inside him.

"You should see this boy's nub!" Vernon said. "Swelled through the bars, wet, and dripping. He needs to be used badly!"

"It's a fucking fine ass!" Jim said as he fucked harder.

Sam shifted back and forth as the man pounded him. His back was still warm and stinging and he could feel his cage bouncing below him. Jim ran his hands over Sam's lower back and then gripped the boy's waist and pulled deep. Sam could feel the large balls of the man as they swung and occasionally hit his caged ones. The impact sent streams of precum flying over the floor below.

The fucking went on for over ten minutes. Sam's ass was going numb as Jim continued to pound. The boy had never been with someone with that kind of stamina. He wondered how long he would be able to continue when he heard Jim start to pant and growl.

"That's it!" Vernon said. "Give it to him. Jim!"

Jim growled even louder and grabbed Sam's waist hard as he forced forward and his cock erupted. Sam cried out as his ass was split and bred a second time.

"Fuck yeah, boy!" Jim shouted.

Sam could only groan in response as he was being filled. When the cock finally pulled out, he felt more liquid run down over his balls and drip on the floor. Sam's body was covered in sweat from the intensity of the fuck session and how warm the room had become. The smell of sex permeated the space and the boy let his body collapse on the bench. When he felt the straps being released, he took a deep breath and then forced his body to move off the bench.

Jim and Vernon were standing in front of him. Jim's cock was covered in a froth of cum and Sam got on his knees and took it into his mouth to clean the man's shaft and head. The boy could taste the mixture of cum and ass, but all he cared about was pleasing the man.

"Good boy!" Jim replied as he reached down and rubbed Sam's hair.

"You have a good one this time," Vernon said as he reached down and slid his legs into his overalls. "I can't wait to see how he turns out!"

As Vernon pulled the straps over his shoulders, Sam moved back and Jim looked around the room.

"Grab the cleaning supplies and clean up this mess, boy," Jim said. "Then I want you to start lunch. Vernon will be eating with me."

"Yes, Sir!" Sam replied as the two men turned and left.

Sam reached back and felt his ass. It was still dripping with cum and the floor had droplets of fluids all over it. He sighed and stood. His back and ass were sore, but he powered through and went to grab the brush, bucket, soap, and water. He scrubbed the floor and then wiped down the fuck bench before moving it back into position against the wall. The flogger was on the floor and he picked it up and admired it before placing it on the wall next to the paddle that had been used on him earlier. He had not paid attention to all the implements that hung there. There were several floggers and crops in addition to different-sized paddles.

When Sam was done cleaning, he returned to the kitchen and breaded and fried up the fish that Jim had caught for their lunch. He paired it with fried potato wedges and plated the food for the two men. He then knelt by the wall while he watched them eat. When they were done, Jim served him a can of his food in his bowl and then sent him out to scrub the outside of the house and repaint the outhouse, which had badly peeled paint.

By the late afternoon, Sam was covered in sweat and was exhausted. The hair on his ass was crusted with cum and his balls ached. He reached down and adjusted them and then sat on the dock to let his feet dangle in the water below. Jim had netted off a portion of water below the end of the dock near the boats to keep the critters out. Sam longed to jump in and rinse off his body and cool down. He was still staring below him when he heard Vernon and Jim walk outside.

"Well, I best be going," Vernon said. "I'll send my sons over Saturday."

"Sounds good," Jim said. "The boy should be ready."

Vernon looked over and smiled and waved at Sam.

"See you later, boy!"

"Thank you for your cum, Sir," Sam replied. "I look forward to serving you again!"

Vernon and Jim both smiled and then the older man got into his boat and headed off. Jim walked over and crouched beside the boy.

"Well, how are you holding up?"

"I am not going to lie, Sir," Sam replied. "That was intense."

"That was a taste of what is to come," Jim said. "Are you fully prepared to continue?"

"Yes, Sir," Sam said.

"It is hot out here," Jim said. "Ain't it?"

"Very hot, Sir," Sam replied.

"Go ahead and jump in and cool yourself off," Jim said. "You may have an hour's rest as a reward for your performance today."

"Thank you, Sir!" Sam replied as he pushed off and fell into the water and Jim went back inside.

Sam felt the mud below him as he stood and splashed the water over his head. He reached back and ran his hands through his ass to clean it and then dunked his head a few times before throwing his head back and sighing. When he was rinsed off, he climbed back onto the dock and laid on his back, and let the air dry him as the sun peeked through the trees.

When his hour break had elapsed, Jim had Sam back finishing painting and then he planned dinner. Sam tenderized the tail meat that he had skinned and sliced earlier and coated it in garlic butter and lemon before warming it in the small oven in the house. While that was cooking, he prepared some okra, mushrooms, and potatoes and the whole kitchen smelled wonderful by the time he pulled out the meat to plate it. Jim wandered in and sat at the kitchen table as Sam brought the meal over and the man grinned.

"I have to say, you are one hell of a cook, boy!"

"Thank you, Sir!" Sam replied as he walked over and knelt by the wall.

As Jim ate he looked over at Sam and then put his utensils down and sat back.

"I don't normally do this, but as you are still new, I am going to allow you to speak. What concerns or questions do you have, boy?"

Sam thought for a moment as his stomach rumbled.

"Will I only be eating that canned food?"

"At first, yes," Jim said as he returned to his meal. "As you progress in your training and show me that you are putting your heart and mind into being the best sub you can be, you will earn privileges like food, bathing, and personal time. I am not trying to mistreat you, but part of the role of a sub is to make sacrifices for your master. You need to reorient your mind so that it is not about you, but about service to others. Does that make sense, boy?"

"Yes, Sir," Sam replied looking down. "I guess."

"Look at me, boy," Jim said as he put his fork down on his plate.

As Sam looked at the man, Jim stared back.

"Chad tells me he found you sucking cock in a restroom on campus. What excited you about that?"

"I love cock, Sir," Sam replied. "I love hearing a man moan when he orgasms in my mouth or feel his cock as it pulses inside me. I can never get enough."

"Sex is an aspect of any person's life," Jim said. "I can tell you enjoy pleasuring a man in that way. What about service? How do you feel when you work around here?"

"It is exhausting if I am honest, Sir," Sam replied.

"I'm not talking about the labor itself," Jim said. "Your work around here makes my life easier. It pleases me. How does that make you feel?"

"Good, I guess, Sir," Sam replied.

"That is what you need to work on," Jim said as he turned to continue eating. "If you want to be a true sub, the service aspect needs to be as emotionally and mentally satisfying to you as the sexual service you provide. When you start to achieve that level of satisfaction, then I will reward you with normal food."

"Yes, Sir," Sam replied.

"Go get your bowl and can of food and bring it to me," Jim said.

Sam complied and when he had placed both on the table, he knelt beside Jim. Jim opened the can and put it in the bowl and then sliced off a piece of the gator meat and placed it on the top before putting the bowl on the floor.

"Think about what I have said as you eat, boy," Jim said as he turned to finish his meal.

Sam bent down and put his face into the bowl and savored the small piece of meat before swallowing the rest of the brown material. When they both were done, Jim walked outside and Sam cleaned up the kitchen before joining him.

"I'm going to take the boat into town to grab some provisions and I will return in the morning," Jim said. "You may have the evening off. Be sure to report to your cage by 10 pm. I will see you bright and early tomorrow."

"Yes, Sir," Sam said.

He watched as Jim walked inside and put on some clothes and then prepped the boat and motored up the river. As the man disappeared around the bend, Sam sat on the dock and watched as the sun sat low on the horizon. The mosquitoes were starting to come out, so he walked inside and closed the door behind him.

Sam went to his room and sat on the floor next to his cage. He reached out and grasped the bars and as he felt them he contemplated what he wanted to do. Part of him wanted to grab his clothes and get in the boat and go home. But another part of him wanted to take up the challenge of growing into the sub that Jim wanted him to be. He wanted to please Chad, too. Even though the man had been a jerk to him and he probably would never see him again, he still longed to feel the man's cock in his mouth or ass. He wanted to take in his scent and relish it. Just the thought got his nub swelling in his cage. He reached down and felt his nub. Would he ever have the same reaction through domestic service to a man? He did not know. But he was willing to try to learn.

Next: Chapter 5

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