Bound in the Bayou

By Locked Cub

Published on Jan 15, 2023


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Bound in the Bayou

Part 3: Into the Swamp

Sam sat back in the rocking chair and looked out on the family property. As the morning sun peaked on the horizon, he could see the moisture in the air and hear the crickets and frogs as they called out near the waterfront. He reached down and grabbed his crotch and felt the metal prison underneath and he sighed.

His dad grew soybeans and cotton on most of the land that bordered the Mississippi River. They didn't have a lot growing up, but he managed to get by. When he returned from school last week, his dad had expected him to help on the farm, but when he told them he had a job for the summer, he wanted to know more. A letter to Chad with no return address that arrived the day after he returned from school provided him the answer.


Let me introduce myself. My name is Jim Ballard. I will be your master and trainer for the summer and you will address me as 'Sir'. Chad has given me the background on you and mailed me the key to your cage. I will expect you at my home on Monday, May 7 at precisely 9 am. Once you arrive, you will not be allowed to leave the property without permission until Sunday, August 12. In exchange for fourteen weeks of dedicated service, your parents will be sent a check for five thousand dollars.

If you do not show up on the 7th, I will assume that you have chosen not to accept my offer. The key to your cage will not be returned to you. You can figure out how to remove the device on your own and Chad will be informed. You will never see him again.

If you do choose to accept the offer, I will instruct you and you will learn your place around a dominant and explore a variety of BDSM kinks. You will be my personal house boy. You will cook, clean, and take care of all of my sexual needs. I may loan you out to my friends for their use. You will be provided with a place to sleep and three meals a day. You will not need any clothes or toiletries save what you come dressed in on Monday. I will not harm you in any lasting way and you may leave at any time. Just know that if you do so before the date in August, you will forfeit any payment for your time.

My rules are simple. You will not speak unless you are spoken to. You will not have access to your genitals and they will be locked away for the entire fourteen weeks. I will provide one milking a week on Sunday evenings providing you have done a satisfactory job in the previous seven days. You will obey my every command without question.

I will attach a map showing how to get to my houseboat. Look for the red light that hangs from an orange post out in front. There will be no further communication after today until you arrive. I will see you on Monday.


Sam had been nervous since he read the letter, but he was strangely excited. The attached map had directions that would take him west across the river and into the bayous of Louisiana. He had a boat that would take him there but determining what to tell his parents was the biggest concern he had. In the end, he made up a story about signing up for a summer position through the college that would involve him working with a research team on the river. He told his parents that everything would be provided for him and about the money they would be getting in return. His father was initially skeptical, but the money sure would help and he ultimately agreed to let Sam go.

Sam had gotten up before the sun peeked over the horizon a little after 6 am. After washing up, the boy prepared a large breakfast as he had no idea what he would be doing the rest of the day. He had put on his underwear over his cage and slipped some overalls over that, but that was all that he would wear. When he had finished eating, he said goodbye to his parents and had walked out to put his boots on and prepare himself for what was to come.

"Well, I guess I better get going," he said to himself. "I don't want to be late!"

He walked down the dirt road and took a path to the right that led down to a dock that sat on one of the creeks that led into the river. His small boat was moored there and once he threw the ropes off, he put the engine in the water and made his way west.

The fog was still lingering over the water in places as he made his way down the creek. Trees hung over each bank and he could see the bubbles from turtles and other wildlife under the surface as he went. It was not unheard of to find alligators about, so he kept his eyes peeled.

Once he crossed the river, he took a series of creeks and channels till he reached the swampy area that marked the edge of the bayou. Large cypress trees came out of the water-logged ground and the dense overgrowth around them casted long shadows on the banks. Wildlife could be heard everywhere, and the mosquitoes were buzzing around and trying to take as much blood as they could from the boy as he continued.

Sam checked the map he had with him several times and knew he was getting close. When he spotted the orange post sticking out of the water with an old red lantern attached to it, he figured he had arrived. The house that sat next to the post was built on an old barge. It was rectangular in shape and had windows with faded yellow trim down the side. A rusted metal roof covered it and there was a single chimney that stuck out of the middle. Several metal containers were stacked on one end and there was a boat that had been tied to a dock that the post connected to.

Sam figured it would be best to land there, so he came near it and jumped out and tied off next to the other boat. He pulled his handkerchief out one more time to wipe his brow and he looked at the house in front of him. The windows were dark and he could not see inside. He checked his watch and it was a few minutes before 9 am. His hands were shaking and he clasped them together and took a deep breath to try to calm himself. He then walked forward to the old brown door and knocked.

Sam waited for about a minute before the door opened. Behind it, a man appeared. He was dressed only in a pair of jeans. He was taller than Sam and had broad shoulders and a dark, full beard with streaks of gray in it. His arms were large and muscled, but he had a nice round belly that was covered in brown and gray fur. A tattoo of twisted wire encircled the upper arm of the man and it flexed as he brought the pipe out of his mouth that he had been smoking.

"You Sam?"

"Yes, Sir," Sam said, nervously.

"I'm Jim," he replied. "Strip your clothes off."

"Here?" Sam asked.

"I'm going to give you a pass just this once, boy," Jim said. "You are never to question me again. You will do what I say when I say it. I don't want to hear a word from you unless you are specifically spoken to. Is that understood?"

"Yes, Sir," Sam replied as he looked down.

"Face me, boy!" Jim said with a loud voice.

Sam looked up and shook.

"I'm not like those kids you suck off in college," Jim said. "I'm an alpha male and I don't play around. I'm here to train you and show you what it is to be a sub. Is that what you are here for? To learn and submit?"

"Yes, Sir," Sam replied.

"Then strip!" Jim boomed.

Sam reached down and pulled his boots off and put his socks in them and then placed them on the dock. He then unlatched the straps over his shoulders and pulled his overalls off followed by his underwear. He placed them on the ground and stood looking at Jim. His cage was on display in front of the man.

"Chad did say you had a tiny nub and balls," Jim said. "No wonder he locked them up. Ok, come inside, boy. Kneel to the left of the door."

"Yes, Sir," Sam replied as he walked inside.

The interior looked very lived in. There was an old couch and chair to his left and a small kitchen to his right. The floor was faded linoleum that had several stains, cracks, and tears in it and the place smelled like the tobacco Jim smoked. Sam moved to the side of the door and knelt as Jim walked outside and picked the boy's clothes up. He opened a metal trash can next to the door and placed them inside and then turned to Sam.

"Take the watch off, boy."

Sam released the clasp and let the metal band fall from his wrist and handed it to the man. Jim went to the kitchen and grabbed a baggie to seal it in and then he placed it inside of one of Sam's boots and then secured the lid to the can.

"You can retrieve those in August," Jim said as he closed the door.

Sam watched the man walk over and sit in the chair next to the couch that faced him. Jim took a few puffs off his pipe and blew the smoke into the air above him. It lingered around his head as he stared at the boy.

"Are you nervous?" Jim asked.

"Yes, Sir," Sam replied.

"That is to be expected," Jim said. "All of my new trainees usually are about to piss themselves when they arrive. Let me tell you a few things. Chad is my nephew. He told me about you when he was visiting this past Christmas. He has watched as I have trained many boys over the years to be experienced and disciplined subs ready to be collared. He told me that you would be someone that would be perfect for my program and you were ready to learn, submit, and be used. And you will be used, boy. Let me assure you of that. But you will not be harmed in any way. You might experience some pain and discomfort, but over the next fourteen weeks, I intend to mold you into the perfect sub for a dom's pleasure. The fact you are already locked in a chastity cage and submissive by nature is a good start. Do you know why you are caged?"

"Because I am not a real man, Sir," Sam replied. "I'm a boy. A boy does not need his nub for pleasure. He gets his pleasure from serving a man."

"That's right," Jim said as he took another puff off his pipe. "Only real men have cocks and can fuck and breed. As a chastity boy, your primary role is to offer your body to real men for their pleasure. You will live to meet any need they may have. You will learn to experience intense satisfaction and pleasure from this service. What are your thoughts on what I have said?"

"I'll be honest, Sir. I am still nervous, but I am ready to serve you," Sam replied. "Chad said that this would be good for me and he wants me to make him proud."

"Good," Jim said. "It is good you want to earn his praise, but are you doing this for yourself as well? In other words, is this what you truly want? To be successful in my program, you need to give your body and soul to it. You have to want to be the sub that is lurking inside you and strive to better yourself in that regard."

"Yes, Sir," Sam replied. "I understand. I want this."

"Chad said you loved to suck cock. I think it is about time you showed me."

Jim stood up and unzipped his pants and let them drop to the floor. A large, soft cock flopped out and sat on top of two round orbs the size of chicken eggs. He kicked his pants to the side and sat back down and spread his legs and then stared at Sam.

"Get to it, boy!"

Sam went to stand and Jim shouted at him.

"Don't you stand unless I tell you, boy! Crawl to me!"

Sam got on his hands and knees and moved over to Jim until he had his head near the man's crotch. Jim was stroking his shaft and he took a draw on his pipe and blew it over Sam's face. Sam coughed and then moved his face forward. Jim pointed his cock downward and as it crossed over Sam's lips he felt the man's cock begin to harden.

"Good boy," Jim said. "Don't use your hands. I only want you to use that mouth of yours. Show me what innate skills you have."

Sam continued to suck on the man's shaft as it lengthened. He felt the head start to push forward and when it reached the back of his throat, Sam coughed and backed off. Spit ran out of his mouth and dripped to the floor.

"We can work on that gag reflex, boy," Jim said. "That will be one of the first things you will train to lose."

Sam went back to Jim's cock. As he came down on it, he turned his head to the side and sucked and licked down the hard shaft. Jim had a much girthier cock than Chad, but it was about the same length. Sam bobbed up and down a few times and then slowly licked down the other side. He pulled off the cock and put it on his nose and moved down to lick Jim's balls. Jim's scent was strong. Initially, Sam held his breath, but as he let it in, he realized that the intensity of the aroma was making his nub swell. He took one of Jim's balls into his mouth and rolled it around and tasted him. When he moved to the other one, Jim groaned.

"That's a good boy. I haven't showered in a week. Mark your face with my musk and learn to beg for it."

Sam moaned in response and moved back to put Jim's cock in his mouth. As he bobbed up and down, Jim puffed on his pipe and played with his nipples. He looked down and watched Sam the whole time, making mental notes about what the boy was doing right and wrong and where he could be trained. Overall, he was impressed. It was a standard blowjob by his measure, but he could feel his large balls stirring and knew the boy would be pulling a load from him soon.

Jim reached down and grabbed Sam's hair and held it as he moved the boy's face back and forth. He shoved Sam down till the boy choked and then brought him up. He forced him down again till Sam was begging for air and then backed him off. Again, and again, he went deeper into Sam's throat until the boy coughed hard and pulled off. Sam's face twisted and he closed his eyes and tried to swallow.

"Don't you throw up, boy," Jim said. "Control your throat. You are a tool for my pleasure. Learn to accept my dick as far as it will go."

Sam opened his eyes and took a deep breath.

"Yes, Sir."

Sam went back and took Jim deeply inside. He pushed until he felt the choking feeling and then he backed off. He kept moving back to the limit and tried to mentally make the feeling go away. He wanted to please this man. He wanted to learn to be better.

"Good boy!" Jim said. "That's it. You are learning."

Jim grabbed Sam's hair and face-fucked him. This time, he pulled Sam's face down and back faster. Sam could taste precum starting to flow out of the head of the man's cock and he relished the taste. Sam's nub was hard in its cage and leaking on the floor as it swung back and forth with his body. The boy moaned as he felt his face invaded and then Jim began to growl.

"Here it comes, boy! Don't you spill a drop!"

The first eruption of cum flooded the back of Sam's mouth and he did all he could to keep from coughing it up. The taste was strong and as more volleys came, he backed off to keep it all in his mouth. He closed his eyes and held his breath and tried to concentrate. More cum came out and he felt his mouth filling to the brim. When he was nearing a point where he could take no more, he opened his eyes and pulled off and swallowed at the same time. As the cum went into his belly, he looked down and saw dribbles of white liquid on the tip of Jim's cock and he took it into his mouth to nurse it away.

"That's a good boy!" Jim replied with a deep breath.

Jim reached down and grabbed his shaft and slapped it against Sam's face and Sam licked it till it was soft. Jim then took another puff off his pipe and relaxed.

"Stand at attention, boy."

Sam got to his feet and put his hands behind his back. Jim rose and then walked around Sam and ran his hands over the boy's body. He felt Sam's belly and moved around to run over the boy's ass. He moved up Sam's back and then ran his hands over Sam's face last.

"That beard of yours is pretty ragged," Jim said. "Do you always wear it that way?"

"Yes, Sir," Sam replied. "I need to be better at grooming. But, I have always had a beard since I hit puberty."

"Why is that?" Jim asked.

"I just like the look of beards on men," Sam said.

"Are you a man?" Jim asked as he moved to stand in front of Sam.

"No, Sir," Sam said. "I'm a boy."

"Then I think we need to shave that off," Jim said. "Boys don't need facial hair. At least untrained boys don't. You can grow it out if your master wants you to, but the choice is always theirs. Is that understood?"

"Yes, Sir," Sam replied.

"The same goes for your body," Jim said. "Some men want their subs completely denuded and smooth. I have even had some permanently remove all the body hair from their subs from the neck down. You should be prepared for that. However, in my house and while you are in training, you can keep the body hair. I am fine with that, but I want your groin trimmed. That bush you have does not compliment and show off that cage of yours."

"Yes, Sir," Sam said.

"Go down the hall and into the second room on the left," Jim said. "You will find a trimmer and a fresh razor in there. Return when you have done what I have asked."

"Yes, Sir!" Sam replied.

Sam turned and walked by Jim as the man sat back down in his chair. As the boy entered the hall, he looked for the door and when he entered, he turned the light on. An old wooden counter and mirror were to his immediate left. The counter had a basin that drained into a bucket below and there was a pail of water next to it. As he closed the door behind him, he looked at himself in the mirror. There was some cum on his nose and he wiped it off and tasted it. He then felt his face and ran his hands through his facial hair one last time. He was not happy about shaving. Sam had not been clean-shaven since he was in junior high and was unsure what he would look like.

He saw some shaving cream on the counter along with a new razor, scissors, and a folded towel. He used the scissors first and clipped the hairs of his beard to get it down to a short length. As he watched the long hairs fall into the sink, he saw more of his face appear. When he was done, he put his hand in the bucket and grab some water and splashed it on his face before using the shaving cream and running the razor over his stubble.

When Sam finished the last swipe and threw some water on his face, he looked up and saw a new person staring back at him. He looked much younger than his nineteen years. His smooth skin glistened in the light of the room and he ran his hands over his cheek and felt it. He then looked down at his crotch. That would be the next thing to address. He took his time and used the scissors to cut around the cage and trim the hairs down to a shorter length. When he was done, it was not the best job, but it made the metal prison encasing his nub more prominent.

Sam cleaned the hair up by dumping some water from the bucket into the basin and then stared at himself in the mirror one more time. He was still shaking some, but he was determined to go through with this. As degrading as it was to be shaved and scolded, it turned him on. He wanted to learn more about what it meant to be a sub. He wanted to please Chad, too. Sam took a deep breath and then turned and opened the door and walked back into the living room to stand in front of Jim.

"Now you look much better, boy," Jim said. "How do you feel?"

"Lighter, Sir," Sam replied.

Jim laughed.

"That's a lot to say for a chubby boy like yourself. I want that face clean-shaven every day just like that and keep those pubes trimmed, too,"

"Yes, Sir," Sam replied.

"Stay still, boy," Jim said.

Jim got up and walked over to the kitchen. He picked up a permanent marker and walked back over to Sam. He took the cap off and wrote on Sam's chest in large letters, 'Boy in training'.

"There are many milestones you will have to reach while you are training under me as you strive to earn the collar of a dominant. For now, this will be a reminder of your position. Your name is boy now. That is how you will be referred and what you will respond to. Is that understood?"

"Yes, Sir," Sam replied.

"This place will be your home and whole world for the summer. As you have probably figured out, the house has electricity from a generator and I have water from a holding tank. Don't drink it, though. I have bottled water for that. There is an outhouse on the side of the house for shitting and pissing and if I allow you to wash up, you will just use the river water and soap. Are you ready to see where you will be sleeping?"

"Yes, Sir," Sam said.

"Follow me, then," Jim said as he turned and went into the hall.

The first door on the left had an old, loose handle. As Jim grasped it and gave it a turn, the door gave way and revealed a room with a full set of dungeon equipment. There was a fuck bench, a cross leaning against the wall, a leather table, and a large, padded cage on the floor with a small pillow and a folded blanket inside.

"This is the playroom," Jim said. "In here we will explore many different kinks and you will learn what it means to be a full-time sub. The cage on the floor is where you will sleep. Bedtime is promptly at 10 pm and you will be awake at 6 am to start your chores. The cage door is automated. It will swing close and will be held locked by a magnet until your wake-up time when it will open and a buzzer will sound. Go ahead and climb in and check it out."

Sam looked at Jim and then moved over and bent down to examine the cage. It was made with heavy, thick steel bars and as he ducked down and got inside, he noticed he would have to have his legs bent to fit. He sat cross-legged on the floor of the cage and had to bend his head slightly to sit up.

"Good, it fits you well," Jim said. "Come on out and I will show you the rest of the place."

Sam crawled out of the cage and stood and followed Jim back down the hall and to the room at the end. The bedroom had a small bed and dresser with the heads of various animals mounted to the wall.

"This is my bedroom," Jim said. "You will never come in here except to clean. This is my private sanctuary. Is that understood, boy?"

"Yes, Sir," Sam said.

Jim then showed Sam the kitchen and how the stove worked and where the provisions were kept. He then pointed out where the cleaning supplies were and ran down a long list of daily chores that Sam would be responsible for. The boy would be cleaning the floors with soap and water followed by dusting and bagging up the waste. Jim said he would make runs to the mainland every few days to empty the trash and bring back supplies and fuel for the generator, but Sam would remain inside at all times. Sam would be responsible for cooking all of Jim's meals, too.

"Do you have any questions?" Jim asked.

"Not yet, Sir," Sam replied.

"Good, well grab that brush and a bucket and start scrubbing the floors," Jim said. "I want them spotless. When you finish the kitchen and living room, you can prepare lunch."

"Yes, Sir," Sam replied.

For the next two hours, Sam was on his hands and knees cleaning. He was used to hard work on the farm and had tough skin, but he was quite sore when he finally completed cleaning the last bit of the living room floor. Jim complimented him on the job and then told him to go into the kitchen and fry up some of the fish that Jim had caught and cook some rice.

Cooking was another chore that was not unfamiliar to Sam. He had helped his mother prepare meals many times in the past and breaded and fried fish was something he could do well. As he worked, the aromas filled the room and Sam's belly began to grumble.

"It smells good in there, boy!" Jim said.

"It looks good, Sir!" Sam replied as he turned the fish and let it fry on the opposite side.

When the rice was done, he plated everything and brought it to the kitchen table and placed a bottle of water next to two plates. He then stood next to the table as Jim came over. The man frowned at him.

"Did I say you would be eating with me?"

Sam hesitated and stumbled his words.

"I just assumed..."

"Do not assume in this house," Jim said. "You will never eat at the table with me. When you prepare meals, make them for me alone. Eventually you will earn the right to have a portion of the meal, but for now, kneel by the wall and be silent."

As Sam complied, he watched Jim sit down and devour the food he had prepared. His mouth watered and he wondered if he would be fed at all.

"This is very well done, boy," Jim said as he finished. "I am pleased you at least have some cooking skills already. Clean up here and put the other portion you made in a container for leftovers. I can eat that at another time. When you are done, I will feed you."

Sam got to his feet and took the plates away and washed them. He put them back in the cabinet and then wiped down the counters and as he was finishing, Jim walked over to the cabinet and pulled out a large can. He opened it with an opener and then dumped the contents into a metal dog bowl. He then turned and placed the bowl on the ground next to the counter and turned to Sam.

"You may now eat, boy," Jim said as he moved to go sit in the living room.

Sam looked down at the bowl. He did not know what to do, so he got on the floor and went to pick it up. Jim looked over and saw him and snapped back.

"Don't you pick that up! Get on your hands and knees and put your face in it and eat it like a dog."

Sam's face contorted and he looked back at the bowl. He leaned down and put his nose near and it smelled awful. Brown liquid ran down over chunks of unidentified material that looked like meat. There looked to be some vegetables in it, too, but they were soggy and in small bits.

"Boy, if that bowl is not clean in two minutes, I am going to pick it up and you won't have lunch," Jim said.

Sam stuck his tongue out and licked the chunks and nearly gagged. It was wretched. But he was hungry so he held his breath and put his mouth into the bowl, and took some in. It had the consistency of mush and as he swallowed, he nearly threw up. He took a deep breath and held it again and then proceeded to push his face around and eat the rest. By the time he had finished, his face was covered in the liquid. Jim looked over and smiled when he saw Sam sit up.

"Good boy," Jim said. "You may take the bowl to the sink and clean it. Wipe your face down too."

Sam stood and complied. As he wiped his face down, he groaned and then cleaned the bowl. He was hoping that this would not be something he would be consuming often. When he was finished, Jim looked up and smiled at him and directed him to continue cleaning in the back of the house. Sam went to scrub the rest of the floors and two hours later, Jim came in to find him finishing up in the playroom.

"You have done a good job, boy," Jim said. "You may crawl in your cage and have a thirty-minute rest period. When you are done, I want you to go out on the dock and scrub it clean and my boat, too."

"Yes, Sir," Sam replied as he stood and wiped his head with his hand.

The boy was exhausted. He moved over to the cage and crawled inside and laid down on the pillow and tried to get comfortable. He stretched his legs outside of the cage since it was open and was soon napping. Jim came in and got him up when his break was over and he was back outside working until the sun was low on the horizon. He then came in and reheated the other portion of fish and rice for Jim's dinner and was fed another bowl of the canned food on the floor after he was done cleaning up.

As evening approached, Jim sat in his chair and he had Sam at his feet massaging them. The boy was doing the best he could, but his arms and hands ached from the labor he had done and he spent a long time working them over. Jim looked down at him when he was done and flexed his toes.

"Well, how was your first day, boy? Was it what you expected?"

"I do not know what I expected, Sir," Sam said. "I am really tired."

"You have worked a lot today and your efforts have pleased me," Jim said. "That is something that all boys should aspire to. No matter how tired or sore you are, the efforts you put into making life easier for a dom are what matters. Your goal should be to continue to push yourself to want to do more. It is not all about sex. Service is the most important aspect of a sub's life."

"Yes, Sir," Sam replied.

"On your hands and knees, boy," Jim said. "Make your back as flat as possible so I can prop my feet on it."

Sam moved and complied. His body ached as he got into position and felt the legs rest on his lower back. He took a deep breath and lowered his head and tried to steady himself. Jim had him in that position for over an hour. When the man finally moved, Sam collapsed on the floor.

"I think you better go to bed a little early tonight," Jim said. "You will need your strength for a busy day tomorrow."

"Yes, Sir," Sam said. "May I use the bathroom, Sir?"

"You may," Jim replied.

Sam slowly got to his feet and walked outside. The sounds of frogs and crickets filled the air around him as he moved down the dock. As he stood near the edge and held his cage to piss into the water, he closed his eyes and let his head fall back. This was not what he had envisioned when he chose to come out here. He knew manual labor would be part of this arrangement, but the intensity of the work was killing him and the food he was getting was not sitting well in his stomach. He thought about grabbing his clothes and leaving, but he did not want to admit failure. He knew he could overcome any obstacle and grow with more effort. He also did not want to disappoint Chad. He wanted to make the man proud. As the stream slowed and he heard the drops trickle off below him, he shook his cage and then turned. He would do the best he could to continue.

When he walked back inside, he went down the hall to the playroom and crawled into the cage. He stuck his legs out and stretched and put his head on the pillow. He had dozed off when he heard a buzzer sound. Startled, he awoke and looked around and the buzzer went off again. The entrance to the cage had a door that swung up. It was attached to a metal rod. He saw the rod start to move and the door to the cage began to swing down. Sam pulled his legs in as the door reached the floor and then he heard the sound of the magnets engaging. He pushed against the door with his foot, but it did not move. The lights in the room went out and as he sat in total darkness, he felt his sore, bent legs and he turned and tried to get comfortable.

Next: Chapter 4

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