Bound in the Bayou

By Locked Cub

Published on Jan 11, 2023


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Bound in the Bayou

Part 2: The Decision

"Ok men, he is all yours. Get on your knees, boy!"

As Sam knelt, Chad walked back to the side of the wall and George and Chuck walked up. George was unzipping his fly and Chuck was groping himself. Sam could tell they both were hung from the size of the bulge in their pants and when George pulled out a massive cock, Sam's eyes bulged.

"You like what you see, boy?" George asked as he stroked.

Sam nodded and stared at the man.

"I can't hear you!" George replied.

"Yes, Sir!" Sam shouted.

"Better, fucker," George said. "Open your mouth."

As Sam complied, George shoved his cock inside and Sam choked as it went over his tongue and down his throat. George reached around to the back of the boy's head and pulled him forward. His grip was strong and Sam was going to take the dick if he wanted to or not. As it swelled, it filled the boy's mouth and he coughed as George fucked. Spit spilled out of Sam's lips and he tried to control his breathing as the dick invaded him.

Chuck had walked around the boy and knelt. Sam felt fingers slide over his exposed ass and then spit applied as they fingered his hole. Sam groaned at the sensation as Chuck began to push his index finger deep inside him and George's cock filled his throat. Chuck applied some more spit and began to push two fingers into him as George gyrated his hips. When George pulled out, Sam looked up at him with spit running down his mouth and neck.

"You go first, Chuck," George said.

Sam felt George grab his ankles and pull back. Sam flew forward and put his arms up to brace his face to keep it from hitting the floor. When his belly was flat on the ground, he felt his legs pushed together and Chuck straddled them. Sam saw George kicking his pants off and heard him stroking his cock when he felt Chuck's dick rub over his ass. It felt just as large as George's. He heard Chuck slap it against his ass a few times and then felt as Chuck pushed inside him.

Sam screamed as the cock went inside. The man was splitting him in two. He tried to twist his body, but Chuck grabbed him firmly and George bent down and held his head still.

"Don't you fucking move, boy!" Chuck said as he continued to push inside. "Your only role is to provide me pleasure. Remember that!"

Sam gasped as the cock filled him. When Chuck finally got balls deep, he held on to Sam and bucked his hips. The man's cock slid in and out of Sam and the boy continued to cry out. George pushed Sam's face onto the cold tile and held it there.

"You better breathe and open that big ass up or you are going to be in a world of hurt when I take my turn!" George said.

Sam opened his mouth and gasped.

"Oh fuck, it hurts!"

"Well of course it does," Chuck said. "I got a man-sized dick. Not like that pathetic thing we just caged!"

The sound of the smack of skin against skin was bouncing off the walls of the bathroom as Chuck pounded Sam mercilessly. As Sam got used to the pain of the onslaught, he felt his cock swelling in the cage and rubbing against the hard tile floor. Each thrust of the man inside him pushed his cage into his groin and he winced as he felt his balls caught behind the ring.

"Oh fuck!" Sam shouted.

"How does that dick feel, boy?" Chuck asked.

"You are so huge!" Sam replied.

"Fuck yeah, fucker!" Chuck replied.

For several minutes, Chuck bounced on Sam's body. George still held Sam's face to the floor and Sam could hear the man stroking his cock as he watched his friend fuck. When Sam finally heard Chuck groan, he felt the man deliver a huge load deep inside his guts.

"Fuck!" Chuck shouted.

"Yeah, fill his ass up!" George replied.

Chuck slammed into Sam twice before pulling out. As the dick exited, Sam gasped. He felt cool air run over his ass and could tell it was covered in cum. George released his face and he moved to raise his head before Chuck grabbed it again and forced it back to the floor.

"We aren't done with you yet, boy," Chuck said.

Sam felt George straddle him and then push his cock deep inside with one motion.

"Fucking hell!" Sam screamed as George fucked fast and hard.

"This fat ass feels as good as it looked!" George replied.

"Yeah, breed that bitch, George!" Chuck said.

Sam closed his eyes and groaned. He lost track of time as his ass went numb from the fucking he was receiving. He had never been used like this in his life and the weird thing was he was loving it. It was painful as hell, but he wanted more. He wanted the whole football team inside him. He wanted to be overflowing with their cum. As the images went through his mind, the pain in his groin returned and he felt his dick trying in vain to get erect.

"Fuck, I'm coming!" George yelled as he dumped a second load into Sam.

George pushed deep and held himself there until he was finished and then pulled slowly out. As he did, Chuck released his grip and Sam opened his eyes and groaned. He looked up and saw Chad across the room smiling at him.

"How did you like that, boy?" Chad asked.

"It was a pleasure to take their loads, Sir!" Sam replied.

George got to his feet and walked over and kicked Sam's face.

"Get on your knees and clean my cock, boy!"

As Sam got up, he saw Chuck walk behind him. Sam grasped George's cock and placed it in his mouth and heard the sound of piss on the floor and then the sound of it splashing on fabric.

"That's it, Chuck!" George said. "Make him wear your scent home."

When Sam finished cleaning George's cock, he turned and saw Chuck kicking his piss-soaked clothes. Chuck shook his cock over them and then walked over and slapped Sam's face.

"What do you say to that, boy?"

"Thank you for pissing on my clothes, Sir!" Sam replied.

All three men laughed and George and Chuck dressed. Chad walked over and bent down.

"How does that cage feel, boy?"

"My dick is trying to get hard and it can't," Sam replied.

"You don't have a dick," Chad said. "Only real men have dicks. You are a subordinate boy and you have a nub. Nubs are not important and not to be touched without permission. Is that understood?"

"Yes, Sir," Sam said. "When can I have this removed?"

"I haven't decided," Chad said. "Maybe never. I want you to think about that possibility. Consider what it means to be a true subordinate. Up till now, you have only experienced sexual gratification through service. I want you to grapple with and consider the idea of true submission and all that might entail. We will talk more soon. Have a good evening!"

Chad patted Sam's head and then the other two men waved at him as they unlocked the door and left. As the door closed, Sam reached behind him and felt his ass. It was covered in cum and it hurt. It hurt a lot. As he stood, he winced and he went to the toilet to clean himself. When he turned to his clothes, he saw they were soaking wet. He wrung them out in the sink and then brought them to his nose. They reeked of stale piss, but he put them on anyway. He felt the metal cage over his nub and then took a deep breath and headed back to his dorm.

That night was pure hell as Sam remembered it. He woke up several times as his nub tried to swell in the cage. He tossed and turned and woke his roommate up twice, which pissed the man off, royally. The next morning, he got in the shower and let the water cascade over his body. He normally masturbated before he cleaned up, but that was not happening in this prison. His balls felt sore and full and he groaned. He thought he might be able to use soap and water to wiggle free of the device, but it was firmly in place and not coming off.

Sam made it through his classes during the day and was heading back to the dorm when he felt a large arm surround his shoulders.

"How's the locked boy?" Chad asked with a grin.

"My balls hurt, Sir," Sam replied. "I really need to cum."

"No, you really don't," Chad said as he reached around and groped the boy. "That pain is only temporary. I know you have the heart of a true sub. I've seen how you act around me and how you love to serve. I want you to embrace the idea that your primary sex organs are your ass and mouth. Only real men orgasm and cum. Are you a real man?"

"No, Sir," Sam replied as he looked down at his feet. "I'm a boy."

"That's right," Chad said. "And there ain't nothing wrong with that. There is an order to things. You just need to understand your role. Anyway, I just wanted to check on you. I'll message you soon. Maybe I'll load that ass up if you make me proud."

"Thanks, Sir," Sam said as Chad laughed and walked away.

Sam realized he was going to have to get used to wearing the cage, so he browsed the internet for advice on how to make it more comfortable. He found one sub that told him to use hand lotion daily around the ring to help keep the skin from catching and sleep with a pillow between his legs for comfort. That helped, but it took over a week before he was sleeping through the night. By the end of the second week, Sam was horny as hell and about to lose it. His balls ached constantly and leaked so much that he was making wet spots in his sheets every night and stained his pants during the day. He was becoming more irritated and started picking fights with his roommate for no reason.

When Chad finally messaged him the day before Thanksgiving break, Sam reported to the bathroom again and found the man waiting for him. Sam was told to wear his jock and when he entered the room, he stripped down to it and knelt on the floor.

"How's that nub doing?" Chad asked.

"I'm so horny, Sir," Chad replied. "Please let me cum. Please, Sir. I am begging you for mercy. I've got a very bad case of blue balls."

"I told you that only real men cum, boy!" Chad said as he gripped Sam's face. "Was I unclear about that?"

"No, Sir," Sam replied with a groan.

"I know that aching feeling is not pleasant," Chad said. "However, if you truly want to dedicate yourself to the service of men, then you will have to endure some discomfort. Locking that nub away is a physical symbol that you are putting the pleasure of men first. But true service means so much more than sex. You might be asked to tend to the domestic needs of a dom. They may ask you to do their chores, cook, clean, or even act as their personal footstool. Is that something you desire, boy? Do you want to learn to be a true sub?"

Sam thought for a moment as he looked at Chad. It was true that he enjoyed sucking and being fucked by him, but the idea of true service as Chad defined it intrigued him. Sam felt his nub swell at the thought of being the personal sub of the man. He imagined waking every day to please him and be at his beck and call. As he did so, a dribble of precum spurted out and soaked his jock.

"Yes, Sir," Sam replied. "I want to learn how to be a true sub. Please teach me."

"Very well then," Chad said. "I will give you a choice."

Chad pulled on the chain around his neck and Sam saw the key to his chastity cage appear from under the man's shirt. He detached it and held it in front of the boy in his large hand. Sam stared at it as Chad spoke.

"You may take the key now and unlock that cage. If you do, then I want you to leave this room and I will never see you again. You will be free to masturbate or do whatever you want to do with that small thing. I won't care. Your other choice is to remain locked. If you choose this option, I will begin to train you as a true subordinate."

Sam continued to stare at the key for a moment and contemplated the choice and then looked up at Chad's face.

"I want to stay locked, Sir. Please train me to be a sub."

Chad smiled. Everything he had been working towards with this boy had led to this moment. He saw potential in him and was sure that he could be molded and trained.

"Consider your words carefully, boy. This is a heavy commitment. Up till now, you have been my plaything. If you continue, I am going to expose you to a whole new world and you will need to reorient your mind and expectations. You will start a journey that will change your whole life."

"I understand, Sir," Sam replied. "Please train me."

Chad put the key back on the chain and let it dangle on his broad chest. He crossed his arms and stared at Sam.

"You made the right choice. Now, bend over and show me that pussy."

Sam turned and put his ass in the air. Chad squatted and rubbed the boy's ass cheeks. As he parted them, he felt the boy's hole. Chad spat on it and rubbed it and Sam moaned. The man licked his middle finger and then placed it on the entrance to Sam's ass and pushed inside.

"Oh fuck, Sir!" Sam grunted as he tensed up.

Chad slapped Sam's ass hard.

"Accept it, boy! Stop tensing up if you want me to help you."

Sam took a deep breath and tried to relax as Chad pushed his finger inside. The man reached down and pulled Sam's nub out of the jock and let it dangle below the boy. He then moved his finger around inside Sam till it rested in an area behind Sam's groin. As Sam felt Chad apply pressure, a wave of energy shot through Sam and he groaned. It was like nothing he felt before. As Chad continued to push and rub, Sam felt a warm sensation building behind his balls. He felt like he needed to pee and he did not know what was happening. He looked back under his body and saw a stream of fluids pouring out of his nub. It was collecting on the tile floor and making a puddle.

"Damn, boy," Chad said. "You might have small balls, but those glands of yours were full!"

Sam rested his head on the cold floor and closed his eyes as Chad continued to manipulate his prostate. The warm feeling continued and fluids poured out of him for about five minutes before he felt Chad pull his finger out.

"How do you feel now?" Chad asked.

Sam took a deep breath and noticed that the blue balls feeling was gone.

"Better, Sir!"

"What do you say?" Chad asked as he put Sam's cage back behind the jock.

"Thank you, Sir," Sam replied.

"When a sub is given the reward of a milking, he always thanks the dom by offering him his pussy," Chad replied as he slapped Sam's ass.

"Please fuck my pussy, Sir," Sam replied. "I need your alpha cock!"

"Better," Chad said.

Sam felt Chad's spit as it landed on his hole and then the man's dick slid over his crack and entered him. As he was being pounded, he felt his cage move back and forth. Sam didn't have an orgasm earlier, but whatever Chad did, it made his balls feel better. He was still horny, though. He was still in heat. He begged Chad over and over to be bred and when the man finally burst inside him he groaned.

"Thank you, Sir! I hope I gave you pleasure!"

"That's a good bitch!" Chad said as he slapped Sam's ass and stood up. "We will continue your training when I see you again. Have a good Thanksgiving."

Chad left the room and as Sam sat up and felt his cum covered ass he realized he would be going home in his cage. He collected some of the cum and brought it to his mouth and licked it. As he tasted the man's fluids, he groaned.

"This is going to be difficult, but I can do it."

Sam stood, cleaned himself up, got dressed, and headed back to his dorm.

When he returned from break, Sam found a letter that had been slid under his door. It was from Chad. It had a list of chores that he wanted Sam to do for him. He was to purchase groceries and have them delivered to Chad's apartment every Monday. Wednesday he would be picking up Chad's laundry and washing and folding it. On Friday, Sam would be coming over to wash and clean Chad's car. Saturday's would be reserved for Chad's sexual needs unless otherwise directed to do so during the week.

As Sam performed these tasks, he began to embrace his true nature. He never complained about the work and Chad made sure to milk the boy if he did a good job during the week. Sam's cage only came off once a month. During this time, Sam was blindfolded and his hands were bound behind him and Chad inspected his nub to ensure there were no sores or cuts and cleaned the cage well before reinstalling it.

Sam wore his cage home over Christmas Break and all through his spring semester. The boy got used to being at Chad's beck and call and found pleasure in following the man's commands. Chad sometimes showed up with George and Chuck in tow on Saturdays for sexual pleasure, but for the most part, it was a one-on-one affair. When spring came, Sam was curious as to what would happen next. He knew that Chad was graduating and he did not know if he was going to be released before he headed home. It was not until the week before finals that he got an answer.

Chad had messaged and asked Sam to meet him in the bathroom one last time. When Sam arrived, Chad was already there and the boy stripped naked and knelt before him.

"How have you liked being my chastity boy?" Chad asked.

"I've always enjoyed giving you pleasure, Sir!" Sam replied. "I have come to find true gratification in domestic and sexual service to you over these past few months.

"That is what I want to hear, boy," Chad said. "Since I am graduating, tonight will be the last time you get my cock for a while."

"I understand, Sir," Sam said as he felt the pain of regret in his chest.

"However, I don't want to leave you hanging," Chad said. "You have come a long way since that horny, scared boy I saw in high school. But I think you need more intense training to be a true sub. Plus, that pussy needs to be used and your balls need to be milked if you are staying in that cage. I am correct that you truly want that?"

"That is correct, Sir," Sam said. "I want to learn to be a better sub to serve real men. I am a boy and that is my purpose."

"Are you heading back to Natchez for the summer?"

"Yes, Sir," Sam replied. "That is the plan."

"Good," Chad said. "If I remember right, your parents are poor farm trash, right?"

"Yes, Sir," Sam replied looking down.

"Good. Then they can use all the money that you can earn for them. How would you like a summer job?" Chad asked.

"What type of job, Sir?" Sam replied as he looked up.

"That is not a yes or no answer, boy," Chad said as he slapped Sam's face. "Do you want a summer job?"

"Yes, Sir," Sam replied.

"Good," Chad said. "I know an experienced dom that has a firm hand that can further train you to be a true sub. He will even pay you for your services this summer. He can make sure you are regularly milked and that pussy is used, too. How does that sound, boy?"

"I don't know, Sir," Sam replied, nervously. "I want to learn, but this is a big decision."

Chad grabbed Sam's face and bent down and looked at him.

"I'll ask you one more time. Are you a real man?"

"No, Sir," Sam replied. "I'm a boy."

"A chastity boy, right?" Chad asked.

"Yes, Sir," Sam replied.

"Do you have a pussy that a real man can use for pleasure?" Chad asked.

"Yes, Sir," Sam said. "My caged nub keeps my pussy in heat and ready to provide pleasure."

"I know it does," Chad said as he groped himself. "That's why I locked it up. And what is the purpose of a true sub?"

"To serve the needs of a dom, domestic and sexual," Sam replied. "To be at their beck and call and to put their needs first, always."

"That's right," Chad said. "I want you to maintain that attitude. I want you to grow and learn what it means to be a true sub. A boy that lives to serve a man and tends to his every need and want. You have gotten a taste of that this semester with me, but there is so much more to it. You have the potential. I have seen it in you. That's what you want, too. Right, boy?"

"Yes, Sir," Sam replied. "I would love to learn how to be a true sub, Sir."

"So, it is settled. You will work for him this summer and I will give him the key to that nub of yours. He has been training boys for years. He has a firm hand and you will grow a lot. You will obey him and do what he says if you want to get milked for relief. Is that understood?"

"Yes, Sir," Sam replied as he looked at Chad.

"He lives in a bayou across the river in Louisiana from your home," Chad said. "Do you have a boat?"

"I do, Sir," Sam said.

"Good," Chad said. "He will mail you the directions to his place and I want you to report there the week after you get home. Is that understood?"

"Yes, Sir," Sam said.

"I want you to make me proud, boy," Chad replied as he released his grip and stood up. "This man will give me updates on your progress this summer. I want you to put your heart, body, and soul into your training. Be the true sub that is lurking inside you."

"Yes, Sir," Sam said as he looked up at the man.

Chad unbuckled his pants and he grinned.

"Turn around and get on your hands and knees and show me that pussy, boy."

Sam turned around and complied and he heard the click of a picture being taken as he got into position.

"Now I have something to remember you by," Chad said. "Prepare yourself, boy. You are about to get the fuck of your life. I haven't cum in three days."

Chad wasn't lying. He spat on Sam's ass a few times and then mounted and fucked the boy hard until he came. There was so much cum that Sam heard it sloshing around as Chad continued to fuck. He pounded the boy for another fifteen minutes till he came again and Sam groaned from the pain of the marathon session. Chad was not done, though. He pulled out and had Sam suck him till he was hard again and then he fucked the boy for another fifteen minutes till he delivered a third load into his ass. By the time Chad was done, Sam was exhausted, his arms and legs were sore, and his ass was dripping. Chad slapped Sam's ass one final time and then spun the boy around. He gripped Sam's face and looked at him.

"It's been fun, boy. Have a good summer."

Sam smiled and watched as Chad turned and pulled his pants up and left. As the door closed behind the man, Sam bent down and put his face in his hands and groaned to himself.

"I hope I can make you proud, Sir."

Next: Chapter 3

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