Bound in the Bayou

By Locked Cub

Published on Mar 20, 2023


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Bound in the Bayou

Part 19: A Future in Service

Sam awoke to the sound of the familiar alarm and the whirring of the motor as the door at his feet swung open. It was his auction day. Fourteen weeks of blood, sweat, and tears had led to this point. The tattoo, a mark of his new lifetime role as a subordinate for dominant men, had healed nicely and had reached the itchy stage, though he had resisted the urge to do so. As he crawled out and did his stretches, he tried to imagine what was in store for him today.

Jim had told him that the auction would be held at the new sex house. Normally, such events were in the living room of Jim's house, but the new place offered the opportunity to have more room. As Sam bent over to touch his toes and arch his back, he heard the voice of Jim behind him.

"Always good to see that ass on display, boy. I will miss it."

Sam stood and turned around and smiled. He got to his knees and put his arms behind his back and bowed his head.

"Thank you, Sir. This sub is ready to serve today."

"And I hope bring in some good coin," Jim replied as he walked over and patted Sam on the head. "There are some rituals I go through with my boys on their final full day with me. We will start after breakfast."

"Yes, Sir," Sam replied as he looked up at the man.

"Part of that ritual is that you will have a protein shake for breakfast. I have prepared it and placed it in the fridge. You may drink it while you are making my meal."

"Yes, Sir," Sam replied.

As Jim walked into the living room, Sam stood and went into the kitchen to get cooking. Jim had bought some fresh ham at the grocery the day before and Sam cooked this to serve with the eggs, toast, and grits that he had already planned. The shake that Jim had mixed was thick but tasty, with a chocolate flavor. Sam finished it all before he served his mentor, temporary master, and trainer, and knelt by the table. When Jim had finished, he rubbed his belly and looked over at the boy.

"The auction will start at 2 pm. We will leave here after lunch. I will prepare another shake for you at that time. In the meantime, head outside and clean your ass out using the same procedure that you used for the Independence Day party. You need to be prepared for whatever your new master wants to do with you today. There is a fresh enema in the cabinet for you. I will come outside to get you shortly."

"Yes, Sir," Sam replied.

As Jim stood to walk back into the living room to read the news, Sam rose and cleaned the dishes and put them away before grabbing the enema bottle and heading outside. It took him about forty minutes to get to where he felt he was clean enough and he sat on the dock with his toes in the water afterward as he waited on Jim to appear.

The morning sun was glinting on the water and he saw bubbles creeping up from whatever was underneath swimming around. Some clouds were starting to move in and he could feel the wind moving through the trees. He would miss this place, he thought. A crazy thing to say since he spent most of his time naked, caged, and sleeping in a small metal box, but the home had its charm. He could do without the mosquitoes and summer heat, for sure, but he could see himself living in a place like this. Well, serving a man who lived in a place like this that is. As he bent over and kicked the surface of the water, he heard Jim behind him.

"Ass all clean, boy?"

"Yes, Sir!" Sam replied as he stood.

Jim had a bucket in his hands that contained several bottles.

"Good, then come around here."

Sam followed the man around to where the large metal tub used for washing clothes was located. Jim placed his bucket of supplies on the dock and looked at the boy.

"Stand in the tub."

As Sam complied, Jim went over to where the fresh water was stored and filled up a container with it. He brought it over to Sam and lifted and poured it over the boy. Sam shivered as the water cascaded over his body and brought his arms around his waist. Jim reached down and pulled a sponge from the bucket and squirted some soap on it and then began to run it over Sam's torso. As the suds built up, he ran it over the boy's arms and neck, taking his time to cleanse the boy thoroughly. The soap had a lavender scent that was pleasant to Sam. As he moved down, Sam felt Jim run the sponge over his groin and down each leg before rising to pour water over him again.

"Turn around," Jim said.

The same procedure was followed on Sam's backside, though Jim did focus on Sam's ass to make sure it was squeaky clean. After the water was poured over him again, Jim put some shampoo in the boy's hair and massaged Sam's head. Sam felt wonderful. Jim had never bathed him before. He had never been bathed by anyone since he was a small child. When the last pour of water washed the suds away, Jim examined him and then told him to turn around and step out of the tub.

Jim disappeared for a moment and Sam shook his body to let the water fall off him. When the man reappeared, he was carrying a large, fluffy towel. He wrapped it around the boy and gently patted him dry. When he was done, he put some more lotion on Sam's tattoo and then used a comb to run over Sam's chest and hair.

"How do you feel, boy?" Jim asked as he paused.

"Cleaner than I have been since I started training, Sir," Sam replied.

Jim laughed. He reached down into the bucket and pulled out a razor and shaving cream next. He put some on Sam's face and carefully shaved the boy's face smooth before applying some lotion there, too. He then pulled a blindfold from his back pocket.

Sam was well aware of what that was used for. Twice since he had come to train under Jim, Sam had been blindfolded and his cage had been removed. Jim would check for any sores or cuts and clean the device well before reinstalling it. As Jim placed the blindfold around Sam's head, he began to speak.

"For the auction, you will be required to be smooth down there. I know up to this point you have been allowed to have a trimmed crotch, but no hair can be present when you are on the block. This will likely itch like mad when it comes back in if your new master allows you to have pubic hair, but it must be done."

"I understand, Sir," Sam said.

Jim bent down and pulled out the key and removed Sam's device. As the boy felt the morning air on his free balls, he wondered what they looked like. He had not seen himself out of the cage in months. In many ways, his cage had become part of his body and he felt odd with its familiar weight removed. He felt as Jim used a trimmer to cut his hair short and then the coolness of the cream and the sharpness of the metal blade came next as his crotch was denuded. When his cage was reinstalled and the blindfold removed, Sam looked down and saw his cage and hairless balls. He looked somehow even younger now.

Jim applied some lotion to Sam's balls and under his base ring. He then stood and ran his hands over the boy's arms and legs and squeezed them before looking at Sam.

"You are ready. Now kneel before me."

Sam knelt on the dock and Jim pulled his cock out from his pants. He placed it in front of Sam and the boy opened his mouth.

"First, the sub takes the piss of its trainer."

The flow began soon after and Sam closed his mouth around the cock in front of him to swallow it all. He expertly handled the warm fluids as they filled his mouth and he did not spill a drop. When Jim was done, he pulled his cock back."

"Second, the sub states its purpose."

"My purpose in life is to serve men, specifically the man that collars me," Sam began. "I will tend to his every need and want and his pleasure will become my pleasure. I do not need my nub and it will be locked away as a symbol of this service. A true sub desires only to devote his time and efforts towards the men that surround him."

The words came out just as he had practiced them. He had worked on it all week since Jim had asked him to memorize the lines.

"Third, the sub takes the cum of its trainer for the last time."

Sam looked at Jim as he reached down and stroked his cock. As it engorged, he brought it near the boy and Sam pulled it into his mouth. As it ran over his tongue, Sam reached up and held onto the man's legs. He pulled the shaft back into his throat and slowly moved back and forth. He did not realize that this would be the last time he would be pleasuring the man and he wanted to make it memorable.

As he closed his eyes, Sam applied some suction and use his left hand to gently grab onto the older man's large balls. Even though Sam had drained them the night before through a rough fuck in his ass, they felt heavy again. He gently massaged them as Jim moaned and reached down and rubbed the boy's head.

"That's it. That feels so good."

Sam pulled off Jim's cock and moved down to pull one orb from his sack into his mouth and tasted the man's sweat. He breathed in his scent as he moved to the other one and felt the precum that was flowing out of the cock that rested on his forehead. As he moved to suck on it again, he tasted a spurt of the salty fluids and moaned. He felt his nub swell as he worked the thick meat and Jim reached behind his head and guided him down.

"Take your time, boy."

Sam looked up at the man as he stared down. Jim was twisting his left nipple and biting his bottom lip. Sam sucked the cock back deep and felt it in his throat. As he held it there for a moment before backing off, he felt the spit slip out of the sides of his mouth. He paused to catch his breath and then continued to bob up and down.

Jim began to gyrate his hips in time with the boy. Driving his cock deeper with every thrust. The gag reflex was gone now and the boy took him expertly. Sam began to audibly groan as he was being used.

"That's a good boy. See? I told you a sub can find great satisfaction in his efforts to serve."

Sam knew the man was right. He could feel waves of energy throughout his body as he worked on the cock in front of him. He was focused on it. He wanted to bring Jim over the edge and give him a body-shaking orgasm. He wanted to feed off that energy and know that he had brought pleasure to the man. He put his whole body into it as Jim pushed inside him faster. He could hear the sucking sounds and the liquid that was escaping from the edges of his mouth. Jim began to pant and then grunt. Sam continued. Jim moaned loudly. The man reached around and grabbed Sam's head with both hands and skull-fucked him furiously as he growled and Sam moaned.


Jim came. His load filled Sam's mouth and the boy felt his nub spurt in response. A glob of fluids spilled out of his cage and dribbled onto the dock as the man's seed went down his throat. Sam moaned loudly again.

"Fuck that was good," Jim said as he released the boy's head and looked down at him.

Sam slowed his movements and concentrated on milking the last remnants of the load out of the man's cock as it deflated. As the head of Jim's cock popped from his lips, the man grunted and pulled away.

"Finally, the sub prepares itself for auction."

Sam looked up at the man as he stared down at him. Jim reached to rub his thumb over the boy's face to clear away some cum that rested on his cheek.

"I want you to go to your room and contemplate what will be happening today. It is not too late to back out if this is not what you want. I will come to get you in a few hours."

Sam nodded and walked inside and into his room. He closed the door behind him and sat cross-legged on the floor next to his sleeping cage and leaned against it. He reached down and grabbed his nub and felt his full balls and sighed. It had been a long journey, but he was near the end. He had no doubts left that he wanted to move forward. The main thing that he thought about was the path his life would take after today.

If he were to be taken in by Randy, he would have a new sub brother in Otter. He liked the sub and felt comfortable around him. Learning to take Randy's cock without screaming in pain would take some time, but from what he had been told, he would be more domestic sub in the house, at least at first. With Liam, it would be altogether different. The man seemed less intense in person and more looking for a traditional sub to help around the house, but be there to release tension sexually and otherwise after a long day at work. Having his son around the house as he grew up would be interesting and Sam had no idea how the dynamic would work with that variable. Then there was Chad.

The man that had started him on this journey had been an enigma. He thought Chad might be interested in taking him in, but the man never gave him a firm commitment. He certainly knew what Chad wanted and liked but living with him every day would be a new experience and one that he would have to adapt to. Sam would never turn down a bid to be his boy, but he understood that the relationship would likely never evolve the way he would like it to.

Others had expressed interest, too. Ralph was an older man but Sam liked how the man looked and when the man orgasmed after Sam pleasured him, he had thanked the boy with some brownies and a nice rubdown of his upper back. Vernon's other sons could not be counted out to bid on him either, he supposed and there was always the possibility that there could be some wildcard bidders that showed up.

Jim had told Sam that anyone could come to the auction. Bids would be written down along with what they were looking for in a sub. Jim would pick the three highest amounts and review what was written. As long as he felt it was a good fit, then Sam would be told who the three bidders were and asked if he wanted to veto any of them. If he did, Jim would replace the bids with new ones, or if there were no other worthy bids, he could call off the auction and Sam could return at a later date for another try.

Sam reached up and felt the metal band on his ear that contained his sub number and then reached behind and felt his back. He knew emblazoned there was a permanent symbol of his chosen role in life. There was no going back now.

As lunchtime approached, Sam heard the door to his room open and Jim appeared. He was wearing shined, black boots and dressed in a nice pair of jeans with a black leather belt. He had a leather harness on over his bare chest and leather bands around his upper arms. In his left hand, he held leather gloves tightly and as he walked over and stood in front of the boy, Sam got to his knees and bowed his head.

"Well, are you prepared now, boy?" Jim asked.

"Yes, Sir!" Sam replied.

"Let's get lunch started then," Jim said.

Sam drank another protein shake while he fried up some fish that Jim had caught the day before. He squeezed some fresh lemon over them and listen to the pan sizzle as he felt the heat of the day. Beads of sweat appeared on his chest and he wiped his forehead with a towel before finishing the meal. After plating it and setting it on the kitchen table, he kneeled next to the wall to allow Jim to eat. As the man did so, he occasionally looked Sam's way.

"Any final thoughts, boy?"

"Just that I wanted to say I am appreciative to you for the patience you have shown me," Sam said. "I know I was a struggle to get into shape."

Jim laughed.

"I have had worse. You will be a good fit for any man. Just remember all you have learned and put your attention where it deserves."

"Yes, Sir!" Sam replied.

The boat ride to the other house was quiet. It had rained in the mid-morning and steam came off the water and shore as the heat of the day increased. As Sam looked out from the bow of the boat, he closed his eyes and listened to the sounds of the life around him and the water as it rippled. Jim sat behind and guided the small motor through the river. He had grabbed a beer on the way out the door and was finishing it off as they neared the dock.

Sam helped tie off the boat and then turned to assist Jim as he got out. He then followed the man inside. The sling, cross, and fuck bench had been moved into the other room and folding chairs had been placed in rows. They faced a small, raised wooden platform that had been painted red, though this had faded and chipped. A large porcelain jug sat next to the platform along with a small stack of papers and a collection of pens.

"I need you to stand on the platform, boy," Jim said. "Stand at attention with your hands by your sides and face forward. The platform rotates, so be careful when you get on it."

Sam walked over and took a step onto it. He felt the surface move and start to turn and he stooped to catch himself before regaining his balance and standing still in the center. As he put his hands down, Jim grabbed a bottle of lotion out of his back pocket and rubbed some on Sam's tattoo and over his ass and balls. Jim pulled on the boy's scrotum to make it hang lower and adjusted the cage till it was straight. Sam winced and felt his nub swell slightly at the attention.

"Don't lock your knees, boy," Jim said as he faced Sam. "I don't want you passing out. You will be standing here for a while. As the men enter, they may inspect you and check you out. Do not say a word. Stand completely still. Is that understood?"

"Yes, Sir," Sam replied.

Jim turned and sat down on one of the chairs and grabbed the papers and pens and waited. The first to arrive was Vernon and his sons. Vernon was barefoot and in his overalls and his sons were in jeans with t-shirts. They all came over to talk to Jim and look over Sam. Jason squeezed Sam's ass and fingered him and Liam patted the boy's chest and smiled. As they took a seat, Randy came through the back door and was welcomed. Two men that Sam had not met before came next followed by Ralph.

It was nearing time for the auction to begin and Jim stood and asked everyone to sit. As they did so, he handed everyone a sheet of paper and a pen and then returned to the front. Just before he spoke, a figure appeared in the door. It was Chad.

"Wondered if you were coming," Jim said as he walked over and handed the man a form and pen.

As Chad took his seat, Sam looked at him. The man looked back with an expressionless face. Sam figured he would be a great poker player. He could not read him at all.

"Well, gentlemen, it is time for another sub auction," Jim said as he stood to the left of Sam. "Today we have sub number 41. 41 is nineteen years of age and a local, having been born and raised across the river. Now, I know he is husky, but he is a hard worker and I promise you there is muscle under that fat. He has served me well during his training and accomplishes his tasks on time and with adequate results."

Jim turned and grabbed Sam's arm and turned the boy on the platform so that his ass faced the men. He then reached up and ran his hand over Sam's back and ass.

"As you can see, 41 has completed my program and has been properly marked. His ass is firm and although well-used, is still tight."

"That's for sure," Randy said as the rest of the man laughed.

"41 does normally have a good deal of body fur, but his back was shaved for his mark. Keep this in mind if you bid on him."

Jim turned Sam again to the side and picked the boy's arm up and extended it to the ceiling. He then slapped Sam's side and gripped it.

"As you can see, there is the fat, but it is firm underneath. 41 still has his pit hair, but it can be removed at your request."

As Sam was turned to the front again, Jim grabbed Sam's chastity cage and shook it.

"As with all my trainees, 41 is in chastity. His balls are on the small side, but he stays pretty horny and is often leaking and in heat. He no longer uses his nub for pleasure. His sole focus will be on his new master. However, since he is intact, he will need regular milking for prostate health. That is a requirement for any man that chooses to collar him. He has been shaved for his appearance here but does have dense pubic hair that will need grooming or removal based on your preference."

Jim released the grip on Sam and stood to the side.

"Do we have any questions?"

One of the men Sam did not recognize raised his hand.

"Yes, Julian," Jim replied.

"What is 41's pain threshold?" Julian asked.

"41 has been flogged and paddled and has a moderate level of pain tolerance," Jim replied. "He is by no means a pain pig, but he can take a beating."

"When was 41's last orgasm?" Ralph asked.

Before Jim could speak, Chad spoke.

"Since the winter. At least that was the last time 41 was allowed to touch his nub and bring himself pleasure. He hasn't touched it since. It does leak a lot, though."

"Yeah, that is for sure," Liam said with a smile.

"Any more questions?" Jim asked.

The men were silent and stared at Sam for a few moments.

"Very well," Jim said. "Take some time to think about it and put down your bid. As a reminder, the bidding starts at six thousand dollars. I accept payment plans, but I expect a good down payment. Please also explain why you are bidding and what you are looking for. When you are done, fold and place the bid in the jug."

The men stood up and walked around and talked. Some came over and pinched and squeezed Sam's body and turned him to look at him. Others moved to the sides of the room to fill out their forms while Jim and Vernon talked in the corner. When all the bids had been placed, the men returned to their seats and Jim took the jug into the other room with Vernon. That left Sam alone to stare out at them all.

Chad looked at Sam with a piercing gaze. He still was emotionless. Liam, two seats over, smiled at Sam and winked at him when he saw the boy looking. The rest of the crowd talked among themselves. As he stood there, Sam felt a pain in his legs. He had no idea how long he had been on display, but he was getting tired. The platform was uneven and given it rotated, he had to be especially careful not to turn it. He breathed softly and closed his eyes for a moment to calm himself.

It took about ten minutes for Jim to review the bids. When he had done so, he came back into the room and beckoned Sam over. The boy carefully stepped down from the platform and felt a pain in his left knee. He rubbed it before walking into the other room where Jim was standing with three forms in his hand.

"These are the top three bids," Jim said. "Randy, Liam, and Chad are in the running. Do you wish to veto any of them?"

"No, Sir," Sam replied. "I would be proud to serve any of them."

"Very well," Jim said. "You may return to your platform."

As Sam walked back to his position, Jim called the three men into the other room with him. They talked for several more minutes before returning to sit down. Jim then came to the front of the room with a box that Sam had not seen before. The man opened it and pulled out a chain collar that had a lock on the end.

"We have a winning bid for 41," Jim said. "I want to thank you all for your participation."

Jim turned and looked at Sam.

"Step down and kneel, 41."

Sam carefully got off the platform and knelt next to Jim. The man pulled the chain out of the box and used a key to unlock the padlock on the end. He placed the chain around Sam's neck and connected the ends to the padlock but left the lock open and the key inside. He then stepped to the side and spoke.

"Chad, you may complete the collaring of your new boy, 41."

Sam looked up and saw Chad stand and walk over to him. His heart raced as he saw the man he had lusted over for so long stand before him. He leaned over and closed the padlock on Sam's collar and took the key from it and put it in his pocket. Chad then squatted down and looked at the boy. He grabbed Sam's face and smiled.


"Thank you so much for collaring me, Sir," Sam replied with a big grin. "I look forward to serving you for the rest of my life."

Chad tapped Sam's cheek.

"That's what I like to hear, bitch."

As Chad stood back up, Jim spoke again.

"Thanks again, everyone."

Some of the men filed out, but Liam walked over to the still kneeling Sam. He bent down and smiled.

"I sure would have loved to have you in my house. But I know what you wanted. I just hope you are treated well."

"Thanks, Sir," Sam replied.

Liam stood and left and Chad turned and looked at Sam.

"Well, it's time to consummate the relationship, 41. Get on your hands and knees and show me that pussy."

Sam smiled and bent over as Chad pushed some of the chairs away and dropped his pants. A few of the men turned to watch as he pulled his cock out. It swelled immediately and as he dropped to his knees, he rubbed Sam's ass with his thumb. Sam felt the man spit on his hole as he spread it and forced his finger inside. He groaned as he felt it enter him and the man laughed.

"I am so going to love opening you up."

More spit landed on Sam's ass before he felt the head of Chad's cock being placed at the entrance and then pushed forward. A sharp pain went through the boy and he groaned loudly as his head dropped. Chad grabbed the boy's waist and held him still as his cock slid inside. A murmur of approval came from the men in the room as Chad's balls reached Sam's and then the man began to thrust.

Sam closed his eyes as he felt his ass being assaulted. His cage swung back and forth. The precum it was producing was flying onto the floor below him. His new chain collar was moving back and forth, too. He took a deep breath and squeezed his ass as the cock slid inside him again. Chad groaned in approval and fucked him harder. As he did, the head of the man's cock slid over Sam's prostate and the boy felt a warm feeling build in his groin.

Chad was pounding Sam's ass hard. The smacks of skin against skin were echoing in the room and Vernon rubbed his cock through his pants as he watched.

"Fuck yeah," Vernon said. "Pound him!"

"Breed that bitch and make him your own!" Jason said from another part of the room.

Chad was panting and building up a sweat. His knees hurt from the hard floor, but Sam's ass felt so good wrapped around his shaft. It was going to take him months to pay his uncle all the money he bid on the boy, but it was worth it. Sam was all his and he could have him anytime he wanted.

"Fuck, Sir!" Sam groaned out.

Chad's cock continued to rub his prostate. Dribbles of fluids were flowing out of his cage and he felt a familiar sensation building in his groin.

"You are going to make me cum!" Sam shouted.

"You better hold that shit," Chad said between breaths. "My pleasure comes first!"

"Yes, Sir!" Sam replied as he squeezed his ass again and prayed he could hold it together.

Chad felt the extra pressure on his shaft and he rolled his eyes back in his head and tilted it as he growled. Waves of pleasure moved through his body as his balls lifted and his cock pulsed. As his seed filled the boy, he cried out.

"Fuck yeah! You are my bitch now!"

Sam groaned as he felt the pulsing of Chad's dick. He was too far gone to even say anything. He felt his nub start to move and white fluids poured out onto the floor below him. His head was clouded by his internal orgasm and he lost track of where he was until he felt Chad pull out and slap his ass. Sam opened his eyes and grunted and his arms collapsed, causing his ass to tilt into the air. Chad fingered the boy's cummy hole and then stood and pulled his pants up.

"I'll be by to get him tomorrow, Jim."

"I'll have him ready," Jim said.

The remaining men walked out of the room and Jim helped Sam to his feet. The boy felt the cum dripping down his leg and he reached around and collected some of it and tasted it.

"I don't normally reveal this, but that was the closest auction in a while," Jim said. "Liam actually had the winning bid by a few dollars but let Chad have you. He felt that is what you wanted."

"I would have been happy with any of them," Sam said. "But I am excited to be Sir Chad's boy."

Jim smiled and patted Sam's shoulder.

"Ok, let's get this place cleaned up and head back home."

The next morning, Sam awoke and crawled out of his sleeping cage for the last time. He did his stretches and greeted Jim before preparing the man's breakfast and giving him a foot and leg massage while he read the paper. Jim did not ask for any other service from the boy. It was about 10 am before Sam heard a boat approach and Chad appeared in the doorway.

"Good morning, boy," Chad said.

Sam spun around and knelt and bowed his head.

"Good morning, Sir. How may I be of service today?"

"I'm going to love this," Chad said as he walked over next to the boy and handed Jim a stack of bills. "There is the down payment.

"Good," Jim said as he counted the money. "The check for your parents is on the counter, boy. Be sure to grab it on your way out."

Sam turned and looked at the man and smiled.

"Thanks again for everything you have done for me, Sir."

"Make me proud," Jim replied.

Sam got to his feet and collected the check from the counter. He then opened the container next to the door and retrieved his clothes and watch that were inside. They stunk from weeks of being contained in the summer heat, but he felt odd as he slid his overalls over his body and put his socks and boots on. When he was done, he looked at Chad.

"I still like you better naked," Chad said. "When you are not in class or running errands for me, I want you nude."

"Class, Sir?" Sam asked.

"Yes, fucker," Chad replied. "School starts back in a few weeks. I got accepted to the graduate program and you still need to complete your education."

Sam smiled and did not know what to say.

"You are going to earn your keep around me in addition to serving my needs," Chad said. "And you are going to have high grades in school or you will be punished. You got that?"

"Yes, Sir!" Sam replied.

"Well, get your ass in your boat," Chad said. "I'll follow you to your house and then we are headed to mine after you get your things."

Sam walked over to his boat and got inside. As he motored back across the river, he saw the storm clouds that had covered the area since yesterday starting to part. As the sun beamed through he smiled. It had all worked out and he was ready for any new challenges he may face as Chad's collared chastity boy.

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