Bound in the Bayou

By Locked Cub

Published on Mar 16, 2023


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Bound in the Bayou

Part 18: The Mark of a Sub

By the end of July, Sam had been transformed. He no longer hesitated at any order Jim gave and he had become so used to being naked and caged that he barely remembered a time when he wasn't. It had taken an intense twelve weeks of training to get him to this point, but even he was pleased with how far he had come. As he laid strapped in the fuck bench with Jim's finger slowly milking his prostate, he had his eyes closed and was considering what the final two weeks had in store for him. His nub was slowly dripping into a jar that was placed on a stool under him and Jim looked down at it.

"Looks like you had a lot of stored fluids in those balls of yours today."

"Yes, Sir," Sam replied. "The blue balls feeling came back the day after my last milking last Sunday. I think I must be producing more."

Jim chuckled.

"It's possible. Some boys go through heat cycles where they are hornier and more pent up than others. But that makes it fun for the dom that controls you."

"Yes, Sir," Sam replied as he opened his eyes. "This sub's sole purpose is for the pleasure of men."

Jim pulled his finger out of Sam's ass and patted his right butt cheek.

"That's a good boy. I'm not going to fuck you right now. You have some things to do today."

As the man grabbed the jar from under Sam and held it under his cock to piss and fill up the container, Sam took a deep breath and let it out. He felt much better and was ready for another day of service. When the jar was full, Jim screwed the lid on it and shook it to mix with Sam's fluids, and then placed it on the stool before unstrapping the boy and helping him off.

"Chad will be over shortly to see you," Jim said. "He wants to take you out fishing. When you have cleaned up in here, please come to the living room and wait on your knees for him to arrive."

"Yes, Sir!" Sam replied with a grin.

It had been almost a month since he had seen Chad last at the Independence Day party. His nub swelled at the thought and he grabbed the jar and gave it another shake before removing the lid and drinking the warm contents. When he was done, he wiped his face with the back of his hand and set the jar down to clean up the room before assuming the position to wait.

Chad arrived about an hour later. As he came through the door, Sam looked up at him and grinned, but the man gave him no notice and turned to look at his uncle.

"Is the bitch ready?"

"Yes," Jim replied. "You may take him."

"Come on, boy!" Chad replied as he turned and walked outside.

Sam got to his feet quickly and followed the object of his desire out onto the dock. He felt a tinge of pain in his groin where his nub had swollen again. He pulled at his scrotum and adjusted the base ring as Chad got into the boat.

"Hurry up!" Chad shouted at him. "Get in and push us off!"

"Yes, Sir!" Sam replied.

Chad pointed the boat downstream and then took a side-channel around to a bend where the water was calmer. He anchored the craft and grabbed a pole and baited it before casting his line and sitting back in his seat. He was barefoot and had on a pair of torn jean shorts and a tight t-shirt that had the college football team's logo on it and a cap that was tilted slightly to one side. Sam could see the man's bulge in his jeans and he stared at it.

"Open that cooler next to your feet and grab me a beer, boy," Chad said.

As Sam picked it out of the ice, he opened it and handed it to him. The man took a drink and then stared back.

"So, Jim tells me you are just about done."

"Yes, Sir," Sam replied. "Two more weeks to go."

"Well, was it worth it?" Chad asked. "Have you found your true calling?"

"Yes, Sir," Sam replied. "I'll admit I was nervous when you set this up for me and I made a lot of mistakes at first, but I think I have come a long way. I truly want to be someone's sub for life."

"I knew that is what you needed the first time I saw you," Chad said as he turned to wind in his line and recast it at a different location. "Have some good men shown interest in you?"

"Yes, Sir," Sam replied. "Sir Jim sent me to spend some time with Sirs Randy and Liam and Sir Ralph stopped by a few days ago to talk to me, too."

"Ralph?" Chad replied with a laugh. "That old man is interested?"

"He seemed to be, Sir," Sam replied. "He tied up and flogged me for several hours before feeding me his load. I went to his house to help him with some yard work, too. He seems like a nice man."

"Well, from what I have heard you are quite the catch," Chad said. "I expect you will get top dollar at the auction."

Chad got a nibble on his line and was able to reel in a small fish which he looked at and then tossed back. Sam helped him rebait his line before he tossed it out again and then took another sip from his beer.

"Are you interested in taking me in?" Sam asked.

Chad looked at the boy. It was the first time Sam saw some emotion in his face. It was fleeting, but it was there.

"I'm thinking about it," Chad said. "I've got some money saved up. The question is do you think you are worthy of my collar?"

"Sir?" Sam asked.

"Up till now you have been my personal plaything," Chad said. "Sure, you did some domestic shit for me this past spring, but you've never lived under my roof. I'm not looking for a relationship right now. Would you be satisfied being a domestic servant for me and a thing used for pleasure?"

"Of course, Sir," Sam replied without even pausing to think. "I thought that was the whole purpose for me being here. To learn to serve you better."

"To serve 'men' better," Chad corrected him. "You had a lot of potential in you. Sure, I think you are pretty hot and I love that mouth and ass, but I ain't attracted to you in any way other than that."

Sam looked down at the boat and thought a moment.

"Listen, I know I am an asshole at times, but I know you are into me," Chad said. "That fucking nub of yours stays swollen and dripping like it is right now when you are around me. I love the fact you get off on being used for my pleasure and that you love my stink. But, in my house, you will just be my sub. That would be the limit of the relationship."

"I understand that Sir," Sam replied as he looked up at the man. "I can live with that. My body indeed reacts when you are around. It just means that I am truly wired to serve you."

"I get that, fucker," Chad said with a laugh. "Well, I'll be at your auction, so we will see. No promises though."

"Thank you, Sir," Sam said with a smile. "May I pleasure you now in gratitude for considering me?"

"Sure, fucker," Chad said as he reached down and undid his pants. "You better not rock the boat, though."

"I have practiced this with Sir Jim," Sam said as he slowly moved to the bottom of the boat and near the man's crotch. "Just concentrate on your fishing and I will work those balls till they are dry."

"Good boy," Chad said as he pulled his shorts down and revealed his hardening member. "I haven't taken a shower in a few days just for you."

Sam smiled and brought his face near the man's balls. He could smell him instantly and his nub leaked as he shoved his nose in Chad's bush and took a deep breath. As he opened his mouth to lick under the man's balls, he grabbed Chad's hard cock and stroked it.

"Fuck yeah," Chad groaned.

Sam took his time and pulled one large testicle into his mouth and let it roll around before pulling in the second one. He let his tongue move around them and then stared up at Chad who laughed down at him.

"You look like a fucking chipmunk."

Sam smiled and let the man's balls fall from his mouth before moving up to pull his shaft in. As it slid down his throat, he let out a moan and the boat gently rocked from side to side.

"Careful, boy," Chad replied as he grabbed the sides. "Don't send me into the water."

Sam steadied himself and used one hand to stroke the man's lower shaft while he bobbed up and down on the head of the thick and dripping cock in front of him. He no longer thought about the swollen nub between his legs. His whole world was the dick of the real man in front of him. He wanted to bring him to the heights of pleasure he had never felt before. Sam was well aware of what turned Chad on and as he rubbed the underside of the man's balls gently with the back of his hand, the man's legs shook.

"Oh, fuck!" Chad said as he pulled his pole in and sat it down.

He looked down at the boy as his head bobbed in his lap. Truth be told, Chad had a thing for Sam. Not in a romantic way, but he loved the feel of his mouth on his cock. He had trained the boy over the years to do the little things that sent waves of pleasure through his body. No other boy or woman knew just how he like things.

Sam applied more suction as Chad's shaft went deep down his throat. The man growled and leaned back, amazed at how skilled the boy had become at controlling his gag reflex. He could feel himself inside the boy's neck and there was no fighting or protest. Sam wanted more.

"Fucking hell you are going to make me nut!"

Sam groaned and moved up and down faster on the man. As Chad's toes curled, he closed his eyes and held onto the sides of the boat. He could feel the feeling first deep in his balls and as it moved throughout his groin, Chad shouted out.


The first blast of cum came when Chad's cock was deep in Sam's throat. It went straight down into his belly as the boy moaned. Sam pulled back and let the pulses fill his mouth and savored the taste before he swallowed them and swirled his tongue around the tip of Chad's cock.

"Oh, fuck!" Chad groaned as he held onto Sam's head. "Just like that."

Sam continued his movements till the cock inside him stopped pulsing and when he pulled the last bit of cum away and let the shaft fall onto his chin, Chad looked down at him.

"Ok, you convinced me to really think about it."

Chad laughed and rubbed the boy's head and then grabbed his face and turned Sam's head from side to side.

"I miss that scruff on you, though. Always felt good on my balls and I loved seeing my cum dried in it."

"I can always grow it back if you collar me," Sam replied with a smile.

Chad snorted.

"Uh-huh. Ok, back to your spot. I need to get back to fishing."

The two sat on the water for the next several hours. Chad went through three beers and caught two fish before feeding another load to Sam. His balls finally drained, he headed back to his uncle's place as a thunderstorm built in the sky above them. When he got to the dock, the wind was starting to move through the trees and some thunder could be heard in the distance.

"I best be heading back upriver to my truck," Chad said to Sam. "I'll see you at your auction. I'm proud of you, boy."

Sam watched as Chad turned the boat around and moved away. As the rain fell around him, he smiled and a tear fell from his cheek. The man was proud of him. He had wanted nothing more than to receive that praise. After everything he had gone through this summer, it had all been worth it to hear those words.

Saturday, August 5 was a big day for Sam. In one week, he would be up for auction and he would find out who his new owner would be. He would be collared and on his way to starting a new life. First, though, he had one more rite of passage to endure. After breakfast was done and the dishes were cleaned and put away, he knelt next to the chair where Jim sat. It was now time for him to be marked.

He had remembered the tattoo that the other subs had on their lower back. At about six inches in diameter, it was large enough to announce to anyone that they were true subs trained by Jim and had their unique number forever part of their skin. Only those subs that completed Jim's training had the option to receive them. Sam was given the choice, though. He could opt not to receive the mark and head home with the knowledge that although he did not complete the training, he had found his true calling. However, to move forward and be eligible to be collared next weekend, he had to be inked.

It initially had scared the boy when he had first talked to Junior about it all those weeks ago. In the meantime, though, he had actually longed for the day. When it came, he eagerly agreed to the procedure and Jim had arranged to take him to have it done.

"Are you ready, boy?" Jim asked.

"Yes, Sir," Sam replied. "I've got some butterflies in my stomach, but only because I am excited to be at this point."

"You have made it to a point that not every boy reaches," Jim said. "I've had probably a dozen boys wash out of the program long before this stage. It shows your commitment that you have endured. As a reward, you will be given normal food for all your meals for the last week you are with me."

"No more canned food, Sir?" Sam asked excitedly.

Jim laughed.

"No more slop, boy,"

Sam grinned broadly and Jim stood and walked to the door.

"Follow me. We will be going up to a friend's house for your mark."

"Ok!" Sam replied as he stood and walked outside.

It was quiet as the boat made its way upriver. Sam sat on the bow staring out at the water as it moved by and reached back to feel his back. This would be the first tattoo he had ever received. His dad had a few from the military and he had considered getting one in the past, but nothing like what was about to be placed on him. He turned around and faced Jim and looked at the man.

"Will it hurt?"

"The tattoo?" Jim asked.

"Yes, Sir," Sam replied.

Jim chuckled.

"It will sting and maybe feel like a burn. Certain parts might be painful depending on where the needle is and how much muscle is under the skin. You still have a good amount of fat around your waistline, so it should not be that bad."

"Ok," Sam replied with a smile.

"It certainly will not be as bad as some of the things you have experienced over the past few weeks," Jim said.

"Like Randy's cock," Sam replied with a laugh.

Jim smiled in response.

It took another ten minutes to reach their destination. As the boat slowed, Sam turned again to look forward and saw a house that sat off of the river on a ridge. A wooden staircase descended to the dock that they neared and Sam could see a man sitting on a bench there. He was of average height and build but had a white beard and was smoking a cigar.

"Well, hello!" the man called out as they pulled up.

"Hello, Darren," Jim replied. "How have you been doing?"

"Well!" Darren said as he tossed a rope to Sam.

Sam tied off the boat and Darren helped him onto the dock followed by Jim.

"You must be the new sub," Darren said to Sam.

"I am, Sir," Sam replied, shaking his hand.

"Are you ready to get some ink today?" Darren asked.

"Yes, Sir," Sam said. "This will be my first tattoo."

"Well, I am sure it will not be your last," Darren said. "They can be addictive. But I guess that depends on whomever collars you."

"Yes, Sir," Sam replied.

"Shall we head up?" Jim asked.

"Yup, follow me," Darren said.

The man went up the staircase and Sam followed behind him with Jim in the rear. As they neared the top of the hill, Sam could see the house was sitting on a flat area surrounded by trees with a road in the front.

"Do you have any neighbors?" Sam asked.

"No," Darren replied. "Well, at least none that are near. That road is little more than a dirt path that leads back to the highway. It's quiet and peaceful here. Just how I like it."

Darren opened the back door to the home and Sam followed him in. The room they entered was dark and when the lights came on, Sam could see all manner of animal heads mounted on the walls. The furniture was old and torn and the room had the smell of cigar smoke. Darren continued back and opened a door to reveal another room with a large metal table that was padded.

"This is where we will be working," Darren said. "Sit here on the table, boy."

Sam walked by the man and climbed up. As he looked around, he could see papers attached to the walls with various art sketches and designs. Shelves on either side contained equipment and bottles of every color and shape. Darren moved a stool over and sat next to Sam while Jim leaned against the doorway and watched.

"The best way to do this will be for you to be lying on your stomach," Darren said as he turned and grabbed a couple of towels. Put one of these under your nub. I expect you might be leaking as I work. The other you can use to lay your head on.

"Thanks, Sir," Sam replied.

As the boy laid down, Darren turned to grab a trimmer and arrange his materials. Sam turned his head to the side to watch. The man took a puff off his cigar and placed it in a glass tray before turning around to rub Sam's skin.

"You got a lot of back hair, boy," Darren said. "We will have to shave it off. Might be itchy when it comes back in. Course, the tattoo will be itchy too."

"I understand, Sir," Sam replied.

Darren turned on the trimmer and ran it over Sam's lower back. He then used a razor to get the skin smooth before rubbing alcohol over the area. The coolness of the liquid sent a shiver down Sam's spine and his legs twitched.

"I've got the stencil ready for you," Darren said. "Sit still while I place it."

Sam felt some water being applied to his back and then what felt like paper laid down. Darren smoothed the stencil and let it sit for a moment before slowly peeling it away.

"What do you think, Jim?" Darren asked.

Jim walked over and examined the design that had been left behind in blue outline.

"Looks good," Jim said. "You can start. I'll head back home. I'll be back later to retrieve him."

"Sounds like a plan," Darren said as the other man left the room.

Sam watched as Darren turned and put some colored dye into some cups. He then removed needles from some sealed pouches and placed them into a large machine that looked similar to a drill that his father had. The man then poured what looked like water into a cup and then he grabbed some Vaseline and rubbed some onto Sam's back.

"Can I ask you a question, Sir?" Sam said.

"Sure, boy," Darren said as he took a puff off his cigar.

"How long have you been doing tattoos?"

Darren laughed.

"Probably thirty years. I used to have a shop in the next town over. Since I retired, I don't do as many, but some locals still stop by for my work. I always mark Jim's boys."

"Ok," Sam replied.

Darren picked up the instrument with the needle in it and turned to Sam.

"Are you ready, boy?"

"Yes, Sir," Sam replied.

"Don't hold your breath," Darren said. "Breathe normally. We will do the outline first and then the shading last. This will take some time, so just try to relax. If it starts to hurt, let me know and we can take some breaks. I want to go slow so that it looks good and has crisp lines."

"Sounds good, Sir," Sam replied as he took a breath.

Darren turned the machine on and Sam could hear a buzzing noise. As the needle neared his skin, he felt Darren's hands and then a burning sensation. As the needle moved over him and pierced the skin, the area felt warm and sore, but it was not intensely painful. That is until Darren reached the bottom portion of his back. The pain there made him cringe and he had to have a break for a few minutes to gather his wits. When Darren continued, Sam grit his teeth and powered through until the needle moved to a less sensitive spot.

It took several hours for Darren to complete the procedure. While he worked, he was silent and Sam listened to the buzzing of the instruments when he wasn't feeling any large amounts of pain. When the procedure was over, Darren wiped the area down and stood up to look at it.

"Well, you are now marked as sub number 41. Congratulations, boy!"

Darren took a picture of Sam's back with his phone and then showed it to the boy. As Sam looked at the large black ring of chain that encircled the two figures, one on his knees and the other looking over, he smiled.

"I feel different," Sam replied. "How do I care for this?"

"I'll bandage you up now," Darren said. "Leave it on overnight. When you wake up tomorrow, Jim will wash and dry it for you and apply some lotion to it. This will have to be done several times during the day, but he knows the procedure."

"How long will I have to do that?" Sam asked.

"For a few days," Darren replied. "It will start to itch, flake, and possibly scab. Don't touch it, though. Resist the urge to put your hands back there at all. You cannot bathe for a few days and definitely stay out of the river for the time being. It is important that it not get infected till the skin heals. It will be like a bad sunburn. Treat it similarly."

"Yes, Sir," Sam replied.

Darren patted Sam's ass and smiled. He placed a bandage over Sam's back and taped it down before turning to clean and put his materials away. As he did so, Sam sat up. His back was sore and he put his hand on the bandages as he scooted to the edge of the table. When Darren was done, he turned and lit another cigar and sat back and looked at the boy.

"How long have you known you have been a sub?"

"I guess I finally realized it this summer while training under Sir Jim," Sam said. "But, I have been pleasuring men for several years now."

"You must have begun early, then," Darren said with a chuckle. "You look young."

"I turned nineteen this year," Sam said. "But Sir Jim's nephew had me on his cock in high school all the time."

"Chad?" Darren asked as he blew some smoke into the air.

"Yes, Sir," Sam said with a smile.

"I know him," Darren replied. "His dad used to work next door to me at the hardware shop."

"Oh neat," Sam said.

"He was an asshole as a young kid," Darren said. "That who you are hoping to collar you?"

"I'd like that, Sir," Sam said. "But there are a few other men that are interested that I could see living with too."

"Well, just be sure you make the right decision," Darren said. "I served a man for about ten years. It fulfilled a need I had, but I realized too late that he was not the best master for me. He was abusive and when I finally left, I decided not to return to being a full-time sub."

"I am sorry to hear that," Sam replied.

"All good, boy," Darren said as he tapped the cigar on the glass tray and let the ash fall off it. "You live and learn. I have tattooed lots of Jim's boys over the years. You seem to have a good head on your shoulders. I am sure you will do fine."

"Anyone here?" came Jim's voice from the back door.

"Still in the back room, Jim," Darren shouted out. "But we are done."

Jim appeared in the doorway soon after and Sam smiled at him.

"Well, how do you feel boy?"

"Good, Sir," Sam replied. "My back is sore, but it turned out nice."

"Yeah, take a look here," Darren said as he showed Jim the picture he took.

"That looks good," Jim said. "Let's get you home, boy. Need to get lunch started."

"Yes, Sir!" Sam replied.

Next: Chapter 19

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