Bound in the Bayou

By Locked Cub

Published on Mar 12, 2023


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Bound in the Bayou

Part 17: Vernon's Boy

Of Vernon's sons, Liam was the one that could be considered the most responsible. His younger brother Bryce was the wild one, from getting a girl pregnant at age fourteen to stealing cars to go on joyrides in high school. The man had done some prison time as a juvenile but had managed to stay out of trouble as an adult, though Liam was not sure how. His older brother Jason was reserved and never volunteered to do anything or take risks. He found any way he could to get out of work and since he had collared Tim, he treated the sub not much better than a slave. Jason was obsessed with his body and appearance and constantly worked out to try to maintain his youthful appearance, though in reality, that had faded long ago and he still had some flab from his bigger days.

At the age of 34, Liam was the foreman for a local construction company. He had done well for himself in the past few years since his divorce. Like his brothers, he knew he was bisexual, but initially tried to give up men and settle down. His three-year marriage was a disaster and left him with child support for a young son and bitter relations with his ex-wife in the end. He now lived alone in the small town he had grown up in not far from the bayou.

He had known Jim since he was a young man. The older man and his father had grown up together. The first sexual experience he had was sucking the man's cock when they all got drunk one evening in high school and he remembered when Jim took the first local boy in to train. He had wanted to bid on some of the boys in the past but never had the financial ability to do so till recently. When Jason collared Tim, he had tried to collar the next trainee, Nick, but was outbid quickly. He passed on the boys that came later till he saw Sam. Liam liked the extra padding Sam had and thought he could be molded into a boy he could keep around the house to help with the chores but serve as stress relief when he needed to get his rocks off.

Jim had arranged to drop Sam off at Vernon's house in the middle of July and Liam took off from work to make the drive over to pick the boy up. As he drove towards the small shack that was located on a bend in the river, Liam groped himself and thought about the sweet ass that Sam had and the fact he would not have to compete with anyone else to use it. When he parked his truck and walked up to the back door and entered the house, he saw his father and Jim talking in the kitchen and Sam kneeling next to the door with his head bowed.

"Hey Pop."

"There you are," Vernon said as he walked over to hug the man. "Was wondering if you got lost."

"There was some traffic up the road," Liam said. "Old man Barnett overturned his tractor on the bend."

"That idiot is too old to leave the house," Vernon replied. "It is a wonder he hasn't hurt himself."

"Howdy Jim," Liam said as he extended his hand to shake the older man's.

"Good to see you again, Liam," Jim replied. "You ready to take my newest recruit for a spin?"

"Yeah, I am looking forward to it," Liam said with a grin looking over at Sam. "You ready, boy?"

Sam raised his head and smiled.

"Yes, Sir. I am ready to serve you."

"Well, get your ass over here," Liam said.

Sam stood and walked over to the man. As he did, Liam held out a rolled-up pair of shorts.

"You about a size 40?" Liam asked.

"Yes, Sir," Sam replied.

"Well put these on," Liam said as he handed the clothing to the boy. "We will be driving into town and I can't have you naked the whole time."

Sam looked at Jim who nodded at him.

"It's ok, boy. Do as he says."

Sam unrolled the shorts and noticed they were old jogging pants with the legs cut off. As he pulled them up and over his cage, he felt weird. It was the first time he had been allowed to wear anything in over two months. The fabric managed to cover his cage, but only just. The outline was visible in front.

"That will work," Liam said.

"Have him back here on Friday evening," Jim replied. "He still has some more training to do. And take this food with you. He is now allowed normal breakfast and lunches but feed him one can of this at dinner."

"Yes, Sir," Liam replied as he picked up the cans before looking at Sam. "Ok, boy, follow me."

Sam followed Liam as he walked out into the backyard. The ground was muddy and the boy could feel the muck as it collected on his bare feet and squished between his toes. Before he got into the truck, he tried to wipe off what he could, but it left his hands dirty. When he sat in the passenger seat, Liam tossed him an old rag.

"Use that to wipe your hands, boy."

Sam took the rag and did as he was told as Liam started the truck and headed back towards town. The windows were rolled down and the boy enjoyed the breeze and watched as they drove through the woods and back onto a highway.

"Who all has shown interest in you so far, boy?" Liam asked.

"So far it has been Sir Randy, you, and Sir Chad," Sam replied. "However, Sir Jim told me this past weekend that there may be a few more bids from those that were at the party."

"You got a nice ass on you and a talented mouth and you are a hard worker," Liam replied. "I can see where you might be in demand. How do you feel about potentially being my sub?"

"As I told Sir Jim, I am open to anything," Sam said. "I just want to make sure I get to know the man that eventually collars me beforehand."

"Understandable," Liam said. "You always been gay?"

"For as long as I can remember," Sam replied. "Never had any interest in women."

"I wish I were more like you in that regard," Liam said. "I don't mind pussy but had some bad experiences with women in the past. Anyway, let me lay some ground rules. I'm not looking for a slave. You will be given time on your own to do as you want as long as your duties and chores are taken care of first. You will prepare my meals, clean the house, do the laundry, and work in the backyard during the day while I am out at my worksites. When I return, you will pleasure me till my balls are drained in any way I desire and then you will prepare my dinner and give me a foot massage after. I want you to feel free to ask questions while you are in my house so that we can get to know one another better and I will do the same to you."

"Sounds good, Sir," Sam said.

"I know Jim makes you sleep in a cage, but in my house, you will have a bed," Liam said. "I want you to take a shower every morning and be clean and odor-free. If you have a scent on you, it will be from me. Is that understood?"

"Yes, Sir," Sam replied.

"Are you able to grow facial hair?" Liam asked.

"Yes, Sir," Sam replied. "I had a beard before I started training, but Jim makes me keep my face clean-shaven."

"That is fine," Liam said. "However, if I were to collar you, I would like you to grow it back out. I like a boy with some scruff."

Sam smiled as he watched the man drive. Liam seemed different when he was away from his family. He seemed more approachable and more like someone Sam could see serving full-time, though it was still early to make that assumption.

They drove for about twenty minutes till they reached the limits of a small community. They passed a corner store, gas station, and a small strip of businesses before they turned down a road and took it around to a residential area. Liam's home was a small ranch house on a hill and as they drove up to it, Sam could see that large trees ran down the property line in the back leaving it secluded and quiet. When the truck parked, Liam got out and Sam followed him inside.

"Drop the shorts," Liam said as he closed the door behind Sam. "Leave them on the table next to the door. You will need them again when you leave here Friday."

"Yes, Sir," Sam replied as he removed them and adjusted his cage.

Liam walked into the large room that the front door opened in on. To the right was a doorway that led to a small kitchen and dining room and on the left was a hallway that led to Liam's bedroom in the front and a guest room in the back. A single bathroom was at the end of the hall that was small, but functional. Liam kicked off his boots, took off his shirt and socks, and dropped his pants, revealing his hairy ass to Sam before he sat down on the couch and turned on the TV. Sam was unsure of what to do, so he knelt by the door.

"Get over here, boy!" Liam shouted.

Sam stood and walked over to him and stood at attention. Liam looked at the boy from head to toe and reached down and groped himself. As he rubbed his balls, his cock stirred and swelled.

"First things first. Get into the shower and clean up. You smell like you have been sleeping in a trash bin. You have ten minutes. When you are done, I want you back in here on your knees worshiping my feet. Understood?"

"Yes, Sir!" Sam replied as he walked into the hall and into the bathroom.

It had been so long since the boy had experienced a proper shower that he had forgotten what it felt like. He reached in and turned the water on in the tub and when it was warm, he stepped inside and closed the curtain, and let the water cascade over his body. As he bent his head to his chest, he could smell his scent. Liam was right, he did stink. It had been a couple of days since he had been allowed to jump into the river and clean himself and with the work he did around Jim's house, he was often sweaty.

Sam turned and closed his eyes and let the water hit him in the face. He grabbed a bar of soap and ran it over his fur, letting the suds build-up before they flowed down his torso and legs. The mud and dirt on him turned the water brown at first, but before long, he was just about clean. He rubbed the suds around his cage and cleaned it well before doing the same to his hair and rinsing one last time. As he turned the water off, he took a deep breath. He felt renewed again.

A towel had been set out on the toilet and he dried himself off and then looked in the mirror. As he felt his smooth face he looked down and turned to the side. He had lost some weight, that was obvious, but he hadn't changed much outwardly. It was the inside that was different from the last time he took the time to examine himself. He ran the towel through his hair and dried off his cage before returning to the living room.

Liam had barely moved. He was watching a Nascar race on TV and had his legs spread. His hand still rested under his balls and his semi-hard cock laid on his wrist. As Sam came around and knelt before him, Liam grinned.

"Much better. Now, get your face down on my feet. Time to start marking you with my scent."

"Yes, Sir!" Sam replied as he leaned down and put his face near Liam's left foot.

Liam had large, wide feet with tufts of hair on the top as well as each of his toes. As Sam's face neared, he could smell them. They weren't especially offensive, but the man's odor was noticeable. He stuck out his tongue and licked and then used his hands to massage them at the same time. Liam flexed his foot and moaned and pulled his hands behind his head.

"That's a good boy."

Sam spent a good deal of time working over the man's paws. Liam tilted his foot to the side to let Sam get under it and when one had been properly taken care of, he moved to the other. After several minutes, Sam looked up and saw the man looking back at him. Liam's pits were on full display and Sam could smell the man's musk. Before he realized it, Sam's nub was fully swollen and dripping precum onto the floor.

"Looks like I turn you on, boy!" Liam said.

"Yes, Sir!" Sam replied with a grin.

"Get up here and straddle my legs."

Sam nodded and stood. As he moved near the man, Liam closed his legs together and Sam sat so that his nub was right in front of the man's large semi-hard cock and balls. Liam lowered his hands and rubbed the boy's waist and felt his chest. As he did so, his cock began to leak. He raised his left arm into the air and presented his pit.

"Get your face in there and rub it in good, boy."

Sam leaned over and could smell his strong scent. As he rubbed his face over the man's hair, he closed his eyes and breathed in deeply. The pheromones went straight through his nose and triggered a response in his brain. His nub spurted out a glob of precum that landed on Liam's cock and the man chuckled.

"That's a good boy. You are marked as mine for the next few days."

"Yes, Sir!" Sam replied as he continued to rub his face under the man's arm.

Liam reached up and pulled Sam back and ran his hand over the boy's head. He felt the boy's cheeks and lightly patted them.

"Back on the floor. Suck my cock and take my load."

"Yes, Sir!" Sam replied as he scooted back onto the floor and reached up to take the man's cock into his hands.

Liam's dick was fully engorged and leaking precum. As Sam let his tongue slide over the shaft and near the head, the man shuttered and reached up and rubbed his nipples. Sam watched as Liam closed his eyes and began to moan. More precum flowed out of his dick and the boy lapped it up eagerly. As Sam brought Liam's cock into his mouth deeply, he used his hands to gently rub the underside of the man's balls. He massaged them as he pulled the shaft back into his throat and as he bobbed up and down, Liam's feet flexed.

"Fucking hell that is nice!"

Sam grunted as he moved his hand to help jack the base of Liam's shaft. As Sam went up and down, his tongue swirled around and he applied some suction. Liam reached down and put his hand on the back of the boy's head and held him down when he went deep. The man's cockhead hit Sam's throat and he did not gag. He held his breath and waited, then when he was allowed, he pulled back up and continued to do his work.

It did not take long for Liam to reach the edge. He had not cum in a few days and seeing the hot boy work his cock expertly sped up the process. As his orgasm flowed through his body, Liam growled loudly. Sam's mouth was flooded with cum, which he swallowed completely. He waited until Liam's cock softened before he gave it a few final tugs and pulled away the remnants of fluids. As it fell from his mouth, he sat back on his legs and knelt quietly.

Liam was still breathing heavily and he rubbed his chest and stared at Sam for a moment before speaking.

"Well done. Now, get on your hands and knees and let me prop my feet up."

Sam smiled.

"Yes, Sir!"

The next morning, an alarm went off on the table next to Sam's bed. It had been so long since he had laid down on a proper mattress and had unrestricted ability to move around. He was sprawled out on the top of the covers and reached over and turned the clock off before moving down to adjust his cage. His nub was painfully swollen with an attempted morning erection and he moaned as he pulled the skin of his scrotum through the base ring and adjusted it to allow the blood to return to his body. As he did so, Liam appeared in the doorway. Sam jumped off the bed and knelt on the floor immediately.

"Good morning, Sir! How may I serve you today?"

"Morning, boy," Liam said as he put his shirt over his head.

The man had on a pair of jeans that were unbuttoned. Sam could see his boxer shorts poking out from the fly and an unbuckled belt jingled as he moved. He had a pair of socks in his hand as he brought the shirt over his torso.

"I'm about to head to work," Liam said. "Come with me so I can give you a rundown of your chores today."

"Yes, Sir!" Sam replied.

As Liam walked down the hall, he zipped up his pants, tucked his shirt in, and buckled his belt. Sam followed him as he moved over to the couch and knelt on the floor as the man sat down to put his socks and boots on.

"Over there next to the front door is a vacuum," Liam said. "I want you to run it throughout the house. There are cleaning supplies under the bathroom sink. Clean that room till it is spotless and you could eat off any surface. Then, come into the kitchen and do the same. When you are done, go into my bedroom and get the laundry out of my closet. The washer and drier are in the kitchen. Clean and fold all my clothes and iron all the shirts. I want them neatly placed on my bed before I get home. I will put them away."

Liam had finished pulling his last boot on and looked at the boy intensely.

"I will be home around 5 pm. I expect to see this house spotless and smelling clean. You will be waiting on your knees for me when I come through the door."

"Yes, Sir!" Sam replied.

Liam stood and rubbed the boy's head.

"Don't forget to shower this morning and you can fix yourself what you want for breakfast and lunch. Just be sure to clean up after yourself."

"Thank you, Sir!"

Liam smiled and headed out the front door. As it closed behind him, Sam stood. He walked into the kitchen and found some cereal to eat before he washed up and got to work on his chores.

Sam got the laundry started first before he began to vacuum the house. The kitchen came next before he turned to folding and ironing the first load of clothes and taking a break for lunch. The bathroom was next on his list which he completed before finishing the last load of laundry and placing the clean clothes on Liam's bed.

As he turned to leave the room, he noticed several pictures hanging on the wall. Most of the ones near the top were of Liam and his brothers out fishing or at the beach. There was one with Vernon at what looked like a holiday event. The bottom row had a woman in it and a small child. There were others of the same child, some as a small baby and others as a toddler. One that had Liam in it with the young boy in his lap had some writing on it. When Sam leaned in, he could see it read, "Liam Junior and Poppa."

"He sure looks like his dad," Sam said with a smile as he ran his finger over the photo.

Sam turned the light off in the room and closed the door behind him as he returned to finish cleaning. It was about 4 pm when he had completed everything he had been asked to do, so he sat on the floor in the living room next to the door and waited. As he did so, he thought about what it would be like to be a sub under Liam. Did Liam have visitation rights with the boy he saw in the pictures? Would he be hidden away during those times? Would he be expected to be used by other men often or for the use of Liam only? As the questions swirled in his brain, he thought of the contrasts to Randy and Jim. He had a comfortable bed here. He was in an airconditioned house and was given autonomy during the day. What else would he be doing other than chores? Would he be allowed to work, finish college, or have any life at all?

He sat on the floor for well over an hour before he heard the rumble of Liam's truck come up the driveway. Sam got to his knees and bowed his head and waited until the door opened. As the man came in, he pulled his boots off and walked over to the boy.

"Any problems today?" Liam asked as he pulled his socks off and tossed them on the floor.

"No Sir," Sam replied.

Liam pulled his shirt off and dropped his pants and boxers. Sam looked up and saw the man was covered in sweat.

"May I get you some water, Sir?"

"Please," Liam said. "There are some bottles in the fridge."

Sam stood and walked over to grab one as Liam looked at his phone and replied to a message. When the boy returned, he handed the bottle to the man and knelt again. Liam screwed off the lid and drank it quickly. When he was done, he tossed the bottle on the floor and belched loudly, rubbing his belly in the process.

"I'm gonna grab a shower. Put my clothes in the dirty hamper and toss the trash."

"Yes, Sir!" Sam replied as the man moved into the hall and bathroom.

Sam stood and then bent over to pick up the soiled clothing. He brought the man's socks to his face and breathed in to take in his scent again. The fabric was moist and rank, but his nub instantly swelled in reaction. He turned and put the clothes away before picking up the water bottle and disposing of it. He then returned to the living room and knelt on the floor.

When Liam came back into the room, he had a towel around his shoulders and his cock was sticking out in front of him. His shaft glistened and he rubbed the lube that he had applied to it.

"Bend over the side of the couch boy, I need to nut."

Sam complied and had barely got into position before he felt the head of Liam's cock slide between his cheeks. Liam did not pause and pushed forward. His cock entered Sam's ass and the boy moaned as he felt it slide deep.

"Fuck, Sir!"

"That's a good boy!" Liam replied as he pushed fully in and then bucked his hips.

He held onto Sam's waist firmly as he fucked. His large balls swung with each thrust. Sam felt his body shoved forward with each impact and his prostate was being stimulated at the same time. Precum spurted out of his nub and onto the side of the couch, but he was too focused on gripping the cock in his ass to notice.

After several minutes, Liam pushed inside the boy and then reached up and pulled the towel from his shoulders. He slid it under Sam's belly and then pulled the ends up on either side and grasped them as he began to fuck again. The extra leverage pulled his cock deep inside Sam and the boy moaned even louder. Liam fucked furiously and as the couch began to creak and groan, he growled loudly.

"Take that load, boy!"

Sam felt the cock inside him pulse. Liam had a firm grip on the towel and Sam could feel it biting into his lower abdomen. It hurt, but he focused on the pleasure he was giving the man. As the orgasm crested, Liam relaxed and braced himself on Sam's lower back as he withdrew his softening cock. He pulled the towel from under the boy and patted his body and cleaned his cock before running it over Sam's ass crack. He then tossed the towel on the floor and walked around to collapse on the couch.

"Get dinner started, boy. I'm hungry."

In the evening, Liam sat back and relaxed while Sam knelt quietly against the wall opposite of him. The boy had prepared a steak and potatoes for the man and had watched while his stomach growled before he was fed his can of foul-tasting food in an old dog dish on the floor. Liam had returned to watch TV and after the dishes were clean, Sam had assumed his current position, which he had held for over an hour. Liam had not spoken to him during this time and Sam just stared forward.

"Well," Liam said during a commercial break. "Can you see yourself serving here, boy?"

"I could, Sir," Sam replied. "Can I ask when other duties I would have?"

"Yardwork for one," Liam said as he put his hand behind his head and looked at Sam. "I may have you come out to my job sites and help me during the day too. Having the free labor would help the bottom line."

"What about my schooling?" Sam asked.

"If you are collared by me, that will be over," Liam said. "But I'll train you as an apprentice at my job. You will learn a good trade as a construction worker."

"I understand, Sir," Sam said as his voice trailed off.

"Your purpose will be to do the shit I don't want to do around here and to make my life easier," Liam said. "Any sub of mine will dedicate themselves to me alone. I will share you on occasion and I am sure my brothers will want turns on you, but you will be mostly mine. How the relationship evolves will be up in the air. I am still getting over a bad breakup with my ex-wife."

"I saw the pictures of your son, Sir," Sam said. "He is a handsome boy."

"Yeah, little Liam is special to me," Liam said. "I see him every other weekend at her place. He won't be coming here any time soon, but in the future, if he does have visits here, you will be dressed and will act as his nanny. I expect him to be treated with respect."

"I understand, Sir," Sam replied.

"Get to bed then," Liam said. "I've got another full day for you tomorrow."

"Yes, Sir!" Sam replied as he headed back to his room.

The following day, Sam was tasked with cutting the lawn and trimming the bushes in the back of the house. He weeded the flowerbeds in the back and put down new mulch before using a power washer Liam had to clean the concrete on the back patios. It was backbreaking work in the middle of the summer and Sam was allowed to shower after he was done before he knelt by the front door to await Liam's return. The evening included another fucking, this time bent against the wall, before dinner was prepped and served. He then spent an hour massaging Liam's legs and feet before he was sent to bed.

When Friday came around, Liam had decided to take Sam to work with him. The construction site they were working on was on the other side of town. They were putting up a small corner store and Liam had lent Sam some clothes to wear. The boy was sent to help two men as they put up the studs on one wall and worked on the framing. It was similar work to what they had done at the sex house and Sam picked up his duties quickly. He was a hard worker and was accepted quickly by the other men on site. At lunch, Liam beckoned him over and handed him a sandwich to eat as they sat on a cooler.

"I have told the men that I will be leaving here a little early to drop you off back at my dad's place," Liam said. "Jim will be there to pick you up in the evening. I fully intend on bidding on you boy. You have done good work around here and have been very respectful and disciplined. If I win, I hope you will enjoy serving me."

"Thanks, Sir," Sam said with a grin.

"A word of warning, though," Liam replied. "If Jim asks, you had a place on the floor in the kitchen to sleep. He is a bit of a hardass. I gave you the spare bed because I wanted to treat you as a subordinate, but not as an animal."

"I appreciate that, Sir," Sam said. "It was a nice privilege."

Liam laughed.

"And for damn sure don't tell my brother Jason. He keeps Tim in a kennel in the garage with the dog."

"Oh, wow," Sam replied. "I promise to report you were a firm but fair taskmaster."

Liam rubbed Sam's back and chuckled.

"Good boy."

Next: Chapter 18

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