Bound in the Bayou

By Locked Cub

Published on Mar 8, 2023


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Bound in the Bayou

Part 16: Randy's House

The days are long in the south in the summer. Otter took a break to prepare Randy's dinner in the late afternoon, but the boys worked on the outside of the house till the light faded away from them at near 9 pm. Sam was exhausted. His hands were cramped and he was filthy from the dust and shavings that were stuck to him from the copious amounts of sweat he produced. He also stunk. He joined Otter in the water to rinse off and while they dried themselves and swatted away mosquitoes, Randy came to the doorway.

"You two have done good work today. Boy, why don't you show our candidate where he will be sleeping. I'll be waiting in my room when you are done."

"Yes, Sir!" Otter replied as he stood.

Sam got up and followed him inside. They crossed the kitchen and went down a hall and Otter opened a door to the left. It opened into a well-equipped sex room with all sorts of whips, floggers, leather, and other implements hanging from the walls. A fuck bench was in the middle of the room with a portable sling on one wall. A mat had been placed in one corner with a pillow and Otter pointed to it.

"Master has made a place for you to sleep there. I hope you are ok with this."

Sam walked over and sat cross-legged on the mat and felt it. It was quite soft and he smiled as he looked up at Otter.

"Actually, it is more comfortable than I am used to. Thank you!"

Otter laughed.

"Yeah, I remember Sir Jim's sleeping cage. You can at least stretch out here."

Otter turned the light off in the room and looked down at Sam.

"Get some sleep. I will come to get you in the morning."

"Ok," Sam replied as Otter closed the door.

Sam laid down and put his head on the pillow. The room was initially completely black. As he laid there, however, he began to see the outlines of some of the equipment from the light of the moon that was peeking through the trees. He could smell the odor of leather and the unmistakable scent of sweat and sex that had happened earlier in the day. It was warm in the room and he had no need for covers, so he stretched his legs out and felt the freedom of movement that had been denied him for several weeks. As his eyes closed, he considered what it would be like to live here full-time and what life with Randy and Otter would be like. It might not be that bad, he thought.

The next morning, Otter came to wake Sam at about 6 am. They both made use of the early morning light to start work on the side of the house again and worked until 8 am when Randy was up and moving around and ready for breakfast. Sam then came inside to help Otter with the preparations and he was given a plate to eat on the floor while Randy and Otter ate at the table.

"How did you sleep?" Randy asked Sam halfway through the meal.

"Very well, Sir," Sam replied. "It is quiet here."

"Yes," Randy said with a laugh. "It is one of the reasons I ended up getting this place. No neighbors but the critters outside."

Randy was naked and reached down to scratch his crotch. Sam saw the man was hung even soft. His massive cock swung to the side and rested on the man's arm as he itched under his balls. Randy scooted forward in the chair and looked over at Sam.

"Get under the table, boy," Randy said. "I need to piss."

"Yes, Sir," Sam said as he crawled over and put his head between the man's muscled legs.

Sam opened his mouth and pulled Randy's soft cock inside. Within a few moments, he could taste the acrid liquid that poured from the man's bladder. It was a strong stream and Sam did his best to swallow it all without wasting a drop, though some did dribble out and down his chest. Still, it did not reach the floor. Randy did not say a word and continued to eat above him. When the stream stopped, Sam licked the cock clean and then returned to his spot on the floor to finish his meal.

When Randy was done, he looked over at Otter.

"Keep working on the sheathing outside, boy. I have to run into town for some things. When I return, we will take care of those balls of yours. You have served me well this past week."

"Thanks, Sir!" Otter replied with a smile.

Randy got up from the table and left the room and the boys cleaned up and washed the dishes before heading outside to continue their work. A thunderstorm developed around lunchtime and the two headed inside to wait it out. Otter gave Sam his canned food and he prepared another sandwich for himself. When the rain stopped, they returned to work until Randy returned in the afternoon. He stepped outside and put down several cans of paint that would be used to cover the metal sheathing after they were done with the removal of the rust and the mending of several holes.

"This is looking good, boy!" Randy said as he came over and rubbed Otter's head. "Get into the sex room. It is time for your draining."

"Yes, Sir!" Otter replied with a grin.

"And you come to, candidate," Randy said to Sam. "You can help me."

"Ok," Sam said.

The boys walked inside first and Sam followed Otter into the room where he had slept the night before. Otter walked over to the sling and moved it away from the wall and then climbed into it. He adjusted his butt till it hung on the edge and then had Sam help him get his feet into the stirrups. Otter rubbed his low-hanging balls and Sam saw the sub's smooth groin twitch. A bead of precum formed in the hole between his balls and ass and dripped down.

"It looks like you are as pent up as I am!" Sam replied.

Otter laughed.

"I need this. Had a bad case of blue balls for the past couple of days."

"I know the feeling," Sam said as he reached down and grabbed his caged nub.

Randy walked into the room a short time later. He was naked again and picked up a stool from the side of the room which he placed behind Otter's ass. He sat down on the stool and reached up and rubbed the boy's balls, which caused more precum to drip out of Otter's hole.

"Candidate, grab me the bottle of lube on the table over there," Randy said.

Sam walked over and picked up the bottle and brought it over to the man. Randy opened it and squirted some on his finger before handing the bottle to Sam to hold. He then placed his finger on the entrance to Otter's ass and pushed. His finger slid in effortlessly and Sam smiled. He figured after being fucked by Randy regularly, Otter could take just about anything. As Randy turned his finger to reach the boy's sensitive prostate, Otter moaned.

"There it is, Sir!"

A spurt of precum came out of Otter's hole and dribbled down over Randy's finger. Sam was mesmerized at how the position of the boy's reroute allowed him to effectively lube his own ass. As Randy moved his finger inside in a circular motion, Otter's body shuttered and he reached up and held onto the sling straps.

"That's my boy," Randy said. "Close your eyes and focus on my finger. Remember to control your body. No orgasms today. This is just a draining."

"Yes, Sir!" Otter replied as he closed his eyes and breathed deeply.

Sam watched as the clear fluids coming out of Otter's hole turned cloudy and thicker. He could see the area where the boy's cock had been moving at the same time. As the fluids dripped down over Otter's ass, some were pushed inside him as they ran over Randy's finger, but the rest continued to drip downward.

"Get down there, candidate," Randy said as he continued his work. "Swallow anything that makes it to the floor."

"Yes, Sir," Sam said as he knelt on the ground.

A few drips had already landed on the floor when he reached there and he licked it clean. He then turned and put his face on the ground underneath Otter's ass and watched as Randy's finger moved in and out. Drips of prostate fluids fell onto his face and he used his fingers to bring them to his mouth to swallow.

It took about five minutes before Otter was no longer leaking. Randy removed his finger and the boy looked up at him and smiled.

"Thank you, Sir. I feel so much better."

Randy reached over and rubbed the boy's balls and squeezed them.

"You are welcome my boy. Candidate, get off the floor and help him up."

Sam got to his feet and helped Otter out of the sling and then Randy turned to Sam.

"Now, you get in the sling."

"Yes, Sir," Sam said.

"Prepare his ass, boy," Randy said to Otter. "I'll grab some poppers for him."

Sam looked at Otter wide-eyed and the boy smiled back and whispered in his ear.

"You got this. Remember, relax your ass and tell him if you need a break."

Sam climbed into the sling and Otter put his feet into the stirrups. He then walked around and grabbed wrist restraints from the table that he put onto Sam and then attached to the sling straps above the boy's head. When Sam was secure, Otter walked over to the wall and knelt to watch what was about to happen.

Randy came back into the room with a fresh bottle of poppers from the freezer. He held the bottle under Sam's nose and the boy took a deep breath in one nostril and then the other. Randy moved around to lube Sam's ass as the vapors opened him up. As the man stroked his hardening cock, Sam watched. It looked even more massive than the last time he had seen it hard. Randy then placed the head of his dick at the entrance to Sam's ass and held onto the frame of the sling. He looked down at Sam.

"Take two deep breaths for me boy. In..."

Sam breathed in.


Sam breathed out.


Sam breathed in.


Sam breathed out and as he did, Randy pushed forward. Sam squeezed his eyes tightly shut and groaned and Randy grabbed the boy's legs and stopped moving and pulled out.


Sam opened up his eyes and looked at the man.

"Don't fight me! You can do this. Look at me. Look at my eyes and focus on my eyes only."

Sam stared at the man's face. His eyes were piercing and seemed to look through him.

"Otter, get over here and hold the bottle under the candidate's nose!"

"Yes, Sir!" Otter said as he got to his feet and took the bottle from the floor and held it for Sam.

"Deep breath in!" Randy said.

As Sam complied, Randy pushed inside him again. The vapors made Sam lightheaded and he felt the rush through his body as his ass opened and let the man inside. As Randy's thick shaft pushed forward, Sam groaned and Otter rubbed the boy's head.

"You can do this Sam."

Randy kept pushing forward till his groin reached the boy's ass and then he looked down. Sam was fully embedded onto his cock and was still laser-focused on his eyes. Randy never blinked and stopped only for a moment before he began to thrust back and forth.

"Fuck!" Sam cried out as he momentarily closed his eyes.

"On me, boy! On me!" Randy shouted.

Sam opened his eyes again and tried to focus on the man. His ass was on fire and even with the poppers, he was straining to retain his composure. Otter reached up and held Sam's hand as Randy fucked. The man never took his eyes off the boy and Sam saw the intensity in Randy's eyes.

"Oh fuck, Sir!" Sam groaned. "You are so huge!"

"This is for my pleasure, boy!" Randy growled. "Remember that."

"Yes, Sir!" Sam called out. "Use me for your pleasure, Sir! That is my purpose!"

"Good boy," Randy replied as he leaned back and push deeper.

"Oh fuck!" Sam cried out.

Otter squeezed Sam's hand tightly and the boy turned to look at him.

"Keep your eyes on Master," Otter said. "You are doing great."

Sam turned and watched as Randy pounded him. The man's large arms were firmly gripping the frame of the sling. His chest heaved as he pushed forward and back and he curled his bottom lip in and bit it as he continued to stare at Sam. Sweat formed on his chest and it dripped down as his muscles flexed. Sam could feel his thick shaft as it penetrated and spread his ass wide. He could feel Randy push so deep he thought he might reach his second ring. The pain was constant but bearable. He knew he could probably ask the man to stop, but he didn't. He had endured a fucking from him before and he knew he could survive again.

"May I have another hit, Sir!" Sam asked.

"You may, boy!" Randy replied between gasps as his fucking intensified.

Otter released Sam's hand and held the bottle under the boy's bouncing head. He held Sam's nose as the boy breathed in and let the chemicals move through his body. His ass relaxed and Randy pushed even deeper inside before it gripped him again.

"Fucking hell that feels good!" Randy groaned.

"Use me, Sir!" Sam cried out.

Otter put the lid back on the bottle and grabbed Sam's hand again. The boy squeezed it tight and focused on keeping himself open for the man behind him. His nub bounced and precum began to fly around and land on his groin and belly.

"I guess that is one thing I don't have to worry about," Otter said to Sam. "All mine flies out my back end."

Sam smiled briefly before groaning again as Randy slowed down but pushed hard into him with deep thrusts that forced his body back and forth. With each pounding motion, Sam groaned loudly.

"You ready, boy?" Randy asked.

"Yes, Sir!" Sam replied with tears running down his eyes.

Randy forced himself into Sam twice more before he felt his cock erupt and he growled loudly.

"Fuck!" the man screamed.

"Oh, my ass," Sam replied as he closed his eyes and squeezed Otter's hand.

Otter reached down and rubbed Sam's chest. It was covered in sweat and he could feel the heat from the boy's body as his muscles contracted.

"Get over here, boy!" Randy said to Otter. "I don't want a drop spilled on the floor!"

"Yes, Sir!" Otter replied as he released Sam's hand and knelt on the floor behind him.

As Randy pulled his cock out, Otter placed his tongue under it and caught some cum that slipped out. He then took Randy's shaft into his mouth to clean it. As it softened, he tasted the remnants of the man's load and groaned. When Randy's dick fell from his mouth, he turned and licked Sam's ass and shoved it into his hole to clean it. Sam moaned from the sensation and his legs twitched. When Otter was done, he got to his feet and rubbed Sam's groin above his cage.

"You did well."

"Yes, you did," Randy said as he took a breath. "You can release him and you two get back to work."

As Randy left the room, Otter took the restraints off of Sam and helped him to his feet.

"My fucking ass," Sam said as he rubbed his backside.

"It will get better," Otter replied. "Before long you will be able to take a fist."

Sam laughed.

"Oh, thanks!"

Otter and Sam cleaned up the room and moved the sling back to the wall before returning outside. Once they completed the sanding of the walls, they began on the first coat of paint that would cover and protect it. They were able to get a second coat on before night came and it was time for bed. As Otter walked Sam to his mat to sleep, he rubbed the boy's back.

"I have enjoyed having you around. Even if Master does not take you in, I hope we can be friends."

"Absolutely!" Sam replied with a smile.

The next day, the two repeated the process over again on another section of the house until the late afternoon. Randy came out to inspect their progress and then invited Sam to come inside to talk. As the man walked over and sat on the couch, Sam knelt on the floor in front of him.

"Well, speak freely, boy," Randy said. "What are your impressions of me?"

"You are a fair and nice man," Sam said. "You fuck intensely, but I have enjoyed spending time with you."

Randy laughed.

"Well, that is good to know. I have no idea how the future may pan out, but I appreciate your attitude. I will report this to Jim."

"Thank you, Sir!" Sam replied.

"Go finish what you can, but you are to report home after dinner."

"Yes, Sir!"

As Sam walked back outside Otter smiled at him.

"Good report?"

"Yeah, it seems so!" Sam replied.

"Look, I know this is a lot to take in," Otter said. "I remember when I was visiting a few of the men that were considering bidding on me. Keep an open mind and communicate with Sir Jim. You will be binding yourself to the man that collars you and you need to make sure it is a good match."

"Thanks, Otter," Sam said. "I'll keep that in mind."

Sam returned to sanding and helped until dinner was served. When he was done, Otter hugged him and sent him on his way and Sam headed back to Jim's house. When he arrived, he found the man sitting in the living room drinking a beer. He walked over to him and knelt.

"Well, boy?"

"It was a good visit, Sir," Sam said. "He is a good candidate for me."

"That is good to hear," Jim said. "I arranged for you to spend a few days with Liam next week. In the meantime, you may have some time to yourself before bedtime."

"Thank you, Sir!" Sam replied.

Next: Chapter 17

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