Bound in the Bayou

By Locked Cub

Published on Mar 4, 2023


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Bound in the Bayou

Part 15: Growth Mindset

The Sunday after the Independence Day party, Sam found himself kneeling with his head bowed in his room. It was time for his weekly milking and Jim told him to wait there after breakfast was over. Little had changed after the event. Sam was continuing to do chores around the house and had been working on clearing some brush and limbs that had collected on the far side of the houseboat since the day before.

When he heard the door to his room open, he straightened his back and watched as Jim's feet came to rest in front of him.

"Rise, boy."

Sam raised his head and stood at attention and Jim smiled.

"How are you feeling today?"

"I am good, Sir," Sam replied.

"You have completed nine weeks of training with me as of today," Jim said. "And you got very high marks for your performance at the party last week. Everyone was very complimentary towards you, especially Randy."

Sam let a smile creep into the corner of his face.

"He just about split me in two, Sir."

Jim chuckled.

"I don't doubt that at all. Some people have taken an interest in you such as Liam and my nephew. I know that Chad was the one that sent you to me, but what are your impressions of Liam?"

"He seems like a fair man, Sir," Sam replied. "I've never felt uncomfortable around him."

"Well, that is good," Jim said. "But could you see yourself serving him? If he bid on you, won, and gave you his collar, would you be ready to move in and be his boy?"

"Sir, I know that this is the ultimate goal of your training program, but if he is truly interested, I would like to spend some more time with him before I answered that question," Sam replied. "With respect, Sir."

"That is a very fair request, boy," Jim said. "You need to be compatible with the dom you bind yourself to. I know you have spoken of your interest in Chad, but you need to be open to other options in case he does not show interest in collaring or does not win the bid on you. There is one other that has shown interest, too."

"May I be allowed to know who that is, Sir?" Sam asked.

"Randy," Jim said with a grin.

"Oh," Sam replied.

"What are your thoughts on that?" Jim asked.

"Again, I don't know him that well," Sam replied. "I do like Otter, though."

"He's a good boy," Jim said. "Randy would like to take another sub into the household to help Otter with the chores. He liked you and thought that you would make a good fit."

"I understand, Sir," Sam said.

"You have five weeks to go till you finish the program," Jim said. "I will be sending you to Randy's house this week. I will see about sending you to Liam to spend some time with him, too. While you are with these men, immerse yourself in the experience. Act as their boy and see how you fit in their household. I will expect a report after you return from serving them."

"I understand, Sir," Sam said. "But, what about Sir Chad."

"He may be still in the running, but he has not expressly told me he wants to take you in. In any case, he is traveling at the moment."

"Ok, Sir," Sam replied.

"I will say how you addressed and behaved in his presence during the party showed me just how far you have come. You have earned more privileges as a result. Thus, you may prepare an extra plate during breakfast from now on to eat after I am finished. You will still have your canned food for lunch and dinner for the moment."

"Thank you, Sir," Sam replied with a grin. "I appreciate you honoring me with this privilege. I will endeavor to continue to earn your trust."

"I know you will," Jim said. "I understand from Liam that you had an orgasm while he was fucking you during the party. Is that correct?"

"Yes, Sir," Sam replied. "He hit the right spots and sent me over the edge."

"Well, that is good to hear," Jim replied. "That is a fine reward for any sub. I think since you had that orgasm, you don't need to be milked today. Don't you agree?"

Sam felt deflated at the thought of not getting his prostate drained. Even though he had cum during the party, his balls were aching again. However, he never let the feeling show in front of Jim.

"I agree, Sir. This sub will be fine until next Sunday, should it serve you well."

"Good boy," Jim said as he rubbed Sam's chest. "You will continue your work around here today and tomorrow. Wednesday morning after breakfast, I want you in your boat and I will give you directions to Randy's house. You will stay there for a few days and then return here Friday evening. He has a place prepared for you to sleep, chores lined up to complete, and will be evaluating you closely. Make me proud, boy."

"I will, Sir," Sam replied.

"Get outside and get back to work then," Jim said.

Sam turned to leave and took a deep breath. He reached down and adjusted his sore balls and then walked outside to work on clearing more brush. As he did so, he thought about the prospect of living with Randy or Liam. Seeing Chad during the past week had given him hope that the man might take him in. He still wanted him badly, but he knew that if he truly wanted to embrace his role, he would have to go with whoever won the bid on him. His ass puckered when he thought about Randy, though.

"I'll be loose as hell after a few months with him," Sam said to himself with a laugh.

On Wednesday morning, after preparing breakfast for Jim, Sam shaved his face smooth and trimmed his groin. Once he felt that he was presentable, he took a deep breath and walked into the living room. Jim was sitting in his chair reading his newspaper as usual.

"You ready, boy?" Jim asked.

"Yes, Sir," Sam replied as he stood at attention.

"Randy's houseboat is about fifteen minutes from here upstream," Jim said as he handed a map to Sam with directions at the bottom. "I will call and tell him to expect you shortly. Remember, you are a reflection of me now. This man is in the market for a boy and I expect you to be on your best behavior."

"I understand, Sir," Sam replied.

"I'll see you Friday evening, then," Jim said as he turned back to reading.

Sam looked at the paper that Jim had handed him. Randy's place would take some navigating to get to. It was located up several smaller branches of the river that Sam had never navigated before. As he stepped out onto the dock, the dense, humid air hit him instantly and he began to sweat. Summer in the bayou was in full swing. Sam walked over to his boat and got in and then pointed it upriver to start his journey.

When Sam first started his training, he often tried to hide his nakedness. Now, he gave it little thought. This area of the river was sparsely populated and most people seemed to be used to seeing chastity subs around. As Sam took the first turn onto a side branch of the river, he heard a splash and he looked to see an alligator eyeing him from the bank. The creatures had never scared the boy, but he had a healthy respect for them and revved up the motor to move faster to put some distance between him and the beast.

After making his final turn, Sam found himself in a narrow waterway that was overgrown with trees and vines. The daylight was barely getting through the canopy above him and the sounds of crickets and frogs could be heard from the dark banks on either side of him. The water had slowed and he had turned the engine down and lifted it to avoid hitting anything underneath. Several minutes later, he saw the house he was looking for. It was an older home that sat on the bank with a long dock that extended out to the middle of the small river. The sides were sheathed in metal that had rusted in some places and the roof was a dull red color with branches and other debris scattered about. Sam could see a figure waving to him as he approached.

"Good morning, Sam!" Otter said to him as he pulled the boat near. "Did you have any trouble?"

"No," Sam replied with a smile. "It is very isolated here, though."

"Yeah, Master got this place last year," Otter said. "We used to live in town but started coming here more a few months ago. It still needs work, but it is peaceful as long as you don't mind the sounds and animals of the swamp."

"Yeah, I saw a gator on the way up here that was a pretty big boy," Sam replied as Otter helped him out.

"We killed one the other day not far from here," Otter said. "Good eating, though."

"True," Sam replied with a grin.

Otter reached over and rubbed Sam's chest playfully.

"It is good to have you here. I'll be grateful for the help and I know that Master is looking forward to getting to know you."

"I'm kind of nervous about that," Sam replied.

"Don't be," Otter replied with a grin. "Just remember your training and be respectful. If you have any questions, just ask me."

"Thanks," Sam said.

"Let's go inside," Otter said. "When we enter, you kneel to the right until Master calls for you."

"Understood," Sam replied.

The boys walked down the dock and Sam took a position behind the furry sub. Sam could see the tattoo on Otter's lower back and he instinctively rubbed his back thinking about the prospect of being collared and marked like him. As the summer had progressed, the reality had set in for him and now that he was being evaluated by a possible dom, his nerves took over. His hands shook as they neared the door and he rubbed them together and took a deep breath as Otter opened the door for him.

The interior of the home was more spacious than Sam had expected. The living area was to his right and windows were on all sides of the room that let what light did make it through the trees around inside. The floor was made of white linoleum and to his left was a nice-sized kitchen. Sam could see Randy sitting on a sofa with his large legs and feet extending out in front of him on the floor. He was focused on a tablet reviewing something and Sam knelt by the door while Otter walked over and knelt beside the sofa.

"Sir, he has arrived," Otter said as he bowed his head.

Randy looked up and over at Sam and smiled.

"Good morning, boy."

"Good morning, Sir!" Sam replied.

"Come over here and stand before me," Randy said.

Sam stood and walked over and Randy scooted to the edge of the cushions. As he neared, the man extended his arms and grabbed Sam's waist. He squeezed his legs and reached around to do the same to the boy's ass. He then rubbed Sam's chest and reached down and held the boy's cage.

"This feels heavy," Randy said. "My boy here has never needed a cage since he lost his cock. Is it uncomfortable for you?"

"No, Sir," Sam replied. "I honestly forget it is there most of the time."

Randy squeezed Sam's balls and the boy let out a gasp and closed his eyes.

"Looks like these are full," Randy said with a grin. "When was the last time they were drained?"

"At the party last week, Sir," Sam replied. "Sir Liam fucked a load out of me and Sir Jim felt that I could forgo a milking this past Sunday as a result."

"Yeah, I would agree with that," Jim said as he patted Sam's balls and sat back. "I drain the boy here every week as long as he has been good. You can help me with that tomorrow. For now, get on your hands and knees in front of me. I want to rest my legs."

"Yes, Sir!" Sam replied as he got on the floor in front of the man.

Randy picked his legs up and rested them on the lower back of the boy. As the weight fell on him, Sam adjusted his stance until he was balanced. He then closed his eyes and lowered his head. Randy seemed pleased and looked over at Otter.

"Boy, go work on the laundry. I am going to spend some time with the candidate."

"Yes, Sir," Otter replied as he turned to leave.

"So," Randy began as he flexed his foot. "How long have you known you were a sub?"

Sam thought about the question for a moment as he sat crouched on the floor.

"Well, I guess it started when I was in junior high. I sucked off guys and enjoyed it when they used me. But it wasn't until my freshman year at college when I met Sir Chad that I really explored serving men."

Randy looked down at the boy under him. He moved the back of his foot and felt as it rubbed the area where Sam's back met his ass. He could feel the fat around the boy's waist, but the firm muscle underneath was present. The boy might be husky, but it was clear he was not a slacker.

"Why did you decide to train under Jim?" Randy asked.

"Initially because Sir Chad told me to," Sam replied. "I wanted to please him and so I did it. However, over the weeks I have spent with Sir, I have realized more about who I am and what role I play. At the party last week, for instance, I felt waves of energy when I gave my body over to you men to be used how you saw fit. It did not matter if I felt some discomfort or pain. When I heard you all growl with pleasure or even just smile, I got intense satisfaction from it."

"Well, I know that Jim has told you that while sexual service is important, there is much more to it than that," Randy said. "My boy, Otter, does all the chores around here. He does the laundry, the shopping, cooks, cleans, and anything else I ask of him so all I have to do is relax and enjoy myself. He spends almost his entire day from sunup to sundown thinking of my needs."

"Oh, I understand that, Sir," Sam replied. "I am not afraid of hard work, and Sir Jim has made it very clear that the domestic service is often more important."

"Good," Randy said. "Well, he pleases me with his dedication, but I see how much work he has to do. This is why I have looked at taking in another sub to assist him and allow him at least a few hours on his own. It would allow me to be able to take him out of the house and do things with him while the second sub works here. Thus, the new sub would be considered lower than him and would likely be counted on to do more menial tasks and would be less sexually focused. If I were to bid on you and collar you, could you live in my house and work for me understanding that it might be weeks or months before you were used sexually?"

Sam paused and considered his words.

"A subs purpose is to please his master, Sir," Sam replied. "If being a sub is what I want, and it is what I want, then I have to accept how and when I am used."

"Good answer, boy," Randy replied.

Randy looked back at his tablet and caught up on some work that he had been putting off. He left Sam on the floor before him for about an hour before Otter came into the room to grab his attention.

"Sir?" Otter said. "The laundry is washed and hung. What tasks are to be performed today?"

Randy smiled as he looked at his boy. He then picked his legs up off of Sam and used his foot to shove the boy's ass.


Sam opened his eyes and got to his feet. His knees were sore from the position he had been in, but he did not let the man in front of him know.

"Take the candidate with you and start working on sanding and painting the siding," Randy said as he turned to Otter. "It is about time we start getting the outside of this place back into shape."

"Yes, Sir!" Otter replied.

Otter motioned to Sam and the boy came over to him and followed him outside. When they stepped out onto the deck, Sam bent over and rubbed his knees.

"You were crouched there for a long time!" Otter said. "You ok?"

"Yeah," Sam replied with a smile as he stood back up. "Let's get to work."

Otter brought Sam over to one of the walls of the house. They used some sanding blocks to remove the rust that had developed on the edges of the old, wavy metal. It was back-breaking work and they made slow progress over several hours. When lunchtime arrived, Otter went inside to prepare it while Sam continued to work. When he returned thirty minutes later he got Sam's attention.

"You can take a break now. Take a seat on the dock and I'll bring you something."

"Thanks!" Sam replied as he put the block down.

His hands were covered in rust and metal shavings. He knelt on the dock and washed his hands in the water before sitting and letting his legs dangle over the surface. The fur in his body was matted and dripping with sweat and he leaned back on his arms and let his head fall back as he closed his eyes and opened his mouth to catch his breath.

"Hard work I know," Otter said as he came over and sat next to the boy.

He handed Sam a bowl that looked like it contained the same foul canned food he ate at Jim's. Otter had a sandwich on his plate with some potato chips and he handed a bottle of water to Sam.

"Sorry about the choice," Otter said. "Sir Jim said you were only allowed to eat normal food with us for breakfast. He sent the canned stuff for your lunches and dinners. I remember how bad it tastes. I can go inside and eat if it bothers you seeing me eat this sandwich."

"It's ok," Sam said with a smile. "I'm still in training and haven't earned all my rights yet. I'm just about used to it."

Sam smelled the bowl and then flinched.

"Well, almost used to it."

Otter laughed out loud and crumbled two potato chips into Sam's bowl.

"There. Maybe that can help with the taste some. Just don't tell Master I did that."

"I won't," Sam replied with a grin.

As Sam used his hands to eat his food, Otter took a bite of his sandwich and then began to speak.

"Master wants to use me this afternoon in the sex room. We don't often get the chance to do that in the daytime as I am busy with my chores, but with you here, he wants to take advantage. Will you be ok working out here on your own?"

"Of course," Sam said as he swallowed a soft chunk of whatever meat was in the slop. "Sir Randy told me he was looking for a second sub so he could spend more time with you."

"He did?" Otter replied, surprised.

"Yeah," Sam said with a smile.

"He is a sweet man," Otter said. "Don't get me wrong, he will work you hard and is firm, but he has another side that is caring and affectionate. I enjoy being with him."

"You are lucky he cares for you that much," Sam replied.

"Yeah, I am glad he collared me," Otter said as he reached down and touched his smooth groin. "After I lost this thing between my legs I was unsure if anyone would be interested in me again. I went through a tough time. But Sir Jim's program helped me find my potential and got me a life partner."

Sam smiled and kicked his feet over the surface of the water, sending spray into the air. Otter grinned.

"Is Master the only one that has expressed interest in you so far? I know you met a lot of people at the party."

"Sir Jim said that Liam is interested, so I will be spending time with him," Sam replied. "And I am hoping Sir Chad is interested."

"That's who you want, right?" Otter asked.

"Yeah," Sam said. "If I am honest. But I like you. I think we would work well together and Liam is a cool man too."

Otter smiled and put his hand around Sam's back and rubbed it.

"I'm biased but I'd love to have you as a fellow sub around here. But, regardless, I hope you get to stick around these parts."

"It's a good chance," Sam replied with a grin.

After lunch, Otter went inside with Randy and Sam continued sanding the metal sheeting. While he was working, he could occasionally hear Otter's moans and screams from inside. Whatever Randy was doing with him, it was intense and at one point, Sam's nub swelled as he heard the loud groans from Otter, who he was sure was getting fucked hard. He imagined the thick cock of Randy and how it felt when he had been fucked the previous week. His ass squeezed shut at the thought at the same instant and he smiled. When Otter finally appeared outside, he was covered in sweat and his ass was leaking cum.

"Have a good time?" Sam asked.

Otter grinned and then jumped into the water to wash off. As he came up and threw his head back he looked over at the boy.

"Master is taking a nap. I think I wore him out."

Sam laughed.

"Yeah, I could hear y'all out here."

Otter smiled and jumped back onto the doc and shook the water from his body.

"That man has a lot of stamina. That is for sure."

"You don't have to tell me that," Sam said as he paused his sanding and looked at Otter. "My ass was sore for two days after he railed me."

Otter walked over and rubbed Sam's back and then picked up a sanding block.

"Ok, well I am here to help again. Let's get back to it.

Next: Chapter 16

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