Bound in the Bayou

By Locked Cub

Published on Feb 24, 2023


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Bound in the Bayou

Part 13: A Surprise Guest (Part 1)

"Oh fuck, Sir!" Otter screamed.

The cockless boy was swinging back and forth in the sling in the front room as Randy's massive cock split his ass wide open. He had taken several cocks before the hung man approached for a turn, but the girth was causing his eyes to water.

The party was nearing the end of the first two-hour shift and eight men had shown up so far. In addition to Vernon and his three boys, Randy, and Ralph, Junior's owner Steve had arrived with Adam's owner Bob right behind him. Steve was a bald and very tall man with broad, hairy shoulders and a mat of fur that covered a round belly. He had a medium-length gray and white beard and hazel eyes. Bob was a dark man that was of average height with a round face and thick goatee.

In the front room, as Randy assaulted Otter's ass, Tim had been released from the cross and was strapped down to the fuck bench, where he was getting his second load of the night from Vernon. In the back room, Sam was watching as Bob's long, glistening cock was slowly moving in and out of Junior's ass while Adam sucked on Ralph.

Sam was ready for a break. He had taken the piss of three men and sucked a load out of Ralph, but he knew the night was still young. It was the middle of the summer in the swamp and even though the sun was setting and all the windows in the house were open, with all the men inside, it was hot and sticky. The boy reached down to grab a drink of water when he looked up and saw a cock being pushed into his opening.

"Open up, boy!" came the voice of Jason.

Sam took the man's long cock into his mouth and pleasured it as he listened to the sound of sex in the small house. As he took it deep, he could smell the sweat, musk, and dried cum in the groin of Jason. He had no idea how many times the man had fucked so far tonight, but the Viagra was doing its job of keeping him at full mast.

"Ok, that is enough," Jason said as he pulled out and turned to fuck Nick's waiting ass that still had cum dribbling out of it.

Sam sighed and sat back.

"Busy evening eh?" Adam said as he turned to Sam.

The sub was wiping his mouth where some cum from Ralph had sprayed over the hair on his chin.

"That's for sure," Sam replied.

Adam grinned and took a drink from the water bottle. He looked up at a small clock that had been mounted on the wall above them.

"Ten more minutes and we can take a break."

"Thank goodness," Sam said as he reached down and grabbed his nub. "All that piss and water has my bladder full."

Adam chuckled and reached over and rubbed Sam's sweaty shoulders.

"You are doing a fine job so far."

The sound of another boat approaching could be heard faintly over the sounds of the grunts and groans of the men fucking. It was Jim. As he entered the other room, he took a sniff and laughed.

"Fuck it smells like a locker room in here!"

"Well, everyone is getting a workout," Vernon replied with a laugh as he came over and hugged the man.

"How's the new boy working out?" Jim asked as he slipped his shoes off and undressed.

"He's in there in the other room manning one of the glory holes," Vernon said. "No issues yet."

"Good," Jim said as he gathered his clothes and tossed them to the side of the room. "Jack will be right behind me. I saw him getting ready to come this way."

"Oh good," Vernon replied. "I wondered if that neighbor of yours was coming."

"His wife is out of town," Jim said with a smile. "So, you know he's horny and wouldn't miss a chance to drain his balls."

When Bob and Jason had finished unloading in the boys in the back room, Adam appeared from behind the wall to tell them that the subs would be taking a short break. Sam then helped the older sub as they took the straps off Junior and Nick's legs and assisted them out of their cubbies. Nick's ass was dripping cum and his legs wobbled as he found his footing.

"Fucking hell I am sore!"

"Well, you and Junior walk around some and get the circulation back," Adam replied. "You both will be in the front room next. Tim will be coming back here and will join Sam and me in the cubbies while Otter mans the glory hole."

"Sounds like a plan," Junior replied as he braced himself on the wall and felt his sore ass.

Sam walked out into the other room and saw that the naked men were gathered to one side and were drinking. Jim nodded his head to Sam but continued talking to Bob. As the boy walked out into the night air, he took a deep breath. It was humid and hot outside but still felt better than inside the house. He walked over to the side of the dock and began to piss into the water as Junior came up beside him to do the same.

"Well, what do you think so far?" Junior asked.

"It is definitely an experience!" Sam replied with a grin.

"Yeah, it is that, for sure," Junior replied.

As the two finished their business, they saw a boat approach that was manned by a large individual. He had a pair of tight jeans on that barely covered his large ass but accentuated a nice bulge in the front. Junior smiled and walked over to help him tie off his craft.

"Good to see you again Sir Jack!"

"Well, howdy, Junior!" the man replied as he stepped onto the dock. "Good crowd tonight?"

"Yeah, a nice-sized one," Junior replied. "Sir, let me introduce you to Sir Jim's newest trainee. This is Sam."

Sam walked over and held his hand out and shook the man's.

"Good to meet you, boy," Jack said. "Are you all on a break?"

"Yes, Sir," Sam replied. "But we will be back at work shortly."

"There is beer and liquor inside if you want to grab some and undress," Junior said.

"Sounds good to me," Jack replied.

As the man walked by, Adam stood next to Sam.

"He's a big man but he has a nice dick on him. I'd be scared to see how big he would be if he lost weight."

Sam smiled.

"He's good-looking."

"Got an ugly wife, though," Adam said with a grin. "Not to be mean, but yeah, he has the looks in the relationship."

"So, is he bisexual?" Sam asked.

"Eh," Adam said. "I don't know. I just think he is horny and a hole is a hole."

Sam laughed.

"I know guys like that."

When the second shift began, Adam had helped Sam into position. His thicker waistline nearly filled the opening in the wall and Adam had lifted and strapped his legs tight on the other side. He felt odd with his ass exposed and unable to see who was around. As he laid back and looked at the ceiling he felt a lubed finger slip inside his ass.

"Is this your first fuck of the evening?" came the muffled voice of Liam.

Sam lifted his head and looked at the wall that his lower body disappeared into.

"Yes, Sir!" Sam shouted.

"I can tell!" Liam replied. "You got that tight feeling!"

Sam smiled and laid his head back and closed his eyes. He felt for the handgrips on either side of him and gripped them as he felt his ass being invaded by the man's cock.

"Fuck," Sam groaned as he felt it push inside him.

Liam had one hand on one of the boy's bound ankles and used the other to rub Sam's caged nub. It was dribbling precum again and he collected some and tasted it as he slowly fucked the boy.

"You have the perfect ass, boy," Liam groaned.

He didn't care if Sam heard him. He was lost in the sensation as he felt the grip of the ass on his shaft. He had his eyes on the boy since the first time he and his brothers had fucked him several weeks back. It had been about a year since he had last bid on a sub from Jim and he had been contemplating trying again with this one. Sam had just the right amount of padding, an ass that felt perfect, and a mouth to match.

Sam could see the wall begin to undulate as the man fucked. The air was stagnant in the small room and he could begin to smell his own body odor that emanated from his sweaty frame. He reached up and ran his hand over his face to wipe the beads of water away from this skin and groaned as the cock inside him began to run over his prostate.

Liam looked down and could see the precum flowing readily out of the boy now. He grinned and angled his cock upward as he thrusted in an attempt to get the boy to cream. It was not something he usually cared about, but he thought Sam deserved a little reward for the work he had done so far.

"How's that nub of yours doing?" Liam asked as he put his head near the wall.

"I'm close to cumming, Sir!" Sam shouted back.

"When you do, clamp that ass down on my cock and I'll fill you up!"

"Yes Sir!" Sam groaned in response.

Liam grinned and leaned back and fucked harder. As the head of his cock ran back and forth over Sam's prostate, the boy moaned louder. It did not take long till he was near the edge and when cum shot out of his cage, Sam squeezed his ass tight causing Liam to growl loudly.

"That's a fucking boy!" he screamed as he came and flooded Sam's ass.

Liam was on his tiptoes as he pushed inside Sam and held himself deep as he finished draining his balls. When he finally pulled back, he saw Sam's cum had covered his cage and made a mess of his own groin. He reached down and rubbed the liquid and then spread it over the boy's cage.

"Thank you, Sir!" Sam shouted from behind the wall.

Liam smiled and slapped the boy's bred ass.

"Get ready for more men tonight."

Liam turned to walk over to Otter's position in the glory hole to have his cock cleaned and Sam took a deep breath as he recovered from behind the wall. He could feel cum sliding out of his ass, but his balls were lighter now. He smiled.

"Ugh, that feels so much better."

Sam sat in his cubby for some time after Liam left. He could hear Tim getting fucked as the boy was beside him in the adjacent small space. When he finally felt a hand grab his foot and a thumb run over his soles, he flinched and shivered.

"How you doing back there, boy?" came the voice of Jim.

"I am good, Sir," Sam replied. "Got a load from Liam, so I am lubed and ready to go."

Jim laughed.

"That is good to hear. Hold tight. There is someone here that wants a go at you before anyone else."

"Yes Sir!" Sam replied as he lifted his head to look at the wall below him.

Sam flexed his feet on the other side of the wall and felt the restraints. He lifted his body slightly to push his ass father out to release some pressure on his lower back. Satisfied with the new position, he put his head down again. He began to wonder who the next person to fuck him would be. It was several more minutes before he felt a firm slap to his right ass cheek. Sam gritted his teeth and let out a light gasp in response.

"Thank you, Sir!" Sam called out.

There was no response, though. Another slap came to his left ass cheek and Sam shouted out again.

"Thank you, Sir!"

Sam felt a thumb enter his ass. It was large and felt somewhat familiar. As it pushed Liam's cum inside him, he felt another hand rub his left leg and heard a man groan. The impact of the man's stiff cock as it slapped his ass crack came next and then he felt as it entered him. Again, it was a strangely familiar feeling. It was large, but not as thick as Jim's. Hands gripped both his legs as the shaft went deeper inside him and the boy groaned loudly.

"Fuck that feels good!"

"It's been a while. Hasn't it, fucker?"

Sam recognized the voice instantly.

"Sir Chad?" the boy shouted out.

"That's right, fucker." Chad said as he brought his balls in to hit the boy's ass. "I hope you are ready for a long, deep fuck!"

Sam smiled broadly and looked at the ceiling above him.

"I'm here for your pleasure, Sir! Always! Please use me as you see fit!"

He could not believe it. He moaned in delight as he felt Chad start to fuck him. This must have been the surprise visitor that he had heard about. Sam gripped the handholds beside him and pushed himself deep on Chad to meet his thrusts from the other side of the wall. He wanted so much to be able to look up and see the face of the man. He had missed him a lot.

Chad smiled as he looked down at the ass that was sticking out of the wall and gripping his dick. The cum inside was acting as the perfect lube as he pounded relentlessly. He had saved up for three days in preparation for just this event and he knew he would be unloading inside the boy a lot more before the evening was over. As he reached up and grabbed the restrained legs in front of him he lifted his head to the ceiling and closed his eyes.

Sam could feel his body as it was moving back and forth from the pounding. It was pretty clear that Chad was going to take his time, though. As the thrusts slowed, he reached up and rubbed his sweat-covered fur and squealed with delight.

"Fuck I have missed this ass, fucker!" Chad growled from behind the wall.

Sam looked up at the undulating plywood and grinned.

"This boy has missed gripping that alpha cock of yours, Sir!"

"Fuck yeah!" Chad growled.

As the thrusts intensified again, Sam reached behind him with one hand to steady his large frame as it shifted back and forth. His ass was getting sore from the steady pounding, but he didn't care. He wanted to please the man and show him how much he had learned. He began to squeeze his ass and grip Chad's dick and the man howled with pleasure.

"That's a boy! Fuck yeah!"

Chad thrusted deeper inside Sam and the boy could swear he felt his stomach being poked. He gasped for breath as a tinge of pain shot through him just as he heard a loud growl from the other room.

"Fucking hell!"

Chad was cumming. Sam could feel it. Chad's pulsing dick moved inside him and he could even swear he could feel cum spurt and hit the sides of his ass, though it was probably all in his mind. He smiled and groaned in an intense pleasure that came over him. He had not cum, but the feeling was similar. The endorphins flooded his body as they rewarded him for pleasing the man.

Chad gasped for breath as he held his deflating cock inside the ass in front of him. As he pulled out, cum ran out and dripped onto the floor in audible plops.

"Damn, that is a well-bred ass," Chad replied as he rubbed Sam's leg.

"Thank you for the privilege of pleasuring you, Sir!" Sam shouted out.

And just like that, the encounter was over. Sam heard no response and felt his ass as it hung on the other side of the wall. The air moved over his wet hole and he could feel his nub as it glistened in a coating of precum. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath in and sighed in delight.

Next: Chapter 14

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