Bound in the Bayou

By Locked Cub

Published on Feb 20, 2023


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Bound in the Bayou

Part 12: House Party (Part 2)

Sam reached over and rubbed Adam's belly.

"I love the gray in your fur and beard. It makes you look distinguished."

Adam laughed and scratched his chin.

"Yeah, it aged on me a few years back. My master, Sir Bob, likes it too. He is younger than me and likes having an older locked sub around."

"I've only got a little over a month to go before I finish my training and I am still nervous about what will happen after," Sam said.

Adam turned and leaned on his knees and looked at the boy.

"Why is that?"

"Just the uncertainty," Sam replied.

"Well, let me try to put your mind at ease," Adam said with a warm smile. "Sir Jim will introduce you to several men in the coming weeks that are in the market for a sub. You will get to meet each of them and you will report your comfort level with them and observations to him. He will take those into account before one is allowed to bid for you."

"Bid for me?" Sam asked.

Adam laughed.

"Sir Jim charges a fee to take in one of his subs. That is where the money you are paid for your time comes from."

"Oh," Sam said. "But what happens if I don't find one that is compatible."

"It occasionally happens," Adam asked. "Sir Jim will continue to market you for up to six months. If you don't find a match or you decide to leave the program, then you won't get the fee he pays you for your time. The money is only paid out when you are collared and the master that takes you in pays Sir Jim."

"Ahh, ok," Sam replied.

"I take it you have not met any local doms that are interested yet?" Adam asked.

"Well, I have serviced Vernon and his sons and Junior's owner Steve," Sam said.

"Sir Vernon and Sir Steve," Adam corrected him.

"Sorry," Sam replied.

"It's ok," Adam said. "Just don't forget how to address or refer to a dom."

The sound of a boat interrupted their conversation and the two turned in the direction of the front of the house.

"Sounds like they are starting to arrive," Adam said as he turned and positioned his face near the hole in the wall.

Sam looked out into the room.

"You will be ok," Adam said. "Take a deep breath for now. It will be a long evening."

The first to arrive at the house were Vernon's sons. All three came over naked in the boat and as they walked into the front room, Vernon looked at Jason and laughed. His son's cock was sticking out in front of him and swinging from side to side.

"Let me guess, you took a Viagra," Vernon quipped.

"Of course, he did," Bryce replied as he tapped Jason's cock with the back of his right hand. "The fucker is old and wanted to make sure it stayed working."

"Oh, fuck off!" Jason growled as he lightly punched Bryce in the shoulder. "At least I will be fucking all night. I know how tired that little noodle of yours gets after a while."

"Now boys," Vernon replied as he walked over to grab a small cooler that Liam had in his hand. "Calm it down."

"Your Jack Daniels and sodas are in that, Pop," Liam replied.

"Thanks, son," Vernon said as he turned to put the cooler on the far wall.

"I need to piss," Bryce said.

"There are two boys ready for you in the other room," Vernon replied. "Go use them. You all go get your rocks off if you want. You are the first here, so you get that privilege."

"Damn skippy!" Jason said as he eyed Otter's ass as it stuck off the back of the fuck bench. "I know where I am going first."

Bryce turned and walked through to the other room and saw the two asses on display on either side of him and he smiled. He walked over to Junior's ass and rubbed it and then patted the boy's balls.

"Damn this is going to be a fun evening."

Bryce continued walking towards the glory holes and stuck his cock in Sam's hole.

"Whoever is back there, prepare yourself. I need to drain the lizard."

Sam opened his mouth and slid it over the slab of meat that was hanging through the opening. He took a deep breath and prepared himself and soon felt as a stream of warm piss filled his mouth. He had practiced enough with Jim that he had gotten used to drinking it. He timed his swallows so that he left room for more and was able to keep up with Bryce till the man's flow waned. As he sucked the last drops away, Bryce reached down and wiggled his cock and pulled it out. Without saying a word, he turned and walked back over to the wall where Junior was strapped in.

"Very well done," Adam whispered. "It took me a long time to master that skill."

"Thanks," Sam quietly replied with a smile as he wiped his mouth and took a swig of water from the bottle between them.

Jason stood behind Otter in the front room and rubbed the boy's fuzzy ass. He reached under and felt the area where a cock once had been and grabbed the large balls that remained and squeezed them. Otter groaned in response and his legs twitched.

"You ready for a pounding boy?" Jason asked.

"Yes, Sir," Otter replied. "I already prelubed myself. I am ready to be mounted for your pleasure."

"That's what I like to hear!" Jason said as he ran his fingers down the boy's furry crack and pushed his thumb inside.

The man stroked his hard cock a few times and then spit on it before placing it near the entrance to Otter's hole. As he pushed forward, the boy moaned as he felt his ass spread by the thick shaft.

"Fuck, Sir!"

"That's a boy," Jason replied as his groin reached the boy's rump.

The man began to buck his hips and fuck as the bench creaked. While he pounded, Liam walked over to where Jason's sub, Tim, was kneeling on the floor.

"Since your master is busy fucking another boy's ass, why don't you take a position on the cross for me," Liam said.

"Yes, Sir," Tim replied as he stood and walked over to the wooden X.

"Turn around and face the wall," Liam said as he pulled the boy's arms up and put the restraints on them before spreading the boy's legs and strapping them in.

Liam scanned through the various implements that were on display and picked a leather flogger that he brought over to the boy. He reached in front of him and rubbed Tim's hairless lower back and ass and felt the definition in his muscles.

"Jason said you have been working out more. I am impressed, boy!"

"Thank you, Sir!" Tim replied as Liam brought the flogger down over his ass.

Tim felt the sting and groaned but maintained his composure. He was used to being flogged regularly and knew to keep his mouth shut and endure it. As Liam worked some redness into the boy's ass, Jason continued to rut.

"Oh fuck," Otter groaned as he felt Jason adjust and slide deeper inside him with each forward motion.

The man's cock was girthy and had a large head to match. As it rubbed over his prostate, Otter could feel his precum dribble out of his reroute and down the back of his swinging balls. The sensation was sending warm waves of energy through him. It had been several weeks since he had last been milked and he knew it would not be long till thicker fluids would be dripping onto the floor.

A large smack echoed through the room and Otter turned to see Liam working Tim's ass over with the flogger. The man was flicking it quickly over the boy's ass repeatedly and then ending the motion with a harder impact that landed on Tim's upper buttocks. Each final stroke caused the boy to pull up off the floor onto his toes and Otter saw Tim look up and wince. However, hardly a sound came from him. Otter smiled and then closed his eyes to concentrate on the fucking he was receiving.

In the other room, Bryce was slapping his cock over Junior's ass that was hanging out of the wall. He grabbed some lube from a small basket attached next to him and spread some on his cock before reaching up and grabbing the boy's restrained legs. He then pushed forward and let his cock find the hole and dive in deep. A loud groan could be heard on the other side of the wall.

"That's right, fucker," Bryce growled. "Gotta get you opened up and lubed for more."

Junior lifted his head and looked down. All he could see was his upper body. Everything below the waist was on the other side of the opening. He could feel the cock entering him, but not being able to see who it was, even though he knew it was Bryce, was a mind trip. He reached down and grabbed onto some handholds that had been screwed into the floor of the small space and steadied himself as he felt the man start to pound him. He could hear the thump against the wall as Bryce pushed forward and as he put his head down and sighed he flexed his feet.

As Bryce pushed forward, he looked down and watched as his cock disappeared into the ass that hung out for him. The boy's legs twitched and he smiled.

"Damn, I love this setup."

From behind the false wall, Sam bent down and watched the man fuck through the gloryhole opening. From his angle, he could see the man's legs flex as he pushed forward and back and watched as his cock disappeared inside Junior. Sam felt his nub as it swelled in his cage and he began to drip precum on the floor.

"You are a leaker too, I see," Adam whispered.

Sam turned and saw the fellow sub looking down at his crotch and smiled. He looked at Adam's crotch and saw the sub's nub was swelled against the bars of his cage and dripping, too.

"Yeah, I can make a mess," Sam replied quietly.

"I know the feeling," Adam replied as he turned and watched the show through the hole in front of him.

In the front room, Jason fucked harder as he leaned over Otter and grabbed onto the boy's back. Sweat had formed there and matted in the fur and Jason's hands slipped a few times before he got a good grip. When he did, he pulled himself forward and impaled his cock deep.

"Fuck!" Otter squealed as he felt a tinge of pain shoot through him.

"Shut the fuck up!" Jason shouted as he jackhammered his cock inside the boy.

Otter grabbed onto the bench and tried to hold himself still, but the pounding was relentless. He turned and looked over and saw that Liam had switched to a small paddle that he was bringing down over Tim's exposed ass. It had developed a redness already and the boy was flinching with each impact. Liam was balancing his delivery so the glow was uniform on each ass cheek and when he was satisfied with the results, he stopped and rubbed the boy's skin gently. Electricity flew through Tim and he moaned. His tiny, caged cock spurted clear fluids that fell in a string between his legs.

"Someone likes being paddled," Liam said with a smile.

"Yes, Sir!" Tim replied.

The bench groaned as Jason pushed forward with a guttural growl. Otter could feel the cock inside him start to pulse and convulse as the load was delivered deep. As the feeling continued, Jason rubbed the boy's sides and slapped his lower back a few times.

"Fuck I love that hole."

"Thank you for the privilege of your load, Sir!" Otter replied as he strained to look behind him.

Jason had his head hung and sweat poured from his forehead. As he leaned back, he pulled his cock out and some cum dribbled out and ran down Otter's balls. Jason used his thumb to push it back in and as he did so, he saw some fluids coming out of Otter's reroute. They were cloudy and thick. He wrapped his large hands around the boy's balls and squeezed them.

"Did you cum, boy?" Jason asked.

"I think you might have milked a load out, Sir," Otter replied as he took a deep breath. "Your cock felt so good inside me."

Jason smiled and slapped the boy's ass a few times.

"Good boy."

Vernon walked around his son and brought a bottle of water up to Otter's mouth. Otter saw the older man had stripped down and his cock was half hard and bouncing as he walked.

"Take a swig, boy. You need to stay hydrated."

"Thank you, Sir!" Otter replied as he opened his mouth and took a drink.

When Vernon moved away, Otter looked over and saw that Liam had left Tim hanging on the cross. His red ass shone in the light of the room and Jason moved over to rub the boy's skin. He embraced his sub and put his head on the boy's shoulder to kiss his cheek.

"Looking nice and warmed up there, my sexy boy."

"Yes, Sir," Tim replied. "Sir Liam has a good technique."

Jason grinned and patted the boy's ass before moving away.

In the back room, Bryce gritted his teeth as he leaned back. His feet were planted at the bottom of the wall and he held onto the restrained legs in front of him. It took him a few minutes to get used to the position, but he was able to get his dick in deep and felt as Junior used his ass to squeeze and grip him.

"That's a boy," Bryce said. "Milk my cock. You are going to get a nice load."

Junior, on the other side of the wall, groaned as he looked up at the ceiling. He could feel the shaft as it filled him and he gripped onto the handholds to give him the leverage he needed to work the dick inside.

"Fuck you feel good, Sir!" he moaned.

Bryce could barely hear him on the other side, though. But the man was close. With a few more thrusts, he went over the edge and growled with pleasure as his seed erupted and was planted deep inside Junior.

"Fucking hell!" Bryce shouted.

"Well, that looked like fun!" Liam said from the entrance of the room where he had been watching.

Bryce turned and smiled as he held his cock inside the ass in front of him.

"You gotta try this, bro. It is such an awesome experience."

"I believe it!" Liam replied with a smile as he walked behind his brother and playfully slapped his ass. "I'm going to get sucked first to prepare myself."

Adam saw the man approaching his glory hole so he pulled away and waited for Liam's cock to appear. When it did, he grabbed it with one hand and brought his mouth over it. Sam turned to watch the older sub as he worked the dick that appeared. He watched as Adam brought it deep and his throat opened up to accommodate it. It appeared the sub had no gag reflex at all and as he bobbed up and down, Sam could see the head of Liam's cock push deep inside.

"Fuck that is amazing," Sam quietly said to himself.

Adam heard him and gave the boy a thumbs up as he continued to work the dick in front of him. Liam's cock had lengthened and he felt it as it hit the back of his throat. He turned his mouth from side to side as he worked the shaft and ran his fingers under the man's balls. He felt a spurt of precum as it came out of Liam's cock at about the same time as he heard a moan from the other side of the wall.

"Fuck, this has to be Adam. No other boy has ever given me head like you do."

Adam groaned in response and pulled off the cock long enough to utter three words.

"Thank you, Sir!"

Liam knew that if he stayed where he was, he would be cumming soon and he wanted to fuck one of the unused asses before the rest of the men arrived, so he pulled back and leaned down to look through the hole and smiled at the face of Adam that appeared.

"I'll be back later, boy."

Adam smiled as he watched the man turn and move over to the legs and ass of Nick that stuck out of the wall. The thick legs of the cub were pulled tight and Liam reached up and rubbed the small, hairy feet that were attached to them. Nick giggled and twitched in response and Liam slapped the boy's round ass.

"That's my cubby. I'd know that giggle anywhere. I've missed having you around here, boy!"

From the other side of the wall, Nick could feel the hands of Liam as they tickled his feet and ran down his legs. He shivered as he felt them move around and rub his ass and he reached down and rubbed his belly to enjoy the sensation. It had been two years since he had trained under Jim and had been collared and moved away. That was the last time he had been fucked by any of Vernon's sons, but he remembered how much Liam loved to torture him when he found out he was ticklish. As his hands ran through his fur, he felt his nipple piercings and played with them, causing his nub to twitch and leak on the other side of the wall.

Liam had lubed his cock and was stroking it as he saw the precum form under the boy's cage. He ran his hands over the rungs of the metal and let the fluids mix with the lube before stroking his cock again and then pointing it at the boy's hole. As he pushed forward, he reached up and grabbed onto Nick's ankles and spread his legs and braced them against the wall as his brother had done earlier.

"Fuck!" Liam groaned as he pushed forward and leaned back.

"Told you!" Bryce said with a grin as he watched from behind his brother. "This was the best idea Pop ever had."

"Fuck yeah!" Liam replied as he closed his eyes and went deep inside the furry ass in front of him.

Bryce shook his head and laughed as he neared Sam's hole. He pushed his cock through and the boy reached up to support it. It was still covered in cum and he brought it into his mouth to clean it off and taste the man. He made sure to apply some suction to pull anything remaining out and as he did so, he was rewarded with a sweet glob at the end.

Bryce pulled his cock out without saying a word and turned and walked into the other room and Sam looked over to watch as Liam fucked. As the man pushed forward, he could see waves of energy move through the fat in Nick's ass cheeks. Liam had a firm grip on the boy's ankles and was pounding hard enough that the wall was undulating ever so slightly.

"I hope y'all built that sturdy enough," Adam whispered to Sam.

Sam looked over at him and smiled.

"You and me both!"

Sam heard some commotion in the other room and turned and saw that more people had arrived. As they appeared in the doorway to look around, he could see that there were two of them. One was of average build and height but looked to be hung like a horse. The other was an older man with a smaller cock, but a nice set of balls on him.

"The one with the big cock is Sir Randy," Adam said to Sam. "He is Otter's master. The other one is Sir Ralph. He grew up with Sir Vernon and lives nearby.

"Damn, Otter said that his master was packing," Sam replied as he turned to look at the sub. "But wow! That man is huge!"

"Poppers are your friend with that one," Adam said with a chuckle.

"Fucking hell!" Liam screamed.

Sam turned and looked and watched as the man arched his back and pushed his cock deep inside Tim to dump his load.

"Squeeze it, boy!" Liam growled. "Milk me!"

"He is so fucking hot," Sam said as he watched.

"Is Sir Liam your type?" Adam asked.

"Yeah," Sam replied. "I mean I still think Sir Chad is the hottest guy I have ever pleasured, but Sir Liam is close up there."

Adam chuckled.

"Maybe he might collar you then. He has tried to get a boy in the past but got outbid."

"Maybe," Sam replied with a smile.

Next: Chapter 13

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