Bound in the Bayou

By Locked Cub

Published on Feb 12, 2023


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Bound in the Bayou

Part 10: Construction

Sam was kneeling on the floor next to the kitchen table watching Jim eat his lunch on Monday of his fourth week of training. As May was turning into June, the humidity levels had increased and the boy had beads of sweat that had formed on his body and were dripping down his belly. Jim was perspiring too and had taken to wearing only his boxers around the house unless he made a run into town. The man's musk was evident in the room and Sam felt his nub swell every time he got a strong whiff of it.

Since his tagging, Jim had spent more time on conditioning the boy. Sam had to jog laps around the dock every morning and had a set of aerobic exercises he performed, too. While he had not lost a lot of his weight, he could tell his waistline was dropping some and he had more stamina to complete the tasks around the house that Jim assigned to him. He had been working on stretching his ass daily before lunch. Jim started Sam out on smaller dildos in the fucking machine and had gradually moved up a few sizes in the past two weeks. He still had a way to go to work his way up to some of the larger ones the man had, but it was a start.

After his time on the fuck machine, a butt plug was inserted into his ass, which he wore every afternoon till bedtime. Sam initially was not a fan of the plug, but he had learned to deal with it. As he felt the large bulbous toy inside him he adjusted his stance to reduce the pressure on his prostate and Jim smiled down at him.

"Looks like you are leaking again, boy."

Sam looked down and saw a bead of precum that had formed at the tip of his cage and he caught it with his fingers and brought it to his mouth to taste it.

"Yes, Sir. But I do feel a lot better since my milking session yesterday."

"Well, you earned it," Jim replied. "You have made good progress."

"Thank you, Sir," Sam replied.

Jim put his utensils down and took a drink of water before sitting back in the chair.

"Once I am done and the kitchen is cleaned up, we will be taking a trip upriver."

"May I be permitted to know where we are going, Sir?" Sam asked.

"Vernon and I have purchased an old houseboat not far from here," Jim replied. "It needs a lot of work, but we have plans to turn it into a private sex club for some of our friends. It will be a place that we can all use to relax that will be separate from our own homes."

"Very nice, Sir!" Sam replied. "Will it take a lot to fix it up?"

"It is going to take some muscle to get the place into shape," Jim said. "And I have some specific things in mind that I want to build inside it, too. You will be spending most of your afternoons there assisting Vernon's boys in the construction. I will show you where it is today, but from now on, you will take your boat there every day after lunch and I want you back here by sundown."

"Yes, Sir," Sam replied. "I can do that."

"Of course, if the boys want to use you at any time for their pleasure, you will provide your body for their use, but they understand that you need to be working most of the time," Jim continued. "Continue to wear your butt plug though. I want you working your way up to larger sizes and it can help you lock any loads you get away inside."

"Yes, Sir," Sam said. "I understand."

"Vernon and I want to have a fourth of July party there to christen the place, so the goal is to have everything done in the next five weeks," Jim said. "That is a tight timeline, but doable, I think."

"I'll do my best, Sir," Sam replied.

"I know you will," Jim said with a smile. "Liam and Bryce have a construction background as does Jason, so they should be able to help keep things on track."

Jim went back to his lunch and Sam waited for him to finish. When the man stood, he grabbed a can of Sam's food to feed to him, and then the boy washed the dishes and straightened the kitchen before they headed out to the boat.

It took about fifteen minutes to reach the location of the house. Sam followed Jim in his boat as they wound their way up a side channel to the river and around a bend. He saw the house at this point and noticed it had several old trees overhanging it and nearly hiding it until you were close. The structure looked like it had seen better days. The dock had very old wood that had rotted and the metal sheathing on the side of the houseboat had rusted and torn away in several places. There was even a tree that had grown through the middle of the front of the porch. As they neared, Sam could see Jason on the dock pulling up some of the broken boards. The man waved at them as they neared and he helped secure their boats once they pulled up.

"How are things looking?" Jim asked as he stepped onto the dock.

"Looks like we will have to replace most of the boards out here, but the ones near the house just need to be sanded, planed, and stained," Jason replied.

"I'll let the boy help you out here with that then," Jim said. "Where are your brothers at?"

"Bryce is inside starting to strip the walls and Liam said he would be here later this afternoon," Jason replied. "My sub is in there helping him."

"Ok, I'll go check on their progress then," Jim replied.

As Jim walked by them Jason wiped his forehead and looked at Sam.

"Well, get on your hands and knees, boy! We got a lot of work to do here!"

"Yes, Sir!" Sam replied as he knelt on the dock. "I did not know you had a boy, Sir."

"Yes," Jason said as he pulled more nails from the board that he had been working on. "Mine is boy number 33. Acquired him a few years back. He is a hard worker and will be assisting you with most of the labor around here. My brothers and I will help when we can, but we have day jobs that keep us busy."

"I understand, Sir," Sam replied.

Jason paused and looked at the boy and then reached behind to grab a hammer that he then passed to Sam.

"Pick a board and start pulling nails," Jason said. "There are fresh boards inside. Once one is removed, then grab a new one and replace it."

"Yes, Sir!" Sam replied as he put the claw of the hammer under an old nail and levered it up.

The wood was soggy in places and split easily, so Sam had no trouble removing the boards, but making sure not to stand in the wrong place and go through an old board was a challenge. When they had removed a few boards, Sam turned to go inside to fetch some fresh ones. As he entered, he saw Jim talking to Bryce to his right and saw another figure to his left.

Jason's sub was about Sam's height, but he was thin and muscular. He had a bald head and no body hair evident on his body. The collar around his neck was made of large metal chain links and as he turned, Sam could see the same tattoo that Junior had on his lower back. The sub was in chastity, but instead of a metal cage, there was a flat round piece that sat flush against his groin. It looked like he had no head or shaft at all. There were some holes in this metal piece that Sam assumed allowed for urination and there was a set of large low-hanging balls that swung bellow the base ring that were pierced with several small, circular metal rings.

When the sub noticed Sam, he smiled and walked over and extended his hand. As Sam shook it, he noticed how calloused his hands were and how firm the grip was. It almost hurt.

"You must be the new boy. My name is Tim."

"Good to meet you," Sam replied. "I'm Sam."

Tim slapped Sam's shoulder and then turned to continue working on removing the deteriorated drywall and paneling on one of the walls.

"Did you come in here to help?" Tim asked.

"I need some new boards for the dock," Sam replied.

"They are piled here next to this wall," Tim said pointing to the floor beside him.

"Thanks!" Sam said as he bent down to pick up two.

Jim and Bryce continued their conversation and gave no notice to Sam, so he returned outside to bring the boards out and continue his work.

About twenty minutes after he arrived, Sam saw Jim come back outside. He walked around and looked at what work had been done and then headed to his boat.

"Jason, I want my boy headed back home at dusk. Don't keep him later."

"Understood," Jason replied.

"Be sure he knows what he needs to do this week before he leaves," Jim said. "He will be arriving after lunch and staying till dusk every day until we are done here."

"Sounds good," Jason said. "I'll instruct him."

"Good deal," Jim replied as he sat in his boat. "I'll see you all later."

Sam waved to Jim as he headed back home and then turned to continue his work with Jason. It was going to take most of the week to replace, sand, and plane the boards that could remain and stain everything, so that duty was given primarily to Sam. Tim did come out to help bring out boards on occasion, but they mostly worked separately.

Jason did not return for the rest of the week, but Liam and Bryce did show up on occasion to supervise the progress and deliver new construction materials. The weather was hot, but it did not rain during the week, which made the process of staining the boards go a lot quicker. By Friday, Sam had replaced all of the rotten boards and put the first stain on one side of the deck. As he sat on the edge of the dock to rest in the afternoon, Tim came out and sat next to him and handed him some bottled water.

"Hard work, eh?"

"Yeah," Sam said. "But I need to burn off some of this fat."

Tim grinned and rubbed the boys back.

"I like husky boys myself, but I know what you mean. Master Jason likes 'em lean and built so I have to maintain a pretty strenuous workout regimen."

Tim flexed his arms and smiled at Sam, who grinned back.

"You look great! Have you always been smooth?"

"No!" Tim laughed loudly. "I used to be a complete furball. I was a lot hairier than you in fact, but master wanted me to lose it, so I use an over-the-counter remover to maintain my look. The only place I am allowed hair is my eyebrows."

"That is pretty intense!" Sam said as he rubbed his belly fur. "Sir made me shave my face, but I don't know if I could go smooth like that."

"If that is what your owner wants, then you need to be open to that," Tim replied. "But it is rare that you will get that request. I know some of the other subs that Sir Jim has trained and I am the only one that looks like this. It is ok, though. I love serving Jason and would do anything for him."

"He's got quite a cock on him too," Sam replied with a grin.

Tim laughed again.

"You bet he does. I love it!"

"I noticed your cage is different than mine," Sam said as he pointed at Tim's crotch. "It makes it look like you have no shaft!"

"Yeah, I have shrunk a lot since I have been in permanent chastity," Tim said as he grabbed his cage. "I started in one like yours, but master challenged me to move to smaller cages. I have had this one for about three months. It has a small tube inside that helps with urination since it pushes everything inside me."

"Did you have the piercings before?" Sam asked.

"No," Tim replied. "Master had me get those too. He loves the look of my large balls and he has me stretch my scrotum so they will eventually hang even lower. He had me put the piercings in last winter. They are fun though. I like the look of them."

"I've never considered piercings down there, but they do look neat," Sam replied with a smile. "What all are you doing inside the house?"

"Well, we are stripping all the walls down to the studs and replacing some of the wiring. A few of the walls need to be moved too, so I will be reframing those at some point."

"Is there a master plan or something?" Sam asked.

"Yeah," Tim replied. "They know how they want the space arranged. There will be a large play area when you first walk in and then there will be a second room in the back. Sir Jim got some ideas from a place in Europe and he wants to replicate them here. Involves putting in little rooms that subs can be in with their asses and legs hanging out of holes in the wall so that guys can just walk by and fuck 'em."

"Oh wow," Sam replied.

"I've seen some videos and pictures of places they got the ideas from," Tim said. "It should be interesting to see how it turns out."

"How many subs would be expected to be here?" Sam asked.

"There are quite a few in the area that Sir Jim has trained over the years," Tim replied. "Up till now, everyone would loan us out or we would be sent over to people's houses. Having this place will be a nice neutral area to have fun with us in."

"I see," Sam replied.

"Are you from around here?" Tim asked.

"Yeah, I grew up in Natchez," Sam said. "I know Sir's nephew, Sir Chad. He is the one that got me into the program."

"Oh, I know Sir Chad," Tim said. "He's got a nice dick on him too."

"Yes," Sam said with a smile. "I miss it and him a lot. I hope I get to see him this summer."

"He usually visits during July," Tim said. "Who knows, he might show up for the party for Independence Day."

"I hope so," Sam said. "I want to show him how much I have learned and how far I have come."

Tim rubbed Sam's back again and then stood up.

"Ok, well back to work. Chat with you later."

By the middle of June, work on the house had progressed, but not at the rate that Jim had hoped. The electrical in the house ended up being pretty much gone and had to be completely removed. Most of the interior was stripped completely and rebuilt from scratch, too. Sam and Tim tried to do their best to be efficient, but the amount of work that needed to be done was daunting. So, Jim said he would put a call out for some more help.

Sam walked out onto the dock to catch his breath and rehydrate one Tuesday afternoon. As he leaned against the wall, he saw a boat approaching with two naked individuals inside. As it pulled nearer, he could make out that the one on the back was Junior, but he did not recognize the one in the front. Sam walked over to meet them as they pulled alongside the dock and tied off. He helped the first boy out of the boat. He was thin and looked to be older than Sam. He had a dense coat of fur on his body and a short, cropped goatee. What shocked Sam was the fact the boy did not look to have a cock at all. There were a nice set of balls present, but the skin above them looked creased and almost smooth. He did have a metal tag in his ear that marked him as a former trainee of Jim, though.

"Hi! Everyone calls me Otter," the boy said as he grabbed Sam's hand to step onto the dock.

"Nice to meet you, Otter. I am Sam," came the reply.

"Oh, Junior here has been telling me all about you," Otter replied with a smile. "You look like you have been working hard!"

Sam grinned and wiped the sweat over his chest.

"Yeah, we are trying to put up paneling in the back room. There isn't a lot of circulation back there, so the heat can get you."

Junior reached out to Sam and the boy helped him onto the dock next.

"Well, we are here to help," Junior said.

"Great!" Sam replied. "Tim is inside."

Junior patted Sam's back as he walked by and Otter reached up and rubbed Sam's chest hair.

"You are cute!"

Sam blushed.

"Thanks. Do you live nearby?"

"Yeah, not far," Otter said. "A few miles away in the next town. I went through the training program about four years ago and have been living with my master since then."

Otter instinctively rubbed his ear tag and smiled.

"I am Sir Jim's sub number 28."

"Can I ask you something?" Sam asked nervously.

Otter laughed and grabbed his balls.

"Let me guess. What happened to my cock?"

"Well..." Sam replied with a stammer.

Otter grinned and patted the boy's shoulder.

"It's ok bubba," Otter said. "Everyone always asks. About a year before I started training with Sir Jim I had cancer and had to have a penectomy."

"Oh, shit! I am sorry." Sam replied.

"It's ok," Otter said. "I've been healthy since, but obviously it left me looking different. I had been playing around with chastity before that happened, so the operation led me to a permanent form quicker than I expected."

"Wow," Sam replied. "That is intense."

"It took some getting used to, but training under Sir Jim taught me new ways to achieve pleasure," Otter said. "You have to take the cards that are handed to you. Life throws you curveballs. I saw a counselor after and I am fine. I have a great relationship with my master and he milks me often. Plus, I don't have to deal with the chafing of a chastity cage anymore!"

"Well, that is true," Sam replied with a smile.

"Come on, bubba," Otter said. "We better go in and get to work."

"Yeah, I guess break time is over," Sam said as he followed the boy inside.

When they walked in, they saw Tim and Junior talking. Tim smiled when he saw Otter and came over and hugged him. The boys then went to the back of the house to continue working. The layout of this section contained a broad hall in the middle and four cubicle rooms, two on either side. Basing the design off what Jim had seen online, there were to be platforms in each of the cubicles that the subs could lie down on. A circular opening would be cut in the wall for them to put their lower body through so that their legs could be pulled up and strapped to the wall exposing their ass. The platform would be high enough that their ass would be at the perfect level for fucking. They could turn on their bellies and have their legs on the floor to be fucked bent over, too. An additional false wall was constructed opposite from where you entered the room with two glory holes in it for sucking men off.

Most of the framing of the room was done, though Tim had been working on one of the platforms in a cubicle to adjust the height. The next step was wiring the room and putting up insulation and paneling. As Junior and Otter walked into the room, they marveled at the layout.

"Wow, this is going to be a fun room for the men around these parts," Otter said as he groped his balls.

"Your master should have a field day leaving our holes gaping here," Junior said with a laugh.

"I take it he is hung?" Sam asked.

"You could say that," Otter replied. "Let's just say fisting is not a problem for me now."

Junior laughed out loud and Sam twisted his face.

"Don't worry, though," Otter said as he turned to Sam. "He goes slow at first."

"Just ask for poppers," Junior added.

"Yeah, those help," Otter replied back.

"Well, if you boys are done chit-chatting, how about you grab some tools and I will show you what needs to get done," Tim said with a smirk.

"Yes, Sir!" Junior replied with a salute and a grin.

The boys got to work and by the late afternoon, had made a lot of progress. Tim had to head home early, so he left Sam in charge as they worked on insulating the false wall in the back. They had just completed most of it when they heard a voice behind them.

"How is it coming in here?"

Sam turned and saw Bryce in the doorway.

"Hello, Sir! It is going well. Otter and Junior have helped a lot."

Bryce was dressed in a tight pair of jeans and had some boots on but was bare-chested. As he walked by Sam and inspected the work, he could tell the man had not bathed in a while. His scent was strong and Sam felt his nub twitch.

"Looks good," Bryce said as he pushed on the wall to test its sturdiness. "I have some more supplies in the boat. Come help me offload it."

"Yes, Sir," the boys replied as they followed him out to the dock.

When the materials were put away, Bryce grabbed a bucket from the side of the room and turned it over to sit on it. As he did, Junior and Otter immediately knelt on the floor with their hands behind their backs and Sam followed their lead. Bryce pulled his boots off and put his socks in them. The first he placed next to the bucket but he held on to the first one and looked over at Junior.

"You want it boy?"

Junior nodded back.

"I would be honored, Sir."

"Yeah, I know you are a huge scent pig," Bryce replied. "Here you go, fucker."

Bryce threw the boot with the sock inside it at Junior and it landed in front of him. The boy bent down and put his face in the boot and took a deep breath. He groaned as he did so and Sam smiled. Bryce then groped himself and looked at Otter.

"When was the last time I got that ass of yours, dickless?"

"It's been a while, Sir," Otter replied.

Bryce grinned and stood up and unbuttoned his pants. As he pulled them down, his semi-hard cock popped out and Sam felt his nub twitch again.

"Come over here and present that ass to me, then," Bryce said.

Otter stood and walked over and Bryce moved some materials off a sturdy table that was in the room. Otter climbed onto it on his back and Bryce held his legs up and spat on his hole and rubbed it. Sam could see another opening below the boy's balls. He did not know what it was at first, but as Bryce rubbed the boy's hole, Sam saw some clear liquid appear out of the opening and drip down over his ass crack.

"I fucking love the fact your reroute drips your precum right down over your asshole," Bryce said. "It's like lube on demand."

Otter moaned in response as Bryce used the precum to push his finger into the boy's ass. Bryce put Otter's legs on his shoulders and then spit on his cock and stroked it before slapping it against the boy's crack.

"You ready, fucker?" Bryce asked.

"I'm ready, Sir," Otter replied.

Bryce spat on his cock once more and then rubbed it between the boy's two holes. More precum dribbled down and Bryce used it to push inside the boy's ass. Sam had a perfect view to watch as the man fucked. The last time he was with Bryce, he had been strapped down to the fuck bench and could not see anything. As the man's long cock disappeared inside Otter, Sam's nub was fully swollen in its cage and leaked on the floor. Beside him, Junior had picked up the boot and placed it over his face so he could continue to smell it as he watched.

The smack of Bryce's groin against the bare ass of Otter echoed in the room. Bryce was quickly pounding the boy and the table creaked under the strain. As the man pushed the legs of the boy back, he lifted his ass and got on his tiptoes to fuck deeper. As he did so, a loud groan came out of Otter.

"That's it fucker," Bryce said. "I feel that precum pouring out. You needed this cock didn't you?"

"Fuck yes, Sir!" Otter replied with a squeal. "Use me for your pleasure, Sir! Breed me!"

Bryce gripped the boy's legs harder and spread them as he continued to fuck. Sam could see beads of sweat as they trickled down the man's back and over his ass. The muscles in his legs were twitching as he pounded and he breathed harder.

"Here it comes, boy!" Bryce growled loudly as he lifted his head to the ceiling and orgasmed.

"Thank you, Sir!" Otter screamed as his ass was loaded.

Bryce leaned over the boy and pushed his legs back. In this position, Sam could see the man's taint as it pulsed and delivered its seed.

"Fuck he is so hot," Junior said softly beside Sam.

Sam looked over and saw a huge puddle of precum on the floor between Junior's legs and grinned. When he turned back, he saw Bryce pull his cock out and hold the boy's legs high.

"Now that is a fucking nice ass," Bryce said in between gasps for breath. "Get over here and clean my dick, boy!"

Sam saw that Bryce was looking at him, so he immediately crawled over and took the man's softening cock into his mouth. As he tasted the remnants of Bryce's load, the man fingered Otter's hole and the boy continued to groan. When Sam let Bryce's cock drop out of his mouth, the man motioned to Otter.

"Him too, boy."

As Bryce pulled Otter's legs apart, Sam turned and put his face in the boy's ass. It was covered in cum and Sam licked it clean. As he moved upward near the boy's reroute, more precum came out and he tasted it. The sensation made Otter moan again and twitch. When Sam was done, he moved back to kneel beside Junior and Bryce let Otter's legs fall to the ground.

"Ok, back to work," Bryce said as he grabbed his pants and put them on. "I'll be back tomorrow to help with the wiring."

"Yes, Sir," the boys replied.

Next: Chapter 11

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