Bound For Daddy

By moc.oohay@909plk

Published on Mar 18, 2003



Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual persons is purely coincidental. The names, characters, place and/or incidents are the product of this author's imagination or used fictitiously. In light of HIV/AIDS, please remember to play safe.

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Bound for Daddy


I have always thought I was a little "different."

When I was in the 4th grade, I took a diaper from my church's child-care room and tried it on in the bathroom. Even though it was too small, I felt comforted by the plastic material.

When I was thirteen, I found condoms in my dad's dresser drawer. In the privacy of my room, I rolled one down a broom handle and greased it with petroleum jelly I found in our bathroom. The initial penetration hurt like hell but my rectum was soon accustomed to the thickness. My discovery of stimulating my prostate was an experience I will never forget.

Around the same time, I found an empty plastic shampoo bottle and unknowingly, made myself a homemade enema. Lying down in the bathtub, I squeezed the full container of water into my rectum. I soon felt the need to empty my bowels, but the internal sensations were overwhelming.

In high school, I bought one of those combination hot water bottle/ enema bags at my local drug store. After a few tries, I was able to take the entire bag and hold it for awhile.

My life really changed after my freshman year of college. I dated a few girls in college, but there was something missing. A guy also approached me in my dorm but I don't find guy's my own age interesting. I was home for summer break. Of all things, I was summoned for jury duty downtown. I was planning to take some classes at a local college but besides that, I had enough free time and could use the little stipend from service. Both of my parent's cars were unavailable, so I took the bus downtown and was dropped off a few blocks from the courthouse. The area I had to pass though was going through "gentrification," a nice euphemism for tearing down the old to make room for "hip" cafes, bars, lofts and nightclubs.

It was about 9:00 in the morning. I was about three blocks away from the courthouse when I walked past a shop called "SIR Leather." A rainbow was flying prominently above the wooden door. There were no windows. My curiosity was piqued but the shop was closed and I was going to be late.

At noon, I had an hour break for lunch. I was bored out of my mind, waiting to be called for jury selection. The break from the ennui would be very welcomed. After grabbing a quick bite to eat in the cafeteria, I walked down to the store I saw earlier in the day. A simple "open" sign was the sole means that I knew the place was still in business.

As I walked in, the smell of leather engulfed me. The length of the store was larger than I anticipated. It was well stocked with everything imaginable for the BDSM and fetish lifestyle. I was in heaven. Thankfully, I was also the only customer. A middle-aged man dressed in black was sitting behind a counter and smiled at me as I walked in.

"Welcome to my store", he said. "Please let me know if you need any assistance." I kept my head while I walked past him and started to look around.

As I walked around the store, I had no clue what most of the merchandise was used for. I must have had a look of total bewilderment because the owner soon approached me.

"You look like you need some help." He was smiling at me again while looking me up and down.

"Is it that obvious," I said nervously, getting my first good look at the owner. He must have been in his mid- fifties. His hair was more salt than pepper, pulled back in a ponytail. He didn't look like the typical player in the S&M world but who was I to know? He also wasn't much taller than my five feet ten inches. I'm about one hundred and eighty pounds. I try to keep in shape by working out and running. He must have liked what he saw because he kept on starring at me. Was he hitting on me?

"Let me explain and show you the general layout of the store and we can go from there."

"Sure. o.k., " I said.

I followed him as he started to walk around the store. The first section was leather clothing. He explained that all of it was handmade. He showed me caps, vests, chaps, pants, briefs and boots all made of leather. I looked very expensive - way too much for my student budget.

We then moved over to an area that contained numerous kinds of whips, paddles, floggers and other items I had no clue what they were. Some looked like they were made of rubber. He picked-up a leather paddle and said, "This is one of my favorites. After a prolonged use, it leaves quite a red mark." I just smiled, my face reddening with embarrassment. He too noticed but moved on to the next section.

My face must have turned even redder because he said, "I see you like these." On display were a multitude of enema bags and nozzles. They all look more complicated than the simple one I had bought a few years earlier. As he started to explain what the various nozzles were, I could feel myself becoming quite hard. I squirmed, trying to conceal my expanding penis, but I knew deep down that the owner knew I was excited.

Next to the enemas were various dildo's and plugs of every shape and size imaginable. There was even one shaped like a fist. I had wanted a butt plug for some time but never found the right place to buy one. I picked up a medium- size black rubber plug. I looked at the price tag. It was more than I had on me. I put it back down.

"I see you found something of interest."

"I..I did. But I don't have enough on me right now." I told him that I was downtown for jury duty, home from college for the summer. I needed to find a job but needed to get though jury duty first. He just nodded and smiled.

We moved over to an area that contained rubber clothing. I never knew such clothes existed. I was in heaven. When I saw rubber briefs, I almost passed out. How I had longed for what I saw in front of me. I picked up the white briefs, my hands shaking with excitement.

The owner looked at me. In a calm but firm voice, he said, "I'm starting to understand what your interests are. I think you might find these interesting. From a nearby shelf, he picked-up a package of adult sized disposable diapers. How did he know?

I was starting to feel like I was dreaming. My state of nirvana was interrupted when I thought about the time. I looked at my watch - I was due back in five minutes.

"I need to get going. Thank you so much for showing me your fabulous store. I'll be back soon to look around some more and hopefully purchase a few things."

The older man looked mad but understood. He put the diapers back and walked with me towards the door. He handed me his card. His name was Richard.

"I want you to have this."

"David," I stammered.

"David. I would love to see you again. Soon."

With that, I walked out of the store and ran back to the courthouse. My mind and heart were pounding away. With luck, I found the store of my dreams.

After three days of trying to get on a trial, I was released. The County thanked me for my time and service and I was done. I still didn't have any money but I needed to return to the store. When I walked in Richard was again sitting behind the counter. He seemed pleased to see me and stood up to great me. He was simply dressed in a black shirt and jeans.

"I didn't think you would show up again David. I'm quite pleased that you've returned."

I smiled but didn't say anything.

"How's jury duty going?"

"Actually, I was just released. I'm going to go home and start looking for a job."

"It's funny you should bring that up. I told a very good friend of mine about you. He works out of his home here in the City and needs an assistant. I know you two have a lot in common. Are you interested?"

I was about to say I wasn't interested. I didn't want to be a glorified gofer for the summer.

But before I opened my mouth, Richard said, "He also wants you to have this." The older man held in his hand the black plug that I wanted. This was getting very strange. I didn't know what to do. Should I run from the store or.?

"He wants to meet you. His name is Thomas. He has an affinity and understanding of your needs."

"I don't really know," I said. "I.I've never been with a man and it seems to me that he is expecting something I'm not even sure about. Just because I'm interested in a butt plug doesn't mean that I'm into men."

"That is true. It's up to you. Here's his number and his "gift". You are in control of your own actions. If you want to turn your fantasies into reality, then give Thomas a call. It's up to you."

With that said, he went to the counter and put the plug in a paper bag. He handed me the bag and wished me good luck, winking at me in the process.

I walked out of the store in a daze. I didn't know what to do. However, every time I thought what was in the paper bag I was carrying, my cock stirred. I couldn't wait to get home and try it out for size.

To be continued??? Please send your comments - positive or negative. Are there any guy's into bondage and diapers? If so, let me know!!

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