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By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Mar 22, 2023


Mark headed back to his hotel room, really somewhat emotionally raw after leaving Jack. He really didn't want to leave, but he didn't want to impinge on Jack's job and, as he laughed to himself, the thought of a 5 a.m. alarm clock was fairly disturbing to this night owl.

10:30 was fairly early for Mark, so he was up doing internet searching, when he got a call from Jack, who sounded very sleepy.

"Hey. Sorry I wasn't awake to say goodnight. You must have worn this old man out." Mark laughed. "Well, if you're an old man what does that make me?"

"A top man" Jack answered. . "I can't catch a break" Mark thought. He laughed. "I really didn't want to interfere with your sleep pattern."

"I appreciate that you stud. " Jack paused. "By the way, I don't use an alarm clock. I'm so used to getting up at 5, it just happens naturally. If I used one, I'd be worried that it wouldn't function or something like that. " "SHIT." thought Mark again. "I really CAN'T catch a break. "Then maybe next weekend I can stay over on Sunday?"

Jack paused "I don't know. You have to let me OUT of bed at 5, on Monday , which means no hands on my nips. And I have to WANT to get out of bed, which means I have to ignore your cock against me."

"Is he a sadist?" Mark was thinking . He was getting hard, too. "Listen super super.. You REALLY should get your sleep. How about we do some face time tomorrow? We can text to set up a time, and if you're confused on how to use it, well, you do have teenagers in the building don't you" Jack laughed. "I'd tell you to fuck yourself Mark, but then you might not be ready to fuck me."

BASTARD!!!! Mark thought. He was a conniver, and he could not have given these answers if he had been given all day to come up with them.

"Look, it's really easy. We can stick to the phone if you like." "No, I want to try this Sir. Maybe I can talk you into getting hard for me on the screen. "

Finally Mark broke. "You know, you are going to pay big time for what you're doing to me, Jack." Jack laughed. "How so?" Mark thought for a minute. "Pull out that superman suit. And I'm gonna go get some tit clamps painted green tomorrow. " Now it was Jack's turn. "I thought I was drained, but you know what? Even if I shoot blanks, that's gonna make me shoot before I go back to sleep."

"I gotta stop this Jack. You're making me crazy horny. Go sleep. Good luck with your boilers and whatnot tomorrow." He blew a kiss into the phone. He came very close to saying "love you," but stopped.

He slept until about 11 the next morning. He had a lunch date with Jon, and then rehearsals in the afternoon. He could get in touch with Jack before dinner. He texted "how about 6 tonight? " Jack answered back. "Sure. If you promise me 9 this weekend."

"I hate him. I JUST hate him" thought Mark.

He got ready for lunch and went down to the lobby. As he was leaving, the clerk stopped him. "Excuse me, Mr. Riley, there's a package here. Hand delivered. REALLY hot guy too," he laughed. "Thank you Martin," Martin could take that liberty because, well, Mark had been busy before he connected with Jack. He opened the package. It was 12 packages of animal crackers, and a dozen rubber ducks. "Pleasant snacking and washing. xoxoxoxoxoxo Jack" read the message.

Martin looked puzzled. "It's from the guy I'm seeing. Memories of our first two dates." "HE's your boyfriend? GEE, no wonder you tail outta here on Friday. I would too." Mark called Jon. "Hey, I'm gonna be a few minutes late. I gotta make one call." "To who? Jack?" "Uh, yeah. I'll explain when I see you."

He put the call through, and Jack answered. "I just put down half of an air conditioner, and if I can't get it up again, it's your fault," he said to Mark. "So punish me. Listen, I got your package. That was very original, and very sweet." "Aw, I'm glad you liked it. " "But why didn't you come up?" "Because I delivered it at 5:30. I didn't want to wake you." Mark smiled. "Did you take a cab?" Jack responded "I think you may have to force that answer out of me."

"It just doesn't stop" thought Mark. "Ok, I owe you. Still on for 6?" "I'm planning on 9, top man. " Jack threw a kiss in before he hung up.


"Jon, I don't know what to do. I JUST DONT KNOW WHAT TO DO." He told Jon everything that had happened, from the party forward. He showed him the package he had gotten that morning. Jon took a sip of water, and then looked Mark in the eye.

"Ok, so let me see if I understand this. I insulted him at the party. Your friends insulted him. He left without making a scene and when you called, he told you to come over and fuck him. And he told you, you weren't to blame for what your friends did. Then he started calling you Sir. Then when you told him you wanted morning blowjobs, he agreed. Then he put his hands behind his back like you wanted him to do. He asked you tie him up, and he nearly begs you to fuck him at least once a day when you're together. Then he sends you a thoughtful gift like this. OH, and let's not forget that Mr. Blue Collar goes out and gets A FUCKING ALDO SUIT to wear to your party to meet people he knew he was gonna hate. " He took another sip of water. "Mark, why are we still having this discussion. WHAT is it that you're not getting that you want? He calls you top man. He calls you Sir. He makes jokes like that one about 6 is ok if he can get 9. " Another sip of water. "Mark, I could be completely wrong, but it sounds to me like you've got everything you want. DON'T FUCK IT UP."

"I don't know Jon. It just feels, well, like it's too good to be true, and it also feels like I've been cheated."

Jon looked at Mark. "Gimme a thought. Before Jack, what do you think is the average age of the guys you've slept with." "Oh, I don't know, 30?" Jon nearly spit out his water. REALLY? Do you need new glasses? Try about 23 -24. How old do you think Martin at the hotel is. "I didn't sleep with Martin." "OH, come ON. Who do you think you are, Bill Clinton? He bragged about how he slept with a famous Broadway director for about three days. Know how old he is? 19"

"So you're telling me I like them young?" Mark, I'm telling you you've never slept with someone who knows what he wants, has a stable life, and doesn't need you, but wants you. " He leaned over and gently hit Mark on his forehead. 'WHAT ABOUT THIS ARE YOU NOT GETTING?' Mark looked down. "I don't know. I mean, I know we're only seeing each other a few weeks, but we have the two years of history. " "Yes, and he's told you he's trying to forget what you did to hurt him. Do you know how many people get that? NO ONE."

Mark looked up. "Maybe I'm suspicious. Is he trying to use me?" Jon laughed "You know, not EVERYONE is a user Mark. Maybe you just lucked out and found the last really good single man in New York."

Mark sighed. "I have a skype date with him at 6 tonight. Could you be in the room? Not so he can see you of course, but just to listen. " It was Jon's turn to sigh. "Ok, sure. But now, you're going to do some thing tonight. Let's see what happens." He leaned over and whispered something to Mark, who smiled. "Sounds good. Let's see what happens."

Back at the building , Jack was involved with training a new porter, Felix. The kid was maybe 19, and scared. He had dropped three bags of garbage already that morning, and was afraid he was going to lose this job, and get a bad recommendation. "Felix, it's not the end of the world. We all drop things. I drop things. Let's move on. If you really want to make it up to staff , offer to cover someone for an hour. Tell them you won't let me know, and let them go smoke, or play cards, or whatever. I'll turn my head. But only do it once. Don't let them take advantage of you. "I understand Mr. Jack." And tomorrow, you're gonna work with me directly. We have a refrigerator to take apart before sanitation comes to pick it up. I'll show you how we do it. "OK Mr. Jack. Thank you." Just as they were talking, a resident , a long term resident,, came down with her garbage. "Good afternoon Mrs. Maloney. I haven't seen you in a while. Let me introduce you to our new man, Felix. Felix, please help Mrs. Maloney with her garbage. " She smiled as he came over "THANK YOU Felix. I'm sorry if they're heavy. I just got busy with my stories for a few days." "No problem ma'am. Such a pleasure to meet you." As Felix walked off , she whispered "is he a keeper Jack?" "I think so Mrs. Maloney. He's a hard worker he's just green." She laughed. "NO YOU SILLY GOOSE. I mean that boy you're seeing." Jack blushed, and she smiled "Jack, there are no secrets in this building. Everything gets around. EVERYTHING." She made a prim face. "He's in theater isn't he Jack?" "Yes Mrs. Maloney, a director." "Protect yourself young man. I was married to an actor for 45 years. " She rolled her eyes "These artsy types. They have a hard time thinking beyond themselves. Make sure he doesn't mistreat you." Jack smiled. "Thank you for looking out for me Mrs. Maloney. I appreciate it." She smiled back "FELIX. " He came running "yes ma'am? " She pulled a 5 dollar bill out of her purse. "Thank you for the assist. Listen to Super Jack. You'll learn a lot." She went back up in the elevator. "She's right Mr. Jack. I already have."

At 6, Jack sat himself down in front of the computer. He had never used skype or facetime before, so he hoped he was doing it right. He hadn't cleaned up yet from work, so he was in a grubby gray t shirt, and some old painter pants. He made a fist bump in the air, when he saw Mark's face on the screen. "Hey babe," Mark smiled. "You did it." Mark smiled and got an erection right away. "How are you Sir? It's good to see you even long distance." Mark laughed. "Well, it's not THAT long distance, you know, it's just a cab ride away. " "Or a subway " ribbed Jack. Mark laughed. "How was your day? You look good." "I look dirty Sir. I was too lazy to clean up for you." "Well, if you think your shirt is dirty, take it off." "Excuse me Sir?" "I said take it off. You know I like seeing you naked." Jack blushed. "Ok Sir. No one here but me." He pulled the shirt off, and sat there for a minute. "Pinch your nips, said Mark. " "Yes sir. " He started and Mark barked. "HARDER. The way I do it." Jack tried to do what he was told. "How does it feel?" "Not as good as when you do it Sir." Mark found himself beginning to stir. "Now, I'm going to ask you something Jack. I wanna see if you can do something for me. "Yes Sir. I'll try. " "I'm gonna see you on Wednesday night, I hope." "I hope so too Sir." Well, I want you to try not to jerk off before then." Jack paused. "Is that gonna be a problem for my super super?" "No Sir, it's just, well, I can't stop thinking about you, and.... " Mark licked his lips. "Ok, I'll tell you what. Let's jerk off together. " He aimed the camera down to his crotch, and showed Jack his hard cock. "OH , Sir. I wish you were here now." "Well, just think of Wednesday. " Yes Sir." Mark began to stroke himself. Jack did too. "Pinch your nip while you do it. " "Yes sir." That went on, with dirty talk going back and forth before Jack muttered. "Sir, I can't hold it anymore.." and he began shooting all over the floor. Mark followed right after. "Know what I was thinking of super super?" "No Sir." "I was thinking of you , tied up, in a superman costume, with green nipple clamps." "Sir, you're going to make me hard again." "Well, now you'll have to wait."

"Yes sir."

"Hey, before I forget. I wonder if you want to come down and watch a rehearsal tomorrow?" There was a pause from Jack "Will there be people from the party there?" Mark grinned. "Yes, but let me just say that I've, ahem, had words with a few of them. And Amanda was there, and I promised her you'd be there. " Jack's face brightened up. "What time Sir?" "Let's say 4? We take a dinner break at 6, and I'll ask Abigail to join us. We rehearse again until about 9. Maybe you can hang out with me for an hour or so.:

"I'd love that Sir. Thank you for the invitation." "Ok, super super. I'm going to have to get back to rehearsal. But I'll be thinking of seeing you tomorrow. " "Me too Sir." Mark finished by telling Jack he should think about how things happened when they wake up in the morning. Jack's face brightened. "I understand Sir. Until then."

They broke the connection and Mark turned to Jon, who was shaking his head. DAMN I like pretty blond boys but that session made ME hard. FUCK. Why are you thinking about anything other than kidnapping this man and locking him in a dungeon or something? " Mark looked serious. "you think so? I mean , stick around tomorrow. He's the sweetest man in the world, and he clearly worships me. But.... " Jon took a deep breath. "He's not well read? He doesn't know theater? OH FOR FUCK"S SAKE MARK. KNOW WHAT? YOU DESERVE TO BE ALONE"

That took Mark back. Jon went on. "Do you think that someone isn't gonna snap him up if you don't? Listen Mark, you're gonna have to figure out what you want. And if you want Jack, then you're gonna have to ask him what he wants from you. Because he probably DOES want something. ASK. I agree with you. I don't think he has a deceitful bone in his body. He'll tell you. "

Jack began to worry about this rehearsal right away. His first worry, was what he should wear. Jack gave him no guidance, and he knew that if he showed up in a dirty t shirt and dusty jeans, Mark would be just as happy, as long as he could get to Jack's nips and ears. But there would be other people there. He didn't like to bother residents with questions like this, but he called Mrs Maloney.

Mrs. Maloney was delighted to hear from Jack. She complimented Felix again, which Jack made sure to note so he could tell him . "Mrs Maloney, I have a very stupid question" She interrupted "Now Jack. If none of your teachers ever said this, shame on them. There's no such thing as a stupid question. What's stupid is NOT asking it. After 40 plus years of teaching , I know this for sure." Jack blushed. "Well, thank you ma'am. I'm asking because your husband was an actor. My fella invited me to come and watch the show in rehearsal, and, well, I don't want to embarrass him by dressing the wrong way. Do you have any suggestions." He could hear the smile in her voice. "OH Jack. That is SUCH a sweet question. You know, it shows that you both really care for each other." "How so ma'am?" "Well, Jack, you came and asked someone so you wouldn't embarrass your 'fella' - and I love that word Jack - so old fashioned, and so you - and even moreso, you may not know this, but for actors to let you see them rehearse, well, that's like a beautiful woman asking her lover to watch her take a bubble bath." "I'm afraid I don't quite understand Mrs. Maloney. " "Oh, of course you do Jack. How many times have you heard someone say 'wait until I put on some clothes?" Well, here, he's inviting you to, essentially see them naked. They're going to make mistakes , they're going to flub lines, and THEY'RE ACTORS. They're vain. So to get to see this ... Jack, he really cares very much for you. This is a big act of trust." "So I should 'put on the ritz' Mrs. Maloney?" She laughed. "Oh, good heavens no. Let me continue with the idea of the woman in the bath tub. Would you put on a tuxedo to see her? "NO ma'am." "Of course not. It's a very informal situation. It's like my husband and I sitting around in our pajamas or eating breakfast in our robes - not that I suggest you wear a bathrobe or pajamas. I guess what I'm saying Jack, is, clean up, but don't be anything but informal. Trust me love, they will NOT be there in their Sunday Best!" "Mrs Maloney, thank you. This is so helpful." If there is something I can do for you in your apartment, please let me know." "Oh Jack! Please. I don't get many calls from young handsome men, so I'll take what I can. Just do me a favor, sweetie?" " "Ok ma'am, I'll try." "Well, if the two of you get married, please invite me. I promise not to be a mess." "Well, sure ma'am. I don't know about marriage, but I'm not a bad cook . Maybe you can meet that way." "I'll take you up on that Jack. And I don't drop the term marriage lightly. What the two of you are doing suggests: it will happen. Enjoy the rehearsal."


After work the next day, Jack looked over his closet. He smiled because he did have a pair of black jeans. "Actor black" he said. He looked at his shirts. He had a white Western style snap shirt, with pockets over each pec. He smiled. "Sort of an 'x marks the spot ' for Mark." He tried them on, looked at himself in the mirror, and headed out - to the subway. He brought some flowers for Amanda too.

He found the theater where they were rehearsing, and they let him in. Mark was in the third row, watching a scene on stage. Jack came in , very quietly . Mark was sitting on the aisle, so he sat behind him. The man was so involved in watching, and giving directions that he didn't hear Jack. When they broke , and he got up to stretch his legs, he saw Jack. "OH. When did this cowboy sneak in?" He grabbed Jack and planted a kiss on his lips. "How's my boi?" There were people around, so Jack answered "Mark, I'm real fine . Thank you for inviting me. He pointed to the flowers. "Can I give these to Abigail before they wilt. " "Oh, you're sweet on someone else. I see." Mark teased. Jack smiled and said "I figured you might be too busy to find my nips easily so I wore this shirt. She's getting flowers. You're getting those." Mark growled. "Trust me Super jack. I will have no trouble finding your nips. So, Abigail is joining us for dinner, and so is Jon. He wants to apologize to you, so please accept it. No one else. And no, we're NOT going for sushi."

Stagehands were setting up the stage for the next scene. After they moved in the props, Jack sat inside the aisle next to Mark , who put a hand on his thigh as they watched.

Jack didn't understand much of the play, but he saw something that bothered him. There was a small staircase prop that an actor was going to have to climb up. Something about it just wasn't right. Then Jack saw it: a platform had fallen out. It was not safe. He tried to get Mark's attention, but he was so intent on the words, that Jack couldn't get through. Finally, as the actor was getting close to the steps , Jack yelled. DON"T CLIMB ON THOSE STEPS. THEY'RE DANGEROUS." Mark looked at him like he was crazy, and the actors were either silent, or giggling. Jack heard "it's the bumpkin" once. Amanda was on stage. "Jack, what do you mean? " He apologized to Mark and went up on stage. "I mean, look here. there's no support. Watch what happens when I put my foot on it." He did and the whole thing crashed in a pile of wood. Mark came running onto the stage. "JACK, you just saved Tyler from some serious injury!" Jack thought "Tyler. Wonderful. Of all the people to save."

"We can go on with the rehearsal, we just won't use the stairs," Mark announced. Jack whispered to him. "Well, I can put it back together in 5 minutes if you folks can take a break. Let me just go backstage for a hammer and some nails. " Mark looked at him. "it's like the first time we met." Jack blushed, and got a woody. "Let me get away from you before I get nailed" he joked. Backstage, he found Abigail and a few other actors. Tyler was one of them. "I suppose I should be thanking you," he said. Jack didn't even look up. "nope. No need. " He paused and then said "ever hear the expression 'leopards don't change their spots, Tyler? I probably would have called out the danger anyway, but if I had known you were the one going upstairs, this trailer trash probably would've kept his blue collar mouth shut or at least thought twice about saying anything. " He walked onstage with the hammer, the nails, and the wood and in a few minutes he had the prop rebuilt. "It's not perfect, and the union is gonna kill me, but it'll work. " He brought the tools backstage, said "excuse me Sir" to Tyler, and started back to the seats. Abigail stopped him "Jack... " he turned around, and made a big smile. "HEY. ABIGAIL. How are you pretty lady?" He gave her a big kiss on the cheek. "Oh, I'm fine. And Jack, I am so proud of you for pinning back Tyler's ears like that." Jack smiled. "I woulda rather done it with a staple gun, but it'll do. I better get back to Mark. Talk at dinner? "You bet."

Back in his seat, Mark turned to Jack. "I should've said this earlier, but I think I love you. No , in fact, I think I love you more than I did yesterday, and that's a high bar." He gave Jack a kiss. "Are you SURE you can't stay too late tonight?" Jack smiled. "We'll have to see."


The actors broke for a quick dinner at about 6, and Abigail , Mark and Jack met up. Mark had grabbed Jack's hand while they were chatting waiting for Jon. When he showed up , he shook Jack's hand and asked if he could have a few minutes alone with Jack. Mark shook his head at Abigail and they walked off. Jack folded his arms in a defensive way. "Ok Jon you wanted a few words. Say what you gotta say. And just sit as far away from me at dinner as possible." Jon looked down. "Jack, you're absolutely right to feel that way. I was an asshole, and I apologize. I guess, well, I'm a little in love with Mark myself, and a whole lot of jealous of you, and Mark and I have worked on so many productions together, that I feel like he's my big brother. Again, I'm really sorry."

The comment about the little brother reminded Jack of his Jamie. He looked at Jon. "you know, when you put it that way, I can't be angry. I have someone in my life who I think of as a little brother . Haven't seen him since I came to NY, but I miss him every day. " He paused. "We big brothers gotta take care of the young'uns." Jon laughed. "Again, I'm sorry. I hope you don't still think I'm an asshole after dinner tonight. " Jack laughed. "We'll see."

They went to dinner at a Mexican place. Jack had told Mark that guacamole was one of his favorite foods, and he had a fair amount of it that night. "I didn't even stain my shirt," that's a big plus," he said they walked back to the theater. After the second rehearsal Mark and Jack walked back alone, so Jack put his hands behind his back. It was downtown, so Mark had no hesitation about putting his hand on Jack's ass. "So, you remember what I told you? " "Yes sir. All ready. " They got to the hotel, and Martin was working a night shift. "Oh hello Jack, Mr. Riley. Nice to see you both. "Likewise Martin. Have a good night, " Jack called out.

Jack's familiarity with the workers got to Mark somewhat. He was going to have to punish him for that. Maybe tonight. "So, about those guides to your nips.." He turned to Jack. "Who needs them?" He began unsnapping Jack's shirt in the elevator. It was late in the day so his beard had grown in a bit, and he began scruffing Jack's nips. Jack began to moan almost immediately. As they got off the elevator, Jack tried to take Mark's hand. "I didn't tell you to get out of position." You're right. Sorry Sir. " They got to the hotel room, and Mark shoved Jack down on the bed right away, pinning him again. He worked on the nips, chewing so hard, he began to hurt Jack. "I'm sorry sir, but OUCH. " Mark looked at Jack. "You deserve it. " and got back to the thorough work. "But, what did I do, Sir? " "YOU DON'T TALK TO STAFF THAT WAY" "But Sir, I AM staff." Mark looked down on him tenderly. "Jack, when you're here, you're a guest, not staff. He smiled . "And when you're in my room, you're a BOTTOM. Not any bottom, but MY bottom. " "Yes Sir. And I have a morning task to do. " "DAMN RIGHT YOU DO AND I'VE BEEN WAITING SINCE MORNING FOR YOU TO GET IT DONE.' He opened his jeans. The length and girth of his cock suggested he was telling the truth. TAKE CARE OF THAT. NOW. " "Yes Sir," Jack answered, and he got to work. "Sir, it might be easier for me to take it all in, if you sat on the bed. " Mark sneered. "He's learning. He's going to make a fine slave." He began to pump his hips, getting closer, and closer, to cumming. This time, he didn't pull Jack's head away, and he flooded Jack's throat with his jizz, something that hadn't happened to Jack for twenty years. He wasn't sure he liked it. Mark looked at him. "go spit out whatever's left in your mouth then get out here." "Yes Sir. " Jack found some mouthwash. When he came out, Mark was sitting on a chair. "Get over here. You did something today that needs to be punished. "What'd I do Sir?" Well, I'll forgive talking to staff, but I did NOT tell you you could take your hands from behind your back. Maybe you'll remember after a spanking." "And maybe I won't so I get another one," thought Jack. Mark put him over his knee and got to work. He clearly was getting into it. Jack could feel him getting hard again. But then, so was he. "Sir, Sir, can we stop? I think I'm gonna cum, and, well, I don't have a change of clothes." Mark smiled. "You still have your clothes here from the party, super stud." OH YEAH. I forgot about those. " "But that's ok, cause... GET ON THE BED. face up." "Yes Sir." Mark began edging Jack, and went on for about 30 minutes before he let him jizz. And it was a big one. "Please Sir, a hug before I go?" "Hugs a plenty I got. "Mark answered.

"Sir, can I ask you something?" Mark looked at him. "Sure. I think I know what you're gonna ask, but go ahead. " "Well, were you serious about what you said in the theater." Mark was coy "About what Jack?" Jack blushed "Well, about loving me?" Mark looked at him. "I was very serious. I don't think I've ever loved anyone more." Jack looked at him. "Well, Sir, I can't be dishonest with you. I have Jamie in my life, and I don't want to start making decisions like that, but hell, I sure love you. " The two of them kissed for a long time, before Jack picked up his clothes to go. "I'll see you at my place tomorrow, Sir? " "Sure will. Take a cab. Your pants are stained. And it's late.

In the back seat of the cab, Mark smiled all the way home. Rafe' gave him a thumbs up as he got in the elevator. It was late for him: almost 11. He fell asleep happy. That was happening a lot these days.

Next: Chapter 10

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