Bottom to Top to Sub

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Mar 21, 2023


Mark was in that room for about an hour. It was, in fact, a discussion about finances. The people he was with had just pledged nearly a million dollars to the play. It was contingent on it getting done for this season, so Mark was going to have to work harder. He could do it. He left the room, to find Jack and to celebrate. He didn't see him. Jon saw him first.

"Your boy is quite a character. I can see your dilemma." Mark smiled. "He's great isn't he. Have you seen him? " Jon looked around "why, no. I saw him on the line for a drink, and I didn't see him after that. "

Mark went looking . Where was Jack? In a way, he hoped he would find him in some compromising position, so that he could punish him. Jack was nowhere to be found.

Tyler came up to him "Tyler, so good to see you." Tyler looked upset. "Mark, I'm so sorry. Jack heard us. " "He heard you? What did he hear? " Tyler looked like he was going to cry "He heard us wonder if he had dirt under his nails, call him trailer trash, wonder about his dick size, and if he'd take a blow job from Greg or I." Mark's face blanched. "You know, Jack is the BEST thing that has happened to me since I don't know when. If you scared him off." He saw Abigail. She stopped him "Mark, you know, your boy was having a great talk with Cooper, but then, he left.

"Did he seem angry?" "No, he was a gentleman. All the way. Gave me a kiss on the way out, thanked me for talking to him, and then just left. I think he said "I've already stayed too long. "

"FUCK" thought Mark. "FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK" He found Jon again. "he left." "Forever?" "I don't know. Certainly for tonight." Jon looked at his watch. "Well, it's late enough that you can leave without it being an insult. Go find him. If he'll have you." "You think he will?" Jon smiled. "Probably not. And then the animal can come out."

"FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK" Mark kept on thinking. He left the building and pulled out his phone, to see if there was a text from Jack. Nothing. He called his hotel. No, no one had seen Jack come back. He called Jack at home, fully expecting that he wouldn't answer the phone.

"Hello? came Jack's sweet voice. "Jack, it's Mark." "Yes, I recognized the number. How is the party." "Well, it's not fun anymore because you're not here." Jack laughed "Oh, I doubt my being there made it fun or not fun. When are you coming by?" Mark began thinking "HUH?????" "Uh, you want me to come by. "If you want to. We had planned to spend the weekend together, and I'm just watching movies I've seen before and eating Oreos. You can come by any time you want. " "Jack... Jack. I'm I'm..." "Tell me you're in a cab and you're coming by, ok? We'll talk when you get here. I'll make coffee." Mark wasn't sure, but he thought Jack blew him a kiss into the phone.

He grabbed a cab, and got frustrated every time they stopped for a red light. He began texting Jack. "I miss you. " "I'm horny thinking about you," but Jack didn't answer. SHIT. He thought "maybe THIS was gonna be the fight when he took total control. He got to the building, and Rafe' was working. "Hi Rafe' I'm sorry. I'll owe you two espressos tomorrow. "Oh, it's ok Mr. Mark. It's too late for espresso anyway. Mr. Jack said you can go up whenever you got here." Mark ran to the elevator, and cursed it for going slow. He got to Jack's apartment. The door was open, and he could hear the tv. He knocked "It's open Mark. " And he walked in. Jack was on the sofa, in an old rock band t shirt, and some ratty shorts. He was, to Mark, the hottest man in the world.

"Want some cookies?" Jack pointed to the Oreos on the table. "They're bad for me, but I couldn't stomach the food at the party. You shoulda warned me it was gonna be sushi."

"Jack.. Jack..." Mark covered his face. "I'm so sorry. " Jack sat up. "Why are you sorry, Mark? You didn't do anything. You didn't say those hateful words. "I know, I know," Mark said, " But... I put you in a position where you got hurt. " Jack laughed. "Know what Mark? You didn't put me in that position. I could have stayed home. I deal with crap like that every day of my life. Have for years. After a while, you realize it's gonna be a little sting that's gonna go away in a while. And it will. I met two people there tonight who were great. Some guy named Cooper." Mark smiled. "Yes, old man Cooper. He actually left a check for 200k because he liked you." "Well, that's nice. If it's for me, can I have it?" Mark laughed "No, it's not for you. Who else did you meet. "Oh, I met that lady Abigail. And she IS a lady. I hope you give her a big part in your play. "

Mark was silent. "You're not angry with me?" Jack smiled. "Do you think I would have let you into the apartment if I were angry? I'm not angry. If anything, I'm somewhat relieved to know that this is something I can expect from these people. Maybe eventually I'll get it from you, I don't know. If I do, I'll send you packing. What I learned tonight, to be honest, Mark, is that I'm going to have to choose VERY carefully before I spend time with the people you know. These actors are no different from anyone else. Maybe they're worse. But tomorrow, they STILL won't know how to fix their coffee pots, or how to change a tire, and I will. And tomorrow, for all their education, they're all still looking for jobs, and I'm gonna be safe and warm with a good bank account. So much for my dirty nails and my trailer trash background".

Again, Mark was silent and stunned. "After what you went through...", and Jack just said "you know, you actors are too dramatic. I said I'd go to your party, I did. And you promised me five fantasies. Now, tonight is not one of them. What tonight has to be about, is you letting me forget about this party, and the way you're going to do that... is make me think about other things." He got up, went over to Mark, and put his lips on his. "Take me to bed. Do what you do so well. Make me think of now, and not an hour ago." Then Jack walked off to the bedroom "Either come in, or close the door to the apartment when you leave. Your choice."

"WHAT. DO. I. DO. WITH. HIM." Mark was thinking. "He's like steel, and a breeze. " He walked into the bedroom, and there was Jack, smiling, face up on the bed. "Yes . or No?" Mark smiled. "Yes. damn it. Yes." He got out of his "party clothes" as he called them as fast as he could. Then he pinned down Jack's arms, and began teasing his nipples through his t shirt. "Kryptonite" he whispered into Jack's ear. "Kryptonite for my super super. " "fuck yes, and I'm hooked on it, Sir." Jack began to moan, as Mark moved his mouth to his ear and neck. "OH SHIT. How did you learn so many ways to turn me on you big stud?" Mark didn't answer. He just shoved his tongue down Jack's throat. "Someone wanted to give you a blow job?" Jack laughed. "I KNOW. How much of a bottom could HE be?" Mark growled "I don't care. I got the bottom I want" Jack whispered. "then take it you fucking stud." Mark grinned. "Not yet, you sexy boy. Not yet. He found his tie, and yanked Jack's wrists together and tied them with it. "NOW we can have some fun. He began working on Jack's nips again. "OH SHIT. Your beard. Your fucking beard Sir. Chew them please. Chew them. OH YES..." Jack began to moan, as Mark hooked his finger in the old shorts he was wearing. "where the fuck did you get these?" Jack laughed. "I'll tell you later. They're not mine. " Mark growled. "Oh, really? You've got another man's shorts? WHO? WHO'S BEEN SNIFFING AROUND MY MAN?" He began tickling Jack and it didn't take long. "No, no, please stop sir. please. I didn't want to tell you because I thought it would make you angry. " He paused. "They're Jamie's shorts. I took them with me because, well, when I was lonely, I thought I could smell him in them." "DAMN, thought Mark. WHAT DOES THIS MAN DO TO MY HEART?' "I'll throw them away if you want. I'm yours now. " Mark looked at him sternly. DON'T YOU DARE. And began tickling him again. NO NO NO HA HA HA HA. Please please. Fuck me. Fuck me sir. Please."

Every time Jack called him Sir seemed to make Mark a little harder. He was absolutely rigid when he pulled Jack's legs over his shoulders. "Tomorrow. Central Park. " Jack smiled "Yes sir. With my hands behind my back." Mark slid his cock into Jack. Had he become a sub, or was he still "just" his bottom? "OH SIR. YES. TAKE MY ASS. PLEASE. PLEASE TAKE ME. I'M SO HORNY FOR YOU. ' Mark fell on top of Jack while he was fucking him, and buried his tongue back down his throat again. He just wanted to take this man forever. He pulled his tongue out. "Gonna get you a superman costume, studboi." Jack flashed him an evil grin. "I already have one. " Mark had a vision of his man in a superman costume, tied down, with his cock inside him. It was more than he could take, and the jizz started flowing. Jack followed shortly after that. They kissed for about five minutes, before Mark said "I"ll NEVER do that to you again Jack. I promise." Jack laughed. "If you're not gonna fuck me again, then get the hell out of this house." Mark hugged him, and soon, he could hear the rhythmic sound of Jack sleeping. As far as he could tell, Jack had processed the bad stuff from the night to a place he couldn't reach. Things seemed fine. But now, Mark needed to balance this man - his boyfriend? his lover? his bottom? his sub? - his friends - and his ultimate dream of conquest. Had he won already and didn't know it? He fell asleep too, but his sleep was not nearly as untroubled as was Jack's.

Anyone who was watching the two of them sleep, would notice the differences immediately . Jack slept, well, like a baby. That night, he was thinking about the party, and more generally, how he had gotten to where he was with Mark. The party HAD been a bad idea. He knew that he and Mark were going to talk about it on Sunday - they had to, because if they had a future, there was going to have to be a compromise. Jack was going to have to navigate Mark's friends, vicious as they were, and Jack did expect Mark to make some accommodation for him, given how agreeable and passive he was.

How had he become so passive? How had he let Mark just take so much control? It was hard to say. Mark HAD been his first, for sure. But also, when people saw Mark, with his thicker, "dad body" as some would say, his demeanor as a blue collar guy, they made assumptions. Mark didn't. Mark just came in and took what he wanted. Even dreaming about that, gave Jack a thrill - one that ran right through his dick. He didn't understand why. Maybe it was because he felt he should have been more aggressive in taking Jamie to New York. He would have made it work. But when he saw how in love Jamie was with the boarding house, and with Cora, and with the sense of stability it gave him, he couldn't. It would have been too mean. Did that choice mean he had given up his right to be a topman? He didn't feel as if he "gave up" anything. He didn't just LIKE everything Mark was doing to him: he LOVED it. He loved being manhandled, being overpowered, however it happened, and then that glorious feeling when Mark fucked him. He couldn't get enough of it. He wished their schedules overlapped more, and that there weren't all those people in the way of he and Mark being happy.

Mark's sleep, less placid, was also filled with dreams. Those dreams did lead to Mark smiling: he never realized how much he wanted this man back, until he had a chance to get him back. Now he had him. And that was the problem. He was geared for a fight, a struggle, where he would fight dirty to get what he wanted. The only thing he really needed to do was to figure out how to get to Mark, and how to kiss him. Really, once that had happened, the fight was over. On one level , Mark had won, but since Jack didn't seem to feel he had lost, well, had he? Mark was used to taking what he wanted, usually forcing it. That wasn't happening here, and it was maddening for a man who was very aggressive, and very demanding. He, too, wanted to talk more about the Saturday night. He really thought the evening was going to end with him banging on the door, and screaming, or him with his arms around a sobbing, broken Jack. Instead, he got an open door and his "boyfriend" - was he his boyfriend - begging him to fuck him. He got the result he desired, just not the way he wanted it. He needed to talk to Jon again.

Jack began to stir. One thing Mark was having a real hard time handling, was Jack's "early to bed and early to rise" philosophy. He had told Mark that the job called for it, which it did but he had never really been a late sleeper. He wasn't a night person- Jack really liked being in the sunshine. If you asked him what his favorite part of the day was, he would tell you it was a tie between sunrise and sunset. So as Jack began making motions to get up , Mark pulled him back into him. He was going to try something this morning , as part of his campaign to be more aggressive.

"Where do you think you're going, stud?" Jack tried to push Mark's arm off from around his middle. "We left the tv on last night. I was gonna get up and shut it."

"You coming back?" "You want me to?" "Damn right." Jack paused. "Ok Sir." Now, Mark didn't know where all the Sirs were coming from, but he liked it. Jack came back from the living room, and Mark was reclining in bed, leaning on an arm. "I hate getting up early, but you know what I hate more?" "What's that Mark?" "Having to get out of bed with a hard on. TAKE CARE OF IT. GET YOUR MOUTH ON IT." Jack's eyes opened a little, then he answered. "OK Sir." He got down on the lower part of the bed, and covered Mark's cock with his mouth. As much of it as he thought he could. Mark shoved his head down to take the rest of it. "OH YES. You do this so well. You remember what your teacher taught you." Jack moved back and down on Mark's cock. He missed doing this. As younger men, Mark had insisted on almost daily blow jobs, and Jack had given them. If Mark knew about Jack's nipple hot spots, Jack knew about a small spot on Mark's cock that he could tongue, very lightly, and drive Mark crazy. He did it now.

OH FUCK YOU REMEMBERED. KEEP AT IT. " Mark couldn't see Jack's smile as he made slurping noises, covered Mark's cockhead with his mouth, and simply went to town on Mark's dick. Mark never gave much warning before he came, and he didn't this time either. One minute Jack was sucking, and the next minute, his face was covered with jizz. Mark had pulled out. He didn't want Jack swallowing yet. He grabbed Jack and smiled. "Don't clean up your face, now yet. I want you here, with me." He leaned in to kiss Jack. When he finished, Jack asked "every morning Sir." "Was there any doubt? If I'm here, we wake up that way. Don't forget it. "I won't sir. Is it ok if I clean up? " Mark hugged him, saying nothing. Was he dreaming all of this?

They cleaned up, and had some breakfast at Jack's table. Over second coffees, Mark covered Jack's hand. "You know, I really expected you were gonna tell me to go home, or stick around with my friends, or something. I didn't expect to get invited back."

Jack blushed. "Well, it kinda was an order, wasn't it?" He laughed. " At the risk of repeating myself, y ou know, Mark, fair is fair. I went into this, fully expecting these people to be cruel. You think I'm not used to it? Someday, you should sit in the lobby and just listen to some of the things these "fine people" say about their "smart but simple" building guy. "Yeah, that's a phrase I hear a lot. "Smart but simple." Or "Too bad he didn't finish college." and so on and so forth. Before people heard I was gay, I'd hear things like "So, you must be dating some secretary or grocery clerk" or something like that. No one ever asked if I were dating a lawyer." He squeezed Mark's hand. "or an actor, or a director or anything else. When you get used to people thinking you're just not good enough, you either believe it, or you just decide it's not universal, and you look for the good people. Last night I had Cooper and Amanda. Honestly Mark, that's two more than I usually get. It was fine. But I really didn't want to be there. I wanted to find Cooper and Abigail and take everybody to a bar or something. That didn't happen. " Mark smiled. "I can try to make it happen." "I'd like that Mark. Even one at a time. Organizing three is hard. " He paused. "Mark, there's no question. I love what we're doing. I love how you're taking control. I'm so tired of having to be in charge, so giving it up to you, well, how do I put it? It's hot. You know what drives me nuts. I love that too. " He paused. "But I think I know you'd never hurt me. Maybe because you're a good person, maybe because you're scared, maybe neither of t hose, shit I don't know. But I realize you know that if you hurt me, you WOULD be gone. Last night... tell me something Mark, seriously: would yelling at you have taken back those nasty words? Would it have meant you were gonna put those people in their place? WHAT was going to come of my being angry? NOTHING. NOTHING at all. So I store it away. I put it in a place where, someday, I may be able to draw on it. Someplace where I know it's not going to impact how I feel about you."

There had been many times over the last few weeks where Mark's hard had nearly split in half. This monologue - there was no other way to put it - from a man who really wasn't much of a talker, and who accepted the description of himself as "simple," came close to shattering that heart. The young enthusiastic kid had turned into this deep thinker, who was handsome, and kind and competent, and, well, wanted him the way no one had before.

"Jack, all I can say is I'm really, REALLY sorry you heard those things. And I will do my level best to not expose you to that venom again."

"Mark, look, if we're going to be together, I'm going to have to learn to deal with folks like that. " He smiled. "You're doing better dealing with my boys Rafe' and Ramon, than I am with yours, but you know, that's because I'm helping, whether you know it or not. How well I do with your friends is gonna depend on you AND me. Trust me, please. " He squeezed Mark's hand again. "Now, remember, you owe me five fantasies. What you just had me do in bed was one of them, so since I didn't ask, it doesn't count. But I'm going to ask you for one now.

Mark began to stir and he smiled. "You wanted to suck me off in bed. " Jack blushed. "That was part of it Mark. I love the idea of sucking your cock. Think about it for a minute. When you trust me to suck your cock, YOU'RE really the one giving up control. You have NO idea if I'm going to 'have an accident' and bite, or just grab it and break it. Who's the top then?" "DAMN. He's RIGHT, Mark thought" "But it's not about control for me I LOVE giving up control . You gave orders. DAMN, I LOVE it when you tell me what to do sexually. I LOVE it when I know you are TOTALLY in charge and you know it Giving it up isn't enough if someone doesn't take it. You take it. I LOVE THAT."

Mark was smiling more. "I can push that envelope some more. But tell me what fantasy is on your mind today."

One of the things Mark loved about Jack was that he seemed to have no shame. He didn't even blush as he told him. "I would love you to tie me down on the bed. Naked, spread eagled, gagged. And then just edge me. Not for minutes. For hours. Bringing me right there, and then dropping me down. Showing me how you control every inch of my body."

"He's fucking making me hot and he just blew me. I thought I was in control, you bastard," Mark was thinking. "You want it now?" Jack smiled. "NO. Right now, I want to get dressed, I want to go out with my boyfriend, I want to show him my favorite parts of Central Park, maybe kiss near the lake. And I want to process everything slowly because I know that I won't see you for a few days, and that is just going to drive me crazy.

Mark had a thought. "Do you have skype, or facetime, or anything like that?

"What are those things Mark? I may have heard of them." "Smart but simple. " Mark thought "let's add "and sexy as hell." While Jack watched, Mark installed the apps on his phone and computer. Then he smiled and kissed him. "It's not the same, but now, we can see each other instead of just talking. " Jack smiled. "You mean, if I say "I miss your dick, " you can show me?" "Not only can I show you, I can bring myself off for you.:

"NO. Don't do that. I mean, I don't want you not to jerk off. But I don't want to see it. It'll make me sad that I'm not doing it. Seeing you, hearing you tell me what to do, what you're gonna do to me, fuck, my nights are gonna get much more interesting. "

And Mark was thinking "so are mine, sweetheart. So are mine."

They got cleaned up, and began to get ready for the Park. "Mark, can I ask you to do something?" "Sure, sexy, what's that?" "Well, since I'm going to be with you, and you have the sense of style, can you pick what you want me to wear?"

Now THIS was another thing that Mark wasn't expecting. In all of his relationships, he had never pushed his control to dressing his men. Here, Jack was ASKING him to do that. If he didn't control himself, Jack was gonna get his fantasy now, and triple time. "Hmmm. Let's see." Mark was also thinking " a shopping trip is in order," and he picked out a seafoam colored buttondown, a pair of off white chinos , and a clean pair of blue sneakers. "I took an extra sweater when I brought my stuff over, so you can take that. " Mark smiled. "You're too muscular to really fit in it, but you can drape it. " Jack smiled, and got dressed. The shirt was just a little too small, but that did Mark just fine. He put on what Jack called his "artist black" clothes: a turtleneck, black cords, and out they went.

Half a block from the building, Mark grabbed Jack's hand. "Sir, if you hold my hand, which I don't mind one bit, I can't put them behind my back." Mark laughed. "I think we can switch back and forth super jack. I'll tell you when." "Ok Sir." In the bit of a walk to the park, Mark asked. "Jack, I'm not imagining things. Are you giving up more control to me." Jack blushed. "Yes sir. I am. I like it." Mark grinned. "I do too. Can I ask why?" "Well, the more I do, the more I seem to like it, and if I can just comment, you become a much more enthusiastic lover when I yield on things."

"FUCK. He's got me figured out. I have to talk to Jon tomorrow." "Let me just be clear, Mark," Jack had dropped the sir. "I really, REALLY want you to take control of our sex life, our love life, whatever you want to call it. But don't try it with my work life, or with my relationship with Jamie, or anyone else. I'll call you Sir in the bedroom and when we're together. I'm not going to call you Sir in front of your friends." Hmmmm. Mark had to process this. "Can I ask why about that Jack?" "Because the way I look at it, I belong to you, sexually. I don't belong to you socially, and I don't belong to your friends. I more than like you. I can barely stand most of your friends." WELL, ok, then...

When they got to the park, Mark let go of Jack's hands, and Jack immediately put them behind his back. Mark smiled and put his hand on Jack's neck. "Do you have any idea how much you're turning me on?" Jack smiled. "We're still visiting the park, Sir."

Jack wanted to go and see the pond. "I think I know most of the ducks, Sir. I gave most of them names. I forgot to bring bread with me today, so I'll have to make a trip during the week, but I've been feeding them since I came to NY. "You feed the ducks?" "nearly every day. " Jack walked over to a corner. He dropped his voice. "SHHHH. Look through those rushes." He pointed. "See that? That's a nest for Martha and George. Mark tried to hold his laugh, but he couldn't. Jack looked hurt. "What's funny?" Mark dropped his voice. "I'll tell you in a minute. It's not you. Let's see them." They were nestled on the nest. Jack whispered "I think there are two, maybe three eggs underneath. If you can come back in about a month, you'll meet their kids. " He turned Jack around. "I hope you'll take me," and he kissed Jack sweetly."

As they walked away, Jack asked. "Sir, what was funny about what I said," Mark needed a minute to remember. OH. Martha and George. Why did you pick those names? "I don't know, I think it's because there was a husband and wife fighting in the building lobby one day, and I heard another person walk by whisper "shut up Martha and George," and when those two ducks go at it, they sound just like the couple." Mark laughed some more. He grabbed Jack and held him tight. "You are just so precious." He told him about the play "Who's Afraid of Virginia Wolf." Jack shrugged his shoulders "Ok. I don't think I'd like it. People are yelling at each other all the time. Why do I need to pay money to see it in a theater? Oh well."

At the entrance of the park, he stopped and looked at Mark. "Sunday afternoon is kinda ending soon. Do we have time to do my fantasy?" Mark smiled. "It's all planned. As of right now, you're my captured spy."

"Well, you're not going to get any information out of me," Jack answered. Mark adapted his evil laugh. "We'll see. We'll see.."

Back at the apartment, he ordered Jack to undress and get on the bed. Jack's cock was already rigid. He secured restraints at each corner. Jack was helpless. Then he grabbed the duct tape and covered his mouth. "Now, you're gonna stay like that until I see you shake your head that you're gonna give up. Jack was getting into it. He pushed at the ropes and got "FUCK YOU" out well enough to be heard. Mark snickered. "We'll see who's gonna fuck who.." and he stroked Jack's cock just once. Jack moaned.

So, not willing to give up, even if I do this..." Mark went for Jack's nipples first . Tied down, and not able to squirm or do anything to fend him off, Jack could just moan. He DID want to give up, but not just yet. "Gonna talk?" Mark asked, and Jack shook his head no. "OK.. Let's see what we can do next. Hmmm. Beautiful feet. I'll be right back. " Mark went into the bathroom and came back with a hairbrush, and the electric toothbrush. "Now, let's see. " He looked at Jack. "I haven't done this before. You game." Jack mmmphed out a yes. Mark began moving the brush over each of Jack's soles. No one had ever tickled Jack's feet before, and the sensation nearly drove him crazy. He bucked at the restraints, which didn't move. He tried to scream to Mark to stop. That didn't work either. Then when Mark added the toothbrush, he nearly blacked out. Again, he wanted to just submit, but... the edging. The edging.

No one could ever say Mark wasn't an attentive lover, and he knew. It was time. He began to slowly stroke Jack's cock, back and forth. The moans coming out of Jack became more desperate. Mark was clearly experienced at this. He brought Jack right to the edge, more than once, then let him back down again. He moved his fingers under Jack's balls, and scratched those gently, while he edged his man. The moans became more high pitched, then almost silent. Mark knew. . He smiled and looked at Jack. "You give?" There was a pause, and then a shake of the head in assent. "Ok, handsome, I'm gonna take off the gag. You better tell me what I want to hear."

The tape got pulled off, and Jack gasped out. "FUCK ME SIR. PLEASE. I'M YOURS. FUCK ME. FUCK ME HARD." Mark was smiling. "Jack baby, you are just so fucking hot, and this was so great. But I'm gonna head out and leave you here." The look of terror on Jack's face was almost funny. "Oh, studbunny. You think I'd do that, with you laying there so inviting"

Jack looked at him. "Please Mark. Don't ever say you're gonna leave me ever. Please. " Mark had hit a nerve. He just wasn't sure what it was. "Let's get these killer legs in the air. Hey, you know what, I just realized, I've never done something to you which I've been told I do very well." After he got Jack's legs up, he dived in and began rimming him thoroughly.

OH MY GOD. OH MY GOD. SHIT. I remember when I last got that. You're so GOOD Mark. Oh please, please. Don't stop." Mark looked at him. "What? You don't want my cock?" "NO NO I DO. I want them both. Please please. OH SHIT. OH SHIT. I GOTTA WORK TOMORROW BUT I DON'T WANT THIS TO STOP PLEASE PLEASE." Mark could see that his lover was ready. He pulled out his condom. "I'll be back later in the week. For now..." He began sliding in VERY slowly. The rimming had gotten Jack really ready for his cock, and he took him completely. "Oh... Oh Mark. MY GOD. OH MY GOD." The edging was so thorough that Jack shot immediately. Mark was ready too, and he jizzed fully.

"Mark... please... I know, I know, but... can we just cuddle for a little while before you leave? " Mark looked down at Jack. "I wouldn't have it any other way." He released the restraints and Jack grabbed him. Mark thought. "I can't forget how strong this boy is," as he got pulled down onto the bed. Playfuflly, Jack rolled on top of him. "How you like those apples topman?" Mark was laughing. "Try it all you want. The minute I get a tooth on your nip, you're dead super bottom" Jack rolled off. "you're right. And I like it MUCH better when you're on top of me." While they were cuddling, Jack fell asleep. Mark looked down at this beautiful, sleeping man. He was near tears. "I have no idea what I'm going to do with you sweet Jack. None. " He kissed Jack on the forehead, and picked up his stuff. He needed to leave, and Jack needed to sleep. It was nearly 10. He gave Jack another kiss on his forehead. This time, Jack stirred a little and smiled.

Mark let himself out . He'd call Jack tomorrow, after he had a chat with Jon.

Next: Chapter 9

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