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By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Mar 20, 2023


Next morning, Jack gave a call to one of the building residents. Aldo ran his own, very successful tailoring business. A very nice man, Aldo used to look at Jack and just shake his head. He'd be good humored about it, but he'd always say something like "Jackie. Just give me 2 hours. and 1000. I will dress you like a king." It was a running joke for them. If Jack and Aldo were in the lobby at the same time, Aldo would say something about something Jack was wearing, and Jack always smiled and sassed back. It had been about a year ago, that Aldo was having his apartment painted, just before a party he was giving. Halfway through the job, the painters had disappeared, leaving Aldo with an apartment in disarray, and half painted walls. Jack went by, every afternoon, and finished the job. He waited for Aldo to come home, and then he'd move the furniture back where Aldo wanted it (Jack would pretend that he needed Aldo's help with the lifting, and he did fool Aldo into thinking Jack couldn't do it himself). He wouldn't accept money for the job, so Aldo, through broken English, offered a blow job. Jack had laughed and shook his head no. "Aldo, I'm flattered, but maybe another time. I'm tired and I smell like paint. "Ok Jackie, but I owe you one." Jack intended to collect on that promise.

"Aldo, Jack from the building, am I disturbing you?" "JACKIE!!!! How ARE you? Is there something wrong? Is there a leak? Gas? I KNEW IT. I forgot to turn off the stove this morning..." Jack was laughing . "No Aldo, nothing like that. I'm calling because I need a favor, if you could." "CERTO Jackie. CERTO. What can I do?" "Well, Aldo, this is terribly short notice. I'm supposed to go to a formal event this weekend, and I need a suit." Aldo interrupted "Oh Jackie. I am flattered by your trust, but even Aldo cannot make a suit in two days!" "No, no Aldo, I understand that. I was just wondering if there was anything around the shop that maybe hadn't been claimed, and might fit me. Could I come in this afternoon and look.?"

'OH JACKIE. OF COURSE. MY MISUNDERSTANDING. YES YES YES. We have so many, how do you say in English, "floor samples," that we could have something for you. And if it doesn't fit, we can fix that maybe." "Also, you're wonderful. Tell me when you need your next paint job." Aldo paused "Is this for that guy who's been coming by?"

"You've seen him, Aldo?" "Oh YES. Aldo sees everything, especially anyone who his Jackie thinks is special. Is he treating you well, Jackie?" Jack blushed "Thank you, Aldo, he is. Very well." "Well, make sure he keeps treating you well, because if he doesn't... Aldo knows how to use a needle. " Jack laughed. "Oh, I may take you up on that after this party. When should I come by?" Also was beaming "Jackie, please come by NOW if you can. The more time the better."

Jack checked to see if the building was in good order. It was, everything seemed fine, so he walked the five blocks to Aldo's. It was a private shop, so he had to buzz to get in. Aldo met him with a hug - and capuccino.

"JACKIE JACKIE. BUON GIORNO. I am so glad that you are here. For someone with a build like you to wear Aldo's clothes. It is an honor. " Jack blushed as he drank some of the wonderful coffee. "Well, thank you Aldo, but if I drank this every day, I might be looking for a beach ball." "OH Jackie! You Americans. You know nothing about pleasure." Jack thought to himself "hmm. Not sure about that." "Now come, now come. Let us see what Aldo has.

Jack had never been fitted for a suit before. He had always bought his right off the rack, and didn't wear them often enough to be all that concerned about how they look. "Hmmm. Big shoulders. Bigger than I'm used to." Jack was thinking "sounds like Mark," and had to stop before he embarrassed himself. Let us see... AH. Try on this jacket." He handed Jack a grey suit coat, with a very fine, light blue pattern going through it. "Now... Hmmm. Yes, yes. A little big in the shoulders, but Aldo fixes that. Button please." Jack sucked in his gut, and that just about did it, for closing the coat. "Oh, that is a problem." Jack looked at Aldo. "What if I promise not to button it? It's an actor's party." "OH, Jackie. This is PERFECT. NO ONE buttons a jacket at those things. It is fine. Absolutely fine. Now, let us try on the pants, and then we accessorize.

"Accessorize Aldo? What do you mean? " "OH, we need a shirt, and we need a tie. " Jack hadn't thought about that. "Ok, in for a nickle, in for a dime." Aldo looked confused "My clothes aren't cheap Jackie," and Jack laughed "no no, signore. It's an American expression . It means if you do it at all, do it 100%."

'ESATTO" Aldo nodded in agreement. "That is why we are friends Jackie. Because we both agree. How do you say? "all out?" Jack laughed "I think you mean "all in."

He tried on the pants and Aldo made some adjustments. "Now Jackie, tailors say "the suit is the frame, the shirt is the picture. So now, we go look. You have the frame. What picture do you want?" Jack was puzzled. He always just bought his shirts on sale. He found his size, picked the colors he liked, paid and left. Aldo, however, showed him a HUGE assortment of colors, and styles, he had never seen before.

"European cut? No no. No good for you. You have too many muscles. But here. The American selection..." Jack went over, and looked back and forth. He couldn't make up his mind, but he kept on coming back to a blue shirt, with a broad, charcoal stripe through it. He pointed. "What do you think Aldo?" and Aldo was smiling. "that is my favorite one Jackie. Yes. Please try it on." Jack stripped to his t shirt, and put it on. "OH, Jackie. You must look in the mirror. Look at what it does to your eyes." Flushed red, Jack looked. DAMN. It DID make him look good. "Aldo, it's perfect. " "Yes, yes it is. But Jackie, it is french cuff. Do you have cufflinks?" Jack smiled. "Yes, I do. A friend had a pair made for me, many years ago." Jamie had gone to the bus depot one day, after Jack had gone home, and picked up some of the pieces from the bus he was working on. He had them made into cufflinks for Jack's birthday. Jack remembered being puzzled, but Jamie smiled and said "some day, you'll be glad you have them." "Thank you Jamie," he said very softly. "I miss you."

Aldo looked at Jack. "OH. My Jackie is thinking about who gave him the cufflinks. " He smiled. "What did you say Aldo, ESATTO." Aldo laughed. "Jackie, you must come for Italian lessons one day, I will teach you. " Sure Aldo, as soon as I learn English. " Aldo went to a corner. "Now, the tie. VERY important. The tie is what makes people remember you. OH. Here is one my cousin Selena designed." It was mainly blue, but it had small comets , gold and red , all over it. "Oh, Aldo, shooting stars. Am I forgetting or...." Yes, yes. Very important in Italy . The feast of the shooting stars. San Lorenzo. August 10. I think that is the day Selena made it.

Outfitted up, Jack pulled out his walled. "JACKIE. NO. ABSOLUTELY NOT. " Aldo, NO. You did me such a good favor." Aldo put his hands on his hips. "And you snapped your fingers and painted my apartment? I do not think so. Now, as you say here, are we even?" Jack was beginning to tear up. "No, Aldo, I owe you. You tell me the next time you need something in your place. " Aldo smiled. "I will do that Jackie. You did better work than the painters did. " He gave Jack a hug. "Now, leave Aldo to his magic. I will adjust everything, and bring it to the building. You have shoes? Jack grinned. "My old college shoes are going to have to do. " Aldo looked at him "Jackie. If you smile, no one is going to look at your shoes. They are going to be looking at you, my radiant one. You, the comments, your friend. Trust Aldo. You are going to be the STARS!!!! Take pictures. I cannot wait. "

While Jack was at Aldo's , Mark was sitting down with Jon. "I cannot figure him out, Jon. EVERY TIME I think there's going to be something that riles him, so I can put him in his place... HE JUST ROLLS WITH IT. " Jon asked "well, what do you mean?" "OK, I told him I wanted to be more aggressive and I was NOT willing to give up control. He just sort of said 'let's try the first one. Sounds hot. And I"m ok with you being in control. I THOUGHT that this party was going to do it. I thought he was going to protest, and fight, and I was gonna have to lay down the law. NO! He just said "Ok, but in return, I want five fantasies acted out. " Jon was amused. "My my my . You DO have a tough one on your hands. How is the sex?" Mark smiled. "Jon, I have NEVER had better sex. He has no inhibitions about responding. He never says no to anything, and he seems to love everything. He's never complained anyway. " Jon laughed "you know, you have the boyfriend every other man would give his right testicle for, and it's not right for you. " "I KNOW. I KNOW. I just want to hear him say 'you win. I give up Sir... BUT FOR GOOD." Jon thought for a minute, and then laughed "First of all, Mark, you're a sick fuck. That's why I love you. But here's my idea. You've said that he doesn't want to go to this party, but he is, right?" "Yes, that's right" And it's because he's insecure with the way people will see him. Soooooo, here's what I think you should do. Spread some information about your blue collar, white trash boyfriend, who isn't good enough for you. NO, you don't say it, but get the word out. He'll hear it. It'll piss him off. Either he'll make a scene, and he'll be begging you for forgiveness, or you'll be comforting him afterwards for embarrassing you, and then... go for the kill."

Mark looked a little uncomfortable. "I know, I know. I want him TOTALLY under my control. I want him GROVELLING. But I don't want to hurt him." Jon smiled. "Mark, you can't have it both ways. "

Mark and Jack had agreed to meet at Mark's hotel room before the party. They would change there, and then go to the party, since it wasn't too far away. Where they'd spend the night , they'd decide afterward.

Aldo had dropped off all the clothes with a note "whatever else you do, Caro, have fun!" He smiled. Maybe AFTER the party, but not during. When Saturday afternoon came, Jack took a long,hot shower, shaved carefully, shaking all the way, and packed things up. He wouldn't tell Mark he took the subway, but he did. He got to Mark's hotel, and asked for Mr. Riley's room. The desk clerk sent him up. Mark greeted him at the door, with a big smile.

"My super man. How ARE you?" He wrapped Jack up in a hug and kissed him, holding it. "Are you nervous about the party, Mark, because I am." Mark put his fingers under Jack's chin. "Sweetheart, you are going to be the big star of this party. I'll be surprised if you leave with me, and understand if you leave with some rich asshole." Jack was quick. "I like the poor asshole I'm sleeping with." THAT got a spank. GO GET DRESSED

Jack went off to the bedroom, got into the new clothes, and came out. He had the cufflinks in his hand, because he couldn't make them fit, he was trembling so much. "So. Am I going to embarrass you?" He came out, looking terrified, staring at Mark. Mark, for his part, gasped. "Oh, Jack. My Jack..." He came over, and went to hug him, but held back. I don't want to spoil one bit of how you look, but I have to say. I'm torn between wanting to leave you like that, and tearing off every piece of clothing and fucking you right now. Or taking off a piece of clothing and doing something, and then another and doing something else, and fucking you when I have you naked."

Jack grinned "So you like it." Mark was struggling for words. "Jack..., I..., I... I LOVE IT. Is that an Aldo suit? " "It is." "HOW? How..." Jack smiled. "Aldo lives in my building . We're sort of friends. He gave me the suit because I painted his apartment." Mark came over. "I'm going to have to be careful, but..." and he kissed Jack. His fingers came up and brushed Jack's nipples, producing a moan. "I hope one of your fantasies involves you playing a captured businessman tied up and abused for hours, because it's starting to be one of mine." Jack said nothing and just smiled. "Can you help me with these, Mark? I'm too nervous, I can't get them in the hole. " Again he grinned "And you seem to be good at getting things into holes."

"WHAT am I gonna do with this man?" Jack thought as he took the cufflinks? "What ARE these?" he asked "Cufflinks" Jack answered which got him a smack on his ass. "I KNOW that. What are they made of. " "Well, I don't want to bore you, so I'll just say they're made from parts of the first bus engine I ever worked on." Mark looked at him. "You would NEVER have done this for yourself. Jamie?" He nodded "A birthday present. I didn't have any shirts with this kind of cuffs, so I was confused. Jamie told me I'd need them someday. " He began to tear up. "I can't. I can't talk about him. I'll muck up the shirt. " Mark pulled out a hankie and dabbed Jack's eyes. "It's ok, stud. It's ok. This party will be over before you know it. "

Mark went and changed. He was wearing a tailored, light blue suit, a pink shirt, and a very dark tie. Jack had to admit: if he had seen Mark dressed like that, he would have turned around and looked again. That was his highest praise for a man. Mark came over, smiling. "Well handsome. Thank you for being my date tonight. " Jack blushed. "I just hope you're not ashamed of me by the time the night is over." "OH FUCK RUINING YOUR SUIT. " He grabbed Jack, and hugged him. His hand went to Jack's ass as he whispered 'who's ass is this." Jack whispered "yours . Sir." If it hadn't been backer's night, Mark would have been able to spend some time processing what just happened. He couldn't. Nor could he process what happened as they started walking to the venue, and Jack grabbed his hand and whispered "the jacket is a little too tight for me to hold my hands behind my back, Sir, I hope this will do." Was Jack going down without a fight? What was going on? (In fact, Jack was trying to build up Marks' confidence as much as he could as they went into what Aldo had called 'one of the worst things an artist can ever go through." ) Mark squeezed Jack's hand back. "I really appreciate you doing this," and Jack responded. "Just keep your promise."

The event was in a downtown brownstone. There were, probably, at least 40 people there already as they went in. There were name tags, and Mark greeting people he knew, introducing them. Mark's name tag gave his full name and "Director," while Jack's gave his full name and " guest." "C'mon, let's go meet some people." Mark put his arm through Jack's and walked to where he saw Jon, hanging out with a few people. "Jon, you've heard about Jack, and I want to introduce you. Jack, Jon is my best friend in the world." Jack held out his hand. "So nice to meet you," Jon took his hand, and looked him over. He smiled. "So, you're the man who snagged our Mark." Jack smiled "Sorry, I'm afraid I don't understand," and Jon laughed. "I should explain. You're all he talks about these days. Mark has always been, well, shall we say, a free spirit, but you seem to be the one who grabbed the string on this balloon and pulled it down." Jack smiled and looked at Mark. "I never quite thought of him as a balloon, but I will now. Do I get to pick the color?" For some reason, that made everyone laugh, hard. Jon smiled "honey, the only color for the Mark balloon is BLACK. Like his SOUL." Mark laughed. "now, now Jon. Don't be mean." Jon smiled at Mark. "Why don't you go get some drinks and let Jack and I chat a bit, ok? " Mark winked at Jon, "will do."

"So , Jack. Mark tells me you're the 'super super'. " Jack laughed. "Well, that's what Mark calls me. I don't think of myself as especially super." "Well, I think that's unfair. I mean, you've made so much of so little." Jack paused. He thought he had been insulted, but wasn't sure. "I"m sorry again, I'm not quite sure what you mean." "Oh, dropping out of school, and being caught in some kind of boondocks for all those years, with that little runaway boy lover, that kind of thing." Jack counted to ten. This was Mark's friend. "Well..., I think we may disagree about whether that's little or a lot Jon. I left school because, really, I just didn't think school was going to give me what I wanted, and it didn't. I agree with you, the town wasn't the most sophisticated in the world. But everyone was kind - a quality lacking up in NY, I'd say. And that little runaway boy lover probably took better care of me than anyone else in my life. So, I guess for sophisticated New Yorkers, it may seem like little, but to be honest, I'm constantly trying to measure up to what I was given." Jon was pinned back by the response. He thought he was just going to run rings around Jack intellecutally. "Do you think you'll measure up to what Mark wants and needs?" Jack smiled. "You'll have to ask him that Jon. All I know is, he keeps coming back, so I must be doing something right." "You have a point there, Jack. " Jon was beginning to understand what Mark had said about trying to win: how could you win when someone didn't fight? "If you'll excuse me, Mark and the gang are counting on me to try to round up some money for this production, so I'd best go earn my keep." "Nice to meet you Jon. I hope we get to chat some more." Jon walked away thinking "HOT. I understand the attraction. Is Mark going to win this one? Oh boy, that's tough."

Jack was alone , so he walked around the large room, his beer in hand, looking at the things he understood: the furniture, the woodwork, craftsmanship. He could tell that, at ONE point, this had been a house with really good strong character, but the newer stuff was, well, shoddy. He saw things that needed repair - easy, inexpensive repair, that just hadn't been done.

He walked over to where some bookcases stood, empty. He didn't make it there. A woman with long blond hair came over. "OH. The famous Jack. I'm Amanda. So good to meet you." "Hi Amanda. Nice to meet you." They shook hands. "Mark was right: you ARE handsome," and Jack blushed. "Thank you. I'm not really used to hearing that." She took Jack by the elbow and whispered "Let's get away from here. You are, what they say 'new meat' and this room is filled with sharks. They'll be descending soon." Jack figured out what she was talking about. "I didn't tell you, I'm sorry. I'm one of the starving actresses in the play. " She paused "And I HATE these things. Is this your first one , Jack?" "It is. I came because..." "Yes, because of Mark. You're a good man. Most people wouldn't have done it." "Oh, I just think that I should give him my support." She cut him off and patted his elbow. "Jack, let me just tell you now, ok? You're making Mark very happy. But please, take care of yourself. Mark has a reputation: he squeezes people like toothpaste, and he's just as nonchalant about tossing them away as we are with the tubes. Don't do something you don't want to, ok, promise Amanda?" Jack smiled. "I promise." She gave him a card. "Now, listen up handsome. Call me if there are problems. Maybe I can help. " She pecked him on the cheek. "I have to go find my boyfriend. He's gay and he doesn't think I know, but I do. I have to make sure he's not doing God knows what."

Jack was alone again. Now that Amanda had told him, he could see the way that some of the men in the room were looking at him. He saw Mark over in the corner, laughing with some people who seemed very rich. An older man, with a moustache came by. "Those are sparkplug adaptors for your cufflinks, aren't they?" Jack smiled. "Why, yes sir, they are." The man smiled. "I"m Cooper. My daughter owns this house, and she drags me out every now and then, just to skewer the age average. " "I''m Jack, sir. I'm here with Mark. " Cooper made a mock shocked look. "OOOOH. You're here with the Director. That'll impress my daughter pretty highly. " "Oh, I hope not Sir. I'm just a building superintendent." Cooper laughed. "Then you've got the hardest job in the world, Jack. Probably the two hardest. Running a building and keeping an artist happy. " Jack laughed "It's ok. It's pretty easy to keep Mark happy, and I've kinda been doing this superintendent stuff for a long time. " Well, don't sell yourself short young man. Believe me, folks like my daughter need guys like you. They just don't know it." He looked around. "I had an idea of what you did from the way you were looking at the furniture. I share your concern." Jack laughed "Was I that obvious, Sir." "Only to someone who understands the stuff. " He paused. "Anyway, look, this is a rough crowd. They have too much goddamn education , and not enough of it too. So , try not to let them get to you. They will try. "

Jack walked around a bit more. He thought that having another beer might help him get through the night. Mark had disappeared. He saw him go off into a room with some people, and they hadn't come out. "probably financial stuff," he thought. While he was on line, he heard a couple of guys on the line in front of him. "Have you seen Mark's new toy?" "Oh, that hunk. Yeah. HOT. Wonder how he got Mark?" "Who knows? You know, these pretty southern boys, all trailer trash and dirty fingernails. With cocks the size of rulers. " "Yeah, I know. But Mark? I mean, he's taking it from an illiterate from the south? " "Don't ask me. But at least admit it: you saw him: if he asked you for a bj, what would you do?" The second guy laughed "I'd get down on my knees and say "thank you GEEZUS" before I took it. " "What did he say he does" ? "He's a building super." The first one laughed now. "Oh, that's precious. I give it three weeks."

They got their drinks, and, a bit shaken, Jack got his. He wished he hadn't heard that. Then he heard a voice. "Hi, I'm Tyler, and this is my friend Greg." They were the guys ahead of him on line. "Ok, Jack. Keep your cool" he told himself. "How do you do? I"m Jack." The two of them looked at each other. "Oh, yes, you're Mark's new boyfriend?" Jack smiled. "The very same." He held out his hand. "Look. No dirt under my nails. " He saw them both blushed. "Also, not that it's really any of your business, but however large or small I am, it's no matter, because Mark's fucking me." He paused and took a breath. "Have a good night gentlemen." Then he paused "And no, you'd never h ave to pray, because I wouldn't ask that filthy mouth to suck my cock if I were paid a month of the rent on this house." Jack put his head up, and walked toward the front door. He saw Amanda. "Leaving so soon, Jack?" He replied "I think I already stayed too long. If you see Mark, could you just tell him I left?" He kissed her on the cheek. "Thank you for your advice Amanda. I really appreciated it."

Outside, Jack ripped off his necktie, and called for a taxi. No, no train tonight. No going back to Mark's hotel either. He did have clothes there, but so what? If Mark brought them with him one day, fine. If not, he had other clothes. He just had to get home and away from this.

Next: Chapter 8

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