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By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Mar 20, 2023


Mark hailed them a cab, and after they got in, he rested his right hand on Jack's left thigh. Jack put his own left hand on top, and squeezed. "Jack, why do you always say those things about yourself? Like you did upstairs? You're a very good looking man?" "Thank you. It's just that, well, NY is so hard. Someone always has something nasty to say about you. I can shrug most of it off, but not all of it. It's hard."

Mark squeezed Jack's thigh "Yes, yes it is. Let's talk some more at the restaurant. We're almost there."

"I can't stay out too long tonight Mark. Remember, my day starts at 5." "Understood handsome." He leaned over and kissed Jack's ear. "No late nights on Sunday.

The restaurant, which was really more a fancy diner, was surprisingly crowded on a Sunday night. "The food is good, the prices aren't too bad, and it's very casual. Lots of actor types come here. " "Great...." Mark could hear Jack slumping. "Is there something wrong?" Jack shook his head. "I'll tell you when we sit down. I'm just not, well, all that fond of actors." He smiled at Mark. "Present company excepted of course."

The hostess seemed to know Mark, and she had a table ready for them. Jack was thinking "he has to know her. There aren't that many two tops here, and he got one." As they sat down, Mark smiled. "Now, look, this is on me, ok?" Jack blushed. "I'm not used to that Mark. Can we at least go dutch?" "NO. Not tonight. I want to celebrate finding you again."

"Or, hunting me down" said Jack. The color went out of Mark's face. Jack went on

"Look, Mark. Don't take this personally, or do. It doesn't really matter. I'm used to people thinking I'm not very bright, and I can't figure things out. Well, it's true that I'm not book learned or well schooled like you, or all of these people here," he moved his hand in a sweep of the restaurant "but not being book learned doesn't mean you're not smart. I can figure out how a clock works, how to put together an engine, and a whole lotta stuff that, if you took everyone in the restaurant and put in a room together, they wouldn't be able to do." He paused again. "But because I'm blue collar, I'm dumb. Even in my building Mark, I hear 'gee. How far you might have advanced if you finished school. You might be an engineer or something.... Mark, I don't WANT to be an engineer, and I never did. All I ever wanted to do was work with my hands, and people just don't get that."

Mark was listening, but not quite understanding. "So what does that do with finding you, or hunting you, or whatever you think?" Jack smiled. "I guess it was my turn to be mysterious. My point is: you and I got together for some reason. How much of that was chance, how much of that was your doing, how much of it was my doing, I don't know." He squeezed Mark's hand. "And you know what? I don't really care. I can generally figure out motives after a certain point if I let myself figure it out. But right now, I have to be honest." "He's always honest, that's the problem, " Mark thought. "However we came together, " and he squeezed Mark's hand "I have not enjoyed myself this much since I was with Jamie. From the first kiss in that apartment, to the zoo today, to dinner now, it's all WAY more than I usually expect, and I am SO grateful for it." And now he paused and put down his head. "And if all I ever got from us was this weekend, I could walk away thinking "I was happy. For three whole days. And for that, I thank you."

Mark looked Jack in the eye. Jon's advice was NOT going to be all that helpful, but maybe he didn't need it. "Jack, I think you may be one of the wisest people in the world. "

Jack returned the look. "I don't think of myself as wise, Mark. I think of myself as basic. I don't let too many things complicate my life. I can't. It's out of my control. So, one day I had Jamie, and the next day I didn't. It happens. " And he smiled. "That may be why I'm so good at giving up control."

"That may be why I'm so good at giving up control" That statement gave Mark a bit of a woody. "Do you ever give up control, Mark?" Jack grinned, knowing he had just pinned Mark with that question. Mark sighed. "you know, I tried. It's just not for me. I got so uncomfortable, so , well, freaked out."

"So you're a true alpha male, Mark." They both laughed, as the waitress brought drinks: red wine for Mark, beer for Jack.

"I wanted to talk to you about that Jack," Mark continued. "I REALLY want to see more of you. And I REALLY like having you underneath me, and dominating you, and just taking full charge." Jack didn't flinch. "The feeling is mutual. And it's good to know that the reverse is not going to happen." Mark looked down. "No, it really isn't I'm afraid."

"Don't be sorry Mark. Just be honest. I'm good with things as they are. "

After a pause, Mark went on. "Would you be good if I were MORE aggressive?" "I don't know Mark, I don't know. " Now Jack paused. "If I'm uncomfortable, and I tell you, will you listen, without hitting me?" He looked almost pleading. Mark got serious . "Jack , if for no other reason that you scare me, of course I'd listen. And I promise never to hit you again. EVER." Now Jack tried to lighten things up. "maybe a spanking every now and then would be ok."

Mark got just a little bit harder. "Are you SURE you can't stay out tonight Jack? My place is not that far from here." Jack grinned "I'm sure Mark. I told you..." "I know, I know. Don't make me choose between you and my job." "Jack, it's gonna be hard for me to say goodnight tonight, since I won't be with you, but..., maybe it would be possible to see you during the week - BEFORE Friday?" Jack smiled. "I'd like that. I'd like that a lot." He got up from his seat and kissed Mark. There were people in the restaurant who knew Mark, and they saw. Jack sat down, and grinned. "So, when you say more aggressive, what did you have in mind?"

Mark blushed. He had been planning most of the day, and Jack was forcing him to throw out the plan and think on his feet. "Well, I'd like to do more bondage with you." Jack smiled. "I could get into that." Mark got even harder. "And, well, the next ones... I LOVE putting my hand on the back of your neck when we walk, but , well, I like thinking 'he's mine' all the time. I guess I AM a bit of a hunter, and I like the idea that I captured you. So, I'd like to have you walk with your hands behind you too." "I'll try to do that Mark. I don't know if I'd be comfortable, but I'll try it. "

Mark was thinking one more thing "call me Sir," but he didn't say it. He sensed he was pushing already. "I think that's all for now. Except.... I REALLY want to spend the night with you." Jack smiled. "Not tonight, buddy. It's a school night. But I'll think about your hands on my nips, and your chin on mine, and most of all, your cock inside of me, until later this week."

They finished their dinner. "Can I call you?" asked Mark. Jack thought for a minute. "How about this? I don't want to cancel at the last minute because of a building crisis, so how about I call you? I know you'll be in rehearsal, but you've got the answering machine. Or I'll text, which I hate. But I'll contact you. That way I can take a nap after work on a day when I don't have to wait for follow up, and be fresh for you. Sound good?" Mark smiled "Sounds perfect."

They left , after splitting the check, and walked about a block to find Jack a cab. Before they hailed it, Mark held him. "Good night kiss? " "Required," was Jack's response. It was deep and long. Mark began to raise his hand to scrape Jack's nipple, and Jack pushed it down. "Naughty boy." He laughed and got in his cab.

Next day, at about 2, Ramon called him. "Boss, you got flowers here. What are those ones you like so much? Peonies?"

"Peonies? can't be. They're not in season. " He came upstairs from the basement where he was working on the boiler, and found two dozen white, pink and red peonies. "How the hell..." He read the note. "Thank you. Mark." He blushed and turned to Ramon. " how did he know I like peonies? I never told him. " He gave a mock glare to Ramon. "You're the only one in the building who knows." Ramon smiled and shrugged his shoulders. "Boss, if someone wants to be nice to you, I'm gonna help." Jack felt his eyes filling up. "Then you knew." Ramon laughed. "Boss, I KNOW you've been told you have puppy dog eyes. Well, when Mark comes by, you look at him like my pup always looked at me when I was a kid. I'm not sure I like Mark yet, but I like that he's making you happy."

"WOW. Just wow," thought Jack as he brought the flowers upstairs to his apartment. He called, rather than texting, in the chance that he'd find Mark free. He did. "Hey handsome. What's up? I'm about to chew out three actors so you may have saved them."

"Mark, these flowers are beautiful. Apart from the flowers, you got Ramon to open up. You know how hard that is? It took me four years." Mark laughed. "it took me a bacon and cheese on a roll, and an espresso with four sugars." Jack paused. "So I'm not the only person you're good at opening." Mark laughed far less than he wanted to. "Speaking of, Mark... would you be available on Wednesday? It looks like Thursday is not going to be too busy, so if by some chance I slept in a little, probably no one would mind. And Ramon is on the door that day, and since..." Mark didn't miss a beat. "Wednesday is fine. When should I come by? 4?

"4 is good. It'll give me time to clean up" Mark interrupted. NO. Do me a favor, please. Then he paused. "No, never mind. It's ok. I misspoke. 4 is good. I'll come by. I'll see you then. " Jack whispered, even though no one was in the room "I'm gonna jerk off thinking about it now." Mark smiled as he got off the phone. How long would it be, before he demanded Jack's submission? He felt like it was close.

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On Wednesday, Mark went up to the building. He had changed out of his grubby work clothes, and had put on a clean dark shirt and some tight jeans. He carried with him an espresso, and four sugars.

"HOLA Ramon. Is Senor Jack around?" Ramon laughed. "He's downstairs. He told me to expect you. " He smiled when Mark gave him the coffee. "You got it from the good place this time!" Mark laughed. "Si. Jack told me you like theirs better." Ramon looked at Mark. "Boss Jack is a good man, Senor. We all love him here. Just remember that." He smiled, and his fake gold tooth glinted."

"MARK. Welcome back!" Mark had trouble holding his mouth closed. Jack must've figured out what he was going to ask: he was dirty. Not filthy, but dirty. There was a little grease in his hair, his t shirt was covered with dark dust, and his jeans were filthy. "Sorry, but I got so busy helping with boiler replacement. That's why I'm not hugging you. " He laughed. "You know, you actor types.. You all wear black, but it never looks like REAL black. Shall we go upstairs? I'll get cleaned up."

In the elevator, empty at this time of day, Mark cornered him in the corner. "You knew what I was going to ask didn't you, you litttle flirt?" he grabbed Jacks nips through the dirty tshirt. "I'm not afraid of a little dirt if it gets me my man." Jack was already breathing hard, close to a moan, when they got to his apartment. "Seriously, I gotta get cleaned up Mark. Can you just give me twenty minutes?" "Sure, if you'll give me ten minutes of necking time." He began to kiss Jack, running his hands over his back, pressing his knee on his crotch. Jack broke it off. "Mark, this is great, but , really, I don't want to soil the bed with this stuff." He stood in the middle of the room and dumped his clothes. "Well, I could go to the shower, or...." He didn't finish. Mark attacked him, and shoved his tongue down his throat for a prolonged kiss. "What's the line I learned in Spanish class? "to see you naked is to remember the earth?" Jack laughed. "I have no idea what that means. I just know you're a good kisser. Do it again." Mark did. Then he began nibbling at Jack's nipples. He laughed when he did it, and muttered "every super man has his kryptonite. That's yours." He could feel Jack's hard on growing, and growing more as he started brushing his beard against Jack's neck.

"OH, OH MAN. I want you in me. Right now." Jack looked at him with an evil look. "NOT... QUITE.. YET..." He began to lick Jack's torso all over. He wanted desperately to tie him up , but that would come later.

Jack was moaning more and more. "PLEASE MARK. PLEASE. I can't hold it much longer." Mark understood exactly what he was saying, tore off his jeans, and tossed Jack's big meaty legs over his shoulders. His cock took command of the more muscular Jack, and had him writhing. "Know who I am Jack?" "OH SHIT MARK. You're my TOPMAN. You're my serious TOPMAN. " Mark grinned and whispered. "I'm your MASTER. When I'm in you, I'm SIR. " Mark's hard on went down a little because he knew he was taking a risk. Jack just moaned. "Yes Sir. Yes Sir. POUND ME SIR. SHOW ME WHO'S THE BOSS.' His hard on went back up again, even bigger. He rode Jack, and then he flipped him over to take him from the back. "OH WOW SIR. OH SHIT. YOU NEVER DID THIS BEFORE. " Then the SMACK came down on his ass, and Mark yanked his hair back. SHUT UP OR I'LL SHOVE YOUR BRIEFS IN YOUR MOUTH BOTTOM." Jack was about to answer "Yes Sir, " but thought better of it. He knew where those briefs had been.

A few more thrusts, and Jack heard the howl he knew from Mark, as he jizzed. Jack followed, catching his in his hand so the bed wouldn't stain. It didn't matter though, because when Mark fell on top of him, he spilled it all over the sheets. They both laughed like school kids. Cuddling, Mark looked at him. "Are you good with the Sir stuff." Jack smiled. "I was wondering how long it would be. Yes Sir. I am. "

Mark kissed him hard. "Fucking apartment smells like a brothel. Why the fuck are there so many flowers?" Jack smiled "Well, I reckon it's a gentleman caller who wants me more than you," Mark smiled and rolled Jack on his back, pinning him. "Lemme make something clear, handsome. That ass is MINE. If anyone gets near it, he's in trouble. " He smiled "About as much as I am if I hurt you. That Ramon is scary." Jack laughed. "he's been here a long time. He covers as super when I'm not here.' He sighed "which means he's never super, since I'm never away."

Mark went in for another kiss. "MMMM. Those lips are so sweet. Get yourself cleaned up handsome. Even Super supers need to eat, and I'm treating tonight. I wanna ask you for a favor later."

They went to a small place which was one of the few restaurants in the area that Jack liked. It was Chinese food "It's a vice Mark. I know I'm not supposed to eat it, but...." Mark just smiled "You are so CUTE with noodles hanging out of your mouth." Jack blushed and covered his face with a napkin. Mark just burst out laughing. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to embarrass you, I just thought, well... " Jack had an idea of what he was thinking. "You just thought what Mark? Did it remind you of me sucking cock?" Mark laughed harder. "A little. " Jack made a bit of a face and held up an egg roll. "Well...." and put it in his mouth. "More filling than what I'm used to."

Back at the apartment, Jack changed into loose chinos and a tshirt. "DAMN " Mark thought. "He's sexy even when he's not sexy. " "Just a little TV, Mark? I can't be up much longer" Mark was sitting at a corner of Jack's sofa. He patted the seat next to him. "Right over here, stud. Head on my lap. How's that?" "Sounds fine to me." Jack positioned himself, and Mark rested his hand on his belly. His touch made Jack breathe a bit harder. Then he moved one hand up to Jack's left nip, and began just slowly stroking it with his thumb. It created very regular, but low level of excitement in Jack's body. Enough to keep him under control, but not enough to rouse him.

Mark knew exactly what he was doing. "Kryptonite indeed" he thought to himself. "Such a big studly man, and I can overpower him with two fingers." Jack closed his eyes. He was happy. Happier than he had been in a long time. "So, what's the favor you wanted to ask, Mark?"

Mark sighed deeply. "Well, I'm going to be asking you to do something I know you'll hate" "Sleep with a woman?" Jack joked. Mark sighed again. "No, I think you'll hate this more." Oh boy. I better get ready." He crunched up to Mark, and rested his head on his crotch. The pressure did to Mark, what the finger on Jack's nip did to him. "He's a better player than I thought" went through Mark's mind.

"Have you ever heard of something called a backer's audition, Jack?" Jack thought for a minute. "I THINK so. Is that when a bunch of rich people come to a party with the actors and writers like you, and you folks try to convince them to invest in your show? " "That's pretty much it," said Mark. "UGH. You're right. I WOULD hate that more than sleeping with a woman."

Mark sighed again, and raised Jack up face to face. "That's why I hate to ask for this. I have one of them this weekend." "Oh, so you don't want to come by? I'll miss you but that's ok." "No silly, I would be by after the party... I want you to come with me as your boyfriend."

Jack made a face. "UCK. Oh God. To waste a weekend with those people? No thanks. " Mark looked at him sweetly. "Please babe? I know it's going to be horrible for you. It would just, well, look better if people saw I was coupled." Jack still looked skeptical. "And besides...." He leaned forward and kissed Jack. "I REALLY want people to meet my new, sexy boyfriend."

Jack blushed. If he were going to allow Mark to dominate him, he really had to accept that there was no choice about this. Should he give it a try to see how far he was willing to go?" As he was thinking things out, Mark tried to joke. "Of course, I COULD tie you to the bed, and tickle you until you agreed." Jack grinned. "You WOULD like to do that wouldn't you?" Mark shook his head "uh huh. I'm imagining super super tied up and helpless and being tortured until he gives up secret information." Jack laughed. "Sounds hot. I always did like those cartoons." He sighed. "Ok, I'm gonna hate it, but I'll go. ON ONE CONDITION MARK. And I'm serious about this. I can put up with not liking things: I eat kale, even though, and I smile at some people in this building, even though.. .But if one of these rich artsy people makes fun of me, I'm gone. " Mark looked serious. "That's fair Jack. I'll do my best to make sure nothing like that happens." He paused "one other thing."

Jack nodded his head. "I know, I know. I told you I can figure things out pretty fast. I have to wear a suit." "Yes, I'm afraid so. " "I have a suit Mark, don't worry. I won't embarrass you." Mark hugged him. "You would never embarrass me, and even if you did, well, I don't want to lose you again. "

Now Jack got a little bit feisty. "Now, wait a minute. What we haven't talked about is: what do I get out of this? I put on a suit, I go to a party with people I'd rather not see, and what's in it for me?" Mark thought. "Hmmmm. I tell you what. How about you think about your 5 secret fantasies, and we'll act them out. "

Jack smiled. "Even if it means topping you." Mark didn't miss a beat. "I have a feeling they won't, but yes, even that." Now Jack hugged Mark's shoulders. "Ok, topman. I'll do it . Saturday I guess?" "Yeah, Saturday." "Ok, I have a few days to pull this all together." He leaned over and kissed Mark. "And YOU Sir, are leaving, because if you stay, not only am I going to be up, but I'll lose sleep." As he stood, Mark took Jack's hands. "Thank you, sweetie. Seriously. I appreciate this more than you can imagine. " Mark was thinking how jealous all of his buddies were going to be when they saw the hunky stud he was fucking.

"OUT. OUT NOW. " Mark smiled as he grabbed his jacket. "One more kiss," and he was gone.

Jack turned to his closet. He DID have a suit, but.... was there time? He'd call Aldo the tailor tomorrow . For now though, he was feeling rather aroused. Some good old fashioned jerking off couldn't hurt.

Next: Chapter 7

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